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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Statutory civil remedies in trade mark litigation

Kelbrick, R. (Roshana) 06 1900 (has links)
Little attention is paid to the civil remedies available when infringement of a trade mark or the right to goodwill occurs. Yet, for the owners of ~uch rights, these remedies are of much greater importance than theoretical considerations regarding the nature of the rights or what constitutes their infringement. This thesis analyses the civil remedies for trade mark infringement granted by the South African Trade Marks Act 194 of 1993. In the South African context, any consideration of civil remedies is rendered problematic by the attempted graft of English remedies onto a legal system with a different common-law background. It is, therefore, essential first to trace the English origin and application of these remedies, and then to determine whether each remedy is acceptable in terms of the South African common law. This is necessary, as our courts have previously rejected or adapted English remedies which were unknown to our common law but which Parliament introduced in legislation. The remedies of interdict (or injunction) in final and interlocutory form, compensatory damages, reasonable royalties, and delivery up are analysed from a substantive law and a procedural perspective. The procedural innovation of an inquiry as to damages is also considered. In respect of each remedy, (1) the English roots and development of the remedy are traced; (2) differences of approach in two other Commonwealth jurisdictions, Australia and Canada, are highlighted; (3) the development of the South African equivalent is detailed; and (4) suggestions for the future implementation of the remedy in South Africa are made. In the penultimate chapter, our common law and legislation (including the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa 108 of 1996 ) are measured against the requirements of the Agreement on Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS). Recommendations for the effective utilization of each remedy in South Africa are then made. They include suggestions for legislative amendment in respect of delivery up and an inquiry as to damages, and the introduction of statutory damages as an further civil remedy. / Mercentile Law / LL. D. (Laws)

Recurso especial: a extensão de seus efeitos e a atuação do Superior Tribunal de Justiça no caso concreto

Brazil, Renato Caldeira Grava 29 January 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-02-08T11:19:38Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Renato Caldeira Grava Brazil.pdf: 1284504 bytes, checksum: 779775534dd4171a121a2fe55cd85278 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-02-08T11:19:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Renato Caldeira Grava Brazil.pdf: 1284504 bytes, checksum: 779775534dd4171a121a2fe55cd85278 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-01-29 / The role of the Superior Court of Justice is of undoubted importance in the Brazilian judicial structure, particularly in relation to standardizing Brazilian case law and providing guidance to the lower courts in the form of precedents. However, the Court's pronouncements do not always, in practice, lead to the desired legal security. In the light of that reality, this study examines the history behind the establishment of the Superior Court of Justice and the introduction of the so-called "Special Appeal" (recurso especial), analyzing the formalities inherent to this form of appeal (including the stringent prerequisites to admissibility) and the peculiarities of the manner in which the appeals are tried before the court. These aspects of the Special Appeal have given rise to considerable debate. Some of of the practical ramifications of these aspects are addressed in this study. The author examines the manner in which the admissibility of Special Appeals is decided upon and the means of challenging a denial of leave to proceed. In relation to the merits of the case, the study considers the effects of lodging a Special Appeal, in particular the scope of the examination by the Court (the efeito devolutivo) and the extent to which the court can draw on extraneous matters such as public policy issues (the efeito translativo). These are, in effect the two aspects that delimit the role of the Superior Court. We then examine in detail the way in which the Superior Court has dealt with the issues submitted to it, in terms of form (the orders made), time (and timing) and the limits of intervention of the Court in its rulings on Special Appeals / É inquestionável a relevância da atuação do Superior Tribunal de Justiça, em especial por seu caráter de uniformizador jurisprudencial e orientação de decisões através de seus precedentes, na estrutura judiciária brasileira. A segurança que a atuação da Corte deveria transparecer, porém, nem sempre é verificada na prática. Por isso, o presente trabalho abordará brevemente a história de criação do Superior Tribunal de Justiça e do recurso especial, abordando as formalidades desse modelo de impugnação, como o modo particular de processamento e os exigentes requisitos de admissibilidade, que geram muitas vezes questões controversas na prática, algumas delas aqui tratadas. A partir da admissibilidade, expõe-se como é feito tal juízo e os meios de impugnação quando negativo. No mérito, exploraram-se os efeitos do recurso especial, em mais detalhes o devolutivo e o translativo, que são efetivamente aqueles que norteiam os limites de atuação da Corte Superior. Por fim, o trabalho trata exatamente da atuação do Superior Tribunal de Justiça nos recursos a ele remetidos, com relação à forma, momento e limites de sua intervenção no julgamento do recurso especial

