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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude des propriétés biologiques et antimicrobiennes de la pyocyanine, pigment redox-actif produit par Pseudomonas aeruginosa / Study of biological and antimicrobial properties of pyocyanine, redox-active pigment produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Barakat, Rana 07 December 2012 (has links)
La pyocyanine (PYO) est une phénazine de couleur bleu-vert, produite spécifiquement par la bactérie pathogène opportuniste Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pa). La toxicité aérobie de la PYO envers les cellules de mammifères, les levures et les bactéries a été décrite de longue date, mais la compréhension des mécanismes d’action est encore lacunaire, en particulier en conditions de limitation en O2 (conditions rencontrées dans le contexte infectieux). De plus, il a récemment été montré que la PYO peut apporter des effets bénéfiques pour la souche productrice en hypoxie. Au cours de ce travail, nous avons réexaminé les effets de la PYO sur un large panel de bactéries dont son propre producteur (Pa) ainsi que sur un modèle cellulaire eucaryote Saccharomyces cerevisiae exposées à différentes tensions en O2. Nos données suggèrent que la toxicité aérobie de la PYO envers S. cerevisiae est multifactorielle, impliquant à la fois une interaction avec le complexe III de la chaîne respiratoire et l’induction d’un stress oxydatif. Pour la première fois, nous avons mis en évidence une toxicité de la PYO exacerbée en anaérobiose chez un eucaryote (S. cerevisiae). Le mécanisme d’action impliquerait le PYO radical. Nous avons également montré que la PYO peut inhiber la croissance aérobie et anaérobie des microorganismes concurrents, plus particulièrement S. aureus en bloquant le complexe III de la chaîne respiratoire. A l’inverse, la PYO peut stimuler la respiration de Pa surtout dans les conditions mimant le contexte infectieux (hypoxie, vie ralentie). Le complexe III et/ou les oxydases terminales cbb3 serait impliqué favorablement. En conclusion, la PYO jouerait à la fois un rôle de poison hypoxique mais aussi un rôle de navette redox bénéfique pour la survie et la virulence de Pa en hypoxie. / Pyocyanin (PYO) is a blue-green phenazin, specifically produced by the opportunistic bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pa). Aerobic toxicity of PYO toward mammalian cells, yeast and bacteria has been known for a long time, but the understanding of its mechanisms of action remains unclear, especially in conditions of limited O2 (conditions encountered during infection). In addition, it has recently been shown that PYO can bring benefits to the producer strain under hypoxia. In this study, we reexamined the effects of PYO toward a large panel of bacteria including its own producer Pa as well as a model of eukaryotic cells Saccharomyces cerevisiae exposed to different oxygen tensions. Our results suggest that the aerobic toxicity of PYO toward S. cerevisiae is multifactorial: involving both interaction with the respiratory chain at the level of complex III and induction of oxidative stress. For the first time, we have shown that PYO exerts an increased toxicity toward the eukaryotic cell, S. cerevisiae under anaerobiosis. The mechanism could involve the production of PYO radical. We have also shown that PYO can inhibit the aerobic and anaerobic growth of competing microorganisms, especially S. aureus by blocking the complex III of the respiratory chain. Conversely, PYO can stimulate the respiration of Pa, in mainly in conditions similar to those encountered during infection (hypoxia, slowed growth). The complex III and/or the cbb3 oxidases could be favorably involved. To conclude, PYO could act as a hypoxic poison as well as a redox shuttle beneficial for the survival and the virulence of Pa under hypoxia.

