Spelling suggestions: "subject:"risks"" "subject:"disks""
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Although direct-to-consumer (DTC) prescription drug advertising is regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, content analyses (Baird-Harris, 2009; Frosch, Krueger, Hornik, Cronbolm, & Berg, 2007; Kaphingst, DeJong, Rudd, & Daltroy, 2004; Wilkes, Bell, & Kravitz, 2000) and other studies (Davis, 2000, 2007) have suggested that advertisers may not disclose drug risks to the same extent that they describe drug benefits. This study builds on previous studies by Baird-Harris and Smith and Shaffer (2000) and aims to test the relationship between image congruency in televised DTC advertisements, recall of risks and benefits, and perceived ad persuasiveness. Advertisements for Nexium, Advair, and Lunesta were shown to college students in either their original (i.e., image incongruent) or modified (i.e., image neutral) form. In general, risks were easier to recall with image neutral advertisements (which were considered to be less persuasive), although results were not statistically significant. Gender had a significant interaction effect, suggesting that males and females process risks differently depending on images in a DTC advertisement. Despite its lack of significant findings, this study explores an underdeveloped area of research and provides a model for future studies.
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Shandong Province, renowned as China’s greatest agricultural province, is dominated by smallholders growing rain-fed crops and vulnerable to severe weather shocks that can increase poverty rates. Weather index insurance, an innovative agricultural risk management product, may be an effective mechanism to address vulnerability to catastrophic weather risk in rural regions of China, including Shandong. This project evaluated current household livelihood and risk management strategies and farmer interest in weather index insurance. Data from 174 participants were collected using a methodology that included focus groups, questionnaires, and personal interviews. Despite limited access to formal financial services, Shandong farmers generally employ informal, well-diversified income strategies and rely on no-interest informal loans from community members to manage adverse impacts of natural disasters, such as drought. Households sometimes rely on reducing consumption as a risk coping strategy; however, unlike many regions of the world, Shandong farmers do not tend to sell livelihood assets to manage weather shocks. A majority of interviewed participants were interested in weather index insurance after they understood its basic concept; however, participants expressed concerns regarding basis risk and program implementation.
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Att finna kärleken i det senmoderna samhället : En sociologisk uppsats om risker med att dejta på nätetKara, Alexandra Paulina, Olsson, Emelie January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att bidra med kunskap och förståelse av hur kärlek kan skapas i ett senmodernt samhälle. Aktuella studier på området menar att samhället idag är mer individualiserat än förr vilket innebär förändrade förutsättningar för att få kärleksrelationer att fungera. Moderniseringen har inneburit att vi antagit nya former av dejting vilket präglas av valfrihet för individen på samma gång som teknikens utveckling har medfört nya möjligheter att finna intimitet och tillit online. För att genomföra denna kvalitativa uppsats har vi utfört intervjuer med nätdejtare som därefter har tolkats utifrån Becks teorier kring risksamhället, Giddens teorier kring rena relationer samt Goffmans teorier kring det dramaturgiska perspektivet. Resultatet visar att nätdejtingen präglas av flera risker och faror. Nätdejtarna riskerar att bli besvikna om de går in med höga förväntningar, att hamna i otillfredsställande relationer, att bli bedragna eller lurade av andra nätdejtare. Det finns dock möjligheter att finna kärleken trots riskerna. Några strategier för att finna kärleken var att ha ett öppet sinne och inte måla upp för stora förväntningar, att bredda sitt urval av andra nätdejtare och samtidigt ägna sig åt djup kommunikation för att skapa tillit. Strategierna tenderade att minimera riskerna som följer av att dejta på nätet. / The purpose of this study is to contribute with knowledge and understanding of how love can be created in the late modern society. Current studies on this topic shows that society today is more individualized than before, which means that the conditions in order to get successful love relationships has changed. We have adopted new forms of dating which are characterized by the freedom of choice for individuals. The development of technology has led to new opportunities to find intimacy and trust online as a consequence of the modernization. This qualitative thesis is based on interviews with online daters and has been interpreted on the basis of Beck's theories of the risk society, Giddens theories of pure relationship, and Goffman's theories about the dramaturgical perspective. The result shows that there are several risks and dangers with the online dating. The online daters are likely to be disappointed if they go in with too high expectations, they also risk ending up in unsatisfying relationships or being deceived or mislead online by other online daters. However there were strategies to overcome these risks and dangers to find love. Having an open mind and lower the expectations, broaden the range of online daters and simultaneously engage in deep communication to build trust, tended to minimize the risks and dangers that online daters faced when they were searching for love online.
