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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Grön infrastruktur i den kommunala planeringen : En studie av den gröna infrastrukturens integrering i 14 Stockholmskommuners planering

Donoso, Andrés, Ozims, Naima January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med arbetet är att undersöka hur 14 kommuner i Stockholms län integrerar grön infrastruktur i den kommunala planeringen. Utöver det vill arbetet även utreda hur kommunernas arbete med grön infrastruktur relaterar till Länsstyrelsen Stockholms handlingsplan för grön infrastruktur och till den regionala utvecklingsplanen för Stockholmsregionen - RUFS2050. Rapporten avser att besvara följande frågor:  Hur arbetar kommuner i Stockholmsregionen med grön infrastruktur? Hur relaterar kommunernas arbete med grön infrastruktur till RUFS2050 och till Länsstyrelsens handlingsplan för grön infrastruktur? Vilka insatsområden för grön infrastruktur prioriteras över lag i den kommunala planeringen? Hur arbetar kommunerna med mångfunktionella områden och konnektivitet?  För att besvara dessa frågor har en litteraturstudie av kommunernas styrdokument med koppling till grön infrastruktur gjort. Inventeringar av respektive kommuns hemsida har gjorts för att hitta dessa styrdokument. För varje kommun presenteras vilka planer som kan kopplas till deras gröna infrastruktur, hur de vill arbeta med sina grön- och blåstrukturer, samt hur kommunen arbetar med uppföljning av sitt arbete och mellankommunal samverkan.  Arbetet påvisar att de flesta kommuner saknar en konkret handlingsplan för grön infrastruktur, och ingen standardiserad process för att arbeta med ämnet finns etablerad. RUFS är ett mycket viktigt underlag, men Länsstyrelsen Stockholms handlingsplan för grön infrastruktur finns inte implementerad i dagsläget, antagligen på grund av att den är relativt ny tidsmässigt. Störst fokus läggs på kulturella och försörjande ekosystemtjänster, följt av stödjande tjänster. Alla kommuner vill jobba med mångfunktionella områden, men enbart ett fåtal fokuserar på de barriärer som påverkar konnektiviteten, samt arbetar för att motverka dem. Sammantaget kan man se att ett behov finns för en mer standardiserad process berörande integreringen av grön infrastruktur i den kommunala planeringen. / The purpose of this report is to explore how 14 municipalities in the county of Stockholm incorporate green infrastructure into their municipal planning. Furthermore, the work also investigates how the municipalities work with green infrastructure in relation to the County Administrative Board of Stockholm's action plan for green infrastructure, and the regional development plan for the Stockholm Region. The following questions are answered:  How does the municipalities within the Stockholm region work with green infrastructure? How does the municipalities implementation of green infrastructure relate to the action plan for green infrastructure, and the regional development plan for the Stockholm Region? What areas within green infrastructure are mostly prioritised in municipal planning? How does the municipalities work with multifunctional areas and connectivity?  To answer these questions a literature study of municipal documents related to green infrastructure has been made. These documents were found by thoroughly searching through each municipality's website. For each municipality there is a summary describing what documents were found, how the municipality integrates green and blue structures into their planning, and also how they follow-up their work and co-operate with neighbouring municipalities.  The study shows that most municipalities lack an actual action plan for green infrastructure, and there is no established process for the municipalities to follow when working with green infrastructure. The regional development plan for the Stockholm region is a great asset for the municipalities, as all of them base their municipal planning on it. However, the County Administrative Board of Stockholm's action plan for green infrastructure has not been implemented into the municipal planning as of today, probably because of it being relatively new. The main areas within green infrastructure that are being prioritised are cultural and provisioning ecosystem services, followed by supporting services. All municipalities want to work with multifunctional areas, but only a few of them prioritise barriers that affects the connectivity within their green infrastructures. Overall, there is a clear need for a more standardised process for the integration of green infrastructure into municipal planning.

Allmänheten som intuitiv magkänsla : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om Region Stockholms kommunikation med allmänheten

Gäfvert, Hanna, Rinalder, Svante January 2024 (has links)
This study explores the complexities of public sector communication in Region Stockholm, focusing on the reasons for the communicative decisions made to reach the public. Through qualitative interviews with communication professionals in the organisation, the study investigates the conditions they face, how they conceptualise their audiences (the public), and how this affects their communicative decisions, as well as what the consequences are following these communicative decisions. The study utilises a theoretical framework drawn from the concepts of the Montreal School’s perspective on the communicative constitution of organisation (CCO) and strategic communication, both through the theoretical lens of actor-network theory (ANT). Furthermore, these perspectives are combined with the concept of imagined audience.  This study identifies several conditions that influence both communication professionals’ communicative choices and their conceptualisation of the public. These include organisational structure, economic resources and digital affordances. This in turn shapes a dual perception of the public; as a homogeneous majority public conceptualised in relation to the organisation, possessing attributes such as Swedish-speaking and digital literacy, as well as diverse minority publics requiring tailored communication strategies outside ordinary day-to-day communication activities. Due to limited economic and structural resources, the organisation’s communication professionals tend to prioritise known groups (the general and homogeneous public) leading to the exclusion of the less familiar publics, which can be seen as problematic from a democratic perspective. This study contributes to the understanding of public sector communication through a novel perspective, highlighting the need to understand communication professionals’ perceptions of the public and the conditions in which they operate, with an emphasis on the democratic implications of inclusion and exclusion that follow.

