Spelling suggestions: "subject:"woman catholic church"" "subject:"roman catholic church""
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Esoterika - historický vývoj a postoj římsko-katolické církve / Esotherics - Historical Development and The Roman Catholic Church AttitudesŠERÁ, Veronika January 2007 (has links)
The work describes historical development of esotherics and its related fields. It tracks the history line back to the ancient cultures that lay the grounds for the New Age understanding of magic as well as astrology and tarot. It studies the Middle Ages and the present when new religions not only came to existence but they also have made great development since.
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Vida após a morte: uma análise das escatologias católico-romana e protestante-reformada e suas possíveis influências no modus vivendi dos cristãos / Vida após a morte: uma análise das escatologias católico-romana e protestante-reformada e suas possíveis influências no modus vivendi dos cristãosSilveira Filho, Darly Gomes 19 August 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-08-19 / Although the expectative common of the Christian church is the resurrection ofthe dead for the absolute redemption of those who have faith in Christ, among the catholic-roman and protestant-reformed groups there is divergence about what happens during the intermediate state. The catholic-roman has the faith in the doctrine of the purgatory and interception for the dead reason for the which pray for Mary, Jesus Christ mother s, to intercede in the hour of the death and surrenders himself to St. Joseph, the patron of the good death; he participles of the Sacrament of Eucharist, gives alms, practices mercy works, makes prayers and offers suffrage in benefit of the souls of the purgatory; he prays for souls of the dead saints intercede to him before God; he praises to the virgin Mary as the first, among the redeemed, to be resurrected among the dead s; and he practices good works to attenuate his situation in the day of the final judgment (in reason of believe that the salvation is reached by the faith in Christ and the good woks). The protestant-reformed believes that while the soul of the fair is enjoying of the communion with Christ, the heretic s soul is suffering faraway from Christ. That situation is temporary, because both wait for the resurrection of the dead and the final judgment in order to the fair can to enjoy of the salvation integrally (in the body and in the soul) and heretic can to
receive the fair judgment integrally (in the body and in the soul) reason for the which doesn t intercede for the dead s (not even has the habit of visiting the graves) and nor asks for the dead saint s intercession; he doesn t practice good
works with views the salvation (not even look for occasion for the good works); he doesn t practice the extreme unction (but evangelizes the dying in the bed of death); and he maintains a polarized vision of the status powder-death: heaven or hell. The protestant-reformed Christian has the firm conviction of his salvation (according to doctrine of the saint s perseverance). That is the reason for which calmly faces the mourning and the idea of his own death. / Conquanto a expectativa comum da igreja cristã seja a ressurreição dos mortos para redenção plena dos que crêem em Cristo, entre os grupos católico-romano e protestante-reformado há divergência sobre o que ocorre durante o estado
intermediário. O católico-romano crê nas doutrinas do purgatório e da intercessão pelos mortos razão pela qual reza para que a Santa Maria interceda na hora da morte e entrega-se a São José, o padroeiro da boa morte; participa da eucaristia, dá esmola, pratica obras de misericórdia, faz orações e oferece sufrágios em benefício das almas no purgatório; reza para que as almas dos santos defuntos intercedam por eles diante de Deus; louva à virgem Maria como a primeira, dentre todos os remidos, a ser ressuscitada dentre os mortos; e pratica boas obras para atenuar sua situação no dia do juízo final (em razão de crerem que a salvação é alcançada pela fé em Cristo e pelas boas obras). O protestante-reformado crê que enquanto a alma do justo está gozando da comunhão com Cristo, a alma do ímpio está sofrendo afastada de Cristo. Essa situação é temporária, pois ambos aguardam a ressurreição dos mortos e julgamento final para que tanto o justo possa desfrutar da salvação integralmente (no corpo e na alma) assim como o ímpio possa receber o justo juízo integralmente (no corpo e na alma) razão pela qual não intercede pelos mortos (nem mesmo tem o hábito de visitar os túmulos) e nem pede a intercessão
dos santos defuntos; não pratica boas obras com vistas à salvação (nem mesmo procura ocasião para as boas obras); não pratica a extrema unção (mas evangeliza o moribundo no leito da morte); e mantém uma visão polarizada do status pós-morte: céu ou inferno. O cristão protestante-reformado tem a firme convicção de sua salvação (conforme doutrina da perseverança dos santos). Essa é a razão pela qual enfrenta serenamente o luto e a idéia de sua própria morte.