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Måleribranschen fångad i maskulinitetsnormens bur? : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnliga målares upplevelser av risker och säkerhet i arbetetLeoni, Sara January 2014 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen handlar om hur normer, förväntningar och traditioner inom måleribranschen styr hur målare handskas med säkerhetsfrågor i sitt arbete. Syftet är att studera kvinnliga målares upplevelse av säkerhet och risker i måleribranschen. Valet av ämne grundar sig i hur jag på nära håll fått följa en familjemedlems arbete inom måleribranschen och oron jag känt över att risker och säkerhetsfrågor inte verkade tas på allvar av fackförbund, företagsledning eller kollegor. Detta upplevde jag som anmärkningsvärt då en målares arbete tar plats i en ofta smutsig och farlig miljö som följaktligen kan vara skadlig för hälsan. Jag har intervjuat tre målare och deras svar tyder bland annat på att de är bekanta med risker inom måleribranschen och att säkerhetsfrågor från företagsledning, kollegor tas på varierande allvar. Respondenterna ger uttryck för att bli motarbetade av kollegor och arbetsledare när de vill måna om den egna säkerheten. Jag har studerat mina resultat i ljuset av genusteorier, maskulinitetsteorier och minoritetsteorier. De slutsatser jag dragit från min studie är att målarens kropp står i centrum i arbetet då den används som ett verktyg i likhet med en målarpensel. Respondenterna måste dessutom handskas med kvinnofientliga yttringar från de aktörer som de interagerar med i arbetet. Denna kvinnofientliga attityd, visar tidigare forskning, får många kvinnor att lämna branschen. Mina resultat ger mig en bild av en bransch med lågt i tak när det gäller samtal om risker och säkerhet och en trång norm om hur en målare ska vara. Min studie ger en bild av att maskulinitetsnormen begränsar det fria samtalet när det gäller risker och säkerhet i arbetet för målare. / This essay is about how, norms, expectations and traditions within the painting industry has an influence on the way painters deal with security issues in their labor. The purpose with this essay is to study female painter’s experiences of security matters and risks within the painting industry. The choice of theme of essay is based on the working life experiences in the painting industry of one of my family member´s. I felt worried about the painting union, managers of the painting enterprise and colleagues of my family member’s lack of interest regarding security matters. I found this attitude regarding security matters remarkable when knowing how dangerous and dirty the working environment is for painters and how high the risks of getting injured are. I have studied my results from my interviews in the light of gender, masculinity and minority theories. The conclusions I have made from my study are that a painter’s body is seen as a tool just like, for example, a brush. Security – and risk issues are not seen as priorities in my respondents working environments, these issues rather tend to get counteracted by colleagues and managers. My respondents also have to deal with the misogyny their working surroundings express. This misogynist attitude, show early studies, forces a great amount of female painters to leave the painting industry. My study gives me the notion of an industry with a narrow discussion climate when it comes to security and safety issues and a narrow norm about how the ideal painter is.
