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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caractérisation des lymphocytes T résidents des organes lymphoïdes secondaires à l’état basal / Characterization with age of resident T cells within secondary lymphoid organs in the steady state

Audemard-Verger, Alexandra 19 September 2017 (has links)
Une résidence à long terme de lymphocytes T (LTs) au sein de la plupart des tissus non lymphoïdes a été récemment décrite, notamment à la suite d’infections. Ces cellules confèreraient à l’hôte une meilleure protection en cas de réinfection. À l'aide de deux approches expérimentales différentes, l'injection d'anticorps bloquant l’entrée des LTs dans les ganglions lymphatiques (LNs) et la génération de parabioses par chirurgie, nous avons pu mettre en évidence, à l’état basal, la résidence d’une proportion significative des LTs αβ mémoires CD4+, des LTs αβ régulateurs CD4+ et d’une sous-population des LTs γδ dans les organes lymphoïdes secondaires. Les LTs CD4+ régulateurs et mémoires résidents ont en commun de nombreuses caractéristiques phénotypiques et fonctionnelles, et partagent avec leurs homologues issus de tissus non lymphoïdes une signature transcriptionnelle commune de résidence. Les LTs γδ résidents, quant à eux, arborent des caractéristiques phénotypiques et fonctionnelles proches de celles des cellules du système immunitaire inné. Si le microbiote semble jouer un rôle important dans la résidence des LTs αβ CD4+ des plaques de Peyer (PPs), son rôle ne semble pas être prépondérant dans la résidence de ces cellules au sein des LNs. Comme dans de nombreux tissus non lymphoïdes, la sous-expression de S1PR1 pourrait en partie expliquer la résidence des LTs αβ CD4+. Par contre, les LTs γδ seraient, eux, retenus dans les tissus lymphoïdes de par des interactions étroites avec les macrophages. Enfin, la résidence des LTs αβ augmente avec l'âge au point que la majorité des LTs CD4+ régulateurs et mémoires des LNs et des PPs sont en fait résidents chez des souris âgées. Nos résultats montrent que la résidence des cellules T n'est pas seulement une caractéristique des tissus non lymphoïdes mais qu’elle peut être étendue aux organes lymphoïdes secondaires. Le rôle respectif de ces différentes populations de LTs devra être exploré. / In the last decade, numerous data have demonstrated the existence of T cells residing in non-lymphoid tissues, mostly after infectious diseases. These resident memory T cells may represent a first line of defense against pathogens at front-line sites of microbial exposure upon reinfection. Using two different experimental approaches such as the injection of integrin-neutralizing antibodies that inhibits the entry of circulating lymphocytes into lymph nodes and long-term parabiosis experiments, we have highlighted the long-term residence of a substantial proportion of regulatory and memory CD4 αβ T cells and γδ T cells within the secondary lymphoid organs of specific pathogen free mice. Resident γδ T cells display innate-like characteristics. Lymph node-resident regulatory and memory CD4 αβ T cells share many phenotypic and functional characteristics, including a core transcriptional profile, with their cell-counterparts from non-lymphoid tissues. Microbiota plays an important role in αβ T-cell residence in Peyer’s patches but only a small one if any in lymph nodes. Like in many non-lymphoid tissues, S1PR1 down-regulation may account forαβ T-cell residency within secondary lymphoid organs although other mechanisms may account for this especially in the case of lymph node memory CD4 T cells. Specific in vivo cell-depletion strategies have allowed us to demonstrate that macrophages are the main actors involved in the long-term retention of γδ T cells in secondary lymphoid organs. Strikingly, T-cell residence increases with age to the point that the majority of regulatory and memory CD4 αβ T cells from LNs and Peyer’s patches are in fact resident T cells in old mice. Altogether, our results show that T-cell residence is not only a hallmark of non-lymphoid tissues but can be extended to secondary lymphoid organs.

Caractérisation in vivo de la réponse des lymphocytes T CD4+ naïfs spécifiques d'un néoantigène à différents stades du développement tumoral / Characterization of the in vivo response of naive CD4+ T cells upon tumor neoantigen recognition at different stages of tumor development

