Spelling suggestions: "subject:"rough differential equation"" "subject:"tough differential equation""
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Numerical methods for approximating solutions to rough differential equationsGyurko, Lajos Gergely January 2008 (has links)
The main motivation behind writing this thesis was to construct numerical methods to approximate solutions to differential equations driven by rough paths, where the solution is considered in the rough path-sense. Rough paths of inhomogeneous degree of smoothness as driving noise are considered. We also aimed to find applications of these numerical methods to stochastic differential equations. After sketching the core ideas of the Rough Paths Theory in Chapter 1, the versions of the core theorems corresponding to the inhomogeneous degree of smoothness case are stated and proved in Chapter 2 along with some auxiliary claims on the continuity of the solution in a certain sense, including an RDE-version of Gronwall's lemma. In Chapter 3, numerical schemes for approximating solutions to differential equations driven by rough paths of inhomogeneous degree of smoothness are constructed. We start with setting up some principles of approximations. Then a general class of local approximations is introduced. This class is used to construct global approximations by pasting together the local ones. A general sufficient condition on the local approximations implying global convergence is given and proved. The next step is to construct particular local approximations in finite dimensions based on solutions to ordinary differential equations derived locally and satisfying the sufficient condition for global convergence. These local approximations require strong conditions on the one-form defining the rough differential equation. Finally, we show that when the local ODE-based schemes are applied in combination with rough polynomial approximations, the conditions on the one-form can be weakened. In Chapter 4, the results of Gyurko & Lyons (2010) on path-wise approximation of solutions to stochastic differential equations are recalled and extended to the truncated signature level of the solution. Furthermore, some practical considerations related to the implementation of high order schemes are described. The effectiveness of the derived schemes is demonstrated on numerical examples. In Chapter 5, the background theory of the Kusuoka-Lyons-Victoir (KLV) family of weak approximations is recalled and linked to the results of Chapter 4. We highlight how the different versions of the KLV family are related. Finally, a numerical evaluation of the autonomous ODE-based versions of the family is carried out, focusing on SDEs in dimensions up to 4, using cubature formulas of different degrees and several high order numerical ODE solvers. We demonstrate the effectiveness and the occasional non-effectiveness of the numerical approximations in cases when the KLV family is used in its original version and also when used in combination with partial sampling methods (Monte-Carlo, TBBA) and Romberg extrapolation.
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Robust stochastic analysis with applicationsPrömel, David Johannes 02 December 2015 (has links)
Diese Dissertation präsentiert neue Techniken der Integration für verschiedene Probleme der Finanzmathematik und einige Anwendungen in der Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie. Zu Beginn entwickeln wir zwei Zugänge zur robusten stochastischen Integration. Der erste, ähnlich der Ito’schen Integration, basiert auf einer Topologie, erzeugt durch ein äußeres Maß, gegeben durch einen minimalen Superreplikationspreis. Der zweite gründet auf der Integrationtheorie für rauhe Pfade. Wir zeigen, dass das entsprechende Integral als Grenzwert von nicht antizipierenden Riemannsummen existiert und dass sich jedem "typischen Preispfad" ein rauher Pfad im Ito’schen Sinne zuordnen lässt. Für eindimensionale "typische Preispfade" wird sogar gezeigt, dass sie Hölder-stetige Lokalzeiten besitzen. Zudem erhalten wir Verallgemeinerungen von Föllmer’s pfadweiser Ito-Formel. Die Integrationstheorie für rauhe Pfade kann mit dem Konzept der kontrollierten Pfade und einer Topologie, welche die Information der Levy-Fläche enthält, entwickelt werden. Deshalb untersuchen wir hinreichende Bedingungen an die Kontrollstruktur für die Existenz der Levy-Fläche. Dies führt uns zur Untersuchung von Föllmer’s Ito-Formel aus der Sicht kontrollierter Pfade. Para-kontrollierte Distributionen, kürzlich von Gubinelli, Imkeller und Perkowski eingeführt, erweitern die Theorie rauher Pfade auf den Bereich von mehr-dimensionale Parameter. Wir verallgemeinern diesen Ansatz von Hölder’schen auf Besov-Räume, um rauhe Differentialgleichungen zu lösen, und wenden die Ergebnisse auf stochastische Differentialgleichungen an. Zum Schluß betrachten wir stark gekoppelte Systeme von stochastischen Vorwärts-Rückwärts-Differentialgleichungen (FBSDEs) und erweitern die Theorie der Existenz, Eindeutigkeit und Regularität der sogenannten Entkopplungsfelder auf Markovsche FBSDEs mit lokal Lipschitz-stetigen Koeffizienten. Als Anwendung wird das Skorokhodsche Einbettungsproblem für Gaußsche Prozesse mit nichtlinearem Drift gelöst. / In this thesis new robust integration techniques, which are suitable for various problems from stochastic analysis and mathematical finance, as well as some applications are presented. We begin with two different approaches to stochastic integration in robust financial mathematics. The first one is inspired by Ito’s integration and based on a certain topology induced by an outer measure corresponding to a minimal superhedging price. The second approach relies on the controlled rough path integral. We prove that this integral is the limit of non-anticipating Riemann sums and that every "typical price path" has an associated Ito rough path. For one-dimensional "typical price paths" it is further shown that they possess Hölder continuous local times. Additionally, we provide various generalizations of Föllmer’s pathwise Ito formula. Recalling that rough path theory can be developed using the concept of controlled paths and with a topology including the information of Levy’s area, sufficient conditions for the pathwise existence of Levy’s area are provided in terms of being controlled. This leads us to study Föllmer’s pathwise Ito formulas from the perspective of controlled paths. A multi-parameter extension to rough path theory is the paracontrolled distribution approach, recently introduced by Gubinelli, Imkeller and Perkowski. We generalize their approach from Hölder spaces to Besov spaces to solve rough differential equations. As an application we deal with stochastic differential equations driven by random functions. Finally, considering strongly coupled systems of forward and backward stochastic differential equations (FBSDEs), we extend the existence, uniqueness and regularity theory of so-called decoupling fields to Markovian FBSDEs with locally Lipschitz continuous coefficients. These results allow to solve the Skorokhod embedding problem for a class of Gaussian processes with non-linear drift.
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