Nukleärer Import von 19S regulatorischen Komplexen in der Hefe Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Wendler, Petra 06 September 2004 (has links)
Das 26S Proteasom führt die letzen Schritte des essentiellen, Ubiquitin abhängigen Proteinabbaus durch, indem es ubiquitinierte und fehlgefaltete Proteine erkennt und eliminiert. Da es in S. cerevisiae während allen Stadien der Zellteilung vornehmlich im Zellkern lokalisiert ist, ist der Importweg dieses 2,5 MDa umfassenden proteolytischen Komplexes in den Zellkern von besonderem Interesse. Das 26S Proteasom unterteilt sich in das katalytisch aktive 20S Proteasom sowie den 19S Regulatorkomplex. Für 20S Proteasomen konnten Lehmann und Mitarbeitende (2002, JMB, 317, 401) zeigen, dass Vorläuferkomplexe über den Karyopherin alpha/beta abhängigen Importweg in den Zellkern gelangen und dort zu 20S Proteasomen heranreifen. In dieser Arbeit wird gezeigt, dass die nukleäre Lokalisation der 19S Regulatorkomplexe ebenfalls von Karyopherin alpha/beta abhängt. Die Untersuchung der potentiellen klassischen Kernlokalisationssequenzen (cNLS) in den Untereinheiten des 19S Base Subkomplex ergab, dass Rpn2 und Rpt2, eine non-ATPase Untereinheit sowie eine ATPase Untereinheit des Base Komplex, funktionelle cNLS beherbergen. Die Deletion der Rpt2 NLS führte zur wt Lokalisation der proteasomalen Subkomplexe. Die Deletion der NLS in Rpn2 dagegen bewirkte eine verschlechterte proteasomale Funktion und eine Mislokalisation der Komplexe. Unsere Daten unterstützen ein Modell wonach die nukleären 26S Proteasomen aus Subkomplexen zusammengelagert werden, die durch Karyopherin alpha/beta in den Zellkern gelangen. / 26S proteasomes fulfil final steps in the ubiquitin-dependent degradation pathway by recognising and hydrolysing ubiquitylated proteins. As the 26S proteasome mainly localises to the nucleus in yeast, we addressed the question how this 2 MDa multisubunit complex is imported into the nucleus. 26S proteasomes consist of 20S proteolytically active core and 19S regulatory particles, the latter composed of two subcomplexes, namely the base and lid complexes. We have shown that 20S core particles are translocated into the nucleus as inactive precursor complexes via the classical karyopherin alpha/beta import pathway (Lehmann et al. 2002; JMB, 317, 401). Here, we provide evidence that nuclear import of base and lid complexes also depends on karyopherin alpha/beta. Potential classical nuclear localisation sequences (NLS) of base subunits were analysed. Rpn2 and Rpt2, a non-ATPase and an ATPase subunit of the base complex, harbour functional NLS. The Rpt2 NLS deletion yielded wild type localisation. However, the deletion of the Rpn2 NLS resulted in improper nuclear proteasome localisation and impaired proteasome function. Our data support the model by which nuclear 26S proteasomes are assembled from subcomplexes imported by karyopherin alpha/beta.

Caractérisation des propriétés d’un mutant de la protéine Rrp9p de la snoRNP U3 de levure Saccharomyces cerevisiae et mise en évidence d’un réseau de protéines au sein du complexe de maturation précoce des ARNr / Characterization of properties of a mutant of the protein Rrp9p of the yeast Saccharomyces snoRNP U3 cerevisiae and detection of a network of proteins in the early maturation of complex rRNA

