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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zusammenhang zwischen der pränatalen Umgebung, regulatorischen T-Zellen im Nabelschnurblut und dem Allergierisiko in der frühen Kindheit

Hinz, Denise 21 May 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Regulatorische T-Zellen (Tregs) spielen eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Regulation atopischer Erkrankungen. Die Voraussetzungen für eine allergische Reaktionslage werden schon während der intrauterinen Entwicklung geschaffen. Über den Einfluss der intrauterinen Umgebung auf die Tregs zur Geburt ist bisher wenig bekannt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollte in der prospektiven Geburtskohorten-Studie LINA (Einfluss von Lebensstil und Umweltfaktoren auf das Allergierisiko Neugeborener) geklärt werden, inwiefern der Immunstatus der werdenden Mutter, eine atopische Familienanamnese sowie Umweltexpositionen während der Schwangerschaft den Immunstatus der Neugeborenen beeinflussen. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt wurde dabei auf Tregs gelegt. Weiterhin sollte die Relevanz der Tregs zur Geburt für das Allergierisiko im ersten Lebensjahr des Kindes analysiert werden. Die Messung der Anzahl und Funktionalität der Tregs im Blut der werdenden Mutter in der 34. Schwangerschaftswoche und im Nabelschnurblut erfolgte sowohl durchflusszytometrisch in einer Subkohorte (n=24 Mutter-Kind Paare), als auch durch eine methylspezifische qPCR in der gesamten Kohorte der LINA-Studie (n=346 Mutter-Kind Paare). Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit deuten erstmals darauf hin, dass mütterliche Tregs möglicherweise einen regulatorischen Einfluss hinsichtlich der Programmierung des fötalen Immunsystems haben (Hinz et al., Clin Exp Allergy 2010). Die durchflusszytometrische Charakterisierung der Tregs der Mutter-Kind Paare zeigte beim Vergleich der Expression von CD4, CD25, CD127 und FOXP3, dass der Anteil der CD4+CD25high Tregs im Nabelschnurblut deutlich höher war, der Anteil FOXP3 positiver Zellen innerhalb der CD4+CD25high Tregs Population war zur Geburt jedoch signifikant geringer, verglichen mit den werdenden Müttern. Weiterhin war eine geringe Anzahl mütterlicher Tregs während der Schwangerschaft und eine erhöhte Produktion der TH2-Zytokine IL-4, IL-5 und IL-13 mit erhöhten Gesamt-IgE-Spiegeln im Nabelschnurblut verbunden (Hinz et al., 2010). Durch die Quantifizierung der Tregs auf Basis des TSDR-Methylierungsstatus` im FOXP3 Gen, einer spezifischen und zuverlässigen Methode zum Nachweis stabiler Tregs, konnte der Zusammenhang zwischen einer Vielzahl pränataler Faktoren, Tregs zur Geburt und dem Allergierisiko in der gesamten Geburtskohorte geklärt werden (Hinz et al., Allergy 2011). Das männliche Geschlecht des Kindes, die Atopie der Eltern, Rauchen und Desinfektionsmittel-Exposition während der Schwangerschaft sowie eine erhöhte mütterliche Produktion von IFN-γ, IL-13 und IL-17E war mit einer geringeren Treg-Anzahl im Nabelschnurblut assoziiert. Für Kinder mit einer geringeren Treg-Anzahl im Nabelschnurblut war das Risiko für eine atopische Dermatitis und einer Sensibilisierung gegen Nahrungsmittelallergene im ersten Lebensjahr signifikant höher (Hinz et al., 2011).