Alonso Ramirez, Ruby 23 November 2016 (has links)
Au cours du développement tumoral, le système immunitaire est constamment exposé aux antigènes tumoraux, mais le plus souvent dans un contexte non-inflammatoire qui favorise l'induction d'une tolérance envers ces antigènes. La tolérance peut être médiée par des mécanismes passifs (ignorance, anergie ou délétion des clones spécifiques de la tumeur) ou actifs, pour lesquels les lymphocytes T régulateurs (Tregs) jouent un rôle prépondérant. Les lymphocytes T (LT) CD4+ sont la source principale des Tregs mais présentent également des fonctions antitumorales directes et indirectes. Les connaissances actuelles sur le rôle des LT CD4+ au cours du développement tumoral proviennent en grande partie d'études de modèles murins de tumeurs transplantées. Cependant, l'inflammation initiée lors de l'inoculation de ces tumeurs due à une mort cellulaire importante favorise la présentation persistante par le MHC-II des antigènes tumoraux dans un environnement inflammatoire artificiel. Nous tentons ici de contourner ce problème en utilisant deux modèles murins différents: le premier est un modèle de tumeur transplantée dans lequel un néoantigène de classe II (DBY) est induit à distance du moment de l'inoculation de la tumeur. Le deuxième est un modèle d'adénocarcinome pulmonaire induit génétiquement exprimant l’epitope DBY, dans lequel la tumorigenèse est initiée par l'expression d’un oncogène associée à la délétion d’un gène suppresseur de tumeurs. La réponse antitumorale des LT CD4+ est suivie par le transfert de LT CD4+ spécifiques de DBY "Marilyn". Dans le modèle de tumeur transplantée, nous montrons que l'apparition d'un néoantigène dans une tumeur bien établie n'est pas ignorée par le système immunitaire. Bien au contraire, le néoantigène arrive au ganglion drainant la tumeur et induit une activation efficace des cellules Marilyn, qui prolifèrent, produisent de l'IFN-γ et recirculent jusqu'à la tumeur. En revanche, malgré une activation efficace des LT CD4+, les tumeurs ne sont pas rejetées. Dans le modèle génétiquement induit, nous montrons que des néoantigènes exprimés dès le début du développement tumoral, arrivent jusqu'au ganglion drainant la tumeur en quantité suffisante pour induire l'activation et la prolifération des LT CD4+, mais que cette activation est non-optimale et ne permet qu'une faible migration vers le site de la tumeur. En revanche, une partie des cellules Marilyn acquièrent l'expression de FOXP3 ainsi qu'une signature transcriptomique de Tregs et ce dès les stades précoces du développement tumoral, tandis que le reste des cellules Marilyn présentent un phénotype anergique (CD44hiCD73hiFR4hi). L'administration de CpG n'empêche pas la conversion en Treg des cellules Marilyn, malgré l'augmentation de la maturation des cellules dendritiques dans le poumon et le ganglion drainant la tumeur. La déplétion des Tregs de l'hôte en revanche inhibe cette conversion et favorise l'activation des cellules Marilyn en cellules effectrices compétentes, capables de migrer jusqu'au site tumoral. Enfin, les cellules Marilyn, lorsqu'elles sont activées hors du ganglion drainant la tumeur échappent à l'inhibition induite par la tumeur et deviennent des cellules effectrices compétentes. Ainsi, dans un modèle tumoral reproduisant le développement naturel progressif des tumeurs humaines, un état de tolérance est induit par la tumeur. Cette tolérance est dépendante des Tregs présents dans le ganglion drainant la tumeur, qui confèrent une tolérance aux LT CD4+ naïfs arrivant dans le ganglion. / During tumor development, the immune system is persistently exposed to tumor-associated antigens, frequently in a non-inflammatory context, favoring the establishment of tolerance. Passive (ignorance, anergy or deletion of tumor-specific T cells) or active mechanisms mediated by regulatory T cells (Tregs) may be involved in tolerance. CD4+ T cells are the main source of Tregs but they also display indirect and direct antitumor activity. So far, the contribution of CD4+ T cells during tumor development has been mainly addressed in murine transplanted tumor models. However, in these models the artificial inflammation associated with the presence of dying tumor cells at the time of tumor inoculation favors a long-lasting MHC-II-restricted tumor antigen presentation in an artificial inflammatory context. Here, we addressed this issue using two different models: a transplanted one in which the MHC-II neoantigen (DBY) is induced long after tumor implantation and a genetically engineered mouse (GEM) model of lung adenocarcinoma also expressing the DBY epitope, in which malignant transformation results from both the expression of an oncogene and the deletion of a tumor suppressor gene. Tumor-specific CD4+ T cell response was followed by transfer of naive DBY-specific Marilyn CD4+ T cells. In the transplanted tumor model, we found that the appearance of a neoantigen in established tumors was not ignored by the immune system. On the contrary, the neoantigen reached the tumor-draining lymph node (TdLN) and induced efficient priming of Marilyn cells that proliferated, produced IFN-γ, and recirculated to the tumor site. However, despite efficient induction of a tumor-specific CD4+ T cell response, tumors were not rejected. In the GEM model, we found that starting at the early tumor stages, neoantigens were expressed and reached the TdLN in sufficient amount to induce activation and proliferation of naive Marilyn T cells. However, this priming was suboptimal and resulted in a weak migration to the tumor site. Instead, some of the activated Marilyn cells acquired the expression of FOXP3 and a Treg gene signature while the remaining FOXP3- cells displayed a CD44hiCD73hiFR4hi anergic phenotype. CpG administration did not revert the Marilyn Treg conversion despite reinforcing dendritic cell maturation in the lung and the TdLN. Depletion of the host Treg compartment however, inhibited this conversion and favored Marilyn cell activation into full-blown effector cells able to migrate to the tumor site. Finally, Marilyn cells that were primed at distance of the TdLN, escaped tumor induced inhibition and became full effectors. Thus, in a tumor model reproducing the natural development of slowly growing human tumors, a tumor-associated dominant tolerance is established in the lymph node draining the tumor. This state of unresponsiveness is highly dependent on the presence of Treg cells in the TdLN, conferring tolerance to incoming tumor-specific naive CD4+ T cells.

The role of regulatory T cells and Interleukin-2 in the pathogenesis and treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus

Spee-Mayer, Caroline 23 September 2015 (has links)
Eine mangelhafte Produktion des Zytokins Interleukin-2 (IL-2), sowie Veränderungen in der Population der CD4+Foxp3+ regulatorischen T Zellen (Treg) wurden im Zusammenhang mit der Autoimmunkrankheit Systemischer Lupus erythematodes (SLE) beschrieben. Jedoch wurde ein möglicher kausaler Zusammenhang zwischen diesen beiden Auffälligkeiten und der Pathogenese des SLE bis jetzt nicht aufschlussreich untersucht. Durchflusszytometrische Analysen zeigten hier, dass der Anteil an Treg mit hoher Expression der IL-2 Rezeptoruntereinheit CD25, die mit funktioneller und metabolischer Treg Aktivität assoziiert wurde, in SLE Patienten erniedrigt ist. Außerdem ist das homöostatische Gleichgewicht zwischen Treg und konventionellen T Zellen gestört. In vitro Experimente zeigten, dass eine defekte IL-2 Produktion der CD4+ T Zellen für die niedrige CD25 Expression der Treg von SLE Patienten verantwortlich ist, wohingegen Stimulation mit IL-2 in vitro die CD25 Expression der Treg wiederherstellt und auch das Überleben der Treg erhöht. Vor allem niedrige IL-2 Konzentrationen hatten einen selektiven Effekt auf die Treg Population, während andere Lymphozyten nur wenig beeinflusst wurden. Basierend auf diesen Ergebnissen wurde eine klinische Studie mit niedrig dosiertem IL-2 zur Behandlung von Patienten mit refraktärem SLE implementiert. Niedrig dosiertes IL-2 führte zu einer peripheren Expansion suppressiver Treg mit stark erhöhter CD25 Expression und verbesserte das homöostatische Gleichgewicht zwischen Treg und konventionellen T Zellen. Diese Effekte wurden von einer klinischen Remission in drei der fünf mit IL-2 behandelten SLE Patienten begleitet. Zusammenfassend machen die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit die Bedeutung des IL-2 Defizits für die Veränderungen in der Treg Population und die Pathogenese des SLE deutlich, und zeigen, dass niedrig dosiertes IL-2 einen sicheren und effizienten neuen Therapieansatz darstellt, der direkt in die Pathogenese des SLE eingreift. / A defective production of the cytokine Interleukin-2 (IL-2), as well as abnormalities in the population of CD4+Foxp3+ regulatory T cells (Treg), have been described in association with the autoimmune disease systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). However, a possible causal relationship between these two features and SLE pathogenesis has not been adequately investigated so far. Here, flow-cytometric analyses showed that the proportion of Treg expressing high levels of the IL-2 receptor subunit CD25, which was associated with functional and metabolic Treg activity, is reduced in SLE patients. In addition, the homeostatic balance between Treg and conventional T cells is disturbed in SLE. In vitro experiments showed that a defective IL-2 production by CD4+ T cells accounts for the low CD25 expression in Treg from SLE patients. In contrast, in vitro stimulation with IL-2 restores CD25 expression in Treg and enhances their survival. Especially low IL-2 concentrations had a selective effect on the Treg population, while other lymphocytes were only marginally affected. Based on these results, a clinical trial with low-dose IL-2 was implemented for the treatment of patients with refractory SLE. Low-dose IL-2 treatment of SLE patients caused a selective peripheral expansion of suppressive Treg with strongly increased CD25 expression levels, and improved the homeostatic balance between Treg and conventional T cells. These effects were accompanied by clinical remission in three of the five SLE patients that were treated with low-dose IL-2 during the course of this study. In summary, this work demonstrates the impact of IL-2 deficiency for the Treg abnormalities and disease pathogenesis in SLE, and it proposes low-dose IL-2 as a safe and efficient novel therapeutic approach, which directly targets SLE pathogenesis.

Anti-inflammatorische und zytoprotektive Gentherapie am Beispiel der experimentellen Transplantation

Ritter, Thomas 10 January 2003 (has links)
Ziel der Arbeit war, zu untersuchen, ob der gezielte Einsatz gentherapeutischer Methoden zu einer Verhinderung der Abstoßung allogener Transplantate bzw. zu einer Verhinderung der Induktion des Ischämie-/Reperfusionsschadens in verschiedenen Transplantationsmodellen der Ratte beitragen kann. Dabei wurden zwei Schwerpunkte gesetzt: Zum einen wurde auf den ex-vivo Gentransfer von therapeutischen Molekülen direkt in das Transplantat mit Hilfe von rekombinanten Adenoviren fokussiert. Zum anderen wurde das Potenzial von retroviral modifizierten, allospezifischen T-Zellen als Träger therapeutischer Gene zur Verhinderung der Transplantatrejektion untersucht. Diese Habilitationsschrift umfasst dreizehn Originalartikel in internationalen Zeitschriften, sechs Übersichtsartikel (Reviews) und vier Manuskripte, die bereits zur Veröffentlichung eingereicht sind. / The aim of the research was to investigate, whether the specific use of gene therapeutic methods can play a role in the prevention of allogeneic graft rejection or in the prevention of the induction of ischemia/reperfusion damage in various rat transplantation models. Doing this there were to main focusses: First we concentrated on the ex-vivo gene transfer of therapeutic molecules directly into the graft, which was done using recombinant adenoviruses. Then we investigated the potential of retrovirally modified, allospecific T-cells as carriers for therapeutic genes for the prevention of graft rejection. This publication consists of thirteen original papers in international journals, six reviews and four manuscripts that have been submitted for publication.

Papel de células com função reguladora da resposta imune na endometriose. / Role of cells with regulatory function of the immune system in endometriosis.

