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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aplinkosaugos problemos ir jų sprendimo būdai kaimo turizme / Environmental problems and their solutions for rural tourism

Naruševičius, Haroldas 02 June 2009 (has links)
Darbo tikslas-įvertinti aplinkosaugos problemas Lietuvos kaimo turizmo versle ir pateikti jų sprendimo būdus. Problema – kaimo turizmo plėtros neigiamos įtakos gamtai mažinimas Objektas – Kaimo turizmas Lietuvoje Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Atlikti mokslinės literatūros apžvalgą, kurioje aptariama kaimo turizmo sąvokos, ekologinės problemos, kurias sukelia ši verslo šaka ir jų sprendimo būdai. 2. Įvertinti kaimo turizmo gamtosaugos problemas 3. Apibrėžti ekologinių problemų kaimo turizmo versle sprendimo būdus 4. Išskirti Lietuvos kaimo turizmo silpnybes, stiprybes, galimybes ir grėsmes 5. Įvertinti Hassan darniosios kaimo turizmo plėtros veiksnius ir jų pagrindu sukurti ekologinio turizmo plėtros modelį Darbo metodai: 1. Mokslinės literatūros analizė ir palyginamoji analizė. 2. Statistinių duomenų analizė. 3. Anketinė apklausa. Darbas susideda iš 3-jų dalių. Iš literatūros apžvalgos, metodologijos ir tyrimo Turizmo sfera yra viena iš sparčiausiai augančių pastaruosius dešimt metų ir ne tik Lietuvoje, bet visoje Europoje. Šis faktas teigiamai veikia bet kurios šalies ekonomiką, urbanizavimo procesus, gyventojų užimtumą ir daugelį kitų faktorių, bet, deja dažniausiai neigiamai veikia aplinką ir ekologiją. Turizmas yra neatsiejamai susijęs su gamta, ypač tai liečia kaimo turizmą. Aplinkosaugos problema bet kurioje valstybėje egzisuoja jau šimtus metų ir per tą laiką buvo atrasta daugelis būdų, kaip ją spręsti. Kas liečia turizmo sferą, tai viena iš priemonių kovai su... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim is to establish eco-and rural tourism development trends in Lithuania and Europe, and assess environmental problems and their solutions for rural tourism. Job problem - the development of rural tourism, reducing the negative impact on the environment Subject - Rural Tourism in Lithuania Job tasks: 1. Analyze the environmental problems in rural tourism business 2. Make an analysis of sustainable rural tourism development and forecasts for Lithuania, the European Union on the basis of experience 3. Provide the potential for rural tourism, environmental issues and ways to solve environmental problems in the development of a model 4. To show Lithuanian rural tourism failings, strengths, possibilities and threats. 5. To create ecological rural tourism model. Working methods: 1. Analytical Review of Literature 2. A comparative analysis of statistical data 3. Questionnaire. The work consists 3-parts: literature review, methodology and research Tourism business is one of the fastest growing and not only in Lithuania but also throughout all Europe. This fact has positive effects on any country's economy, the processes of urban development, employment and many other factors, but unfortunately mostly negative impact on the environment and ecology. Tourism is inextricably linked with nature, especially in rural tourism. Tourism is associated with ecological factors such as litter, water consumption, energy consumption, which negatively affects the country's economic... [to full text]

Kaimo turizmo plėtros veiksnių įtakos investicijoms į nekilnojamąjį turtą daugiakriterė analizė / Multiple Criteria Analysis of Factors Affecting Investment in Real Estate of Rural Tourism Development

