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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tacit knowledge sharing at Higher Education Institutions and its impact on the creation of competitive niches

Geromin, Martina January 2015 (has links)
Driven by the insight that knowledge is power and, therefore, it is the core element for a company to be successful I examined which strategies enhance knowledge-sharing practices and processes among the HEI’s co-workers in order to create new competitive niches. This is especially important in times of ongoing change at an international level as HEIs seem to be increasingly in competition among one another for funds and students' intake. I based my study on the theoretical framework of Nonaka & Takeuchi’s SECI model of knowledge creation (1995) where, according to the authors, the knowledge-sharing takes place in four modes: socialization, externalization, combination and internalization. The main focus of my thesis is the socialization dimension, hence, the face-to-face communication between co-workers and their shared experiences and skills: the ‘tacit to tacit’ knowledge-sharing; the interaction between the different co-workers in the socialization process. Since all knowledge derives from tacit knowledge originally, tacit knowledge is, according to Nonaka/Takeuchi (1995), a person's own personal knowledge and his/her experience and skills; whereas explicit knowledge, on the other hand, is the formal and codified knowledge open to everybody via documents in a systematic language. The study of both literature and empirical data has shown that a special attention must be given to the resource-based view on strategy as it emphasizes the importance of the socialization mode by connecting the respective co-workers with one another in order to create something new. It is such a strategy that focuses on the best deployment of the knowledge resources in order for the institution to take advantage of their co-workers’ embedded, natural, context-specific, difficult to express and attached to the knower’s tacit knowledge. As a result, the key properties of a knowledge-enabling environment (in this thesis called ‘ba’) have been analyzed where tacit knowledge receives its attention by creating space and time for the tacit, hidden, embedded knowledge to emerge. Further field studies in different realities would now be helpful to further extract common patterns for the creation of a sense-making framework of strategy where the tacit dimension of each co-worker is seen to be a unique and remarkable asset for HEIs in order to gain a position of competitive advantage in the market place.

A future for human resources: A Specialised role in knowledge management

Makarand, Tare, tmakarand@swin.edu.au January 2003 (has links)
This thesis is broadly concerned with the future of the Human Resources function within organisations. The nature of these concerns is two-fold: first, how can Human Resources deal effectively with the challenges of organisational life today; second, how can Human Resources convince senior management that it is both relevant, and necessary, to the economic success of the enterprise, and so assure its future as an internal organisational function. This thesis posits that not only does an involvement in the knowledge management process hold considerable benefits for an organisation through a direct and positive influence on the �bottom-line�, but that such an involvement takes on a specialised set of aims and objectives within the human resource perspective that should not be ignored. The argument is that Human Resources, with its own knowledge-awareness and overview of the structures, manpower, performance and reward systems, and training and development programs, is uniquely placed to be instrumental in creating the open, unselfish culture required to make a success of Knowledge Management, and secure its own future as a trusted and valued strategic partner, fully contributing to the enhancement of organisational performance, and ultimately, the organisation�s place in the world. The thesis commences with an overview of how Human Resources has defined its role within organisations since the 1980s. The challenges and concerns of human resources professionals are discussed, and the opportunity for them to take the lead in developing the social networks that are vital to the capture and transfer of knowledge is foreshadowed. An examination of knowledge and knowledge management concepts and principles, and a discussion of the specialised aims and objectives that a knowledge management system can be argued to have within a human resources management perspective in the 21st century is discussed next. As learning from experience with the aim of improving business performance is one of the uses of knowledge management, a discussion of �learning� and the concepts of the �learning organisation� follows. The chapters in the first part of the thesis contain the theoretical material concerning knowledge and knowledge management, learning and the Learning Organisation, and the argument that Human Resources is in a position to play a major role in moving the organisation's culture to one of value creation and valuable strategic decision-making capability, through its awareness of the concept of knowledge and its implementation of knowledge systems, policies, and practices. The second part of the thesis is more empirically based, and reports the results of recent research by the author into the levels of awareness of the knowledge concept, and the degree to which knowledge management systems, policies, and practices are being implemented. The purpose of the study was to test a number of hypotheses about knowledge and knowledge management and the role of the Human Resources function vis-a-vis these issues. The results and their implications are subsequently discussed. The thesis concludes with some reflections on the concepts of knowledge and learning, and the specialised role that the Human Resources professional can play in knowledge work.

