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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Experimental analysis of intra- and interspecific competitive interactions between cutthroat trout and sculpins in small streams

Ramirez, Ben S. 02 December 2011 (has links)
In the Pacific Northwest ecoregion of North America, sculpins represent a major constituent of freshwater assemblages in coastal rivers. Based on their prevalence and abundance, sculpins are likely important ecologically, yet little is known of their interactions with co-occurring species, such as widely studied salmon and trout (salmonines). In this study, I evaluated inter- and intraspecific interactions involving cottids (Cottus sp.) and coastal cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii clarkii). I used a response surface experimental design to independently evaluate effects of cutthroat trout and sculpin biomass on growth and behavior. There was evidence of both intra- and interspecific interactions between cutthroat trout and sculpins, but the interactions were asymmetrical with biomass of cutthroat trout driving both intra- and interspecific interactions, whereas sculpins had little influence overall. Cutthroat trout biomass was positively related to conspecific aggressive interactions and negatively related to growth. Sculpin exhibited increased use of cover during the day in response to greater biomass of cutthroat trout, but not sculpin biomass. Nocturnal use of cover by sculpins was unaffected by biomass of either species. This experiment provides insights into the species interactions and the mechanisms that may allow sculpins and salmonines to coexist in nature. As cutthroat trout appear to be superior competitors, coexistence between sculpins and cutthroat trout may depend on some form of refuge, either in the form of in-stream cover or crypsis coupled with diel resource segregation. Cutthroat trout are usually active during the day, indicating that nocturnal foraging by sculpins may in part represent a behavior that minimizes interspecific competition with cutthroat trout. / Graduation date: 2012

Etude expérimentale de l'érosion d'un massif de sable cohésif par une houle monochromatique / Experimental study of erosion of cohesive sand massif by monochromatic waves

Caplain, Bastien 15 November 2011 (has links)
La plupart des côtes de la Terre reculent et 80% sont rocheuses. La prévision du recul des falaises littorales est primordiale afin d’anticiper les risques futurs pour les aménagements littoraux. Cependant, la compréhension de ce recul est difficile car de nombreux paramètres le contrôlent. Des expériences en canal à houle de petite échelle ont été effectuées où nous avons mis en place un massif de sable humide soumis à l’attaque des vagues par sapement. Le but est de comprendre comment l’effet des vagues contrôle l’érosion des falaises. La technique de mesure par ombroscopie a été employée et nous a permis de détecter la surface du sable et la surface libre en fonction du temps. Nous avons ainsi analysé l’influence du forçage des vagues (F, ξ) (où F est le flux d’énergie des vagues incidentes au large et ξ est le paramètre de similitude de “surf”) sur la vitesse de recul de la falaise et sur la profondeur des évènements d’effondrement. La vitesse de recul de la falaise augmente linéairement avec le flux d’énergie F. Les débris de falaise érodés changent la morphologie du fond, les types de morphologie du fond dépendent fortement du paramètre de similitude de “surf” au déferlement, ou encore du paramètre de Dean Ω. Des profils du fond instationnaires présentant une oscillation auto-entretenue de la barre sédimentaire ont été observés. Nous avons de plus étudié l’effet de la granulométrie du sable utilisé : pour un sable plus fin, la falaise est plus cohésive et s’effondre au cours d’évènements de plus grande ampleur. Etonnamment, le recul de la falaise est plus important pour du sable fin. Ceci est probablement dû à une modification de la morphologie du fond conduisant à une dissipation de l’énergie des vagues moins importante. Le volume de sable injecté dans le système a finalement été quantifié, la barre sédimentaire a d’abord été prélevée périodiquement et il a été observé que la vitesse de recul de la falaise vr est constante. Puis, la hauteur de falaise a été modifiée, le recul des falaises est plus important pour des petites falaises. Il semblerait que l’instationnarité d’un profil du fond se déclenche à partir d’un volume seuil de sable érodé. / Most of the Earth coasts recedes and 80 % are rocky. Prediction of sea-cliff recession is essential to anticipate future risks for coastal development. However, it is difficult to understand this recession because many parameters control it. In addition, both the space and time scales are too big for the different mechanisms of cliff erosion to be fully analysed. Experiments in a small-scale wave flume were conducted in which a massif made of wet sand is submitted to wave attack. The aim is to understand how cliff erosion is wave-controlled. The technique of shadow graph measurements was used to detect the time evolution of sand and water surfaces. We have analyzed the influence of wave forcing (F, ξ) (where F is the incident offshore wave energy flux and ξ is the surf similarity parameter) on the cliff recession rate and on collapse event size. The cliff recession rate increases linearly with the wave energy flux F. The eroded cliff materials change the bottom morphology ; the types of bottom morphology strongly depend on the surf similarity parameter at the breaker point, or the Dean parameter Ω. Bottom profiles characterized by unsteady self-sustained sandbar oscillation were observed. In addition, we studied how sand granulometry change the system evolution. Finer the sand is, more cohesive is the cliff and bigger are cliff collapses. Contrary to what was expected, cliff recession is more important for a finer sand : this could be due to a more dissipative bottom morphology built by fine sands. The sand volume within the system changes following cliff collapses and a sandbar removal during particular experiments. The cliff recession rate is constant when the sandbar is removed and decreases with cliff height. It seems that the unsteadiness of the bottom profile is activated when the volume of eroded sand exceeds a threshold value.