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The Visual Arts Philosophy of Roman Catholicism as Manifested in the Works of Four Commissioned Artists Completed for the 1987 Sanctuary of St. Rita's Catholic ChurchSiber, Elizabeth G. (Elizabeth Gaye) 08 1900 (has links)
This thesis investigates how the visual arts philosophy promulgated in the 1960s by the Second Vatican Council of Roman Catholic Churches is manifested by commissioned artists for a particular parish. The primary data were the new sanctuary and the artworks, which include stained glass by Lyle Novinski, a carved-glass Marian Shrine by Claire Wing, bronze Stations of the Cross by Heri Bartscht, and wooden medallions depicting two saints carved by Don Schol. This paper reviews pertinent ecclesiastical doctrines along with interpretational publications, physically and iconographically describes the sanctuary and artwork, and considers aspects of the relationship between patron churches and the artists they commission.
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Koncepty kulturní a náboženské identity v oboru MV. Případ evropské identity v interakcích EU a Římskokatolické církve / Cultural and religious identities as concepts in the IR discipline. The case of European identity in interactions of the EU and the Roman Catholic ChurchDoležal, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
The text deals with the relation between religion and politics, in particular, with the conceptualization of religious identity in the discipline of International Relations from the position of postmodern approaches. The main goal is to examine whether and how feasible, useful, and usual is to work with the religious (and inseparable cultural) dimension of identity. The author claims that the concept of religious identity well reveals an important link between the religious and the political and represents a useful analytical tool. A categorisation and a model of identity are introduced and applied. The application is twofold, the categories are used in the academic discourse analysis and then once again it is used for the case of European identity in interactions of the EU and the RCC. Finally, the concept of the religious actor is discussed on this empirical basis and also the political construction of the religious, in general, is debated.
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Exodus of clergy : a practical theological grounded theory explorationJoynt, Shaun 27 August 2013 (has links)
There is a shortage of clergy, at least in the Roman Catholic Church (cf Schoenherr&Sorenson 1982:23; Heilbronner 1998:11; Tentler 1998:348; Carroll 2001:1; Fernandez 2001:ix-x; see Seidler 1979:764; Berger 1987; Hoge et al 1988:264, 280). The Protestant Church in general is experiencing more of a distribution problem than a shortage (cf Chaves 2001:36; see Jud et al 1970:59). The two greatest hindrances to addressing this clergy distribution problem among Protestant churches is a lack of adequate compensation for clergy and the undesirable location, as perceived by clergy, of the church (Chaves 2001:36; see Jud et al 1970:59). Challenges such as secularization, duality of vocation, time management, change in type of ministry, family issues, congregational and denominational conflict, burnout, sexual misconduct, divorce or marital problems, and suicide, affect clergy. Studies on the shortage of clergy have been conducted mostly in the USA and Europe and not in South Africa. This study seeks to address this research gap by means of a practical theological grounded theory exploration of the exodus of clergy. Grounded theory methodology is used to identify the reasons why clergy trained at a Bible College of a Protestant Charismatic mega church leave full-time pastoral ministry. Findings correspond to previous studies with two reasons appearing more frequently than others: responding to a call and leadership related issues. Firstly, respondents differed in their replies with respect to reconciling their leaving full-time pastoral ministry to their call with responses of: not being called, a dual call, or called but left anyway. Secondly, respondents indicated that leadership influence was mostly negative with regard to affirming their call. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Practical Theology / unrestricted
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Poselství a mediání ohlas na návštěvy dvou papežů v Československé federativní republice a v České republice ve světle jejich veřejných projevů: Jan Pavel II. - 1990,1995,1997 a Benedikt XVI - 2009 / Message and media reflection of visits of two Popes in Czechoslovak Federal Republic and Czech Republic in the light of their public speeches: John Pavel II. - 1990,1995,1997 a Benedikt XVI - 2009Krupa, Adam January 2021 (has links)
