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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rastreamento de variantes de significado desconhecido (VUS) no gene RET em indivíduos-controle e em pacientes com carcinoma medular de tireoide / Screening of variants unknown significance (VUS) in the RET gene in control individuals and patients with medullary thyroid carcinoma

Roxanne Hatanaka 03 December 2015 (has links)
Introdução: A Neoplasia endócrina múltipla do tipo 2 (NEM-2) é uma síndrome tumoral de herança autossômica dominante, na qual os tumores associados são carcinoma medular de tireoide (CMT), feocromocitoma (FEO) e hiperparatireoidismo primário (HPT). Esta síndrome ocorre devido a mutações ativadoras no proto-oncogene RET que alteram a via do receptor tirosina quinase RET. Essas mutações levam à ativação constitutiva de vias de sinalização desregulando o ciclo celular. Segundo os Consensos Internacionais de 2001 e 2009 sobre CMT/NEM-2, portadores de mutações no gene RET, inclusive indivíduos assintomáticos, devem ser submetidos a tireoidectomia total (TT) preventiva, aumentando a chance de cura da doença. Não é recomendado rastreamento clínico em portadores que apresentem somente polimorfismos isolados (variante não patogênica). No entanto, existem indivíduos que carregam variantes genéticas de significado clínico desconhecido (VUS), gerando dúvida quanto à conduta clínica. Atualmente, não se tem conhecimento se essas variantes podem ou não estar envolvidas no aumento do risco ao desenvolvimento de CMT. Dessa forma, o presente projeto analisou diversos aspectos como frequência alélica, estudo in silico, dados na literatura e nos bancos genéticos com o intuito de abranger o entendimento dessas variantes e auxiliar na indicação de conduta clínica adequada aos portadores de RET VUS. Objetivo: Expandir o conhecimento do potencial patogênico das VUS do gene RET, focando na classificação controversa da variante p.Y791F. Métodos: Foi realizado o rastreamento dos exons hotspots do gene RET em indivíduos adultos/idosos-controle e em pacientes com CMT através da técnica de Sequenciamento de Nova Geração (NGS) e Sequenciamento de Sanger. Foi também analisada a predição computacional da patogenicidade dessas variantes em seis diferentes programas preditivos. Foi feito o levantamento de dados em diversos bancos genéticos. Resultados: As variantes p.Y791N, p.Y791F e p.E511K foram encontradas no rastreamento genético das amostras-controle sequenciadas. Além dessas variantes, foram identificadas e estudadas famílias de pacientes com CMT portadoras das variantes p.V648I e p.K666N. A variante p.Y791F foi identificada em um novo caso somente com FEO. A análise in silico demonstrou que 4/6 programas foram mais informativos, e que 25/48 VUS demonstram alterar a estrutura físico-química da proteína RET. A frequência alélica encontrada nos bancos de dados de indivíduos-controle e indivíduos com tumores foram bastante baixas. Apenas 15/48 VUS possuem dados sobre estudos in vitro. Conclusão: Nossos dados sugerem que a variante RET p.Y791F, quando isolada e sem coocorrência com mutações conhecidas RET, se comporta como um polimorfismo benigno raro, sem associação do aumento do risco ao CMT. Já a associação de p.Y791F com mutações conhecidas RET, como a C634Y, pode levar ao desenvolvimento de fenótipos atípicos, como maior risco ao feocromocitoma. A variante p.V648I é provavelmente um polimorfismo benigno raro, evidenciado pelo seguimento clínico de aproximadamente 15 anos de uma família portadora dessa variante, sem evidências de CMT, FEO ou HPT. Há necessidade de mais dados para classificar apropriadamente as demais VUS; no entanto, devido a possibilidade das variantes p.E511K, K666N e Y791N poderem ser patogênicas, portadores devem ser monitorados clinicamente / Introduction: Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN-2) is a tumor syndrome with autosomal dominant inheritance, in which tumors are associated with medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC), pheochromocytoma (FEO) and primary hyperparathyroidism (HPT). This syndrome occurs due to activating mutations in the RET proto-oncogene, which lead to constitutive activation of tyrosine kinase signaling pathways that deregulate the cell cycle. According to the International Consensus on MTC/MEN-2 of 2001 and 2009 one should recommend that RET mutation carriers, including asymptomatic individuals, should undergo prophylactic total thyroidectomy (TT), increasing the chance of cure of the disease. It is not recommended clinical screening in patients that show only isolated polymorphisms (non-pathogenic variant). However, there are individuals who carry genetic variants of unknown clinical significance (VUS), generating doubt about the best clinical management. Currently, there is no consistent knowledge whether these variants may or may not be involved with the increased risk to MTC. The present project has approached the several aspects of these VUS, such as the allele frequency, in silico pathogenic prediction, published data and public databases, in order to increase our knowledge about VUS, in an attempt to contribute by offering appropriate clinical management to VUS carriers. Objective: To expand the knowledge of the pathogenic potential of some of the VUS of the RET gene, focusing especially on the controversial genetic variant p.Y791F. Methods: We performed the mutation screening of hotspots exons of the RET gene of DNA samples of 2061 adult/elderly healthy individuals and of patients with CMT by Sanger sequencing and Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) techniques. Pathogenic predictions of the studied variants were generated using six genetic softwares. Allelic frequency of RET VUS was assessed in different public databanks. Results: Genetic screening of control samples identified the presence of p.Y791N, p.Y791F and p.E511K germline variants. Patients with MTC carrying p.V648I and p.K666N germline variants were localized and family members were screened and clinically investigated. In addition, a new case with pheochromocytoma was found to carry the p.Y791F germline variant. The in silico analyses showed that 4 out of 6 packages were more informative, suggesting physico-chemical structure alteration caused by 25 out of 48 RET VUS. Very low allele frequencies were found in the public databases including healthy individuals and tumor samples. In vitro studies have been performed only for 15 out of 48 RET VUS. Conclusion: Our data strongly suggest that the p.Y791F variant, when occurring in an isolated form, is a benign polymorphism not associated with increased risk of MTC. Conversely, its co-occurrence with bona fide RET mutations as C634Y may lead to modulation of the phenotype, as increasing the frequencies of large and bilateral pheochromocytomas in MEN2A families. Family members carrying the p.V648I variant isolate have been followed clinically for approximately 15 years. As no indication of MCT, pheochromocytoma or hyperparathyroidism development has been documented, we conclude that this variant is a rare RET benign polymorphism. More information is needed to a better characterization of other VUS as E511K, K666N and Y791N. Thus, carriers with these variants should be necessarily examined through a periodic clinical follow up