Regulation of Fas-deficient Lymphoproliferative Double Negative T Cells by Interferon Gamma and the Fc Receptor Gamma Chain

Juvet, Stephen 20 March 2013 (has links)
The Fas pathway is critical for the maintenance of normal T cell homeostasis. Humans and mice with defects in this pathway exhibit the accumulation of large numbers of peripheral lymphocytes and lupus-like autoimmunity. A major feature of these organisms is the accumulation of non-NK TCRαβ+CD4-CD8- “double negative” (DN) T cells. While regulatory T cells (Tregs) with the DN phenotype have been extensively characterized in Fas-sufficient mice and humans, limited data exist on the role of DN T cells as Tregs in Fas-deficient animals. In fact, most of the literature suggests that the DN T cells accumulating in Fas-deficiency states are pathogenic, contributing to secondary lymph node enlargement and autoimmune disease. In this body of work, data are presented that illustrate that Fas-deficient lymphoproliferative (LPR) DN T cells can act as Tregs in an interferon γ (IFNγ)- and Fas ligand (FasL)-dependent fashion toward Fas-sufficient T cells. LPR DN T cells needed to be able to secrete and respond to IFNγ in order to upregulate surface FasL, in order to ameliorate GVHD mediated by CD4+ T cells in vivo and to suppress the proliferation of and kill activated CD4+ T cells in vitro. FcRγ, a key molecule involved in innate immune responses, can substitute for CD3ζ in the T cell receptor (TCR) of mouse and human T cells in certain circumstances; in doing so, it is essential for the regulatory function of TCR transgenic DN Tregs. FcRγ-deficient LPR mice were found to have exacerbated T cell accumulation and early mortality. We show that while FcRγ expression was required for LPR DN T cells to regulate CD4+ and CD8+ T cells responding to alloantigens in vitro and in vivo, it does not control autologous lymphoproliferation in LPR mice by supporting the function of a regulatory cell, nor does it affect the rate of proliferation of LPR T cells in vivo. Instead, FcRγ-expressing LPR CD4+, CD8+ and DN T cells were found to be undergoing apoptosis at a high rate in vivo, and in contrast to their FcRγ-deficient counterparts, FcRγ+ LPR DN T cells were capable of undergoing TCR restimulation-induced cell death (RICD). The data presented in this thesis therefore show that LPR DN T cells can exhibit IFNγ-, FasL- and FcRγ-dependent regulatory function, and also illustrate a previously unknown function for FcRγ in controlling the expansion of Fas-deficient T cells. The implications of these data for autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndromes, and normal T cell homeostasis, are discussed.