The Pope's visits are important social, political, and media events. The pope always comes to the host country with a predetermined agenda, not unlike the one for state visits by politicians. The Pope's speeches are at the center of the public part of the agenda. This thesis aims to analyze the messages that the two popes presented to the nation and the world during their visits to Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic. And also how the media captured, interpreted, and brought these messages to their audiences. The results show that the popes emphasized several topics, from spiritual renewal, return to tradition, reorganization of the Church to the commemoration of Christianity as the basis of European culture. However, the media largely ignored these frames, because even the use of frames does not guarantee preferred decoding. The analysis of selected newspapers showed that the papal messages were spread the best in Lidové noviny, a paper focused on strong opinion texts. This is all the more surprising because Lidové noviny was built on the traditional anti-Catholic tradition. The narrowly focused Catholic weekly did not spread the message to such an extent. In the case of the mainstream Mladá fronta Dnes, the form of the visit prevailed over the content, and the main role was played by the...
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Postoj římskokatolické církve k islámskému extremismu / The position of the Roman Catholic Church to Islamic extremismMazáč, Milan January 2017 (has links)
The position of the Roman Catholic Church to Islamic extremism Abstract The present thesis deals with the attitude of the Pope, those spiritual state performing the function in individual institutions of the Holy See, theologians and a selected group of people from the Czech general public Roman Catholic Church to religious extremism, focusing on the ultimate form of extremism - terrorism - of individuals or groups espousing to Islam. Since religious extremism often associated with fundamentalism, radicalism and fanaticism, is the first chapter to analyze the basic characteristics of these concepts, with the emphasis on analyzing the meaning and essence of their grasp. A comparison of them found what they have in common and what they are different. Following the above leads to analysis of how extremism reflect the religious and intellectual personalities of islam, with attached description and comparison of the attitudes of these figures, and militant-minded muslims to the jihad by the sword "al-džihád bi̕ s-sajf". In connection with this armed form of jihad work briefly compares the concept of martyrdom in islam and the roman catholic church and the result in the summary analyses. It is also a brief look into the history of religious extremism, as an integral part of the development of Christianity and...
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Dějiny farnosti v Ústí nad Orlicí jako obraz dějin římskokatolické církve v Československu v letech 1927-1963 / Parish history in Ústí nad Orlicí and the Roman Catholic Church Czechoslovakia in years 1927-1963Sklenář, Michal January 2017 (has links)
The dissertation shows one of the possible portraits of the history of the Roman Catholic Church in Czechoslovakia between the years 1927-1963. On the example of Václav Boštík (1897-1963), the dean in Ústí nad Orlicí between the years 1934-1942 and 1945-1961, the thesis focuses on continuities and discontinuities in the history of the local Roman Catholic parish. The presented analysis combines the socio-historical, microhistorical and biographical approach, by means of which it shows pastoral and other strategies of dean Václav Boštík - an ecclesiastical administrator and statutory representative - in various situations during the first two-thirds of the twentieth century. Local events are interconnected with the context of Czech ecclesiastical history at the statewide and diocesan level as well as with a broker context of Church history. Key words 20th century, the Roman Catholic Church, Czechoslowakia, communism, Ústí nad Orlicí, Václav Boštík (1897-1963)
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Vztah římskokatolické církve ke kinematografii v českých zemích mezi lety 1918 - 1948 / The Relationship of the Roman Catholic Church to Cinematography in the Czech Lands between 1918 and 1948Hasan, Petr January 2020 (has links)
After the First World War, the Catholic Church intensified its interest in a world that was becoming ever more secular and began to look for new means of actively and creatively taking part in cultural affairs. Cinematography was one of the areas in which this trend became most apparent. It was shortly after the invention of cinematograph that various ideas and plans regarding how to deal with film began to emerge among Catholics. Consequently, the Pope gave his blessing to community-based initiatives and included them in his plan in the encyclical Vigilanti Cura. This study seeks to familiarise the reader with a multifarious mixture of interesting, and often contradictory, voices and opinions that were heard from Czech Catholics with regard to film. Catholic activities in the field of film are divided into three basic areas: production, classification and distribution, with the first area concerning the effort to make their own Catholic films. This study demonstrates the problems faced in this endeavour by presenting the difficulties in the making of the film Saint Wenceslas and the consequent relationship of Catholics to the completed work. The classification of films from the Catholic point of view was carried out systematically and in a coordinated manner. The study deals with the origins of...
