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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Essays in Empirical Development and Education Economics

Lange, Simon 19 June 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Udržitelný rozvoj v mezinárodních firmách. / Sustainable development in multinational companies

Genttnerová, Kateřina January 2017 (has links)
The main objective of this thesis is an evaluation of activities in multinational companies which lead to sustainable development. Furthermore, an analysis which aims to find out if these activities contribute to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) drawn up and approved by all member states of the United Nations in 2015. The theoretical part of the thesis introduces history starting with the industrial revolution and present situation in a globalized world. It explains specifics of apparel industry and sport apparel industry. It also presents individual SDGs, their meaning and the importance of all subjects being involved in their achieving, including private companies. The thesis evaluates how the three biggest multinational companies from sports apparel industry perceive the topic of sustainable development. These are adidas AG, NIKE, Inc. and Puma SE. In the analytical part, it evaluates their current and planned practices contributing to sustainable development, it compares them with the topics of SDGs and proposes measures that would help to successfully achieve them. The analysis shows that these three companies have already been engaging in the topic of sustainability. They take the SDGs into account but do not fully implement them in their business models yet. The company which has the most activities connected to sustainable development is adidas. Most of the activities these companies have are connected to the following goals: Responsible consumption and production, Clean water and sanitation and Partnership for the goals. There are several specific areas in the sports apparel industry that could be greatly improved. They are presented at the end of the thesis.


Eshun, Enoch Caswell 17 July 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Establishing the interactions between the Sustainable Development Goals and biowaste valorization: Insights from the Swedish context / Samspel mellan hållbarhetsmålen och valorisering av bioavfall: Insikter från den svenska kontexten

Nasrollahei, Navid January 2023 (has links)
Biowaste Valorization (BV) includes practices that capture the value of biowaste through its conversion to high-value products. BV practices can influence the progress of various Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) differently. BV can have several potential interactions with the SDGs (BV-SDGs interactions) that may take the form of either synergies or trade-offs. Therefore, the identification of BV-SDGs interactions is key to the successful achievement of SDGs. Sweden is a country at an advanced stage of BV implementation and can thus offer valuable insights. Through semi-structured interviews, relevant stakeholders evaluated the impact of BV on 15 selected SDGs targets in Sweden thus far. Both positive and negative effects were found, but synergies outnumbered the trade-offs with BV positively contributing to all 15 targets. However, this study also shows some potential trade-offs that require further investigation. The findings highlight the need for multidisciplinary collaboration to address BV-SDGs interactions comprehensively. The evidence provided in this study can inform the scientific community as well as other types of stakeholders towards better BV planning. The insights from the Swedish case can be valuable to Sweden and other countries in different stages in the transition to BV and a wider Circular Economy (CE). / Biowaste Valorization (BV) inkluderar metoder som fångar värdet av bioavfall genom dess omvandling till högvärdiga produkter. BV-praxis kan påverka utvecklingen av olika hållbara utvecklingsmål (SDG) på olika sätt. BV kan ha flera potentiella interaktioner med SDG (BV-SDG-interaktioner) som kan ta formen av antingen synergier eller avvägningar. Därför är identifieringen av BV-SDG-interaktioner nyckeln till ett framgångsrikt uppnående av SDG. Sverige är ett land i ett långt framskridet stadium av BV-implementering och kan därmed erbjuda värdefulla insikter. Genom semistrukturerade intervjuer utvärderade relevanta intressenter effekten av BV på 15 utvalda SDG-mål i Sverige hittills. Både positiva och negativa effekter hittades, men synergierna överträffade avvägningarna med BV som positivt bidrog till alla 15 målen. Men den här studien visar också på några potentiella avvägningar som kräver ytterligare utredning. Resultaten belyser behovet av tvärvetenskapligt samarbete för att ta itu med BV-SDG-interaktioner på ett heltäckande sätt. Bevisen som tillhandahålls i denna studie kan informera vetenskapssamhället såväl som andra typer av intressenter mot bättre BV-planering. Insikterna från det svenska fallet kan vara värdefulla för Sverige och andra länder i olika skeden av övergången till BV och en bredare cirkulär ekonomi (CE).