A conversão do conhecimento como fonte de obtenção de vantagem competitiva sustentável na perspectiva da Resource-Based View

Ricciardi, Giancarlo 14 December 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:26:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Giancarlos Ricciardi.pdf: 995603 bytes, checksum: 7d2b63ee97db43e1a9e5d4fb76541d66 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-12-14 / This study reviewed the existence of a sustainable competitive advantage, by the Resource-Based View (RBV) perspective, based on knowledge management, precisely knowledge conversion methods defined under Nonaka and Takeuchi s SECI model (2004). Theoretical basis points SECI model as a vector for sustainable competitive advantage by RBV perspective, once companies obtain new knowledge applied on decision making process through the use thereof (CHOO, 2003). Therefore, through field research, this paper purpose aimed to identify the convergence between theoretical statements and managers vision concerning sustainable competitive advantages arising from the SECI model knowledge conversion. Based on statistical analysis of data gathered in 200 questionnaires, it has been concluded that the manager s vision is divergent from the conceptual indicators that qualify SECI model as vector for the sustainable competitive advantage under RBV perspective. Consequently, it has been identified that SECI model can, if so, be qualified as a source of competitive advantage, although not sustainable, thus characterizing a clear contradiction regarding the theories on such matter. The study represents an important finding that must be targeted for a deeper analysis in order to clarify such contradiction, and for better understanding its origins and implications. / O presente estudo analisou a existência de vantagem competitiva sustentável na perspectiva da Resource-Based View (RBV), tomando como base a gestão do conhecimento, mais precisamente os métodos de conversão do conhecimento definidos pelo modelo SECI de Nonaka e Takeuchi (2004). O embasamento teórico apresentado aponta o modelo SECI como vetor para a obtenção de vantagem competitiva sustentável na perspectiva da RBV já que, por meio deste, as empresas obtêm novos conhecimentos que serão aplicados no processo de tomada de decisão (CHOO, 2003). Desta forma, por meio de estudo de campo, este trabalho objetivou identificar a convergência da visão de gestores sobre a vantagem competitiva sustentável originada a partir do modelo SECI e do postulado teórico sobre o tema. Pela análise estatística de dados coletados por 200 questionários, concluiu-se que a visão do gestor é divergente dos indicadores conceituais que qualificam o modelo SECI como vetor de vantagem competitiva sustentável na perspectiva da RBV. Em decorrência da análise realizada, identificou-se que o modelo SECI pode, se tanto, ser qualificado como fonte de vantagem competitiva, porém não sustentável, caracterizando clara contradição em relação às teorias sobre o tema. O estudo representa importante conclusão que deve ser alvo de análises mais aprofundadas que objetivem o esclarecimento da contradição estabelecida e para que se obtenha melhor compreensão a respeito de suas origens e implicações.

Academic knowledge creation as a spatio-temporal process:the case of international research groups in Finland