Jonauskaitė, Agnė 20 February 2012 (has links)
Kaimo turizmą investuojama dėl dviejų tikslų: siekiama gauti tam tikrą pinigų srautą, vykdant apgyvendinimo, nuomos paslaugas; tikimasi vertės augimo dėl kaimo turizmo sodybos specifinės vietos, retumo. Tačiau šias investicijas ir kaimo turizmo sėkmę lemia daugybė kaimo turizmo plėtros veiksnių, kuriuos reikia tinkamai išanalizuoti prieš investuojant. Šiame darbe aprašyta kaimo turizmo svarba ir plėtra, palygintos kaimo turizmo rinkos Lietuvoje ir Portugalijoje. Taip pat apibrėžti kaimo turizmo plėtros veiksniai, turintys įtakos investicijoms į šį nekilnojamąjį turtą, taikant daugiakriterį analitinės hierarchijos proceso (AHP) metodą nustatyti šių veiksnių reikšmingumai. Pateiktos išvados ir pasiūlymai. Darbo apimtis – 70 puslapių teksto be priedų, 32 paveikslai, 13 lentelių, 44 bibliografiniai šaltiniai. Atskirai pridedami priedai. / It is two main reasons why investments to a rural tourism are being made: primarily aim is to get some cash flow while executing accommodation and rent services; secondly it is expected to increase a value of rural tourism specific location and rarity. But all these investments and success of rural tourism depends on many factors which must be deeply analyzed before investments are being made. In this final thesis is described the importance of tourism and rural development, compared rural tourism market in Lithuania and Portugal. It is also defined the factors of rural tourism development which affects investments in such property. To determine the significance of these factors it was used multi-criteria analytic hierarchy process(AHP) method. Presented findings and tenders. Thesis consist of 70 pages plain text excluding findings and annexes, 32 pictures, 13 tables and 44 literature sources. Annexes are added separately.

Kaimo turizmo plėtros analizė Alytaus apskrityje / Rural Tourism Development Analysis in the Alytus County

Krivėnaitė, Eglė 30 May 2012 (has links)
Magistrantūros studijų baigiamasis darbas susideda iš 63 puslapiai, 1 lentelės, 21 paveikslėlio ir 6 priedų. Literatūros sąrašą sudaro 60 šaltinių. Darbas parašytas lietuvių kalba. Tyrimo objektas: esama ir galima Alytaus apskrities kaimo turizmo veikla. Tyrimo tikslas: ištirti kaimo turizmo veiklą Alytaus apskrityje, išanalizuoti jos perspektyvas. Išsikelti uždaviniai: 1. Išanalizuoti Alytaus apskrities kultūrinius ir gamtinius išteklius bei kitus aplinkos veiksnius, turinčius įtakos kraštovaizdžiui, rekreacijai bei kaimo turizmo plėtojimui. 2. Išnagrinėti ir įvertinti esamą kaimo turizmo būklę Alytaus apskrities atskirose savivaldybėse, nustatyti jai įtaką darančius veiksnius. 3. Įvertinti Alytaus apskrities teikiamus privalumus plėtojant ir plečiant kaimo turizmą Alytaus apskrities savivaldybėse; 4. Nustatyti kaimo turizmo plėtros perspektyvas Alytaus apskrities savivaldybėse. Tyrimo metodai: literatūros šaltinių analizei buvo naudojamas analitinis metodas, surinktų duomenų vertinimui buvo naudotas statistinio grupavimo ir palyginimo metodai, o surinktų duomenų įtakai kaimo turizmo veiklai įvertinti buvo panaudoti koreliacinės bei regresinės analizės metodai. Tyrimo rezultatai: Pirmojoje dalyje buvo išanalizuota literatūra susijusi su baigiamojo darbo tema. Šioje dalyje išanalizuota kaimo turizmo sistema Lietuvoje, kaimo turizmo asociacijos reikšmė kaimo turizmo veiklai, taip pat išanalizuotos kaimo turizmo veiklos skatinimo priemonės, kaimo turizmo veiklą... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The final thesis of Master studies consists of 63 pages, 1 table, 21 figures and 6 appendices. The list of literature includes 60 references. The paper is written in the Lithuanian language. Subject of research: present and possible rural tourism activities in the Alytus County. Aim of research: to explore the rural tourism activities in the Alytus County and analyze its prospects. The following objectives were set: 1. To analyze cultural and natural resources of the Alytus County as well as other environ-mental factors influencing landscape, recreation, and rural tourism development. 2. To survey and assess the current status of rural tourism in particular municipalities of the Alytus County and to determine the factors which influence it. 3. To assess the advantages provided by the Alytus County while expanding and developing rural tourism in the municipalities of the Alytus County; 4. To determine prospects for rural tourism development in the municipalities of the Alytus County. Methods of research: the analytical method was used for the analysis of reference sources; statistical grouping and comparison methods were used to evaluate the collected data; correlation and regression analysis methods were used for assessing the influence of the collected data on rural tourism activities. Results of research: In the first part of this study, the reference sources related to the subject of the present final paper are analysed. The rural tourism system in Lithuania... [to full text]

