Spelling suggestions: "subject:"3research 3research"" "subject:"3research 1research""
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Developing boundary-spanning relationships : learning through success storiesRichardson, Kaitlin 24 June 2011 (has links)
This research addresses the following questions: how do successful professionals cultivate boundary-spanning relationships to develop professional goods; and what lessons can be drawn from their successes? This study uses grounded theory to interpret qualitative interview data from four expert networkers to help demonstrate how successful people in various industries build relationships — and what characteristics these successful networkers have in common. Using grounded theory, five key themes emerged: uncertainty reduction, ingratiation, reciprocity, mentoring relationships and the importance of follow-up. The study of networks has a well-developed body of surrounding literature; however, the current research does little to address how individual actors successfully build the relationships upon which networks are based. Therefore, this qualitative research into the characteristics shared by successful networkers is a positive contribution to the body of knowledge concerning social network theory — and will serve as a guide for those wishing to expand their personal and business networks.
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Be sugar in milk : local perspectives on volunteer tourism in India and UgandaStritch, Rohan Lea 26 July 2011 (has links)
This research explores the ways in which volunteer tourism is perceived by local volunteer coordinators in communities in India and Uganda. It highlights the importance of forming a more nuanced understanding of local agency, particularly in relation to community-based tourism. Participants from Indian and Ugandan NGOs speak to what they perceive is the role, value, and purpose of hosting Western volunteers and illustrate some of the benefits and challenges. Postcolonial theory and equity theory are applied to evaluate what is still a highly inequitable global tourism structure, while alerting the reader to how some individuals are exercising control over this form of alternative tourism. By drawing on the link between development and tourism, this study explores the critical issues that participants reveal and closes with three design principles for Northern sending agencies, Southern host organizations, and volunteer tourists to consider in order that volunteer tourism may best benefit receiving communities.
Key words: Alternative tourism, Volunteer tourism, India, Uganda, Development, Equity Theory, Postcolonial Theory
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"Pekelně se soustřeď!": Analýza na hře založeného přístupu ke kvalitativnímu výzkumu v sociálních vědách / "Train your brain!": An Analysis of Game-based Approaches to Qualitative Research in Social SciencesCuker, Ivan January 2018 (has links)
There are a few examples of the application of game-based qualitative research methods. Therefore, we lack an analysis of the nature of data that such methods would produce. So, the goal of my diploma thesis is to find out in what ways the data obtained using game-based research methods represent the ways in which people actually perceive and experience social reality. For this purpose, I analyze seven group discussions carried out with the use of a research memory game in which players match cards with financial terms written on them with possible definitions of these terms. I have designed an analytical framework using Alfred Schutz's theory of relevance, Erving Goffman's theory of the presentation of self and Pierre Bourdieu's conception of knowledge. With the aid of these theories I managed to reach several findings which might be fruitful for a future usage of this research instrument. The participants of a game-based research might hide behind their player's roles and thus be able to interpret even sensitive topics such as the financial literacy. The game environment of the memory game research allowed the players to introduce new topics and interpretations into the group discussion despite the fact that such topics might be irrelevant to the research goal. Such cases are rather marginal...
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#StuFoExpo: Studentische Forschung04 November 2022 (has links)
Exzellent studiert - aber das Gefühl niemand bekommt es mit? Ein wichtiger Bestandteil des Studiums ist die studentische Forschung. Im Rahmen einer Seminar- oder Abschlussarbeit oder eines Praktikumsberichts, als wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft oder in Zusammenarbeit mit einer Hochschulgruppe fördern Studierende wichtige Erkenntnisse zutage.
Von den meisten dieser studentischen Forschungsarbeiten erfährt man jedoch leider nichts. So verschwinden beispielsweise Abschlussarbeiten nach ihrer Bewertung in der Schublade bzw. heutzutage auf der Festplatte. / Have your studies been excellent, but you have the impression that no one has noticed? Student research is an important part of studying at a university. Students unearth important findings as research assistants or members of a university group and present them in seminar papers, final theses or internship reports.
