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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ein Vorschlag zur Spezifikation von Fachkomponenten auf der Administrations-Ebene

Fettke, Peter, Loos, Peter 11 October 2001 (has links) (PDF)
In dem Ansatz zur Spezifikation von Fachkomponenten von Turowski werden verschiedene Aspekte der Spezifikation von Fachkomponenten nicht umfassend berücksichtigt. Dabei handelt es sich insbesondere um Informationen, die Einkäufer sowie Verkäufer von Fachkomponenten benötigen, um ihre Aufgaben ordnungsgemäß und sachgerecht durchführen zu können. Um derartigen Aspekten bei der Spezifikation von Fachkomponenten Rechnung zu tragen, wird in diesem Beitrag eine Administrations-Ebene zur Spezifikation eingeführt. Die Administrations-Ebene umfasst Merkmale zur betriebswirtschaftlich-organisatorischen Handhabbarkeit und Verwaltung von Fachkomponenten. Im Einzelnen werden einerseits betriebswirtschaftlich-semantische Merkmale und andererseits technische Merkmale sowie schließlich sonstige Merkmale von Fachkomponenten unterschieden. Zur Spezifikation dieser Merkmale wird ein XML-basierter Vorschlag unterbreitet. Der Vorschlag wird kritisch diskutiert. Abschließend wird ein Entwick-lungspfad für den von Turowski entwickelten Spezifikationsansatz präsentiert.

Aspekte des Technischen Betriebs eines Repository-Servers

Ziegler, Christoph 06 June 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Es werden Erfahrungen und Hinweise vermittelt, die für das Einrichten sowie den Betrieb eines Repository-Servers beachtet werden sollten. Eingeschlossen sind Hinweise zur technischen Ausstattung, Datensicherung, Technologie sowie die Anforderungen aus dem DINI-Zertifikat 2007.

Channel Preference of Knowledge Sourcing

Zhang, Yiwen January 2008 (has links)
Knowledge is the critical success factor for organizations to compete in the contemporary business world. Organizations that can make full use of their collective expertise and knowledge are likely to be more innovative, efficient and effective in the marketplace. With the development of advanced information and communication technology, organizations are undertaking various knowledge management initiatives to augment traditional ways of knowledge transfer. This dissertation intended to understand how various factors influence knowledge workers' knowledge sourcing behavior in the multimodal knowledge network. More specifically, our research question is: How do task characteristics, knowledge characteristics and individual characteristics influence knowledge workers' channel preferences during their knowledge sourcing activities?We built a knowledge sourcing preference model which predicts knowledge workers' preferences among various knowledge channels. We identified eight important antecedents from a wide spectrum of task characteristics, knowledge characteristics, and individual characteristics. We also identified three representative knowledge sourcing channels: face-to-face communication with colleagues, knowledge repositories, and discussion forums. We developed eight hypotheses on how each of the antecedent influence channel preferences.We tested our hypotheses through a survey we conducted in an international information technology company. Out of the eight hypotheses, the hypotheses on the influences from knowledge codifiability, knowledge volatility, extroversion/introversion dimension of the personality, and reciprocation wariness are supported. The hypotheses on the influences from task interdependency and task urgency are partially supported. The hypotheses on the influences from task routineness and expertise are not supported.This study furthers our understanding of knowledge workers' knowledge sourcing behavior in a multimodal knowledge network. The results of this study help organizations understand the advantages and disadvantages of various sourcing channels under certain circumstance of tasks, knowledge, and individuals. With this understanding, organizations will be able to have reasonable expectations on the utilization of knowledge transfer approaches, and to improve the effectiveness of the knowledge transfer initiatives. This will enable the organizations to cultivate environments or design systems to develop the types of channels to accommodate the preferences of knowledge workers with various combinations of tasks, knowledge and individual characteristics.

Bridging the gap : finding the processes to adapt a repository-based knowledge management system to the knowledge intense sales organization at IBM Nordic

Backman, David, Åkerfeldt, Jonas January 2007 (has links)
For knowledge intense companies the knowledge and skills of its employees are much more valuable than any physical assets. To share knowledge between its employees, some companies launch knowledge sharing initiatives which aims to spread best practices and increase the expertise of the employees. These initiatives are often supported by technical systems, repositories, which store the information that is to be shared. This report discusses how the value of such a repository, a Wiki containing reference cases of SOA projects at IBM Nordic, can be increased by using processes that aims to better connect it to the organization. To do this, seven employees at IBM Nordic were interviewed. Four of them were sales people, the main user group of the Wiki. Two were employees at the SOA Acceleration Team, the group responsible for the Wiki. The last interviewee works at Learning and Knowledge, IBM’s internal department for organization-wide knowledge management and education. The answers were analyzed using a framework created using academic theory. This framework consists of four different areas of requirements for the processes connecting the Wiki to the organization. The analysis showed that for IBM the most important area to manage is enablement followed by governance, motivation and finally content. The report is concluded with recommendations for five processes to connect the Wiki to the organization. The process Internal selling aims to inform the sales people about the existence of the Wiki and how they are to use it. Ensure search engine compatibility makes sure that the sales people are able to find the contents of the Wiki via the intranet based search engines. The process for adding a new case description ensures that new case descriptions which are added to the Wiki is consistent and contains the right kind of information. By validating the case information that is added to the Wiki the acceleration team verifies that the information is correct, increasing its credibility. In the last process, ensure information congruence, the members of the acceleration team updates the guidelines on what information to collect and the information in the Wiki as the information need of the sales people changes. This is done on a regular basis and ensures that the information that is collected and stored is actually useful.