Characterization and potential treatment for retinal degeneration in mouse models of four emblematic ciliopathies / Caractérisation et traitement potentiel de la dégénérescence rétinienne dans quatre modèles de souris de ciliopathies emblématiques

Yu, Xianxiang 15 September 2016 (has links)
Les ciliopathies rétiniennes sont un groupe de maladies rares causés par des mutations de gènes ciliaires. Les défauts des gènes ciliaires peuvent causer des défauts de trafic de protéines et induit l'apoptose des cellules photoréceptrices causés par le stress du réticulum endoplasmique (RE). On a étudié ciliopathies rétiniennes par modèle mourin, amaurose congénitale de Leber, rétinopathie pigmentaire liée à l’X, syndrome de Bardet-Biedl, syndrome d’Alström. Les souris Bbs1-/- , Bbs10-/- et CEP290-/- ont monté une diminution de la fonction rétinienne et sont causée par ER stress. Les souris Rd9/y et Alms1foz/foz présentent une apparition tardive et avec un faible taux de dégénérescence rétinienne et ils pourrait être causée par d'autres mécanismes. Le traitement GV-Ret basé sur le stress du RE pourrait sauver à la fois la fonction de et la morphologie de la rétine dans souris BBS. / Retinal ciliopathies are a group of rare diseases caused by mutations of ciliary genes. Defects in ciliary genes can cause defects in proteins traffics and induces apoptosis of photoreceptor cells caused by stress of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) .We studied retinal ciliopathies by mice models, Leber congenital amaurosis, Xlinked retinitis pigmentosa, Bardet-Biedl syndrome and Alström Syndrome. The Bbs1-/-, Bbs10-/- and CEP290-/- mice exhibited a decrease in retinal function caused by ER stress. Rd9/y and Alms1foz/foz mice showed a late onset and a low rate of retinal degeneration and they could be caused by other mechanisms. The GV-Ret treatment based on ER stress could save both the function and morphology of the retina in BBS mice .

Caractérisations biochimique et microscopique du piège extracellulaire de racine et des exsudats racinaires de trois essences ligneuses sahéliennes : balanites aegyptiaca D., Acacia tortilis subsp. raddiana S., et tamarindus indica L / Biochemical and microscopic characterization of the root extracellular root trap and root exudates of three Sahelian woody seedlings : Balanites aegyptiaca D., Acacia tortilis subsp. raddiana S. and Tamarundus indica L.