Unfortunately, most of these student research papers go unnoticed. Final theses often get thrown into a drawer and forgotten or are buried deep on a hard drive after they have been assessed.
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StuFoExpo 201904 November 2022 (has links)
Mit der StuFoExpo 2019 fand an der TU Dresden die 2. Ausstellung im Zeichen studentischer Forschung statt. Dank der Unterstützung der Studentenstiftung Dresden konnten am 6. November 2019 zwölf engagierte Studierende ihre eigenen Forschungsbeiträge aus ganz unterschiedlichen Disziplinen präsentieren.:Keynote Talk 4
Abstracts 5
PanelSat® and PanelSat-Scout, paper and a mock-up-model 5
Safety Assessment of Future Mobility using MOBATSim 6
Increasing Public’s Value-Action on Climate Change: Integrating Intelligence Analytics to Edge Devices in Industry 4.0 7
Exploring Novel Neurogenic Transcription Factors in Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells 8
Ölbinder aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen für die Havariebekämpfung auf dem Meer und im Iran 9
The erosion behaviour of pure tungsten electrodes in Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) 10
CFD Simulation of Electrocoagulation Process for Optimisation of Gas Bubble and Water Flow 11
Diagnose im Dialog – Zur Bedeutung von Diagnosen in der systemischen Therapie 12
Bearbeitung der Gattung Frullania für die Flora von Kuba 14
Understanding the Process of Retinal Lamination - The Role of Actomyosin on Photoreceptor Translocation 15
Theory and simulation on nonlinear spin-wave dynamics in magnetic vortices 16
Mörder, Blutvergießer, Antichrist. Das Antichrist-Narrativ in der konfessionellen Polemik des 16. Jahrhunderts 17
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#StuFoExpo 2020: StuFoExpo // Student Research Expo 2020: Buch der Kurzfassungen04 November 2022 (has links)
Auch die StuFoExpo musste sich an die geänderten Bedingungen aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie anpassen. Deswegen fand die StuFoExpo am 1. September 2020 erstmalig als rein digitale Veranstaltung über BigBlueButton statt.
Die Eröffnung erfolgte durch ein Grußwort der Prorektorin Prof. Rösen-Wolff. Den Einstieg in die Konferenz bildete die Keynote von Dr. Ronny Timmreck (Senorics GmbH). Sein einleitender Vortrag stand im Zeichen seiner Erfahrungen als Unternehmensgründer nach dem Studium und der Forschung an der TU Dresden.
Neben Gästen aus Lehre und Forschung bestimmten vor allem Studierende die Gestaltung des Abends. Mit ihren eingereichten Forschungsarbeiten präsentierten Nachwuchsforscher:innen 19 verschiedene Forschungsprojekte. Das interdisziplinäre Programm bestand darüber hinaus aus der Vorführung der 90-Sekunden-Pitches und einer digitalen Postersession, in der Studierende und das Publikum gemeinsam ins Gespräch über die Forschungsprojekte kommen konnten.:Investigation of the oxidative cross-linking of differently modified oils with newly complexed iron salts with the aim of shortening the curing times and the substitution of toxic cobalt salts 1
Entfremdung und deren Bewältigung – eine Untersuchung der Legitimations- und Informationsselektionsprozesse in Kommunikation bei Personen mit Verschwörungsideologien 2
Entwicklung eines automatisierten Verfahrens zur flexiblen Ablage von Endlos-fasern in additiv gefertigten kurzfaserbasierten Zellträgerstrukturen 3
Modellgestützte Analyse zur Bewertung der zukünftigen Entwicklung des ägyptischen Elektrizitätssektores 4
CarusSimulation- App zur Darstellung eines Notfallmonitors 5
Beyond the States: U.S. Territories 6
Das Einfache, das Gesunde und das Schlicht-Schöne 7
Methods of Raman spectroscopy: Polarization dependency, mechanical strain and coherent excitation 8
Einfluss von Bewegungspausen auf die Konzentrationsfähigkeit und auf die Lernmotivation von Studierenden 9
Das Manuskript Dresd.N.21 – Transkription und kritischer Kommentar 10