The Role of Tumor Suppressors, SHIP and Rb, in Immune Suppressive Cells

Collazo Ruiz, Michelle Marie 01 January 2012 (has links)
Regulatory T cells (Tregs) and myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSC) have been extensively studied in the past 30-40 years. Their potent suppressive capacity shown in several pathological and clinical settings, such as cancer and transplantation, has made it evident that better understanding their development and function is critical. Specifically, Tregs play a pivotal role in preventing autoimmunity, graft-versus-host disease (GvHD), and organ graft rejection. We previously demonstrated that germline or induced SH2 domain-containing inositol 5-phosphatase (SHIP) deficiency in the host abrogates GvHD. Here we show that SHIP-deficiency promotes an increase of FoxP3+ cells in both the CD4+CD25+ and the CD4+CD25- T cell compartments with increased expression of Treg-associated markers. Importantly, SHIP-deficiency does not compromise Treg function. Interestingly, like conventional Tregs, SHIP-/- CD4+CD25- T cells are unresponsive to allogeneic stimulators and suppress allogeneic responses by T cells in vitro, and can mediate reduced lethal GvHD in vivo. Thus, SHIP limits the immunoregulatory capacity of CD4+ T cell, particularly in allogeneic settings. SHIP-deficiency expands the number of immunoregulatory cells in both the T lymphoid and myeloid lineages. Here, we examined if these increases are interrelated. Specifically, we found that myeloid specific SHIP-deficiency leads to expansion of both MDSC and Treg numbers. Conversely, T lineage specific ablation of SHIP leads to expansion of Treg numbers, but not expansion of MDSC, indicating an intrinsic role for SHIP in limiting Treg numbers. Interestingly, MDSC lack SHIP expression suggesting that another SHIP-deficient myeloid cell promotes MDSC and Treg expansion. Also, increased levels of G-CSF, a myelopoietic growth factor, in SHIP-/- mice may extrinsically promote MDSC expansion since we found that G-CSF is required for the expansion of splenic MDSC in mice with induced SHIP-deficiency. MDSC consist of two distinct subsets, granulocytic-MDSC (G-MDSC), and monocytic-MDSC (M-MDSC) that differ in morphology, phenotype, suppressive capacity and differentiation potential. Importantly, M-MDSC can further differentiate into dendritic cells, macrophages and preferentially into G-MDSC, in the presence of tumor-derived factors (TDF). The retinoblastoma gene (Rb1), a tumor suppressor gene and central regulator of the cell cycle and differentiation, has been shown to influence monocytic and neutrophilic lineage commitment and to limit myeloproliferative disease. Here, we examined the role of Rb1 in the biology of MDSC subsets in tumor-bearing mice. Firstly, M-MDSC expressed high levels of Rb1 which remained relatively stable in culture with GM-CSF. Conversely, freshly isolated G-MDSC initially expressed undetectable levels of Rb1 that increased over time in culture, which correlated with increased histone acetylation at the Rb1 promoter. This increased Rb1 expression and histone acetylation was accelerated by histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACi) treatment, suggesting Rb1 expression may be controlled by histone modification. Furthermore, when treated with HDACi, M-MDSC did not differentiate into G-MDSC in culture, even with TDF present. Finally, induced Rb1 deficiency in vivo promoted an expansion of splenic CD11b+Ly6G+Ly6Clo cells, similar to G-MDSC in tumor-bearing mice. Although further studies are required, these results strongly suggest that Rb1, like SHIP, plays a role in MDSC accumulation, particularly G-MDSC in cancer.

Rôle de la molécule CD47 dans l’homéostasie du système immunitaire

Van, Vu Quang 02 1900 (has links)