Carreras, Alexis 28 March 2018 (has links)
La coiffe racinaire est cruciale à la croissance et survie du méristème subapical de racine. Elle libère des cellules frontières (CFs) qui assurent la protection de l’apex racinaire. Les CFs associées à leur mucilage forment le piège extracellaire de racine (RET). La caractérisation du RET et des exsudats racinaires de trois essences ligneuses sahéliennes à partir de plantules cultivées in vitro a été réalisée. B. aegyptiaca et A. raddiana prospèrent dans les zones semi-arides, à l’opposé de T. indica. La morphologie des CFs et l’organisation du RET ont été déterminées par microscopie. La compostion en glycopolymères et la détection des arabinogalactanes proteines (AGPs) dans le RET et les exsudats racinaires ont été déterminées par des analyses biochimiques. L’effet des exsudats racinaires sur la croissance d’Azospirillum brasilense, une bactérie bénéfique pour la plante a été évalué. B. aegyptiaca produit des CFs de type border cells (BCs) alors que les autres Fabaceae produisent des BCs et des border-like cells. Les BCs sont entourées d’un dense mucilage riche en polymères de paroi. Le RET et les exsudats racinaires issus de B. aegyptiaca et A. raddiana sont plus riches en AGPs que ceux provenant T. indica. Les AGPs pourraient contribuer à la survie des plantules dans un contexte semiaride. Ce travail ouvre de nouvelles perspectives de recherche concernant l'implication du RET dans la survie des plantes à l'aridité. / The root cap is primordial for seedling growth and supports root apical meristem integrity. The root cap releases root border cells (RBCs) that surround the root tip and ensure seedling protection against numerous stresses. RBCs and their associated mucilage form the root extracellular trap (RET). Here, RET and root exudate characterization of three Sahelian woody seedlings are performed. In contrast to B. aegyptiaca and A. raddiana which thrive in semi-arid areas, T. indica is more sensitive to drought. B. aegyptiaca, A. raddiana and T. indica seedlings were sub-cultured in vitro. RBC morphologies and RET organization were determined using microscopic approaches. The polysaccharide composition and arabinogalactan protein (AGP) content were determined by biochemical approaches in the RET and the root exudates. Moreover, the effect of root exudates on the growth of Azospirillum brasilense a plant benefical bacteria has been performed. While B. aegyptiaca produces only border cell (BC) type, the two Fabaceae seedlings release both BCs and border-like cells (BLCs). BCs are enclosed in a dense mucilage enriched in cell wall polymers. Compared to T. indica, RET and root exudates of B. aegyptiaca and A. raddiana include more abundant AGPs. In this context, AGPs could contribute to woody seedling survival. This work opens new research perspectives regarding involvement of RET in plant survival to aridity.

S??curit?? en r??gion frontali??re: les relations transgouvernementales de la S??ret?? du Qu??bec

Poliquin, Myriam January 2014 (has links)
En mati??re de s??curit?? en r??gion frontali??re, les ??tats f??d??raux nord-am??ricains ne sont pas les seuls acteurs puisque celle-ci renvoie ?? plusieurs champs de comp??tences constitutionnels partag??s avec les gouvernements f??d??r??s ou d??tenus par ceux-ci. Ainsi, au Canada la s??curit?? en r??gion frontali??re concerne autant les comp??tences f??d??rales que les responsabilit??s provinciales. La S??ret?? du Qu??bec ??tant l???organisation polici??re de la province, elle est amen??e ?? jouer un r??le important en cette mati??re. Cette organisation reste un acteur transnational au sens de Keohane et Nye, elle ??tablit des relations transgouvernementales avec ses homologues ?? travers le monde, notamment pour assurer la s??curit?? en r??gion frontali??re. L???existence d???une culture organisationnelle partag??e par la majorit?? des polici??res et des policiers favorise l?????tablissement de relations entre eux, qui ne se produisent pas sous les directives du gouvernement f??d??ral ou m??me des gouvernements provinciaux. Cette ??tude ne concerne pas l???ensemble des activit??s internationales de la S??ret?? du Qu??bec, mais se concentre sur les relations transgouvernementales entretenues par les directeurs et directeurs adjoints des quatorze postes frontaliers ?? la fronti??re Qu??bec-??tats-Unis. Ces fonctionnaires de proximit?? poss??dent un pouvoir discr??tionnaire et une autonomie particuli??re au sein de l???organisation polici??re et cela leur permet de choisir ou non d?????tablir des relations avec leurs homologues. Cette ??tude cible les facteurs qui favorisent et les ??l??ments qui entravent l?????tablissement des relations transgouvernementales des polici??res et policiers en r??gion frontali??re.

