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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

1880-1935 : des communautés rurales meusiennes de la veille de la grande guerre à la fin de la reconstruction : entre permanences, archaïsmes et modernités / 1880-1935 : meusian rural communities from the eve of the great war to the end of the reconstruction : between permanences, archaisms and modernities

Streiff, Karine 09 December 2016 (has links)
Le département de la Meuse est essentiellement rural et agricole. Les communautés rurales de 1880 à 1914 ne sont pas figées. Elles se transforment par la synthèse d'éléments issus de la tradition et de facteurs liés au contexte général. Elles ne sont ni réfractaires au progrès ni passéistes. Le département devient une terre de guerre. Les paysages et les patrimoines sont bouleversés et métamorphosés. Les rapports sociaux sont modifiés. À l'armistice, la situation rend le système d'avant-guerre obsolète. La loi de réparation des dommages de guerre offre un espoir de relèvement. Les bilans des destructions sont conséquents. La reconstruction est une période charnière. L'argent apparaît être le nerf de la reconstruction. Elle devient un moyen de moderniser et de rationaliser les communes rurales. Le territoire se mémorialise et de nouveaux éléments d'identification et de reconnaissance modifient la tradition / The department of the Meuse is mainly rural and agricultural. The rural communities from 1880 to 1914 are not fixed. They are transformed by the synthesis of elements from tradition and factors related to the general context. They are neither refractory to progress nor past. The department became a land of war. Landscapes and heritages are overturned and transformed. Social relations are modified. At the armistice, the situation made the pre-war system obsolete. The war damage compensation law offers hope of recovery. The results of the destruction are substantial. Reconstruction is a pivotal period. Money appears to be the nerve of reconstruction. It becomes a means of modernizing and rationalizing rural communes. The territory is memorized and new elements of identification and recognition change the tradition

Conhecimento sobre plantas medicinais com atividade de controle do colesterol, pressão arterial e problemas renais, utilizadas pela população residente no Bairro dos Marins município de Piquete - SP

Barros, Lívia Cristina Pereira [UNESP] 31 August 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:26:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2007-08-31Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:34:25Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 barros_lcp_me_botfca.pdf: 1858043 bytes, checksum: fb53061efb50a949388de9ae4d407603 (MD5) / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo principal realizar levantamento etnobotânico junto à comunidade rural do Bairro dos Marins, no município de Piquete, a respeito do conhecimento sobre as plantas medicinais com atividades de controle do colesterol, pressão arterial e problemas renais. Outros objetivos a alcançar disseram respeito à ocorrência e à freqüência das doenças na comunidade; verificar como os moradores reconhecem e nomeiam as doenças estudadas; identificar quais espécies de plantas medicinais são conhecidas e usadas pelos moradores, sua forma de utilização e preparo; e entender como todas as casas do Bairro. A escolha do entrevistado de cada unidade residencial teve como critério que este fosse responsável pelo sustento da família. Foram entrevistadas 74 pessoas, mediante entrevistas estruturadas e semi-estruturadas. Foram coletados dados sócio-culturais e levantados os problemas de saúde mais recorrentes na comunidade e as plantas usadas para tratar cada um deles. Na segunda etapa foram entrevistados profissionais e agentes da área da saúde do Programa de Saúde da Família (PSF). Nessa etapa foi utilizado roteiro com perguntas. Para a terceira etapa foi usada a técnica de amostragem “bola de neve”, que consistiu em conversar com algumas pessoas da comunidade e perguntar se conheciam moradores que tinham significativo conhecimento sobre plantas medicinais, com esta técnica foram indicadas 15 pessoas. Para complementar a pesquisa foram escolhidos mais cinco entrevistados pelo método conhecido como amostragem por julgamento, o critério para escolha destes foi o maior número de espécies medicinais citadas durante a primeira etapa e conhecimento e uso das plantas para as três enfermidades propostas neste estudo. Durante a realização da terceira etapa optou-se por utilizar entrevistas semi-estruturadas... / The main objective of this research was to do an ethnobotanical survey in the rural community Marins, Piquete municipality, on their knowledge about medicinal plants with activity on cholesterol control, blood pressure and kidney problems. Other objectives were to evaluate the occurrence and the frequency of the diseases in the community, to verify how the inhabitants know and name the studied diseases, to identify which species of medicinal plants are known and used by the inhabitants, how they prepare and use each one and to understand how the exchange of information works in the community.The collection of data was based on methods used in Anthropology, like semi-structured and structured interviews and also participant observation. In order to facilitate the research, the interviews were divided in three stages. In the first stage all the houses of the community were visited. The person who was responsible for the family support was chosen as the one who would be interviewed. Seventy four people were interviewed by using semi-structured and 74 structured interviews. Sociocultural data were collected, as well as the community’s most common health problems and the plants used to treat each problem. In the second stage, professionals and healthcare workers from the healthcare family program (PSF) were interviewed. On the third stage, it was used the “snow ball” technique, which consists on talking to some people of the community and asking them whether they know some inhabitants who have a significant knowledge about medicinal plants. Fifteen persons were indicated with the use of this technique. To complete the research, five more persons were interviewed by the method know as judgment sampling. The criterion used to choose these five interviewed was the greatest number of medicinal plants species mentioned on the first stage and the...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)