Hautala, J. (Johanna) 30 November 2011 (has links)
Abstract The thesis is an investigation into the spatio-temporal knowledge creation of international research groups. Knowledge is spatial: it is created in geographical places, shared in communicative space and analyzed in the cognitive space of the mind. Knowledge is a process that evolves in the interactions and interpretations of people. It is created in the tempo of working days that is experienced as flowing or disrupted time. These dimensions of spaces and times come together as the contexts of knowledge creation. In current internationalizing universities, work groups increasingly consist of members from different countries and with varying professional backgrounds. In their endeavor to create globally renowned results, the international research groups are both challenged and enabled by their diversity. Multiple views can benefit the creation of novelty, but reaching a common understanding in a diverse group might not be easy. Current research calls for a more detailed understanding of the processes and contexts of knowledge creation in international groups. The empirical part of the thesis is comprised of two case study compilations. Case A focuses on the University of Oulu, with its foreign employees and three international research groups from the humanist, scientific and technical fields. Four international research groups from the fields of science and technology, led by top foreign professors and funded by the Finland Distinguished Professor Programme, form case B. Altogether, the main materials include 37 interviews, 123 weekly diaries, observation and a survey (67 replies). The main methods applied are mental mapping, discourse analysis and content analysis. According to the results, knowledge creation is a complex spatio-temporal process that often leads to unexpected results. Processes of interaction and interpretation enable the group to reach cognitive friction. This fertile ground of knowledge creation can be reached when a group possesses enough common understanding and enough diversity in their individual interpretations. Humanist, scientific and technical knowledges are created in multiple contexts through group-specific discourses. Knowledge itself is a spatio-temporal process of stages, flows and disruptions towards the not-yet-known. Knowledge is inseparable from individuals, groups, the processes and contexts of creation. / Tiivistelmä Väitöskirjassa tarkastellaan tiedon jalostamista tilassa ja ajassa kansainvälisissä tutkimusryhmissä. Tieto on tilallista: sitä jalostetaan maantieteellisissä paikoissa, jaetaan kommunikaation tilassa ja analysoidaan mielen kognitiivisessa tilassa. Tieto on prosessi, jota ihmiset jalostavat vuorovaikutuksen ja tulkinnan kautta. Tietoa jalostetaan aikarajojen ja työpäivien määrittelemässä ajassa, joka voi tuntua virtaavan tai pysähtelevän. Nämä tilan ja ajan ulottuvuudet yhdistyvät tiedon jalostamisen kontekstiksi. Kansainvälistyvissä yliopistoissa työryhmät koostuvat enenevissä määrin jäsenistä, jotka edustavat eri kansallisuuksia ja joiden ammatilliset taustat ovat erilaiset. Monimuotoisuus on sekä haaste että mahdollisuus ryhmien tavoitteelle luoda kansainvälisesti merkittäviä tuloksia. Monipuoliset näkökulmat voivat edesauttaa tiedon jalostamista, mutta yhteisymmärryksen muodostaminen ryhmässä voi olla haastavaa. Nykytutkimuksessa tarvitaan syvällisempää ymmärrystä tiedon jalostamisen prosesseista ja konteksteista kansainvälisissä ryhmissä. Väitöskirjan empiirinen osa sisältää kaksi tapaustutkimuskokonaisuutta. Tapaus A koskee Oulun yliopiston ulkomaalaisia työntekijöitä ja kolmea kansainvälistä tutkimusryhmää humanistiselta, luonnontieteelliseltä ja tekniseltä alalta. Tapauksen B muodostavat neljä kansainvälistä luonnontieteen ja tekniikan alan tutkimusryhmää, joiden johtajat ovat ulkomaalaisia huippuprofessoreita ja jotka ovat Finland Distinguished Professor -ohjelman rahoittamia. Yhteensä pääaineisto koostuu 37 haastattelusta, 123 viikkopäiväkirjasta, havainnoinnista ja kyselystä (67 vastausta). Aineiston käsittelyn päämenetelmät ovat mentaalikartta-, diskurssi- ja sisällönanalyysi. Tulosten mukaan tiedon jalostaminen on monimutkainen prosessi, joka usein johtaa odottamattomiin tuloksiin. Vuorovaikutuksen ja tulkitsemisen prosessit mahdollistavat kognitiivisen kitkan muodostumisen, joka on hedelmällinen maaperä tiedon jalostamiselle. Sen saavuttamiseksi ryhmässä tarvitaan riittävästi yhteisymmärrystä ja riittävästi monimuotoisuutta jäsenten yksilöllisissä tulkinnoissa. Humanistiset, luonnontieteelliset ja tekniset tiedot jalostetaan ryhmän sisäisissä diskursseissa monipuolisissa konteksteissa. Tieto on tilallinen ja ajallinen prosessi kohti toistaiseksi tietämätöntä. Tieto on erottamaton osa ihmisiä, ryhmiä ja jalostamisen prosesseja ja konteksteja.

