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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza zavedení a použití podnikových IS formou SaaS na ruském trhu / Analysis of the implementation and use of SaaS IS in the Russian market

Nigmatullin, Timur January 2012 (has links)
This paper deals with the implementation of SaaS in the Russian market, especially in the Ural region of the Russian Federation -- Republic of Bashkortostan. SaaS is usually considered as an alternative way for the dominant model of software installation at the customer office. SaaS has certain key differences related to the use of different types of outsourcing and switching from buying products for permanent use to the system with subscription fee, depending on the specific use of resources. The goal of the theoretical part of the paper is to construct the comprehensive picture of Cloud computing, cloud services especially SaaS, to identify the strengths and weaknesses of SaaS technology, call attention to issues of risk, safety, the process of deployment, focus on the analysis of the status of SaaS information systems in the world and analyze situation on the Russian market. The goal of the theoretical part of the paper is to get acquainted with the companies in the Ural region of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Bashkortostan, to show their attitude to cloud-based technologies, highlight the exploration and use of SaaS in the Republic of Bashkortostan, compare the current situation in Russian enterprises with the status of SaaS in the world. By questionnaire survey I will obtain basic data of the awareness and use of SaaS in this region of Russia. The expected benefits of work may include extending the knowledge of readers about Cloud computing and one of its services - the form of SaaS. Next benefit is that Czech managers and directors can use this paper during the decision on the implementation of this model in their business.

Les technologies nouvelles ont-elles un rôle à jouer sur un marché très concurrentiel de la Russie postsoviétique, le marché du chauffage ? (Période étudiée 1991-2008) / Do new technologies have a part to play in the very competitive heating market of the post-soviet Russia? (Period studied 1991-2008)

Lochoshvili, Maksym 16 October 2009 (has links)
Sur un exemple concret d’entreprise française disposant des technologies innovantes dans les domaines du chauffage et de la distribution d’eau et ayant un projet d’expansion vers un nouveau marché, en l’occurrence, le marché russe, l’auteur montre l’importance de ces technologies pour accéder au marché fortement différent du marché domestique. Au sein du secteur du chauffage dans un pays où, à cause des conditions climatiques froides, le besoin de se chauffer présente un besoin vital, où le retard technologique dû au phénomène historique du monopole du chauffage central collectif est particulièrement ressenti et où le marché est en pleine formation avec la montée de la concurrence, les technologies nouvelles ont sans doute un rôle capital à jouer. Comment l’entreprise porteuse de ces technologies doit-t-elle aborder le marché russe certes très prometteur, mais fragile surtout en cette période délicate de la crise économique mondiale? Quels en sont les risques et les perspectives ? Comment réussir ce marché ? Comment mettre en valeur et transférer de nouvelles solutions technologiques ? Quels sont les avantages de ce transfert pour l’entreprise, mais également pour son partenaire local, pour la région visée et pour l’Etat receveur ? Telles sont les questions que l’auteur se pose. Le rôle des technologies nouvelles va certainement au-delà d’un secteur ou d’un domaine d’activité : les technologies nouvelles apportées par des entreprises occidentales ont sans doute accéléré, en ce qui concerne la Russie, le passage d’un système économique du type soviétique vers un système de libre-échange que l’on connait sous le terme d’économie de marché. / On a specific example of a French company having innovative technologies in the field of heating and water distribution, and realizing an expansion project to a new market, in this case, the Russian market, the author shows the importance of technologies when penetrating a market strongly different from the domestic one. Within the heating sector in the country where, because of a cold climate, the need to feel warm is a vital need, where the technological backwardness due to the historical phenomenon of the central residential heating monopoly is obvious, and where market is taking shape and competition is now growing, new technologies have without doubt a capital part to play. How should a company with such technologies approach the Russian market certainly very promising, but also fragile especially in this delicate period of the world economic crisis? What are the risks and the perspectives for the company? How to succeed in this market? How to enhance the value and to transfer new technological solutions? What advantages does this transfer bring to the company, but also to the company’s local partner, to the targeted region, and to the receiving country? These are questions the author asks himself. The role of new technologies is certainly beyond a sector or a field of activity: the new technologies brought by western companies undoubtedly accelerated, as Russia is concerned, the change from the Soviet-type economic system to a free-market system, known as the market economy.

