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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Recherche évaluative d’un MOOC sur le transfert de connaissances dans cinq pays francophones

Villemin, Romane 08 1900 (has links)
La demande de formation en transfert de connaissances (TC) est si importante que les organisations qui offrent de telles formations ont du mal à y répondre entièrement en présentiel. C’est pourquoi une formation en ligne de type Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) a été développée. Elle a pour objectif l’utilisation et l’appropriation du processus de TC par les milieux de pratique, les décideurs et le grand public. L’objectif de ce mémoire était d’évaluer un MOOC d’introduction au TC en recueillant les opinions, les réactions, l’appropriation et les changements de pratique des utilisateurs. L’étude a utilisé un devis qualitatif. Un questionnaire administré dès le début du cours via la plateforme a permis de constituer le profil des participants par le biais de leurs données descriptives, des raisons de leur inscription et de leurs intentions vis-à-vis du cours. Ensuite, des entrevues semi-dirigées individuelles ont été conduites (n = 16) avec des apprenants professionnels ayant complété le cours et étant issus de cinq pays francophones d’Afrique de l’Ouest (Canada, France, Burkina Faso, Mali, Sénégal). Les contenus du MOOC d’introduction au TC ont généralement été appréciés et réutilisés par les répondants. L’analyse des entrevues révèlent un motif principal menant à la complétion du cours : la possibilité immédiate pour les professionnels de valoriser leurs apprentissages dans leurs milieux de pratique. L’étude met en évidence le potentiel des MOOC pour l’acquisition de connaissances et de compétences de professionnels en matière de TC. Cependant, la majorité des personnes soulèvent le manque d’interaction entre apprenants et expriment leur besoin d’accompagnement avec un formateur afin d’approfondir les sujets abordés pendant le cours. Les résultats révèlent également des enjeux de connexion et d’accessibilité du cours liés au réseau Internet et à la stabilité d’accès à l’électricité dans les pays d’Afrique de l’Ouest. Finalement, plusieurs recommandations et pistes d’explorations ont été formulées afin d’optimiser les futures conceptions de MOOC sur le TC. / The demand for knowledge transfer (KT) training has become so prominent in recent years that it made it nearly impossible to do it entirely in person for organizations offering such training. For this reason, a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) has been developed with the clear objective of providing efficient knowledge transfer, needed for policymakers, practice settings, and the public sphere. The goal of this dissertation was to evaluate a MOOC about KT introduction, by collecting its users' opinions, reactions, appropriation, and changes in practice. A Qualitative study has been conducted, following a thorough questionnaire administered at the beginning of the course in favor of creating profiles of the participants using their descriptive data, their reasons for enrollment, and true intentions toward the course. Individual semi-structured interviews were conducted with 16 users that have completed the course. The interviewees were from five different French-speaking countries (French Canada, France, Burkina Faso, Mali, Senegal). The content of the MOOC has been generally appreciated and reused by its users. The initial results reveal that the main reason for completing the course was the immediate usability of the knowledge acquired from the course in their real work environment. The study highlights the great potential of MOOCs in the field of KT for the efficient acquisition of knowledge and skills. However, most people raise the lack of interaction between learners and express their need for coaching with an instructor to deepen the topics covered during the course. The preliminary results also reveal issues of poor internet connection and lack of accessibility to the course because of the shortfall of electricity in West African countries. To address these issues, several recommendations and avenues of exploration were formulated to optimize and improve the structure of MOOCs for knowledge transfer.