Vivre dans des conditions difficiles en falaise : potentialités et longévité du genévrier de Phénicie (Juniperus Phoenicea L) / Living in harsh cliff conditions : potentialities and longevity of the Juniperus Phoenicea L

Mathaux, Coralie 30 March 2017 (has links)
Les falaises sont les derniers écosystèmes vierges de la zone tempérée. Elles représentent un réservoir de biodiversité et un refuge pour de nombreuses espèces végétales et peuvent abriter des espèces longévives. Dans le bassin méditerranéen, la rareté des populations anciennes et naturelles et même celle d’arbres isolés qui atteignent des âges importants s’explique par l’existence d’une pression anthropique forte depuis environ 10 000 ans. Pourtant, dans les gorges de l’Ardèche (sud de la France), des populations de Juniperus phoenicea en falaise présentent toutes les classes d’âges y compris des individus millénaires. Les falaises abritent de façon régulière des vieux arbres qui peuvent être identifiés à l’aide de critères morphologiques visuels. Néanmoins, les parois rocheuses imposent aux arbres qui s’y développent des contraintes importantes liées à la verticalité et à la compacité du substrat. Le sol y est absent ou très réduit et cela entraîne un apport en eau et en nutriments qui peut également être limité. De plus, la verticalité du milieu entraîne de nombreuses chutes de pierres qui blessent ou tuent les arbres. Les genévriers de Phénicie qui colonisent ces milieux très contraignants, répondent à cette pression par un très faible taux de croissance, une mortalité partielle de l’appareil aérien et du cambium, des caractéristiques morphologiques foliaires adaptées à la sécheresse, une capacité à utiliser l’eau des brouillards et des petites pluies qui mouillent uniquement le feuillage et ils possèdent également des communautés de champignons mycorhiziens à arbuscules adaptées à ce milieu et ce tout en pouvant atteindre des longévités exceptionnelles. / The cliffs are the last virgin ecosystems of the temperate zone. They represent a reservoir of biodiversity and a refuge for many plant and animal species and can harbor long-lived species. In the Mediterranean basin, the scarcity of old and natural forest populations and even that of isolated trees reaching great ages is explained by the existence of a strong anthropogenic pressure for about 10 000 years. However, in the gorges of the Ardèche (southern France), populations of Juniperus phoenicea in cliffs present all age classes including millennial individuals. Beyond this, the cliffs regularly shelter old trees that can be identified using visual morphological criteria. Nevertheless, the rock walls impose important stresses on the trees which develop therein due to the verticality and the compactness of the substrate. The soil is absent or very reduced and this leads to a supply of water and nutrients which can also be limited. Moreover, the verticality of the environment causes many rockfalls that injure or kill the trees. Juniperus phoenicea which colonize these very restrictive habitat respond to the pressure of such a medium by a very low growth rate, a partial mortality of the aerial system and the cambium, the leaf morphological characteristics adapted to the drought, the ability to use water from mists and small rains that only wet the foliage, and they also have arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal community adapted to this environment, while at the same time achieving exceptional longevity.