Mokymosi objektų informacinės sistemos sudarymas ir tyrimas / Development and analysis of learning objects information system

Undžys, Augustinas 16 July 2008 (has links)
Mokymosi objektų informacinė sistema yra internetu paremta programa, kuri gali būti naudojama mokymosi objektų saugojimui, ieškojimui, skirstymui. Šios sistemos veikia kaip mokymosi objektų saugyklos, kurios tiekia nuorodas į puslapius su mokymosi medžiaga, kuri atitinka paieškos kriterijus. Pagrindiniai mokymosi objektų informacinės sistemos naudotojai yra studentai, moksleiviai, dėstytojai, mokytojai ir pan., kurių poreikiams patenkinti sukurta sistema su efektyvia, lengva ir paprasta mokymosi objektų paieška, jų panaudojimu, naujų mokymosi objektų įkėlimu, mokymosi objektų dalinimosi galimybe su kitais vartotojais. Mokymosi objektų informacinė sistema įgyvendina svarbiausias mokymosi objektų charakteristikas: pasiekiamumas, operacinis suderinamumas, pritaikomumas, pakartotinis naudojimas, ilgaamžiškumas. Informacinės sistemos veikimui naudojamos technologijos – HTTP serveris (Apache), taip pat duomenų bazės serveris (MySQL). Šios sistemos naudojimui ir veikimui reikalingas internetinis ryšys. Sukurta mokymosi objektų informacinė sistema – tai mokymosi objektų saugykla, pateikianti struktūrizuotą ir organizuotą informaciją visiems, kurie studijuoja, mokosi ir domisi mokslu. / Learning object information system is a Web application based system, which can be used as a learning object repository, search engine, or a learning object distributor. These programs work like learning object repositories which provides links to the web sites with learning material. Other repositories store learning objects in their own database. A learning object is a resource, usually digital and web-based, that can be used and re-used. The main users of learning object system are students, teachers, instructors and so on. This system was designed with an easy learning object search system, with their reusability, new learning objects creation and distribution with other users. The system is built using these technologies: PHP programming language, MySQL database system, Apache web server, HTML (hypertext markup language). This system works with internet connection. This learning objects information system is a learning objects repository which produces structured and organized information for those who are studying, learning and interested in education.

Lietuvių kalbos tekstynų saugojimas naudojant reliacines duomenų bazes / Lithuanian language corpus storage using relational database systems

Šadauskas, Marius 15 June 2011 (has links)
Šiame darbe analizuojamos trys egzistuojančios tekstynų sistemos. Lietuvių kalbos tekstyno paieška sukurta su Lucene paieškos sistema, vokiečių tekstyno lietuviškų tekstų paieška sukurta MySQL pagrindu, bei britų nacionalinio tekstyno paieška sukurta su Xaira programine įranga. Plačiau aprašomas šių sistemų indeksavimo ir paieškos veikimas. Taip pat Fedora ir DSpace repozitoriumų sistemos, kurios buvo išbandytos ir palygintos tarpusavyje. Nei viena iš egzistuojančių sistemų neturi galimybės indeksuoti morfologiškai žymėtus tekstynus ir atlikti paiešką juose, todėl pasiūlomas prototipinis tekstyno sistemos sprendimas, kuris leistų tai atlikti. Tekstynai saugomi XML dokumentuose ir yra morfologiškai sužymėti TEI P5 formatu. Prototipinė sistema leidžia atlikti paiešką pagal konkretų žodį, pagal pagrindinę žodžio formą - lemą. Rezultatai pateikiami vartotojui patogia forma – sakiniais. Paieškos rezultatuose yra pateikiami sakiniai su ieškotu žodžiu ir su ieškoto žodžio lema, taip pateikiant daugiau rezultatų. Pasiūlytas prototipinės sistemos modeliui sukurti panaudojus vieną iš reliacinių duomenų bazių sistemų – MySQL, taip pat XPath ir PHP programavimo kalba. / In this Master Thesis has been researched three existing corpus systems. Lithuanian corpus search system, which is created by Lucene search engine. German corpus search system which uses Lithuanian Wikipedia texts as corpus. This system which is created by MySQL. British national corpus search system which is created by Xaira software. All these systems are analyzed and explained how indexing and searching components works. Also two popular repository systems were taken and researched deeply, it’s Fedora and DSpace. None of existing systems had morphological search option, that is why prototype system is created. All texts are stored in XML files which are marked by TEI P5 format. Prototype system allows perform a search by exact word and by main word form called lemma. Results are displayed by sentences. At first system displays sentences of exact word and sentences where same lemma as search word exists. Prototype system is created using MySQL database system also for programming PHP and XPath is used.