Gas Phase Nonlinear and Ultrafast Laser Spectroscopy

Ziqiao Chang (17543487) 04 December 2023 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">The objective of this research is to advance the development and application of laser diagnostics in gas phase medium, which ranges from atmospheric non-reacting flows to turbulent reacting flows in high-pressure, high-temperature environments. Laser diagnostic techniques are powerful tools for non-intrusive and in-situ measurements of important chemical parameters, such as temperature, pressure, and species mole fractions, in harsh environments. These measurements significantly advance the knowledge across various research disciplines, such as combustion dynamics, chemical kinetics, and molecular spectroscopy. In this thesis, detailed theoretical models and experimental analysis are presented for three different techniques: 1. Chirped-probe-pulse femtosecond coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CPP fs CARS); 2. Two-color polarization spectroscopy (TCPS); 3. Ultrafast-laser-absorption-spectroscopy (ULAS). The first chapter provides a brief survey of laser diagnostics, including both linear and nonlinear methods. The motivations behind the three studies covered in this dissertation are also discussed. </p><p dir="ltr">In the second chapter, single-shot CPP fs CARS thermometry is developed for the hydrogen molecule at 5 kHz. The results are divided into two parts. The first part concentrates on the development of H<sub>2</sub> CPP fs CARS thermometry for high-pressure and high-temperature conditions. The second part demonstrates the application of H<sub>2</sub> CPP fs CARS in a model rocket combustor at pressures up to 70 bar. In the first part, H<sub>2</sub> fs CARS thermometry was performed in Hencken burner flames up to 2300 K, as well as in a heated gas-cell at temperatures up to 1000 K. It was observed that the H<sub>2</sub> fs CARS spectra are highly sensitive to the pump and Stokes chirp. Chirp typically originates from optical components such as windows and polarizers. As a result, the pump delay is modeled to provide a shift to the Raman excitation efficiency curve. With the updated theoretical model, excellent agreement was found between the simulated and experimental spectra. The averaged error and precision are 2.8% and 2.3%, respectively. In addition, the spectral phase and pump delay determined from the experimental spectra closely align with the theoretical predictions. It is also found that pressure does not have significant effects on the H<sub>2</sub> fs CARS spectra up to 50 bar at 1000 K. The collision model provides excellent agreement with the experiment. This allows the use of low-pressure laser parameters for high-pressure thermometry measurements. In the second part, spatially resolved H<sub>2</sub> temperature was measured in a rocket chamber at pressures up to 70 bar. This is the first demonstration of fs CARS thermometry inside a high-pressure rocket combustor. These results highlight the potential of using H<sub>2</sub> CPP fs CARS thermometry to provide quantitative data in high-pressure experiments for the study of combustion dynamics and model validation efforts at application relevant operating conditions.</p><p dir="ltr">The third chapter presents the development of a TCPS system for the study of the NO (<i>A</i><sup>2</sup>Σ<sup>+</sup>-<i>X</i><sup>2</sup>Π) state-to-state collision dynamics with He, Ar, and N<sub>2</sub>. Two sets of TCPS spectra for 1% NO, diluted in different buffer gases at 295 K and 1 atm, were obtained with the pump beam tuned to the R<sub>11</sub>(11.5) and <sup>O</sup>P<sub>12</sub>(1.5) transitions. The probe was scanned while the pump beam was tuned to the line center. Collision induced transitions were observed in the spectra as the probe scanned over transitions that were not coupled with the pump frequency. The strength and structure of the collision induced transitions in the TCPS spectra were compared between the three colliding partners. Theoretical TCPS spectra, calculated by solving the density matrix formulation of the time-dependent Schrödinger wave equation, were compared with the experimental spectra. A collision model based on the modified exponential-gap law was used to model the rotational level-to-rotational level collision dynamics. An unique aspect of this work is that the collisional transfer from an initial to a final Zeeman state was modeled based on the difference in the cosine of the rotational quantum number <i>J</i> projection angle with the z-axis for the two Zeeman states. Rotational energy transfer rates and Zeeman state collisional dynamics were varied to obtain good agreement between theory and experiment for the two different TCPS pump transitions and for the three different buffer gases. One key finding, in agreement with quasi-classical trajectory calculations, is that the spin-rotation changing transition rate in the <i>A</i><sup>2</sup>Σ<sup>+</sup> level of NO is almost zero for rotational quantum numbers ≥ 8. It was necessary to set this rate to near zero to obtain agreement with the TCPS spectra. </p><p dir="ltr">The fourth chapter presents the development and application of a broadband ULAS technique operating in the mid-infrared for simultaneous measurements of temperature, methane (CH<sub>4</sub>), and propane (C<sub>3</sub>H<sub>8</sub>) mole fractions. Single-shot measurements targeting the C-H stretch fundamental vibration bands of CH<sub>4</sub> and C<sub>3</sub>H<sub>8</sub> near 3.3 μm were acquired in both a heated gas cell up to ~650 K and laminar diffusion flames at 5 kHz. The average temperature error is 0.6%. The average species mole fraction error are 5.4% for CH<sub>4</sub>, and 9.9% for C<sub>3</sub>H<sub>8</sub>. This demonstrates that ULAS is capable of providing high-fidelity hydrocarbon-based thermometry and simultaneous measurements of both large and small hydrocarbons in combustion gases. </p>

Análise do gene CDKN1B/p27kip1 em pacientes com neoplasia endócrina múltipla tipo 2 / CDKN1B/p27kip1 gene analysis in patients with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN2)

