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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Proatherosklerotische Wechselwirkung von oxidativem Stress, Low-Density-Lipoprotein, Angiotensin II und Endothelin-1 in humanen Endothelzellen

Catar, Rusan Ali 20 July 2007 (has links)
Eine der häufigsten kardiovaskulären Erkrankungen ist die Atherosklerose. Bei der Entstehung einer Atherosklerose spielt eine Hyperlipoproteinämie eine entscheidende Rolle. Ein weiterer Faktor für die Entstehung kardiovaskulärer Erkrankungen ist ein hoher Blutdruck. In dieser Arbeit wurde eine mögliche Interaktion zwischen Lipoproteinen und den blutdruckregulierenden Endothelin- und Renin-Angiotensin-Systemen untersucht. Weiterführende Analysen erfolgten an Rezeptoren für die Aufnahme von nLDL und oxLDL. Abschließend wurden Signalwege untersucht, die durch nLDL und oxLDL aktiviert werden. Tierexperimentielle Untersuchungen in Aorten und Herzen fettreich gefütterter Wildtyp- Mäuse unterstützen die Zellkultur-Ergebnisse einer Induzierung des Endothelin-Systems durch erhöhte Lipoproteine. Zusammenfassend zeigt diese Arbeit neue Mechanismen der Interaktion von Lipoproteinen und blutdruckregulierenden Systemen in Endothelzellen. Die Rezeptoren scheinen dabei eine Schlüsselrolle zu spielen. Dies spricht für eine Potenzierung von Hyperlipoproteinämie und Hypertonie bei der Entstehung von Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen.

Investigations of Renin-Angiotensin Aldosterone System (RAAS) genes in hypertrophy in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) founder families

Cloete, Ruben Earl Ashley 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScMed)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), an autosomal dominant disorder, hypertrophy is variable within and between families carrying the same causal mutation, suggesting a role for modifier genes. Associations between left ventricular hypertrophy and left ventricular pressure overload suggested that sequence variants in genes involved in the Renin-Angiotensin Aldosterone System (RAAS) may act as hypertrophy modifiers in HCM, but some of these studies may have been confounded by, amongst other things, lack of adjustment for hypertrophy covariates. To investigate this hypothesis, twenty one polymorphic loci spread across six genes (ACE1, AGT, AGTR1, CYP11B2, CMA and ACE2) of the RAAS were genotyped in 353 subjects from 22 South African HCM-families, in which founder mutations segregate. Genotypes were compared to 17 echocardiographically-derived hypertrophic indices of left ventricular wall thickness at 16 segments covering three longitudinal levels. Family-based association was performed by quantitative transmission disequilibrium testing (QTDT), and mixed effects models to analyse the X-linked gene ACE2, with concurrent adjustment for hypertrophy covariates (age, sex, systolic blood pressure (BP), diastolic BP, body surface area, heart rate and mutation status). Strong evidence of linkage in the absence of association was detected between polymorphisms at ACE1 and posterior and anterior wall thickness (PW and AW, respectively) at the papillary muscle level (pap) and apex level (apx). In single-locus analysis, statistically significant