Welchen Einfluss haben private Militär- und Sicherheitsfirmen auf das staatliche Gewaltmonopol? 11
CD marker handbook for flow cytometric characterization of adipose stem cells isolated from rats, mice and other experimental animals 12
Influence of fiber orientation in MEW substrates on the growth of keratinocytes and fibroblasts 13
Planning and Implementing Green Infrastructure in the Tri-border Region Czech-Republic- Germany 14
Haptikos: Haptic Vest 15
Regionalwährungen als Bestandteil ökonomischer Bildungsarbeit 16
Durchführung eines Resilienztrainings bei (Zahn-) Medizinstudierenden in Dresden – Untersuchungen des Resilienzstatus und mögliche Interventionen zur Förderung der Resilienz 17
Energetische Bewertung einer Festoxidbrennstoffzelle (SOFC) mittels ”Hardware in the Loop” - Methode 18
Genomics based personalized oncology of cancer of unknown primary 19
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Los estudios de síntesis como base para las evaluaciones económicas: necesidad de la valoración de su calidad.Bolaños Díaz, Rafael, Mezones Holguín, Edward, Gutiérrez Aguado, Alfonso, Málaga, Germán 21 March 2014 (has links)
RB redactó el primer borrador del artículo y realizó la revisión
final. EM redactó la versión presentada al comité
editorial, elaboró las figuras del artículo, levantó las observaciones
del comité editorial y redactó la versión final
del artículo. AG realizó contribuciones al texto inicial, desarrolló
la primera versión del resumen y revisó la versión
final. GM realizó contribuciones al texto inicial, levantó las
observaciones del comité editorial, realizó contribuciones
al texto final y revisó la versión final. / Los estudios de síntesis (EDS): revisiones sistemáticas y metanálisis, son base para llevar a cabo las evaluaciones
económicas en salud (EES). Los EDS, al permitir obtener parámetros para las probabilidades de estimación y de
efectividad a partir de la combinación de resultados de estudios primarios y, al incluir en su metodología procesos de
selección, evaluación, sistematización y síntesis, son considerados como el primer nivel de jerarquía en la evidencia
científica. No obstante, pueden estar sometidos a sesgos y fallas metodológicas que afectan su validez. El presente
artículo expone, inicialmente, la importancia de la aleatorización en la jerarquización de los diseños de investigación;
luego se revisa los principales factores que afectan la validez de los EDS, incidiendo en el sesgo de publicación, la
heterogeneidad y la inclusión de estudios primarios con objetivos principales distintos al del EDS; asimismo, se presenta
a los estudios individuales como una alternativa válida para el desarrollo de una EES. Se concluye que uno de los
aspectos claves en una EES es la selección adecuada de los tipos de estudio, sean estos primarios o secundarios. / Synthesis studies (SS): systematic review and meta-analysis are the basis for developing Health Economic Evaluations
(HEE). SS allow us to obtain parameters for estimating probabilities and effectiveness from the combination of the results
of primary studies, and, as they include in their methodology the selection, evaluation, systematization and synthesis
processes, they are considered the first level of hierarchy in scientific evidence. Nevertheless, they can be prone to bias
and methodological failures that can affect the validity of their results. This article initially presents the relevance of the
randomization in the hierarchic classification of research designs, then it reviews the main factors affecting the validity
of the SS, emphasising the publication bias, the heterogeneity and the inclusion of primary studies with main objective
differing from the one of the SS. Moreover, it presents individual studies like a valid alternative for the development of a
SS. The conclusion is that one of the key aspects in a SS is the correct evaluation of the study types and the objective
evaluation of their quality, being these primary or secondary.