Sekiya, Tomoko 06 December 2013 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Na Neoplasia Endócrina Múltipla tipo 2 (NEM2), o desenvolvimento do Carcinoma Medular de Tireoide (CMT), Feocromocitoma (FEO) e Hiperparatireoidismo primário (HPT) está associado à mutações germinativas ativadoras no proto-oncogene RET. Casos de CMT esporádico podem apresentar mutações somáticas no RET (~40%). A variabilidade fenotípica observada em casos de CMT e FEO familiais associados à NEM2 indica o envolvimento de eventos genéticos adicionais que seriam responsáveis pelas diferenças clínicas observadas nos indivíduos afetados (idade de desenvolvimento, progressão e agressividade do tumor). Outras alterações genéticas no RET como duplas mutações, SNPs e haplótipos específicos podem influenciar na susceptibilidade, agressividade e modulação do fenótipo NEM2. Entretanto, os estudos de outros genes envolvidos no processo da tumorigênese NEM2 ainda estão em andamento. Recentemente foi mostrado que RET ativado controla a expressão de proteínas inibidoras do ciclo celular (p18 e p27). Mutações germinativas no gene p27 foram recentemente associadas à susceptibilidade de tumores neuroendócrinos e estão associadas à síndrome NEM4 (Neoplasia endócrina múltipla tipo 4). Mutações somáticas, inativadoras de p27, são raramente encontradas em vários tipos de tumores. Entretanto, diversos estudos documentaram que a redução na expressão e a sublocalização citoplamática de p27 são controladas por alterações pós-transducionais e/ou epigenéticas. OBJETIVOS: o estudo teve como objetivos avaliar a participação de genes, recentemente associados ao RET ativado, em tumores de pacientes com NEM2 e também verificar se polimorfismos no gene p27 estariam atuando como moduladores de fenótipo em uma grande família com NEM2. CASUÍTICA: foram analisadas 66 amostras tumorais advindas de 36 pacientes com diagnóstico clínico e genético de NEM2 e 28 indivíduos pertencentes a uma grande família com NEM2A-CMTF e mutação C620R no gene RET. MÉTODOS: As análises somáticas do p27 e também de p15, p18 e RET foram realizadas por PCR e sequenciamento direto de DNA e análise de microssatélites para p27 foi realizada por PCR e eletroforese capilar. Análises de expressão e localização da proteína p27 celular foram realizadas por Western blot e imunohistoquímica. A análise da modulação de fenótipo na família com NEM2A foi realizada por meio da amplificação do éxon 1 do gene p27 na amostra de sangue total. RESULTADOS: Não foram encontradas mutações somáticas no gene p27 e também nos genes p15 e p18. Entretanto, verificamos baixa expressão proteica de p27 em tumores CMT e FEO, a qual se encontrava relacionada com o tipo e agressividade do códon mutado no RET, principalmente em tumores que apresentavam mutação RET no códon 634 (controle x 634 p=0,05; controle x 634/791 p= 0,032; 620 x 634 p=0,045; 620 x 634/791 p= 0,002; 620 x 634 + 634/791 p=0,036). Notou-se também correlação positiva entre os níveis de expressão de p27 na localização nuclear, analisada por imunohistoquímica, e o genótipo TT do SNP p27 p.V109G (p=0,03). CONCLUSÕES: Alterações moleculares somáticas no gene p27 nos tumores NEM2 não são frequentes. Entretanto, a redução na expressão e a localização citoplasmática de p27 provavelmente estão associadas a alterações somáticas em outros genes que controlam os processos de fosforilação da proteína p27 (eventos pós-transducionais) / INTRODUCTION: In Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia type 2 (MEN2) the development of medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC), pheochromocytoma (PHEO) and primary hyperparathyroidism (HPT) are associated with activating germline mutations in RET proto-oncogene. Cases of sporadic MTC may have somatic RET mutations (~ 40%). The phenotypic variability observed in cases with familial MTC/MEN2 and PHEO/MEN2 indicates the probable involvement of additional genetic events that could be responsible for the clinical differences observed in the affected individuals (age development, progression and aggressiveness of the tumor). Other genetic alterations such as RET double mutations, SNPs and specific haplotypes may influence susceptibility, aggressiveness and MEN2 phenotype modulation. However, studies of other genes involved in the tumorigenesis of MEN2 are still in progress. Recently, it was shown that the activated RET controls the expression of cell cycle inhibitory proteins (p18 and p27). Germline mutations in the p27 gene have recently been associated with the susceptibility to neuroendocrine tumors and are associated with the MEN4 syndrome (Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 4). Somatic inactivating mutations p27 are rarely found in many types of tumors. However, several studies have documented that reduced expression and subcellular location of p27 is controlled by post-transductional changes and/or epigenetic factors. OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to evaluate the role of genes recently associated with RET activated in tumors from MEN2 patients and also check whether polymorphisms in the p27 gene would be acting as modulators of phenotype in a large MEN2 family. PATIENTS: We analyzed 66 tumor samples from 36 patients with clinical and genetic diagnosis of MEN2 and from 28 individuals belonging to a large family with FMTC/MEN2A and RET C620R mutation. METHODS: The analyses of somatic p27, p15, p18 and RET were performed by PCR and direct sequencing of DNA and microsatellite analysis was performed for p27 by PCR and capillary electrophoresis. Expression analysis and subcellular localization of p27 protein were performed by Western blot and immunohistochemistry. The analysis of phenotype modulation in MEN2A families was performed by the amplification of exon 1 of the p27 gene in a whole blood sample. RESULTS: There were no somatic mutations in the p27 gene and also in the p15 and p18 genes. However, we verified a low p27 protein expression in MTC/MEN2 and PHEO/MEN2 that showed a definite correlation with the type and aggressiveness of the mutated RET codon, mainly in those tumors from cases with germline RET codon 634 mutations (control vs 634, p=0,05; control vs 634/791, p= 0,032; 620 vs 634, p=0,045; 620 vs 634/791, p= 0,002; 620 vs 634 + 634/791, p=0,036). It was also verified a positive correlation between the immunohistochemistry expression of nuclear p27 subcellular location and the p27 p.V109G TT genotype (p=0,03). CONCLUSIONS: The reduction in the expression of p27 and its subcellular localization are likely to be associated with somatic changes in other genes that control the processes of phosphorylation of p27 protein through post-transductional events

