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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


VITORIA REGIA MOISES NUNES GOMES 05 September 2024 (has links)
[pt] O aparecimento de emulsões tem gerado vastos desafios operacionais e econômicos para a indústria petrolífera, principalmente na etapa de separação de óleo e água no processamento primário do fluido produzido de petróleo. Vários estudos anteriores sugerem que os asfaltenos são responsáveis pela formação e estabilidade de emulsões de petróleo. No entanto, com a descoberta do Pré-Sal, a formação de emulsões estáveis tem sido observada mesmo a partir de óleos brutos com baixo teor de asfaltenos, sugerindo que outras frações do óleo bruto tenham um papel importante nestas emulsões. O levantamento bibliográfico deste trabalho mostrou diferentes aplicações em que as ceras de parafina podem atuar como partículas Pickering ou redes em gel que estabilizam emulsões em outras áreas. Assim, surge a hipótese de que elas também tenham um papel relevante na estabilização de emulsões de petróleo. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a capacidade de formação e estabilização de emulsões água-em-óleo (A/O) por ceras de parafinas de petróleo e sua possível interação com outras frações com atividade interfacial. Para isso, a primeira parte do trabalho envolveu a extração de ceras de parafina de óleos brutos brasileiros e a análise da sua composição química e de seus respectivos óleos brutos. A segunda parte consistiu na caracterização de emulsões formadas por óleos brutos, óleos residuais da extração de asfaltenos ou óleos residuais da extração de ceras de parafinas. Por fim, a terceira parte envolveu o preparo de emulsões modelos considerando a solubilidade dos componentes dos óleos para identificar as frações do petróleo que formam e estabilizam as emulsões. Os resultados indicaram que a remoção de asfaltenos aumentou a estabilidade da emulsão e, em outro resultado, a remoção das ceras diminuiu drasticamente a estabilidade da emulsão a estabilidade das emulsões em questão. Por outro lado, apenas as ceras de parafina não são suficientes para promover a formação da emulsão, sendo necessária sua combinação com outros componentes anfifílicos diferentes dos asfaltenos. A análise de espalhamento de raios X de baixo ângulo (SAXS) revelou que as ceras só formaram estrutura lamelar quando altamente purificadas, o que é muito distante da mistura complexa que é o óleo bruto. Portanto, as ceras de parafina provavelmente não formam uma rede em gel para estabilizar as emulsões, mas formam partículas cristalinas que promovem estabilização Pickering. Em conclusão, as emulsões modelos tiveram uma boa correlação com os resultados de amostras reais graças à escolha de componentes e solventes para simular emulsões de petróleo bruto. Esta correlação indicou que outros componentes do petróleo além do asfaltenos e ceras desempenham um papel crucial na formação de emulsões, enquanto a cera de parafina proporciona estabilização por mecanismo de Pickering. Portanto, este estudo aumenta a compreensão dos mecanismos que governam as emulsões de óleos brutos brasileiros parafínicos. / [en] The appearance of emulsions has generated vast operational and economic challenges for the oil industry, mainly in separating the oil, and water fractions in the separator vessel of the produced fluid. Several previous studies suggest that asphaltenes are responsible for forming and stabilizing petroleum emulsions. However, with the discovery of the Pre-Salt, the formation of stable emulsions has been observed even from crude oils with a low asphaltene content, suggesting that other fractions of the crude oil play an important role in these emulsions. The literature review of this work showed different applications in which paraffin waxes can act as Pickering particles or gel networks that stabilize emulsions. Thus, the hypothesis arises that they also have a relevant role in the stabilization of petroleum emulsions. This study aimed to evaluate the capacity for the formation and stabilization of water-in-oil (W/O) emulsions by petroleum paraffin waxes and their possible interaction with other fractions with interfacial activity. To achieve this, the first part of the work involved the extraction of paraffin waxes from Brazilian crude oils and the analysis of their chemical composition and their respective crude oils. The second part consisted of the characterization of emulsions formed by crude oils, residual oils from the extraction of asphaltenes, or residual oils from the extraction of paraffin waxes. Finally, the third part involved the preparation of model emulsions considering the solubility of the oil components to identify the petroleum fractions that form and stabilize the emulsions. The results indicated that the removal of asphaltenes increased the stability of the emulsion, while the removal of waxes drastically decreased it. On the other hand, paraffin waxes alone are not sufficient to promote the formation of the emulsion, requiring their combination with other amphiphilic components other than asphaltenes. Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) analysis revealed that the waxes only formed a lamellar structure when highly purified, which is very far from the complex mixture that is crude oil. Therefore, paraffin waxes probably do not form a gel network to stabilize emulsions, but rather form crystalline particles that promote Pickering stabilization. In conclusion, the model emulsions correlated well with the results from real samples thanks to the choice of components and solvents to simulate crude oil emulsions. This correlation indicated that polar petroleum fractions other than asphaltenes play a crucial role in the formation of emulsions, while paraffin wax provides stabilization by the Pickering mechanism. Therefore, this study increases understanding of the mechanisms that govern paraffinic Brazilian crude oil emulsions.