Vegetação rupestre associada á floresta estacional no sul do Brasil

Rocha, Fernando Souza January 2009 (has links)
Formações rupestres representam centros de diversidade taxonômica e funcional associadas a condições ambientais extremas. São também sítios para colonização por espécies florestais, normalmente associada a mecanismos de facilitação. A distribuição das espécies, determinada por seu nicho e por mecanismos neutros, resulta na variação da composição entre comunidades (diversidade beta). Neste trabalho pretendemos avaliar se a vegetação rupestre apresenta-se, taxonômica e funcionalmente, distinta da matriz florestal regional, analisar possíveis interações positivas entre espécies associadas ao avanço da floresta sobre a vegetação rupestre e determinar como a composição de espécies arbóreas no gradiente floresta-afloramento rochoso é limitada por dinâmicas neutras, de nicho ou ambas ao longo da ontogenia. Estudamos a vegetação sobre afloramentos basálticos no Parque Estadual do Turvo, sul do Brasil. A flora das comunidades rupestres foi estudada a campo durante dois anos. As espécies foram classificadas em formas de vida com base na literatura e observação no campo. Para avaliarmos a ocorrência de facilitação e os padrões de diversidade beta arbórea amostramos comunidades de espécies arbóreas em três ecótonos de floresta/afloramento rochoso. Em cada sítio estabelecemos 60 parcelas de 1.5 x 1.5 m ao longo do gradiente. As parcelas foram descritas pela cobertura de Bromelia balansae Mez e pela composição de espécies, separadas em quatro classes de tamanho, representando as diferentes fases ontogenéticas dos indivíduos. Avaliamos diferenças taxonômicas e funcionais entre a vegetação rupestre e a flora regional através de testes de qui-quadrado e os efeitos dos diferentes fatores através de testes de aleatorização uni e multivariados. Registramos 111 espécies, das quais 43 de ocorrência restrita aos afloramentos, distribuídas em 54 famílias botânicas. O espectro de formas de vida teve grande frequência de caméfitos (29.7%), nanofanerófitos (17.1%) e geófitos (15.3%). Entre as espécies de ocorrência restrita, geófitos (32.6%), caméfitos (25.6%) e nanofanerófitos (20.9%) como foram as mais frequentes. Testes de 2 indicaram diferenças significativas nas frequências de famílias e de formas de vida entre os ambientes. Nossos resultados indicaram uma associação positiva entre a cobertura de bromélias e a riqueza e a abundância de plântulas de espécies arbóreas. Aparentemente, maiores coberturas por B. balansae fornecem proteção contra a herbivoria, indistintamente, e amenização das severas condições ambientais, favorecendo o estabelecimento de espécies pioneiras da floresta. Os testes multivariados indicaram efeito significativo do fator sítio sobre a diversidade beta, em todas as classes de tamanho, e do fator gradiente somente para duas classes de tamanho analisadas. A vegetação rupestre apresentou uma flora distinta, florística e funcionalmente, com uma grande similaridade a outras formações rupestres neotropicais, mas com expressivo número de espécies arbóreas. Plântulas destas espécies, aparentemente, beneficiam-se da presença de B. balansae, o que pode levar à redução gradual da vegetação rupestre neste mosaico floresta/afloramentos. Entender como as comunidades arbóreas têm sua distribuição determinada por limitações de dispersão e de nicho pode levar a uma melhor compreensão dos processos que geram e mantêm a diversidade. / Rocky outcrops are centers of taxonomic and functional diversity with extreme environmental conditions. They also are sites for colonization by forestry species, usually related to facilitation mechanisms. The species distribution set by niche and neutrals mechanisms results in the variation of composition among communities (beta diversity). The goals of this work are evaluate if rocky outcrops are taxonomically and functionally different from the surrounding forest, study the possible positive interactions among species related to the advance of the forest over the rupestrian vegetation and determine how the composition of arboreal species in the interface forest/rocky outcrop is limited by neutral, niche or both dynamics along the ontogeny. We studied the vegetation of basaltic rocky outcrops at the Turvo State Park, south Brazil. The flora from rupestrian communities was analyzed at field during two years. Species were classified into life forms based on literature and field observations. To evaluate the patterns of arboreal beta diversity and the occurrence of facilitation between plants we sampled arboreal species in three forest/rocky outcrop ecotones. In each rocky outcrop we established 60 plots of 1.5 x 1.5 m along the forest-rocky outcrop ecotone. We described each plot in terms of Bromelia balansae Mez cover and the composition of tree species, separated into four size classes, representing different ontogenetic stages of individuals. The taxonomic and functional differences between the rupestrian vegetation and regional flora were analyzed with the chi-square test and the effects of different factors were analyzed with randomization tests uni-and multivariate. We registered 111 species, 43 of which restricted to the rocky outcrops, distributed in 54 botanic families. The life form spectrum showed a high proportion of chamaephytes (29.7%), nanophanerophytes (17.1%) and geophytes (15.3%). The flora restricted to rocky outcrops showed more frequently geophytes (32.6%), chamaephytes (25.6%) and nanophanerophytes (20.9%). Chi-square tests indicated significant differences in frequencies among environments, for both families and life forms. Our results showed that the coverage of bromeliads is positively correlated to the richness and abundance of seedlings of arboreal species. It seems that higher cover by B. balansae gives protection against herbivory indistinctively, and also reduces the effects of severe environmental conditions, allowing the settlement of forest pioneers species. Multivariate tests showed significant effect of the site factor on the beta diversity in all classes of size and significant effect of the gradient factor only on two size classes evaluated. The rupestrian vegetation is distinct floristically and functionally, showing high floristic similarity with other neotropical rupestrian formations, but has high number of arboreal species. Seedlings of arboreal species seem to have benefit from the presence of B. balansae, which can cause a gradual reduction of the rupestrian vegetation in the forest and rocky outcrop mosaic. Understanding how the distribution of arboreal communities is determined by limitations of dispersal and niche can improve the comprehension of the dynamics that generate and maintain diversity.

