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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Darnaus vartojimo strategijos įgyvendinimas Lietuvoje / Implementation of cohesive consumption strategy in Lithuania

Klimbytė, Orinta 02 September 2010 (has links)
Šiuolaikinės visuomenės plėtra neįmanoma be darnaus vystymosi. Darnus vystymasis, orientuotas į vystymąsi be augimo ir aplinkos tausojimą ateities kartoms, tampa kertine visuomenės vystymosi ašimi, todėl darnaus vartojimo tendencijų ir perspektyvų analizė yra aktuali, atsižvelgiant į tai, kad ekonominės, ekologinės ir socialinės problemos ateityje tik dar labiau aštrės, o jų efektyvus sprendimas bus neveiksmingas, jeigu nebus įgyvendinami veiksmai, pagrįsti darnaus vartojimo koncepcija. Šis darbas susideda iš dviejų dalių, išvadų, rekomendacijų, literatūros sąrašo ir priedų. Darbą sudaro teorinė ir tiriamoji dalys. Teorinėje dalyje yra atskleidžiamas poreikis darniam vartojimui šiuolaikinėmis sąlygomis, nagrinėjama darnaus vystymosi koncepcija, analizuojami darnaus vartojimo tendencijas atspindintys rodikliai, atskleidžiamos darnaus vartojimo perspektyvos teoriniu aspektu. Tiriamojoje dalyje atliekama darnaus vartojimo rodiklių analizė Lietuvos tendencijų kitimo kontekste ir Europos Sąjungoje. Remiantis mokslinių, statistinių duomenų ir palyginamosiomis analizėmis, parengtas darnaus vartojimo rodiklių modelis, atspindintis darnaus vartojimo strategijos įgyvendinimą Lietuvoje. Taip pat pateikti pasiūlymai darnaus vystymosi strategijos įgyvendinimo didinimo sprendimai, kurie realiai gali būti pritaikyti praktiktiniame darnaus vystymosi strategijos įgyvendinime. / Development of modern society is not possible without cohesive development. Cohesive development focused on the development without growing and environmental protection for future generations becomes the cornestone for the social development and therefore the analysis of cohesive consumption tendencies and perspectives is rather topical, considering the fact that economic, ecologic and social problems in the future would only become sharper and their effective solution would not be efficient without the realisation of actions based on the conception of cohesive consumption. This paper comprises two chapters, conclusions, recommendations, list of references and appendices. The paper consists of theoretical and exploratory chapters. In the theoretical chapter, the need for cohesive consumption under modern conditions is revealed, the conception of cohesive development is discussed, indicators reflecting the tendencies of cohesive consumption are analysed, perspectives of cohesive consumption from theoretical aspect are revealed. In the exploratory chapter, the analysis of cohesive consumption indicators is performed in the context of tendency alteration in Lithuania and the European Union. Referring to scientific, statistical data and comparative analyses, the model of cohesive consumption indicators was prepared reflecting the implementation of cohesive consumption strategy in Lithuania. In addition to that, solutions related to increase in the implementation of cohesive... [to full text]

Moterų krepšinio komandų žaidybinių klaidų analizė / Women‘s basketball team game turnovers analysis