Veiklos taisyklių metodologija ir jos taikymas kuriant programinę įrangą / Business Rules Approach and its Appliance for Software Development

Laurikaitis, Aurimas 30 May 2004 (has links)
This work analyses Business Rule methodology and its benefits against traditional software development concepts. Business Rule methodology is observed, several methods of Business Rule classification are presented: Ross, MDC, GUIDE. The work assesses strengths and weaknesses of each model. GUIDE model is chosen for further development of Business Rules methodology. Suggested improvements of this model are presented. This work proposes improvements of GUIDE model, which includes Business Rule templates and repository schema. The benefits of using templates are analyzed and templates for structural and action assertion Business Rules are presented. The repository schema for structural and action assertion rules, which are specified using templates, is provided. The project of system, which uses Business Rule concepts and its suggested improvements, is provided. This system records and stores Business Rules in Business Rules repository. The system experiment, where proposed improvements are tested, is presented.

Using Repositories for Ontology Design and Semantic Mapping

Hashemi, Ali 10 August 2009 (has links)
There are two significant impedances to the realization of the potential of ontologies. First, many ontology designers lack the necessary background in formal logics to express their intuitions clearly and precisely, resulting in the proliferation of ontologies with low expressivity. Concurrently, developing semantic mappings between existing ontologies is difficult, because much of the semantics is external to the representation. This thesis uses the idea of metaphor to develop architectures for ontology repositories to serve as bottom-up reusable resources. Moreover, an ontology design algorithm has been developed that allows designers to communicate their ideas at the semantic level, simply by generating and vetting models. Finally, a semantic mapping algorithm has been developed that uses an ontology repository to determine the similarities and differences between any number of target ontologies. An ontology for partial orders has been elaborated to demonstrate the proof of concept and populate the first iteration of the repository.

Using Repositories for Ontology Design and Semantic Mapping

Hashemi, Ali 10 August 2009 (has links)
There are two significant impedances to the realization of the potential of ontologies. First, many ontology designers lack the necessary background in formal logics to express their intuitions clearly and precisely, resulting in the proliferation of ontologies with low expressivity. Concurrently, developing semantic mappings between existing ontologies is difficult, because much of the semantics is external to the representation. This thesis uses the idea of metaphor to develop architectures for ontology repositories to serve as bottom-up reusable resources. Moreover, an ontology design algorithm has been developed that allows designers to communicate their ideas at the semantic level, simply by generating and vetting models. Finally, a semantic mapping algorithm has been developed that uses an ontology repository to determine the similarities and differences between any number of target ontologies. An ontology for partial orders has been elaborated to demonstrate the proof of concept and populate the first iteration of the repository.

An Analysis and Reasoning Framework for Project Data Software Repositories

Attarian, Ioanna Maria January 2012 (has links)
As the requirements for software systems increase, their size, complexity and functionality consequently increases as well. This has a direct impact on the complexity of numerous artifacts related to the system such as specification, design, implementation and, testing models. Furthermore, as the software market becomes more and more competitive, the need for software products that are of high quality and require the least monetary, time and human resources for their development and maintenance becomes evident. Therefore, it is important that project managers and software engineers are given the necessary tools to obtain a more holistic and accurate perspective of the status of their projects in order to early identify potential risks, flaws, and quality issues that may arise during each stage of the software project life cycle. In this respect, practitioners and academics alike have recognized the significance of investigating new methods for supporting software management operations with respect to large software projects. The main target of this M.A.Sc. thesis is the design of a framework in terms of, first, a reference architecture for mining and analyzing of software project data repositories according to specific objectives and analytic knowledge, second, the techniques to model such analytic knowledge and, third, a reasoning methodology for verifying or denying hypotheses related to analysis objectives. Such a framework could assist project managers, team leaders and development teams towards more accurate prediction of project traits such as quality analysis, risk assessment, cost estimation and progress evaluation. More specifically, the framework utilizes goal models to specify analysis objectives as well as, possible ways by which these objectives can be achieved. Examples of such analysis objectives for a project could be to yield, high code quality, achieve low production cost or, cope with tight delivery deadlines. Such goal models are consequently transformed into collections of Markov Logic Network rules which are then applied to the repository data in order to verify or deny with a degree of probability, whether the particular project objectives can be met as the project evolves. The proposed framework has been applied, as a proof of concept, on a repository pertaining to three industrial projects with more that one hundred development tasks.

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