Jank, Carina Calixto 30 May 2014 (has links)
A endometriose (EDT) é caracterizada pela presença de tecido endometrial fora da cavidade uterina, e afeta mulheres em idade reprodutiva. Postulamos que alterações na frequência de células T reguladoras (Treg), natural killer (NK), supressoras mielóides (MDSC) e dendríticas (DC) no peritônio justificariam a redução da capacidade do sistema imune de reagir contra as células endometriais, permitindo sua implantação em locais ectópicos. Aqui, células Treg, NK, MDSC e DC foram quantificadas no fluido peritoneal (FP) e sangue de mulheres com EDT, a fim de associa-las ao desenvolvimento da doença; níveis de citocinas também foram avaliados. Na EDT, observou-se aumento na frequência de Treg, MDSC e DC no sangue e aparente redução destas no FP; ainda, a concentração de IL-12 foi menor no sangue comparadas ao grupo controle. Não foram observadas diferenças quanto às células NK e as outras citocinas analisadas. Os resultados indicam aumento da frequência de populações reguladoras em amostras de sangue de pacientes EDT, entretanto esses resultados não são refletidos no FP. / Endometriosis (EDT) is a gynecological disease characterized by the presence of endometrial cells out of the uterine cavity, which affects women in reproductive age. We postulated that alterations in the frequencies of regulatory T cells (Treg), natural killer cells (NK), myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSC) and dendritic cells (DC) in the peritoneum could justify the reduced capacity of the immune system to react to these ectopic endometrial cells, allowing them to invade distant tissues. Here, Treg, NK, MDSC and DC were quantified in the peritoneal fluid (PF) and peripheral blood (PB) of women with EDT, in order to associate them with the development of EDT; cytokine levels were also assessed. In EDT, higher frequencies of Treg, MDSC and DC in the PB and apparent lower frequencies of these cells in the PF were observed; IL-12 concentration was smaller in PB of EDT compared to control. No differences between groups were observed for NK cells and the other cytokines evaluated. The results indicate higher frequencies of regulatory cells in PB samples of EDT patients, although these findings were not reflected in PF samples.

Vacina??o com pept?deo M209-223 do v?rus sincicial respirat?rio (VSR) promove uma resposta imune protetora contra infec??o e reduz a inflama??o no pulm?o / Vaccination with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) M209-223 peptide promotes a protective immune response against infection and reduces lung inflammation

Fazolo, Tiago 20 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by PPG Pediatria e Sa?de da Crian?a (pediatria-pg@pucrs.br) on 2018-02-16T19:08:17Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese Vers?o Final Tiago Fazolo 18_01_2018.pdf: 3827531 bytes, checksum: b081e8333d16cb49ba00d0df25dff485 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2018-02-22T17:20:04Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese Vers?o Final Tiago Fazolo 18_01_2018.pdf: 3827531 bytes, checksum: b081e8333d16cb49ba00d0df25dff485 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-02-22T17:35:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese Vers?o Final Tiago Fazolo 18_01_2018.pdf: 3827531 bytes, checksum: b081e8333d16cb49ba00d0df25dff485 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-20 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is the most common etiologic agent in severe lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI) in children. RSV-associated LRTI is the main cause of bronchiolitis, pneumonia and exacerbation of asthma. This infection is responsible for the high rates of hospitalizations related to respiratory diseases worldwide, especially in children younger than 2 years. Currently, annual mortality rate due to RSV infections is worrying worldwide and is estimated at approximately two hundred thousand cases. The treatment strategies to RSV infections are limited. Ribavirin is an approved drug for use in RSV infections, but its use is limited due to adverse side-effects and risks posed to health professionals who handle it. Palivizumab is a monoclonal antibody which targets RSV F glycoprotein and its use is only indicated as a prophylactic measure. This treatment is already accepted in several countries for groups of high risk children (premature children, with chronic lung disease and with congenital heart disease). However, palivizumab has a high cost for public health and is not available in all countries. The development of an effective RSV vaccine to generate a long-lasting immunological memory response that prevents infection may be the best alternative because it will reduce high public health expenditures with antiviral drugs and monoclonal antibodies. The first attempt in the search for a vaccine against RSV was in the 1960s. This vaccine produced high levels of serum antibodies but could not protect against infection. Children who were vaccinated developed a more serious disease when later infected with the same virus. To date, there is no licensed vaccine for RSV, so the search for effective vaccines is an important focus of research. Natural RSV infections do not induce lasting protective memory, and