Kaimo turizmo sodybų Jonavos rajone teikiamų paslaugų vertinimas / Rural tourism services evaluation in Jonava district

Zinytė, Vaida 06 September 2013 (has links)
Darbo objektas: kaimo turizmo sodybų paslaugos Jonavos rajone Darbo tikslas: įvertinti kaimo turizmo sodybų Jonavos rajone teikiamas paslaugas Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Askleisti turizmo bei kaimo turizmo sampratą ir rūšis 2. Apibrėžti paslaugos sampratą ir kaimo turizmo paslaugų rūšis 3. Ištirti Jonavos rajono kaimo turizmo sodybų teikiamas paslaugas vartotojų požiūriu Probleminiai klausimai: Kaip vartotojai vertina Jonavos rajono kaimo turizmo sodybų teikiamas paslaugas? Kokios paslaugos neatitinka vartotojų lūkesčių ir kokių paslaugų pasigendama Jonavos rajono kaimo turizmo sodybose? Išvados: Įvertinus kaimo turizmo paslaugas Jonavos rajone buvo nustatyta, jog svarbiausias kriterijus renkantis kaimo turizmo sodybą buvo kaina, todėl sodybų šeimininkams rekomenduojama ypač didelį dėmesį skirti kainų politikai. Kiti svarbūs veiksniai buvo paslaugų įvairovė bei reklama/informacija, tačiau labai maža dalis respondentų nurodė, kad apie sodybą sužinojo iš skelbimų spaudoje, o tai rodo, kad sodybų šeimininkai turėtų daugiau dėmesio skirti reklamai. Geriausiai vertinamos paslaugos buvo pirtis, kubilas bei pavėsinė su lauko židiniu, o labiausiai pasigendama baseino ir baidarių nuomos, todėl sodybų šeimininkams rekomenduojama daugiausiai dėmesio skirti šių paslaugų teikimui. Tyrimas atskleidė, kad Jonavos rajono kaimo turizmas yra vertinamas gerai ir dauguma respondentų norėtų dar kartą apsilankyti kaimo turizmo sodybose Jonavos rajone. / Object: rural tourism services in Jonava district Aim: to evaluate rural tourism services in Jonava district The goals: 1. Reveal the concept and types of tourism and rural tourism 2. Define the concept of service and describe rural tourism service types 3. Investigate rural tourism services in consumers point of view in Jonava district Problematic Issues: How consumers evaluate rural tourism services of Jonava district? What kind of services do not meet consumers' expectations and what kind of services missing on Jonava rural tourism? Conclusions: The evaluation of Jonava district rural tourism showed that the most important criterion when choosing a homestead was the price, so owners are recommended to pay more attention to pricing policy. Other important factors were the variety of services and advertising / information, but a very small percentage of respondents indicated that they found out about the homestead from the advertisements in the press, and this shows that the owners should pay more attention to advertising. Research showed that the best evaluted services were sauna, hot tub and a arbor with a fireplace, and there was missing a swimming pool and canoe rentals, so owners are recommended to focus on the provision of these services. The study revealed that rural tourism of Jonava district is assessed as good and the majority of respondents would like to revisit homesteads of Jonava district.

