Spelling suggestions: "subject:"roofs"" "subject:"hoofs""
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Impacts des enveloppes végétales à l’interface bâtiment microclimat urbain / Impacts of green envelopes at the interface between buildings and urban microclimateDjedjig, Rabah 11 December 2013 (has links)
Cette étude s’inscrit dans le cadre du projet "ANR-Villes Durables VegDUD : Rôle du végétal dans le développement urbain durable ; une approche par les enjeux liés à la climatologie, l’hydrologie, la maîtrise de l’énergie et les ambiances" (2010-2013). Elle traite de la modélisation et de l’expérimentation de toitures et de façades végétales, en vue de l’évaluation de leurs impacts hygrothermiques sur les bâtiments et sur les microclimats urbains. Un modèle physique a été développé pour décrire les mécanismes de transferts couplés de chaleur et de masse au sein de la paroi végétale. L’implémentation de ce modèle dans un code de simulation thermique dynamique permet de prédire l’impact de la végétalisation sur la performance énergétique des bâtiments. L’extension de cette démarche à l’échelle d’une rue-canyon permet d’inclure l’interaction microclimatique dans la simulation thermohydrique des bâtiments. Sur le plan expérimental, une maquette reconstituant une scène urbaine est mise en place pour étudier l’impact de différentes typologies de parois végétales dans plusieurs configurations microclimatiques. La confrontation des résultats expérimentaux et ceux issus de la modélisation numérique a été entreprise à l’échelle du système constitué du bâtiment et du microclimat urbain environnant. Pour cela, l’étude du comportement d’un bâtiment et d’une rue végétalisés par rapport au comportement du même bâtiment et d’une rue témoins a permis d’évaluer l’incidence des transferts thermiques, hygrométriques et radiatifs de la végétalisation. Ceci a permis d’entreprendre la validation des outils de prédiction numérique développés. Les résultats de l’étude montrent que les transferts thermiques et hydriques sont fortement couplés et que le comportement thermique des parois végétales est tributaire de l’état hydrique du substrat de culture. Pour l’été comme pour l’hiver, les simulations numériques et les données expérimentales montrent que la végétalisation permet d’améliorer la performance énergétique des bâtiments et de réduire les îlots de chaleur urbains. / This study was conducted in the framework of the National Program "ANR-VegDUD Project : Role of vegetation in sustainable urban development, an approach related to climatology, hydrology, energy management and environments" (2010 -2013). It deals with the experimental and numerical modeling of green roofs and green facades to evaluate their thermohydric effects on buildings and urban microclimates. A physical model describing the thermal and water transfer mechanisms within the vegetated building envelopes has been developed. The model’s program has been implemented in a building simulation program. Using this tool, we are able to predict the impact of green roofs and green facades on building energy performance. This approach is extended to the street canyon in order to assess the microclimatic interaction in building simulation. An experimental mockup modeling an urban scene at reduced scale is designed to study the impact of different types of green roofs and walls. The comparison of the measurements carried out on vegetated buildings and streets with the reference highlights the hygrothermal and radiative impacts of vegetated buildings envelopes. In addition, these experimental data are used to verify and validate the reliability of developed tools. The results show that thermal and water transfers are strongly coupled. Hence, the thermal behavior of green roofs and green walls depend on the water availability within the growing medium. In summer and winter, measurements and numerical simulations show that green envelopes improve the energy efficiency of buildings and reduce the urban heat island.
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Blågröna lösningar för hållbar dagvattenhantering och ekosystemtjänster i omvandlingsområdet Larsfrid-Vilhelmsfält i HalmstadStålberg, Karolina January 2020 (has links)
The industrial area Larsfrid-Vilhelmsfält in Halmstad will be transformed into a residential-, service- and educational area. Heavy cloudbursts in the future are more than today's stormwater- and sewer pipes can handle. There is a possibility to supplement the drainage system with blue-green solutions for planned management, retention and storage of stormwater from daily rain and pluvial flooding. The solutions also do other ecosystem services as reducing heat and support biodiversity and their multifunctionality make them suitable on valuable land. This work has studied opportunities for blue-green solutions, especially green roofs, permeable surfaces and multifunctional spaces in Larsfrid-Vilhelmsfält. The study questions have been How can Halmstad municipality work with blue-green solutions as a resource in Larsfrid-Vilhelmsfält? and Is it possible to point out spaces in the Larsfrid-Vilhelmsfält area for blue-green stormwater management? The method consists of a literature study, questions to municipal officials, study of downpour maps and visual inspections. The first study question has been answered trough advantages and disadvantages according to different blue-green solutions, different laws, the planning process, costs and benefits and examples from Malmö and Göteborg amongst others. The second question has been answered trough suggestions of blue-green solutions pointed out on an image of Larsfrid-Vilhelmsfält. The image is created from a map overlay of an orthophoto and information from a downpour map, information from aerial photos from Internet and visual inspections on site. The municipality of Halmstad has a chance to start early with sustainable urban drainage systems in Larsfrid-Vilhelmsfält. There are ways to calculate costs and maintenance. It is easier and more inexpensive to construct blue-green solutions before the area is finished, than after. Without it, it will be much more expensive to take care of the suffering and the physical costs caused by pluvial flooding.