Aterro/lixão, mineração e moradores “sacrificados” : conflitos ambientais e “alternativas infernais” na comunidade rural Santa Tecla, Gravataí

Araújo, Lair Medeiros de January 2017 (has links)
Este estudo aborda os conflitos decorrentes de injustiças ambientais ligadas à mineração e à implantação de um lixão/aterro sanitário na área rural de Santa Tecla, Gravataí/RS. O objetivo é compreender como a comunidade lida com os impactos ecológicos e ambientais gerados por esses empreendimentos e quais estratégias são utilizadas pelos moradores, poder público e interesses privados quando da conformação dos conflitos. Da mesma forma, a partir da descrição da dinâmica por trás dos embates envolvendo a mineração e o aterro/lixão nessa localidade, se busca descrever e analisar as relações de poder que conformam as disputas por fixar e priorizar um conjunto de significados sobre um dado território (no caso, Santa Tecla), bem como pelo controle e uso (material, simbólico e afetivo) do que nele pode ser encontrado, representado ou sentido. A metodologia baseia-se num estudo de caso realizado através de pesquisa bibliográfica, documental e pesquisa de campo. O estudo demonstra que Santa Tecla está inserida em um contexto de “zona de sacrifício” onde a atividade de mineração e o aterro/lixão são centrais na sua constituição enquanto tal, sendo as mineradoras que lá atuam (legal e ilegalmente) e o consórcio que administra o aterro/lixão os principais agenciadores das injustiças ambientais. Em síntese, o trabalho mostra como se deu a geração e apropriação diferenciada do discurso ambiental por representantes do Estado (em suas diferentes instâncias, mas sobretudo representado pela prefeitura de Gravataí), por representantes do setor privado que lá atuam e pela população que vive em Santa Tecla. / The study englobes the conflicts that concerns environmental injustices connected to the developmental project, with the rock mining activities and landfill implementation on Santa Tecla rural area, Gravataí RS. This work main objective is to understand how the local community deals with the environmental burden generated by such enterprises, and which strategies are used by the inhabitants, governments and private companies, and the community reactions through these conflicts. In the same way, through the description of the dynamic behind the conflicts involving mining and landfills in this community it is appropriate to describe and analyze the power relations that support the disputes towards fixation and giving priority to a group of meanings about a certain territory (in this case, Santa Tecla), as well as the control and use (material, symbolic and affective) of what can be found in it, represented or felt. The methodology used, a case based study, with bibliographical and documental research, and field research. This study shows that Santa Tecla is inserted in a “sacrifice zone” context, which are mining activities and landfills main characters in this process, the mining companies that work there (legal and illegally) and the consortium that manages the landfill are the main components of the environmental injustices. In sum, the project has the objective of understanding how works generation and differentiated appropriation of the environmental speech from Government (in the most vary instances, but most important by Gravataí City Hall), by private sector agents that work there, and by the inhabitants who live in Santa Tecla.