Clerget, Guillaume 18 December 2015 (has links)
La biogenèse des ribosomes est un processus complexe et dynamique requérant l’intervention d’une multitude de facteurs d’assemblage et de maturation pour permettre la maturation du pré-ARNr et l’assemblage des protéines ribosomiques. Chez les eucaryotes, la biogenèse de la petite sous-unité ribosomique 40S, débute dans le nucléole par la transcription d’un long précurseur contenant 3 des 4 futurs ARNr matures. Le pré-ARNr 18S est modifié par un ensemble de snoRNP à boîtes C/D et H/ACA et libéré par une série de clivages précoces au niveau des sites A0, A1 et A2. Ces clivages se déroulent au sein d’un macro-complexe, le SSU-processome. Celui-ci s’assemble de manière séquentielle à l’extrémité 5’ du pré-ARNr et est composé d’une multitude de facteurs intervenant dans la maturation, notamment de la snoRNP U3, une snoRNP à boîtes C/D qui joue un rôle de chaperon du pré-ARNr. En effet, le snoARN U3 est impliqué dans la formation de 5 appariements avec le pré-ARNr permettant de positionner correctement les sites de clivages A0, A1 et A2. En plus des 4 protéines cœur retrouvées au sein des snoRNP à boîtes C/D, la snoRNP U3 possède une protéine supplémentaire essentielle à la viabilité cellulaire, Rrp9p. En C-terminal, Rrp9 présente un enchainement de 7 domaines WD40 s’organisant en une structure « beta propeller ». Pour définir le rôle essentiel de cette protéine, nous avons généré des mutants et testé leur fonction. Nous avons ainsi pu montrer que le résidu R289 de Rrp9p est important pour les étapes de clivages précoces du pré-ARNr aux sites A1 et A2. De plus, nous avons identifié de nouveaux partenaires de la protéine Rrp9p au sein du processome et montré que le résidu R289 est impliqué dans une interaction directe avec le facteur Rrp36p. Lorsque ce résidu est muté, certains des défauts de croissance cellulaire liés à la stabilisation des appariements établis entre le pré-ARNr et le snoARN U3 par mutation du snoARN U3 sont fortement renforcés, montrant un lien fonctionnel entre Rrp9p et ces appariements. Nous avons mis en évidence un réseau d’interaction au sein du processome impliquant les protéines Rrp9p, Rrp36p, Sgd1p et Rrp5p : Rrp9p interagit avec Rrp36p et Sgd1p, et ces deux dernières interagissent ensemble, ainsi qu’avec Rrp5p. Les domaines responsables de ces interactions ont été étudiés / Ribosome biogenesis is a complex and dynamic process requiring several assembly and maturation factors needed for processing of the pre-rRNA and assembly of the ribosomal protein. In eukarya, biogenesis of the 40S small subunit starts in the nucleolus with the transcription of a long pre-rRNA, containing 3 out of the 4 future rRNAs. The 18S pre-rRNA is modified by several C/D or H/ACA box snoRNPs and processed by endonucleolytic cleavages at sites A0, A1 and A2 sites. These early cleavages occur within a huge complex termed the SSU-processome. The processome assembles at the 5’ extremity of the pre-rRNA, and contains multiple factors, including the U3 snoRNP, a C/D box snoRNP chaperoning the pre-rRNA. Indeed, the U3 snoRNA is involved in formation of 5 intermolecular helix with the pre-rRNA, which defines the A0, A1 and A2 cleavage sites. In addition to the four C/D box snoRNP core proteins, the U3 snoRNP contains additional protein, Rrp9p, required for cell viability. The Rrp9p C-terminal extremity folds into a beta propeller structure. To try to decipher the Rrp9p role, we mutated several surface residues of the beta propeller protein and the effects of the mutations on cell growth were tested. Through this approach, we found that the R289 residue is important for the maturation events at A1 and A2 sites. Moreover, we identified new protein partners of Rrp9p within the processome and showed that R289 residue is involved in a direct interaction with Rrp36p. We identified a network of protein-protein interactions including Rrp9p, Rrp36p, Sgd1p and Rrp5p : Rrp9p interacts with Rrp36p and Sgd1p, Rrp36p and Sgd1p interact together and with Rrp5p. Some of the protein domains involved in the interactions were identified. In addition, the R289A mutation in Rrp9p has a strong negative effect on growth with mutations in U3 snoRNA that destabilize the U3 snoRNA/pre-rRNA interaction

Rôle de la protéine Bcd1p/BCD1 dans les étapes précoces de la biogenèse des snoRNP à boîtes C/D eucaryotes / Functions of Bcd1p/BCD1 in the early steps of box C/D snoRNP biogenesis