Les travaux antérieurs du laboratoire ont démontré le rôle du CD47 dans la fonction des cellules dendritiques ainsi que dans l’induction des lymphocytes T régulateurs (Tregs) chez l’humain in vitro. Notre premier objectif était de déterminer le rôle de CD47 sur la fonction des DCs in vivo. Nos travaux démontrent que le CD47 contrôle sélectivement la migration des DCs au travers des vaisseaux lymphatiques et des barrières cellulaires endothéliales in vivo sans interférer avec celle des lymphocytes T et B. Des expériences de migration compétitive et d’ immunisation active avec des DCs myéloïdes démontrent que la migration des DCs est dépendante de l’expression du CD47 sur les DCs et non sur les cellules endothéliales. Ce défaut de migration est corrélé avec l’absence de DCs spléniques dans la zone marginale chez nos souris CD47-/-. Notre second objectif était de déterminer le rôle de CD47 dans l’homéostasie et la fonction des Tregs. Nous démontrons que l’expression du CD47 contrôle sélectivement l’homéostasie d’une sous-population de Tregs CD103+ à l’état de base. La proportion de cellules activées/mémoires (CD44hi CD62Llo ) Foxp3+ CD103+ augmente rapidement au cours du vieillissement chez nos souris CD47-/- comparée aux souris CD47+/+ du même âge, tandis que le pourcentage de cellules (CD44loCD62Lhi) Foxp3+ CD103- reste comparable entre les deux souches de souris. En conclusion, le CD47 inhibe la prolifération excessive des Tregs CD103+ empêchant ainsi l’accumulation de ces cellules en absence d’inflammation. Les DCs et les Tregs sont étroitement régulées de manière reciproque. Cette régulation croisée contribue au maintien d’un équilibre entre l’immunité protectrice et la tolérance. La perspective de nos travaux est d’approfondir nos connaissances sur le rôle du CD47 et de ses ligands dans la régulation des DCs par les Tregs et vice et versa. Les DCs et les Tregs étant impliqués dans la pathogenèse de multiples maladies telles que le cancer, les maladies infectieuses et les maladies auto-immunes. Par conséquent, nos études pourraient ouvrir des portes à de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques. / Previous work in the laboratory have demonstrated the role of CD47 in the function of dendritic cells and in the induction of regulatory T cells in humans. Here, we show that the ubiquitous self-marker CD47 selectively regulates DC, but not T and B cell trafficking across lymphatic vessels and endothelial barriers in vivo. Competitive DC migration assays and active immunization with myeloid DCs demonstrate that CD47 expression is required on DCs but not on the endothelium and not vice and versa for efficient DC trafficking and T-cell responses. This migratory defect correlates with the quasi-disappearance of splenic marginal zone DCs in non manipulated CD47-deficient mice. Our data reveal that CD47 on DCs is a critical factor in controlling migration and efficient initiation of the immune response. Mutual or reciprocal regulation exists between DCs and Tregs. For instance, DCs efficiently induce Tregs in vivo. We here examine how CD47 deficiency that selectively decrease myeloid DCs impact on Treg homeostasis. We here show that CD47 expression, selectively regulated CD103+Foxp3+ Treg homeostasis. The proportion of effector/memory-like (CD44highCD62Llow) CD103+ Foxp3+ Tregs rapidly augmented with age in CD47-deficient mice (CD47-/-) as compared with age-matched control littermates. Yet, the percentage of quiescent (CD44lowCD62Lhigh) CD103-Foxp3+ Tregs remained stable. Thus, sustained CD47 expression throughout life is critical to avoid an excessive expansion of CD103+ Tregs that may overwhelmingly inhibit Ag specific T cell responses. DCs and Tregs are closely regulated to maintain the balance between protective immunity and tolerance. When that balance is broken, several diseases such as cancer, infectious diseases and autoimmune diseases may develop. Our ultimate goal is to understand how CD47 regulates DCs and Tregs function. Manipulation of the two cells types may open to the door to unexplored therapeutic avenues.

