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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Diritto antidiscriminatorio e interessi religiosi nell' Unione Europea con particolare riguardo agli ordinamenti italiano, francese e britannico

COGLIEVINA, STELLA 03 March 2009 (has links)
La tesi affronta, dal punto di vista giuridico, il tema della discriminazione religiosa. Il primo capitolo ricostruisce l'interpretazione internazionale e comunitaria dei principi di uguaglianza e di non discriminazione, declinati in modo diverso a seconda del momento storico e dell’ordinamento giuridico di riferimento. La ricerca si concentra, successivamente, sull'analisi delle direttive dell'Unione europea contro la discriminazione, adottate nell’anno 2000 (dir. 2000/43 sulla discriminazione razziale e dir. 2000/78 sulla discriminazione nell’ambito del lavoro), che costituiscono strumenti innovativi per gestire l'integrazione e la pacifica convivenza dei diversi gruppi etnici e religiosi che compongono la società europea odierna. Il terzo ed il quarto capitolo esaminano il recepimento delle direttive comunitarie in Italia, in Francia e nel Regno Unito. La comparazione dei diversi approcci al problema della discriminazione razziale/religiosa in sede di attuazione delle direttive evidenzia i differenti orientamenti circa la modalità di risposta da parte degli ordinamenti interni ai problemi della società pluri-religiosa e alle politiche di integrazione e tutela delle minoranze. Ciò nonostante, affiora con chiarezza la comune esigenza di conciliare il rispetto del principio di uguaglianza con le rivendicazioni identitarie e la promozione delle diversità confessionali. / The object of the research is religious discrimination, from a juridical point of view. The first chapter gives an overview of the different interpretations of the concept of equality and non-discrimination in international and European law. In the second chapter the research focuses on the EC directives n. 2000/43 and 2000/78 on racial discrimination and discrimination in the field of employment, which are relevant instruments for promoting integration and equality among the different ethnic and religious groups living in Europe. The other two chapters examine the implementation of the directives in Italy, France and United Kingdom. In these countries there are different approaches to combating discrimination and to dealing with religious diversity and religious needs. For all of them, however, the implementation of antidiscrimination law implies to tackle the problem of finding a balance between the principle of equality and the protection of religious diversity.

Il costo del diniego. Diritto, religione e sistema sanitario nell'esperienza americana tra giurisprudenza e dottrina

GRECO, MARCO 03 March 2010 (has links)
La tesi approfondisce il complesso rapporto tra diritto, religione e sanità nella realtà americana, concentrandosi in particolare sulle problematiche scaturenti dall’orientamento religioso del paziente, del care provider e della struttura sanitaria. La prima sezione si propone di studiare, sempre in chiave giuridica, l’evoluzione del rapporto tra fede e medicina, presentando altresì due casi di studio: i nativi americani e christian science. Nella seconda sezione, invece, si ricostruiscono le linee interpretative essenziali del primo emendamento con specifico approfondimento tanto della Free exercise clause che dalla establishment clause. Parimenti, viene tracciato un disegno di sintesi del sistema sanitario americano, soffermandosi tanto sugli aspetti pubblicistici che su quelli privatistici dello stesso. La ricerca, poi, si sofferma sull’analisi dettagliata delle problematiche evidenziate dalla giurisprudenza americana con riferimento al care receiver, al care provider e, soprattutto, al contenzioso in materia pediatrica. L’ultima parte è dedicata allo sviluppo di due distinti filoni, ovvero: il rapporto tra scienza e diritto ed il ruolo dell’economia. Questo ultimo aspetto viene approfondito sotto due diversi punti di vista. In primo luogo si ricostruisce l’impatto economico delle policy che garantiscono la libertà religiosa sul “sistema sanità”. In secondo luogo, si approfondisce il tema dell’influenza del dato economico sullo sviluppo della libertà religiosa in ambito sanitario. / This work deals with the complex relationship between law, religion and the sanitary system in the U.S. setting, by focusing on the problems emerging from the religious view of the patient, of the care provider and the religious orientation of the hospital or HMO. The first section of the work aims to study, from a legal point of view, the evolution of the relationship “medicine-religion”, and focuses on two case studies: native Americans and Christian science. In the second section the essential interpretative streamlines about the first amendment are presented, through a deep analysis of the Free Exercise Clause and of the Establishment Clause. At the same time, the American (U.S.) sanitary system is deeply studied both in the private sector and the public one. The research then focuses on a detailed analysis of the jurisprudence related to the care provider and the care receiver, while a specific section is dedicated to the litigation concerning pediatric patients and the related litigation cases. The last part develops two different subjects: the relationship between science and law, and the role of economy. This last subject is deeply analyzed under two different points of view: the economic impact of the religious freedom on the “sanitary system” on the one hand; and the influence of the economic data on the development of religious freedom in the health care system setting on the other.