Análise do gene CDKN1B/p27kip1 em pacientes com neoplasia endócrina múltipla tipo 2 / CDKN1B/p27kip1 gene analysis in patients with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN2)

Tomoko Sekiya 06 December 2013 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Na Neoplasia Endócrina Múltipla tipo 2 (NEM2), o desenvolvimento do Carcinoma Medular de Tireoide (CMT), Feocromocitoma (FEO) e Hiperparatireoidismo primário (HPT) está associado à mutações germinativas ativadoras no proto-oncogene RET. Casos de CMT esporádico podem apresentar mutações somáticas no RET (~40%). A variabilidade fenotípica observada em casos de CMT e FEO familiais associados à NEM2 indica o envolvimento de eventos genéticos adicionais que seriam responsáveis pelas diferenças clínicas observadas nos indivíduos afetados (idade de desenvolvimento, progressão e agressividade do tumor). Outras alterações genéticas no RET como duplas mutações, SNPs e haplótipos específicos podem influenciar na susceptibilidade, agressividade e modulação do fenótipo NEM2. Entretanto, os estudos de outros genes envolvidos no processo da tumorigênese NEM2 ainda estão em andamento. Recentemente foi mostrado que RET ativado controla a expressão de proteínas inibidoras do ciclo celular (p18 e p27). Mutações germinativas no gene p27 foram recentemente associadas à susceptibilidade de tumores neuroendócrinos e estão associadas à síndrome NEM4 (Neoplasia endócrina múltipla tipo 4). Mutações somáticas, inativadoras de p27, são raramente encontradas em vários tipos de tumores. Entretanto, diversos estudos documentaram que a redução na expressão e a sublocalização citoplamática de p27 são controladas por alterações pós-transducionais e/ou epigenéticas. OBJETIVOS: o estudo teve como objetivos avaliar a participação de genes, recentemente associados ao RET ativado, em tumores de pacientes com NEM2 e também verificar se polimorfismos no gene p27 estariam atuando como moduladores de fenótipo em uma grande família com NEM2. CASUÍTICA: foram analisadas 66 amostras tumorais advindas de 36 pacientes com diagnóstico clínico e genético de NEM2 e 28 indivíduos pertencentes a uma grande família com NEM2A-CMTF e mutação C620R no gene RET. MÉTODOS: As análises somáticas do p27 e também de p15, p18 e RET foram realizadas por PCR e sequenciamento direto de DNA e análise de microssatélites para p27 foi realizada por PCR e eletroforese capilar. Análises de expressão e localização da proteína p27 celular foram realizadas por Western blot e imunohistoquímica. A análise da modulação de fenótipo na família com NEM2A foi realizada por meio da amplificação do éxon 1 do gene p27 na amostra de sangue total. RESULTADOS: Não foram encontradas mutações somáticas no gene p27 e também nos genes p15 e p18. Entretanto, verificamos baixa expressão proteica de p27 em tumores CMT e FEO, a qual se encontrava relacionada com o tipo e agressividade do códon mutado no RET, principalmente em tumores que apresentavam mutação RET no códon 634 (controle x 634 p=0,05; controle x 634/791 p= 0,032; 620 x 634 p=0,045; 620 x 634/791 p= 0,002; 620 x 634 + 634/791 p=0,036). Notou-se também correlação positiva entre os níveis de expressão de p27 na localização nuclear, analisada por imunohistoquímica, e o genótipo TT do SNP p27 p.V109G (p=0,03). CONCLUSÕES: Alterações moleculares somáticas no gene p27 nos tumores NEM2 não são frequentes. Entretanto, a redução na expressão e a localização citoplasmática de p27 provavelmente estão associadas a alterações somáticas em outros genes que controlam os processos de fosforilação da proteína p27 (eventos pós-transducionais) / INTRODUCTION: In Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia type 2 (MEN2) the development of medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC), pheochromocytoma (PHEO) and primary hyperparathyroidism (HPT) are associated with activating germline mutations in RET proto-oncogene. Cases of sporadic MTC may have somatic RET mutations (~ 40%). The phenotypic variability observed in cases with familial MTC/MEN2 and PHEO/MEN2 indicates the probable involvement of additional genetic events that could be responsible for the clinical differences observed in the affected individuals (age development, progression and aggressiveness of the tumor). Other genetic alterations such as RET double mutations, SNPs and specific haplotypes may influence susceptibility, aggressiveness and MEN2 phenotype modulation. However, studies of other genes involved in the tumorigenesis of MEN2 are still in progress. Recently, it was shown that the activated RET controls the expression of cell cycle inhibitory proteins (p18 and p27). Germline mutations in the p27 gene have recently been associated with the susceptibility to neuroendocrine tumors