Neopentecostalismo e a "teologia de gestão” : uma leitura do “ethos” religioso da Igreja Sara Nossa Terra no Distrito Federal (1992-2018) /

Loiola, José Roberto Alves. January 2020 (has links)
Orientador: Antônio Mendes da Costa Braga / Resumo: Esta tese faz uma leitura dos elementos que constituem o novo “ethos” do neopentecostalismo brasileiro, a partir dos clérigos e leigos da Igreja Sara Nossa Terra no Distrito Federal (DF). Com base no método weberiano, a pesquisa se utilizou de observações participantes, entrevistas semiestruturadas, survey e análise de conteúdo para a compreensão dos fluxos e gestão da vivência religiosa dos membros da Sara Nossa Terra. Essa instituição se caracteriza como uma organização religiosa neopentecostal bem equipada tecnologicamente, com uma atuação missionária profissional e criativa. Seus serviços e produtos conseguem alcançar preferencialmente pessoas de classe média baixa e alta, em diversas faixas etárias. Se orienta a partir do modelo de “células”, tem uma performance eclesiástica diferenciada, demonstrando a partir de sua práxis a evidência do que denomino nessa tese como “Teologia de Gestão” (TG). Essa teologia é caracterizada como um tipo funcional de discurso sobre a fé e prosperidade financeira. Por meio de uma releitura bíblica que associa o legalismo religioso do Antigo Testamento com a confissão positiva, agrega elementos do sincretismo religioso, princípios de coaching e empreendedorismo. A TG é constituída por um conjunto de métodos, técnicas, conceitos e ações no cuidado religioso, objetivando atender, formar, angariar, supervisionar, controlar, treinar, orientar, motivar e vocacionar de forma contínua, racional, afetiva e espiritual seus seguidores. / Abstract: This thesis makes a analysis of the elements that constitute the new “ethos” of Brazilian neo-Pentecostalism, from the clergy and laity of the Sara Nossa Terra Church in the Federal District (DF). Based on the Weberian method, the research used participant observations, semi-structured interviews, survey and content analysis to understand the Exchange flows and management of the religious experience of members of Sara Nossa Terra Church. This institution is characterized as a neo-Pentecostal religious organization, well equipped technologically, with a professional and creative missionary activity. Its services and products are preferentially able to reach people of lower and upper middle class, in different age groups. It is based on the “cell” model, has a different ecclesiastical performance, demonstrating from its praxis the evidence of what I call in this thesis as “Theology of Management” (TM). This theology is characterized as a functional type of discourse on faith and financial prosperity. Through a biblical re-reading that associates Old Testament religious legalism with positive confession, it adds elements of religious syncretism, coaching principles and entrepreneurship. TM is made up of a set of methods, techniques, concepts and actions in religious care, aiming to attend, raise, supervise, control, train, guide, motivate and continuously, rationally, affectionately and spiritually support its followers. / Diese These macht eine Analyse der Elemente, die das neue "Ethos" der Neu-Pfingstbewegung in Brasilien ausmachen, anhand von den Klerikern und Laien der Sara-Nossa-Terra-Kirche im Bundesdistrikt (DF). Basierend auf der weberianischen Methode wurden in der Umfrage aktive Beobachtungen, halbstrukturierte Interviews, Befragungen und Inhaltsanalysen für das Verständnis des Austausches und das Management der religiösen Erfahrung der Mitglieder von Sara Nossa Terra - Kirche eingesetzt. Diese Institution wird als eine technologisch gut ausgestattete neopentekostale religiöse Organisation mit einer professionellen und kreativen missionarischen Tätigkeit charakterisiert. Seine Dienstleistungen und Produkte erreichen vorzugsweise die untere und obere Mittelschicht in verschiedenen Altersgruppen. Sie orientiert sich am "Zellen"-Modell, sie hat eine differenzierte kirchliche Leistung, die aus ihrer Praxis heraus die Evidenz dessen zeigt, was ich in dieser These "Theologie des Managements" (TM) nenne. Diese Theologie wird als ein funktionaler Diskurstyp über Glauben und finanziellen Wohlstand charakterisiert. Durch eine biblische Lektüre, die den religiösen Legalismus des Alten Testaments mit einem positiven Bekenntnis verbindet, fügt sie Elemente des religiösen Synkretismus, Prinzipien des Coachings und des Unternehmertums hinzu. TM besteht aus einer Reihe von Methoden, Techniken, Konzepten und Aktionen in der religiösen Pflege, die darauf abzielen, ihre Anhänger auf kontinuierliche, rat / Doutor