Female Former Child Soldiers Perception of Power : Females captured by the LRA's attitudes towards the people in power in the bush and its effects on them as women

Gustafsson, Ebba January 2023 (has links)
The research aims to understand how female former child soldiers describe the ones who had power over them in the bush of Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) to understand how patriarchal beliefs in a society affect vulnerable women. The researcher wishes to enhance the importance of working against patriarchal beliefs and stopping child abductions for the sake of young women’s empowerment. The impact of the deep-rooted problem of patriarchy should be researched concerning child soldiers since they are vulnerable and are also the future female population. How they get affected by power relations early in their lives should be examined since they are a part of the future which needs to be brought into empowerment and gender equality and not enhance the patriarchal beliefs. Therefore, the attitudes of former female child soldiers have been examined through a qualitative single case study to see how the gender gap and patriarchal beliefs mirror their experiences in the bush and could affect their empowerment. The patriarchal theory, feminist theory and empowerment theory will help analyze and discuss the findings of the data. The data was collected from stories of four female former child soldiers which were coded, memo written and interpreted. By doing this research the consequences of patriarchal beliefs are enhanced through how hidden parts of society are exposed to gender exploitation due to their vulnerability. The findings show that women’s attitudes towards the ones in power do affect to what extent they experience exploitation and gender-based violence. The result implies that women in developing patriarchal societies are having different attitudes towards empowerment. Ugandan society and other societies need help to transition out of patriarchal beliefs which could lead to potential peace and eventually develop a secure and equal society.

Struggling to make a life in the Peruvian Amazon: A case study on the livelihood activities in the indigenous community Naranjal

Scülfort, Célina Marie January 2022 (has links)
International climate mitigation agendas increasingly focus on the conservation of tropical forests such as the Amazon due to their high potential of sequestering large amounts of carbon. At the same time, Peru’s Amazonian frontier is increasingly subject to market pressures and other factors contributing to deforestation and the expansion of the agricultural frontier. In the face of these processes, the perspectives of local people and indigenous communities are often rendered invisible. Therefore, it becomes increasingly relevant to align goals of forest conservation with strategies to not compromise livelihood needs for rural populations. This thesis explores unheard perspectives of local people and the corresponding struggles to make a life in the Peruvian Amazon. More concrete, it is a case study on livelihoods in the indigenous community Naranjal in San Martín, one of the upper eastern jungle regions of Peru. Through using the conceptual lens of the ‘Extended Livelihood Framework’ and theories rooted in political ecology, the different livelihood activities are analysed both on the village and household level as well as in relation to wider political trends influencing these. Methodologically, qualitative PRA tools such as semi-structured interviews with households and key informants were used. The Findings demonstrate household complexity and livelihood diversity in which tensions between the different activities followed by villagers arise. The contested institutional landscape around Naranjal forms part of this puzzle. A crucial concern is the access to livelihood resources such as old-growth forests and farming land. These are in turn influenced by external ecological and demographic changes as well as political interests by the Peruvian state. Access mechanisms such as social networks and social identity in terms of indigeneity as well as farmer’s local knowledge on ecologies were highlighted, among others. It is argued that political and development actors should consider features of these mechanisms and livelihoods found in Naranjal, as they hold potential to contribute to a more sustainable future for indigenous communities in rural Amazonia. Equally, more collaboration among different development interventions should be aspired to build on synergies and head towards an integrative development approach which includes and considers villager’s own concerns and perspectives.