Estructura espacial, dinámica temporal y hábitat del poblamiento de peces litorales mediterráneos

García Charton, José Antonio 09 November 1999 (has links)
En esta tesis se aborda la cuantificación, mediante censos visuales, de las pautas de variación espacial y temporal de los poblamientos de peces que viven en los fondos rocosos infralitorales del Mediterráneo occidental, a varias escalas espaciales, y se estima la importancia relativa de la estructura del hábitat rocoso para explicar dichas variaciones. En sucesivos estudios, utilizándose técnicas de análisis espacial, se muestra que riqueza, abundancia y diversidad de peces responden a las variaciones del hábitat estructural (distinguiéndose entre complejidad y heterogeneidad), tanto a escala local como a múltiples escalas espaciales jerarquizadas. Por otra parte, el poblamiento de peces muestra una notable estabilidad temporal, aunque ésta depende de las escalas taxonómica, espacial o analítica considerada, pudiendo esta estabilidad ser debida al efecto del hábitat sobre las poblaciones. La influencia de la estructura del hábitat rocoso puede enmascarar, e incluso contrarrestar, los beneficios esperados de la protección pesquera.

Modelling the potential impacts of climate change on snowpack in the St. Mary River watershed, Montana

MacDonald, Ryan J, University of Lethbridge. Faculty of Arts and Science January 2008 (has links)
Climate change poses significant threats to mountain ecosystems in North America (Barnett et al., 2005) and will subsequently impact water supply for human and ecosystem use. To assess these threats, we must have an understanding of the local variability in hydrometeorological conditions over the mountains. This thesis describes the continued development and application of a fine scale spatial hydrometeorological model, GENESYS (GENerate Earth SYstems Science input). The GENESYS model successfully simulated daily snowpack values for a 10 year trial period and annual runoff volumes for a thirty year period. Based on the results of these simulations the model was applied to estimate potential changes in snowpack over the St. Mary River watershed, Montana. GCM derived future climate scenarios were applied, representing a range of emissions controls and applied to perturb the 1961-90 climate record using the “delta” downscaling technique. The effects of these changes in climate were assessed for thirty year time slices centered on 2020s, 2050s, and 2080s. The GENESYS simulations of future climate showed that mountain snowpack was highly vulnerable to changes in temperature and to a lesser degree precipitation. A seasonal shift to an earlier onset of spring melt and an increase in the ratio of rain to snow occurred under all climate change scenarios. Results of mean and maximum snowpack were more variable and appeared to be highly dependent on scenario selection. The results demonstrated that although annual volume of available water from snowpack may increase, the seasonal distribution of available water may be significantly altered. / viii, 93 leaves ; 29 cm