Designing knowledge management strategies in complex project settings : A case study of a multi-project organization in Sweden

Bjerkliden, Mathias January 2021 (has links)
Research shows that organizations rely on intangible value chains to boost their economic development through knowledge being seen as a resource. However, due to the emerging complexity withing various organizational designs and complexity of multi-levels in projects, still very little is known on how knowledge is shared and utilized in a complex and multi-leveled context. The purpose of this thesis is to examine how knowledge is shared and utilized in complex project-based environments and how underlying mechanisms of knowledge can be stimulated to facilitate a knowledge management system. To answer the research question, data was collected through eleven semi-structured interviews and analyzed through grounded theory.    Results show that depending on the organizational environment, different mechanisms are more suited than others. In the industrial organization examined in this case study, a personification strategy is well suited as the organizational tasks are unique in nature. Furthermore, the initiation of knowledge sharing opportunities play an important role in implementing knowledge management. In this context, an institutionalization approach is the desired mechanisms to stimulate. This is due to the size of the organization and the fact that employees are geographically dispersed. It is further amplified by the increased amount of remote-working, especially in the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic which has limited face-to-face interactions. To implement a knowledge management strategy of personification and institutionalization, routines are paramount to its success. Without the implementation of standards and routines governed from the organization and management level, there is a risk of knowledge management initiatives failing due to lack of commitment and participation.

Hantering av information och kunskap inom tjänsteproducerande företag : Applicering av Lean Information Management mot förbättrad kundförståelse

Granat, William, Hedlund, Tomas January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur tjänsteproducerande företag kan utveckla processer för informationshantering mot interna kunder baserat på lean principer. Studien avser att fylla i det gapet som finns gällande forskningen om användandet av lean principer i hanteringen av information för tjänsteproducerande organisationer. Genom att tillämpa lean principer för informationshanteringsprocesser kan organisationer finna vilka slöserier som finns samt minimera dess uppkomst. I analysen av relevant teori samt den empiriska insamlingen framkommer det förbättringsmöjligheter för fallföretaget. Avgörande för SJ Stockholmståg är att följa konsekventa riktlinjer på alla avdelningar och att få en bättre förståelse för interna kunder för att på ett effektivt sätt möta deras olika behov. Utifrån den tematiska analysen kunde författarna utröna fyra fokusområden för vilket lean principer kan appliceras med syfte att förbättra informationshanteringen samt öka kvaliteten för mottagaren. Utformning av tydliga informationsprocesser där de interna kundernas behov är centrala, tankesättet om kunden i centrum är en av grundpelarna i lean principer. I linje med lean behöver organisationen öka sin förståelse för dess interna kunder, genomgående under intervjuerna framgick det en utvecklingspotential i detta område. Avdelningsöverskridande arbete kan hjälpa i detta och medföra en större känsla av sammanhang till SJ Stockholmståg för dess medarbetare. Sammanfattningsvis skulle en tillämpning av lean principer och främjande av en kultur uppbyggd på ständiga förbättringar. Genom att effektivisera informationshanteringen, eliminera slöserier och i slutändan förbättra konkurrenskraften och kundnöjdheten inom sin tjänsteproduktion. Rapportens förhoppning är att bidra till tjänsteproducerande organisationer där informationsdelning mellan avdelningar är en väsentlig del av verksamheten. / This study aims to investigate how service producing companies can develop processes for information management towards internal customers based on lean practices. The study also intends to fill the gap that exists regarding the research on the use of lean practices in the management of information for service producing organizations. By applying lean practices to information management processes, organizations can find what waste exists and minimize its occurrence. In the analysis of relevant theory and the empirical collection, improvement opportunities for the case company emerge. It is crucial for SJ Stockholmståg to follow consistent guidelines in all departments and to gain a better understanding of internal customers in order to effectively meet their various needs. Based on the thematic analysis, the authors were able to ascertain four focus areas for which lean practices can be applied with the aim of improving information management and increasing quality for the recipient. Designing clear information processes where the needs of the internal customers are central, the mindset of the customer at the center is one of the pillars of lean practice. In line with lean, the organization needs to increase its understanding of its internal customers, consistently during the interviews there was a development potential in this area. Cross-departmental work can help in this and bring a greater sense of context to SJ Stockholmståg for its employees. In conclusion, an application of lean practices and the promotion of a culture built on continuous improvement. By streamlining information management, minimizing waste and ultimately improving competitiveness and customer satisfaction within their service production. The report's aim is to contribute to service-producing organizations where information sharing between departments is an essential part of the business.