Social Entrepreneurship in the Favelas of Brazil: Challenges and Constraints

Rafid, Mohammed January 2023 (has links)
As global inequality reaches unprecedented levels, social entrepreneurship has emerged as a promising tool for addressing this and fighting some of the most challenging social issues of our time. This thesis seeks to dive into the specific challenges that social entrepreneurs encounter in low-income settings by conducting a case study in the favelas in Brazil, one of the world’s most widely recognized low-income areas. By conducting a comprehensive literature review, the thesis establishes a conceptual framework for the challenges facing social entrepreneurs in low-income settings. This is used to guide the analysis for the data collection in a deductive manner. Data is collected using semi-structured interviews with seven social entrepreneurs operating within the favelas. The findings reveal that the interviewed social entrepreneurs in the favelas face significant obstacles across five main areas: financial capital, legal and regulatory environment, infrastructure, human capital, and social capital. These challenges are consistent with the conceptual framework of challenges facing social entrepreneurs in low-income settings. / I takt med att den globala ojämlikheten når rekordnivåer har socialt entreprenörskap vuxit fram som ett lovande verktyg för att tackla några av vår tids mest utmanande samhällsfrågor. Denna avhandling syftar till att undersöka de specifika utmaningar som sociala entreprenörer möter i låginkomstmiljöer genom att genomföra en fältstudie i favelorna i Brasilien, ett av världens mest kända låginkomstområden. Genom att göra en omfattande litteraturgenomgång etablerar avhandlingen först ett konceptuellt ramverk för de utmaningar som sociala entreprenörer i låginkomstmiljöer står inför. Denna används senare för att vägleda analysen av datainsamlingen på ett deduktivt sätt. Data samlas in med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer med sju sociala entreprenörer verksamma inom dessa områden. Resultaten visar att de intervjuade sociala entreprenörerna möter betydande hinder inom fem huvudområden: finansiellt kapital, lagar och regler, infrastruktur, humankapital och socialt kapital. Dessa utmaningar är i linje med det konceptuella ramverket för utmaningar som sociala entreprenörer står inför i låginkomstområden.

Propuesta de un modelo de emprendimiento sostenible fundamentado en los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible

Benavides Sánchez, Elba Patricia 17 June 2025 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] El emprendimiento sostenible (ES) se ha convertido en un tema central de interés en diversos sectores, como academia, sector privado, sector público y la sociedad civil. Este enfoque emerge de la necesidad de crear entornos donde las personas, el planeta, puedan prosperar de manera sostenible, integrando aspectos económicos, sociales, ambientales, políticos y culturales. La definición de ES varía según autor e intereses de investigación (Belz, 2013). Autores como Cohen & Winn (2007) sostienen que el ES conduce a una economía más sostenible a largo plazo a través de oportunidades de negocio, Mientras que Moya et al. (2019) enfatizan la importancia de modelo de negocio que generen ingresos y, al mismo tiempo, preserven el medio ambiente y promueven el bienestar de la sociedad. En el 2015, la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas aprobó la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible, que incluye 17 Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) (UN, 2015). Estos ODS, se agrupan en cinco ejes principales: personas, planeta, prosperidad, paz y alianzas, que busca promover el bienestar de las actuales y futuras generaciones de manera inclusiva, equitativa y sostenible, al mismo tiempo que se garantiza la preservación del medio ambiente. La presente tesis doctoral propone aplicar un modelo de emprendimiento sostenible fundamentado en los ODS, como una estrategia para garantizar la perdurabilidad de los emprendimientos sostenibles en el tiempo. Para ello se identificaron seis criterios característicos clave: innovación, oportunidad, responsabilidad, calidad, creatividad y capacidad, que se asocian a diferentes variables para construir la estrategia sostenible. La investigación se divide en tres etapas. En la primera etapa, se realiza una revisión bibliográfica exhaustiva de los constructos ES y ODS. En la segunda etapa, se lleva a cabo un análisis de los avances y desafíos de los ODS, partimos analizando 23 países de América Latina y el Caribe, así como 38 a países miembros de la OCDE, con el objetivo de identificar grupos homogéneos de países en función de cada uno de los cinco ejes de los ODS. En la tercera etapa, se desarrolla la base de datos, integrando variables relacionadas con los indicadores de innovación, los ODS, la actividad y actitud empresarial y las condiciones del marco empresarial. Estas variables se utilizan para examinar la relación entre la estrategia sostenible y la perdurabilidad de los emprendimientos sostenibles a través del indicador propiedad empresarial establecida, utilizando un modelo de datos panel desbalanceado de efectos fijos para 48 países durante el periodo 2015 al 2021. Los resultados de la investigación confirman la importancia de la aplicación de las variables de la estrategia sostenible para la implementación del modelo de ES fundamentado en los ODS. Se observa una relación significativa entre las variables relacionadas con la actividad empresarial y las condiciones del marco empresarial con la perdurabilidad de la propiedad empresarial establecida (EBO). Además, se identifica una relación positiva entre los ODS y la perdurabilidad de la EBO. Sin embargo, en el modelo las variables relacionadas con los indicadores de innovación no muestran una relación significativa con la perdurabilidad de la EBO. Esto sugiere que el impacto de la innovación en la perdurabilidad de la EBO podría ser más complejo y dependa de otros factores contextuales, como nivel de desarrollo económico del país o del sector de actividad económica. En conclusión, la investigación proporciona importantes contribuciones a la literatura y la práctica: Proporcionando herramientas y enfoques para orientar y evaluar el impacto de políticas y programas relacionados con emprendimiento, ES, ODS, el espíritu empresarial, entre otros, que facilitan la toma de decisiones más informadas. Esta investigación permitirá abordar los desafíos de la sostenibilidad de manera efectiva y contribuir al desarrollo sostenible en beneficio de todos. / [CA] L'emprenedoria sostenible (ÉS) s'ha convertit en un tema central d'interés en diversos sectors, com a acadèmia, sector privat, sector públic i la societat civil. Este enfocament emergix de la necessitat de crear entorns on les persones, el planeta, puguen prosperar de manera sostenible, integrant aspectes econòmics, socials, ambientals, polítics i culturals. La definició de ÉS varia segons autor i interessos d'investigació (Belz, 2013). Autors com Cohen & Winn (2007) sostenen que l'ÉS conduïx a una economia més sostenible a llarg termini a través d'oportunitats de negoci, Mentres que Moya et al. (2019) emfatitzen la importància de model de negoci que generen ingressos i, al mateix temps, preserven el medi ambient i promouen el benestar de la societat. En el 2015, l'Assemblea General de les Nacions Unides va aprovar l'Agenda 2030 per al Desenvolupament Sostenible, que inclou 17 Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible (ODS) (UN, 2015). Estos ODS, s'agrupen en cinc eixos principals: persones, planeta, prosperitat, pau i aliances, que busca promoure el benestar de les actuals i futures generacions de manera inclusiva, equitativa i sostenible, al mateix temps que es garantix la preservació del medi ambient. La present tesi doctoral proposa aplicar un model d'emprenedoria sostenible fonamentada en els ODS, com una estratègia per a garantir la perdurabilitat de les emprenedories sostenibles en el temps. Per a això es van identificar sis criteris característics clau: innovació, oportunitat, responsabilitat, qualitat, creativitat i capacitat, que s'associen a diferents variables per a construir l'estratègia sostenible. La investigació es dividix en tres etapes. En la primera etapa, es realitza una revisió bibliogràfica exhaustiva dels constructes ÉS i ODS. En