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Beslutsfattande i extrema miljöer : En studie om hur Grupptänk, Riskhantering och Eskalerande engagemang påverkar beslutsfattandet i extrema miljöerJonsson, Emilie, Lundström, Amanda January 2014 (has links)
Problem och syften När projekt befinner sig i extrema miljöer är betydelsen av ett fördelaktigt beslutsfattande avgörande. Om projektdeltagarna inte lyckas ta genomtänkta beslut finns det risk för att projektet misslyckas vilket involverar allvarliga konsekvenser. Med hjälp av denna studie vill vi studera beslutsfattandet i projekt i extrema miljöer: Hur påverkas beslutsfattandet av extrema miljöer? Vi har funnit att ett antal parametrar påverkar projekts förmåga att ta beslut. Vårt syfte, som är uppdelat i ett huvudsyfte och ett praktiskt syfte, handlar således om att analysera hur beslutsfattandet påverkas i extrema miljöer utifrån de tre parametrarna Grupptänk, Riskhantering och Eskalerande engagemang. I huvudsyftet ingår även att vi ämnar utveckla en modell. Vårt delsyfte innebär att vi önskar förstå beslutsfattande för att ge ett bidrag till projekt i extrema miljöer. Metod Vi har skrivit på uppdrag av forskningsgruppen TripleED som har gett oss en stor mängd kvalitativ data rörande en bergsklättringsexpedition på K2 som är att likställas med ett projekt i en extrem miljö. Vi har antagit ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv i vår studie, eftersom vi med hjälp av det sekundära materialet vill tolka och förstå (Olsson & Sörensen, 2011, s. 162) beslutsfattandet inom projekt i extrema miljöer. Trots att vi har genomfört en studie baserad på kvalitativ data strävar vi efter ett deduktivt angreppssätt eftersom vi är intresserade av att undersöka vår sociala verklighet utifrån teorier, (Bryman & Bell, 2011, s. 11,13) samtidigt som vår studie har inslag av induktion. Teorier Vi har utgått från teorier som berör Beslutsprocessen där vi har skapat vår egen modell utifrån tre olika beslutsmodeller. I kombination har vi använt oss av teorier som berör de tre parametrarna Grupptänk, Riskhantering och Eskalerande engagemang för att vidare förstå hur de påverkar beslutsfattande i extrema miljöer. Vi sammanfattar det teoretiska kapitlet med hjälp av en modell som presenterar att parametrarna påverkar beslutsfattande. Med utgångspunkt i modellen genomförde vi sedan vår empiriska undersökning för att se hur beslutsfattandet påverkas. Slutsats Vi har funnit att Beslutsprocessen är kortare än vad teorin föreslår i projekt som befinner sig i extrema situationer. När det inte finns tillräckligt med tid att ta överlagda beslut kan projektdeltagare istället behöva förbereda Beslutsprocessen vilket reducerar risken att ogenomtänkta beslut tas vid kritiska situationer. Vi har kommit fram till att de tre parametrarna har olika påverkan på beslutsfattandet i extrema miljöer och sambandet mellan dem och Beslutsprocessen har vi synliggjort i en slutgiltig modell. Vidare kunde vi även konstatera att vår slutsats uppfyller kraven för trovärdighet vilket medför att vår studie är användbar för framtida projekt.
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Risk analysis of alternative tillage systems in North Central Oregon dryland wheat productionAkbari, Ahmad, 1952- 10 February 1986 (has links)
Graduation date: 1986
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Medvetenhet om risker och konsekvenser med dataspelande bland ungdomarSantic, Azra, Berkovskaia, Alina January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att belysa problematiken kring dataspelsberoende och ta reda på hur unga män (killar) förhåller sig till detta. Vi ville ta reda på hur de ser på risken för att bli beroende på ett negativt sätt av att spela dataspel. Ser killarna det som ett allvarligt problem och har de några strategier för att inte påverkas negativt. Studien genomfördes i form av intervjuer i två fokusgrupper som bestod av fyra killar i varje grupp. Som grundläggande material för arbetet valde vi att använda oss av teorier om modernisering, stämpling, hyperverklighet och neutralisation. Under tidigare forskning har vi valt att ta upp bland annat om hur beroende ses ur både en vetenskaplig och en medicinsk synvinkel. Som resultat har vi kommit fram till att problematiken kring dataspelsberoende inte uppmärksammas mycket av informanterna och att de har låg kunskap om risker och konsekvenser av överdrivet dataspelande. / The purpose of this study is to highlight and discuss the problems of computer game addiction and find out how young men relate to this. We wanted to find out how they see the risk of becoming dependent in a negative way of playing computer games. Do they see any problems and do they use any strategies to not be affected negatively. The study is qualitative and was conducted in the form of interviews. We interviewed two focus groups consisting of four boys in each group, in the ninth grade. As basic material for this work we chose to use theories on modernization, conspiracy, hyper-reality and "neutralisationstekniken". For previous research, we have chosen to include, among other things, how dependence is viewed from both a scientific and a medical viewpoint. As a result, we have concluded that the problem of computer game addiction is not addressed adequately much and that the informants we interviewed did not have enough knowledge about the risks and the consequences of excessive computer gaming.