multiple reinfections can occur lifetime. Nasal secretions from infected infants presented a small number of regulatory CD4 T cells (Treg) in peripheral blood, an increase in interleukin 4 (IL-4) production and T helper type 2 (Th2) response. Treg cells are important for controlling an exacerbated increase in immune responses. A reduction of the Tregs caused by the RSV infection generates an exacerbation of the pulmonary disease due to a Th2 response. The M209-223 RSV peptide was identified to increase IFN-? production by peptide-specific CD4 T cells after challenge with the virus. The treatment with this peptide also induced an increase in pulmonary Treg frequency in infected mice. Recently, it has also been shown that Tregs aid in the development of a T CD8+ effector response, which is crucial for the control of RSV viral load. Our hypothesis is that the RSV M209-223 peptide impacts in the differentiation of CD4 T cells, increasing the population of specific Treg, reducing lung inflammation and modulating the anti-RSV immune response. This peptide in animal model induces the differentiation of specific Treg. Our findings suggest that vaccination with M209-223 peptide results in the differentiation of specific CD4 T cells into conventional effectors and Treg cells. Vaccination with this peptide decreased the expansion of a Th2 response in animals infected with RSV, protecting both the infection site and systemically. We believe that this approach could be an important component in vaccination strategies against this virus. / O v?rus sincicial respirat?rio (VSR) ? o agente etiol?gico mais comum nas infec??es graves do trato respirat?rio inferior (TRI) em crian?as. As infec??es do TRI associada com o VSR s?o a principal causa de bronquiolite, pneumonia e exacerba??o da asma. As TRI causadas pelo VSR s?o respons?veis pelas altas taxas das hospitaliza??es relacionadas ?s doen?as respirat?rias em todo o mundo, principalmente em crian?as menores de dois anos. Atualmente a taxa de mortalidade anual mundial devido ?s infec??es pelo VSR ? preocupante e ? estimada em aproximadamente duzentas mil crian?as. As estrat?gias de tratamento contra o VSR utilizadas s?o limitadas. A ribavirina ? um f?rmaco aprovado no uso para infec??es pelo VSR, por?m sua utiliza??o ? limitada devido aos efeitos secund?rios adversos e aos riscos que representam para os profissionais da sa?de que o manipulam. O palivizumabe ? um anticorpo monoclonal dirigido contra a glicoprote?na F do v?rus e sua utiliza??o ? apenas como medida profil?tica. Este tratamento j? ? aceito em v?rios pa?ses nos grupos de crian?as de alto risco (crian?as prematuras, com doen?a pulmonar cr?nica e com cardiopatia cong?nita). Entretanto o palivizumabe tem um alto custo para sa?de p?blica, n?o sendo disponibilizado em todos os pa?ses. O desenvolvimento de uma vacina eficaz contra o VSR pode ser a melhor alternativa, pois ao gerar resposta de mem?ria duradoura que previne a infec??o e reduz, desta forma, os altos gastos com a sa?de p?blica, com os f?rmacos antivirais e com os anticorpos monoclonais. A primeira tentativa na busca de uma vacina contra o VSR foi na d?cada de 60. A vacina produzida estimulou n?veis moderadamente elevados de anticorpos no soro, mas n?o conseguiu proteger contra ? infec??o. As crian?as que foram vacinadas desenvolveram uma doen?a mais grave quando mais tarde infectados com o v?rus. At? o presente momento n?o existe nenhuma vacina licenciada para o VSR. Desta forma, a busca de vacinas eficazes constitui um importante foco de pesquisa em todo mundo. As infec??es naturais pelo VSR n?o induzem mem?ria protetora duradoura, ocorrendo m?ltiplas reinfec??es ao longo da vida. Em crian?as infectadas, observou-se um n?mero reduzido de c?lulas T CD4+ regulat?rias (Treg) no sangue perif?rico, um aumento na produ??o de interleucina 4 (IL-4) e uma resposta T helper do tipo 2 (Th2) nas secre??es nasais. As c?lulas Treg s?o importantes para controlar um aumento exagerado da resposta imunol?gica. Por este fato acredita-se que quando h? uma redu??o das Tregs causada pela infec??o do VSR ocorre uma exacerba??o da doen?a pulmonar devido uma resposta Th2. Foi identificado que o pept?deo M209-223 do VSR aumenta a produ??o de IFN-? nas c?lulas T CD4+ ap?s o desafio com VSR. O tratamento com este mesmo pept?deo tamb?m apresentou um aumento na frequencia de c?lulas Treg ap?s infec??o prim?ria pelo VSR. Recentemente tamb?m foi demonstrado que as Tregs auxiliam no desenvolvimento de uma resposta efetora T CD8+, que ? crucial para o controle da carga viral do VSR. Nossa hip?tese ? que o pept?deo M209-223 do VSR influencia na diferencia??o das c?lulas T CD4+, aumentando a popula??o de c?lulas T efetoras e regulat?rias espec?ficas, reduzindo a inflama??o pulmonar e modulando a resposta imune. Os nossos resultados sugerem que a vacina??o com pept?deo M209-223 resulta na diferencia??o de c?lulas T CD4+ espec?ficas em efetoras convencionais, que produzem mais IFN-? e em c?lulas Treg. A vacina??o com este pept?deo diminuiu a expans?o de uma resposta Th2 nos animais infectados com o VSR, protegendo da inflama??o exacerbada tanto no local da infec??o como sistemicamente. Acreditamos que esta abordagem pode constituir um componente importante nas estrat?gias de vacina??o contra este v?rus.

