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Sjuksköterskans upplevelser och attityder av omvårdnadsarbetet med kvinnor i samband med abort samt vilka faktorer som påverkar dessa : En litteraturstudieLarsson, Sandra, Staël von Holstein, Elisabeth January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Abort innebär att graviditeten av olika skäl avbryts. En abort kan vara spontan eller inducerad, och den kan ske antingen medicinskt eller kirurgiskt. Sjuksköterskans roll vid en abort är att stötta kvinnan genom hela processen. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka sjuksköterskans attityder och upplevelser av omvårdnadsarbetet med kvinnor som genomgår en abort samt vilka faktorer som påverkar dessa. Metod: Studien är en litteraturstudie med deskriptiv design. Studien är baserad på 13 vetenskapliga artiklar som har sökts fram genom databaserna Cinahl och PubMed. Resultat: Denna litteraturstudie visade inte på några entydiga attityder hos sjuksköterskan vad gäller abort. Sjuksköterskan kunde känna skuld, depression och skam. Men det fanns även stolthet i arbetet och sjuksköterskan kunde känna sig glad och nöjd över att få hjälpa till att stärka kvinnors rättigheter. Något som tydligt framgick i många artiklar är att en sjuksköterska som arbetar med en kvinna som genomgår en abort måste acceptera kvinnans val och lägga sina egna känslor och åsikter åt sidan. Religion och tradition har ett väldigt stort inflytande på sjuksköterskans attityd och upplevelse av arbetet med kvinnor som genomgår abort. Ytterligare en tydlig aspekt var att ju senare aborten var, desto svårare hade sjuksköterskan att hantera aborten samt fostret efteråt. Diskussion och reflektion tillsammans med andra kollegor var även något som var önskvärt. Det hjälpte då sjuksköterskan att bearbeta arbetet.Slutsats: Sjuksköterskor som arbetar med abort måste få professionellt stöd och fortlöpande utbildning för att kunna utföra ett bra arbete i att stödja kvinnan som genomgår en sådan känslig upplevelse. / Background: Abortion means that you terminate the pregnancy for various reasons. An abortion can either be spontaneous or induced, and it can either be medical or surgical. The nurse’s role in abortion care is to support the woman during the process. Aim: The aim of this study was to examine the nurse’s attitudes and experiences of the nursing work with women who undergo an abortion and the factors that influence these. Method: This study is a literature review with a descriptive design. The study is based on 13 scientific articles that have been found by the databases Cinahl and PubMed. Results: This study did not show on any clear-cut attitudes of nurses regarding abortion. The nurse could feel guilt, depression and shame. But there was also pride in the work and the nurse could feel happy and pleased to help the women strengthen the women’s rights. Something that clearly could be seen in many articles was that a nurse working with a woman who underwent an abortion must accept the woman’s choice and put their own feelings and opinions aside. Religion and tradition had a very large influence on the nurse’s attitudes and experience of working with women who underwent an abortion. Another distinct aspect was that the later the abortion was, the harder it was for the nurses to deal with the abortion and the fetus afterwards. Discussion and reflection together with other colleagues was also something that was desirable. It helped when the nurse to process the work. Summary: Nurses who work with abortion must receive professional support and ongoing training to do a good job in supporting the women who undergoes such a sensitive experience.
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Foundations of a Political Identity: An Inquiry into Indian Swaraj (Self-Rule)Garg, Shantanu 01 January 2014 (has links)
India is celebrated as the largest democracy in the world but is it truly democratic? Is it the nation-state that its founder’s envisioned it to be? Has it addressed it ancient issue of social diversity?
This paper seeks to assess the present problem faced by the Indian Democracy; problems based on India’s inherent social diversity. Furthermore the paper seeks to recommend a solution based on Amartya Sen’s Open Impartiality approach that will allow the country to reassess its democratic platform. The paper also aims at providing a starting point to execute Sen’s approach by exploring the vision of two of India’s independence leaders: Mohandas Karamchandra Gandhi and Rabindranath Tagore.