associations were generated between the CYP11B2 rs3097 polymorphism and PW at the mitral valve level (mit) and both PWpap and inferior wall thickness (IW)pap. Statistically significant associations were generated at three AGTR1 polymorphisms, namely, between rs2640539 and AWmit, rs 3772627 and anterior interventricular septum thickness at pap and rs5182 and both IWpap and AWapx. Furthermore, mixed effects model detected statistically significant association between the ACE2 rs879922 polymorphism and both posterior interventricular septum thickness and lateral wall thickness at mit in females only. These data indicate a role for RAAS gene variants, independent of hypertrophy covariates, in modifying the phenotypic expression of hypertrophy in HCM-affected individuals. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hipertrofiese kardiomiopatie (HCM), ‘n autosomale dominante afwyking, toon hoogs variërende hipertrofie binne en tussen families wat dieselfde siekte-veroorsakende mutasie het, hierdie dui op die moontlike betrokkenheid van geassosieerde modifiserende gene. Assosiasies tussen linker ventrikulêre hipertrofie en linker ventrikulêre druk-oorlading stel voor dat volgorde variasies in gene betrokke in die Renin-Angiotensin Aldosteroon Sisteem (RAAS) mag optree as hipertrofie modifiseerders in HCM. Sommige van hierdie soort studies is egter beperk omdat hulle nie gekompenseer het vir kovariante van hipertrofie nie. Om hierdie hipotese te ondersoek, is die genotipe bepaal by een-en-twintig polimorfiese lokusse, verspreid regoor ses RAAS gene (ACE1, AGT, AGTR1, CYP11B2, CMA and ACE2), in 353 kandidate vanuit 22 Suid-Afrikaanse HCM-families in wie stigter mutasies segregeer. Genotipes was vergelyk met 17 eggokardiografies afgeleide hipertrofiese indekse van linker ventrikulêre wanddikte by 16 segmente wat oor drie longitudinale vlakke strek. Familie-gebaseerde assosiasies was bestudeer deur kwantitatiewe transmissie disequilibrium toetsing (QTDT) en gemengde effek modelle om die X-gekoppelde geen ACE2 te analiseer, met gelyktydige kompensasie vir hipertrofie kovariate (ouderdom, geslag, sistoliese bloed druk (BP), diastoliese BP, liggaamsoppervlak area, hartritme en mutasie-status). Sterk indikasies van koppeling in die afwesigheid van assosiasie is waargeneem tussen ACE1 lokusse en posterior wanddikte (PW) asook anterior wanddikte (AW) by die papillêre spier vlak (pap) en die apeks vlak (apx). In enkel-lokus analises is statisties-betekenisvolle assosiasies gevind tussen die CYP11B2 rs3097 polimorfisme en PW by die mitraalklep vlak (mit) en beide die PWpap en inferior wanddikte (IW)pap. Statisties-betekenisvolle assosiasies was verder gevind by drie AGTR1 polimorfismes, naamlik, tussen rs2640539 polimorfisme en AWmit, rs3772627 en die anterior interventrikulêre septumdikte (aIVS) by die pap en rs5182 by beide die IWpap en AWapx. Gemengde-effek modelle het verder assosiasies aangetoon tussen die ACE2 rs879922 polimorfisme en die posterior interventrikulêre septumdikte en die laterale wanddikte by die mit, slegs in vrouens. Hierdie data dui op ‘n kovariaat-onafhanklike rol vir RAAS genetiese variante in die modifisering van die fenotipiese uitdrukking van hipertrofie in HCM-geaffekteerde individue.