Paul, Arnaud 27 September 2018 (has links)
La biogenèse des ribosomes matures et fonctionnels est notamment dépendante de petites particules ribonucléoprotéiques composées d’ARN et de protéines, les snoRNP (small nucleolar RiboNucleoProteins). Celles-ci sont subdivisées en deux familles : les snoRNP à boîtes C/D et les snoRNP à boîtes H/ACA. Ces deux classes de snoRNP catalysent des modifications chimiques, respectivement de 2’-O-méthylation et de pseudouridylation, sur des positions spécifiques des ARN ribosomiques (ARNr), ou sont impliquées dans des clivages du long ARNr précurseur. Les snoRNP à boîtes C/D sont composées d’un snoARN à boîtes C/D servant de guide pour cibler la position à modifier, et d’un jeu invariant de quatre protéines : Snu13p/SNU13, Nop1p/Fibrillarine, Nop56p/NOP56 et Nop58p/NOP58 (levure/Homme). Ces snoRNP sont produites par la cellule grâce à la présence de plusieurs complexes protéiques constituant une machinerie pour leur assemblage. Outre plusieurs facteurs protéiques déjà connus dans la biogenèse de snoRNP à boîtes C/D comme les protéines Rsa1p/NUFIP, Hit1p/ZNHIT3 et les protéines du complexe R2TP, d’autres protéines pourraient compléter cette machinerie. Parmi ces facteurs additionnels, la protéine Bcd1p/ZNHIT6, pour Box C/D snoRNA protein 1, est essentielle pour maintenir spécifiquement la stabilité in vivo des snoARN à boîtes C/D, et des associations ont pu être identifiées entre Bcd1p/ZNHIT6 avec différents partenaires protéiques de la machinerie d’assemblage de ces particules. Toutefois, l’étape d’assemblage où Bcd1p/ZNHIT6 intervient et la fonction qu’elle y accomplit demeurent inconnues. L’utilisation d’outils in vivo et in vitro chez la levure S. cerevisiae et chez les mammifères nous ont permis de progresser dans la compréhension de la fonction de Bcd1p/ZNHIT6 dans l’assemblage des snoRNP à boîtes C/D. Bcd1p est un facteur d’assemblage recruté de manière co-transcriptionnelle sur les loci codant les snoARN à boîtes C/D et est requis pour le recrutement des complexes d’assemblage sur les snoARN en cours de transcription. Plus spécifiquement, Bcd1p affecte l’interaction de Nop58p avec le facteur d’assemblage Rsa1p, suggérant une fonction dans le recrutement de Nop58p dans une pré-snoRNP en cours d’assemblage. Ce travail a permis d’apporter des informations importantes permettant d’expliquer le caractère essentiel de Bcd1p dans la fonction et la biogenèse des snoRNP à boîtes C/D / Ribosome biogenesis is especially dependent on the action of small RNA/proteins complexes called small nucleolar ribonucleoproteins (snoRNPs). They are divided into two main families: the so-called box C/D snoRNPs and box H/ACA snoRNPs. Each category performs specific enzymatic processes, 2’-O-methylation and pseudouridylation, respectively, and induces target-specific chemical modification on rRNAs. Few snoRNPs are also essential for pre-rRNA processing. The box C/D snoRNPs are formed by the association of a box C/D snoRNA with a set of four invariant proteins: Snu13p/SNU13, Nop1p/Fibrillarine, Nop56p/NOP56 and Nop58p/NOP58 (yeast/Human). Biogenesis of these RNPs relies on the action of several proteins complexes which constitute a dedicated assembly machinery. Rsa1p/NUFIP, Hit1p/ZNHIT3, and components of the R2TP complex are the best characterized protein actors of this machinery. Additional protein factors probably participate in box C/D snoRNP biogenesis; Bcd1p/ZNHIT6 (Box C/D snoRNA protein 1) is such a candidate as it is essential for the in vivo stability of box C/D snoRNAs, and it was found associated with proteins involved in this machinery in yeast and Human. However, the mechanism governing the recruitment of this protein towards the biogenesis of box C/D snoRNP, and the step of the assembly process relying on the presence of Bcd1p are still unknown. In S. cerevisiae and Human, in vivo and in vitro tools allowed us to improve the understanding of the functions of Bcd1p/ZNHIT6 in box C/D snoRNP assembly. Bcd1p is an assembly factor that is recruited co-transcriptionally on box C/D snoRNA loci, and is required for the recruitment of assembly complexes on nascent snoRNAs. Bcd1p is important for Nop58p association with the assembly factor Rsa1p, which suggests that its primary function is to recruit Nop58p to nascent pre-snoRNPs. This work evidenced important information on the essential role of Bcd1p in C/D snoRNP biogenesis and function

Aumento da tolerância de Saccharomyces cerevisiae a fatores estressantes da fermentação etanólica: linhagens modificadas e suplementação de aminoácidos / Increasing Saccharomyces cerevisiae tolerance to stressing factors of ethanolic fermentation: modified strains and amino acid supplementation