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Canonicité catholique romaine pour la science et les scientifiques / Roman catholic canonicity for science and scientistsManwell, Maurice Thierry 09 July 2019 (has links)
De ses antiques origines à son actualité postmoderne du XXIe siècle, le christianisme est traversé par deux phénomènes, en tensions variables et complexes, d’empathie et de vigilance à l’égard de la raison et de la science : ici des vigilances critiques l’emportent sur la considération pour la légitime autonomie de la raison et de la science, là un respect théologal et éthique tend à présider dans l’économie de différentes formes et phases d’estimes critiques pour l’autonomie de la raison et de la science. Sciences affranchies des théologies, sciences excellant en performances du savoir et de techniques, mais sciences modernes et contemporaines non épargnées par les errances du naturalisme, du nominalisme, du scientisme, des positivismes réducteurs, ou de politisations idéologiques.Malgré un conflit, loin d’être résolu, concernant la querelle antimoderniste, les conciles généraux Vatican I (1869-1870 : Constitution Dei Filius, chapitre IV) et Vatican II (1962-1965 : Constitution Gaudium et Spes, 36) font date : l’un rappelle la légitimité des domaines propres à la raison et aux scientificités, l’autre bénéficie de la progression en théologie de l’historicité pour contempler la tradition de l’autonomie des réalités terrestres. Avec quels instruments d’abord canoniques, est conjuguée la mission d’Église de sauvegarde du caractère catholique romain de ses propres universités, par exemple, et sa protection – certes conditionnelle - des cultures, des sciences, des scientifiques ? / From its earliest beginnings down to current postmodern XXIst century, Christianity is struck a balance between two phenomena, holding one another in various and complex mounting tensions, of empathy and of awareness towards reason and science. Herein, critical appraisals override the consideration of legitimate autonomy of reason and science, therein, a religious and ethical respect tends to govern various forms and shades of critical esteem, in favour of the autonomy of reason and science. Sciences freed from theologies monopoly, sciences excelling in knowledge and technical performances, but there still remains however, modern and contemporary sciences with misconducts of naturalism, nominalism, narrow positivism or political ideologies.Irrespective of an unresolved conflict, arising from the anti-modernist fights, the Church’s general councils of Vatican I (1869-1870: Constitution Dei Filius, chapter IV) and Vatican II (1962-1965: Constitution Gaudium et spes, 36) made huge steps forward : As the first reminds us of the legitimacy of science and reason in their specific areas of expertise, the second, while taking into account the progress of the theology of history, reflects deeper on the autonomy of worldly realities. With this background, with what canonical tools, could the safeguarding mission of the Roman Catholic character of the Church’s universities, for example, and her protection of cultures, sciences and the world of scientists, - under the conditions - could be guaranteed ?
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