CD4+ FOXP3+ Regulatory T celles Homeostasis : role of interleukin-7 and implication in HIV infection pathophysiology

Simonetta, Federico 07 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Regulatory T cells (Treg) represent a crucial CD4 T cells subset involved in maintenance of immune-tolerance. Since their first description important efforts have been undertaken to better understand their biology, their development and their mechanisms of action. However, little is known about factors controlling Treg peripheral homeostasis. The aim of this thesis work was to better define mechanisms involved in governing Treg homeostasis and to investigate the eventual contribution of perturbation of Treg homeostasis in human disease. In the first part of this thesis work we tried to define in the murine system the role played by IL-7 in governing Treg homeostasis. We showed that Treg surface expression of CD127, the IL-7 receptor alpha chain, is finely regulated as it depends on their activation as well as on their tissue localization. More importantly, we demonstrated that Treg do express functional levels of CD127, identifying these cells as potential target of IL-7. Using both genetically modified murine models of altered IL-7 signaling and adoptive transfer models, we obtained definitive evidence for a direct role of IL-7 in governing Treg cell numbers. Finally, we demonstrated that IL-7 signaling in Treg optimizes their capacity to react to IL-2 an important cytokine regulating Treg homeostasis. In the second part of this work we investigated Treg homeostasis in the context of HIV infection. Employing for the first time in HIV infection a novel consensus Treg identification strategy and applying it to different groups of HIV infected patients, including primary infected patients and HIV controllers, we showed that HIV infection is characterized by an early and long lasting alteration of Treg homeostasis. In particular we demonstrated that effector rather than naive Treg are affected by HIV infection. Moreover, we showed that effector Treg numbers inversely correlated with HIV specific CD8 T cells responses, providing ex vivo evidence of Treg involvement in HIV immunity.

