Spelling suggestions: "subject:"rescue"" "subject:"fescue""
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Analýza zvyšování fyzické zdatnosti u záchranných sborů a služeb / Analysis of improving fitness of rescue brigades and servicesKoblic, Milan January 2016 (has links)
Title: Analysis of improving the physical fitness of rescue brigades and services Cíl práce: The aim of this thesis is to analyze the physical fitness of firefighters ambulance Fire and Rescue Service based on the results of physical tests of individual firefighters for a period of five years. Objective: In this thesis werw used data from regular physical tests Fire Rescue Service. Data were standardized and subsequently evaluated using graphs and T-test. Results: On the basis of the analysis were verified by three hypotheses. Neither of them has not been confirmed. Compared to the expected improvement in physical abilities, the opposite happened, or to their decline. Compared with the general population, they did not reach all members of the Rescue Service of the population average. Key words: physical fitness, rescue brigade, firefighters, physical tests, analysis
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Gramotnost žáků vybrané základní školy o předlékařské první pomoci / Premedical Skills Level of Selected Primary School PupilsRáczová, Věra January 2017 (has links)
The main emphasis of this thesis is to determine premedical skills level of selected primary school pupils. It compares 8th and 9th graders knowledge gained during the curricular subjects for primary schools and post-project ones. The project itself is focused on human health and first aid in emergency situations and it combines all didactic techniques including practical training at local medical high school. The thesis consists of two main parts, where theoretical part briefly introduces the history of first aid within the Red Cross, gives an insight into first aid legislation and shows fundamental first aid techniques. The practical part contains of the questionnaire survey which has been used as a background for creating and testing the educational project. KEYWORDS: health, life rescue, literacy, injured person
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Ekonomická analýza neziskové organizaceValterová, Hana January 2009 (has links)
Cílem diplomové práce je vypracování ekonomické analýzy neziskové organizace. V teoretické části je popsáno postavení neziskových organizací v systému národního hospodářství se zaměřením na obecně prospěšnou společnost. Dále jsou popsány jednotlivé fáze finanční analýzy jako základního nástroje ekonomické analýzy a vysvětleny některé základní pojmy. V úvodu praktické části je představena činnost a zdroje financování Horské služby ČR, o.p.s. V praktické části je provedena ekonomická analýza obecně prospěšné společnosti - Horské služby ČR za období 2005 -- 2009. Výsledky jsou porovnány s ekonomickými výsledky Horské záchranné služby, která působí ve stejném oboru ve Slovenské republice. V závěru uvádím zhodnocení analýzy a některých aspektů financování horské služby.
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Traumatologická pripravenosť zdravotníckej záchrannej služby v Českej republike a v Slovenskej republike / Trauma readiness of emergency medical services in the Czech Republic and Slovak RepublicBARNA, Alexander January 2019 (has links)
BARNA, Alexander: Trauma readiness of emergency medical services in the Czech Republic and Slovak Republic [Diploma thesis]. University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences. Lecturer: Mgr. Zuzana Freitinger-Skalická, Ph.D. The main topic of this work was the introduction of the issue of trauma readiness of the emergency medical service in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic, the issue of emergency events with mass casualty incidents and the mapping of the knowledge and orientation of paramedical personnel in the emergency medical services. The diploma thesis is divided into two major parts - theory and research. The theoretical part introduces legislative norms, regulations and expert recommended procedures, based on which providers of emergency health services ensure their activity and crisis readiness, especially through crisis readiness workplaces. The chosen issue in the research part was the knowledge of the members of the emergency medical services groups solved by the quantitative method - a survey carried out by means of an anonymous non-standardized questionnaire, was prepared individually for the Czech Republic and for the Slovak Republic. From the results of the questionnaire survey it can be deduced that the knowledge of the members of the emergency medical service groups is sufficient, but there is still a need to incorporate the expertise and knowledge of the trauma readiness issues. Above all, finding deficiencies in knowledge, which are used to carry out rescue and liquidation work in dealing with emergency events, is particularly problematic.