and are associated with the MEN4 syndrome (Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 4). Somatic inactivating mutations p27 are rarely found in many types of tumors. However, several studies have documented that reduced expression and subcellular location of p27 is controlled by post-transductional changes and/or epigenetic factors. OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to evaluate the role of genes recently associated with RET activated in tumors from MEN2 patients and also check whether polymorphisms in the p27 gene would be acting as modulators of phenotype in a large MEN2 family. PATIENTS: We analyzed 66 tumor samples from 36 patients with clinical and genetic diagnosis of MEN2 and from 28 individuals belonging to a large family with FMTC/MEN2A and RET C620R mutation. METHODS: The analyses of somatic p27, p15, p18 and RET were performed by PCR and direct sequencing of DNA and microsatellite analysis was performed for p27 by PCR and capillary electrophoresis. Expression analysis and subcellular localization of p27 protein were performed by Western blot and immunohistochemistry. The analysis of phenotype modulation in MEN2A families was performed by the amplification of exon 1 of the p27 gene in a whole blood sample. RESULTS: There were no somatic mutations in the p27 gene and also in the p15 and p18 genes. However, we verified a low p27 protein expression in MTC/MEN2 and PHEO/MEN2 that showed a definite correlation with the type and aggressiveness of the mutated RET codon, mainly in those tumors from cases with germline RET codon 634 mutations (control vs 634, p=0,05; control vs 634/791, p= 0,032; 620 vs 634, p=0,045; 620 vs 634/791, p= 0,002; 620 vs 634 + 634/791, p=0,036). It was also verified a positive correlation between the immunohistochemistry expression of nuclear p27 subcellular location and the p27 p.V109G TT genotype (p=0,03). CONCLUSIONS: The reduction in the expression of p27 and its subcellular localization are likely to be associated with somatic changes in other genes that control the processes of phosphorylation of p27 protein through post-transductional events

Cognitive coping strategies for parents with learning disabled children

Maharaj, Malthi 01 1900 (has links)
Although thet:e has been gradual awat:eness of leat:ning disabilities aftet: Wodd Wat: II, it was in the late 1960's that compt:ehensive assessment and special education wet:e provided in schools. Specifically, in the at:ea of services for families, a reaffirmation of the fundamental rights of chilruen and families emerges. Although stress associated with the presence of a learning disabled child is an important consideration, its impact on the family is related to the family members' cognitive appraisal of the stress situation and thett copmg resources. Parents of learning disabled chilruen experience more stress, often exacerbated by faulty, misunderstood coping efforts that increase conflict in the family. Reseat:chers have investigated how: families manage stress; and cope with the multiple stt:esses of rearing a learning disabled children. It has been found that while many families cope, others cannot. Stress theory has dttected our attention to circumstances that weaken families and exacerbate distress. Preventative and ameliorative services at:e needed to assist such families. Stress and coping theory suggest that differences in families' reactions to learning disabilities may be related to amount and quality of resources available to pat:ents. This involves cognitive adaptation using coping skills, enabling them to t:e-evaluate stressful events positively. Another resource would be professionals, whose role would be of a facilitator, strengthening the ability of the family to gain access to needed services while increasing the family's mastery of coping with learning disability. Research has shown that parents' initial contact with learning disability and how to assist their learning disabled child was stressful. After parents received counselling on coping with their stress and stress management, and after the child's psycho-educational assessment and remedial measures were implemented, there has been significant positive feedback from parents and children. Research would embrace relationships between perceptions and family well-being using Ellis's rational-emotive therapy, thereby contributing to better understanding of how families cope with stress. Ayurvedic principles would be used to adopt a holistic approach to life. By using RET and A yurvedics the researcher was able to assist parents with learning disabled children to cope better with their stresses and effectively manage their child's learning disability. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