Retention and recruitment of research -based highly qualified teachers in suburban, urban, and rural secondary mathematics departments across northern California

Woodbeck, Raymond A. 01 January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Title II of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) is intended to increase student academic achievement through strategies such as improving teacher quality and increasing the number of "highly qualified teachers" (HQTs) in the classroom. This Federal policy relies on educational research that demonstrates a connection between student achievement and teacher quality. Although NCLB considers each route that teachers may take to meet HQT requirements as equivalent, research demonstrates that some routes may foster higher student achievement than others; those teachers, who met HQT requirements through these routes, are referred to in this study as "research-based HQTs" (RB-HQTs). The quantitative phase of this mixed methodology explores how northern California secondary mathematics teachers in suburban, urban, and rural schools meet "highly qualified teacher" requirements. The subsequent qualitative phase explores the challenges and promising practices in retention and recruitment of RB-HQTs used by those mathematics departments identified as having a "common" or "distinguished" profile of each respective suburban, urban, or rural sub-sample. This study identifies and reports eight strategies used by mathematics departments that have demonstrated success in retention and recruitment of RB-HQTs. The eight identified strategies, when implemented individually or collectively, may increase the proportion of RB-HQTs and improve student academic achievement in each mathematics department across northern California secondary schools, be it suburban, urban, or rural.

The Relationship between Classroom Climate Variables and Student Achievement

Leone, Suzanna 01 December 2009 (has links)
No description available.

A Principal's Leadership in the Implementation and Support of Inclusion

Smith, Thelma Gray 06 May 2011 (has links)
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA) 2004 requires schools to provide students with disabilities with all the academic opportunities, services, and extracurricular involvement afforded non-disabled peers and with non-disabled peers. Accountability measures resulting from the law, No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), place increased emphasis on the performance of students with disabilities who must be included in the state assessment system, and meet the levels of proficiencies identified by the state for Adequate Yearly Progress in reading and math no later than 2013-2014. According to the literature, principals felt unprepared to provide the leadership in special education. The purpose of the case study of the leadership of a principal was to provide descriptions of practices in implementing and supporting inclusion so that instruction for children with disabilities can be delivered in general education classrooms. The data were triangulated from an interview with the principal, a focus group discussion of general and special education teachers, and examinations of physical artifacts. The findings revealed that the principal organized the school to support instruction of children with disabilities in general education classroom, planned intentionally for scheduling and grouping of students, expected general education and special education teachers to share equal responsibilities for instruction, used data to monitor the progress of students, developed visible and written procedures for academic and behavioral expectations, and collaborated with parents. Underlying each of the findings was the expectation that the faculty collaborate in understanding the impact of the disability upon learning, and problem solve interventions to positively affect academic outcomes for children with disabilities. / Ph. D.

Teaching chemistry of water purification in grade 11 using locally available materials through the scientific inquiry approach

Makoni, Robert Davison 10 1900 (has links)
This dissertation surveyed the validities of teaching the chemistry of water purification in South African schools using locally available materials (LAM) through the scientific inquiry (SI) approach. The researcher randomly selected four secondary schools that provided a small and purposive study sample of thirty-two Grade 11 learners and four teachers. The research design applied a mixed-method approach, consisting of qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection. Within this approach, the outcome of SI instruction that integrated LAM was compared with that of conventional instruction through a quasi-experimental control groups design. The researcher identified in the analysis of interviews and questionnaires the most complex aspects of the chemistry of water purification for learners to understand as redox reactions, acid-base systems, precipitations, and chlorination. However, the use of LAM through the scientific inquiry approach made it easier for learners to understand the concepts. The high mean scores ( =80.88; SD=10.28) in Research-based Test 2 (RBT2), of the experimental groups taught through SI signified that those learners immensely benefited from an active and collaborative learning environment. The lowly scores ( =61.69; SD=4.21) of control groups could be attributed to a linear and passive participation of learners in the conventional classroom instruction. The marks of the two groups in post-test RBT2 were paired and contrasted using GraphPad software. The results showed that t =6.699, df =21 with a significant value of 0.0001, which is less than 0.05 (p<0.05), hence it can be inferred that the difference between the means of the two groups was not only statistically important but also worth an explanation. The higher performance scores in RBT2 and the Rubric Assessment Tool (RAT) in experimental groups represents that the intervention was successful in the implementation of instructional design in the the study. In addition, the learners had mastered the crucial aptitudes that included self-discipline in understanding, cooperative learning, searching relevant text on topic, hands-on or laboratory practice and logical thinking in problem solving by working through the SI activities that used LAM. / Mathematics, Science and Technology Education / M. Sc. (Mathematics, Science and Technology Education with specialization in Chemistry Education)