Einfluss des Angiotensin-II-Rezeptorantagonisten Valsartan auf die chronische Nierentransplantat-Insuffizienz der Ratte / Influence of angiotensin-II-receptor blockade with Valsartan on chronic allograft nephropathy in rats

Brookman-Amissah, Dominic January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
In der vorliegenden Untersuchung wurde der Einfluss des AT1-R -Antagonisten Valsartan auf die Nierenfunktion bei nierentransplantierten Ratten mit der Fragestellung analysiert, ob eine Langzeittherapie mit diesem Wirkstoff einen positiven Effekt auf die Nierenfunktion entfaltet und sich somit sein Einsatz gegen die Entwicklung einer chronischen Transplantatnephropathie empfiehlt. Die über den gesamten Versuchszeitraum gegenüber der allogenen Kontrollgruppe signifikant erhöhten Urinvolumina stellen allein kein Indiz für eine bessere Nierenfunktion unter Therapie mit Valsartan dar. Dieses Ergebnis ist am ehesten durch Veränderungen der glomerulären Hämodynamik post transplantationem zu erklären. Wie nunmehr in mehreren tierexperimentellen Untersuchungen und klinischen Patientenstudien nachgewiesen worden ist, zeigt sich auch in der Synopsis der eigenen Befunde ein signifikant günstigerer Verlauf des Serumkreatinins, des Serum-BUN, der Kreatinin-Clearance sowie der Proteinurie unter Blutdrucksenkung mit dem AT1-R-Antagonisten Valsartan. An einigen Zeitpunkten der Studie waren die Ergebnisse allerdings statistisch nicht signifikant. Eine positive Wirkung auf die Transplantatfunktion und auf das Langzeitüberleben der Versuchstiere ist anzunehmen, ist aber in dieser Studie nicht weiter verfolgt worden. Eine Untersuchung mit einer größeren Anzahl von Versuchstieren und über einem längeren Versuchzeitraum hin scheint sinnvoll, um signifikante Unterschiede zwischen den Kontrollgruppen und der Versuchgruppe unter Valsartan zu belegen. Die im Vergleich zu den Kontrollgruppen geringere Entwicklung des Körpergewichts hatte bei der o.g. Fragestellung keine Relevanz. Wie in zahlreichen klinischen Studien für die Progredienz des chronischen Nierenversagens seit längerem eindrucksvoll belegt ist, scheint eine pharmakologische Blockade des RAAS auch einen protektiven Effekt auf die Entstehung einer chronischen Transplantatnephropathie zu entfalten. Die eigene Untersuchung liefert hinreichend Belege für diese Vermutung. Auch wenn in einzelnen Studien über negative Auswirkungen einer Blockade des RAAS auf die Transplantatfunktion berichtet worden ist, gibt es genügend Anhaltspunkte für einen günstigeren Verlauf nach Transplantation sowohl in Tierversuchen als auch für den transplantierten Patienten. Das allmähliche Fortschreiten der chronischen Transplantatnephropathie kann damit allerdings nicht ganz aufgehalten werden. Somit bleibt trotz dieser erfolgversprechenden experimentellen Ergebnisse nach Organtransplantation durch diese neuen Therapieansätze (Immunsuppressiva, RAAS-Blockade, Plasmapherese u.a.) die chronische Transplantat-Abstoßung immer noch ein therapeutisch fortbestehendes Problem. Weitere Untersuchungen über die Zusammenhänge immunologischer sowie nicht-immunologischer Ursachen einer chronischen Transplantatnephropathie und eine Optimierung der Immunsuppression sind deshalb auch weiterhin dringend erforderlich. / In spite of the new immunosuppressive drug therapies used in renal transplants, chronic rejection continues to be a major cause of graft dysfunction after the first posttransplant year. This so called chronic allograft nephropathy is characterized by a slow but variable decrease in renal function appearing months or years after transplantation, is often accompanied or proceded by proteinuria ans hypertension and does not respond to immunosuppressive therapy. In our study we could show that posttransplant therapy with the angiotensin-II-receptor antagonist Valsartan improves chronic renal allograft nephropathy in Lewis rats. A similar effect on long-term survival of human kidney transplants can be supposed. Nevertheless further investigations have to be done in oder to understand all immunologigal and non immunological mechanisms of renal chronic rejection and to improve therapies.

Die Kommunikation zwischen Aldosteron, dem humanen Mineralokortikoidrezeptor und der cAMP/CRE - Signalkaskade / The communication between Aldosterone, the human mineralocorticoid receptor and the cAMP/CRE signal pathway

Wuttke, Martin January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Doktorarbeit über den Einfluss von Aldosteron auf den intrazellulären Betarezeptorsignalweg. Erklärungsansatz für profibrotische Effekte von Aldosteron. / Dissertation about the influence of aldosterone on the intracellular beta receptor pathway. Proposal for a mechanism by which aldosterone may act profibrotic.

Efeitos do ramipril sobre a doença periodontal induzida experimentalmente em ratos