Ögonblickens ömhet : Sune Jonsson i det litterära landskapet / Moments of tenderness : Sune Jonsson in the literary landscape

Lundmark, Karin January 2016 (has links)
<p>Uppsatsen ingår i kursen Skapande svenska C, 30 hp, inom ämnet Litteraturvetenskap vid Umeå universitet</p>

Datormodellen Diasock

Ölmeby, Sara, Ekman, Anna-Karin January 2016 (has links)
Rapporten går igenom steg för steg processen att ta fram datormodellen Diasock. Idag så finns det många människor som lider av diabetes och många utav dessa personer drabbas även av fotproblem. Fotkomplikationer är svåra att behandla och patienter kommer ofta in för sent med sina sår som i värsta fall kan leda till amputation. I samarbete med forskarna på Linköpings universitetssjukhus gavs uppdraget att ta fram en strumpa med insydda sensorer. Strumpan kommer underlätta för diabetiker då de själva kan ha en överblick på sina egna värden och på så sätt söka vård i tid om de behövs. Gruppen har blivit inspirerad av Fredy Olssons metod princip och primärkonstruktion(1995) som använts i tidigare kurser. Det gjordes även ett studiebesök på sjukhuset för att få mer insikt i alla problem som kan uppstå och för att få nya perspektiv från andra yrkesroller. Gruppen lade ner mycket tid på att anpassa strumpan efter en diabetikers fot, då de har speciella krav och inte kan använda vanliga strumpor. Mycket fokus hamnade även på placering av sensorerna. Det gjordes många skisser och efterhand valdes det att utgå ifrån funktionsstrumpan med sensorer på/vid tryckpunkterna. Strumpan är ritad i CATIA V5 där det valdes att arbeta i arbetsbänken Imagine &amp; Shape. För att bättre visualisera datormodellen användes programvaran Keyshot där materialen blir mer realistiska. Projektet resulterade i en datormodell av en strumpa, speciellt utformad för att motverka uppkomsten av diabetessår. Strumpan blev anpassad för att passa en diabetiker.

"Jag är bara här tillfälligt" : Identitetsskapande i arbetarromaner från 2010-talet av Sara Beischer och Jack Hildén

Bergman, Catharina January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att reda ut hur huvudgestalterna i Sara Beischers roman Jag ska egentligen inte jobba här (2012) och Jack Hildéns roman Vi, vi vaktmästare (2014) formar identiteter utifrån arbetet samt hur de ser på sig själva utanför arbetet. Detta gör jag genom att utgå ifrån definitioner av begreppen "identitet" och "prekariat". Analysen visar att romankaraktärerna skapar identiteter kopplade till arbetet genom att studera hur deras kollegor beter sig och därefter härma detta beteende. De gör det även genom att bära arbetskläder, lära sig arbetsuppgifterna samt genom att differentiera sig mot arbetsgivaren respektive tjänstemännen på samma arbetsplats. Den identitet de har utanför arbetet är kopplad till kultur och åtskild från identiteten som arbetare.