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Product development of a fire hose basket that promotes ergonomics for firefighters / Produktutveckling av slangkorg som främjar ergonomi inom räddningstjänstenRask, Moa January 2018 (has links)
This report comprises a product development of an ergonomically designed hose basket that can be used by the firefighters when storing or carrying a fire hose. A study on ergonomics in the profession as a firefighter conducted by the Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE) showed that fire hose deployment was very physically exhausting. This study also revealed that some load may become too heavy and difficult to carry due to the design of the equipment. Injury to the user during lifting is common within the profession. Therefore there is a need for equipment that is more ergonomically designed. The project follows a product development phase that includes market research and feasibility study which was accomplished by a literature study and through study visits and interviews at fire stations. A common type of hose basket was used as the starting point for the project. This hose basket is in this report referred as "Skövde basket" and was considered heavy and un-ergonomic to carry, especially for shorter people. From the gathered information a ‘house of quality’ and a two-step idea generation was created. Several concepts that were made opposed the Skövde basket in an evaluation matrix. A material selection using a program, CES Selector 3.2 was made on the winning concept that became a hose basket which is carried under the arm. The hose basket was then constructed in the program Creo Parametric 4.0 and detail drawings were created. A prototype was then made and tested by firefighters of both sexes and of different heights. The results pointed out improvements and deteriorations from the Skövde basket. The deterioration was that the basket became more difficult to pack, which was due to the reduced number of bars. Improvements were noticed on lift height; significant increase on lift height facilitated easy carrying by shorter individuals. / Denna rapport omfattar en produktutveckling av en ergonomiskt utformad slangkorg som kan användas av räddningstjänsten då brandslang ska placeras ut. Enligt en studie kring ergonomi inom räddningstjänsten gjord av Research Institutes of Sweden, RISE, ansåg många brandmän att slangutläggning var mycket fysiskt ansträngande. Syftet är att främja ergonomi inom brandmannayrket. Trots de fysiska kraven hos brandmän, kan vissa laster bli för tunga och svåra att bära på grund av utrustningens utformning. Därför behövs utrustning som är mer ergonomiskt utformad. Projektet följer övergripligt en produktutvecklingsfas där det ingår dels en marknadsundersökning och en förstudie vilket gjordes genom en litteraturstudie, intervjuer och studiebesök på brandstationer. En vanlig variant av slangkorg användes som utgångspunkt för projektet, denna slangkorg kallas i rapporten för ”Skövdeväskan” och ansågs tung och oergonomisk att bära, framför allt för kortare personer. Utifrån den information som samlats in gjordes ett kvalitetshus och en tvåstegs idégenerering där koncept togs fram. Koncepten ställdes mot varandra och mot Skövdeväskan i en konceptvalsmatris. Materialval med programmet CES Selector 3.2 gjordes på det vinnande konceptet som blev en slangkorg som bärs under armen. Slangkorgen modellerades sedan i programmet Creo Parametric 4.0 och detaljritningar skapades. En prototyp konstruerades och denna testades av brandmän av båda könen och av olika längd. Testpersonerna fick därefter göra en utvärdering som visade på både förbättringar och försämringar jämfört med Skövdeväskan. Försämringar som uppkom var att korgen blev mer svårpackad vilket berodde på det reducerade antalet stödstänger i ramen. Förbättringar gjordes på lyfthöjd vilket underlättade framför allt för de kortare personerna.
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A Tradição Tupiguarani na Bacia do Alto Tocantins / The Tupiguarani Tradition in the Bay of the Upper TocantinsPontim, Rute de Lima 16 September 2011 (has links)
O estudo apresenta uma análise sobre os sítios arqueológicos filiados à Tradição Tupiguarani e da cultura material deles decorrentes, de modo a favorecer uma discussão sobre os elementos constituintes dessa filiação cultural na Bacia do Alto Tocantins. Os trabalhos foram executados no âmbito de projetos de salvamento arqueológico, parte integrante da modalidade da pesquisa arqueológica de contrato, realizados pelo Laboratório de Arqueologia do Museu Antropológico da Universidade Federal de Goiás. Os registros arqueológicos foram identificados na área dos empreendimentos hidrelétricos da UHE Serra da Mesa e UHE Cana Brava, localizados na Bacia do Alto Tocantins, região norte do estado de Goiás. O trabalho tem como objetivo relatar as características observadas na constituição do processo de ocupação da área pela Tradição Tupiguarani, mesmo que seus assentamentos sejam significativamente reduzidos neste território, cuja predominância está relacionada aos grupos filiados às Tradições Aratu e Uru. O propósito não é contestar a existência breve ou perene desses grupos na região, se existiram apenas como circulantes de uma rota de migração, mas buscar compreender a partir do cenário arqueológico encontrado, manifestações que configurem a dinâmica de ocupação pelos grupos ceramistas pré-coloniais relacionados à Tradição Tupiguarani. / This study shows an analysis of the archaeological sites related to the Tupiguarani tradition and the material culture arose from it, in a way to enhance a discussion on the principles of such cultural relationship in the Bay of the Upper Tocantins. The work was done in the scope of projects of archaeological rescue, integrating part of the feature of the archaeological research of contract, realized by the Archaeology Laboratory of the Anthropological Museum of the Federal University of Goiás. The archaeological records were identified in the area of the hydroelectric venture of the Hydroelectric Power Station of Serra da Mesa and the Hydroelectric Power Station of Cana Brava, located in the Bay of Upper Tocantins in the north of the Goiás State. The objective of the work is to report the characteristics observed in the constitution of the occupation process of the area by the Tupiguarani Tradition, even though its settlement was quite reduced in this territory, which was predominantly related to the Aratu and Uru Traditions. The aim is not to contest the brief or perennial existence of these groups in the area, if their settlement there was just part of a migratory movement, but to try to understand the manifestation that represents the dynamic of the occupation by the pre-colonial ceramist groups related to the Tupiguarani Tradition according to the archaeological scenery found.