Educação ambiental e resíduos sólidos: um estudo de caso junto à uma comunidade rural (São Carlos, SP) / Environmental education and solid waste: a case study with rural community (São Carlos, SP)

Patricia Carla Di Giovanni 07 December 2001 (has links)
O presente projeto teve por objetivo o desenvolvimento de propostas e implementação de ações mitigadoras em área rural enfocando o tema habitacional \"estudos sólidos\" (lixo), por meio de um Programa de Educação Ambiental, junto à população residente na Colônia da Fazenda Canchim (33 famílias num total de 126 pessoas), inserida em uma das unidades da Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa Pecuária Sudeste), em São Carlos, SP. Inicialmente foi realizado o levantamento de dados históricos e geográficos da área e, em seguida, a caracterização sócio-cultural da comunidade, incluindo a investigação da percepção com relação ao seu ambiente mais próximo, possibilitando a construção do cenário onde se desenvolveu o trabalho. O perfil sócio-cultural foi o indicador do tipo de integração entre os indivíduos que formam o grupo, no sentido de entender a participação coletiva e o espírito de cooperação, e de conhecer o sistema de atitudes e modos de agir, os costumes, o saber, enfim, o grau de compreensão das interrelações entre a comunidade e o ambiente. O levantamento das diferentes formas de utilização antrópica do sistema ecológico forneceu subsídios para propor alternativas que visam uma ocupação do espaço e que levam em consideração os princípios ecológicos. Estes dados foram obtidos por meio da análise documental do acervo da Embrapa Pecuária Sudeste, relativa aos temas de interesse, observação direta, entrevistas e desenhos (mapas mentais). A partir deses resultados, foi elaborada uma proposta de atividades sensibilizadoras para serem desenvolvidas junto à população. As atividades foram concentradas na elaboração de cartazes, palestras, exibição de vídeo e passeios orientados. Essas atividades permitiram a discussão da problemática ambiental e o levantamento de possíveis soluções, a partir da reformulação de comportamentos humanos e resgate de valores. Como ação mitigadora de impacto ambiental ) foi desenvolvido, na área de estudo, o sistema de coleta seletiva de resíduos sólidos (metal, papel, vidro e plástico) sob a forma de postos de entrega voluntária (PEVs), como a melhor solução diante da problemática apontada pelos moradores, tendo contribuído para a melhoria da qualidade de vida e qualidade ambiental. / The objective of this work was to develop proposals and to implement mitigation activities in rural area, related to the environmental issue solid waste, trough an environmental Education Program with the population at the Canchim\'s farm (33 families, 126 people), from Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa Pecuária Sudeste), São Carlos - SP. The work started with a survey of historical and geographical data of the area, the socio-cultural characterization of the community and the research of their perception of their relation with the surrounding environrnent. This survey allowed to locate the population under study in space and time, and to build up the work scenery. The social profile was the indicator for the kind of integration among the individuals in the group, to understand the colective participation and the cooperation spirit. The cultural aspects allowed to know the system of atitudes, the ways to act, the behaviours, the knowledge, the degree of understanding the relationship between community and environment. The survey of the various kinds of anthropic use of the ecological system gave support to the alternative proposals to settle the space, considering the ecological principles. These results were obtained by searching documents at library of Embrapa Southeast Cattle, related to the studied thema, direct observations, interviews and brainstorms. A proposal of sensitize activities was build up on these results, to be applied to the local population. The activities were focused on the production of posters, folders, speaches, movies and monitored walkings. These activities raised the discussion on the environrnental matter and the survey of possible solutions, based on the the rescue of human values and the change of behaviour. The forwarded environmental mitigation activity was the selective disposal of solid wastes (metal, paper, glass and plastic) at Voluntary Delivery Points (VDP), as the best solution for the by population selected main problem, with increase of local life quality.

Sistemas locais de apropriação dos recursos e suas implicações para projetos de manejo comunitário: um estudo de caso numa comunidade tradicional da floresta nacional do Tapajós - PA. / Local resource use e tenure system and their implication to community management projects: a case study in traditional community in the tapajós national forest.