Regulation of Fas-deficient Lymphoproliferative Double Negative T Cells by Interferon Gamma and the Fc Receptor Gamma Chain

Juvet, Stephen 20 March 2013 (has links)
The Fas pathway is critical for the maintenance of normal T cell homeostasis. Humans and mice with defects in this pathway exhibit the accumulation of large numbers of peripheral lymphocytes and lupus-like autoimmunity. A major feature of these organisms is the accumulation of non-NK TCRαβ+CD4-CD8- “double negative” (DN) T cells. While regulatory T cells (Tregs) with the DN phenotype have been extensively characterized in Fas-sufficient mice and humans, limited data exist on the role of DN T cells as Tregs in Fas-deficient animals. In fact, most of the literature suggests that the DN T cells accumulating in Fas-deficiency states are pathogenic, contributing to secondary lymph node enlargement and autoimmune disease. In this body of work, data are presented that illustrate that Fas-deficient lymphoproliferative (LPR) DN T cells can act as Tregs in an interferon γ (IFNγ)- and Fas ligand (FasL)-dependent fashion toward Fas-sufficient T cells. LPR DN T cells needed to be able to secrete and respond to IFNγ in order to upregulate surface FasL, in order to ameliorate GVHD mediated by CD4+ T cells in vivo and to suppress the proliferation of and kill activated CD4+ T cells in vitro. FcRγ, a key molecule involved in innate immune responses, can substitute for CD3ζ in the T cell receptor (TCR) of mouse and human T cells in certain circumstances; in doing so, it is essential for the regulatory function of TCR transgenic DN Tregs. FcRγ-deficient LPR mice were found to have exacerbated T cell accumulation and early mortality. We show that while FcRγ expression was required for LPR DN T cells to regulate CD4+ and CD8+ T cells responding to alloantigens in vitro and in vivo, it does not control autologous lymphoproliferation in LPR mice by supporting the function of a regulatory cell, nor does it affect the rate of proliferation of LPR T cells in vivo. Instead, FcRγ-expressing LPR CD4+, CD8+ and DN T cells were found to be undergoing apoptosis at a high rate in vivo, and in contrast to their FcRγ-deficient counterparts, FcRγ+ LPR DN T cells were capable of undergoing TCR restimulation-induced cell death (RICD). The data presented in this thesis therefore show that LPR DN T cells can exhibit IFNγ-, FasL- and FcRγ-dependent regulatory function, and also illustrate a previously unknown function for FcRγ in controlling the expansion of Fas-deficient T cells. The implications of these data for autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndromes, and normal T cell homeostasis, are discussed.

Intra-tumoural regulatory T cells : a potential new target for anti-cancer immunotherapy

Ireland, Demelza Jane January 2007 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] Previous studies in the field of tumour immunology had identified regulatory T (Treg) cells as important suppressors of the anti-tumour immune response as the presence of Treg cells in the peripheral blood of cancer patients was correlated with worse disease outcomes. Other studies had identified Treg cells to be active at sites of immune regulation such as the gut of colitis patients. It was therefore hypothesised that Treg cells would be present and active within tumours to suppress the cellular antitumour immune response. ... This treatment targeting multiple pathways of Treg cell mediated immuno-suppression and resulted in tumour regression in 50% of treated animals. Finally, the anti-tumour immune response is complex and a potentially synergistic multi-modality treatment designed to inactivate intra-tumoural Treg cells but to also induce apoptosis in tumour cells themselves was investigated. Alpha-tocopheryl succinate (α-TOS), an analogue of vitamin E, had previously been shown to induce apoptosis in human MM xenografts implanted into immuno-deficient (nude) mice. Administration of α-TOS was therefore examined as a potentially synergistic treatment to be coupled with Treg cell inactivation. At the previously published doses used to treat immuno-deficient mice, α-TOS was found to be toxic to the immuno-competent mice used in this study. A marked depleting effect on total T cells was seen in the treated animals. The results of this thesis demonstrated the high potential for an adjunct immunotherapy of MM. They did however also highlight the importance of future studies into anticancer therapies to be conducted using clinically relevant tumour models and clinically relevant treatment regimes. The need to consider synergistic multi-modal therapies was also emphasised.