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Mapping Spatial Behavioural Risk in Port Campbell National Park.Dave, Naishadh Rushikeshbhai, n.dave@student@rmit.edu.au January 2009 (has links)
Humans are inherently drawn to places of naural scenic beauty. Alone in Australia's national parks; the demand on these locations is increasing because of increased population plus increasing regional domestic travel. It is important to understand how tourists are utilising nature-based tourism resources to ensure that tourist attractions, facilities and services provided in parks are not exposed to loss events. Environmental and human losses, when combined with their likelihood of occurrence, will constitute risk. Heavy use of popular sites in particular times of the year, beyond the carrying capacity, may result in an irreparable environmental loss. Besides, human risks in terms of becoming lost in the wilderness or falling down from the cliff are significant factors that park managers are considering. It is becoming utmost important to investigate how these visitors are interacting with the natural environment, in what ways at highly vunerable sites. Park managers are now required to understand the needs, demands, preferences and motivation of visitors to vist the parks. A proactive planning to manage potential risk particularly in relatively more fragile and vulnerable environments is needed. This thesis documents a study of visitors to Loch Ard Gorge Site within the Port Campbell National Park, Victoria. Visitors were monitored for their spatial behaviour using the GPS receivers. Visitor's attitude, interests, opinions and motives to travel to the study location is surveyed using onsite self-administrated questionnaire. Total 102 individuals were surveyed to determine their preferences and to obtain their socio-demographical profiles.These were latter coupled with their GPS track movements in order to derive their elicited spatial behaviour. It is well-established fact that visitors' attitude, preferences, and socio-demographical profiles are important factors to identify risk taking spatial behaviour. Hence, this research underpins the exhibited spatial behaviour of tourist to deliver their associated spatial behavioural risk typologies. Statistical classifications of visitors, based on survey responses were categorised using K-means Cluster Analysis. As a result, six different tourist types were obtained. They are; Mid-Allocentics possibly Risk Takers. Allocentrics and confirmed Risk Takers. Mid-Psychocentrics and Risk Averters. Allocentrics and Dependent Risk Takers. Psychocentrics and confirming Risk Averters. Psychocentrics and Risk Averters Mass Tourists. The mean values of all clusters (cluster centroids) are interpreted to understand tourist's risk taking and/or risk averting preferences. Visitors' actual spatial behavioural were spatially analysed using movement pattern maps. The typologies subsequently were verified using Discriminant Function Analysis and in this process tests of equality of group means (Significance of F-test), ANOVA classification are discussed. The final part of Discriminant Function Analysis is to determine the linear regression equations for prediction of group membership of data points in future using classification Function Matrix (Fisher's Linear Disceriminant Function). The developed tourist typologies may help park managers to regulate and mitigate human risk prior to its occurrence by understanding the visitors personality and preferences and their risk taking probabilities.