Investigating landscape change and ecological restoration: an integrated approach using historical ecology and GIS in Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta

Levesque, Lisa Marie 02 September 2005 (has links)
This thesis examines landscape change from 1889 to the present within the foothills-parkland ecoregion of Waterton Lakes National Park (WLNP) in southwestern Alberta, Canada. Land cover dynamics are explored qualitatively and quantitatively using Geographical Information Systems and a combination of historical and contemporary data sources including: (1) Dominion Land Survey (DLS) transect records (1889), (2) repeat oblique photographs (1914 and 2004) and repeat aerial photography (1939 and 1999). Results indicate a consistent increase in woody vegetation cover, particularly aspen forest cover, within the foothills-parkland since 1889, largely at the expense of native grasslands. The primary drivers of these changes likely include: climatic influences, changes to the historical grazing regime, the suppression of natural fire cycles and the cessation of First Nations’ land management practices. This research illustrates the value of integrating multiple historical data sources for studying landscape change in the Canadian Rockies, and explores the implications of this change for ecological restoration in the foothills-parkland of WLNP.

An agent of change: William Drewry and land surveying in British Columbia, 1887-1929

Cameron, Darby 26 August 2009 (has links)
In 1887, following the completion of the CPR to the Pacific, William Stewart Drewry took part in the Topographical Survey of Canada's first experiment with photographic surveying, which he applied to the Rocky Mountain Railway Belt. He then surveyed the rich mining districts of BC during the Kootenay hardrock mining boom (1893-1909). In 1909, he became BC's first and only Chief Water Commissioner and, in 1911, he returned to surveying as BC's Inspector of Surveys. From 1913 until his retirement in 1929, he surveyed for government and in private practice. Throughout his career, Drewry operated between two land systems: first, a system based on customary rights and local obligations; and, second, a system based on private property and market exchange. Drewry implemented the latter capitalist system, attempting to empower the settlement society, which had the effect of ensuring corporate dominance and, to Drewry's dismay, monopolization of the BC landscape.

Investigating landscape change and ecological restoration: an integrated approach using historical ecology and GIS in Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta

Levesque, Lisa Marie 02 September 2005 (has links)
This thesis examines landscape change from 1889 to the present within the foothills-parkland ecoregion of Waterton Lakes National Park (WLNP) in southwestern Alberta, Canada. Land cover dynamics are explored qualitatively and quantitatively using Geographical Information Systems and a combination of historical and contemporary data sources including: (1) Dominion Land Survey (DLS) transect records (1889), (2) repeat oblique photographs (1914 and 2004) and repeat aerial photography (1939 and 1999). Results indicate a consistent increase in woody vegetation cover, particularly aspen forest cover, within the foothills-parkland since 1889, largely at the expense of native grasslands. The primary drivers of these changes likely include: climatic influences, changes to the historical grazing regime, the suppression of natural fire cycles and the cessation of First Nations’ land management practices. This research illustrates the value of integrating multiple historical data sources for studying landscape change in the Canadian Rockies, and explores the implications of this change for ecological restoration in the foothills-parkland of WLNP.

Gen?tica e biologia reprodutiva de vriesea minarum (Bromeliaceae): em busca de estrat?gias de conserva??o no quadril?tero ferr?fero, minas gerais