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Bytový dům s polyfunkcí / Residential house with polyfunctionallyMichálek, Tomáš January 2018 (has links)
This thesis addresses the six-storey newly built residential building with shops and underground garages. The apartment building has 80 residential units, four shops, a hairdresser and offices. The apartment house is designed as a combined column concrete skeleton with brick infill. In the underground garage there are 88 seats in the collator parking system. The building consists of a compact shape.
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Kraví hora - rodinné stříbro VUT / Kraví hora - BUT Family silverJuračková, Lenka Unknown Date (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is an architectonic study, which deals with the new usage of the premises of VUT at Kravi Hora. Big part of Kravi Hora forms a park, which from the west is close to Namesti Miru and from the east side there are buildings of Faculty of Civil Engineering. This territory along with Spilberk, Luzanky and Wilsonuv Les form the green, environmental friendly, part of Brno. The Main advantage of this territory is that it brings lot of green parking places to the city and there are many places for spending free time, such as; swimming pool, baseball court and an observatory. The big disadvantage of this area is the bad transmittance of this area. There are no quality roads connecting Kravi hora and there is a slanting ground through this area. There are lots of objects which do not fit with the usage and they only bring here the traffic. There is a designed plan consisting of rather limiting regulations for this territory when the whole area is used for parking lots and sport activities and holiday objects. And in addition to that, the area is closed to public transport. The purpose of this study is to respect the territorial plans and the interests of the city as much as possible and at the same time use the property of VUT for a representation of the University, getting new students in and creating a place where all the generations can spend their free time. Despite of this study still respects The Territory Plan and interests of the City of Brno. In my study I design there the museum of VUT, the students club, ateliers for new graduates, study room, workroom the public and objects for presentation of VUT faculties set into the area of Kravi hora park in a way that it would fit into the natural character of this place.
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Projekt logistické koncepce se zaměřením na distribuci / Project Logistics Concepts Focusing on the DistributionŽamberská, Šárka January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with logistics concepts in the company ROMEX Inc. Theoretic part contains basic concepts of the issue. The current state and process orders are in the analytical part. The final part is devoted to suggestions for improvement and conditions of their implementation so as to lead a comprehensive development of the company, better order processing, and cost and time savings
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Urban Building i Stadshagen / Urban Building in StadshagenParis, Alexandra January 2013 (has links)
Vad är ett ”Urban building”? Den första tanken som slog mig var en byggnad liknande ett komplex, med en mängd olika funktioner. Därför blev det ett självklart val för mig var byggnadens footprint skulle vara, när jag såg den "övergivna" landsplätten. Jag skulle vilja kalla den för en tom lucka kanske. Vidare tänkte jag vad detta komplex av byggnad skulle vara. För mig var det viktigt att skapa en mötesplats för människor, men med det sagt, inte ett kommersiellt centrum. Jag ville skapa möten genom en kulturell verksamhet. Byggnaden är menad som ett av Stockholm landsmärken, då tänkte jag att mötet mellan denna kulturella verksamhet, kontor, bostäder och kommers skulle resultera i en dynamisk megastruktur av något slag. Detta blev startskottet för projektet. Intentionen var att göra platsen trivsam, och spännande, och inbjudande, göra den tillgänglig, och öppna upp platsen för människor att nyttja. Därmed tänkt att bjuda in till spontan aktivitet. Taklandskap ville jag göra dels för att ta vara på den annars ganska oanvända ytan, men framförallt eftersom det blir en väldigt intim plats ”uppe i himlen”. På sätt och vis kan man säga att parken jag skapat symboliserar detsamma då den är avgränsad från biltrafiken och öppen för natur, och mänsklig närvaro. Eftersom platsen ligger så fint nära vattnet och hamnen ville jag gärna använda mig utav det. Därför blev det ett naturligt val för mig att placera de ”familjära” bostäderna på den axeln. Mellan bostäderna har jag infört en allé kantad av växtlighet, så som lättare träd/buskar. Allén är menad att användas av både boende men även av allmänheten som kanske vill promenera upp till takterassen, och för att kanske se en film på den öppna, självständiga utomhusbion? / What is an urban building? The first thought that struck me was a building, like a complex, with a variety of functions. Therefore, it became a natural choice for me where the building's footprint on the site would be when I saw the "abandoned" piece of land. I would call it an empty gap maybe. Furthermore, I thought what this complex of buildings could be. For me it was important to create a meeting place for people, but having said that, not a commercialized center. I wanted to create a meeting point by cultural activity. The building for me is intended as one of Stockholm's landmarks. I thought that the meeting between the cultural activities, offices, housing and commerce would result in a dynamic megastructure of any kind. This was the starting point of the project. The intention was to make the place enjoyable, exciting, inviting, and accessible. I wanted to open up the site for people to use. This supposed to be inviting for spontaneous activity. I wanted to create a roofscape to take advantage of the otherwise unused area, but mainly because it is a very intimate place "in heaven, up I the sky". In that sense, you could say that the park I created symbolizes the same intimacy as it is separated from car traffic and open to nature, and human presence. Because the site is nicely near to the waterfront and a small harbor I just wanted to make use out of it. So it was a natural choice for me to place the larger residential housing on that particular axis. Between the homes I have introduced an avenue lined by vegetation, such as light trees / shrubs. The alley is intended for residents and also by the public who might want to walk up to the roof, and to maybe see a movie at the open, independent outdoor cinema?