Varize, Camila de Souza 15 January 2018 (has links)
O aumento da participação dos biocombustíveis na matriz energética mundial pode ajudar a prolongar a existência das reservas de petróleo, mitigar as ameaças representadas pela mudança climática e permitir melhor segurança do fornecimento de energia em uma escala global. Neste cenário, o processo brasileiro da produção de etanol a partir da cana-de-açúcar tem ganhado papel de destaque, pelo alto rendimento e baixo custo da produção. Linhagens de S. cerevisiae são amplamente empregadas nas fermentações industriais e, embora sejam consideradas mais tolerantes em relação a outras, o processo brasileiro impõe uma variedade de fatores estressantes sob a mesma, afetando o seu metabolismo e crescimento. A fermentação com alto teor alcoólico, realizada a partir da utilização de mostos contendo altas concentrações de açúcares, é uma das maneiras mais eficientes de se obter elevados níveis de etanol. No entanto, tal tecnologia procede ocasionando efeitos deletérios adicionais à levedura. Neste contexto, aumentar a tolerância da levedura é de fundamental importância para alcançar um desempenho fermentativo satisfatório. Neste estudo foram avaliadas linhagens de S. cerevisiae, isogênicas a linhagem industrial CAT-1, com a sobre-expressão dos genes TRP1 e MSN2, envolvidos na biossíntese de triptofano e na resposta geral ao estresse, respectivamente. Tais linhagens foram avaliadas quanto ao seu potencial para realizar fermentações com alto teor alcoólico, simulando as condições industriais brasileiras. Os resultados revelaram que o gene MSN2, na versão truncada, favoreceu a linhagem principalmente com relação ao estresse osmótico, aumentando a velocidade de fermentação e o consumo de açúcares. O gene TRP1 promoveu maior crescimento da linhagem em meio YEPD com 8% de etanol, contudo, tornou a linhagem menos viável em concentrações acima deste nível. No presente trabalho também foi avaliado o efeito da suplementação de aminoácidos na fisiologia da linhagem CAT-1 em meio YNB e em mostos de melaço e xarope de cana-de-açúcar. A suplementação com histidida promoveu maior crescimento e viabilidade celular nos diferentes meios testados. Além de histidina, os aminoácidos lisina e alanina aumentaram o crescimento da CAT-1 em mosto de melaço. A suplementação de triptofano e asparagina também promoveu aumento da viabilidade celular em mosto de xarope. Por outro lado, nos testes em microplacas a suplementação com cisteína depreciou o crescimento da linhagem em meio YNB com 10 e 12% de etanol e em mosto de melaço com 20% de ART. Os resultados obtidos indicam que tanto a engenharia genética, quanto a suplementação de aminoácidos podem ser alternativas viáveis para aumentar a tolerância de S. cerevisiae, para suportar condições de múltiplo estresse, encontradas em destilarias brasileiras. / The expansion biofuels participation in the world energy matrix would help to extend the existence of fossil fuel reservoirs, mitigate the threats of climate change, and enable a better security of energy supply. The Brazilian process of ethanol production from sugarcane has gained an important role in the global energy scenario, for the high yield and low production cost. S. cerevisiae species is widely used in industrial fermentations for being resistant, but the Brazilian process imposes a variety of stressing factors to the yeast, affecting its metabolism and growth. The Very High Gravity Fermentation is performed by the utilization of musts with high sugar concentration and is one of the most efficient ways for obtaining high ethanol levels. However, this technology causes additional deleterious effects to the yeast. In this context, increasing yeast tolerance is of fundamental importance for a satisfactory fermentative performance. In this study we assessed S. cerevisiae strains - isogenic to the industrial strain CAT-1 - with over expression of TRP1 and MSN2 genes involved to tryptophan biosynthesis and in general stress response, respectively. These strains were evaluated for their potential to perform fermentations with high ethanol content, simulating the conditions of Brazilian distilleries. The results showed that the MSN2 gene in the truncated version improved strain mainly to respond to the osmotic stress, increasing in fermentation velocity and the consumption of sugars. The TRP1 gene overexpression promoted higher growth in YEPD medium with 8% ethanol, however, decreased viability at concentrations above this level. The present work also evaluated the effect of amino acid supplementation on the physiology of the CAT-1 strain in YNB medium and in molasses and syrup of sugarcane. Histidide supplementation increased the growth and cell viability in the different media tested. In addition to histidine, the amino acids lysine and alanine increased the growth of CAT-1 in molasses. Supplementation of tryptophan and asparagine also promoted increased cell viability in sugarcane syrup. On the other hand, in microplate assays, cysteine supplementation decreased growth in YNB medium with 10 and 12% ethanol, and in molasses with 20% ART. The results indicate that both genetic engineering and amino acid supplementation may be viable alternatives to increase tolerance of S. cerevisiae to supporting multiple stress conditions typical in Brazilian distilleries.

Uso de levedura selecionada em escala piloto para a produ??o de cacha?a de alambique