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An anthropometric approach to the measurement of povertyLópez-Pablos, Rodrigo January 2009 (has links)
Desde una perspectiva multidimensional al análisis de la pobreza, se adicionó una dimensión antropométrica como referencia integral de bienestar humano, reinterpretando el signicado siológico de la existencia de diferentes tipos de desnutrición presente en niños Argentinos entre 0,5 y 6 años de edad como el de aquellos que sufrirán carencias globales sobre sus capacidades y funcionalidades esenciales en el futuro. Indices FGT bidimensional, Sen y Gini antropométricos demostraron que familias desnutridas no sólo poseen distribuciones del ingreso más desiguales, el NEA y NOA serán también las más perjudicadas en términos de capacidades cognitivas y culturales en la siguiente generación de pobres. / From a multidimensional perspective on the analysis of poverty, an anthropometric dimension has been added as an integral reference of welfare, reinterpreting the physiological signicance of the existence of di erent types of malnutrition among 0.5 to 6 year old children, as well as those children who will suer a global deciency in their essential capabilities and functionings in the future. Two-dimensional FGT, Sen and Gini anthropometric indexes have shown that malnourished families not only do have the most unequal income but also that the future poor people generation in the NEA and NOA regions will be the worst a ected in terms of cultural and cognitive capacities.
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Midiendo la pobreza antropométrica en ArgentinaLópez-Pablos, Rodrigo January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Desde una perspectiva multidimensional al análisis de la pobreza, se adicionó una dimensión antropométrica como referencia integral de bienestar humano, reinterpretando el significado fisiológico de la existencia de diferentes tipos de desnutrición presente en niños entre 0,5 y 6 años de edad como el de aquellos que sufrirán carencias globales sobre sus capacidades y funcionalidades esenciales en el futuro. Indices FGT bidimensional, Sen y Gini antropométricos demostraron que familias desnutridas no sólo poseen distribuciones del ingreso más desiguales, el NEA y NOA serán también las más perjudicadas en términos de capacidades cognitivas y culturales en la siguiente generación de pobres. / On the multidimensional poverty analysis, an anthropometric dimension was added as an integral representation of the future human welfare. By interpreting the actual malnutrition state on children between 0.5 and 6 years old in Argentina as those who are going to su er a complete deprivation in Sen's essential functioning terms for the future. A bidimensional Foster-Greer-Thorbecke poverty index has been proposed along with a Sen's and Gini's anthropometric indexes. Having had malnutrition meant more inequality income distribution. NEA's and NOA's regions would have greater problems in functioning, capabilities and cultural barriers by considering the next poor's generation.
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Full responsible reason and good development /Pyne, Stephanie A., January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.) - Carleton University, 2006. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 79-81). Also available in electronic format on the Internet.
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The Capability of Cups : A comparative field study in Uganda investigating the impact of menstrual cups on women and girls’ achieved capabilitiesCastensson, Alice January 2018 (has links)
Menstrual hygiene management (MHM) has for long been a neglected topic within development research, policy and practice, despite findings recognising how insufficient MHM poses obstacles to women and girls’ well-being and quality of life. Those living in low-resource settings are especially vulnerable to such challenges. This thesis aims to provide empirical evidence for the relationship between improved MHM and human development. Amartya Sen’s capability approach serves as the starting point, suggesting that development is the process of expanding capabilities to lead a life one has reason to value. It is argued that the use of menstrual cups enables the achievement of capabilities, by removing obstacles to these. This hypothesis is tested using material collected during a field study in Uganda. Two groups of women and girls have been interviewed and compared – one in which everyone is using menstrual cups, and one in which everyone is using pads or cloths. The results show that capabilities to a larger extent are achieved among the women and girls using menstrual cups, than among those using pads or cloths. Moreover, obstacles to capabilities were predominantly present in the second group. The findings thereby support the theoretical argument, demonstrating that the use of menstrual cups removes obstacles – positively impacting capabilities. This highlights the importance of considering MHM as a key aspect of sustainable development.