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Advancing Understanding of Green Infrastructure Performance Through Field Measurements and ModelingWang, Siyan January 2020 (has links)
Urbanization has posed great challenges for environmental sustainability, human health, and wellbeing. One of these challenges is stormwater management stemming from widespread imperviousness in urban areas. For many cities, including New York City, stormwater management issues are being exacerbated by the impacts of climate change, which is increasing the frequency and intensity of wet weather flows in multiple regions of the world.
In New York City, stormwater runoff is collected with wastewater sewage in a combined sewer system (CSS) that dates back to over a century ago. At the time the system was put in place, it was designed to transport a combination of storm and wastewater to local treatment plants with a capacity of about twice the dry-weather flow. With the expansion of urbanization and population growth, this outdated system is now easily overwhelmed during wet weather flow. In some areas of the City, rainfall of less than a few millimeters can cause untreated combined storm and waste water in excess of the system’s capacity (Schlanger, 2014), to be discharged directly into a nearby surface water. The combination of storm and wastewater is referred to as combined sewerage, and overflow events are referred to as combined sewer overflows (CSOs). CSOs are a leading source of local water body pollution in NYC, as well as countless other older cities in the US and abroad that operate with combined sewer systems.
To solve the CSO problem, many cities, including NYC, have adopted green infrastructure (GI) plans that aim to capture stormwater locally before it can make its way into a CSS. In New York City, right-of-way bioswales (ROWBs) are composed of about 60% of the GI that has been implemented to date (The New York City Department of Environmental Protection, 2020) for stormwater management and CSO reduction. However, despite the popularity of ROWBs as a GI intervention, few research studies have focused on quantifying their hydrological performance. This can be attributed, in part, to the greater complexity of ROWB behavior in comparison to other GI interventions, such as green roofs, which have attracted wider research interest. In addition, because ROWBs are located in the public right-of-way, monitoring and measurement of the behavior of these systems also poses additional challenges.
The first study in this dissertation presents three new field methods for quantifying the stormwater retention capacity of individual ROWBs. By applying the field methods at a ROWB site located in the Bronx, NYC, the influence of rainfall characteristics and the monitored soil moisture content of the ROWB on the ROWB’s hydrological performance was explored. A definition of a so-called ‘rain peaky event’ (RPE) was introduced to divide an individual storm into several sub-events. A RPE event-based empirical model for predicting the stormwater retention behavior of the ROWB was then developed based on the monitored soil moisture content of the ROWB and the rain depth recorded every 15 minutes during a storm event. This study found that the predicted stormwater retention volume per rain depth per unit drainage area of the studied ROWB, is not significantly different from that of several NYC based extensive green roofs. However, compared to the drainage area of the green roofs, which is the same as the roof’s surface area, the drainage area of the studied ROWB was about 84 times its surface area. Thus, per unit area, the ROWB was found to have significantly higher (almost two orders of magnitude) total stormwater capacity than the extensive green roofs.
The second study in this dissertation assessed the applicability of the physics-based one-dimensional finite element model HYDRUS-1D, for simulating the infiltration process of a ROWB during storm events using long-term monitored soil moisture content as an input. The simulation results from the HYDRUS-1D was validated by field measurement results taken at the ROWB site located in the Bronx, NYC, and compared with the RPE event-based empirical model presented in the first study. The HYDRUS-1D model was found capable of predicting the ROWB’s cumulative stormwater retention at intervals of one minute, as well as the total retention volume of stormwater inflows into the ROWB per rain peaky event, except for events with an average stormwater inflow intensity high than 20 cm/hr. The study revealed that HYDRUS-1D has a tendency to under-predict the retention capacity of the studied ROWB for a storm with an inflow intensity high than 20 cm/hr, thus providing a lower bound on ROWB stormwater retention. The current published version of the HYDRUS-1D was also found to be erroneous when simulating the ROWB stormwater infiltration process in cases where the ROWB’s soil moisture content was close to saturation.