Podnikanie v zahraničí / Business abroad

Bartoš, Michal January 2010 (has links)
The thesis is devoted to the issue of Czech-Russian trade relations and highlight Russia as a country suitable for Czech exporters. The aim of this thesis is to comprehensively analyze the business environment in Russia as a prior country for czech exporters, evaluate the potential of Russian market for Czech exporters, further characterize Czech-Russian business relations, describe the state institutions involved in promoting exports and provide comprehensive information to potential investors . The work is divided into three chapters. The first chapter analyzes Czech-Russian trade relations, with the emphasis on foreign trade.The second chapter deals with a comprehensive macroeconomic analysis of the RF with an outline of possible business opportunities for Czech exporters on the Russian market,a third chapter is devoted to pro-export policy of the Czech Republic.

Vstup firmy sieťového marketingu na zahraničný trh / Expansion of network marketing company to foreign market

Hakun, Peter January 2011 (has links)
DIAMONDS INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION -- D.I.C. a.s. is Czech company using network marketing model to sell its own diamond jewelry as well as loose diamonds. The purpose of this thesis was to analyze Russian market especially political, economic, social and cultural and other characteristics with regard to expansion of D.I.C. to Russia. Furthermore, the purpose was to evaluate Russian diamonds market potential and perform competition analysis. For purpose of the thesis PEST analysis, microenvironment analysis and SWOT analysis were conducted. Based on results of the analyses, practical advices for D.I.C. were presented.

Les facteurs clés de la dynamique d’une coopération multiculturelle : les leçons d’un cas d’implantation d’une entreprise étrangère en Russie / Key factors affecting multicultural cooperation : lesson learnt from the case of a foreign company setting up a business in Russia

Montenero, Vincent 17 May 2017 (has links)
Il existe encore peu de recherches qui se penchent sur l’échec de projets internationaux, notamment sur une période de plusieurs années, depuis la décision initiale, jusqu’au départ du pays après une présence de deux années. En partant d’une synthèse de la littérature existante sur l’internationalisation des entreprises et sur le management interculturel, nous nous sommes intéressés à l’implantation en Russie d’un équipementier automobile de taille moyenne, pour qui ce projet revêtait pourtant un caractère stratégique. Notre objectif a été d’identifier, de comprendre et d’évaluer les différents facteurs qui ont pu être à l’origine de l’échec du projet, en nous fondant sur l’interview des acteurs russes et occidentaux, sur un certain nombre de documents édités lors de la phase préparatoire et sur l’entretien de plusieurs responsables d’entreprises du même secteur, bien implantés en Russie. Nous montrons que malgré une forte motivation, l’équipe n’a pas pu répondre aux nombreuses contraintes locales, en grande partie parce qu’elle n’a pas su créer une coopération efficace avec ses collègues et partenaires russes. Nous concluons sur plusieurs pistes de réflexion et de conseils concrets pour mieux aborder des projets similaires. / Little research look at failures of international projects, especially over a period of several years, from the original decision to country departure, after a two years’ presence. Based on analysis of the existing literature on company internationalization and intercultural management, we examine the Russian deployment of a middle-size automotive subcontractor, for whom the project was strategic. Our aim is to identify, understand and evaluate the impact of the different factors, which led to the failure, using interviews of the Western and Russian participants, documents issued during the preparation phase, as well as interviews of managers of automotive companies well established in Russia. We show that despite strong personal investment, the team was not able to respond to the numerous constraints of the Russian market because of a lack of efficient cooperation with their Russian colleagues and partners. We conclude with a certain number of major considerations and advice to face similar projects more efficiently.

台灣消費性IT產品進入俄羅斯市場的策略 – 以華碩公司為例 / Entry strategies for Taiwan IT consumer products companies to achieve commercial success in Russian Market – A case study of Asus