Cognitive coping strategies for parents with learning disabled children

Maharaj, Malthi 01 1900 (has links)
Although thet:e has been gradual awat:eness of leat:ning disabilities aftet: Wodd Wat: II, it was in the late 1960's that compt:ehensive assessment and special education wet:e provided in schools. Specifically, in the at:ea of services for families, a reaffirmation of the fundamental rights of chilruen and families emerges. Although stress associated with the presence of a learning disabled child is an important consideration, its impact on the family is related to the family members' cognitive appraisal of the stress situation and thett copmg resources. Parents of learning disabled chilruen experience more stress, often exacerbated by faulty, misunderstood coping efforts that increase conflict in the family. Reseat:chers have investigated how: families manage stress; and cope with the multiple stt:esses of rearing a learning disabled children. It has been found that while many families cope, others cannot. Stress theory has dttected our attention to circumstances that weaken families and exacerbate distress. Preventative and ameliorative services at:e needed to assist such families. Stress and coping theory suggest that differences in families' reactions to learning disabilities may be related to amount and quality of resources available to pat:ents. This involves cognitive adaptation using coping skills, enabling them to t:e-evaluate stressful events positively. Another resource would be professionals, whose role would be of a facilitator, strengthening the ability of the family to gain access to needed services while increasing the family's mastery of coping with learning disability. Research has shown that parents' initial contact with learning disability and how to assist their learning disabled child was stressful. After parents received counselling on coping with their stress and stress management, and after the child's psycho-educational assessment and remedial measures were implemented, there has been significant positive feedback from parents and children. Research would embrace relationships between perceptions and family well-being using Ellis's rational-emotive therapy, thereby contributing to better understanding of how families cope with stress. Ayurvedic principles would be used to adopt a holistic approach to life. By using RET and A yurvedics the researcher was able to assist parents with learning disabled children to cope better with their stresses and effectively manage their child's learning disability. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

Потенциал движения студенческих отрядов в формировании навыков будущего : магистерская диссертация / The potential of the student teams movement in the formation the skills of the future

Костин, Н. А., Kostin, N. A. January 2021 (has links)
В работе подчеркивается важность навыков будущего в подготовке современного специалиста на рынке труда. Приведен перечень актуальных навыков будущего. Представлен исследовательский дизайн при разработке программы по формированию навыков будущего в среде студенческих отрядов. Проведен анализ научной литературы по тематике данного исследования, описан портрет бойца студенческих отрядов УрФУ в контексте навыков будущего. Делаются выводы о навыках будущего, востребованных бойцами студенческих отрядов, приводится сравнение рейтинга навыков будущего бойцов студенческих отрядов с рейтингом навыков с точки зрения современного работодателя. Предложены технологии по формированию навыков будущего в среде студенческих отрядов. В статье представлена программа по формированию навыков будущего в среде студенческих отрядов Уральского федерального университета. Программа состоит из 4 модулей: информационный модуль, включающий 4 лекции от спикеров Ассоциации выпускников УПИ-УрГУ-УрФУ и центра универсальных компетенций УрФУ «4К», интерактивный модуль, состоящий из четырех тренингов, проектный модуль, включающий «Творческую лабораторию». Практический модуль содержит пять мероприятий, направленных на формирование навыков будущего. Приводятся результаты тестирования части элементов программы по формированию навыков в среде студенческих отрядов. Делается вывод о значительном потенциале движения студенческих отрядов в формировании навыков будущего. / The article emphasizes the importance of future skills in training a modern specialist in the labor market. The list of actual skills of the future is given. The article presents a research design for the development of a program for the formation of skills of the future in the environment of student groups. The article analyzes the scientific literature on the subject of this study, describes the portrait of a fighter of UrFU student detachments in the context of the skills of the future. Conclusions are drawn about the skills of the future that are in demand by the fighters of student squads, a comparison of the rating of the skills of the future of the fighters of student squads with the rating of skills from the point of view of a modern employer is given. Technologies for the formation of skills of the future in the environment of student groups are proposed. The article presents a program for the formation of future skills among the student groups of the Ural Federal University. The program consists of 4 modules: an information module, which includes 4 lectures from speakers of the UPI-USU-UrFU Alumni Association and the UrFU Center for Universal Competencies "4K". Interactive module consisting of four training sessions. The project module includes a "Creative Laboratory". The practical module includes five activities. The results of testing some elements of the program for the formation of skills in the environment of student groups are presented. Based on the results, conclusions are drawn about the level of formation of future skills among the student groups of the Ural Federal University.

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