Rolim, P?mela Lavor 11 March 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:49:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PamelaLR_DISSERT.pdf: 3477786 bytes, checksum: e908a438292b6fd69e56fc50da98d37c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-03-11 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / Vriesea minarum is a rupiculous bromeliad species, with naturally fragmented populations, restricted to the Iron Quadrangle, Minas Gerais, Brazil. It is a threatened species, which is suffering from habitat loss due to the growth of cities and mining activities. The knowledge of genetic variability in plant populations is one of the main branches of conservation genetics, linking genetic data to conservation strategies while the knowledge about plant reproductive biology can aid in understanding key aspects of their life story, as well as in the comprehension of their distribution and survival strategies. Thus, the study of diversity, richness, and genetic structure, as well as the reproductive biology of populations of V. minarum can contribute to the development of conservation actions. Chapter 1 presents the transferability of 14 microsatellite loci for V. minarum. Among the results of this chapter, we highlight the successful transferability of 10 microsatellite loci described for other species of Bromeliaceae, all of which are polymorphic. In Chapter 2, we present the genetic analyses of 12 populations of V. minarum that are distributed throughout the Iron Quadrangle. We used the 10 microsatellite loci tested in Chapter 1. The results show a low population structuring (Fst = 0.088), but with different values of genetic richness (mean = 2.566) and gene diversity (mean = 0.635) for all populations; and a high inbreeding coefficient (Gis = 0.376). These may be the result of pollinators action and/or efficient seed dispersal, thus allowing a high connectivity among populations of naturally fragmented outcrops. The reproductive biology and floral morphology of a population of V. minarum, located in the Parque Estadual da Serra do Rola-Mo?a, are studied in Chapter 3. This reserve is the only public environmental protection area where the species occurs. As a result of field experiments and observations, we found that the species has its flowering period from January to March, with flowers that last for two days and that it has a mixed pollination syndrome. It is primarily alogamous, but also has the capacity to be self-ferilized. It is expected that data obtained in chapters 1, 2 and 3 serve as basis for other studies with species from the ferruginous rocky fields, since until now, to our knowledge, there are no other survey of endemic species from the Iron Quadrangle, seeking to merge the genetic knowledge, with the data of the reproductive biology, with the ultimate aim of biodiversity conservation. Considering the great habitat loss for the species by mining, it becomes crucial to analyze the creation of new protected areas for its conservation / Vriesea minarum ? uma esp?cie de brom?lias rup?cola, com popula??es naturalmente fragmentadas, restrita a regi?o do Quadril?tero Ferr?fero, em Minas Gerais, Brasil. ? uma esp?cie amea?ada, que est? sofrendo com a perda de habitat devido ao crescimento das cidades e ?s atividades de minera??o. O conhecimento da variabilidade gen?tica em popula??es de plantas ? um dos principais ramos de gen?tica da conserva??o, associando dados gen?ticos para as estrat?gias de conserva??o, enquanto que o conhecimento sobre a biologia reprodutiva pode ajudar na compreens?o de aspectos fundamentais da hist?ria de vida, distribui??o e estrat?gias de sobreviv?ncia das plantas. Assim, o estudo da diversidade, riqueza, estrutura gen?tica e biologia reprodutiva das popula??es de V. minarum podem contribuir para o desenvolvimento de a??es de conserva??o. O cap?tulo 1 apresenta a transferabilidade de 14 loci de microssat?lites para V. minarum. Entre os resultados desse cap?tulo, destaca-se o sucesso da transferabilidade de 10 loci de microssat?lites descritos para outras esp?cies de Bromeliaceae, sendo todos eles polim?rficos. No cap?tulo 2, ? apresentada a gen?tica de 12 popula??es de V. minarum que se distribuem por todo o Quadril?tero Ferr?fero. Os resultados obtidos mostram pouca estrutura??o entre as popula??es (Fst = 0,088), mas com diferentes valores de riqueza (m?dia = 2.566) e diversidade gen?tica (m?dia = 0.635) para todas as popula??es; o coeficiente de endogamia foi alto (Gis = 0.376). Estes dados podem ser resultado da a??o de polinizadores e/ou dispers?o de sementes eficientes, j? que as popula??es s?o naturalmente fragmentadas. No cap?tulo 3, ? estudada a biologia reprodutiva e morfologia floral de uma popula??o de V. minarum, situada no Parque Estadual da Serra do Rola-Mo?a, Minas Gerais. Como resultado, foi poss?vel identificar que a esp?cie possui flora??o de janeiro a mar?o; com flores que duram dois dias; s?ndrome mista de poliniza??o; sendo primariamente al?gama, mas tamb?m tem capacidade para ser auto fecundada. Espera-se que dados obtidos nos cap?tulos 1, 2 e 3 sirvam como base para outros estudos com esp?cies de campos rupestres ferruginosos, j? que at? o presente momento, n?o ? de nosso conhecimento a exist?ncia de registros de outras pesquisas feitas com esp?cies end?micas do Quadril?tero Ferr?fero, que busquem conciliar o entendimento da gen?tica, com os dados da biologia reprodutiva, tendo como alvo a conserva??o da biodiversidade neste h?bitat altamente amea?ado pela minera??o. Torna-se crucial uma an?lise cuidadosa para a cria??o de novas ?reas de prote??o, para conserva??o das popula??es da esp?cie

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