Akashi, Ana Paula 26 February 2016 (has links)
A doença periodontal (DP) corresponde a um grupo de doenças inflamatórias que acomete as estruturas periodontais de proteção e de suporte e pode levar à perda dentária. A etiologia está relacionada à placa dentobacteriana que leva à produção de grande quantidade de citocinas pró-inflamatórias importantes na destruição tecidual. A angiotensina (Ang) II também pode contribuir para a inflamação e destruição tecidual no periodonto agindo como mediador chave. A utilização de drogas que atuem na cascata do sistema renina-angiotensina (SRA) poderia interferir no estado de saúde ou inflamação do tecido mole, na perda óssea alveolar e na expressão gênica dos componentes do SRA e mediadores inflamatórios. Portanto, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi investigar se o ramipril, um inibidor da enzima conversora de angiotensina (ECA), altera a progressão da DP induzida experimentalmente em ratos. Foi utilizado o modelo de indução da DP por colocação de ligadura ao redor do primeiro molar inferior direito de ratos. Os grupos com 10 animais cada, foram divididos em tratados com ramipril (via gavagem 10 mg/kg/dia) ou água (veículo) durante 14 e 21 dias e o grupo Sham submetido à indução fictícia da DP. Outros quatro grupos foram submetidos ao pré-tratamento com ramipril durante os períodos de 7 e 14 dias e após a indução da DP e tratados por 14 ou 21 dias. As metodologias de avaliação foram: extração de RNA total, transcrição reversa seguida de reação em cadeia da polimerase quantitativa (RTqPCR), análises histológica e da perda óssea alveolar. Os dados foram analisados por meio de gráficos e os resultados foram submetidos à análise unidirecional de variância (ANOVA) e representaram médias e respectivos desvios-padrão. Diferenças entre os grupos foram consideradas estatisticamente significativas quando p < 0,05. Com base nos resultados obtidos pode-se concluir que o ramipril foi capaz de reduzir a progressão da perda óssea no grupo tratado por 21 dias (DP-21d-Rami), entretanto houve aumento do processo inflamatório, além de alteração da expressão de RNAm de ECA-2 e do receptor Mas, alguns mediadores do processo inflamatório, como COX2 e VEGF, e os receptores VEGF-R1 e VEGF-R2. / Periodontitis (PD) consists of a group of inflammatory diseases that affect the protecting and supporting periodontal structures, and may lead to tooth loss. The etiology is related to the dentobacterial plaque that produces a large amount of proinflammatory cytokines with an important action on tissue destruction. Angiotensin (Ang) II may also contribute to the inflammation and periodontal tissue destruction by acting as a key mediator. The use of drugs that affect the cascade of the reninangiotensin system (RAS) might interfere with the healthy or inflammatory status of the soft tissue, alveolar bone loss and gene expression of RAS components and inflammatory mediators. Therefore, the aim of this work was to evaluate whether ramipril, an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor, alters the progression of experimentally-induced PD in rats. The model of PD induction by placement of a silk ligature around the right lower first molar was used. Groups with 10 animals each were divided into ramipril-treated (10 mg/kg/day, via gavage), water (vehicle) and the sham surgery group (sham) for 7 or 14 days previously to PD induction and after this period the drug was administered for 14 and 21 days. The techniques employed were: total RNA extraction, reverse transcription followed by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) as well as histological and alveolar bone loss analyses. Data were analyzed by means of graphs and the results submitted to unidirectional analysis of variance (ANOVA) and represent the means with respective standard deviations. Differences between groups were considered statistically significant when p < 0.05. Based on the results obtained in this work, it was concluded that ramipril was able to reduce the progression of alveolar bone loss in the group treated for 21 days (DP-21d-Rami), however, there was an increase in the inflammatory process, besides altering the expression of ACE-2, Mas receptor and some inflammatory mediators such as COX2, VEGF and the receptors VEGF-R1 and VEGF-R2.

O sistema renina-angiotensina na doença periodontal induzida experimentalmente em ratos / The renin-angiotensin system in experimentally-induced periodontal disease in rats