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Masslivräddning, resurser och brister : En studie om Sveriges beredskap och handelsfartygens förmåga / The resources and deficiencies in a mass rescue operation : A study about Sweden's preparedness and merchant ships capabilityAndersson, Michael, Arvidsson, Jonathan January 2019 (has links)
Vid ett antal större fartygskatastrofer till havs de senare årtiondena har sjöräddningskapaciteten inte räckt till för att rädda alla eller ens en majoritet av de ombordvarande. Detta trots att stora insatser har gjorts för att förbättra livräddningsutrustningen ombord. Handelsfartyg som påträffar nödställda är skyldiga enligt lag att hjälpa till med räddningsarbetet. Denna studie belyser vilka resurser som finns i Sverige för att klara en större fartygsolycka till havs och i vilken utsträckning handelsflottan har möjlighet att hjälpa till. Studien har gjorts som en litteraturstudie som kompletterades med ett par intervjufrågor till rederier. Både handelsfartyg och Sjöfartsverkets specialiserade räddningsenheter har visat sig vara alldeles för dåligt utrustade eller för få för att klara att utföra sin uppgift vid dåliga väderförhållanden vilket ofta råder vid fartygskatastrofer. Mycket av ansvaret för att sätta nödställda i säkerhet efter en olycka hamnar istället på helikoptrar som flygs ut till olycksplatsen från land. En hel del tekniska problem har visat sig försvåra arbetet med evakuering via helikopter vid flera fartygskatastrofer då även dessa är känsliga för hårt väder. En utveckling av utrustning för handelsfartyg som effektivt och säkert kan användas vid dåliga väderförhållanden utan att behöva förflytta människor en och en mellan olika farkoster skulle behöva ske. Att enbart förlita sig på helikoptrar vid masslivräddning har visat sig vara alltför tidskrävande och sårbart. / During the last decades there have been several great ship disasters where rescue capability has not been sufficient to save all or even a majority of the victims of a number of larger marine disasters. This is despite the fact that great efforts have been made to improve the life-saving equipment on board. Merchant ships which encounter any other ship in distress are required by law to assist in the rescue. This study was made to illustrate what resources exist in Sweden to handle major ship emergencies at sea and to what extent the merchant fleet is able to help. The study was done as a literature study with a few additional questions to shipping companies. Both merchant ships and the Swedish Maritime Administration's specialized rescue units have proven to be far too poorly equipped or too few to handle their task in rough weather conditions, which are often associated with ship disasters. Much of the responsibility for getting crew and passengers to safety after an accident is instead transferred to helicopters which fly out to the emergency location from land. Many technical problems have been found that makes it difficult to evacuate via helicopters during multiple ship disasters, as helicopters are sensitive to severe weather. A development of equipment that can be used in rough weather conditions without having to move people one by one between different crafts needs to be developed. Relying solely on helicopters for mass evacuation has proved to be too time-consuming and vulnerable.
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Retention strategy of paramedics in South AfricaBinks, Faisal 28 June 2011 (has links)
The pre-hospital industry is faced with many challenges, one of which is the skills shortage of advanced life support paramedics in the country. The industry has naturally dictated competition both nationally and internationally for the recruitment of these advanced life support paramedics. Staff turnover has increased as a result of this issue which also has financial implications on the individual business of constant recruitment and turnover. The purpose of this study is to investigate problems that currently exist in the industry with regards to the advanced life support paramedic employment which will provide valuable information on retention strategies and reduce staff turnover.