Renata Mauro Freire 20 February 2002 (has links)
O objetivo desta dissertação é analisar, a partir de um estudo de caso em uma comunidade tradicional da FLONA do Tapajós, os sistemas locais de apropriação e uso dos recursos e suas implicações para os projetos de manejo comunitário. Foram utilizados métodos convencionais e participativos, com ênfase no mapeamento comunitário. Em geral, os projetos de manejo comunitário assumem que as populações rurais, sob regime de propriedade comum, manejam de forma coletiva todos os recursos. Entretanto, existe um gradiente de apropriação e uso dos recursos, que vai desde o acesso aberto, uso comum até o uso individual. Também concebem as comunidades rurais como unidades sociais indiferenciadas, sem diversidade de interesses e necessidades. Partindo desses pressupostos, os projetos tendem a idealizar a alocação dos recursos como sendo coletivistas, ou seja, todos os moradores de uma mesma comunidade teriam capacidades iguais de poder e recursos. Seguindo essa lógica, muitas intervenções são planejadas visando o uso coletivo dos recursos, quando na realidade existem regras locais e variáveis sociais como: origem das famílias, parentesco, etnicidade, religião, idade e relações de gênero; que definem a apropriação dos recursos e a organização do trabalho nestas comunidades. No caso de Piquiatuba, a comunidade está dividida em cinco núcleos familiares, com diferentes limitações e oportunidades, formados por grupos domésticos fortemente ligados por relações de parentesco e identidade religiosa. Os moradores de cada núcleo partilham sentimentos de localidade, convivência, práticas de trabalho e de auxílio mútuo. Quando os projetos são direcionados aos núcleos familiares, geralmente possuem maiores chances de oferecer respostas mais acertadas aos problemas e necessidades de seus moradores, especialmente daqueles com menos visibilidade e poder, como é o caso dos moradores do núcleo familiar do Vai-Quem-Quer. Além dos fatores internos que definem os sistemas de apropriação dos recursos, o sucesso dos projetos também depende do reconhecimento pelo Estado dos direitos de posse da terra e dos recursos das populações rurais, especialmente daquelas residentes em áreas protegidas, como é o caso das comunidades da FLONA do Tapajós. Quando seus direitos são reconhecidos e respeitados, estas populações sentem-se mais motivadas a investir em práticas de manejo de longo prazo e, ao mesmo tempo, possuem maior garantia e poder de participação nas decisões sobre o uso dos recursos. / The objective this dissertation is to analyze, on the basis of case study of a traditional community in the Tapajós National Forest, local resource uses and tenure systems and their implication to community management projects. Conventional and participatory methods were used, with emphasis on community mapping. In general, projects assume that rural populations, under common property regimes practice collective management of all resources. However, there is a gradient of resource use and tenure, which range from open use, collective use to individual use. Usually these projects conceive rural communities as undifferentiated social units, without diverse interests and needs. These projects tend to idealize resource allocation based in a collectivist view. They consider that all members of individual communities have equal power and access to resources. Based on this logic many community interventions are planned with the intent of promoting collective resource use, despite the existence of local rules and social variables which define resource use and labor organization in these communities, such as: family orign, kinship, ethnicity, religion, age and gender. In the case of Piquiatuba, the community is divided into five different family groups with different limitations and opportunities, and comprised of family groups strongly linked by kinship and religious identity. Members of family groups share feelings of locality, convivance, working practices and mutual support. When the projects are directed to family groups they tend to have grates chances to offe r appropriate solutions to problems and needs of their members, especially those with less visibility and power, such as the case of the family group Vai-Quem-Quer. In addition to the internal factors that define resource use and tenure systems, projects success also depends on the recognition of land tenure rights of local community by the State, specially those residents of protected areas, such as the case of communities of Tapajós National Forest. When their rights are recognized and respected, these populations feel more willing to invest in long term management practices such as forest management and, at the same time, grate power to participate in the resource decision making.

Fogão de Lenha - Chápeu de Palha Jauenses:- herdeiros da rusticidade no processo da modernização / Fogão de Lenha - Chápeu de Palha Jauenses: heritage of rusticity in the modernization process