För mycket lycka : om lyckan och det politiska hos Simone de Beauvoir och Sara Ahmed

Gotby, Alva January 2013 (has links)
Happiness is often considered our ultimate goal in life. This essay explores the political im- plications of this view, through the critique of happiness found in the works of Simone de Beauvoir and Sara Ahmed. Ahmed and Beauvoir consider happiness to be harmful as a po- litical goal, since it tends to diminish dimensions of power and conflict in favor of harmony, and is not compatible with a political philosophy based on freedom or liberation. Happiness is often confused with the ethical Good, but this essay argues that happiness does not ne- cessarily entail good things. Indeed, happiness can be used to justify oppression and unjust political systems.

De strukturerade professionella riskanalysernas förutsättningar och begränsningar inom Polismyndigheten i Gävleborgs län : En kvalitativ studie av polisers upplevelser

Norrbin, Lisa, Olsson, Anette January 2012 (has links)
Inledning: Strukturerade professionella riskbedömningar för våld, vilka inom polisen benämns som riskanalyser, är numera ett krav och en viktig del i det brottsförebyggande arbetet inom polisen i Sverige. Polisen använder i huvudsak tre checklistor för att bedöma risk: SARA: SV, SAM samt PATRIARK, vilka generellt upplevs som praktiskt användbara. Dock är det få polismyndigheter som arbetar aktivt och ändamålsenligt med dessa. Inom Polismyndigheten i Gävleborgs län arbetar personsäkerhetsenheten för att främja tillämpningen av riskanalyserna och vi önskar bidra till att utveckla detta arbete. Syfte: Utifrån polisers upplevelser undersöka förutsättningar för och begränsningar av de strukturerade riskanalysernas tillämpning inom Polismyndigheten i Gävleborgs län. Metod: Studien innehar en kvalitativ design och semistrukturerade intervjuer utfördes med sex poliser, vilka utför strukturerade riskanalyser och är verksamma inom Polismyndigheten i Gävleborgs län. Resultat: Deltagarna upplever begränsningar såsom att rutinerna inte följs fullt ut och utbildningen upplevs vara bristfällig. Personsäkerhetsenheten lyfts fram som en viktig förutsättning för riskanalysernas tillämpning. Vidare upplevs riskanalyserna enbart bidra till positiva förändringar och motivationen inför att utföra dessa är hög. Deltagarna framhåller attarbetet gällande riskanalyserna måste fortsätta utvecklas och prioriteras. Slutsats: Polismyndigheten i Gävleborgs län har goda förutsättningar för att tillämpa de strukturerade riskanalyserna, men det framkommer även tydliga begränsningar vilka påverkar arbetet. Dessa begränsningar är väsentliga att beakta men möjliga att åtgärda. Slutligen delges rekommendationer för hur arbetet inom myndigheten kan utvecklas för att ytterligare främja tillämpningen av de strukturerade riskanalyserna.

Flykt och sökande : en läsning av rörelser i Stina Aronsons novell/drama Syskonbädd

Dunfalk Norrby, Linn January 2012 (has links)
Syskonbädd, or “Sibling’s bed” in English, is a short story or drama, written by Swedish author Stina Aronson and originally published in 1931 under the pen name Sara Sand. While the story did not attract wide attention for many years, it has recently been republished and performed on stage, as well as aired on the radio. The plot is centered on Harriet, a woman who starts to see the world with different eyes, in a less strict and organized way. Her new view is welcomed neither by her husband nor society, and the book starts with Harriet’s escape from a “rest home”, where she has been placed by her husband in order for her to return to her old self. During the escape, Harriet meets several people, some like herself who believe that the world was meant to be different, and some who strive to maintain the social structure.  Swedish literature scholar Eva Adolfsson argues that Aronson’s later works take place in a landscape on the border of the wild, and that both the characters and the story move through such a landscape. I believe that this is also the case for Syskonbädd, one of Aronson’s earlier writings. My essay focuses on the momentum in the book, its double nature, the zone of uncertainty that it creates and the possibilities that it presents. Based on this, my thesis is that the idea of a “sibling’s bed” solidarity is a formula that drives the book; it is the engine for all movements. With a starting point in philosopher Gilles Deleuze’s and psychoanalyst Félix Guattari’s theories about literature, philosophy and art, I follow and analyze these different movements; the lines of flight that dissolve and create chaos, as well as the plane of consistency that holds the work together and on which the chaos is visualized. These structural movements constitute my starting point for an analysis also on a hermeneutical level. Harriet escapes from society and from the norms that it enforces. At the same time, she seeks a new kind of community; a connection beyond knowledge that will allow new sensations. In this aspect, the outer movement of escape leads to another kind of motion, a static one, which may take place between people when they meet under such circumstances.