Gon?alves, Cleber Miranda 08 May 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Verena Bastos (verena@uefs.br) on 2015-08-04T01:07:09Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE_Cleber Miranda Gon?alves_Vers?o Final.pdf: 4396280 bytes, checksum: c384c685c2ef38bd1e840f48280744ee (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-08-04T01:07:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE_Cleber Miranda Gon?alves_Vers?o Final.pdf: 4396280 bytes, checksum: c384c685c2ef38bd1e840f48280744ee (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-05-08 / Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado de S?o Paulo - FAPESP / Cacha?a corresponds to a beverage with characteristic flavor and aroma, constituted mainly of alcohol and water plus some other components formed in small amounts during the process of fermentation, distillation and aging, and known as the secondary products of alcoholic fermentation. The yeasts and fermentation conditions are considered to be the factors that influence the flavor of alcoholic beverages, since the majority of the secondary compounds responsible for the chemical and sensory quality of the beverage are formed during fermentation. The use of selected yeasts for the production of cane spirit has been studied, with a view to increasing productivity, gaining technological advantages and improving the sensory characteristics of the beverage. This study aimed to produce cacha?a in pilot and alembic scales and evaluate the chemical composition of the beverages produced by selected strains of S. cerevisiae; verify the presence of the selected yeast at the end of the fermentation process on a pilot scale and carry out the evaluation of fermentation parameters of the selected strain in relation to commercial and wild inoculums. The following 16 strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were tested: SC52, SC60, SC82, SC91, SC102, SC114, SC129, SC138, SC174, SC177, SC179, SC184, SC219, SC220, SC225 and SC229. Among these, only the SC82 strain could pursue multiplication and fermentation scheme steps to produce cacha?a in pilot and alembic scales. By RFLP mtDNA technique was possible to verify the permanence and dominance of selected yeast (SC82) at the end of fermentation process done in pilot scale. In the evaluation of fermentation parameters to S. cerevisiae strain SC82 had a shorter fermentation time (14h average) and a higher yield (48%), greater efficiency (93.94%) and a higher productivity (2.35 g/Lh) at the end of the third fermentation carried out in relation to commercial and wild inoculums. Regarding the results of the chemical analysis of cacha?a produced in pilot and still scale, only the higher alcohol levels were above that allowed by Brazilian legislation in both produced beverages. / A cacha?a corresponde a uma bebida dotada de sabor e aroma caracter?stico, sendo constitu?da principalmente de ?lcool e ?gua e de outros componentes, formados em pequenas quantidades durante o processo de fermenta??o, destila??o e envelhecimento, os quais recebem a denomina??o de produtos secund?rios da fermenta??o alco?lica. As leveduras e as condi??es de fermenta??o s?o apontadas como fatores que influenciam no sabor das bebidas alco?licas, pois a maioria dos compostos secund?rios respons?veis pela qualidade qu?mica e sensorial da bebida ? formada durante a fermenta??o. A utiliza??o de leveduras selecionadas para produ??o de cacha?a apresenta vantagens tecnol?gicas, como permite minimizar contamina??es indesej?veis, reduz o tempo de fermenta??o, aumenta a produtividade e melhora as caracter?sticas qu?micas e sensoriais da bebida. O presente trabalho teve como objetivos produzir cacha?a em escala piloto e de alambique e avaliar a composi??o qu?mica das bebidas produzidas por linhagens selecionadas de S. cerevisiae; verificar a presen?a da levedura selecionada no final do processo fermentativo em escala piloto e realizar a avalia??o de par?metros fermentativos da cepa selecionada em rela??o a in?culos comercial e selvagem. Foram testadas 16 cepas de Saccharomyces cerevisiae: SC52, SC60, SC82, SC91, SC102, SC114, SC129, SC138, SC174, SC177, SC179, SC184, SC219, SC220, SC225 e SC229. Destas, apenas a cepa SC82 conseguiu prosseguir as etapas do esquema de multiplica??o em escala piloto e em escala de alambique, bem como nas etapas do processo de fermenta??o em escala piloto e de alambique e produzir cacha?a. Atrav?s da t?cnica de RFLPmtDNA foi poss?vel verificar a perman?ncia e domin?ncia da levedura selecionada (SC82) no final do processo fermentativo feito em escala piloto. Na avalia??o dos par?metros fermentativos a S. cerevisiae cepa SC82 apresentou um menor tempo de fermenta??o (m?dia de 14 h) e um maior rendimento (48 %), uma maior efici?ncia (93,94 %) e uma produtividade (2,35 g/Lh) superior ao final da terceira fermenta??o realizada em rela??o ao in?culo comercial e ao in?culo selvagem. Em rela??o aos resultados das an?lises qu?micas da cacha?a produzida em escala piloto e da produzida em escala de alambique, apenas os teores de alco?is superiores estavam acima do permitido pela legisla??o brasileira nas duas bebidas produzidas.