Lima, Marta da Cunha 18 August 2011 (has links)
A doença periodontal (DP) compreende um grupo de lesões que afetam os tecidos periodontais de proteção (gengivite) e suporte (periodontite), envolvendo a participação de células residentes, células estruturais e mediadores inflamatórios. Pesquisa recente do nosso laboratório mostrou a existência de um Sistema Renina-Angiotensina (SRA) local no tecido gengival de ratos e sugeriu que o SRA possa ter participação na DP. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a se o SRA está envolvido na iniciação e na progressão da DP induzida experimentalmente em ratos. Para tanto, foi utilizado modelo de indução da DP por colocação de ligadura, por 7 e 14 dias, ao redor do primeiro molar inferior de ratos e tratamento destes animais com drogas que afetam o SRA [losartan (50 mg/Kg/dia), alisquireno (30 mg/Kg/dia) ou enalapril (10 mg/Kg/dia)]. Foram realizadas técnicas de análise da perda óssea alveolar, reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) quantitativa e imunoistoquímica. Após a coleta, os dados foram devidamente analisados por meio de gráficos e tabelas, sendo utilizada ANOVA a 2 e 3 critérios e adotado nível de significância de 5%. Em nível protéico, houve aumento significativo da maioria dos componentes do SRA (p<0,05) na DP. A renina apresentou aumento nos tratamentos com losartan, alisquireno e enalapril tanto nos animais sham (cirurgia fictícia de indução da DP) quanto nos animais com DP, aos 7 e 14 dias, e não apresentou marcação no grupo controle (água), demonstrando efeito dependente dos tratamentos farmacológicos. Na DP houve aumento dos componentes AT1 (aos 7 e 14 dias), AT2 (aos 7 dias) e enzima conversora da angiotensina (ECA; aos 7 e 14 dias) nos grupos tratados com losartan, alisquireno e enalapril. Também houve aumento de imunomarcação nos animais com DP para AT2 (aos 14 dias) e ECA (aos 14 dias) em animais do grupo controle. Em relação à expressão gênica, houve aumento da expressão de RNAm nos animais com DP para o receptor AT2 no grupo controle (aos 7 e 14 dias), e nos animais tratados com losartan ou enalapril (aos 7 dias). Houve aumento da expressão de RNAm para a ECA nos animais com DP tratados com losartan e enalapril (aos 7 dias), e controle (aos 14 dias). O tratamento por 14 dias com as drogas losartan ou alisquireno, mas não com enalapril, foi capaz de diminuir significativamente a perda óssea alveolar (p<0,05). Portanto, pode-se concluir que o SRA está envolvido na iniciação e na progressão da DP induzida experimentalmente em ratos. / Periodontal disease (PD) comprises a group of lesions that affect protection (gingivitis) and support periodontal tissues (periodontitis) involving the participation of resident and structural cells as well as inflammatory mediators. Recent research in our laboratory showed the existence of a local gingival renin-angiotensin system (RAS), and suggested that it might participate in PD. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate whether the RAS is involved in the initiation and progression of the experimentally-induced PD in rats. For this purpose, a model of ligature placement, for 7 and 14 days, around the lower first molar in rats, and the treatment of such animals with drugs that affect the RAS [losartan (50 mg/Kg/day), aliskiren (30 mg/Kg/day) or enalapril (10 mg/Kg/day)] were employed. The following techniques were performed: alveolar bone loss analysis, quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction and immunohistochemistry. Data were collected, organized in tables and graphs, and submitted to 2 and 3 way ANOVA with significance level established at 5%. In the protein level, there was a significant increase in the majority of the RAS components in PD. Immunolocalization for renin increased when animals were treated with losartan, aliskiren or enalapril, for 7 and 14 days, in both sham (fictitious surgery for PD induction) and PD animals, whereas the control group (water) had no staining, demonstrating a drug-related effect. In animals with PD treated with losartan, aliskiren or enalapril there was an increase in staining for AT1 (at 7 and 14 days), AT2 (at 7 days) and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE; at 7 and 14 days). There was also increased staining in PD animals for AT2 (at 14 days) and ACE (at 14 days) in the control group. As far as genic expression, there was an increase in mRNA expression for AT2 in control animals with PD (at 7 and 14 days), and in the animals treated with losartan or enalapril (at 7 days). There was an increase in mRNA for ACE in animals with PD treated with losartan or enalapril (at 7 days) as well as control rats (at 14 days). Treatment for 14 days with losartan or aliskiren, but not enalapril, significantly decreased alveolar bone loss (p<0.05). Therefore, one can conclude that the RAS is involved in the initiation and progression of the experimentally-induced PD in rats.

Estudo da estimulação crônica dos receptores  &#946;-adrenérgicos na função e morfologia renal e na ativação do sistema renina-angiotensina intrarrenal. / Study of chronic activation of &#946;-adrenergic receptors on renal function and morphology and on activation of the intrarenal renin-angiotensin system.