Kauno apskrities ekoturizmo situacijos vertinimas kaimo turizmo sektoriuje / Ecotourism situation assessment of rural tourism in Kaunas region

Stašaitienė, Viktorija 06 September 2013 (has links)
Darbo objektas – kaimo turizmo verslas ir ekoturizmo situacija. Darbo tikslas – ištirti ir įvertinti ekoturizmo situaciją kaimo turizme Kauno apskrityje. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Atskleisti ekoturizmą ir jo ypatumus teoriniu aspektu. 2. Pristatyti kaimo turizmo ir ekoturizmo situaciją Lietuvoje ir Kauno apskrityje. 3. Ištirti ekoturizmo situaciją Kauno apskrities kaimo turizmo sektoriuje. Darbe yra trys pagrindinės dalys. Pirmoje dalyje pateikiama ekoturizmo samprata, principai ir pagrindinės ekoturizmo paslaugos, nusakyti kaimo turizmo ir ekoturizmo bendri bruožai bei jų tarpusavio sąsaja. Antroje dalyje pateikiama tyrimo metodika ir organizavimas. Trečioje dalyje apžvelgta ekoturizmo ir kaimo turizmo situacija Lietuvoje ir Kauno apskrityje, taip pat analizuojami gauti anketinės apklausos tyrimo rezultatai. Išvadose apibendrinami pagrindiniai teoriniai aspektai ir tyrimo rezultatai. Kauno apskrities kaimo turizmo sodybų savininkai pripažįsta, kad ekoturizmas padeda saugoti gamtinius resursus, skatina tolimesnę aplinkos apsaugos plėtrą, suteikia puikų žmogaus ir gamtos sąveikos ryšį ir didina pagarbą gamtai. Kaimo turizmo sodybos priimdamos poilsiautojus atsižvelgia į ekologines problemas, tačiau didesnį dėmesį skiria poilsiautojų norų ir poreikių tenkinimui, o ne aplinkos saugojimui. Nors ekonominiai faktoriai išskirti kaip svarbesni, tačiau kaimo turizmo sodybos stengiasi tausoti ir aplinką. Ekotuzimo paslaugų pasiūla Kauno apskrities kaimo turizmo sektoriuje kolkas yra labai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object of research - rural tourism business and the situation of ecotourism. The aim of research- to investigate ant to rate the situation of ecotourism of rural tourism in Kaunas region. Tasks : 1. Uncover ecotourism and it's characteristics of theoretical terms. 2. To review the general situation of rural tourism and ecotourism in Lithuania and Kaunas region. 3. To estimate the situation of ecotourism in rural tourism sector in Kaunas region. There are three main parts in this paper. The first part presents the concept of eco-tourism, eco-tourism principles and basic services, also there are defined rural tourism and ecotourism in common and their mutual interface. The second part presents the research methodology and organization. The third part presents an overview of eco-tourism and rural tourism situation in Lithuania and Kaunas region, also there is the analysis of the results of the questionnaire survey. There are summarized the main theoretical aspects and the results of the research in conclusions. The owners of farmsteads of Kaunas region recognize that ecotourism helps to protect natural resources, promote the further development of the environment, provides the perfect interaction of man and nature relationship and the respect for nature. The respondens know the main ecological problems, but pay more attention to guests' needs and desires, rather than protecting the environment. Although economic factors are identified as more important, but rural... [to full text]

Vartotojų reikalavimai kaimo turizmo paslaugai / The analysis of consumer demand for rurar tourizm services

