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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Informacinės visuomenės plėtra ES (lyginamoji analizė) / Development of Information Society in EU (Benchmarking)

Dijokaitė, Ieva 07 February 2011 (has links)
Informacinės visuomenės vystymas glaudžiai susijęs su šalies ekonomikos raida, todėl šio sektoriaus plėtra aktuali kiekvienai ekonomikos raidos siekiančiai valstybei. Darbo tyrimo iškelta problema siekiama atsakyti į klausimą, kokių veiksmų ir priemonių reikia imtis, siekiant paspartinti Lietuvos informacinės visuomenės plėtros procesą ir tokiu būdu pasiekti bent ES vidurkį šioje srityje. Darbo tyrimo objektas yra informacinės visuomenės plėtros procesas ir jo rezultatai ES valstybėse narėse. Tyrimo tikslas – įvertinti Lietuvos informacinės visuomenės plėtros galimybes ir perspektyvas pasivyti ES rodiklių kontekste. Darbe keliami šie uždaviniai: išanalizuoti informacinės visuomenės plėtros ES valstybėse narėse politiką bei teisinį šios srities reglamentavimą; įvertinti informacinės visuomenės plėtros rodiklius ES ir Lietuvoje, atlikti jų lyginamąją analizę. Tyrimo hipotezė: Lietuvos informacinės visuomenės plėtros 2009 m. rezultatai atsilieka nuo ES vidurkio dėl organizacinių ir socialinių priežasčių. Magistro darbe iškeltų uždavinių siekiama teoriniais bei analitiniais tyrimo metodais ir priemonėmis. Darbe pateikiama glausta ES valstybių narių informacinės visuomenės plėtros lyginamoji analizė: lyginamos lygiagrečios sritys, įgyvendintos iniciatyvos, pasiekti rezultatai. Atlikta lyginamoji analizė tarp ES valstybių narių parodė, kaip skirtingai formavosi informacinės visuomenės plėtra Europoje, kaip netolygiai vystėsi ir vystosi šio sektoriaus plėtra. Visos ES valstybės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Development of information society is closely linked with the country's economic development, the development of this sector is relevant to each country seeking economic development. The research aims to answer what steps and measures must to be taken to accelerate the development of Lithuanian information society process and thus to achieve at least the EU average in this area. The research object of information society development process and its results in the EU Member States. Research aim – to assess the Lithuanian information society development opportunities and prospects for the EU to catch up in the context of indicators. The work must meet the following objectives: to analyze the information society development in the EU policy and legal regulation in this area and assess the development of information society indicators for the EU and Lithuania, the performance of their benchmark. Research hypothesis: The Lithuanian Information Society Development in 2009 Results below the EU average on institutional and social reasons. Master's thesis of the tasks to the theoretical and analytical research methods and tools. The paper gives a brief outline of the EU Member States in the Information Society Benchmarking: comparison of parallel fields, implemented initiatives to achieve results. A comparative analysis between EU Member States has shown how different formation of information society development in Europe, as unevenly developed and developing the sector's development... [to full text]

Asinchroninių generatorių tyrimas / Study of the induction generator

Ščerba, Andrius 02 June 2011 (has links)
Darbe atlikti trifazio asinchroninio generatoriaus, sujungto pagal nepriklausomo žadinimo ir pagal susižadinimo schemas, prie įvairių apkrovų eksperimentiniai tyrimai. Pateikti šių tyrimų bei skaičiavimų rezultatai, atlikta jų analizė. Asinchroninio generatoriaus, dirbančio pagal nepriklausomo žadinimo schemą, tyrimų rezultatai rodo, kad jo energetiniai rodikliai nedaug mažesni už nurodytuosius variklio rodiklius. Generatoriaus apvijomis tekant nurodytajai srovei In = 4,7 A, jo atiduodama į tinklą aktyvioji galia P2 = 2,6 kW yra 18,18 % didesnė už nurodytąją variklio galią Pn = 2,2 kW. Asinchroninio generatoriaus, dirbančio pagal susižadinimo schemą esant pastoviam jo sukimo greičiui (n = const) ir kondensatorių talpai (C = = const), tyrimai rodo, kad šio generatoriaus energetiniai rodikliai yra ženkliai mažesni už nurodytuosius variklio rodiklius. Didėjant generatoriaus apkrovai gana sparčiai mažėja jo fazinė įtampa. Generatoriaus didžiausia apkrovos srovė I1 = 2,68 A, kuri buvo išmatuota esant sukimo greičiui n = 2000 min-1 = const ir kondensatorių talpai C = 120 μF = const, yra 43 % mažesnė už nurodytąją variklio srovę. Todėl galima teigti, kad asinchroninis generatorius, dirbantis pagal susižadinimo schemą, nebus pilnai išnaudotas. Atlikti tyrimai rodo, kad asinchroninį generatorių, dirbantį pagal susižadinimo schemą, galima daugiau apkrauti didinant jo įtampą. Kad tai pasiekti, reikia, didinant generatoriaus apkrovą, atitinkamai didinti jo sukimo greitį arba (ir)... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The present work presents an experimental research of a three-phase induction generator which was connected using separate excitation and self-excitation schemes under various loads. The results of the research and the calculations are provided and analyzed. The research results obtained from the separately excited induction generator show that its energetic indicators are not significantly lower than the provided motor indicators. When the rated current In = 4,7 A flows through the windings of the generator, its released active power P2 = 2,6 kW is greater than the rated motor power Pn = 2,2 kW by 18,18 %. The research on a self-excited induction generator with a constant revolution speed (n = const) and capacity of its capacitors (C = const) shows that the energetic indicators of this generator are of significantly lower values than the provided motor indicators. When the load of the generator is increased, its phase voltage decreases rather rapidly. The maximum load current I1 = 2,68 A of the generator was measured under the following conditions: the rotational speed n = 2000 min-1 = const and the capacity of the capacitors C = 120 μF = const. The results showed that it was 43 % less than the rated motor current. Therefore, it can be concluded that a self-excited induction generator will not be exploited to its full capacity. The carried out research shows that it is possible to increase the load of a self-excited induction generator by increasing its voltage. It is... [to full text]