Morkūnaitė, Diana 19 June 2014 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas. Krepšinio komandų žaidybinių klaidų analizė. Darbo tikslas. Atlikti moterų krepšinio komandų žaidybinių klaidų analizę puolimo metu. Darbo uždaviniai: 1.Išsiaiškinti žaidybinių klaidų pobūdį puolimo metu rungtynėse ir per atskirus kėlinius; 2.Nustatyti aikštės zonas, kuriose atliekama daugiausiai klaidų; 3.Palyginti Lietuvos rinktinės atliekamų klaidų pobūdį su Europos čempionių rodikliais. Tyrimo hipotezės. Manome, kad krepšininkės daugiausiai atliks kamuolio perdavimo klaidų H1); Dažniausiai klaidos turėtų kartotis pirmąjame (dėl įtampos rungtynių pradžioje) ir ketvirtąjame (dėl nuovargio) kėliniuose (H2); Klaidų atlikimo vieta dažniausiai turėtų būti baudos aikštelėje (H3). Tyrimo rezultatai. Išanalizavus stebėtas rungtynes nustatėme, kad 2013 metų Europos moterų krepšinio čempionate visos komandos vidutiniškai per rungtynes atliko 15,6 ± 4,3 technikos klaidas. Laimėtojų komandos vidutiniškai per rungtynes atliko po 14,3 ± 4,0 technikos klaidas. Pralaimėtojos vidutiniškai per rungtynes atlikdavo po 16,8 ± 4,6 technikos klaidas. Analizuojant laimėtojų ir pralaimėtojų komandų rodiklius Europos moterų krepšinio čempionate vidutiniškai per vienas rungtynes laimėtojos atliko blogo perdavimo klaidų po 36,6 % (5,2 ± 3,8) kamuolio valdymo klaidų 31,7 % (4,5 ± 2,5), kitų klaidų 31,7 % (4,5 ± 2,5). Europos moterų krepšinio čempionate pralaimėtojos vidutiniškai per vienas rungtynes atliko blogo perdavimo klaidų po 40,7 % (6,8 ± 5,0) kamuolio valdymo klaidų 30,0 % (5... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Topic: Women‘s basketball team game time turnovers format in offense The subject of the research: Game time turnovers format in offense. The hypothesis of the research: Supposedly, most of the turnovers basketball players will make passing the ball, the most common turnovers repeats in second (because of the tension in the beginning of the match) and third (because of low fatigue) quarters. The location of turnovers will be under the basket. The objective of the research: To make a research on women’s basketball team game time turnovers format in offense. Goals of the research: 1. To analyze, which game time turnovers are most commonly made in offense, technical turnovers rates in different quarters. 2. To analyze in what basketball court areas, players make most of the turnovers. 3. Compare Lithuanian team turnovers with European champions indicators. Results of the research: The analysis of observed matches found that in the 2013 European Women’s Basketball Championship, all teams made technical turnovers by an average of 15.6. The winning teams of the game made technical turnovers by an average of 14.3 ± 4.0. The losing team of the game made technical turnovers by an average of 16.8 ± 4.6. The analysis of the winning teams and losing teams indicators in European Women’s Basketball Championship showed that, an average of one game winning teams made 36.6 % (5.2 ± 3.8) assist turnovers, ball control turnovers 31.7 % (4.5 ± 2.5), other turnovers 31.7 % (4.5 ± 2.5). During... [to full text]

Meteorologinių sąlygų įtaka skirtingu laiku sėtiems žieminiams rapsams / The influence of weather conditions on winter oilseed rape sown at different time