Neusa de Fátima Mariano 19 March 2002 (has links)
O caipira, entendido como um ser cultural singular, cujo modo de vida é caracterizado pela rusticidade dos meios de reprodução, não passa intacto à entrada do capitalismo no campo. Ele se transforma perdendo e modificando alguns de seus elementos culturais, pois a vida passa a se dar numa sociedade mediada pelo dinheiro. A pesquisa tem como preocupação central o entendimento de como se deu este fenômeno em Jaú, município do interior do Estado de São Paulo. Vamos encontrar nas colônias de suas fazendas e nos seus sítios, uma sociabilidade muito forte que favorecia a manutenção de expressões de uma cultura singular, enriquecida pelos imigrantes europeus que vieram ao Brasil para trabalhar nos cafezais, no início do século XX. Com o sistema de salários adotado por lei no campo, na década de 1960, houve a individualização do trabalho, deixando de ser familiar na colônia, para ser assalariado, em que as famílias passaram a morar nas cidades. Nos anos 50, a produção canavieira que se expandia pelo interior do Estado de São Paulo foi, aos poucos, acabando com as pequenas propriedades, pois os sitiantes que se viam sem financiamentos bancários (pois os juros eram altos) acabavam vendendo ou arrendando as suas terras. Os fazendeiros, por sua vez, começaram a substituir o café pela cana-de-açúcar. Tais acontecimentos do setor econômico provocaram uma crise cultural, desvinculando o trabalho da cultura do caipira, desvinculando as suas manifestações culturais do ciclo da natureza, transformando o seu modo de pensar, ser e agir. O que se pretende com esta pesquisa é demonstrar como o capitalismo, transfigurado em uma sociedade moderna mediada pelo mercado, tem o poder de modificar a cultura e o modo de vida do homem rural. Atualmente, por meio de pesquisa empírica, encontramos heranças da rusticidade, pois nem todos os jauenses mantêm na mesma intensidade e maneira, traços de um modo de vida caipira, presente somente no passado; são herdeiros de si próprios, migrantes da temporalidade. / The countryside man, as a peculiar cultural human being, whose life way is characterized by the rusticity of the reproduction ways, was touched by the entry of the capitalism in the field. The countryside man transforms himself, losing and modifying some of his cultural elements, because the life changes to a new society in which the money is the average. The research has, as the main focus, the understanding how this phenomenon occurred in Jaú, São Paulo countryside. We can find inside the colonies of the farms and of the ranches, so strong sociability that benefits the maintenance of expressions of a peculiar culture enriched by European immigrants who came to Brazil to work in the coffee plantation in the beginning of the century XX. Due to the salary system that was adopted by the field law, in 1960 decade, occurred the individualization of the work, changing from being familiar in the colony to receiving a salary. The families started to move to the cities. In the 50\'s, the sugar cane production that extended through São Paulo countryside, was time by time, eliminating the small properties, because the ranchers who were without financing (because of the high interests), started to sell or to rent their lands. The farmers started to replace the coffee by the sugar cane. Such occurrences of economic area provoked a worldwide cultural crisis, freeing the work from the countryside man culture, freeing his cultural manifestations from the cycle of the nature, changing his way of thinking, being and acting. This research intends to demonstrate how the capitalism, transfigured in a modern society in which the market is the average, has the power of modifying the culture and the way of life of the rural man. Nowadays, by an empiric research, we can find heritage of rusticity, because it is not all the Jaú persons who keep in the same intensity and the way, traces of a way of countryside man life, existed only in the past; they are heirs of themselves, migrants of the temporality.

Social Worker Engagement of Substance Abusing Rural Young Adults: An Action Research Study

Cole, Samantha L 01 January 2018 (has links)
There has been a dramatic increase in opioid-related overdoses and deaths that have had extensive health impacts in Delaware County, New York. Social workers play a crucial role in working with individuals who have substance use and co-occurring disorders. The study was guided by ecological systems theory and the generalist intervention model focused on the engagement process between social workers and local young people. The current action research study explored the social work practice problem of challenges encountered by clinical social workers who engage in services with young adults ages 18-25 who have or are at risk for substance use disorders in Delaware County. It is essential to identify these challenges to help improve social work services that may potentially reduce substance use rates. The practice focused research question asked the participants their perception of the challenges in providing substance use services for young adult's ages 18-25 who reside in Delaware County. A focus group took place with 4 local private practice, licensed clinical social workers and 1 agency-based, licensed master-level social worker who all have experience working with Delaware County residents. Content analysis was used to explore and organize the data. The study revealed 7 themes that included client resistance, cultural issues, economic factors, professional competence, practitioner limitations, resource gaps, and client engagement. According to the participants, greater advocacy efforts are needed for clinical social work services because of the focus on both the environmental and emotional aspects of service provision. Possible implications for social change will be reduced service gaps that will result in more support options for those struggling with substance use.