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Sustainable Development, Youth, Entrepreneurship and Leadership Education: A Case Study of the Mandela Washington Fellowship, Young African Leaders InitiativeMannan, Irin 31 October 2018 (has links)
Entrepreneurship education has emerged as an alternative to traditional models of sustainable development in Sub-Sahara Africa. Traditional development models focus on economic reforms. In contrast, Amartya Sen’s capabilities approach to development emphasizes the importance of entitlements, choice, freedom, and addressing social and institutional conditions that facilitate development. This is a case study on a similar program, the Mandela Washington Fellowship (MWF) for Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI), in the business and entrepreneurship track. The objective is to examine the impact of MWF on participants in developing entrepreneurial and leadership skills, which has the potential to contribute to the overall growth and development of their communities. This research assesses the effectiveness of entrepreneurship and leadership education programs in successfully developing practical skills among participants. Further goal is to examine the links between sustainable development, entrepreneurship and leadership training programs, in the context of Sen’s capabilities approach to development in Sub-Sahara Africa.
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Corporate social responsibility and social enterprises : an empirical study through the lens of Sen's capabilities approachGhafar, Abdul January 2017 (has links)
Previous studies by Cornforth (2003, 2004), Cornelius et al. (2008), Cornelius and Wallace (2010), and Wallace and Cornelius (2010) highlight the need for further research in the area of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for social enterprises and how their governance systems facilitate social outcomes when aligned to organisational mission. Against this backdrop, the main aim of this study is: to investigate the extent to which social enterprises (not-for-profit social providers) pursue ethical practices and social policies underpinned by their CSR agendas that enhance their stakeholders’ capabilities. The conceptual framework for the study is built on Amartya Sen’s capabilities approach (Sen 1991, 1999). Primary data were collected from face-to-face, in-depth, semi structured interviews with twelve owner-managers of small social enterprises from Bradford, UK. These were designed to understand their enterprise’s ethical views towards the development of deprived communities and the role this has in formulating their enterprise’s CSR agenda. The interview data were transcribed and analysed using constructivist grounded theory. The findings suggest that external CSR provision is often prompted as an immediate reaction to problematic issues arising in society. In general, it consequently lacks sustainability and is insufficiently evaluated for long term social impact. It is therefore argued that the CSR agenda for social enterprises should be based more on the organisation’s social ethos than the current process. Moreover, the findings emphasise the importance of social strategy emanating from governance mechanisms as this was identified as critical for the implementation of the CSR agenda so that social value is created in a structured and planned manner. These findings make a contribution to knowledge by providing conceptual and empirical insights regarding the consequences of social enterprises incorporating capabilities into their CSR policies and practices, and its social impact. Moreover, a conceptual model is developed that reflects the strategic importance of such a convergence in achieving this dual purpose.
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Životní sny jako motivace u dětí / The Life Dreams as Motivation in ChildrenVAŇHOVÁ, Petra January 2015 (has links)
Diploma thesis concerns with life dreams of children, which is closely related to personal motivation topic. Teoretical part is dealing with the most important terms related to motivation and life dreams, also there is specific period and issues with perspective orientation. Practical part concerns with essays about life plans of respondents and following interviews. The main goal is to point out the life dreams of current generation. What will also be mentioned is how to achieve those goals and what restrictions is the generation most afraid of. Gained results will be compared to other researches dealing with similiar subject.