Aspekte van skadevergoeding by gebruiksverlies

Brand, Christiaan Burger 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Text in Afrikaans / In the recent decision in Kellerman v South African Transport Services 1993 4 SA 872 (C) a claim for the loss of the use of a thing not utilised in the production of income was apparently allowed for the first time in South African law. A number of strict requirements were however set for such a claim. For a considerable time a claim has been recognised in English and German law even where a substitute was not hired and where the article was used for pleasure purposes. It is submitted that this should also be the position in South African law because the loss of the use of a thing per se has an independent value. It is further submitted that the interest on capital value method (as per English law) can be used as starting-point in the determination of quantum. A degree of flexibility is necessary to ensure fairness and equity. / In die onlangse beslissing in Kellerman v South African Transport Services 1993 4 SA 872 (K) is daar klaarblyklik die eerste maal in die Suid-Afrikaanse reg 'n eis om skadevergoeding weens gebruiksverlies van 'n saak wat nie in die produksie van inkomste gebruik is nie erken. Die hof stel egter 'n aantal streng vereistes vir so 'n eis. 'n Eis word al 'n geruime tyd in die Engelse en Duitse reg erken selfs waar 'n substituut nie gehuur is nie en waar sake bloot vir plesierdoeleindes gebruik is. Daar word submitteer dat dit ook die posisie in die Suid-Afrikaanse reg behoort te wees aangesien gebruiksverlies opsigself 'n selfstandige waarde het. Dit word verder aangevoer dat die rente-op-kapitaalwaarde-metode (soos in die Engelse reg) gebruik kan word as 'n uitgangspunt by kwantumbepaling. Ter wille van redelikheid en billikheid behoort die maatstaf 'n mate van buigsaamheid te he. / Private Law / LL. M.

Statutory civil remedies in trade mark litigation

Kelbrick, R. (Roshana) 06 1900 (has links)
Little attention is paid to the civil remedies available when infringement of a trade mark or the right to goodwill occurs. Yet, for the owners of ~uch rights, these remedies are of much greater importance than theoretical considerations regarding the nature of the rights or what constitutes their infringement. This thesis analyses the civil remedies for trade mark infringement granted by the South African Trade Marks Act 194 of 1993. In the South African context, any consideration of civil remedies is rendered problematic by the attempted graft of English remedies onto a legal system with a different common-law background. It is, therefore, essential first to trace the English origin and application of these remedies, and then to determine whether each remedy is acceptable in terms of the South African common law. This is necessary, as our courts have previously rejected or adapted English remedies which were unknown to our common law but which Parliament introduced in legislation. The remedies of interdict (or injunction) in final and interlocutory form, compensatory damages, reasonable royalties, and delivery up are analysed from a substantive law and a procedural perspective. The procedural innovation of an inquiry as to damages is also considered. In respect of each remedy, (1) the English roots and development of the remedy are traced; (2) differences of approach in two other Commonwealth jurisdictions, Australia and Canada, are highlighted; (3) the development of the South African equivalent is detailed; and (4) suggestions for the future implementation of the remedy in South Africa are made. In the penultimate chapter, our common law and legislation (including the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa 108 of 1996 ) are measured against the requirements of the Agreement on Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS). Recommendations for the effective utilization of each remedy in South Africa are then made. They include suggestions for legislative amendment in respect of delivery up and an inquiry as to damages, and the introduction of statutory damages as an further civil remedy. / Mercentile Law / LL. D. (Laws)

O regime do recurso de agravo a partir das alteraçãoes introduzidas pela lei 11.187/2005