The third study investigated the effectiveness of increased perviousness on CSO reduction and water quality improvement in NYC, toward an aim of understanding how GI implementation can improve city-wide stormwater management issues. By using the enterococci (ENT) concentration as an indicator of water quality and the runoff coefficient to represent land perviousness over an area, a random forest classification model was developed for predicting whether a water body is swimmable or not at 50 shore sites along the main waterways of NYC. The model revealed the significant contribution of land perviousness, and hence GI interventions and green space, to CSO pollution reduction for CSO-shed areas located adjacent to slower-moving waterways. For CSO-shed areas located adjacent to faster moving waterways, the influence of land perviousness was found to be negligible. The random forest classification model developed in this third study can be used as a tool for city planners and agencies as part of plans for GI implementation that focus on the optimization of local water quality, among other objectives.
Overall, the research presented in this dissertation aimed to provide a deeper insight into the factors governing the hydrological performance of the most prevalent GI in NYC – namely right-of-way bioswales. In addition, the research aimed to provide insight into linkages between land perviousness and CSO pollution levels in NYC local waterways, which can be used to inform the implementation and overall performance of the entire NYC GI system.
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Adoption of Green Roof by Private Housing Organizations: Drivers and Barriers ---A Case Study in Malmö, SwedenAlmadani, Haidar, Doneva, Trayana January 2018 (has links)
This research is an exploratory study on green roof adoption by medium to large private housing organizations in Malmö, Sweden. The research aims to explore the drivers and the barriers for the green roofs adoption. Also to look for what leadership effect on overcoming the barriers and promoting the drivers for green roof adoption. The theoretical contribution is the assessment of the motivations on transformational and adaptive leadership. The thesis employs a qualitative method with non-structured and semi-structured interviews. It develops an analytical framework combining systems thinking and leadership theories to look on the practice of green roof adoption. The thesis identifies the main drivers and barriers in relation to the internal and external positions of actors and rules in the system of green roof adoption in Malmö among private housing organizations. The main findings are that transformational leadership effect motives on overcoming the barriers and adaptive leadership motivation effect on promoting the drivers. It also summarizes three categories of green roof adoption, namely the transformations, adapters and green skinners. The study also has practical contribution with recommendation of policy implication to Malmö. Furthermore, models and figures for future researches on green roof adoption among housing organizations.
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Measuring the Effect of Vegetated Roofs on the Performance of Photovoltaic Panels in Combined SystemsOgaili, Hamid Hawi Kadham 05 May 2015 (has links)
Recent studies suggest that integration of photovoltaic panels with green roofs may improve the performance of both. While vegetation may provide a benefit by reducing the net radiation load on the underside of the photovoltaic (PV) panels, it may also affect convective cooling of panels, and consequently, panel efficiency. Both effects likely diminish with the height of the PV panel above the roof, although placing PV panels too close to the vegetation increases the risk of the plants growing over the edges of, and shading the PV panel. There is a gap in the literature with respect to evaluating these competing effects. The present study aims to fill this gap.
Experiments were conducted over a two-month period during summer using two identical PV panels within an array of rooftop-mounted panels. These experiments were performed at two heights (18 cm and 24 cm) using three roofing types: white, black and green (vegetated). Results showed that the mean power output of the system in which the PV panel was mounted above a green roof was 1.2% and 0.8% higher than that of the PV-black roof and the PV-white roof at the 18 cm height. At the 24 cm height, the benefit of the green roof was slightly diminished with power output for the PV panel above a green roof being 1.0% and 0.7% higher than the black and white roof experiments, respectively. These power output results were consistent with measured variations in mean panel surface temperatures; the green roof systems were generally cooler by 1.5˚C to 3˚C. The panel surface mean heat transfer coefficients for the PV-green roof were generally 10 to 23% higher than for the white and black roof configurations, suggesting a mixing benefit associated with the roughness of the plant canopy. As expected, the results indicate that the best PV panel performance is obtained by locating the PV panel above a green roof. However, the relative benefits of the roof energy balance diminish with distance between the PV panel and the roof.
Moreover, the results of this study showed that the mean power output of the PV panel above the white roof was 0.7% and 0.44% higher than that of the PV panel above the black roof at 18 cm and 24 cm heights, respectively. The results of the power output differences in all the experiments were statistically significant at the 95% confidence interval (P < 0.01).
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Assessing the impacts of green roof substrate, plant community, and mycorrhizae on runoff quantity and qualityFulton, Taylor G. 26 May 2020 (has links)
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