Évaluation qualitative des déterminants de l'utilisation des connaissances issues de la recherche par les enseignants d'écoles secondaires québécoises en milieu défavorisé

Chabot, Alexandre January 2007 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Teaching chemistry of water purification in grade 11 using locally available materials through the scientific inquiry approach

Makoni, Robert Davison 10 1900 (has links)
This dissertation surveyed the validities of teaching the chemistry of water purification in South African schools using locally available materials (LAM) through the scientific inquiry (SI) approach. The researcher randomly selected four secondary schools that provided a small and purposive study sample of thirty-two Grade 11 learners and four teachers. The research design applied a mixed-method approach, consisting of qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection. Within this approach, the outcome of SI instruction that integrated LAM was compared with that of conventional instruction through a quasi-experimental control groups design. The researcher identified in the analysis of interviews and questionnaires the most complex aspects of the chemistry of water purification for learners to understand as redox reactions, acid-base systems, precipitations, and chlorination. However, the use of LAM through the scientific inquiry approach made it easier for learners to understand the concepts. The high mean scores ( =80.88; SD=10.28) in Research-based Test 2 (RBT2), of the experimental groups taught through SI signified that those learners immensely benefited from an active and collaborative learning environment. The lowly scores ( =61.69; SD=4.21) of control groups could be attributed to a linear and passive participation of learners in the conventional classroom instruction. The marks of the two groups in post-test RBT2 were paired and contrasted using GraphPad software. The results showed that t =6.699, df =21 with a significant value of 0.0001, which is less than 0.05 (p<0.05), hence it can be inferred that the difference between the means of the two groups was not only statistically important but also worth an explanation. The higher performance scores in RBT2 and the Rubric Assessment Tool (RAT) in experimental groups represents that the intervention was successful in the implementation of instructional design in the the study. In addition, the learners had mastered the crucial aptitudes that included self-discipline in understanding, cooperative learning, searching relevant text on topic, hands-on or laboratory practice and logical thinking in problem solving by working through the SI activities that used LAM. / Mathematics, Science and Technology Education / M. Sc. (Mathematics, Science and Technology Education with specialization in Chemistry Education)

Astrofísica Estelar para o Ensino Médio: Uma abordagem empírica baseada na observação visual das estrelas variáveis / Stellar Astrophysics for the high school level: an empirical approach based on the visual observation of variable stars.