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Soil and Landscape Factors Affecting Phosphorus Loss from the Fitzgerald River Catchment in South West of Western Australiarxysharma76@gmail.com, Rajesh Sharma January 2009 (has links)
Following over 100 years of agriculture and continuous phosphorus (P) fertilizer application in the south west of Western Australia, there is a growing risk of P transport from cropping and pasture land to streams. However, soil and landscape factors affecting the likelihood of P losses and of stream water contamination have not yet been assessed for the South coast region of Western Australia. The present investigation was conducted in the Fitzgerald River catchment located ~ 400 km south east of Perth, to identify risk of P losses from agricultural land to streams, through an understanding of how P is retained within complex landscapes and released via surface and subsurface flow paths. The 104,000 ha catchment is in a moderately dissected landscape (average annual rainfall 450 mm) and discharges into the World Heritage listed Fitzgerald Biosphere. The main use of cleared land in the catchment is broad-scale agriculture, primarily winter grain cropping and pasture for livestock.
The aim of an initial study was to identify the areas with high soil P concentrations and their relationship to factors such as soil type, topography, management (e.g. fertilizer and manure inputs, and uptake by crops or forage) and how variations in soil P concentrations were related to soil physico-chemical properties, P fertilizer management and landscape position. A wide variation in P concentrations was observed across the catchment, but few of the samples exceeded Colwell extractable P levels of 30 mg/kg in the 0-10 cm layer which is regarded as a critical level for crop and pasture productivity. The western area of the catchment, which was cleared earlier (before 1966) than the eastern area had a greater prevalence of loam soils, and higher Colwell-extractable P concentrations (average)22 mg/kg vs. 13 mg P/kg) due to soil type effects and higher P accumulation over time. Risk of P loss from the east and west of the catchment is expected to vary due to textural and topographic differences and P history (P fertilizer input and uptake by crops). The CaCl2-extractable P in the catchment was negatively correlated with oxalate extractable Fe (Feox) in soils. This suggests that P may be transported as particulate P (PP) on loam and clay soils due to sorption of P on oxides surfaces, while on sand soil leaching losses may be more likely. On loam and clay soils, higher sodicity and the dispersive nature of subsoils may increase the risk of both dissolved P (DP) and PP loss due to the effects on hydraulic conductivity of the profile.
Hedley's fractionation scheme was used to quantify P fractions in the order of decreasing lability, viz: resin-P > NaOH-Pi > NaOH-Po > acid-P (H2SO4-P) > residual-P. Surface soil had higher resin and NaOH-Pi, which are regarded as water-soluble and readily exchangeable P forms, respectively and expected to contribute to DP in the runoff losses. The residual P was the largest fraction followed by the hydroxide extractable organic-P fraction (NaOH-Po): the former was positively correlated (r) with clay content, organic carbon (OC) and pyrophosphate extractable Fe and Al (0.48**, 0.61**, 0.69** and 0.58**, P < 0.01). A relatively higher value of NaOH-Po in the subsurface layer and positive correlation with OC (r = 0.45**, P < 0.01) suggests potential mobility of P as soluble organic P in run-off, throughflow and leachate.
Phosphorus sorption and its relationship to soil properties was used to assess the potential P release from the catchment soils. Values of P sorption maxima varied from 1111-3333 mg/kg for surface soils and 1010-2917 mg/kg for subsoils. The P sorption isotherms conformed better to the Freundlich equation than the Langmuir equation. A highly significant negative correlation between CaCl2 extractable P and Feox in surface soils (r = -0.65**, P < 0.01) suggests that P was bound to hydrated Fe oxide surfaces and this may determine the concentration and dynamics of loosely bound P equilibrating with leachates and eroded particulate materials. On the other hand, high surface organic matter and the high proportion of total dissolved P in organically bound form may inhibit P sorption on clays and sesquioxides, which would increase P mobility through leaching or runoff losses.