Corry, Sara Jessica 03 August 2012 (has links)
Callisto or Jupiter IV is one of 66 moons of the planet Jupiter. Discovered by Galileo Galilei in 1610, it is the third-largest moon in the Solar System. It is thought that Callisto’s surface has evolved primarily through violent impacts; its ancient surface is one of the most heavily cratered in the Solar System. The moon was named after Callisto a nymph in Greek mythology. Rumored that she was the daughter of the treacherous Lycaon, king of Arcadia. This piece has two general parallel narratives, one following the harsh creation and development of the physical planet and one that follows the development of Callisto, the nymph, and her father Lycaon. It would be impossible to write music about one of Jupiter’s moons without referencing textural and rhythmic gestures from Gustav Holst’s Jupiter from The Planets, Op. 32. / text

Kender du overhovedet Azorno : En paranoid och skamfylld läsning av Inger Christensens Azorno

Meijer, Klara January 2012 (has links)
A paranoid and shameful reading of Inger Christensens novel Azorno.The contagious feelings of paranoia and shame played a vital part in my first reading of the novel Azorno, written by the Danish poet Inger Christensen. In this essay, I’m letting those emotions direct the ‘understanding’ and analysis of the novel. In earlier research the focus has been to comprehend what the novel ‘really is about’, and even though it has been mentioned that the form probably is a way to make the reader a visible constructer of  the novel’s ‘meaning’ the understanding has never been created by the affects that occurs during the reading. In doing so, I mean, a new and more subversive ‘understanding’  of Azorno is possible. Azornos is a quite peculiar novel which form builds upon an ambivalence, where the reader never can distinguish true from false, fiction from reality. This ambivalence is caused through the change of narrator that takes place in each chapter. The Chapters are first shaped as letters, where four women discuss who is the one that really knows Azorno, and then as notes, that seem to come from a diary and concerns the writing of a novel. The uncertainty increases when the earlier narrator is accused by the next one of being a liar, something that happens in every letter. In the notes the first narrator is told to be the pseudonym of the next one and so it continues. Thus the reader get the feeling of not knowing who the true narrator is – or if there is one. The accusations of lying and the paranoid attitude are contagious to the reader who gets the feeling that the text and its narrators are not to be trusted. Another affect shaping the text is shame, caused by the text’s seductiveness. The reader is held in the violence of the text by constantly searching for the truth but also repeatedly being deprived the delightful taste of it. At the same time, the reader is also starting to shamefully enjoy the feeling of being fooled by the text. In the article, I will use the theory of paranoia offered by Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick. Sedgwick understands paranoia as nothing different from knowledge per se and as a feeling that, when it’s shared, can be a useful in theories aiming to understand and deconstruct power. The positive consequences of acknowledging paranoia while reading is according to Sedgwick understood as something that, if it is taken seriously,  also can be a way to move towards possibilities and reparation. By embracing the strong and negative feeling of paranoia, the reader, I argue, has the opportunity to, together with the text, construct another narrative about the seducer Azorno – which is the name of the main character of the novel– and, the perhaps five, women who might be his mistresses.  When adding the acknowledgment of shame and using the theory of shame as a emotional power of keeping ’things in it’s ”right” place’, but also a feeling that – if it is shared – can work in opposite direction, since shame seen as a important experience also can make normative ideas visible. By admitting and sharing the shame sensed during the reading of Azorno, normative ideas regarding the relationship between the reader and the text, as well as standard ideas about mistresses and seducers, becomes visible and therefore also brought to a possible change. Thus, in the ending of the novel a new affect – more exultant – is achieved in the relationship between the reader and Azorno.

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