Ana Luiza Duarte Pires de Castro 26 January 2011 (has links)
O direito processual civil é um ramo dinâmico do direito que busca ajustar-se às mudanças da sociedade e tem o fito de, pacificamente, solucionar os litígios que a ela se apresentam. Nesse norte, em virtude de estar sempre em busca de prestar uma tutela jurisdicional mais eficaz, o legislador pretendeu, através da edição da Lei 11.187/2005 - a qual disciplina o novo regime do recurso de agravo, dar maior celeridade processual. Para tanto, restringiu o uso do agravo de instrumento (caput do artigo 522 do CPC) e suprimiu o direito de recorrer em algumas situações específicas (parágrafo único do artigo 527 do CPC). Mediante o advento da Lei reformadora, o recurso de agravo sofreu substancial modificação. Por exemplo, pode-se citar a forma retida do agravo que passou a ser regra, sendo exceção a forma instrumental. Esta somente é cabível, conforme art. 522, caput do CPC, quando se tratar de decisão suscetível de causar à parte lesão grave e de difícil reparação, bem como nos casos de inadmissão da apelação e nos relativos aos efeitos em que a apelação é recebida. Por conseguinte, a lei reformadora do agravo inova, transferindo a lesão grave e de difícil reparação para outro patamar hierárquico, sustentador de uma nova ótica recursal em sede de decisões interlocutórias. Sendo assim, caberá ao julgador fazer a análise de cada caso para verificar a presença ou não dos novos requisitos exigidos pelo artigo 522 do CPC; caso contrário, o relator converterá o agravo de instrumento em retido, consoante estabelece a nova redação do artigo 527, inciso II do CPC. Já não bastasse, a nova Lei suprimiu, no parágrafo único do artigo 527 do CPC, a previsão de recurso quando a decisão do relator for pautada com base nos incisos II e III do mencionado artigo, ferindo, por conseguinte, princípios constitucionais. Neste interregno, o temário em estudo pretende avaliar as principais repercussões introduzidas no caput do art. 522 e o inciso II do artigo 527 e seu parágrafo único, todos do CPC, cujas introduções foram inseridas pela Lei 11.187/2005 / Civil Procedural Law is a Laws dynamic field, division that searches adjusting itself to societys changes and aims at solving peacefully the disputes, Lawsuits that are reported to it. In this sense, and as a result of being it always seeking providing a more effective jurisdiction protection, legislator has intended, through Federal Law 11.187/2003 edition, which regulates the interlocutory decisions appeal new regime, intended it may be repeated imparting a greater celerity to procedural ways. In this perspective, he has circumscribed the interlocutory decision appeal (CPCs 522nd Article Caput) and has restrained the appealing right under some specific situations (CPCs 527th Article unique paragraph with the reforming Law arrival, the interlocutory decisions appeal has suffered a substantial modification. As for instance, one may, mention the interlocutory appeal retained form that has become a true rule, while the instrumental form is considered an exception the last one is only appropriate, as per the Civil Process Codes Caput 522nd Article, in front of a decision susceptible to cause, a serious harm, at the same time little susceptible to the appeal and in those ones concerning the effects which the interlocutory decisions appeal is received in. Therefore, the interlocutory decisions appeal reforming Law innovates, transferring the serious harm and the difficult reparation one to other hierarchical stairhead, a new appealing optics sustainer in interlocutory decisions headquarters. Therefore, it will be up to the judge making his analysis concerning each case, in particular, in order to ascertain presence or absence that are required by CPCs 522nd Article, for on the contrary case, the author of the report will convert, the retained interlocutory decisions appeal, according to CPCs 527th Article II incise new redaction establishment. Moreover, new Law has suppressed, in CPCs 527th Article unique paragraph, the interlocutory decisions appeal, when the relators decision will be, guided on the basis upon the above-mentioned Article IInd and IIIrd incises, harming, consequently, constitutional principles in the meantime, the topic under studying aims at evaluating the principal repercussions introduced in 522nd Article Caput and in 527th Article IInd incise and its unique paragraph, all of them concerning the CPC which introductions in have been inserted by 11.187th/2005 Law

Assessing the duty to exhaust internal remedies in the South African law

Madebwe, Tinashe Masvimbo January 2007 (has links)
Since the incorporation of the separation of powers doctrine into the South African Constitution, the problem has arisen that, each of the three tiers of government, the Executive, the Judiciary and the Legislature, has sought to protect exclusive jurisdiction over matters that fall within what constitutes that tier's own realm of authority. The effects of this are especially apparent in the field of dispute resolution in administrative law. The administration is predominantly the province of the Executive, and to a lesser extent, the Legislature. Thus, the acceptability of judicial review in dispute resolution and generally, the intrusion by the Judiciary in matters of the administration is perennially questioned and challenged by both the Executive and the Legislature. In this context, the duty to exhaust internal remedies assumes a pivotal role. It offers a compromise, by prescribing qualified exclusion of judicial review as a first port of call for dispute resolution while simultaneously entrusting initial dispute resolution to the administration. Often, this approach yields tangible results, but from a constitutional and fundamental rights perspective, the duty to exhaust internal remedies is problematic. Its exclusion of judicial review goes against, not only the right of access to court in section 34 of the Constitution, but also the rule of law, to the extent that the rule of law allows for the challenging, in court, of illegal administrative action as soon as it is taken. This thesis analyses the constitutionality of the duty to exhaust internal remedies in section 7(2) of the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act by assessing the consistency of section 7(2) of the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act with the right of access to court in section 34 of the Constitution. The thesis initially examines the origins and historical development of the duty to exhaust internal remedies in the English law, and the subsequent adoption of the duty to exhaust internal remedies into the South African common law for the purpose of interpreting and comprehending the duty to exhaust internal remedies as it is appears in section 7(2) of the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act. Ultimately, the study focuses on and identifies the deficiencies in the current approach to the question of the constitutionality of section 7(2) of the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act, and offers suggestions on how the law might be developed.