la segona etapa, es duu a terme una anàlisi dels avanços i desafiaments dels ODS, partim analitzant 23 països d'Amèrica Llatina i el Carib, així com 38 a països membres de l'OCDE, amb l'objectiu d'identificar grups homogenis de països en funció de cadascun dels cinc eixos dels ODS. En la tercera etapa, es desenvolupa la base de dades, integrant variables relacionades amb els indicadors d'innovació, els ODS, l'activitat i actitud empresarial i les condicions del marc empresarial. Estes variables s'utilitzen per a examinar la relació entre l'estratègia sostenible i la perdurabilitat de les emprenedories sostenibles a través de l'indicador propietat empresarial establida, utilitzant un model de dades panell desbalanceado d'efectes fixos per a 48 països durant el període 2015 al 2021. Els resultats de la investigació confirmen la importància de l'aplicació de les variables de l'estratègia sostenible per a la implementació del model de fon ÉS amentat en els ODS. S'observa una relació significativa entre les variables relacionades amb l'activitat empresarial i les condicions del marc empresarial amb la perdurabilitat de la propietat empresarial establida (EBO). A més, s'identifica una relació positiva entre els ODS i la perdurabilitat de l'EBO. No obstant això, en el model les variables relacionades amb els indicadors d'innovació no mostren una relació significativa amb la perdurabilitat de l'EBO. Això suggerix que l'impacte de la innovació en la perdurabilitat de l'EBO podria ser més complex i depenga d'altres factors contextuals, com a nivell de desenvolupament econòmic del país o del sector d'activitat econòmica. En conclusió, la investigació proporciona importants contribucions a la literatura i la pràctica: Proporcionant ferramentes i enfocaments per a orientar i avaluar l'impacte de polítiques i programes relacionats amb emprenedoria, ÉS, ODS, l'esperit empresarial, entre altres, que faciliten la presa de decisions més informades. Esta investigació permetrà abordar els desafiaments de la sostenibilitat de manera efectiva i contribuir al desenvolupament sostenible en benefici de tots. / [EN] Sustainable entrepreneurship (SE) has become a central topic of interest in various sectors, such as academia, the private sector, the public sector and civil society. This approach emerges from the need to create environments where people, the planet, can thrive in a sustainable way, integrating economic, social, environmental, political and cultural aspects. The definition of SE varies according to author and research interests (Belz, 2013). Authors such as Cohen & Winn (2007) argue that SE leads to a more sustainable economy in the long term through business opportunities, while Moya et al. (2019) emphasise the importance of business models that generate income and, at the same time, preserve the environment and promote the well-being of society. In 2015, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (UN, 2015). These SDGs are grouped into five main axes: people, planet, prosperity, peace and partnerships, which seek to promote the well-being of current and future generations in an inclusive, equitable and sustainable manner, while ensuring the preservation of the environment. This doctoral thesis proposes the application of a sustainable entrepreneurship model based on the SDGs as a strategy to ensure the permanence of sustainable enterprises over time. To this end, six key characteristic criteria were identified: innovation, opportunity, responsibility, quality, creativity and capacity, which are associated with different variables to build the sustainable strategy. The research is divided into three stages. In the first stage, a comprehensive literature review of the SE and SDG constructs is conducted. In the second stage, an analysis of the progress and challenges of the SDGs is carried out, starting with an analysis of 23 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as 38 OECD member countries, with the aim of identifying homogeneous groups of countries according to each of the five axes of the SDGs. In the third stage, the database is developed, integrating variables related to innovation indicators, the SDGs, entrepreneurial activity and attitude, and business framework conditions. These variables are used to examine the relationship between sustainable strategy and the permanence of sustainable ventures through the established business ownership indicator, using an unbalanced fixed effects panel data model for 48 countries over the period 2015 to 2021. The research results confirm the importance of the application of sustainable strategy variables for the implementation of the SDG-based SE model. A significant relationship is observed between variables related to entrepreneurial activity and business framework conditions with the permanence of established business ownership (EBO). Furthermore, a positive relationship is identified between the SDGs and the permanence of EBO. However, in the model the variables related to innovation indicators do not show a significant relationship with EBO permanence. This suggests that the impact of innovation on EBO permanence might be more complex and depend on other contextual factors, such as the level of economic development of the country or the sector of economic activity. In conclusion, the research provides important contributions to literature and practice: Providing tools and approaches to guide and assess the impact of policies and programmes related to entrepreneurship, SE, SDGs, entrepreneurship, among others, facilitating more informed decision-making. This research will enable to address sustainability challenges effectively and contribute to sustainable development for the benefit of all. / Benavides Sánchez, EP. (2024). Propuesta de un modelo de emprendimiento sostenible fundamentado en los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/206836 / Compendio