Ingénierie d'un outil basé sur une GFP fragmentée pour l'étude des protéines multi-localisées chez les eucaryotes / Engineering a Split-GFP based tool to study multilocalized protein in Eukaryotes

Bader, Gaëtan 15 December 2017 (has links)
Les aminoacyl-ARNt synthétases catalysent la formation des aminoacyl-ARNt, utilisés lors de la synthèse protéique et peuvent également former des complexes multi-synthétasiques (MSC). Chez S. cerevisiae, le complexe AME associe les glutamyl- et méthionyl-ARNt synthétases à la protéine d’ancrage Arc1 et joue un rôle primordial dans la coordination de l’expression des génomes nucléaire et mitochondrial. Tous les composants de ce MSC sont multi-localisés et assurent des fonctions essentielles dans d’autres compartiments. Pour étudier ces localisations multiples, nous avons élaboré un outil, basé sur la Split-GFP, qui nous permet de visualiser spécifiquement la fraction organellaire d’une protéine multi-localisée. Pour cela, la GFP a été séparée en deux fragments : i) β1-10, restreint à un compartiment subcellulaire et ii) β11, fusionné aux protéines d’intérêts. Cet outil nous a permis d’étudier diverses relocalisations, ainsi que de délimiter des signaux d’import. / Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases catalyze aminoacyl-tRNA formation, required for protein synthesis but can also associate into multi-synthetase complexes (MSC). In S. cerevisiae, the AME complex contains glutamyl- and methionyl-tRNA synthetases bound to the anchor protein Arc1 and is responsible for the coordination of nuclear and mitochondrial genome expression. The three MSC partners are multi-localized and present simultaneously in several compartments. The detection of the organellar pools of these multilocalized proteins in vivo is difficult, since they are mainly cytosolic. Therefore, we engineered a split-GFP based localization tool that allows us to specifically visualize organellar fractions of multi-localized proteins. To do so, GFP was split into two parts: β1-10, restricted to a subcellular compartment and β11, fused to the protein of interest. This tool allowed us to study relocalization of cytosolic proteins and characterize targeting signals.

Étude structure / fonction des sous-unités catalytiques de l'ARN polymérase II

Domecq, Céline January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Analyse de la variabilité intraspécifique chez les levures : résistance à l'ammonium et aux composés azolés / Analysis of the intraspecific variability in the yeasts : ammonium and azoles antifungals resistance

Reisser, Cyrielle 31 January 2014 (has links)
Dans toutes les espèces, les mutations et les réarrangements chromosomiques constituent des moteurs de l’évolution des génomes. Ils génèrent une diversité génétique à l’origine de la variation phénotypique observée entre les individus d’une même espèce. Cette variation est particulièrement importante chez les levures. Elles constituent donc d’excellents modèles pour déterminer les origines génétiques de la variation intra-spécifique. C’est dans ce contexte que ce travail s’est focalisé sur l’étude de la variation de résistance à l’ammonium et aux antifongiques azolés chez deux espèces de levures : Saccharomyces cerevisiae et Lachancea kluyveri. L’analyse des origines génétiques de la résistance à ces composés à mis en évidence que les variations génétiques pouvaient avoir lieu à plusieurs niveaux : séquence codante pour la résistance à l’ammonium et séquence régulatrice pour la résistance aux antifongiques. De plus, la réalisation d’expériences d’évolution adaptative a permis de mettre en évidence que l’adaptation à un nouvel environnement se faisait par dosage génique via l’acquisition d’un chromosome supplémentaire chez les espèces étudiées. / In all species, mutations and chromosomal rearrangements are drivers of genomes evolution. These processes generate the genetic diversity at the origin of the phenotypic variations observed between the individuals of the same species. This variation is essential for their adaptation to a new environment. The yeasts are isolated from various ecological and geographical niches and show an important phenotypic variation. According to these characteristics, they are excellent modelorganisms to determine the genetic origins of the observed phenotypic variation. In this context, the study focused on the variation of resistance to ammonium and azole antifungals within two yeast species: Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Lachancea kluyveri. The analyses of the genetic origin of the resistance to these compounds show that this genetic variation could occur at several levels: coding sequence for resistance to ammonium and regulatory sequence for resistance to antifungal agents. In addition, evolving experiments have showed that the adaptation to a new environment was done by gene dosage, through the acquisition of extrachromosomes in both species studied.