Ponte, Mariana Charleaux de 31 October 2016 (has links)
O aumento da atividade do Sistema Nervoso Simpático e a estimulação crônica dos receptores &#946;-adrenérgicos (&#946;-AR) estão associados a diversas patologias que acometem o sistema cardiovascular. Entretanto, ainda não estão evidenciados os efeitos da hiperatividade &#946;-AR no tecido renal. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi investigar os efeitos da ativação crônica &#946;-AR na função e morfologia renal, bem como na expressão do SRA intrarrenal. Os experimentos revelaram que o tratamento com ISO não alterou a pressão arterial, mas induziu hipertrofia cardíaca. ISO reduziu a perfusão glomerular e aumentou a FF, mas não alterou a morfologia renal. Nos estudos de qPCR, ISO aumentou a expressão de RNAm para renina, angiotensinogênio, ECA1, AT1, Nox 4, p22phox, NFB, IL-1&#946;, TGF-&#946; e Bax no córtex. Em conclusão, a ativação crônica &#946;-AR alterou a hemodinâmica renal, sugeriu ativação do SRA intrarrenal e aumento na geração de espécies reativas de oxigênio, o que justifica o aumento da expressão de RNAm para moléculas pró- inflamatórias, pró-fibróticas e pró-apoptóticas. / The increased activity of the Sympathetic Nervous System and the chronic stimulation of &#946;-adrenergic receptors (&#946;-AR) are associated to several pathologies that affect the cardiovascular system. However, the effects of &#946;-AR hyperactivity on renal tissue have not been evidenced yet. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of chronic &#946;-AR activation on renal function and morphology, as well as on intrarenal RAS expression. The experiments revealed that ISO treatment did not alter blood pressure, but induced cardiac hypertrophy. ISO reduced glomerular perfusion and increased FF, but did not alter renal morphology. In the qPCR studies, ISO increased the mRNA expression for renin, angiotensinogen, ECA1, AT1, Nox4, p22phox, NFB, IL-1&#946;, TGF-&#946; and Bax in the cortex. In conclusion, chronic &#946;-AR activation altered renal hemodynamics, suggested activation of intrarenal RAS and increased generation of reactive oxygen species, which justifies the increase of mRNA expression for pro-inflammatory, pro-fibrotic and pro- apoptotic molecules.

O sistema renina-angiotensina como potencial alvo terapêutico na hidrocefalia experimental. Estudo comportamental, histológico e imunoistoquímico / The renin-angiotensin system as a potential therapeutic target in experimental hydrocephalus. Behavioral, histological and immunohistochemical study

Brandão, Ricardo Andrade 16 May 2018 (has links)
Introdução: as alterações fisiológicas e estruturais causadas pela hidrocefalia podem reduzir o fluxo sanguíneo cerebral e aumentar a atividade glial como consequência dos efeitos nocivos da isquemia e têm sido amplamente associadas a deficiência no desenvolvimento motor e a problemas cognitivos. Objetivos: avaliamos pela primeira vez os efeitos de captopril e da losartana potássica na hidrocefalia experimental e mensuramos possíveis efeitos neuroprotetores através de análise comportamental, histológica e imunoistoquímica. Materiais e métodos: ratos Wistar de 7 dias de vida (n=40) foram selecionados para compor os grupos controle (n=10); hidrocefálicos tratados com salina (n=10); hidrocefálicos tratado com captopril (n=10) e hidrocefálicos tratados com losartana potássica (n=10). Os dados foram colhidos através de testes comportamentais (teste de campo aberto, labirinto aquático de Morris e avaliação da atividade espontânea), histoquímica (coloração por hematoxilina-eosina e solocromo-cianina) e testes imunoistoquímicos (imunomarcação para GFAP e para Caspase-3) a fim de mensurar os efeitos de drogas. Resultados: os animais hidrocefálicos tratados com captopril apresentaram maior ganho de peso comparado aos outros animais hidrocefálicos, maior desempenho em atividades motoras espontâneas e melhor desempenho no labirinto aquático de Morris, enquanto os animais hidrocefálicos tratados com losartana potássica apresentaram melhores resultados na avaliação morfológica, reduzindo a densidade de astrócitos reativos na substância branca periventricular. Conclusão: o sistema renina-angiotensina apresentou um grande potencial de ação farmacológica para reduzir o dano neurológico na hidrocefalia experimental e possui grandes possibilidades de se tornar uma via de tratamento adjuvante para hidrocefalia. / Introduction: physiological and structural changes induced by hydrocephalus can reduce cerebral blood flow and increase glial activity as a consequence of the harmful effects of ischemia and have been extensively associated with motor developmental impairment and cognitive problems. Aim: we evaluated for the first time the effects of captopril and losartan in experimental hydrocephalus and measured possible neuroprotective effects through behavioral, histological and immunohistochemical analysis. Methods: Wistar rats of 7 days of life (n = 40) were selected to compose the control groups (n = 10); hydrocephalic treated with saline (n = 10); hydrocephalic treated with captopril (n = 10) and hydrocephalic treated with losartan (n = 10). The data were collected through behavioral tests (open field test, Morris aquatic labyrinth, and evaluation of spontaneous activity), histochemistry (hematoxylin-eosin staining and solochrome-cyanine) and immunohistochemical tests (immunostaining for GFAP and Caspase-3) in order to measure the effects of drugs. Results: hydrocephalic animals treated with captopril presented greater weight gain compared to other hydrocephalic animals, higher performance in spontaneous motor activities and better performance in the Morris water labyrinth, while hydrocephalic animals treated with losartan potassium showed better results in the morphological evaluation, reducing the density of reactive astrocytes in the periventricular white matter. Conclusion: the renin-angiotensin system presented a great potential for pharmacological action to reduce neurological damage in experimental hydrocephalus and has great possibilities of becoming an adjuvant treatment route for hydrocephalus.