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Let them brew! : reflexivity, and division of labour in deliberation for science and technology governanceLee, Yun Jeong January 2014 (has links)
This thesis examines the theoretical premises of and ways that macro deliberative approaches to decision making function in application to specific instances of science and technology governance. Macro-level deliberations constitute complex, extended, distributed decision making processes, in contrast to individual micro deliberation exercises undertaken in particular settings. Macro deliberations employ the mechanism of ‘division of labour' in terms of actors, tasks and methods in order to secure the two essential qualities of ‘inclusiveness' and ‘deliberativeness' – thus resolving the inherent tension between number of participants and deep discussion. Accordingly, the thesis focuses on the ways in which this paradoxical mechanism of ‘inclusion by division' functions in macro deliberations. An interrogation of two UK nationwide public deliberation cases – GM Dialogue (on GM crops) and the CoRWM process (on radioactive waste) – sheds light on the significant role of reflexivity in such macro deliberative approaches to decision making. The thesis adopts a triangulated approach towards both documents and interviews employing contending representations to cross-check the one with the other. In considering the ways in which reflexivity constitutes a critical quality of the process and outcome of division of labour in macro deliberations, the thesis argues that the notion of reflexivity is central to explaining how macro deliberation functions: The reflective and self-contingent feature of reflexivity enables participants to explore diverse rationales on division of labour through continuous generation of new rationales; this recursive self-reconfiguration process of rationales on division of labour entails an evolutionary development of division of labour. As division of labour is played out not in a static, exogenous fashion, but through a dynamic, endogenous construction process, reflexivity in real-world macro deliberations illuminates some significant contrasts in the ways that ‘deliberation' and ‘inclusion' take place to those characterised in theory. Indeed, deliberation emerges in practice as more than just open rational dialogue. In order to understand this more fully, it must be seen in terms of diversity of material, social and political interactions, and relationships – referred to here as ‘discursive relations'. In reality, then, inclusion occurs in more emergent ways than intended by design, rather, unfolding as participants engage with each other. In this way, actors' divergent views are cross-reflected and mutually influence each other, not through theoretically-envisaged top-down aggregation but via a kind of endogenous ‘fermentation' process. In this way, reflexivity actually makes macro public deliberation a more effectively inclusive and deliberative decision making process. In short, recognition of this inherent reflexivity in macro deliberations offers practically to aid improved understanding of the complex process of engagement in science and technology governance. It suggests that we would benefit from shifting our attention somewhat away from the direct provision of strictly prescriptive design protocols towards the construction of better general environments for facilitating more reflexivity, which should enable actors to shape their own reflexive deliberation. Then let them brew!
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New-media social networks, issue networks, and policy communities : getting and using powerMartin, Terrance F. 16 September 2010 (has links)
This PAR project used applied communications to get and use power to influence public policy. Informed by social and policy network theories, the method used Facebook as an organizing tool to create and position a recreation issue network in tension with an environmental policy community, exploring the concepts of layering, conversion, exhaustion, policy image, and venue change in an effort to influence policy. The introduction of a new-media social network as a competing influence in a policy network was an innovation, and demonstrated that the “strength of weak ties” may have implications for policy-making. The study concluded that a Facebook group was an efficient and effective organizing tool, capable of organizing an issue network and disrupting the status quo; however, the tightly coupled nature of a policy community makes it highly resilient to outside influence and an issue network may not gain sufficient influence to change policy. Keywords: Facebook, new-media social network, policy community, issue network, policy image, venue manipulation, layering, conversion, exhaustion
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Chinese perspectives on environmental sustainability : the shaping of public opinionHayes, Katie 30 November 2010 (has links)
This study explored the current opinions of Chinese citizens on environmental sustainability in China, while inquiring about the role of the Chinese government in shaping public consciousness on environmentalism. This case study was a qualitative analysis that was informed by both grounded theory and ethnographic content analysis (ECA) conducted through fifteen open-ended interviews with Chinese citizens and content analysis of government documents and media coverage that pertain to environmentalism. During the data collection and analysis process, the researcher considered the cultural landscape of China and reflected on how the media, Chinese spirituality, and communication patterns affect the conceptualization of environmentalism by citizens. This research found that public awareness of environmental sustainability is influenced by a social hierarchy of needs, philosophical legacies, allegiance to authority, and China‟s global position. Consequently, this research uncovered the importance of cultivating cultural awareness when non-Chinese citizens approach the topic of environmentalism in China.
Keywords: Chinese Government, Environmentalism, Public Opinion, Grounded Theory
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