Stankevičius, Andrius 06 September 2013 (has links)
Problemos aktualumas. Kaimo turizmo paslaugų vartotojai nuolat keičiasi, atsiranda naujų, o senieji tampa išrankesni, tad keičiasi ir jų poreikiai šiai paslaugai. Dabar siūlomų paslaugų asortimentas nesugeba patenkinti visų turistų lūkesčių, todėl kaimo turizmo paslaugų vartotojų poreikių tyrimai yra labai aktualūs, todėl yra poreikis ištirti kaimo turizmo paslaugas Lietuvoje ir nustatyti, šiai paslaugai dažniausiai keliamus reikalavimus, kad būtų patenkinti vartotojų poreikiai. Tad galime sau iškelti klausimą: kokius reikalavimus vartotojai kelia kaimo turizmo paslaugai? Raktiniai žodžiai: turizmas; reikalavimai; vartotojas; paslauga. Tyrimo objektas – vartotojų reikalavimai renkantis kaimo turizmo paslaugą; Tyrimo tikslas: įvertinti Lietuvos vartotojų reikalavimus kaimo turizmo paslaugai; Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Apibendrinti moklsinę literatūrą vartotojų reikalavimų kaimo turizmo paslaugai srityje. 2. Nustatyti vartotojų motyvus renkantis poilsį kaimo turizmo sodyboj. 3. Nustatyti vartotojų reikalavimus kaimo turizmo paslaugai Lietuvoje; 4. Nustačius vartotojų reikalavimus pateikti pasiūlymus kaimo turizmo paslaugų teikėjams. Tyrimo hipotezė: renkantis kaimo turizmo paslaugą, lemiamą reikšmę turi sodybos vieta bei teikiamų pramogų įvairovė. Tyrimo metodai: Mokslo literatūros analizė; anketinė apklausa. Greitas gyvenimo tempas, kasdienė miesto rutina ir greitai besikeičianti aplinka, tai vieni labiausiai varginančių žmones dalykų, kurie verčia juos ieškoti galimybių grįžti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The relevance of the topic. Rural tourism services are constantly changing because the consumers are becoming more selective and have a very high level of demands for this service. Nowadays there is very important to satisfy the expectations of tourists and to analyse their needs. In this research, the consumer demand for rural tourism service in Lithuania will be examined and the demand often raisen for this service will be established. It will be analysing the importance of the factors that influence the demand for rural tourism services. Key words: tourism; demand for rural tourism; consumer; service. The object of the research – consumer demands by choosing rural tourism service. The goal of the research: to evaluate the consumers demands for rurar tourism service in Lithuania. The objectives of the research: 1. To summarize nonfiction consumer's requirements of countryside tourism facility range. 2. To ascertain consumer's motives selecting relaxation in countryside's tourism homestead. 3. To establish the consumer demand for rural tourism service in Lithuania. 4. After defining consumer's requirements, give an offer for countryside tourism facility conveyor. Hypotheses: the most important significance for choosing rural tourism service is the place of rural tourism and a variety of activities. The research methodology: Analysis of Scientific Literature; questionnaire Survey. The results clearly demonstrate the importance of the community approach to tourism... [to full text]