Adamkevičius, Martynas 16 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo objektas – skirtingu laiku sėti žieminių rapsų (Brassica napus L. spp. oleifera bennis. Metzg.) linijinės veislės ‛Cult’ ir hibridinės – ‛Kronos’ pasėliai. Darbo metodai: Tyrimai atlikti Aleksandro Stulginskio universiteto bandymų stotyje. Vertinami biometriniai rodikliai (antžeminės dalies masė, šaknies kaklelio diametras, lapų skaičius ir viršūninio pumpuro aukštis), peržiemojimas, produktyvumo formavimasis vertinamas pagal derlingumo elementų kiekybinius ir kokybinius rodiklius, kurie priklauso nuo sėjos laiko ir peržiemojimo sąlygų: derliaus struktūros elementai (1000 sėklų masė, ankštarų skaičius, sėklų skaičius ankštaroje, 1000 sėklų masė, derlingumas). Darbo rezultatai. Vėlinant sėjos laiką, ‛Cult’ ir ‛Kronos’ rapsų biometriniai rodikliai esmingai mažėjo visais tyrimo laikotarpiais. Tinkamiausią žiemojimui viršūninio pumpuro aukštį turėjo rugpjūčio 10 d. ir 20 d. sėti abiejų veislių rapsai. Labai mažus viršūninius pumpurus turėjo rapsai pasėti rugpjūčio 30 d. ir rugsėjo 10 d. Geriausiai peržiemojo hibridiniai rapsai ‛Kronos’. Daugiausiai ankštarų taip pat užaugino hibridiniai rapsai, sėti rugpjūčio 10 d., tačiau suvėlinus sėja ankštarų daugiau formavo linijinės veislės rapsai. ‛Cult’ ir ‛Kronos’ žieminiai rapsai suvėlinus sėją užmezgė esmingai vidutiniškai 10,5 proc. mažiau sėklų ankštaroje, bet jų 1000 sėklų masė buvo didesnė. Didžiausią 1000 sėklų masę užaugino abiejų veislių rapsai sėti rugpjūčio 30 d. (‛Cult’ 5,43 g, ‛Kronos’ 5,58 g), tačiau nei sėjos laikas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object – arable crops of winter oilseed rape linear variety‛Cult’ and the hybrid ‛Kronos’ (Brassica napus L. ssp . Oleifera Bennis . Metzq) sown at different time. Methods of work: Research has been carried out in Aleksandras Stulginskis university Experimental Station. Biometric indicators ( terrestrial mass , root collar diameter , number of leaves and apical bud height) and wintering have been valued ; formation of productivity has been measured by the harvest elements of quantitative and qualitative indicators, which depend on the time of sowing and wintering conditions: structural harvest elements ( 1000 seed weight , pod number , seeds per pod , 1000 seed weight , yield ). Results. Having delayed the sowing time, ‛Cult’ and ‛Kronos’ rape biometric indicators substantially decreased in all study periods. The most appropriate for wintering apical bud height of both varieties of rape was on August 10th and 20th. Rape sown on August 30th and September 10th had a very small apical bud. The best overwintered variety of winter rape was hybrid ‛Kronos’. Hybrid rape sown on August 10th brought up the most pods, however delayed sowing time brought up more pod in linear rape. ‛Cult’ and ‛Kronos’ winter oilseed rape after delayed sowing established essentially an average of 10.5 percent less seeds in the pod, but their 1000 seed weight was greater. The largest mass of 1000 seeds originated from both varieties of oilseed rape sown on August 30th (‛Cult’ 5.43 g, ‛Kronos’ 5... [to full text]

Skystųjų amidinio azoto trąšų su magniu "Lyderis Mg" poveikis vasariniams kviečiams / The Effect of Liquid Amide Nitrogen Fertilizer with Magnesium “LyderisMg”on Spring Wheat

Iškauskas, Dainius 16 June 2014 (has links)
Magistrantūros studijų baigiamajame darbe pateikiami skystųjų amidinio azoto trąšų su magniu Lyderis Mg poveikio, vasariniams kviečiamas, tyrimai. Darbo objektas - Vasariniai kviečiai ‘Tybalt C2‘. Darbo metodai – Eksperimentas buvo atliktas ASU Bandymų stotyje, karbonatingame giliau glėjiškame išplautžemyje. Dirvožemis buvo artimas neutraliam (pHKCl 6,8), didelio fosforingumo (230 mg kg-1 P2O5), vidutinio kalingumo (152 mg kg-1 K2O), mažo azotingumo (2,0 proc.). Tyrimas buvo atliktas siekiant nustatyti optimaliausią LYDERIS Mg trąšų koncentraciją (0,25, 0,5, 0,75, 1,0 ir 2,5 %) vasariniams kviečiams. Tiriamomis priemonėmis augalai buvo nupurkšti krūmijimosi tarpsnio pabaigoje ir susiformavus antrajam bambliui. Darbo rezultatai - skystosios amidinio azoto trąšos (LYDERIS Mg) teigiamai įtakojo vasarinių kviečių produktyvumą. Didžiausi grūdų derliaus teigiami pokyčiai gauti vasarinius kviečius krūmijimosi tarpsnio pabaigoje tręšiant 0,75 – 2,5 % koncentracijos tirpalais, o bamblėjimo tarpsniu – 0,5 – 0,75 % koncentracijų tirpalais. Tiriamos priemonės teigiamai įtakojo grūdų technologines savybes. Grūdų baltymingumas tendencingai didėjo, didinant trąšų tirpalo koncentracijas, tačiau esminis poveikis nustatytas tik naudojant 0,75 % koncentracijos tirpalą. Sedimentacijos vertėms didesnį poveikį turėjo augalų tręšimas bamblėjimo tarpsnio pradžioje 0,5 - 0,75 % koncentracijų tirpalais. / Master's thesis presentsthe research that was carried out to investigate the effect of nitrogen liquid fertilizer with magnesium ‘Lyderis Mg’on spring wheat. Object of the research: spring wheat ‘Tybalt C2’. Research methods: the experiment was conducted at the Experimental Station of Aleksandras Stulginskis Universityon the Calc(ar)i-Endohypogleyic Luviso). The soil was neutral (6,8pH_KCl), high in phosphorus (230 mg kg^(-1)1P_2 O_5), medium in potassium (152 mg kg^(-1) K_2O), low in nitrogen (2,0 %). The research was conducted to determine the optimal concentration of fertilizer ‘Lyderis Mg’ (0,25, 0,5, 0,75 , 1,0 and 2,5 %) in spring wheat. Applying the measures under investigation the plants were sprayed at the end of tillering stage and at the second formation of a toddler. Research results: the liquid amide nitrogen fertilizer ‘Lyderis Mg’ has positively influenced the productivity of spring wheat. The application of fertilizer solution on spring wheat both at the end ofetillering stage with the concentrationvarying from 0,75 to 2,5 % and at the booting stagewith the concentration varying from 0,5 to 0,75 % resulted in the highest grain yield.The researched measures have positively influenced the technological properties of grains. By increasing the concentration of fertilizers grain protein content tended to rise, however, thesubstantial effect was determined only applying 0,75 % concentration of fertilizers. Values of sedimentation were higher when spring wheat were... [to full text]