Exploration fonctionnelle de l'activité cytotoxique de lymphocytes T humains en contexte de pathologie et de thérapie / Functional exploration of the cytotoxic activity of human T lymphocytes in the context of pathology and therapy

Guipouy, Delphine 18 December 2017 (has links)
Plusieurs populations de cellules immunitaires possèdent une activité cytotoxique permettant l'élimination de cellules altérées. Cette fonction cellulaire est ainsi déterminante dans le contrôle des infections, des processus tumoraux, ou encore des maladies inflammatoires chroniques. Mon projet de thèse se concentre sur des aspects fondamentaux de l'activité lytique de deux populations de lymphocytes T cytotoxiques : les lymphocytes T CD8+ et les lymphocytes T CD4+ régulateurs de type 1. Pour cela, l'exploration des mécanismes de cette activité a été conduite au travers de deux modèles, pathologique et thérapeutique, à différentes échelles biologiques : au niveau de la population ou de la cellule individuelle, mais aussi différentes échelles d'organisations moléculaires : cellulaire et nanoscopique. Nous avons pu démontrer que l'activité de lyse de lymphocytes T CD8+ cytotoxiques face à un excès de cellules cibles est efficace sur des temps prolongés, reposant sur une capacité individuelle fortement hétérogène à effectuer une lyse multiple. L'importance de cette activité de lyse soutenue a été renforcée par l'identification d'un défaut lytique particulièrement prononcé sur le long- terme chez des lymphocytes T CD8+ issus de patients atteints du syndrome de Wiskott-Aldrich. Ce défaut est lié à une activation réduite de l'intégrine LFA-1 et un délai dans la délivrance du coup létal. De plus, la protéine WASP permet de restreindre LFA-1 de haute-affinité en nanoclusters denses ainsi que de permettre l'organisation en un ring de LFA-1 et la localisation des granules lytiques à l'intérieur de celui-ci. Par ailleurs, les lymphocytes T CD4+ régulateurs de type 1 développés dans le cadre d'une thérapie cellulaire (Ovasave(r)) démontrent une capacité de lyse envers les cellules myéloïdes, en complément d'une activité immunosuppressive sur les lymphocytes T conventionnels. Cette activité est mise en place sur du long-terme, jusqu'à atteindre une efficacité optimale, lié à un délai dans la délivrance du coup létal. De manière surprenante, malgré une spécificité pour l'ovalbumine, l'activité cytotoxique semble être indépendante de l'activation du TCR. En outre, la lyse est granzyme-dépendante mais perforine-indépendante. Ainsi ces lymphocytes T thérapeutiques manifestent une activité cytotoxique alternative. Pour conclure, mon projet de thèse a permis de caractériser une activité de lyse soutenue basée sur une capacité individuelle hétérogène. Cette habilité à soutenir une lyse sur du long-terme implique une stabilité de la synapse, où WASP joue notamment un rôle clé pour l'activation et l'organisation de LFA-1. Les lymphocytes T régulateurs thérapeutiques démontrent aussi une activité de lyse soutenue, cependant les acteurs moléculaires sont non conventionnels. De manière générale, une activité de lyse soutenue permettrait de calibrer une réponse cytotoxique prolongée en rapport à la taille de la population cible, ainsi que le partage avec d'autres fonctions cellulaires comme la sécrétion de cytokines. / During different pathological conditions such as infections, tumoral processes or chronic inflammation diseases, altered cells are eliminated through a cytotoxic activity mediated by several immune cell populations. This cellular function is therefore crucial for carrying out the action of the immune system. My thesis project focuses on fundamental aspects of the lytic activity of two cytotoxic lymphocyte populations: CD8+ T cells and type-1 CD4+ regulatory T cells. To explore the mechanisms of this activity, this study has been driven on two cases, pathological and therapeutic models, at the population and single-cell levels and also at the cellular and nanoscopic scales of the molecular organisation. We have been able to demonstrate that the CD8+ T cell lysis activity against an excess of target cells is effective over prolonged periods, relying on a highly heterogeneous individual capacity to perform multiple lysis. The importance of this sustained cytotoxic activity was reinforced by the identification of a lytic defect, particularly pronounced on a long time period, of CD8+ T cells from Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome patients. This defect is related to a reduced activation of the LFA-1 integrin and delay in the lethal hit delivery. In addition, the WASP protein allows to restrict high affinity LFA-1 to dense nanoclusters as well as the assembly of LFA- 1 ring and the localization of the lytic granules inside this ring. Moreover, type-1 CD4+ regulatory T cells from a cellular therapy (Ovasave(r)) demonstrated a cytotoxic activity toward myeloid cells, additionally to an immunosuppressive activity on conventional T cells. This activity is implemented over long time periods, until reaching optimal efficiency, and is related to a delay in the lethal hit delivery. Surprisingly, despite a specificity for ovalbumin, the cytotoxic activity measured in absence of the antigen suggests a TCR independence. In addition, lysis is not mediated by perforin but is exclusively granzyme-dependent. Thus, these therapeutic T cells exhibit an alternative cytotoxic activity. To conclude, my thesis project permits to characterize a sustained lysis activity relying on a heterogeneous individual capacity. This ability to sustain a lytic activity involves stability of the synapse, where WASP plays a key role towards the activation and organization of LFA-1. The therapeutic regulatory T lymphocytes also demonstrated a sustained cytotoxic activity, however the molecular actors are unconventional. On the whole, sustained lytic activity would be key to the calibration of cytotoxic responses in relation to the size of the target population, as well as sharing with other cellular functions such as cytokine secretion.