Napoleão, Tasso Augusto Jatobá 17 April 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo o ensino dos fundamentos da Astrofísica Estelar moderna a alunos do Ensino Médio através de uma abordagem empírica que usa como ferramentas principais da metodologia a observação, o registro, a análise e a interpretação das mudanças de brilho das estrelas variáveis ao longo do tempo. Mediante técnicas simples (fotometria visual) para a estimativa dos valores dos brilhos aparentes (magnitudes) dessas estrelas no decorrer de vários meses, o aluno coleta seus próprios dados observacionais. Em seguida, esses dados serão colocados em gráficos (curvas de luz), cuja análise permitirá a medida de seus períodos e amplitudes de variação, bem como a determinação de uma série de parâmetros que caracterizam as propriedades físicas das estrelas. O estudo é conduzido de uma forma que permite apresentar aos alunos vários dos grandes temas da Astrofísica contemporânea sem que eles percam o vínculo sensorial com a observação direta dos fenômenos celestes, seja com auxílio de instrumental modesto (binóculos ou pequenos telescópios), seja até mesmo a olho nu. O produto final de nosso trabalho é um Guia de Estudos intitulado Astrofísica Estelar para o Ensino Médio, em doze capítulos e mais de trezentas páginas, que está incluído em sua íntegra nesta monografia. O Guia foi desenvolvido tendo como alvos principais os alunos e professores do Ensino Médio formal. Não obstante, ele pode ser também utilizado por qualquer pessoa que tenha interesse no assunto e que possua os conceitos necessários de Matemática e Física do Ensino Médio; ou ainda em cursos do ensino não-formal que sejam ministrados, por exemplo, por planetários, museus de ciência e astrônomos amadores (situação essa testada com ótimos resultados pelo autor). Por fim, vale mencionar que, neste tipo de aprendizado (conhecido como research-based education, que poderíamos traduzir livremente como aprendizado vinculado à pesquisa), utilizamos intensivamente diversos recursos tecnológicos disponibilizados gratuitamente na internet pelas grandes entidades internacionais que se dedicam à pesquisa e ao estudo das estrelas variáveis tais como softwares específicos, bancos de dados, simulações e cartas para a estimativa das magnitudes. O uso dessa metodologia vinculada à pesquisa, em nossa experiência, se constitui em um fator valioso para desenvolver nos alunos a criatividade, o raciocínio crítico, a familiarização com o método científico e as habilidades para a pesquisa. / This work aims at teaching the fundamental aspects of Stellar Astrophysics to high school students through an empirical approach which uses variable stars observations, data collection, and the analysis and interpretation of brightness changes as key methodological tools. By using some simple techniques (visual photometry) to estimate the values of apparent brightness (magnitudes) of these stars over several months, the student collects his/her own observational data. Subsequently, that data will be plotted in graphs (light curves), whose analysis will in turn allow the determination of its periods and amplitudes of variation, as well as of a series of physical parameters that characterize the physical properties of the stars. The whole study is conducted in a way that shows students several of the major themes of contemporary Astrophysics without losing their sensory link with the direct observation of celestial phenomena - whether with the aid of modest instruments (binoculars or small telescopes) or even naked eye. The final product of our work is a Study Guide called \"Stellar Astrophysics for High School\" in twelve chapters and more than three hundred pages, which is included in their entirety in this monograph. The Guide was developed with the main targets being students and teachers of the formal high school level. Nevertheless, it can also be used by anyone who has an interest in the subject and who possesses the required concepts of high school Mathematics and Physics; or even in non-formal teaching courses that are taught, for example, by planetariums, science museums and amateur astronomers (a situation that has been tested with great results by the author). Last but not least, it is worth mentioning that in this type of learning (known as \"research-based education\") we intensively use various technological resources freely available on the internet from the great international entities that are dedicated to the research and study of variable stars such as specific softwares, databases, simulations and charts for estimating magnitudes. The use of research-based education, in our experience, is a valuable tool to foster and develop students creativity, critical thinking, and the familiarization with the scientific method and research skills.

Astrofísica Estelar para o Ensino Médio: Uma abordagem empírica baseada na observação visual das estrelas variáveis / Stellar Astrophysics for the high school level: an empirical approach based on the visual observation of variable stars.