Rural tourism development in the eastern Hokianga area

Eruera, Alice January 2008 (has links)
Rural Tourism is increasingly being used as a development strategy to improve the social and economic well being of rural areas. Rural Tourism encompasses a huge range of activities, natural or manmade attractions, amenities and facilities, transportation, marketing and information systems (Sharpley & Sharpley, 1997). Rural tourism is very diverse and fragmented in terms of operational structures, activities, markets and operating environments (Roberts & Hall, 2001, citing Pearce, 1989). Benefits of rural tourism have been expressed as employment growth and broadening a region’s economic base, repopulation, social improvement, and revitalization of local craft (Sharpley, 2000). Governments can play active roles in tourism. In short the literature suggests rural tourism development policy approaches require: regeneration/revitalization, horizontal and vertical integration, interdependence, stewardship/sustainability, mediation, cataclysm, service and welfare provisions, spatiality – awareness, intra and inter regional complementariness, opportunism, realism and quality (Roberts & Hall, 2001). Murphy (1985) proposed a community approach to tourism development which included formation of businesses networks, and the sharing of resources and information. For rural tourism to be successful, collaboration needs to exist amongst entrepreneurs (Wilson et al., 2001). Useful integrated approaches to rural studies include acknowledging the importance of locally controlled agendas to reach centralization, awareness of the benefits for shared ideas and funding developments, and creating appropriate tourism plans for rural areas (MacDonald & Jolliffe, 2003). There are numerous challenges when attempting rural tourism development: the total product package must be sufficient; significant investment may be required; there is the adaption to a service role; the quality of products and services and the availability of skills and resources for effective marketing (Sharpley, 2000). Tourism development requires attractions, promotion, infrastructure and services and hospitality (Wilson et al., 2001, citing Gunn, 1988). The remote Eastern Hokianga area is situated in the Far North (Northland) region of New Zealand. The area has a low population and is sparsely populated presenting an ideal place to relax with an unhurried atmosphere, flourishing fauna and flora, rich in New Zealand history and culture. This is an economically depressed area that is situated in the centre of Northland’s three key tourism icons - The Bay of Islands, the Waipoua Forest, and the top of the North Island. The location of the Eastern Hokianga presents an opportunity to create a tourism destination that will attract travellers frequenting the key tourism icons. To date there has been no research on rural tourism development conducted in the Eastern Hokianga. Although comprehensive research was conducted previously in the Hokianga by the James Henare Maori Research Centre (1999) it was concentrated specifically to the “Maori culture”. This research aims to examine and identify the key challenges of rural tourism development for the Eastern Hokianga through an analysis of rural tourism development approaches, and identifying the social and economic impacts of tourism. Key findings show that the Eastern Hokianga is an undeveloped area and does not fit with the majority of the rural tourism definitions as described in the literature. The area is displaying positive impacts of rural tourism development. The negative impacts are minimal as the Eastern Hokianga is still in the initial development stage of rural tourism. There are many integrated approaches to rural tourism development currently. A strategic approach is occurring with a tourism policy and community involvement in decision making. There is an integration approach with one RTO actively involved in the communities’ tourism association with the local businesses. Two key clustering approaches are being utilized – the Twin Coast Discovery Route and total product packaging. Regeneration is not occurring but was not an issue raised by the community, whereas a financing approach was an identified challenge by Eastern Hokianga businesses. The need to improve accessibility through infrastructure was the second key challenge to rural tourism development. The area was not restricted by the other challenges of government’s role, education / experience and marketing.

Marketing para o turismo rural : um novo olhar sobre a oferta e a demanda no roteiro Caminhos de Pedra, em Bento Gonçalves - RS