康坦齊, Manjekhanov, Konstantin Unknown Date (has links)
Many companies from around the world enter the global market. The firms have to specialize in order to sustain their competitiveness. Many Taiwanese companies are export-oriented. The major export markets are Japan, the US and Europe for those Taiwan companies. But these markets are mature and the growth rate is low unlike Russian market. That is why many Taiwan companies entered or plan to enter Russian market. Due to the fact that Russia is a potentially big market and geographically far from Taiwan-ROC, and a fast developing economy, establishing business in Russia is certainly interesting. According to the Bureau of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Economic Affairs Taiwan- ROC, mutual trade in 2009 posted US$2,9 billion, Bureau of Foreign Trade (2010). While many companies show great interest in entering the Russian market, there still seems to be some kind of hesitation due to the special nature of the Russian market. In this thesis I will focus on an emerging Russian market and its appeal to foreign companies, namely Taiwanese company such as Asus which made its path into Russian market. Target is to describe Asus initial entry strategies. Problem Statement There are many external factors affecting entry strategies picked up by firms around the world. Legal, political, cultural and institutional factors are just some of the many factors that should be dealt with when operating business on a foreign turf. Many people want to know more on Russian market business experiences, it is hard to find any particular works/papers which can describe a current situation and lead them to commercial success. Russian Federation is a very complex region with its own traditions and business culture. What particular Foreign Operation Methods should a company choose? Indeed choosing right FOM represents a critical component of international business activity. Once described as a ”frontier issue” in international business, researchers as well as practitioners now regard it as fundamental to any discussions about international business strategies and the performance by companies in the international arena. Purpose Despite the fact that in Russian Federation the cost of opening a business is higher than in most other countries and many other destabilizing factors, Asus has found its path to success. How was it possible? What are the lessons one can learn from that experience? The purpose of the thesis is to find out the success factors of Asus as well as study its entry strategy. The research purposes of this paper are as follows: 1. To review the related literature of Entry Strategies 2. To study Russian market 3. To analyze Asus initial entry strategies and analyze its Russian business

Marketingový mix vybraného strojírenského podniku na B2B trhu v Rusku / Marketing Mix of a Selected Engineering Company on B2B Market in Russia

Kozlova, Elena January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on marketing mix of a concrete company, which is operating in international environment. The thesis is divided into three main parts. The theoretical part describes basic concepts related to the topic. The analalytical part of the thesis focuses on the business environment of company Dieffenbacher CZ, assuming its future expansion to Russian market, while the results obtained are further summarized in SWOT analysis. The practical part offers proposals and recommendations from the perstective of marketing mix for successful entry of a selected engineering company to Russian market based on the findings from the complied analyses and theoretical concepts.

Analysis of the using the official websites as a tool for promoting national tourism product of Indonesia : master's thesis / Анализ использования официальных веб-сайтов как инструмента продвижения национального туристического продукта Индонезии : магистерская диссертация

Виджая, М. Ф., Wijaya, M. F. January 2024 (has links)
Цель исследования: изучить роль официального туристического сайта в продвижении туристического национального продукта, его основные коммуникационные особенности и рекламные стратегии, направленные на привлечение туристов, а также разработать проект коммуникационного продвижения туристического продукта Индонезии для российских туристов. Объект исследования – инструменты продвижения национального туристического продукта. Предметом данного исследования является использование официальных веб-сайтов как инструментов продвижения национального туристического продукта Индонезии для российской аудитории. Результаты показали, что российские туристы ценят подробную и практическую туристическую информацию, рекламные стимулы и привлечение социальных медиа. Это должно лечь в основу разработки маркетинговых стратегий, которые будут востребованы российскими туристами и будут отвечать их конкретным потребностям. Предложенный проект представляет собой дорожную карту для повышения эффективности индонезийского туристического сайта в привлечении российских туристов. Следует изменить формат веб-сайта, включив в него более локализованный контент для русского языка, например, подробную практическую и учитывающую культурные особенности информацию о поездках, расширенную языковую поддержку и интерактивные функции. Индонезийские туристические власти должны продвигать веб-сайт через социальные сети, партнерские отношения с российскими туристическими агентствами и влиятельными лицами, оптимизацию SEO и целевую интернет-рекламу для лучшего охвата и привлечения российских туристов. / The purpose of the study: to study the role of the official tourist site in promoting the tourist national product, its main communication features and advertising strategies aimed at attracting tourists, and also to develop a communication project to promote the tourist product of Indonesia for Russian tourists. The object of the study is tools for promoting the national tourism product. The subject of this study is the use of official websites as tools for promoting the national tourism product of Indonesia to the Russian audience. The results showed that Russian tourists value detailed and practical travel information, promotional incentives and social media engagement. This should form the basis for developing marketing strategies that will be in demand by Russian tourists and will meet their specific needs. The proposed project provides a roadmap for improving the effectiveness of the Indonesian tourism website in attracting Russian tourists. The website should be changed to include more localized content for Russian, such as detailed practical and culturally relevant travel information, enhanced language support, and interactive features. Indonesian tourism authorities should promote the website through social media, partnerships with Russian travel agencies and influencers, SEO optimization, and targeted online advertising to better reach and engage Russian tourists.

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