From Mother Earth to Policy Making. A Comparative Analysis of Indigenous Knowledges in Peru and Samoa : An Ethnographic Study

Garcia-Huaman, Diana January 2024 (has links)
Amidst the wealth of knowledge across the globe, could there exist a diversity of approaches towards achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? Might the prevailing paradigm be the sole path ahead and, if it is, why does not it overlook consulting the indigenous peoples of our world? After all, indigenous knowledges have historically played a significant role in fostering sustainable practices of their sustenance, the enhancement of their lands, and the well-being of the people and planet. Utilizing in-depth interviews and an ethnographic methods of data collection, this study delves into the comparative exploration between Indigenous Knowledges Systems (IKSs) in Peru and Samoa employing Indigenous Cartography as a principal method of analysis. This method, created with indigenous ontology and epistemology, center Mother Earth as a common domain between countries with indigenous population, that allows for a coherent analysis of the SDGs along with their divergences, convergences, and repercussions. The study reveals a common reverence for Mother Earth among participants showcasing their embedding local oral policies, over written ones, that they pose in their cultural contexts, which refrains from conceptualizing IK as a homogenized component of mass policy initiatives. Instead, this suggests informing and directing policy development processes tailored to their unique contexts and relationships with the Earth, which should be a primarily focus on this globalized era, since it is a serious concern as a space that we all share. It emphasizes the importance of incorporating diverse indigenous perspectives into policy-making processes to ensure comprehensive and culturally sensitive approaches to sustainable development. / En medio de la riqueza de conocimientos en todo el mundo, ¿podría existir una diversidad de enfoques para lograr los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS)? ¿Podría el paradigma prevaleciente ser el único camino a seguir y, si lo es, por qué no pasa por alto la consulta a los pueblos indígenas de nuestro mundo? Después de todo, los conocimientos indígenas han desempeñado históricamente un papel importante en el fomento de prácticas sostenibles para su sustento, la mejora de sus tierras y el bienestar de las personas y el planeta. Utilizando entrevistas en profundidad y métodos etnográficos de recopilación de datos, este estudio profundiza en la exploración comparativa entre los Sistemas de Conocimiento Indígena (IKS) en Perú y Samoa empleando la Cartografía Indígena como método principal de análisis. Este método, creado con ontología y epistemología indígena, centra a la Madre Tierra como un dominio común entre países con poblaciones indígenas, que permite un análisis coherente de los ODS junto con sus divergencias, convergencias y repercusiones. El estudio revela una reverencia común por la Madre Tierra entre los participantes que muestran sus políticas orales locales, por encima de las escritas, que plantean en sus contextos culturales, lo que se abstiene de conceptualizar el conocimiento indígena como un componente homogeneizado de iniciativas de políticas de masas. En cambio, esto sugiere informar y dirigir procesos de desarrollo de políticas adaptados a sus contextos y relaciones únicos con la Tierra, lo que debería centrarse principalmente en esta era globalizada, ya que es una preocupación seria como espacio que todos compartimos. Enfatiza la importancia de incorporar diversas perspectivas indígenas en los procesos de formulación de políticas para garantizar enfoques integrales y culturalmente sensibles al desarrollo sostenible.

Climate Impact Resilience and Community Development : Adaptive Solutions and Challenges in Rural Southern Africa – Coastal Mozambique as an Example

Vincent, Judith January 2024 (has links)
Many African communities are significantly affected by climate change, despite being small contributors to the world's emissions. In Mozambique, the rural Southern region is more vulnerable to climate instability than other rural areas in the country. The purpose of this study is to look at factors that can be vital when deciding whether to stay or to migrate, such as resilience, social sustainability, and development opportunities and challenges. The data was collected through ethnographic fieldwork in a rural community on the Mozambican coast, with the villagers' perspective in the centre of what makes the place relevant to their daily lives. What makes the study village sustain and thrive are the development processes of weather-resistant buildings and developing ideas for more sufficient farming, health, and education. Even though some people migrate from the village to the cities, people often come back as challenges in the village are more familiar and simpler to deal with, development ideas represent a hopeful future for the village, and the villagers' want to live in their community simply because it is home.

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