Forest Resource Access, Dependency, and Vulnerability in Southeast and Southcentral Alaska

Tessema, Mekbeb E. 01 May 2011 (has links)
Rural communities in the western U.S. and Alaska are highly dependent upon surrounding publicly-owned forests for various economic and non-economic values. Historically, limited data has hampered the understanding of such community-resource linkages. As a result, community interests may not be adequately considered in forest management plan development and policy formulation. Addressing this imbalance is an important issue for the U.S. Forest Service (USFS), particularly as it shifts from timberdominated goals to a more holistic ecosystem-based form of management. This study seeks to understand community-resource use linkages, dependency, and vulnerability surrounding the Chugach and Tongass NFs using place-level socioeconomic data from the 2000 U.S. Census in combination with permit data from the USFS’s Timber Information Management Data System (TIM) and Special Use Data System (SUDS). Information on permittees’ activities on forestland and socioeconomic profiles of permittee’s community-of-origin are found to be valuable, not only for forest management and planning purposes, but also for community-level social assessment. An examination of 2007 permit data found that a majority of permit holders were local residents. These communities are found to be dependent on the two forests for various types of activities and are thus more likely to be vulnerable to changes in forest management and policies. The analysis also identified some limitations that may affect the quality of permit data and its potential use in community impact assessments. Despite these limitations of permit data, the methodologies utilized here demonstrate how TIM and SUDS data, in combination with U.S. Census data, could be used to describe Alaska residents’ socioeconomic profiles for communities located in close proximity to the Tongass and Chugach NFs. Such information can assist USFS managers in deriving community-level estimates of forest resource use, degree of dependency, and vulnerability to the likely impacts of alternatives management approaches. Finally, recommendations are given to improve data recording, maintenance, and use in order to better understand communities that are dependent on forest resources in both the Chugach and Tongass NFs, and to specifically identify those communities potentially vulnerable to changes in forest management policies.

Attitudes, Behavioral Intentions, and Migration: Resident Reponse to Amenity Growth-Related Change in the Rural Rocky Mountain West

Wilmot, Susan Reid 01 May 2009 (has links)
This dissertation explores the demographic, economic, political, and environmental characteristics that have helped define the "New West," reviews studies on individual attitudes and participation in response to these changes, and presents findings and conclusions from an analysis of two study areas: Bear Lake and Star Valley. Results suggest that residency status is generally not a significant predictor of resident attitudes towards aspects of community change. Non-residency status factors, such as high levels of place attachment, knowledge about community affairs, values for property ownership, and community satisfaction, were generally more influential upon residents' attitudes. Significant predictors of resident involvement in community affairs differed based on how involvement was measured; self-reported involvement in political affairs was most strongly predicted by permanent resident status, local social connections, knowledge of community affairs, and place attachment, while resident intention to participate in community affairs was positively correlated with greater personal efficacy, knowledge of community affairs, past leadership recruitment, place attachment, and altruistic motivation. Predictors for intention to participate also differed based on whether participation was measured by action type or by issue. Measuring participation by the type of action focused predictors on the skills, incentives, and resources needed to achieve those actions. Grouping participation by the type of issue, however, focused predictors on the characteristics that differentiated residents with regard to issue relevance. Out-migration, as an alternative to participatory action, was only predicted by non-economic factors. Additionally, the relationship between attitudes and behavioral intentions was only weakly predicted based on attitude ambivalence and specific scenarios. Study results highlighted several methodological considerations for future attitude and participatory studies. Use of general attitudinal statements may have yielded inflated response scores and therefore may not translate to shared acceptability of specific management decisions or trade-offs. This study also explored the notion of behavioral intentions as a means of identifying residents' "ideal" tendency for involvement. Local community leaders may be able to improve resident public participation by utilizing these findings to provide a shared goal for action, identifying appropriate audiences for specific issues, and recognizing how different participatory methods may yield obstacles and opportunities for resident involvement.

Emerging Energy Geographies of Wind: A Multi-Scalar Approach to Investigate the Relationshisp to Wind Energy across Geographies and Social Groups

Fergen, Joshua Travis 11 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.

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