Gamybos išlaidų klasifikavimas / Cost classification

Majauskaitė-Jucevičienė, Vilma 18 May 2006 (has links)
Cost classification and models creation is very important for controlling in every company.

Arterinio kraujospūdžio žąsto, riešo ir piršto srityse kitimai atliekant pratimus esant statiniam ir dinaminiam krūviui / The change of arterial blood pressure in the areas of arm, wrist, finger and the change of heart‘s systole frequency using static and dynamic strain

Rauluševičienė, Raimonda 21 June 2005 (has links)
SUMMARY Purpose of work: Ascertain and estimate the change of arterial blood pressure in the areas of arm, wrist, finger and the change of heart��s systole frequency using static and dynamic strain for all kinds of groups: different age and sex. Goals: 1. Ascertain the effect of static and dynamic strain for arterial blood pressure and for heart‘s systole frequency. 2. Examine the phenomenon of blood repartition and the arterial blood pressure registering investigative groups of different age and sex. 3. Estimate the effect of static exercise for the change of arterial blood pressure in different investigative groups. 4. Estimate the effect of dynamic exercise for the change of arterial blood pressure in different investigative groups. Contingent of investigative and the methods of investigation: The contingent of investigative is constituted by 67 sound investigative, without any clinical complaints: 38 are men and 29 – women. 15 men and 16 women, they performed the static exercise to fortify the muscles of back. 23 men and 13 women, they performed the dynamic exercise to fortify the muscles of shoulders. To estimate functional rate of heart we were using the measurers of arterial blood pressure OMRON. The measurers were registered 2 times: before the exercise and 60s after the exercise. Arterial blood pressure was measured in 3 places of left hand-in the areas of arm, wrist and finger registering systolic and diastolic blood pressure. The systole frequency of heart... [to full text]

Bankų veiklos vertinimas / Evaluation of banks activity

Alkevičienė, Igrida 25 May 2005 (has links)
Research object – Lithuanian commercial banks. Research subject - bank activities. Research aim – by analyzing the subjects that are interested in bank activities, their needs, aims for choosing rates of bank evaluation to suggest the model of evaluation bank activities. Objectives: 1) to classificate the subjects that are interested in bank activities, their aims; 2) to analyze rates of bank evaluation; 3) to analyze the ranges of the bank; 4) to suggest the model of evaluation bank activities and to use this model of evaluation Lithuanian commercial banks activities. Research methods – the analysis of research economic literature, the method of questionnaire. After carrying out the analysis of aims of bank evaluators, we examined the criteria according to which bank activities were evaluated, what rates chosen in order to compare and evaluate activities and their effectiveness of different banks. The model of evaluation banks activities, based on theory of balanced rates of evaluation, may be applied for improvement of bank activities, client service and application of new instruments of work, for the indication of specific features of banks, the choice of rates for the evaluation of banks, which may help to analyze directions and perspectives of bank activities and to evaluate their efficiency.