Tasso Augusto Jatobá Napoleão 17 April 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo o ensino dos fundamentos da Astrofísica Estelar moderna a alunos do Ensino Médio através de uma abordagem empírica que usa como ferramentas principais da metodologia a observação, o registro, a análise e a interpretação das mudanças de brilho das estrelas variáveis ao longo do tempo. Mediante técnicas simples (fotometria visual) para a estimativa dos valores dos brilhos aparentes (magnitudes) dessas estrelas no decorrer de vários meses, o aluno coleta seus próprios dados observacionais. Em seguida, esses dados serão colocados em gráficos (curvas de luz), cuja análise permitirá a medida de seus períodos e amplitudes de variação, bem como a determinação de uma série de parâmetros que caracterizam as propriedades físicas das estrelas. O estudo é conduzido de uma forma que permite apresentar aos alunos vários dos grandes temas da Astrofísica contemporânea sem que eles percam o vínculo sensorial com a observação direta dos fenômenos celestes, seja com auxílio de instrumental modesto (binóculos ou pequenos telescópios), seja até mesmo a olho nu. O produto final de nosso trabalho é um Guia de Estudos intitulado Astrofísica Estelar para o Ensino Médio, em doze capítulos e mais de trezentas páginas, que está incluído em sua íntegra nesta monografia. O Guia foi desenvolvido tendo como alvos principais os alunos e professores do Ensino Médio formal. Não obstante, ele pode ser também utilizado por qualquer pessoa que tenha interesse no assunto e que possua os conceitos necessários de Matemática e Física do Ensino Médio; ou ainda em cursos do ensino não-formal que sejam ministrados, por exemplo, por planetários, museus de ciência e astrônomos amadores (situação essa testada com ótimos resultados pelo autor). Por fim, vale mencionar que, neste tipo de aprendizado (conhecido como research-based education, que poderíamos traduzir livremente como aprendizado vinculado à pesquisa), utilizamos intensivamente diversos recursos tecnológicos disponibilizados gratuitamente na internet pelas grandes entidades internacionais que se dedicam à pesquisa e ao estudo das estrelas variáveis tais como softwares específicos, bancos de dados, simulações e cartas para a estimativa das magnitudes. O uso dessa metodologia vinculada à pesquisa, em nossa experiência, se constitui em um fator valioso para desenvolver nos alunos a criatividade, o raciocínio crítico, a familiarização com o método científico e as habilidades para a pesquisa. / This work aims at teaching the fundamental aspects of Stellar Astrophysics to high school students through an empirical approach which uses variable stars observations, data collection, and the analysis and interpretation of brightness changes as key methodological tools. By using some simple techniques (visual photometry) to estimate the values of apparent brightness (magnitudes) of these stars over several months, the student collects his/her own observational data. Subsequently, that data will be plotted in graphs (light curves), whose analysis will in turn allow the determination of its periods and amplitudes of variation, as well as of a series of physical parameters that characterize the physical properties of the stars. The whole study is conducted in a way that shows students several of the major themes of contemporary Astrophysics without losing their sensory link with the direct observation of celestial phenomena - whether with the aid of modest instruments (binoculars or small telescopes) or even naked eye. The final product of our work is a Study Guide called \"Stellar Astrophysics for High School\" in twelve chapters and more than three hundred pages, which is included in their entirety in this monograph. The Guide was developed with the main targets being students and teachers of the formal high school level. Nevertheless, it can also be used by anyone who has an interest in the subject and who possesses the required concepts of high school Mathematics and Physics; or even in non-formal teaching courses that are taught, for example, by planetariums, science museums and amateur astronomers (a situation that has been tested with great results by the author). Last but not least, it is worth mentioning that in this type of learning (known as \"research-based education\") we intensively use various technological resources freely available on the internet from the great international entities that are dedicated to the research and study of variable stars such as specific softwares, databases, simulations and charts for estimating magnitudes. The use of research-based education, in our experience, is a valuable tool to foster and develop students creativity, critical thinking, and the familiarization with the scientific method and research skills.

Defining GeoDesign and the emergent role of the sustainable sites initiative (SITES) for integrative project management

Risinger, Emily Diane 16 March 2015 (has links)
This report is a discussion of the multifarious applications of the modern day geographic information system and how the universal merit of the technology across disciplines has led to the emergence of GeoDesign. The purpose of this Master’s Professional Report was to retrace the core conceptual framework and landmark events occurring in the evolution GIS technology, and how these factors have led to recent creation of new performance based rating systems and evidence-based design techniques. The Sustainable Sites Initiative (SITES), a new performance based rating system that has emerged in response to the call for increased knowledge and best practices lacking in LEED, is discussed; along with integrated project management. This professional report was intended to be an exploratory discussion of the larger theoretical implications fueling the shift towards mandating greater standards for sustainable design. It offers some ideas for how we should continue evolving GeoDesign moving into the next century; and outlines the importance of all new rating systems needing to acknowledge the growing importance of GeoDesign and ever advancing imagery technologies in understanding complex system processes in the future. / text

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