The relationship between soil P concentration and degree of P stratification in the top 0-10 cm of soils along five toposequences was examined to predict the effect on runoff P losses. The total Colwell-P content of the 0-10 cm layer of soils in the catchment was very low in comparison to other studies on P losses from agricultural soils, but soils showed higher P concentration at 0-1 cm depth compared to 5-10 cm (average 37 mg/kg vs. 19 mg/kg). The higher extractable P concentration in the 0-1 cm layer will create a greater P mobilization risk in surface runoff and leachate than analysis of the 0-10 cm layer might suggest. Assessment of P risk using the 0-10 cm data would still be reliable as P concentration in the 0-1 cm layer was linearly related (R2 = 0.59) with concentration in the 0-10 cm layer. The sampling at varied soil depths will result in different critical P levels for estimating the risk of P enrichment in runoff.
In a glasshouse study with intact soil columns, initial high P concentrations in leachate decreased with leaching events suggesting that macropore flow dominated in initial leaching events changing later to matrix flow. The hydraulic behavior of clay and loam soil below 10 cm depends largely on structure and the type of clay minerals and exchangeable Na. Higher levels of exchangeable Na in the subsoil might increase dispersion of clay particles resulting in low permeability leading to ponding of surface water or lateral movement of water at the interface of sand A and clay B horizons. Lateral water movements increase the risk of P losses in the form of DP, dissolved organic P (DOP) or PP. The P concentration in all the P forms (DRP, DOP and TDP) increased significantly with P rates of application (P < 0.01). The DRP concentration was < 2 mg/l in unfertilized columns but an increase to 11 mg/l was observed with P application at 40 kg P/ha. The higher proportion of DOP relative to DRP and its correlation with TDP indicates that the DOP was the major form of P in leachate. However, the estimation of DOP which was by subtraction of DRP from TDP generally overestimates OP concentration.
The TDP load from unfertilized soil was < 0.20 mg/l in runoff and < 2.40 mg/l in throughflow but increased with P application (20, 40 kg P/ha) for both packed box and field studies. Under field conditions, higher P loss was found with broadcast P application compared to drill placement. The higher load of DOP as a proportion of TDP and its significant relationship with TDP in runoff (R2sand = 0.81; R2clay = 0.79) and throughflow (R2sand = 0.94; R2clay = 0.98) in field and box studies also suggests DOP was the major form of P loss from soil. Dissolved OP concentration increased significantly with increase in soluble organic carbon (SOC) in soil solution at 5 cm depth (P < 0.05). Consequently, the amount of organic matter dissolved in soil solution may influence P sorption and mobility. Relatively higher affinity of soil for sorption of DRP compared to DOP might allow DOP to be more mobile through the profile. Higher PP load in clay soil in throughflow indicates subsurface lateral flow along the interface with the horizon of dispersive clay might be an additional risk factor regarding P mobility in clay soils of the catchment.
The runoff, throughflow and leachate were dominated by eroded particles of clay and colloidal organic materials. However, the soil solution collected though 0.1 m pores in the Rhizon samplers had a similar dominance of DOP to the < 0.45 jum filtered samples in runoff and throughflow. This reduces the likelihood that the so-called DOP fraction was mostly P associated with PP in the 0.1 to 0.45 jum size fraction. The composition of DOP in soil solution collected through Rhizon samplers (< 0.1 jum) might provide important insights for P mobility since this more effectively excluded PP than in the < 0.45 jum filtrate used for runoff and throughflow samples. The DOP in soil solution (< 0.1 jum) might be associated with fine colloidal compound such as silicates, metallic hydroxides, humic acids, polysaccharides, fulvic acids and proteins. If so, then most, but not all of the DOP fraction would be organically bound. However, this requires verification.
In conclusion, soil P levels across the catchment were never very high when assessed in the 0-10 cm layer, but levels in the 0-1 cm layer were more than twice as high. Overall, < 1 % of land area of the upper Fitzgerald River catchment had Colwell-P levels > 30 mg/kg (0-10 cm) and hydrological connection to streams. In addition, another 7 % of land had Colwell-P levels > 15 mg/kg, which appears to be a change point in soils for the release of CaCl2 extractable P. These areas, which are predicted to represent critical source areas of the catchment, need careful management. The high proportions of TDP as DOP in runoff, throughflow and soil solution suggest DOP was the major form of P loss from soil. Phosphorus losses from the catchments are also likely in the form of PP in clay and loam soil but leaching losses are more likely in sand. High exchangeable Na in the subsoil of loam and clay soils increases dispersion of clay particles resulting in low permeability of subsoil and greater lateral P mobility as throughflow at the interface of sand and clay textured horizons.