Hur skapar man kontinuitet i ideella organisationer : En fallstudie av Riksförbundet Sveriges Unga Katoliker / How to create contingency in a Non-Profit organization : A case study about the National association Sweden's Young Catholics

Bergman, Cecilia, Todorovic, Dijana January 2008 (has links)
<p><strong>Syfte:</strong> Syftet med studien är att ge rekommendationer till organisationen Riksförbundet Sveriges Unga Katoliker (SUK) om hur de kan bevara kontinuiteten inom förbundet. Rekommendationerna tillkommer genom analys av hur SUK kan ta vara på den tysta kunskapen som finns hos deras anställda och frivilliga medarbetare, samt vilka faktorer som motiverar till ett frivilligt ledarskap.</p><p><strong>Metod: </strong>Fallstudien har en kvalitativ ansats med inslag av kvantitativa antydningar. Två intervjuer har genomförts med anställda på SUK, samt en via e-post med ytterligare en anställd. En mindre enkätundersökning har genomförts bland ideella ledare inom Stockholmregionen i SUK.</p><p><strong>Teori:</strong> Detta kapitel börjar med en överblick över definitioner av tyst kunskap och därefter följer tvåfaktorsteorin som är en motivationsteori. Detta avsnitt redovisar teorier från Polanyi, Nonaka, samt Herzberg.</p><p><strong>Empiri: </strong>I detta avsnitt presenteras den data som samlats in genom SUK:s hemsida, intervjuer, samt den mindre enkätundersökningen.</p><p><strong>Analys: </strong>Under denna del analyserar vi det material som samlats in under empiri avsnittet med hjälp av de teorier som presenterats i teoriavsnittet. Data från intervjuerna ställs mot teori om tyst kunskap och enkätundersökningens resultat analyseras med hjälp av Herzbergs tvåfaktorsteori.</p><p><strong>Slutsats:</strong> De viktigaste slutsatserna är att SUK bör bevara organisationens tysta kunskap genom att ta fram ett symboliskt organisationsspråk i form av lathundar och mallar. Kommunikationen inom organisationen måste förbättras, och SUK bör införa en praktisk del i ledarutbildningen, som också kan fungera som en överföring av tyst kunskap. Fortsatt slutsats är att motivationsfaktorerna avancemang och prestation är viktigast både enligt SUK:s frivilliga arbetare och anställda. SUK bör ta hänsyn både till motivationsfaktorer och hygienfaktorer, då båda är viktiga för att skapa kontinuitet.</p> / <p><strong>Purpose:</strong>  The purpose of the essay is give the association Sweden's Young Catholics recommendations how to maintain the contingency within the organization. The recommendations arises through analysis about how Sweden's Young Catholics can preserve the tacit knowledge that the employees and volunteers have, and which factors motivates to volunteer leadership.</p><p><strong>Methology:  </strong>For this case study we have used a qualitative method with a touch of a quantitative method. We did two interviews with employees and one through e-mail with another employee. We also did a minor poll with volunteers in the Stockholm region in Sweden's Young Catholics.</p><p><strong>Theoretical </strong><strong>perspective:</strong>  This chapter starts with an overview over different definitions of tacit knowledge and there after a theory about motivation. This chapter illustrates theorys by Polanyi, Nonaka, and Herzberg.</p><p><strong>Empiric: </strong>This chapter declares material and interviews made for this thesis. Material about the organization from the website for Sweden's Young Catholics, the interviews about tacit knowledge and the poll about motivation.</p><p><strong>Analysis:</strong> In this section we analyse all the material and interviews collected in the empiric section with help of the theories from the theoretical chapter. The interviews with the tacit knowledge and the poll with help of Herzberg's theory.</p><p><strong>Conclusion:</strong>  The most important conclusion is that Sweden's Young Catholics should keep their tacit knowledge by developing a symbolic organizational language in shape of reference guides. The communication in the organization also has to improve and Sweden's Young Catholics should have a practical part in their leadership course which also can serve as a transfer of tacit knowledge. Other conclusions are that the most important motivation factors is promotion and performance according to both employees and volunteers. Although Sweden's Young Catholics should take both motivation factors and hygiene factors in their consideration, because they are both important for keeping the contingency in the organization.</p>

