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Hushållens vattenanvändning i Göteborg : Statistisk studie utifrån utomhustemperatur, byggår och socioekonomisk påverkan / Household water use in Gothenburg : Statistical study analyzing impacts of outdoor temperature, building year and socio-economicfactorsMahmoudi, Nazanin January 2017 (has links)
Enligt Världshälsoorganisationen, WHO, behöver människan använda minst 20 liter vatten per dag (Reed & Reed, 2013). I Sverige är vattenanvändningen ca 160 liter per person och dygn i hushållet (Svenskt vatten, 2016) och ungefär 87 % av Sveriges befolkning är anslutna till det kommunala vatten- och avloppsledningsnätet (SCB, 2016a). Dricksvattnet i Sveriges används bl.a. till mat, tvätt och toalettspolning. Svenskt Vattens riktlinjer för den dimensionerande vattenanvändningen baseras på bl.a. publikationen P83:s dimensionering av svenska vatten- och spillvattensystem. Dimensioneringen ger specifik vattenanvändning samt maxdygn- och maxtimfaktorer för sambanden mellan medelvattenanvändningen per dygn och vattenanvändningen maximalt under ett dygn respektive en timme vid dimensioneringen. I denna studie har påverkan av utomhustemperatur, byggår och socioekonomiska aspekter på vattenanvändningen undersökts. Områden i Göteborg som har undersökts är Hisingen, Centrum samt Östra delen av Göteborg. Dessa grupper och områden har även bl.a. statistiskt undersökts med hjälp av korrelations- och signifikansanalys. På grund av personuppgiftslagen har främst personer över 15 år inkluderats i studien, men även vissa underåriga. Med hjälp av data från Göteborgs Energi AB har dimensioneringsparametrar för områden och grupper kunnat beräknas. Bl.a. visades att medelinkomst oftast var den variabel med signifikant korrelation med dimensioneringsparametrarna. Ett annat resultat var att låginkomsttagare var gruppen med störst specifik vattenanvändning och maxdygnsfaktor. Centrum och Östras vattenanvändning visade signifikant korrelation med utomhustemperaturen år 2013 och 2014. Maxdygnsfaktor och maxtimfaktor (dygn) och maxtimfaktor (år) förefaller vara lämpliga parametrar som kan användas i framtida dimensioneringsberäkningar. / According to the World Health Organization, a human being has to use at least 1-3 liters of water a day (Reed & Reed, 2013). In Sweden, water use in households is about 160 liters per person and day in the household (Svenskt vatten, 2016) and around 87 % of the Swedish population are connected to the municipal water and sewage networks (SCB, 2016a). The drinking water in Sweden is used for many purposes, for example cooking, laundry and toilet flushing. Swedish guidelines for the dimensioning of the water networks is based on the publication P83 dimensions of Swedish water- and wastewater systems. The dimensioning guidelines give maximum day factor and maximum hour factor in relation to mean water usage per day and also one day and one day hour usage maximums. The effects of outdoor temperature, building year and socio-economic characteristics on water usage were investigated in this study. Areas of Gothenburg such as Hisingen, Centrum and Östra were studied. These areas and also specific groups in these areas have also been statistically studied through correlation, significance tests and confidence interval investigation. Due to the Swedish personal record law, children under the age of 16 were included in the study but with a modification. The water use for addresses were obtained from Göteborgs Energi AB. Data quality was ensured before statistical analysis thorough data review and analysis. The study’s result showed that the mean income was usually the only variable with significant correlation with the dimensioning parameters. The low-income group was shown to have the highest specific water usage and maximum day factor. Centrum and Östra’s had significant correlation between water use outdoor temperature during 2013 and 2014. Maximum day factor and maximum hour factor (day) and maximum hour factor (year) were suitable parameter to be used for future water usage calculations.