Ativação de vias de sinalização de hipertrofia cardíaca pelo receptor de angiotensina II após uma sessão de exercício de força / Activation of signaling pathways of cardiac hypertrophy by angiotensin II receptor after a session of strength exercise

Melo, Stephano Freitas Soares 07 December 2009 (has links)
O receptor de angiotensina II tipo I (AT1) tem uma participação importante no desenvolvimento de hipertrofia cardíaca (HC). Anteriormente, demonstramos que o receptor AT1 participa da hipertrofia cardíaca induzida pelo treinamento de força em ratos (Baraúna, et. al., 2008). Com isso, nosso objetivo foi estudar a participação do receptor AT1 na sinalização intracelular relacionada com a HC em ratos submetidos a uma sessão de exercício de força (SEF). Para isso, realizamos um experimento com seis grupos de animais: controle (CO), exercitado e sacrificado 5 minutos após o exercício (Exe 5), exercitado e sacrificado 30 minutos após o exercício (Exe 30), controle Losartan (CO Los), tratado com losartan, exercitado e sacrificado 5 minutos após o exercício (Exe 5 Los), tratado com losartan, exercitado e sacrificado 30 minutos após o exercício (Exe 30 Los). O protocolo de exercício consistiu de 4 séries de 12 repetições com intervalo de 1min e 30s entre as séries, estímulo de 10-15v, 0,3s de duração e 4s de intervalo entre cada repetição com uma sobrecarga de 80% de 1RM. Os resultados mostram que no grupo Exe 5 e Exe 30 ocorreu um aumento na fosforilação da proteína AKT, enquanto a fosforilação da mTor e da ERK 1/2 foram aumentadas somente no grupo Exe 30, sendo estes efeitos bloqueados pelo uso do losartan nos grupos Exe 5 Los e Exe 30 Los. Para a proteína JNK, P38 e p70S6K não foram observadas nenhuma diferença entre os grupos. Esses resultados, juntamente com dados anteriores do nosso laboratório, demonstram que o receptor AT1 tem participação na ativação da AKT, mTOR e ERK 1/2 após uma SEF / The angiotensin II type I (AT1) receptor has an important participation in the development of cardiac hypertrophy (CH). Previously, we showed that AT1 receptor participates in the cardiac hypertrophy induced by resistance training in rats (Barauna, et. al., 2008). We studied AT1 receptor signaling pathways related to the CH in rats submitted to a session of strength exercise (SRE). We used male Wistar rats randomly divided into six groups: control (CO), exercised and sacrificed 5 minutes after training (Ex 5); exercised and sacrificed 30 minutes after exercise (Ex 30); control treated with Losartan (Co Los); treated with Losartan, exercised and sacrificed 5 minutes after exercise (Ex 5 Los); treated with Losartan, exercised and sacrificed 30 minutes after exercise (Ex 30 Los). The exercise session consisted of 4 sets of 12 repetitions with an interval of 1min and 30s among sets, stimulation of 10-15v, 0.3 in length and 4s in between repetitions with an work (80% of 1RM). The results show that in Exe 5 and Exe 30 groups acurred an increase in protein phosphorylation of AKT, whereas the phosphorylation of mTOR and ERK 1/2 were increased only in Exe 30 group. These effects were blocked by the use of losartan in Exe 5 Los and Exe 30 Los groups. Protein JNK, p70S6K and p38 expression was not differente among groups.These results, together with our previous data show that the AT1 receptor has a role in the activation AKT/mTOR and ERK 1/2 signaling pathway after a SRE

\"Caracterização funcional de vias formadoras de angiotensina II em carótidas de ratos\" / Role of elastase-2, an angiotensin converting enzyme, in carotid of rats.