An?lise de c?lulas T regulat?rias FoxP3+ no l?quen plano oral

Pereira, Joabe dos Santos 15 March 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:32:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JoabeSP.pdf: 1318134 bytes, checksum: 051d3ab3425024319d41e93c3e0af738 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-03-15 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / T regulatory cells have the function of controlling immune responses and maintaining self-tolerance. The FoxP3 has been considered the most specific marker for Treg cells. The aiming of this paper was to evaluate the immunoexpression of FoxP3 in the inflammatory infiltrate from oral lichen planus (OLP) and to compare it with the infiltrate in fibrous inflammatory hyperplasia (FIH) and then, between reticular and erosive forms of OLP. The samples were composed by 32 cases of OLP (17 reticular and 15 erosive) beyond 10 cases of FIH that were submitted to immunohistochemistry staining for FoxP3. Localization of the staining was classified in underepithelial and intraepithelial and the amount of FoxP3+ cells was evaluated through cells counting in 10 consecutive fields, at 400x power magnification. The values were expressed in mean ? standart deviation, and submitted to statistical tests with 5% of significance level. It was observed a statistical significant difference in the amount of FoxP3+ Treg cells between the two combined forms of OLP (1,6 ? 2,2) and the FIH (0,5 ?0,4) (P<0,05). This maybe could be explained by immunological mechanism of OLP, which involves a permanent antigenic induction likely with consequent perpetuation of lesion, eliciting the proliferation and constant recruitment of Treg cells. Otherwise, FIH presents a different etiopathogenesis, in which there is also generation of a variable inflammatory infiltrate, however qualitatively distinct from that seen in OLP. The erosive form of OLP exhibited a greater number (1,7 ? 2,4) of FoxP3+ Treg cells than reticular form (1,5 ? 2,1). These alterations could have relation with the great disease activity verified in erosive OLP, or also, with abnormalities in the regulatory function of Treg cells that could cause the increase observed. Considering the capacity already well established in the literature, both about Treg cells in modulating immune responses, as in the oral mucosa in showing great potential for regeneration, it is suggested that the possibility of development and implantation of immunotherapeutic strategies that regulate the frequency and function of these cells, may help in future treatment of immune-mediated inflammatory diseases such as OLP / As c?lulas T regulat?rias (Treg) possuem a fun??o de controlar respostas imunes e manter a autotoler?ncia. O FoxP3 tem sido considerado o marcador mais espec?fico para c?lulas Treg. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a imunoexpress?o do FoxP3 no infiltrado inflamat?rio do l?quen plano oral (LPO) comparado ao da hiperplasia fibrosa inflamat?ria (HFI) e posteriormente entre as formas reticular e erosiva do LPO. A amostra foi composta por 32 casos de LPO (17 reticulares e 15 erosivos) al?m de 10 casos de HFI que foram submetidos ? marca??o imunoistoqu?mica para o FoxP3. A localiza??o da marca??o foi classificada em justaepitelial ou intraepitelial e a quantidade das c?lulas FoxP3+ foi avaliada atrav?s da contagem destas em 10 campos consecutivos, com aumento de 400x. Os valores foram expressos em m?dia ? desvio-padr?o, e submetidos aos testes estat?sticos com n?vel de signific?ncia de 5%. Observou-se uma diferen?a estatisticamente significativa na quantidade de c?lulas Treg FoxP3+ entre os dois tipos de LPO reunidos (1,6 ? 2,2) e a HFI (0,5 ? 0,4) (P<0,05). Isto talvez possa ser explicado pelo mecanismo imunol?gico do LPO, que envolve uma prov?vel indu??o antig?nica permanente com conseq?ente perpetua??o da les?o, suscitando a prolifera??o e recrutamento constante das c?lulas Treg. Em contrapartida, a HFI apresenta uma etiopatogenia diferente, na qual tamb?m h? gera??o de um infiltrado inflamat?rio vari?vel, por?m qualitativamente distinto do verificado no LPO. A forma erosiva do LPO exibiu um maior n?mero (1,7 ? 2,4) de c?lulas Treg FoxP3+ que a forma reticular (1,5 ? 2,1). Estas altera??es podem ter rela??o com a maior atividade da doen?a verificada no LPO erosivo, ou ainda, com anormalidades na fun??o reguladora das c?lulas Treg que ocasionariam o aumento observado. Considerando-se a capacidade j? bem estabelecida na literatura, tanto das c?lulas Treg modularem as respostas imunol?gicas, quanto da mucosa oral em exibir um grande potencial de regenera??o, sugere-se que a possibilidade de desenvolvimento e implanta??o de estrat?gias imunoterap?uticas que regulem a freq??ncia e a fun??o destas c?lulas, possa futuramente auxiliar no tratamento de doen?as inflamat?rias mediadas imunologicamente, como o LPO

Imunologické vlastnosti pupečníkové krve u dětí se zvýšeným rizikem vzniku alergie Preventivní použití probiotik / Immunologic Characteristics of Cord Blood in Children with Increased Risk of Allergy Development Preventive Use of Probiotics

Hrdý, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
Allergy is one of the most common diseases. Identification of early prognostic markers pointing to an increased risk of allergy development is therefore of increasing importance. Cord blood represents an easily attainable clinical material for searching for prognostic markers signalizing future allergy development. Proportions of Th1 cytokines, Th2 cytokines and regulatory cytokines were tested in cord blood of children of allergic mothers (children in relatively high risk of allergy development) in comparison with cord blood of children of healthy mothers (low risk children). Also the activities of lymphocytes, dendritic cells (DC) and regulatory cells (Tregs) were compared in children of healthy and allergic mothers. The generally increased activity of both in vitro stimulated and non-stimulated mononuclear cord blood leukocytes was proved in children of allergic mothers in comparison with low risk children. The increased activity of DC of high risk children was detectable only after polyclonal stimulation. Significantly less pronounced functional properties of cord blood Tregs were found in children of allergic mothers when compared with children of healthy mothers. The increased reactivity of lymphocytes and DC together with the decreased activity of Tregs can support an easier...

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