Įmonės klientų rizikingumo vertinimas / Assessment of company’s client-risk

Treigytė, Živilė 27 June 2014 (has links)
Didėjanti konkurencija ekonomikoje skatina įmones suteikti palankias atsiskaitymo sąlygas savo klientams, t.y. parduoti prekes atidedant galutinį apmokėjimo terminą. Kol pardavėjas neatgavo suteikto pirkėjui kredito, iškyla kredito rizika, t.y. pirkėjai gali nesugebėti laiku, o kartais ir visiškai, atsiskaityti. Moksliniai tyrimai rodo, kad pirkėjų skolos sudaro apie 20-25 proc. trumpalaikio turto, kas rodo, kad šio turto valdymas turi žymų poveikį įmonės veiklos efektyvumui. Norėdamos išvengti skolų, įmonės turi įvertinti kiekvieno potencialaus kliento riziką, apie klientą surenkant visą reikiamą informaciją bei atliekant sisteminę analizę, apimančią tiek finansinių, tiek nefinansinių veiksnių vertinimą. Taigi darbo objektas – klientų rizikingumo vertinimas įmonėse. Darbo tikslas – išnagrinėjus teorinius klientų rizikingumo vertinimo aspektus, sukurti apibendrintą kliento rizikingumo vertinimo modelį bei jį patikrinti praktikoje. Siekiant iškelto tikslo, yra nagrinėjami tokie uždaviniai: • išsiaiškinus klientų rizikingumo vertinimo vietą įmonėje, išanalizuoti informacijos apie potencialų klientą rinkimo ir analizės galimybes; • išnagrinėti finansinių ir nefinansinių rodiklių naudojimą klientų rizikingumo vertinimui; • remiantis teorine analize, sukurti apibendrintą klientų rizikingumo vertinimo modelį, pasirenkant pagrindinius finansinius ir nefinansinius rodiklius bei išdėstant modelio metodiką; • ištyrus apibendrinto klientų rizikingumo vertinimo modelio praktinio... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Increasing competition in the economy encourages companies to provide a favorable settlement for it‘s clients through the sale of goods delaying the final payment deadline. Until the credit granted to the customer is not recovered, there is credit risk, which means that the customer may not be able to pay his debt on time, and even pay it at all. Research shows that buyers’ debt part in all short-term assets is 20-25 percent, which indicates that the buyers’ debt management has a significant impact on company’s operational efficiency. In order to avoid debt, the company must assess risk of each potential client by gathering all necessary information and carrying out a systematic analysis, covering both financial and non-factor evaluation. Thus, the subject of the work is the client-risk assessment in company. The aim of the work is after examination theoretical aspects of client-risk assessment to set a generalized client-risk assessment model and test it in practice. In order to achieve objectives, such tasks are considered: • after defining client-risk assessment on company’s site, to analyze capabilities of information about potential customers collection and analysis; • to examine the financial and non-financial indicators choice for client-risk assessing; • on the basis of theoretical knowledge to develop a generalized client-risk assessment model by choosing key financial and non-financial indicators and setting out the methodology of the model; • after investigating a... [to full text]

Apleistų pastatų naudojimo modeliavimas darnaus vystymo(-si) aspektu / Modelling of derelict buildings‘ use from the perspective of sustainable development

Antuchevičienė, Jurgita 27 May 2005 (has links)
The decision-making model was developed that allows solving multi-attribute problems of derelict buildings management from the perspective of sustainable development and under uncertainty. The model deals with the problem of developing the derelict buildings’ redevelopment variants and choosing the most rational one. Planning and technical components of an effective model in conformity with the main principles of sustainable development were proposed. The model of the sustainability indicator system for management of derelict buildings was designed. The developed system was applied to multi-attribute decision-making. A comparative analysis of the results was developed. The model was adjusted for modelling and evaluating the rational management of derelict rural buildings in Lithuania. The facilities of GIS for a spatial decision-making were adjusted to the analyzed problem of sustainable revitalization of derelict buildings.