Brasil, Natália Salvate January 2014 (has links)
O planejamento do marketing tem se destacado como importante ferramenta no desenvolvimento do turismo, uma vez que permite a definição de um produto turístico e de estratégias para atingir um público desejado. Contudo, ressalta-se o desafio dos gestores na aplicação de conceitos e ferramentas do marketing para um destino de turismo rural, devido às suas especificidades, como a predominância de pequenos empreendimentos e a escassez de recursos financeiros, técnicos e humanos; e às fragilidades encontradas neste ambiente. Portanto, novas abordagens do marketing destacam-se na literatura por incorporar não somente as dimensões econômicas do planejamento e possuir um viés mais cooperativo e sustentável, compatível com a realidade de pequenos empreendedores no meio rural. Desta forma, esta dissertação propôs-se a analisar as ações de marketing promocional desenvolvidas no Roteiro Caminhos de Pedra, em Bento Gonçalves (RS), sob uma abordagem mais cooperativa e sustentável do marketing, e conhecer o perfil e as motivações da demanda interessada neste roteiro. Para tanto, foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas e abertas com empreendedores locais, Associação Caminhos de Pedra e turistas. A análise dos dados foi feita a partir da categorização das respostas e da técnica de contagem de palavras. Os resultados revelaram que a Associação Caminhos de Pedra se configura como um importante elo de união entre os empreendedores locais de turismo, centralizando as ações de marketing do roteiro e permitindo maior aproveitamento das sinergias. Verificou-se que, apesar de seguir numa perspectiva cooperativa do marketing, faz-se necessário uma maior base de sustentação em suas estratégias e a inclusão de outras dimensões, que não somente econômicas. Além disso, a pesquisa da demanda no roteiro permitiu delinear o perfil e as motivações do turista que procura o local, caracterizado, em sua maioria, por mulheres, adultas, com alto nível de instrução, provenientes do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, viajando tanto em pequenos grupos como em grandes excursões, e motivadas, principalmente, pelo conhecimento histórico-cultural, lazer, gastronomia e indicação de amigos e familiares, o que poderá trazer implicações no planejamento do marketing turístico local. / The marketing planning has emerged as an important tool in the tourism development, since it allows the definition of a product and strategies to achieve a desired audience. However, it must be emphasized the managers’ challenge in the application of marketing concepts and tools for a rural tourism destination due to its specific characteristics, such as the predominance of small enterprises and the lack of human, financial and technical resources; and weaknesses found in this environment. Therefore, new marketing approaches stand out in the literature by incorporating not only the economic dimensions of planning and having a more cooperative and sustainable bias, compatible with the reality of small entrepreneurs in rural areas. Thus, this work aimed to analyze the promotional marketing actions developed in Roteiro Caminhos de Pedra, in Bento Gonçalves (RS), underneath a more cooperative and sustainable marketing approach, and explore the profile and motivations of tourists interested in this itinerary. For this, open and semi-structured interviews with local entrepreneurs, Caminhos de Pedra Association and tourists were conducted. Data analysis was taken from the categorization of responses and word count technique. The results revealed that the Caminhos de Pedra Association configures as an important connecting link between the local tourism entrepreneurs, centralizing its marketing script and allowing better use of synergies. It was found that, though following a cooperative marketing perspective, it is necessary a greater support base in their strategies and inclusion of other dimensions, not only economic ones. Furthermore, the demand research allowed to define the profile and motivations of the tourist looking for the place, characterized mostly by women, adults, with high level of education, from the state of Rio Grande do Sul, traveling both in small groups and in large excursions, and motivated mainly by the historical-cultural knowledge, leisure, gastronomy and indication of friends and family, which may have implications in the planning of the local tourism marketing.

Potenciál Jindřichohradecka a jeho využití pro agroturistiku ve vybraných podnicích.

PEČTA, Jindřich January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation follows up a mapping of agricultural enterprises which keep rural tourism in the district Jindřichův Hradec. Based on data obtained from the Ministry of Agriculture (www.eagri.cz) own investigations and other sources has been compiled the list of farms carrying on rural tourism. In this thesis has also been made SWOT analysis for the development of agro-tourism in the district Jindrichuv Hradec, and four selected farms. Enterprises were chosen so that each firm focused on another form of agrotourism. The analysis of these companies derive proposals and measures to improve and increase traffic. The work also includes a questionnaire that could provide a pilot study. The customers of four selected farms answered the questions about agrotourismus.

Šetrné formy turismu v CHKO Šumava s konkrétním zaměřením na agroturistiku

CHROMÁ, Lenka January 2018 (has links)
Chromá, L.: Environmentally friendly forms of tourism in the protected landscape areas of Šumava with a specific focus on agrotourism. Master thesis. Department of Landscape Management, Faculty of Agriculture, University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice, 88 s. Gentle forms of tourism can be defined as tourism that focuses on nature, culture and historical wealth. The theoretical part includes a literary research focused on the description and geography of tourism, tourism psychology, motivation and travel experience. An important part is the issue of the negative impacts of tourism, where afterwards the gentle forms of tourism are highlighted. The presented work is focused mainly on the attractiveness of agrotourism as a form of leisure time, where it is mainly about the trace of public interest. Another, no less important goal is to find out the contribution of agro-tourism to the participants and the village, the attractiveness of the Šumava for visitors, the reason for the establishment of agrotourism farms and the support of the state.

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