Relief from oppressive or prejudicial conduct in terms of the South African Companies Act 71 of 2008

Swart, Willem Jacobus Christiaan 25 August 2020 (has links)
This thesis critically examines the statutory unfair prejudice remedy provided for in section 163 of the Companies Act 71 of 2008 (‘the Act’). Section 163 is evaluated against its equivalents in England, Australia and Canada. Section 163 is considered against its predecessors to determine whether problems associated with the formulation and application of its predecessors have now been eradicated. It is argued that although it is important to ensure that company legislation is able to provide protection of an international standard to shareholders to be able to attract capital investment in a competitive market, one has to be cautious of slavishly following legislative trends in foreign jurisdictions. The South African legislature indiscriminately incorporated only parts of the Canadian unfair prejudice remedy in section 163. This approach also resulted, amongst others, in the introduction of foreign concepts. The legislature further failed to take cognisance of the unique historical developments relating to the unfair prejudice remedy in South Africa. This has led to the reintroduction of problems experienced with previous formulations of the statutory unfair prejudice remedy in South Africa and left certain problems relating to the interpretation and application of the statutory unfair prejudice remedy unresolved. Consideration is also given to the interrelationship between section 163 and some of the statutory remedies in the Act. Section 163 is also assessed in the context of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996. In conclusion, recommendations for possible legislative amendments are made and an interpretational framework for the interpretation and application of the statutory unfair prejudice remedy in section 163 is provided. / Mercantile Law / LL. D. (Mercantile Law)

O regime do recurso de agravo a partir das alteraçãoes introduzidas pela lei 11.187/2005

Castro, Ana Luiza Duarte Pires de 26 January 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-01T18:18:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao_ana_luiza.pdf: 1455576 bytes, checksum: ada08a0ec8bd241a38de472e754bff8c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-01-26 / Civil Procedural Law is a Law s dynamic field, division that searches adjusting itself to society s changes and aims at solving peacefully the disputes, Lawsuits that are reported to it. In this sense, and as a result of being it always seeking providing a more effective jurisdiction protection, legislator has intended, through Federal Law 11.187/2003 edition, which regulates the interlocutory decisions appeal new regime, intended it may be repeated imparting a greater celerity to procedural ways. In this perspective, he has circumscribed the interlocutory decision appeal (CPC s 522nd Article Caput) and has restrained the appealing right under some specific situations (CPC s 527th Article unique paragraph with the reforming Law arrival, the interlocutory decisions appeal has suffered a substantial modification. As for instance, one may, mention the interlocutory appeal retained form that has become a true rule, while the instrumental form is considered an exception the last one is only appropriate, as per the Civil Process Code s Caput 522nd Article, in front of a decision susceptible to cause, a serious harm, at the same time little susceptible to the appeal and in those ones concerning the effects which the interlocutory decisions appeal is received in. Therefore, the interlocutory decisions appeal reforming Law innovates, transferring the serious harm and the difficult reparation one to other hierarchical stairhead, a new appealing optics sustainer in interlocutory decisions headquarters. Therefore, it will be up to the judge making his analysis concerning each case, in particular, in order to ascertain presence or absence that are required by CPC s 522nd Article, for on the contrary case, the author of the report will convert, the retained interlocutory decisions appeal, according to CPC s 527th Article II incise new redaction establishment. Moreover, new Law has suppressed, in CPC s 527th Article unique paragraph, the interlocutory decisions appeal, when the relator s decision will be, guided on the basis upon the above-mentioned Article IInd and IIIrd incises, harming, consequently, constitutional principles in the meantime, the topic under studying aims at evaluating the principal repercussions introduced in 522nd Article Caput and in 527th Article IInd incise and its unique paragraph, all of them concerning the CPC which introductions in have been inserted by 11.187th/2005 Law / O direito processual civil é um ramo dinâmico do direito que busca ajustar-se às mudanças da sociedade e tem o fito de, pacificamente, solucionar os litígios que a ela se apresentam. Nesse norte, em virtude de estar sempre em busca de prestar uma tutela jurisdicional mais eficaz, o legislador pretendeu, através da edição da Lei 11.187/2005 - a qual disciplina o novo regime do recurso de agravo, dar maior celeridade processual. Para tanto, restringiu o uso do agravo de instrumento (caput do artigo 522 do CPC) e suprimiu o direito de recorrer em algumas situações específicas (parágrafo único do artigo 527 do CPC). Mediante o advento da Lei reformadora, o recurso de agravo sofreu substancial modificação. Por exemplo, pode-se citar a forma retida do agravo que passou a ser regra, sendo exceção a forma instrumental. Esta somente é cabível, conforme art. 522, caput do CPC, quando se tratar de decisão suscetível de causar à parte lesão grave e de difícil reparação, bem como nos casos de inadmissão da apelação e nos relativos aos efeitos em que a apelação é recebida. Por conseguinte, a lei reformadora do agravo inova, transferindo a lesão grave e de difícil reparação para outro patamar hierárquico, sustentador de uma nova ótica recursal em sede de decisões interlocutórias. Sendo assim, caberá ao julgador fazer a análise de cada caso para verificar a presença ou não dos novos requisitos exigidos pelo artigo 522 do CPC; caso contrário, o relator converterá o agravo de instrumento em retido, consoante estabelece a nova redação do artigo 527, inciso II do CPC. Já não bastasse, a nova Lei suprimiu, no parágrafo único do artigo 527 do CPC, a previsão de recurso quando a decisão do relator for pautada com base nos incisos II e III do mencionado artigo, ferindo, por conseguinte, princípios constitucionais. Neste interregno, o temário em estudo pretende avaliar as principais repercussões introduzidas no caput do art. 522 e o inciso II do artigo 527 e seu parágrafo único, todos do CPC, cujas introduções foram inseridas pela Lei 11.187/2005