Kvalitetssäkring av material och tjänster inom byggentreprenadbranschen / Assurance of quality for materials and services in the construction industry

Allertz, Erik, Hjelmar, Tobias January 2011 (has links)
Quality is the key to a well executed product or service. The construction industry hasn’t highlighted the quality in recent times which have contributed to the construction industry receiving much criticism in the field. The public sees it as an offhanded industry where errors and delays are common.The reason for this is considered to be primarily the lack of time, constant pressure to reduce costs and skills and the ability to communicate between the parties about what the correct quality really means. The industry has begun to realize that it must start setting clearer standards and that there are great opportunities for improvement.This report will give Peab an opportunity to develop their quality work. The report highlights Peab residential area of Stockholm market position with the current quality of subcontractors and suppliers. It also provides suggestions on how Peab in a better way can work with quality and with this becoming a more competitive player in the market. The conclusions that can be drawn from this study is that Peab is aware of the problem and has begun work on improvements to enhance quality of work. Peab, for example, developed tools for gathering experience. Unfortunately these methods were used poorly and not to the degree that is required. Peab also works with partnering, based on long term business relationships. Correct use of partnering increases the chances of higher quality in the projects. Concrete proposals for improvements that this report highlights include higher standards in the procurement process, dare make demands on the quality of subcontractors and suppliers, learn from the mistakes made and disseminate the knowledge within the Group and work with long-term business relationships in which partners can develop one another .

Krissituation eller regionens version? : En kvalitativ textanalys av Region Stockholms kommunikation under den så kallade förlossningskrisen 2021 och 2022 / Crisis situation or the county council’s version? : A qualitative text analysis of Region Stockholm's communication during the so-called maternity care crisis in 2021 and 2022.

Landén, Cornelia, Lyxell, Cornelia January 2022 (has links)
In the fall of 2021 Swedish news media reported a maternity care crisis in Region Stockholm. Midwives resigned in protest against deficient working conditions and Region Stockholm appointed a special coordinator to solve the situation. The study aims to examine how Region Stockholm communicatively and strategically addresses problems in maternity care during the so-called maternity care crisis in 2021 and 2022. The questions used to fulfill the purpose of the study are: What events caused the communicative measures? What is the narrative of the communication, and does it differ from medias descriptions of the situation? Which actors are given room to speak and who is attributed responsibility? What rhetorical expressions are used? To answer these questions, previous research and theories regarding crisis communication, crisis rhetoric and message strategies for crisis management are applied. The empirical material consists of eight texts and one video, all produced and published by Region Stockholm on their own website. The nine posts are examined using a qualitative text analysis method. Our results show that mass terminations, deficient working conditions and staff shortage was the most common cause of Region Stockholm’s communicative measures. The narrative of the material was mainly about Region Stockholm presenting measures for the situation within maternity care. However, we could determine a difference between Region Stockholm’s and the media’s descriptions about the situation. The most significant result shows that Region Stockholm does not mention the word crisis in their communication. The result also shows that Region Stockholm is the actor given most room in the communication, where the coordinator is the only person that gets room to express oneself. Logos is the most common rhetorical expression that is invoked by objectively informing about the measures taken and Region Stockholm appeals to ethos by their already existing position in the society and by emphasizing positive aspects of the organization. Finally, we were not able to establish that Region Stockholm attributes crisis responsibility to themselves since they refer to different external factors that can be understood as a cause for the situation.

Tillsammans eller var för sig : En studie av fyra församlingars mångfaldsarbete i mångkulturella miljöer inom Equmeniakyrkan Region Stockholm / Together or apart : A study of the diversity activities, driven by four congregations in their own multiculturalcontext, within the Uniting Church of Sweden, the Region of Stockholm

Hemmati, Carin January 2020 (has links)
En inventering och analys av de speciella vägval som multietniska församlingar i Equmeniakyrkan ställs inför när det gäller organisering och gudstjänstverksamhet utifrån sin mångfaldskaraktär och mångkulturella kontext. Studien genomfördes med intervjuer av medarbetare i fyra multietniska församlingar inom Equmeniakyrkan Region Stockholm och med två medarbetare från dess regionala kansli.

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