Estudo da resposta imunológica em modelo experimental da DPOC por exposição à fumaça de cigarro e exacerbação por instilação de LPS / Study of the immune response in an experimental model of COPD by exposure to cigarette smoke and exacerbation by LPS instillation

Cervilha, Daniela Aparecida de Brito 05 October 2018 (has links)
O tabagismo é o principal fator de risco para o desenvolvimento da doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica (DPOC). A importância da imunidade adaptativa para este processo não está totalmente esclarecida, entretanto a inflamação persistente está associada à ocorrência de infecções e exacerbação da DPOC. O nosso objetivo foi desenvolver um modelo experimental de exacerbação da DPOC utilizando a exposição à fumaça de cigarro e instilação de lipopolissacarídeo (LPS), visando investigar os aspectos imunológicos. Camundongos machos (C57BL/6), foram divididos em 4 grupos. Grupo controle salina (CSAL) e grupo controle LPS (CLPS) que foram expostos ao ar filtrado durante 12 semanas e receberam duas instilações intratraqueais (50µl) de salina ou LPS (1mg/kg) com intervalo de 15 dias entre cada instilação e o grupo fumo salina (FSAL) e grupo fumo LPS (FLPS) que foram expostos à fumaça de cigarro e também receberam duas instilações intratraqueais de salina ou LPS com o mesmo intervalo de tempo entre as instilações e a mesma dosagem. Após 3 dias da última instilação os animais foram anestesiados, traqueostomizados e acoplados a um ventilador para pequenos animais para avaliação da mecânica respiratória. Em seguida, fizemos a coleta do lavado broncoalveolar (LBA) para avaliar o perfil inflamatório e posteriormente, os pulmões foram removidos e feitos cortes para análise do intercepto linear médio (Lm) subpleural e peribronquial, além da espessura epitelial. Também avaliamos a densidade de macrófagos, neutrófilos, células T CD4+, CD8+ e células T regulatória (Treg), células positivas para Stat3/5 e FosfoStat3/5 no parênquima pulmonar por imuno-histoquímica. Além disso, foram analisados por ELISA no homogenato pulmonar os fatores quimiotáticos (KC/CXCL1 e MIP-2/CXCL2) e interleucina (IL) (-17, -6, -10) e interferon gama (IFN-y). Observamos alteração da mecânica do sistema respiratório com aumento da resistência tecidual (Gtis) e elastância tecidual (Htis) nos animais expostos á fumaça de cigarro e desafiados com LPS. Nos grupos FSAL e FLPS observamos aumento de Lm (regiões subpleurais), e no grupo FLPS também observamos aumento de Lm nos espaços peribrônquicos e espessamento epitelial. A associação da fumaça de cigarro e o LPS, além de ter causado dano ao parênquima pulmonar mais difuso tanto em regiões subpleurais quanto em espaços peribrônquicos intensificou a resposta inflamatória com aumento de neutrófilos, macrófagos, células T CD4+, células positivas para Stat3, FosfoStat5 e CXCL2. A densidade das células Treg, os níveis de IL-17 e IL-6 aumentaram em ambos os grupos LPS, enquanto o nível de IL-10 aumentou apenas no grupo CLPS. O aumento das células positivas para Stat3 -5, FosfoStat3 -5, corrobora com valores mais elevados para as células IL-17 e Treg. Assim, nosso estudo demonstrou que embora a associação da fumaça de cigarro e o LPS tenha induzido a diferenciação das células Th17 e Treg, não observamos aumento da expressão de IL-10 e sim da expressão de IL-17 sugerindo que uma falha na produção de IL-10 desempenha um papel fundamental na exacerbação do processo inflamatório / The tobacco smoking is the main risk factor for the development of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). The importance of adaptive immunity for this process is not completely clear, however there are studies attesting the association of infection with COPD exacerbation. We propose an experimental model of COPD exacerbation using a traditional method of cigarette smoke (CS) combining with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) instillations, focusing on the adaptive immunity response. C57BL/6 male mice were exposed to room air or to CS and after 3 months, they received two instillations of saline or LPS (Control/SAL; Control/LPS; CS/SAL and CS/LPS groups). Animals were anesthetized to perform the respiratory mechanics and inflammatory profile in broncho alveolar lavage (BAL) and lungs were removed to evaluate the mean linear intercept (Lm), the density of macrophages, neutrophils, CD4+ and CD8+ cells, regulatory T cells (Treg), signal transducer and activator of transcription (Stat) 3, 5 and phosphoStat 3, 5. The chemotactic factors (CXCL1 and CXCL2); interleukins (IL): -17, -6, -10 and INF-y were measured in lung using Enzyme Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay (ELISA). We observed a change in the mechanics of the respiratory system with increased tissue resistance (Gtis) and tissue elastance (Htis) in CS/LPS group. In addition, in CS/Sal and CS/LPS groups we observed increase of Lm (subpleural), and in CS/LPS group we observed the increase in Lm in peribronchial spaces. CS exposure and LPS challenge induced an increase in neutrophils, macrophages, CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. CS/LPS challenge association intensified this response and lung parenchyma damage. Treg density cells, IL-17 and IL-6 levels was increased in both LPS groups, while IL-10 level was increased only in Control/LPS group. The increase of Stat3, -5, PhosphoStat3, -5 positive cells corroborates with higher values for IL-17 and Treg cells. Although the CS/LPS challenge association induced both Th17 and Treg cells differentiation, there is no increase for IL-10 expression, suggesting that a failure in IL-10 production play a pivotal role in the inflammatory process exacerbation

Análise de células T e B em vias aéreas de indivíduos fumantes obstrutivos e não obstrutivos / Airways and bronchus associated lymphoid tissue T and B cells analysis on obstructive smokers compared to nonobstructive smokers