Neparametrinio kNN metodo taikymo miškų inventorizacijoje tyrimai / Investigation of the application of non – parametric kNN method for forest inventory

Jonikavičius, Donatas 16 August 2007 (has links)
Magistro darbe yra nagrinėjamos neparametrinio knn (k-nearest neighbor) metodo taikymo galimybės Lietuvos sąlygomis vertinant tradicinius miško taksacinius rodiklius bet kokiame šalies teritorijos taške. Darbo objektas – Dubravos miškų urėdijos Dubravos miškas. Darbo tikslas – įvertinti neparametrinio knn (k-nearest neighbor) metodo taikymo Lietuvos miškų inventorizacijose galimybes. Darbo rezultatai. Nustatyta, kad taksacinių rodiklių įvertinimo knn metodu tikslumas kyla didinant apskaitos vienetų, išmatuotų vietovėje, skaičių. Pagrindiniai knn metodo parametrai, kuriais gauti geriausi rezultatai, buvo: 10 artimiausių kaimynų (k reikšmė), atvirkščiai proporcingo atstumo schema, nusakant kiekvieno iš artimiausių kaimynų svertus. Papildomos pagalbinės informacijos – tradicinės sklypinės miškų inventorizacijos metu nustatytų medynų taksacinių rodiklių – panaudojimas kartu su kosminiais Spot Xi vaizdais padidina taksacinių rodiklių įvertinimo tikslumą. Pritaikius optimalų knn metodo taikymo taktikos variantą, mažiausios pasiektos taksacinių rodiklių nustatymo vidutinės kvadratinės paklaidos sudarė 27% medyno vidutinio skersmens, 20% vidutinio aukščio, 40% skerspločių sumos, 35% vidutinio amžiaus, 43% tūrio viename ha, 33% spygliuočių procento rodiklio. Pasitelkus 1999 metų Spot Xi kosminius vaizdus, 1986 apskaitos bareliuose išmatuotas pagrindines medynų taksacines charakteristikas bei 1988 metų sklypinės miškotvarkos duomenis, knn metodu nustatyti pagrindinių taksacinių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The research is dealing with investigations of non-parametric knn (k-nearest neighbor) method for estimation of standard forest characteristics at any point of an area under Lithuanian conditions. Study object: Dubrava forest, managed by Dubrava experimental forest enterprise. Objectives: to assess the usability of non-parametric knn (k-nearest neighbor) method in Lithuanian forests inventory. Results. The increase in number of sample plots with known field information was found to improve the estimation accuracy. The most important parameters for use of knn methods were the following: 10 nearest neighbors (value of k), inverse distance weighted scheme for defining the weights of selected neighbors. Integrating of additional auxiliary information – characteristics of forest compartments, estimated during the conventional stand-wise inventory – to be used together with Spot Xi images improved the overall accuracy of estimations. The lowest achieved root mean square errors were 27% of the average value of all plots within the study area for mean diameter, 20% for mean height, 40% for basal area, 35% for mean age, 43% for volume per 1ha and 33% for the percent of coniferous species in stand tree species composition, when the optimal knn tactics were applied. Spot Xi images from the year 1999, main forest characteristics from 1986 field measured sample plots and data of conventional stand-wise forest inventory from the year 1988 were utilized to estimate using knn method the... [to full text]

Pieno ir kefyro mikrobiologinių rodiklių analizė / Milk and kefir microbiological analysis

Adamavičiūtė, Deimantė 16 March 2006 (has links)
The aim of this work is to research milk and kefir microbiological indicators according to microbiological risk factors in the milk processing company A. Work tasks: to analyze drinking milk, ultra high temperature pasteurized milk and kefir descriptions and factors of the risk in technological process schemes; microbiological factors of the risk control schemes; samples of these products microbiological indicators according to company’s self-control plan. Conclusion: The main microbiological risk factors in drinking milk is total bacterial count, coliform bacteria, Salmonella; in the kefir – coliform bacteria, yeasts and moulds. Principals control points in drinking milk, ultra high temperature pasteurized milk and kefir technological schemes are: reception of the raw cow’s milk; freezing of the raw cow’s milk, storage and keeping; pasteurization of milk and freezing, pasteurized milk compound storage and keeping; milk warming, deaeration, homogenization, sterilization and refreshing (only for ultra high temperature pasteurized milk); repeated thermal treatment, cooling up to inoculation temperature (only for kefir); inoculation and incubation (only for kefir); storage. In the company’s A self-control plan preview principal control points microbiological risk factors are controlled by keeping a check of heating and freezing stages temperature and duration, monitoring of microbiological parameters are made not less than 4 times per year. Coliform bacteria and total bacteria... [to full text]