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The role of intergovernmental relations in the implementation of social housing in Gauteng ProvinceMadisha, Makota 18 January 2021 (has links)
South Africa has a social housing delivery problem, where, despite all mechanisms, efforts
and resources (including policies, enabling legislation and social housing production
inputs such as planning regimes, guidelines and strategies, funding, land, buildings and
human resources put in place by the government), the pace of social housing delivery is
not at a point where it is measurably satisfactory across all spheres of government. There
exists between the three spheres of government an intergovernmental relations
framework for implementing social housing policy. The performance of government
shows a lack of institutionalized arrangements, coordination, and alignment in the day to-day operations of the three spheres of government in implementing social housing
policy. It is for this reason that this study assessed the current intergovernmental
relations operational system in the delivery of social housing units in Gauteng Province.
A mixed-methods research approach was implemented for this study based in
methodological pragmatism, phenomenology, and positivism. The researcher conducted
interviews with senior managers and administered research questionnaires with
operational staff within the National, Provincial and Local spheres of government which
included City of Tshwane, City of Johannesburg and Ekurhuleni Metropolitan
municipalities in Human Settlements Departments, state agencies involved in the delivery
of social housing units such as the Social Housing Regulatory Authority and municipal
entities such as the Housing Company Tshwane, the Johannesburg Social Housing
Company and the Ekurhuleni Social Housing Company. Private and non-governmental
social housing institutions, such as the Yeast City Housing and Mannapendlo Social
Housing Organisation were also included. The data were complemented by documentary
content analysis, including review of annual reports, strategic human settlements plans,
policies and legislation pertaining to the provision of housing, human settlements, and
social housing.
This study assessed the functioning of the three spheres of government in relation to the
implementation of social housing policy in Gauteng Province. The three spheres of
government are regarded as equally important institutions for the development of
sustainable human settlements, and a sound relation between the three spheres of
government must be maintained in order to achieve successful development and
management of social housing. The research found evidence of poor coordination and
alignment, and no integration of social housing related activities and functions between
the three spheres of government. There are major risks, such as financial risk, financial
planning, and project implementation risks experienced at local government level. The
study identified challenges faced by the three spheres of government and state agencies
in the implementation of social housing policy in Gauteng Province. The challenges
included slow release of land for social housing development, uncoordinated and
unplanned social housing delivery in the province.
In addition, the study identified other input factors that impact negatively on the supply
of social housing units which cut across all spheres of government such as political
mandates, legislation, policies, strategies, plans, targets, priorities, information
technology and administrative and financial constraints. The study presented and
recommended social housing delivery model for Gauteng Province. The proposed model
has the probability of providing an understanding of the relations between government
departments, state agencies, social housing institutions, intergovernmental relations
structures at national, provincial and local government level, non-governmental
organizations, and community based organizations, so as to ensure there is vertical and
horizontal alignment to improve and fast track the delivery of social housing in Gauteng
Province. / Public Administration and Management / D. Phil (Public Administration)
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Hodnocení systému prevence a pomoci osobám ohrožených ztrátou bydlení v České republice / Evaluation system of prevention and assistance to persons at risk of losing their homes in the Czech RepublicKšandová, Pavlína January 2015 (has links)
This thesis covers the main problems related to loss of housing in the context of the institutional setting in the Czech Republic. The aim of this thesis is explaining the institutional setup of the system of prevention and help people / households that are at risk of losing housing and evaluate the system in terms of the possibility of prevention of social exclusion.The introductory part describes the characteristics of the key concepts in housing policy in relation to social housing and various approaches to social housing in selected countries (Sweden, Germany, Great Britain). The thesis focuses on the institutional analysis of the existing legal framework and possible solutions to the current housing shortage (welfare, social work, social services). In the research part of this thesis a case study of Louny municipality has been chosen as a model sample of resolving the current shortage of housing. Results of the analysis had been confronted and evaluated by perspective of people solving housing problems and relevant social workers working with poor people. In the end of the thesis, a SWOT analysis is delivered identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the system.
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