Aumento da tolerância de Saccharomyces cerevisiae a fatores estressantes da fermentação etanólica: linhagens modificadas e suplementação de aminoácidos / Increasing Saccharomyces cerevisiae tolerance to stressing factors of ethanolic fermentation: modified strains and amino acid supplementation

Camila de Souza Varize 15 January 2018 (has links)
O aumento da participação dos biocombustíveis na matriz energética mundial pode ajudar a prolongar a existência das reservas de petróleo, mitigar as ameaças representadas pela mudança climática e permitir melhor segurança do fornecimento de energia em uma escala global. Neste cenário, o processo brasileiro da produção de etanol a partir da cana-de-açúcar tem ganhado papel de destaque, pelo alto rendimento e baixo custo da produção. Linhagens de S. cerevisiae são amplamente empregadas nas fermentações industriais e, embora sejam consideradas mais tolerantes em relação a outras, o processo brasileiro impõe uma variedade de fatores estressantes sob a mesma, afetando o seu metabolismo e crescimento. A fermentação com alto teor alcoólico, realizada a partir da utilização de mostos contendo altas concentrações de açúcares, é uma das maneiras mais eficientes de se obter elevados níveis de etanol. No entanto, tal tecnologia procede ocasionando efeitos deletérios adicionais à levedura. Neste contexto, aumentar a tolerância da levedura é de fundamental importância para alcançar um desempenho fermentativo satisfatório. Neste estudo foram avaliadas linhagens de S. cerevisiae, isogênicas a linhagem industrial CAT-1, com a sobre-expressão dos genes TRP1 e MSN2, envolvidos na biossíntese de triptofano e na resposta geral ao estresse, respectivamente. Tais linhagens foram avaliadas quanto ao seu potencial para realizar fermentações com alto teor alcoólico, simulando as condições industriais brasileiras. Os resultados revelaram que o gene MSN2, na versão truncada, favoreceu a linhagem principalmente com relação ao estresse osmótico, aumentando a velocidade de fermentação e o consumo de açúcares. O gene TRP1 promoveu maior crescimento da linhagem em meio YEPD com 8% de etanol, contudo, tornou a linhagem menos viável em concentrações acima deste nível. No presente trabalho também foi avaliado o efeito da suplementação de aminoácidos na fisiologia da linhagem CAT-1 em meio YNB e em mostos de melaço e xarope de cana-de-açúcar. A suplementação com histidida promoveu maior crescimento e viabilidade celular nos diferentes meios testados. Além de histidina, os aminoácidos lisina e alanina aumentaram o crescimento da CAT-1 em mosto de melaço. A suplementação de triptofano e asparagina também promoveu aumento da viabilidade celular em mosto de xarope. Por outro lado, nos testes em microplacas a suplementação com cisteína depreciou o crescimento da linhagem em meio YNB com 10 e 12% de etanol e em mosto de melaço com 20% de ART. Os resultados obtidos indicam que tanto a engenharia genética, quanto a suplementação de aminoácidos podem ser alternativas viáveis para aumentar a tolerância de S. cerevisiae, para suportar condições de múltiplo estresse, encontradas em destilarias brasileiras. / The expansion biofuels participation in the world energy matrix would help to extend the existence of fossil fuel reservoirs, mitigate the threats of climate change, and enable a better security of energy supply. The Brazilian process of ethanol production from sugarcane has gained an important role in the global energy scenario, for the high yield and low production cost. S. cerevisiae species is widely used in industrial fermentations for being resistant, but the Brazilian process imposes a variety of stressing factors to the yeast, affecting its metabolism and growth. The Very High Gravity Fermentation is performed by the utilization of musts with high sugar concentration and is one of the most efficient ways for obtaining high ethanol levels. However, this technology causes additional deleterious effects to the yeast. In this context, increasing yeast tolerance is of fundamental importance for a satisfactory fermentative performance. In this study we assessed S. cerevisiae strains - isogenic to the industrial strain CAT-1 - with over expression of TRP1 and MSN2 genes involved to tryptophan biosynthesis and in general stress response, respectively. These strains were evaluated for their potential to perform fermentations with high ethanol content, simulating the conditions of Brazilian distilleries. The results showed that the MSN2 gene in the truncated version improved strain mainly to respond to the osmotic stress, increasing in fermentation velocity and the consumption of sugars. The TRP1 gene overexpression promoted higher growth in YEPD medium with 8% ethanol, however, decreased viability at concentrations above this level. The present work also evaluated the effect of amino acid supplementation on the physiology of the CAT-1 strain in YNB medium and in molasses and syrup of sugarcane. Histidide supplementation increased the growth and cell viability in the different media tested. In addition to histidine, the amino acids lysine and alanine increased the growth of CAT-1 in molasses. Supplementation of tryptophan and asparagine also promoted increased cell viability in sugarcane syrup. On the other hand, in microplate assays, cysteine supplementation decreased growth in YNB medium with 10 and 12% ethanol, and in molasses with 20% ART. The results indicate that both genetic engineering and amino acid supplementation may be viable alternatives to increase tolerance of S. cerevisiae to supporting multiple stress conditions typical in Brazilian distilleries.

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