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The ethics of animal liberationCooke, Stephen January 2012 (has links)
This thesis addresses the moral permissibility of illegal acts of animal liberation in the form of civil disobedience, acts of rescue, and acts of sabotage. Animal liberation movements have been the subject of much media and political attention, with particular focus on use liberationist strategies of intimidation, vandalism, and harassment. Governments have mobilised state apparatus in surveillance, infiltration, and investigation, and have characterising radical activism as 'terrorism'. The variety of illegal activities aimed at preventing harm to non-human animals, particularly those involving violence towards property or persons, have often been classified together under the term 'animal liberation' and assumed to be wrong. I argue that the assumption of wrongness is questionable because it fails to give significant weight to the justification for acts of animal liberation. I pose the question as to whether and what illegal practices of animal liberation are ethically justifiable. I begin by arguing that non-human animals are worthy of moral consideration for their own sake, because their sentience above a basic level, particularly their capacity to suffer, gives moral agents reasons to acknowledge and respect their goods. Following this, I defend the claim that liberal democratic states that fail to treat animals living within them with respect are unjust. This injustice provides a justification for civil disobedience on behalf of non-human animals. Following this, I argue that beings worthy of moral consideration are owed positive duties of aid and easy rescue and I extend third-party intervention theory to non-human animals under threat from humans. I explore the limits to the duties of aid and intervention, using principles drawn from those of humanitarian intervention to identify duty bearers, and I weigh those duties against duties to fellow citizens and the state.
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Fitodesinfecção aplicada a águas na perspectiva da agricultura familiarGonçalves, Alexandre Rocha January 2005 (has links)
As previsões mais otimistas para o mundo no segundo milênio alertam para a escassez de água. Esta terá como origem a redução de volume de água doce aproveitável, o desperdício e poluição das fontes de água. O cloro, usado para a desinfecção, se combina com os resíduos de matéria orgânica remanescente do tratamento da água de consumo formando os organoclorados (produtos potencialmente cancerígenos). A proposta deste trabalho, é oferecer subsídio à sanitização da água buscando, pelo resgate etnográfico, recursos naturais sustentáveis, renováveis e ecologicamente corretos como alternativa para o tratamento da água na pequena propriedade rural. Das dezoito plantas indicadas e triadas na forma de extratos hidro-alcoólicos quanto a Intensidade de Atividade Antibacteriana (IAAB), selecionou-se os cinco que tiveram o melhor desempenho no controle das bactérias em teste (duas gram positivas e duas gram negativas). Os extratos escolhidos passaram pelo teste de Concentração Inibitória Mínima/Concentração Bactericida Mínima (CIM/CBM). O que mais se destacou foi o extrato de Sete Sangrias (Cuphea Carthagenensis (Jacq.) Macbride) que controlou as bactérias desafiantes até a concentração de 10%. Estes extratos também foram testados quanto à citotoxicidade e constatou-se que a Baleeira (Cordia curassavica), Folha da Fortuna (Bryophyllum pinatum Kurz.) e a Sete Sangrias (Cuphea cathagenensis (Jacq.) Macbride) foram citotóxicas em concentrações entre 1 e 10 % sem diferença estatística para o teste de Duncam (p=0,99).Embora a confrontação da capacidade desinfetante e o efeito tóxico apresentados pelos extratos de plantas sejam considerados animadores, não os recomendamos para uso como desinfetantes de volumes hídricos uma vez que a concentração mais baixa efetiva foi a de 10%. / The most optimistic forecast for the world in the second millennium calls attention to the water shortage. This shortage will have as its origin the reduction of volume of useable fresh water, waste and pollution of the water resources. The chlorine, used for disinfection, combines with the residues of organic matter remaining from the treatment of water for consumption forming organochlorides (potentially carcinogenic products). The aim of this work is to offer options to the sanitation of water searching, by ethnographic rescue, natural resources which are sustainable, renewable and ecologically correct as an alternative for water treatment in small rural farms. From the eighteen plants indicated and screened in the form of hydroalcoholic extracts regarding their Antibacterial Activity Intensity (IAAB), the five that showed better performance in the control of bacteria (two Gram positive and two Gram negative), were selected. The chosen extracts were submitted to the test of Minimal Inhibitory Concentration/ Minimal Bactericide Concentration (CIM/CBM). The one that showed the best performance was Sete Sangrias (Cuphea Carthagenensis (Jacq.) Macbride), which controlled the tested bacteria dilution up to 10%. These extracts were also tested regarding their cytotoxicity and it was verified that Baleeira (Cordia curassavica), Folha da Fortuna (Bryophyllum pinatum Kurz.) and Sete sangrias (Cuphea cathagenensis (Jacq.) Macbride) were cytotoxic in concentrations between 1 and 10%, without statistic difference by the Duncam test (p=0,99). Although the confrontation of disinfection capacity and the toxic effect presented by the plant extracts are considered encouraging, we do not recommend them for use as disinfectants of water, as the lowest effective concentration obtained was 10%.
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