Sales, Davi Simões 09 May 2016 (has links)
Embora a fumaça do cigarro configure-se como o principal fator de risco para o desenvolvimento da DPOC, nem todos os fumantes desenvolvem a DPOC clinicamente significativa, sugerindo outros fatores intrínsecos ao indivíduo, como diferenças nas respostas imunológicas envolvidas na patogênese e progressão desta doença. Objetivos: Compreender melhor o papel da resposta imune adaptativa na progressão da DPOC. Métodos: Foram estudados amostras de tecidos pulmonares de 21 indivíduos não fumantes (grupo controle); 22 fumantes não obstrutivos (FNO) e 17 fumantes com DPOC. A densidade de células CD4+ e CD8+, células T regulatórias (Treg) FOXP3+, células B e células positivas para interleucinas IL-10 e IL-17, e citocinas como CCL19, BAFF e TGF-beta foram avaliadas em pequenas e grandes vias aéreas, e em tecidos linfoides associados ou não aos brônquios (BALT e iBALT, respectivamente). Resultados: Observamos um aumento das células T CD4+ e CD8+ em pequenas e grandes vias aéreas, BALT e iBALT em fumantes; no entanto, os valores mais elevados foram detectados em pequenas vias aéreas dos indíviduos DPOC. Além disso, observouse uma diminuição na expressão de TGF-? em pacientes com DPOC em comparação aos grupos de FNO e controle em pequenas e grandes vias aéreas ao passo que uma diminuição na densidade de Treg foi observado apenas em pequenas vias aéreas, com consequente diminuição da densidade de células positivas para IL-10 em pequenas e grandes vias aéreas. Em BALT observou-se uma resposta diferente, com um aumento na densidade de Treg no grupo DPOC, sem diferenças para as análises de IL-10. Houve um aumento da densidade de células positvas para IL-17 em pequenas e grandes vias aéreas e iBALT na DPOC. Conclusões: Observamos que a redução da atividade regulatória do processo inflamatório em pequenas vias aéreas e a progressão da obstrução em fumantes esteve associado à diminuição da densidade de células Treg e da expressão de IL-10 e aumento da expressão de IL-17. Além disso, verificou-se diferenças entre o perfil inflamatório nos compartimentos pulmonares estudados / Although cigarette smoke is configured as the primary risk factor for the development of COPD, not all smokers develop COPD clinically significant, suggesting that there are other factors intrinsic to the individual, such as differences in immune responses involved in the pathogenesis and progression of this disease. Objectives: To better understand the role of the adaptive immune response in the progression of COPD. Methods: Lung tissue samples from 21 nonsmokers were studied (control group); 22 non-obstructive smokers (NOS) and 17 COPD smokers. The density of CD4 + cells and CD8 + regulatory T cells (Treg) FOXP3 + cells, B cells and positive cells for interleukins IL-10 and IL-17, and cytokines as CCL19, BAFF and TGF-beta were evaluated in large and small airways, and lymphoid tissue associated with bronchi or not (BALT and iBALT, respectively). Results: We observed an increase in CD4 + T cells and CD8 + in small and large airways, BALT and iBALT in smokers; however, the highest amounts were detected in the small airways of COPD patients. Furthermore, there was a decrease in TGF-beta expression in COPD patients compared to FNO and control groups in large and small airways while a decrease in Treg density was observed only in small airway and consequent decrease in the density of cells positive for IL-10 in large and small airways. In BALT we observed a different response, with an increase in Treg density in COPD patients without differences in IL-10 analysis. There was an increase in cell density for IL-17 in large and small airways, and iBALT in COPD. Conclusions: We observed that reduction of inflammation regulatory activity in small airways obstruction and progression of smoking was associated with decreased Treg cell density and IL-10 expression and increased IL-17 expression. Furthermore, there are differences between the inflammatory profile in the lung compartments studied

Modulation de la balance lymphocytaire T régulatrice et effectrice dans deux modèles de maladies auto-immunes / Modulation of regulatory T cells and effector T celles balance in two models of autoimmune diseases

Jacquemin, Clément 22 October 2013 (has links)
Le respect de l’équilibre entre lymphocytes T effecteurs auto-réactifs et lymphocytes T régulateurs (LTreg) est primordial dans le maintien de la tolérance aux antigènes du soi. Les partenaires cellulaires et les mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans la rupture de l’équilibre de cette balance ne sont pas ou peu connus dans les maladies auto-immunes. Ainsi, les travaux décrits dans cette thèse portent sur le dérèglement de la balance T effecteurs/ Treg dans deux modèles de maladies auto-immunes chez l’homme: le lupus érythémateux systémique et l’anémie hémolytique auto-immune (AHAI). Nous montrons une augmentation de l’expression de la molécule de costimulation OX40L (CD252, TNFSF4) à la surface des cellules présentatrices d’antigène circulantes et infiltrant les tissus chez les patients lupiques. Cette augmentation est corrélée à l’activité de la maladie chez l’adulte comme chez l’enfant. Elle a pour conséquence l’induction de lymphocytes T effecteurs de type Tfh (T follicular helper) et le blocage des fonctions suppressives des Treg, deux acteurs majeurs dans la physiopathologie du lupus. Dans le second projet, nous montrons une augmentation de la proportion de T8reg circulants chez les patients affectés d’une AHAI à anticorps chauds en phase de rémission. Ces Treg expriment le CD25, le FoxP3 et exercent leur fonction suppressive par un mécanisme faisant intervenir l’IL10. De faibles doses d’IL-2 permettent l’expansion de cette population cellulaire in vitro. Ces résultats apportent de nouvelles connaissances dans la physiopathologie de ces deux maladies et offrent des perspectives thérapeutiques potentielles. / Respect of the balance between autoreactive T cells and regulatory T cells (LTreg) is important to maintain tolerance to self-antigens. Cellular partners and molecular mechanisms involved in the disruption of this balance are not or little known in autoimmune diseases.Thus, the work described in this thesis focuses on the disruption of the T effector/ Treg balance in two models of human autoimmune diseases: systemic lupus erythematosus and autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA). We show an increased expression of the OX40L (CD252, TNFSF4) costimulatory molecule at the surface of both circulating and tissues-infiltrating antigen presenting cells in SLE patients. OX40L expression is correlated with disease activity in adults and in children and results in Tfh (follicular helper T) effector cells induction and Treg suppressive functions inhibition, two key mechanisms in the pathogenesis of lupus. In the second project, we show an increase of the circulating T8reg proportion in patients with a warm AIHA in a non-active state. These Treg express CD25, FoxP3 and exert their suppressive function by a mechanism involving IL-10. Low-dose IL-2 allows the expansion of this cell population in vitro. These results provide new insights into the pathophysiology of these diseases and offer potential therapeutic perspectives.