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Programas complementares do Bolsa Família : uma análise da agência a partir de três paradigmas de desenvolvimentoJuliano, Maíra Cabral January 2016 (has links)
O presente artigo identifica o caráter normativo dominante da estratégia para a superação sustentável da pobreza no Brasil, por meio do exame dos Programas Complementares Federais do Bolsa Família, principal programa de transferência de renda condicionada do país. Os Programas Complementares visam a superação sustentável da pobreza através da participação das pessoas pobres no processo. Para isso, empreendem ações e políticas setoriais para o desenvolvimento de capacitações entre os beneficiários adultos, tendo como princípio subjacente a idéia de agência, elemento fundamental na teoria de Amartya Sen. Nessa teoria a condição de agente das pessoas é imprescindível para a eficácia do desenvolvimento, por ter uma relevância instrumental tanto para a produção econômica (agência individual) como para a mudança social e política (agência coletiva), embora este último aspecto seja frequentemente negligenciado ou compreendido limitadamente na literatura e no campo das políticas públicas. A importância da agência é endossada pelo paradigma do desenvolvimento humano, introduzido pelo Programa das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento, que tem como referência basilar o trabalho de Sen. Mas apesar do apelo normativo que os Programas Complementares fazem ao paradigma do desenvolvimento humano, considera-se que eles devem ser examinados com cautela, já que popularização e o caráter sedutor da idéia de desenvolvimento humano podem levar ao uso superficial do termo no âmbito político, visando a rotular de forma positiva qualquer política com algum foco humano. Ademais, a existência de outros dois paradigmas consolidados que também vêm fornecendo diretrizes para a formulação de políticas de combate à pobreza nas últimas quatro décadas – o das necessidades básicas e o neoliberal – pode resultar em políticas híbridas, nas quais podem estar presentes elementos normativos não apenas do desenvolvimento humano, mas também dos demais paradigmas. Tendo isso em vista, o artigo coloca em perspectiva o quanto os vinte Programas Complementares contemplam, em seu desenho institucional, uma proposta efetiva de desenvolvimento da condição de agente de seus beneficiários da maneira como recomenda o paradigma do desenvolvimento humano, no qual se apóiam em sua justificativa pública. Buscou-se elucidar a questão criando-se três categorias analíticas a partir das distinções normativas entre os três paradigmas no que se refere especificamente ao aspecto da agência: “Satisfação de Necessidades”; “Capital Humano”; e “Capacitações Humanas”. A partir delas, identificou-se a ênfase que cada programa complementar dá a cada paradigma, no que se refere à abordagem da condição de agente. A ênfase foi obtida através de um sistema de pesos que permitiu visualizar a ausência, a presença ou a presença mais forte das características pertencentes a cada categoria analítica em cada programa. A pesquisa permitiu concluir que os Programas Complementares possuem em seu arcabouço institucional uma proposta de desenvolvimento da condição de agente, mas com um aproveitamento restrito das possibilidades instrumentais que ela oferece, priorizando a agência individual em detrimento da coletiva. Ao abordar o papel instrumental da agência para a mudança social e política no contexto do Bolsa Família, o trabalho contribui para o aprofundamento dessa questão que tem recebido menos atenção nos estudos sobre o Programa desde a ótica seniana. / This article identifies the dominant normative strategy for sustainable eradication of poverty in Brazil, through the examination of the federal complementary programs of Bolsa Família, the main country’s Conditional Cash Transfer. The complementary programs aim at eradicating poverty in a sustainable way, through the participation of the poor in the process. To this end, they undertake sectoral actions and policies for the development of capabilities among adults beneficiaries, whose underlying principle is the idea of agency, a key element in the theory of Amartya Sen. In this theory the role of the people's agency is essential for development effectiveness for having an instrumental relevance both for economic production (individual agency) and for social and political change (collective agency), although the latter is often overlooked or understood narrowly in the literature and in the public policy field. The importance of the agency is endorsed by the human development paradigm, introduced by the United Nations Development Programme, which has the work of Sen as a basic reference. Despite the normative appeal of the complementary programs to the human development paradigm, it is considered that they should be examined with caution, since the popularization and appealing character of human development idea can lead to the superficial use of the term in the political sphere, aiming to label positively any policy with a human focus. Moreover, the existence of two consolidated paradigms which are also providing guidelines for the formulation of policies to combat poverty in the last four decades - the basic needs and the neoliberal paradigms - can result in hybrid policies, in which may be present normative elements not only of human development but also from the others. In this concern, the article puts into perspective how the twenty complementary programs include in its institutional design, an effective proposal for development of the role of agent, the way the paradigm of human development – in which they base their public justification -recommends. We attempted to clarify the issue by creating three analytical categories as from the normative distinctions between the three paradigms in specific reference to the agency aspect: "Needs Satisfaction"; "Human capital"; and "Human Capabilities". From these, we identified the emphasis each complementary program gives to each paradigm regarding the role of agent approach. The emphasis has been obtained by a system of weights which enables to visualize the absence, presence or stronger presence of features belonging to each category in each program. We concluded that the complementary programs have in its institutional framework a proposal of the development of the agent, but with a restricted use of the instrumental possibilities it offers, giving priority to individual agency at the expense of the collective. Addressing the instrumental role of the agency for social and political change in the Bolsa Família context, the work contributes to the deepening of this issue that has received less attention in studies of the program from the senian perspective.
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