In general, soils of Fitzgerald River catchment had low soil P, but nevertheless significant risk of P loss at Colwell-P > 15 mg/kg. This study provides baseline information for P loss risks in the wheatbelt of WA. Stream water quality monitoring instruments were installed in the upper Fitzgerald River Catchment at 5 stream locations by CSIRO to measure base line concentrations of P. The measured P concentrations were higher than ANZECC trigger values (> 0.05 mg P/l) for management response over the three-year monitoring period (2005-07). Hence this and many other catchments on the south coast and wheatbelt of south west Western Australia need assessment for P loss risks. Previous emphasis in south west Western Australia on P losses from sandy coastal soils under pasture may need to be reconsidered. In the South coast region, cropping land in the medium rainfall zone may still represent a risk of P loss to waterways and risk to water quality. The present study evaluated the risk of P loss based on soil P forms and their mobility. It suggests greater attention needs to be given to the difference between clay and loam soils with dispersive or non-dispersive sub-soils, and to the composition and mobility of DOP. However, a more complete understanding of P loss risks depends on follow-up studies on hydrological flow and connectivity in the upper Fitzgerald River catchment and similar landscapes of south west Western Australia.
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Use of air cooling and its effectiveness in dry machining processesBoswell, Brian January 2008 (has links)
Traditional liquid coolants used in metal machining are known to contain chemical carcinogens that could present serious health risks for machine operators and have inherent waste disposal concerns on the environment. In lessening these adverse effects, the manufacturing industry continually seeks to develop machining techniques incorporating liquid-less (dry) methods or environmentally benign coolants. Air-jet cooling is widely regarded as a viable alternative for liquid coolants in machining processes. This thesis proposes a novel air jet cooling arrangement, and assesses its thermal effectiveness and operational compatibility for specific requirements in metal cutting operation. For tests, steel rods were machined on a standard lathe workbench at selected cutting depth, feed and speed. Type 1040 steel, which is commonly used in automobile industry, was chosen as work piece material. Instead of traditional liquid coolant, a specially designed compressed air jet is used to dissipate heat generation in the cutting zone at the tool tip. The tool tip is presented orthogonally to the work piece to maintain conformity with relevant established cutting tool theories. A special air jet configuration based on a Ranque-Hilsch vortex tube was designed and developed for cooling the cutting zone and tool tip. The tool tip temperatures were measured by installing thermocouples at strategic locations on the tool piece and recorded on a data-logger for a range of cutting depths, feeds and speeds. The cutting power was measured with a power meter attached to the electrical power supply to the lathe. For comparison purposes, tests were also conducted with conventional single-nozzle air jets in place of the vortex-tube jets, using traditional liquid coolant and without any cooling applied to the tool tip. / A thermal vision camera was also deployed for selected tests to ascertain the temperature characteristics at the tool tip. The data was analysed to establish the thermal characteristics at the tool tip with vortex tube air jet, conventional air jet and no air jet cooling. The measured temperatures and cutting data were used to make assessments on cooling efficiency of jets used and surface finish quality of work piece. Estimates of tool life were made from the cutting theory to determine the effectiveness of the cooling systems used in the machining process. It is found that the proposed vortex tube based air jet cooling arrangement provides a highly efficient heat removal mechanism for metal cutting and delivers thermal cooling performance very much comparable to traditional liquid coolants without the inherent chemical exposure risks to machine operators and harmful impact on the environment. With the proposed air jet cooling, the tool life is very much unchanged and the surface finish quality of work piece shows no significant change while savings will realise though lesser dependency on liquid coolant requiring careful disposal and associated costs.
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