Hur skapar man kontinuitet i ideella organisationer : En fallstudie av Riksförbundet Sveriges Unga Katoliker / How to create contingency in a Non-Profit organization : A case study about the National association Sweden's Young Catholics

Bergman, Cecilia, Todorovic, Dijana January 2008 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien är att ge rekommendationer till organisationen Riksförbundet Sveriges Unga Katoliker (SUK) om hur de kan bevara kontinuiteten inom förbundet. Rekommendationerna tillkommer genom analys av hur SUK kan ta vara på den tysta kunskapen som finns hos deras anställda och frivilliga medarbetare, samt vilka faktorer som motiverar till ett frivilligt ledarskap. Metod: Fallstudien har en kvalitativ ansats med inslag av kvantitativa antydningar. Två intervjuer har genomförts med anställda på SUK, samt en via e-post med ytterligare en anställd. En mindre enkätundersökning har genomförts bland ideella ledare inom Stockholmregionen i SUK. Teori: Detta kapitel börjar med en överblick över definitioner av tyst kunskap och därefter följer tvåfaktorsteorin som är en motivationsteori. Detta avsnitt redovisar teorier från Polanyi, Nonaka, samt Herzberg. Empiri: I detta avsnitt presenteras den data som samlats in genom SUK:s hemsida, intervjuer, samt den mindre enkätundersökningen. Analys: Under denna del analyserar vi det material som samlats in under empiri avsnittet med hjälp av de teorier som presenterats i teoriavsnittet. Data från intervjuerna ställs mot teori om tyst kunskap och enkätundersökningens resultat analyseras med hjälp av Herzbergs tvåfaktorsteori. Slutsats: De viktigaste slutsatserna är att SUK bör bevara organisationens tysta kunskap genom att ta fram ett symboliskt organisationsspråk i form av lathundar och mallar. Kommunikationen inom organisationen måste förbättras, och SUK bör införa en praktisk del i ledarutbildningen, som också kan fungera som en överföring av tyst kunskap. Fortsatt slutsats är att motivationsfaktorerna avancemang och prestation är viktigast både enligt SUK:s frivilliga arbetare och anställda. SUK bör ta hänsyn både till motivationsfaktorer och hygienfaktorer, då båda är viktiga för att skapa kontinuitet. / Purpose:  The purpose of the essay is give the association Sweden's Young Catholics recommendations how to maintain the contingency within the organization. The recommendations arises through analysis about how Sweden's Young Catholics can preserve the tacit knowledge that the employees and volunteers have, and which factors motivates to volunteer leadership. Methology:  For this case study we have used a qualitative method with a touch of a quantitative method. We did two interviews with employees and one through e-mail with another employee. We also did a minor poll with volunteers in the Stockholm region in Sweden's Young Catholics. Theoretical perspective:  This chapter starts with an overview over different definitions of tacit knowledge and there after a theory about motivation. This chapter illustrates theorys by Polanyi, Nonaka, and Herzberg. Empiric: This chapter declares material and interviews made for this thesis. Material about the organization from the website for Sweden's Young Catholics, the interviews about tacit knowledge and the poll about motivation. Analysis: In this section we analyse all the material and interviews collected in the empiric section with help of the theories from the theoretical chapter. The interviews with the tacit knowledge and the poll with help of Herzberg's theory. Conclusion:  The most important conclusion is that Sweden's Young Catholics should keep their tacit knowledge by developing a symbolic organizational language in shape of reference guides. The communication in the organization also has to improve and Sweden's Young Catholics should have a practical part in their leadership course which also can serve as a transfer of tacit knowledge. Other conclusions are that the most important motivation factors is promotion and performance according to both employees and volunteers. Although Sweden's Young Catholics should take both motivation factors and hygiene factors in their consideration, because they are both important for keeping the contingency in the organization.