Regulation und funktionelle Rolle des murinen Transkriptionsfaktors Foxp3 in T-Zellen

Freyer, Jennifer Sandra Silvia 10 November 2008 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wurde die funktionelle Rolle und Regulation des murinen Transkriptionsfaktor Foxp3 untersucht. Der erste wesentliche Teil zur Analyse der funktionellen Rolle war dabei die Erzeugung einer BAC- transgenen Maus. Hierfür wurde ein Zielgenvektor mit der kodierenden Region des eYFPs und einer dualen Selektionskassette sowie die Methode des ET- Klonierens verwendet. Leider war die homologe Rekombination des Zielgenvektors in den BAC nicht erfolgreich. Es kam zu einer ungeklärten Rekombination mit Fremd- DNS. Die Erzeugung der transgenen Maus wurde nach diesem Ergebnis eingestellt, und es wurde mit einer von unserem Kooperationspartner zur Verfügung gestellten BAC- transgenen Maus weitergearbeitet. Diese Maus, die DEREG- Maus, wurde nach dem gleichen Prinzip erstellt, wie die in dieser Arbeit gestartete transgene Maus, an Stelle des eYFPs trägt die DEREG- Maus die kodierenden Region des GFPs und des Diphtheria- Toxin- Rezeptors. Mit dieser Maus wurden erste Analysen zur Überprüfung der transgenen Maus unternommen. Es wurde die Koexpression von GFP und Foxp3, sowie die Depletion der Foxp3+ T- Zellen mittels Diphtheria- Toxin analysiert. Als nächstes wurde die funktionelle Rolle des Transkriptionsfaktors Foxp3 analysiert. Als einer der ersten Schritte wurde die Stabilität von Foxp3 in vivo überprüft und gezeigt, dass T- Zellen, die das Foxp3- Protein exprimieren, bis zu 14 Tage in vivo stabil sind. Weiterhin wurde die Stabilität der Foxp3- Expression in in vitro Kulturen nach Induktion durch TGF-beta untersucht. Die induzierten Tregs zeigten keine stabile Foxp3- Expression und auch bei der Methylierungsanalyse der TSDR zeigten diese T- Zellen nicht das für ex vivo isolierte Foxp3+ T- Zellen beschriebene Methylierungsmuster. Die Stabilität scheint mit der Demethylierung der TSDR zu korrelieren. Die induzierten Tregs zeigten neben dem nicht stabilen Foxp3- Phänotyp auch eine von der Foxp3- Expression abhängige Suppression von naiven Zellen im in vitro Proliferations- Test. Im dritten Teil der Arbeit wurde die Struktur und Regulation des Transkriptionsfaktors Foxp3 untersucht. Der Lokus wurde auf konservierte Regionen im Vergleich zu den Spezies Maus, Mensch, Ratte, Huhn, Schimpanse, Hund und Frosch untersucht. Die in Floess*, Freyer* et al. (63) gefundenen Region TSDR enthält einen hochkonservierten Bereich. Die Region wurde auf mögliche Transkriptionsfaktor- Bindungsstellen hin analysiert, und ebenfalls wurden in diesem Bereich Histon- Modifikationen für die Acetylierung der Histone H3 und H4, sowie Tri- Methylierung des Lysin4 des Histons H3 gefunden. Die TSDR wurde in Luciferase- Tests auf ihre transkriptionelle Aktivität hin getestet und zeigte einem Enhancer ähnliche unterstützende Aktivität. Die Methylierung der TSDR in den Luciferase- Tests führte zu einer Reduktion der transkriptionellen Aktivität. Deletionsmutanten der TSDR konnten den Bereich für die transkriptionelle Aktivität weiter einschränken und zeigten ein 275pb großes Fragment auf, in welchem viele interessante, mögliche Transkriptionsfaktor- Bindungsstellen und auch die größte Anzahl der differentiell methylierten CpG- Motive liegen. / The aim of the study was to analyze the function and regulation of the transcription factor Foxp3. In a first step we designed a BAC-transgenic mouse with eYFP under the control of the Foxp3 promoter. For creating these mice we use the ET- cloning method. The step of homologous recombination of the target vector into the BAC failed. Because of that, we decided to work in cooperation with the group of Tim Sparwasser from Munich and their BAC- transgenic mouse called DEREG- mouse. This mouse expresses the coding region of eGFP fused to the diphtheria- toxin- receptor under the control of the Foxp3 promoter. Therefore Foxp3+ T cells can be easily detected by eGFP expression and can even be depleted by diphtheria- toxin- application. We confirmed the co- expression of Foxp3 and eGFP and furthermore tested the functionality of the depletion- process of Foxp3+ T cells by treatment with diphtheria- toxin. In a second study, we analyzed the stability of Foxp3 expressing cells in vivo. Therefore we transferred Foxp3+ T cells in syngenic mice and analyzed these cells after 14 days for their Foxp3- expression. Furthermore, we tested the induction of Foxp3 expression through TGF-beta and the suppressive activity of these cells. We also analyzed those cells for their methylation pattern, comparing cells, which showed an induction of Foxp3- expression after one week of culture with TGF-beta to cells, which received TGF-beta for one week and were then restimulated in the absence of TGF-beta. The stability of Foxp3 expression seems to correlate with the demethylated state of the TSDR (Treg Specific Demethylated Region). To get a closer look on the region called TSDR in the murine foxp3 locus, we decided to analyze this region under different aspects. First, we checked for putative binding sites of transcription factors by database analysis of the TSDR. We also analysed histon modifications, such as acetylation of histon H3 and H4 and tri- methylation of lysine 4 at histon3, in this region. Presence of these modifications hinted an epigenetic regulation of Foxp3 involving the TSDR. In a last step, the transcriptional activity of TSDR was tested to delineate whether the TSDR serves as an alternative promoter or acts as a regulative element like an enhancer. Luciferase assays showed that TSDR is a regulative enhancer element, which loses transcriptional activity when methylated. Deletion mutants determined the most important fragment of the TSDR.

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