Becari, Christiane 06 February 2004 (has links)
Uma atividade funcional para uma via alternativa de geração de angiotensina II, como a elastase-2 foi sugerida em estudos realizados anteriormente em nosso laboratório no leito arterial mesentérico isolado de rato. No presente estudo, caracterizamos com o uso de substratos e inibidores seletivos a presença de via alternativa de geração de Ang II, independente da ECA, em carótida de ratos. Determinamos ainda a expressão do RNAm da elastase-2 nesta preparação arterial. Em anéis isolados de carótida de ratos analisamos o efeito vasoconstritor dos peptídeos Ang II, Ang I, TDP, [Pro11-D-Ala12]-Ang I (um substrato resistente a ECA) na ausência e presença de inibidores de proteases. Ang II e seus precursores produziram efeito vasoconstritor dependente da concentração em carótidas de ratos, de forma sensível ao losartan (1 M). Na presença de captopril (10 M) a resposta vasoconstritora produzida pela Ang I foi inibida, mas a resposta contrátil induzida pelo TDP e [Pro11-D-Ala12]-Ang I não foi alterada. Na presença de quimostatina (100 M) o efeito produzido pelo TDP e [Pro11-D-Ala12]-Ang I foi abolido enquanto que a curva cumulativa de Ang I foi significativamente deslocada para a direita. Inibidor Ac-AAPL-CK (seletivo para elastase-2) aboliu completamente a resposta contrátil induzida pelo PDA e não alterou o efeito vasoconstritor da Ang II. Na presença de captopril e quimostatina a resposta vasoconstritora dos peptídeos Ang I, TDP e [Pro11-D-Ala12]-Ang I foram inibidas, enquanto a resposta contrátil da Ang II não foi alterada em artéria carótida. A presença de RNAm da elastase-2 na carótida, juntamente com os dados funcionais apresentados aqui sugerem a participação desta enzima na via alternativa de geração de Ang II em carótidas de ratos. Embora a formação de Ang II a partir Ang I seja descrita como essencialmente dependente da ECA, nossos resultados sugerem a existência de vias alternativas de geração de Ang II sensível a quimostatina e Ac-AAPL-CK em artéria carótida de ratos. Muito provavelmente a elastase-2 seja a enzima responsável pela geração de Ang II nessa preparação. / We have recently described a chymostatin-sensitive elastase-2 as the major angiotensin (Ang) II-forming enzyme in the perfusate of rat mesenteric arterial bed (MAB). In the present study we investigated the role of this enzyme in generating Ang II in the isolated rat carotid artery rings by analyzing the vasoconstrictor effect of Ang II, Ang I, tetradecapetide renin-substrate (TDP), [Pro11-D-Ala12]-Ang I (an ACE-resistant substrate) in the absence and presence of proteases inhibitors. Ang II and its precursors produced a dose-dependent vasoconstrictor effect in vascular preparation that was blocked by losartan (1 M). In carotid rings, captopril (10M) abolished the responses induced by Ang I but did not affect those induced by TDP and [Pro11-D-Ala12]-Ang I. In the presence of chymostatin (100 M) alone, the effects induced by [Pro11-D-Ala12]-Ang I and TDP were abolished while the concentration-response curve to Ang I was shifted to the right. Ac-AAPL-CK (selective elastase-2 inhibitor) inhibited the responses induced by [Pro11-D-Ala12]-Ang I but did not affect Ang II-induced effects. In the presence of captopril and chymostatin, the vasoconstrictor effects of Ang I, TDP, and PDA were completely blocked while those induced by Ang II were not affected in rat artery carotid. Although Ang II formation from Ang I is essentially dependent on ACE in carotid artery, our results suggest the existence of an alternative chymostatin-sensitive pathway in rat arteries, most probably involving elastase-2.

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