Remedies for dissenting shareholders : a comparison of the current option of personal action and the proposed appraisal remedy under the companies bill of 2008

Adebanjo, Adetoun Teslimat 11 1900 (has links)
Thesis / The Companies Bill B61-2008 proposes to introduce appraisal rights into South African law. Appraisal entitles a shareholder to demand payment from the corporate issuer of his shares at a fair cash value in certain instances where major transactions which would change the company's direction have been proposed. It allows a cash exit rather than being coerced into supporting the majority's decision. Arriving at a fair share value is a challenge to appraisal. Presently, under the Personal action, a shareholder who opines that the company's act or omission is unfairly prejudicial or that its affairs are conducted in an unfairly prejudicial manner, may apply to court for an appropriate order. It enables the minority to challenge the majority's decision. Both remedies will be available to dissenting shareholders under the new dispensation and a shareholder must decide which remedy best suits his purposes. Appraisal should be seen as a last resort. / Law / LL.M. (Corporate Law)

Remedies van 'n versekeraar in geval van wanvoorstelling en waarborgbreuk deur 'n versekerde

Visser, Hendrik Matthys Pieter 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Text in Afrikaans / In die skripsie word gekyk na die remedies van 'n versekeraar by wanvoorstelling (nie-openbaring) en waarborgbreuk deur 'n versekerde en veral die beperking van die versekeraar se kansellasiereg. Die klem sal egter val op die remedies by waarborgbreuk omdat versekeraars veel meer daarop steun. Die volgende voorstelle word gemaak. 'n Kansellasiereg behoort in die geval van wanvoorstelling (nie-openbaring) nie verleen te word as die versekeraar nogtans, met kennis van die ware feite, sou kontrakteer nie. By verbreking van bevestigende waarborge behoort 'n kansellasiereg toegestaan te word as die waarborgbreuk die betrokke versekeraar se berekening van die risiko redelikerwys geraak het maar nie as die versekeraar nogtans sou kontrakteer nie. By voortdurende waarborge behoort kansellasie beskikbaar te wees as die waarborgbreuk die skade redelikerwys veroorsaak het. 'n Skadevergoedingseis behoort beskikbaar te wees waar 'n versekeraar nie kan of wil kanselleer nie. / The remedies of an insurer, in the event of misrepresentation (non-disclosure) and breach of warranty by an insured are discussed, particularly limiting the insurer's right to cancel. The emphasis is on the remedies applicable to breach of warranty because insurers use these more frequently. The following solutions are suggested. An insurer should not be allowed to cancel in the event of misrepresentation (nondisclosure) if it would still have concluded the contract, knowing the truth. In the event of affirmative warranties a right to cancel should be available if breach of warranty reasonably affected the particular insurer's assessment of the risk, but not if the contract would still have been concluded. In the event of promissory warranties, cancellation should only be available if breach of warranty reasonably caused the loss. A claim for damages should be available if an insurer can not or does not wish to cancel. / Private Law / LL.M.

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