Pier Vittorio Tondelli: Letteratura Minore e Scrittura dell'Impegno Sociale

Gastaldi, Sciltian 20 March 2014 (has links)
Abstract This thesis illustrates the social engagement in the literary writings of Pier Vittorio Tondelli, an Italian gay author whose works have been described by many Catholic, Materialists, and gay critics as frivolous and disengaged. The dissertation summarizes the mutation of the Italian literary concept of impegno from Neorealism to Postmodernism, through a selection of the texts of Elio Vittorini, Italo Calvino, Franco Fortini, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Leonardo Sciascia, and Umberto Eco. It shows how Tondelli’s interpretation of the role of the writer falls within the definitions given by Calvino and Eco. Moreover, the thesis demonstrates that Altri libertini and Pao Pao satisfy the characteristics of littérature mineure established by Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, though Tondelli’s oeuvre is socially engaged instead of being politically engaged because of his lack of a political ideology. The dissertation highlights the core of Tondelli’s social commitment in his passionate defense of the outcasts in: Altri libertini where drug addicts, homosexuals, transsexuals, and bums are the protagonists; Pao Pao where a group of gay soldiers is described in its grotesque and camp attempt to “homosexualize” their barrack; Rimini where the Riviera Adriatica is portrayed as a place where everyone passes by and no one belongs; Camere separate through the love story of a gay couple in which one partner has to survive his lover’s death, due to an illness that is demonstrated in this thesis to be AIDS, while fighting against the homophobia of their families, institutions, society, and religion. Most of Tondelli’s socially excluded characters are introduced to the reader through an internal homodiegetic point of view. Another important component of Tondelli’s impegno is his open defense of both pop-culture and counter-cultures: gay, hippies, rockers, experimental theatre, street artists and alternative radio, which are central in all his writings.

Pier Vittorio Tondelli: Letteratura Minore e Scrittura dell'Impegno Sociale

Gastaldi, Sciltian 20 March 2014 (has links)
Abstract This thesis illustrates the social engagement in the literary writings of Pier Vittorio Tondelli, an Italian gay author whose works have been described by many Catholic, Materialists, and gay critics as frivolous and disengaged. The dissertation summarizes the mutation of the Italian literary concept of impegno from Neorealism to Postmodernism, through a selection of the texts of Elio Vittorini, Italo Calvino, Franco Fortini, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Leonardo Sciascia, and Umberto Eco. It shows how Tondelli’s interpretation of the role of the writer falls within the definitions given by Calvino and Eco. Moreover, the thesis demonstrates that Altri libertini and Pao Pao satisfy the characteristics of littérature mineure established by Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, though Tondelli’s oeuvre is socially engaged instead of being politically engaged because of his lack of a political ideology. The dissertation highlights the core of Tondelli’s social commitment in his passionate defense of the outcasts in: Altri libertini where drug addicts, homosexuals, transsexuals, and bums are the protagonists; Pao Pao where a group of gay soldiers is described in its grotesque and camp attempt to “homosexualize” their barrack; Rimini where the Riviera Adriatica is portrayed as a place where everyone passes by and no one belongs; Camere separate through the love story of a gay couple in which one partner has to survive his lover’s death, due to an illness that is demonstrated in this thesis to be AIDS, while fighting against the homophobia of their families, institutions, society, and religion. Most of Tondelli’s socially excluded characters are introduced to the reader through an internal homodiegetic point of view. Another important component of Tondelli’s impegno is his open defense of both pop-culture and counter-cultures: gay, hippies, rockers, experimental theatre, street artists and alternative radio, which are central in all his writings.

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