Abiotinių veiksnių įtaka žuvų pasiskirstymui Raseinių rajono Kaulakių II (Kybartėlių) tvenkinyje / The Influence of Abiotic Factors on Fish Distribution in Kaulakiai II (Kybartėliai) Water Rezervoir

Šukutis, Nerijus 15 June 2004 (has links)
The influence of abiotic factors on fish distribution in Kaulakiai II water reservoir is investigated in present master thesis. Object of research – fish communities of Kaulakiai II water reservoir, situated near Raseiniai. Aim of the research – to estimate the substantial abiotic factors and to evaluate their influence on fish distribution in Kaulakiai II water reservoir. To meet an aim these tasks were set: to estimate the most abundant fish species in reservoir; to estimate and map the structure of the bottom; to evaluate sensual indicators of alive fish during the experimental fishing; to value the quality of water in Kaulakiai II reservoir and to rate it according the standards applied for water quality in carp ponds; to detect peculiarities of fish distribution in water body and to exclude the substantial abiotic factors that have hold on fish distribution in Kaulakiai II (Kybartėliai) reservoir. Methods of research – logical literary analysis, hydro acoustic surveying, written quiz of local anglers, observational studies, mathematical modeling. Results: the Cyprinid fishes (11 species) were the most abundant in Kaulakiai II reservoir fish communities with overall 15 fish species resident. The bottom structure mainly was silt - 83,2 %, sand and oozy sand, respectively 4,6 and 12,2 %. Fish injures, parasites, diseases had no influence on fish distribution in Kaulakiai II reservoir during the research. Low oxygen concentrations were estimated at the bottom of reservoir... [to full text]

Komercinės paskirties objektų statybos projektų daugiatikslis vertinimas investicijų efektyvumo aspektu / Multicriteria evaluation of commercial building projects from the perspective of investment profitability

Stasiulionis, Andrius 19 October 2004 (has links)
The article provides the analysis of market development of commercial property constructions, trends, regularities, optimal site locations, characteristics of constructive choosing of combinations, of the main financial investment indices after change of political, economical and social relationships in the East Europe. The overview of the main modern investment requirements important for construction of commercial objects in order to get the maximum profit for exploitation thereof is provided. The models of choosing such indices as market research, site location, constructive combinations, financing of commercial objects are provided. It is emphasized that multiple criteria decision methods are most suitable and particularly ELECTRE III for research and valuation of investment project alternatives of commercial objects is singled out.

Komercinės paskirties objektų statybos projektų daugiatikslis vertinimas investicijų efektyvumo aspektu / Multicriteria evaluation of commercial building projects from the perspective of investment profitability

Stasiulionis, Andrius 20 October 2004 (has links)
The article provides the analysis of market development of commercial property constructions, trends, regularities, optimal site locations, characteristics of constructive choosing of combinations, of the main financial investment indices after change of political, economical and social relationships in the East Europe. The overview of the main modern investment requirements important for construction of commercial objects in order to get the maximum profit for exploitation thereof is provided. The models of choosing such indices as market research, site location, constructive combinations, financing of commercial objects are provided. It is emphasized that multiple criteria decision methods are most suitable and particularly ELECTRE III for research and valuation of investment project alternatives of commercial objects is singled out.

Balanso informacijos formavimas ir analizė / Formation and analysis of balance-sheet information

Bertašiutė, Eugenija 23 May 2005 (has links)
Research object – the formation of Lithuanian balance sheet and it’s analysis. Research subject – the balance sheet of Lithuanian enterprises. Research aim – to analyse Lithuanian and international laws, to establish the formation of balance-sheet information, to use it for analysis, and to project the balance sheet. Objectives: 1. To explore and describe the regulation of a balance sheet in Lithuania. 2. To describe the international requirements of a balance sheet. 3. To analyse the information of a balance sheet, according to the data of enterprises. 4. To offer a balance sheet project. Research methods – monograph method, statistical and logical analysis, the comparison method, inquiry. While studying international regulation of balance, Lithuanian and other countries authors science works and periodical literature about the structure and analysis of balance, it was analysed a structure of Lithuanian balances. Also it was analysed a balance information based on three concrete enterprises – “Stumbras”, “Anyksciu vynas” and “Alita”. Also according to the experience of the Lithuanian enterprises was given project of Lithuanian balance.

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