Biržų miesto įtaka Tatulos upės vandens kokybei / Influence Birzai town to Tatula River Water Quality

Drevinskas, Dalius 10 June 2005 (has links)
The master student’s work analyzes water quality of the river Tatula above and below the tributary Juodupė saturated with municipal wastewater of Biržai town. Study object. The river Tatula is a 66.2-km long right tributary of the Mūša. The river Tatula belongs to the river Lielupė basin located in northern part of Lithuania. The Tatula is flowing via cultivated karst region. Objective of work: to determine the changes in water quality of the river Tatula within the period of 1994-2004, when old wastewater treatment facilities were functioning in Biržai town and the new facilities started working in 2003. Study methodology. The study is based on the data of water quality measurements conducted by the United Research Center of the Ministry of Environment as well as additional data collected by the author in 2003-2004 in the river Tatula above the Juodupė inflow (distance from the outlet 18.8 km; basin area 191.4 km2) and below the tributary (distance from the outlet 17.5 km, basin area 283 km2). To estimate the changes in water quality during the study period, 26 parameters indicating water quality were analyzed; the changes in concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus were considered as topical issues. Water quality was estimated on the basis of river water classification. Water samples were analyzed in the laboratory of wastewater treatment facilities of Biržai town. Study results. As the study results have shown, according to all water quality parameters the stretch of... [to full text]

Valstybės finansų ekonometrinis modeliavimas / Econometric modelling of fiscal sector finances

Mačiulaitytė, Elena 21 March 2007 (has links)
The accurate (exact) prediction of tax revenue is a very important task for state budget planning. Both underestimation and overestimation of the planned revenue could cause problems in case the revenue is used to finance government functions. In the past few years planning of profit tax revenue was not very exact: the sum of the profit tax collected was considerably smaller or considerably larger than the planned profit tax revenue. The difference between the actual and planned revenue was about 12–56 % every year. There are several related factors which aggravate profit tax revenue modelling. It is doubtful if the indicator of profit tax revenue is stationary. The assumption of the stationarity of indicators is usually made when applying econometric models to the indicators. This problem is caused by a frequent change of the Profit tax law. In addition, transitional processes, invoked by privatization, integration to EU, and etc were typical of the Lithuanian economy in the past few years. Therefore very general equations used to describe the profit tax revenue of macroeconometric models of many countries are not relevant to model and predict the profit tax revenue in Lithuania. In order to predict budget revenues accurately, their modelling methodology needs to be created so as to be effective in the situation where regression relations are complicated while disposable series of observations are rather short (the quarterly profit indicators have been known since 1998 in... [to full text]

Valstybės finansų ekonometrinis modeliavimas / Econometric modelling of fiscal sector finances

Mačiulaitytė, Elena 20 March 2007 (has links)
The accurate (exact) prediction of tax revenue is a very important task for state budget planning. Both underestimation and overestimation of the planned revenue could cause problems in case the revenue is used to finance government functions. In the past few years planning of profit tax revenue was not very exact: the sum of the profit tax collected was considerably smaller or considerably larger than the planned profit tax revenue. The difference between the actual and planned revenue was about 12–56 % every year. There are several related factors which aggravate profit tax revenue modelling. It is doubtful if the indicator of profit tax revenue is stationary. The assumption of the stationarity of indicators is usually made when applying econometric models to the indicators. This problem is caused by a frequent change of the Profit tax law. In addition, transitional processes, invoked by privatization, integration to EU, and etc were typical of the Lithuanian economy in the past few years. Therefore very general equations used to describe the profit tax revenue of macroeconometric models of many countries are not relevant to model and predict the profit tax revenue in Lithuania. In order to predict budget revenues accurately, their modelling methodology needs to be created so as to be effective in the situation where regression relations are complicated while disposable series of observations are rather short (the quarterly profit indicators have been known since 1998 in... [to full text]

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