The management and preservation of indigenous knowledge in Dlangubo village in Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa

Zimu-Biyela, Acquinatta Nomusa 07 1900 (has links)
The objectives of this study were to establish various practices of indigenous knowledge (IK) commonly used in the Dlangubo village, and methods and tools used in managing IK; to determine ownership protocols and what they know about the South African (SA) intellectual property (IP) laws; to explore the role of libraries and information and communication technologies (ICTs) in managing IK and, lastly, what model can be developed for the management of IK in the Dlangubo village, in KwaZulu-Natal province in South Africa. In order to gain more insight about the problem studied, the socialisation, externalisation, combination and internalisation (SECI) model of knowledge management and the diffusion of innovation (DoI) model were adopted. The SECI model helped in understanding the modes of knowledge creation and transfer that were used in managing IK in the area of study. The DoI model was important in understanding the perceptions of the community about the South African intellectual property (IP) laws, the libraries and the ICTs in managing IK. This study used the constructivist theoretical underpinning and adopted the qualitative approach in order to inquire in depth and explore the studied phenomenon in the natural setting of the Dlangubo village. This approach allowed the researcher to engage in an in-depth interviewing process with the participants in order to explore IK management challenges and then get empirical evidence about the area studied. Flowing from the qualitative approach, the grounded theory (GT) was adopted because it uses the systematic inductive approach to inquiry followed by a constant comparison of categories in order to generate theory, which is grounded in data of the sampled participants of the Dlangubo village The findings of the study indicated that the practices that were predominantly used in the area of study included agricultural crop farming and livestock keeping, the initiation of girls into adulthood and beadwork. The in-situ preservation strategies were more common than the ex-situ preservation strategies. Most of the respondents indicated that they acquired IK through apprenticeship of family line. The majority did not have knowledge or had insufficient knowledge about the South African IP laws. In addition, they were not using the libraries and the ICTs in managing their IK. The model that was recommended was to have the cultural information centre where they can sit together and share their IK and skills, and market their finished products. / Information Science / D. Litt. et Phil. (Information Science)

Uppfinna hjulet på nytt? : En fallstudie om IT-systems roll vid kunskapsöverföring

Bergqvist, Magdalena, Nordenfors, Frida January 2018 (has links)
Informationsteknik (IT) har en betydelsefull roll i dagens samhälle och ett av de mest framgångsrika verktygen för att inhämta, bearbeta och bevara data och information är olika typer av IT-system. Studier visar att ett väletablerat IT-system kan möjliggöra kunskapsöverföring inom en organisation. En välkänd bransch som har utnyttjat de konkurrensfördelar som kunskap och kunskapsöverföring kan ge är konsultbranschen. Uppsatsen syftar därmed att studera vilken roll IT-system kan ha vid kunskapsöverföring och studien genomfördes således på ett konsultföretag i Stockholmsregionen. Studiens empiri inhämtades från sju intervjuer med anställda vid företaget. Uppsatsens slutsats visade att ITsystemen har en fundamental roll men att systemen inte används uteslutande vid kunskapsöverföring då även sociala interaktioner används i processen. / Information technology (IT) has gained an increasingly important role in today's society and one of the most successful tools for retrieving, processing and preserving data and information are different types of IT systems. Studies show that a well-established IT system can enable knowledge transfer within an organization. A well-known industry that has taken advantage of the competitive advantages that knowledge and knowledge transfer can provide is the consulting industry. The aim of the thesis is thus to study the role of IT systems in the process of knowledge transfer and the study was conducted at a consulting company in the Stockholm region. The empirical material was obtained from seven interviews with employees at the company. The conclusion of the thesis showed that IT systems have a fundamental role but that the systems are not used exclusively for knowledge transfer since social interactions are also used in the process.

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