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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Turismo de segunda residência em Praia Grande (SP) / Tourism of second residence in Praia Grande (SP)

Imário Vieira 29 May 2008 (has links)
A presente dissertação analisa o fenômeno do turismo de segunda residência sob o prisma da geografia humana e histórica da cidade de Praia Grande e sua inserção no turismo, produção do espaço e segunda residência. O objetivo desta pesquisa é o de analisar o processo histórico da urbanização de Praia Grande, desde a época em que ainda fazia parte de São Vicente e entender como se deu a produção do espaço amparada pelo turismo de segunda residência. O procedimento metodológico utilizado procurou entender os fatos, as políticas públicas e as ações que levaram às transformações, crescimento e desenvolvimento de Praia Grande do início do século passado até os dias atuais. Os resultados desta pesquisa mostram como se deu a descoberta da atividade turística desta estância balneária, pertencente à Região Metropolitana da Baixada Santista (RMBS), que vem despertando o interesse dos mais variados segmentos da sociedade, sejam eles, das áreas da construção civil, planejamento, investimentos, comércio, dentre outros. Por conta disso, constatamos um abrupto crescimento e desenvolvimento desta estância balneária com mudanças paisagísticas e investimentos na sua infra-estrutura, que em seu bojo, trouxeram mais recursos e investimentos para esta cidade média paulista. / The present dissertation analyses the phenomenon of tourism of second residency under the prism of Human Geography and the history of the city of Praia Grande and its insertation in tourism, production of space and second residency. The main purpose of this research is to analyze the historic process of Praia Grande´s urbanization since the time it was still a neighborhood of São Vicente and understand how the production of space has occurred supported by the second residency. The methodological procedure used has searched to understand the facts, public politics and actions that led this city to transformation, growing and development since the beginning of last century until today. The results of this research has shown how tourism activity appears in this city, which is part of the Metropolitan Region of Baixada Santista (RMBS) that nowadays is being the target of many segments of the society such as civil construction, planning, investment, business and other ones. In this way, we have verified an abrupt growing and development of this city with paisagistic changes and improvements in its infra-structure that all together brought new resources and investments to this paulistan medium sized city.

Faciès, architectures stratigraphiques et dynamiques sédimentaires en contexte de régression forcée glacio-isostatique : la réponse pro- à paraglaciaire des complexes deltaïques de la Côte Nord de l'Estuaire et du Golf du Saint-Laurent (Québec, Canada) / Faciès, stratigraphic architecture and sedimentary dynamics in glacio-isostatically forced-regression : the pro- to paraglacial response of the deltaic complexes of the North Shore of the St. Lawrence Estuary and Gulf (Québec, Canada)

Dietrich, Pierre 01 December 2015 (has links)
La Côte Nord de l’Estuaire et du Golfe du St. Laurent (Québec, Canada) est caractérisée par une série de complexes deltaïques mis en place en contexte de chute de Niveau Marin Relatif (NMR) forcée par le rebond glacio-isostatique, lors du retrait des marges de l’Inlandsis Laurentidien. L’étude de trois complexes deltaïques montre qu’un motif d’évolution morphostratigraphique contrôlé par le retrait des marges glaciaires prévalait au premier ordre. Le premier stade de sédimentation se caractérise par la mise en place de cônes d’épandage juxtaglaciaires sous-aquatiques. Leur localisation au front de la marge glaciaire fait que la répartition spatiale des corps sédimentaires montre localement un empilement en rétrogradation. Dès l’émergence d’un front glaciaire continental, des deltas proglaciaires se développent en contexte de chute de NMR, formant des lobes dont l’altitude décroît vers le bassin. Ces derniers sont initialement associés à un système fluviatile en tresse alimenté en sédiments glaciogéniques par les marges glaciaires en retrait. Malgré des taux de chute de NMR de plusieurs cm/an, aucune incision fluviatile n’est observée à ce stade et la dynamique de transfert est prédominante du fait des forts taux d’apports sédimentaires. Plus tard, à la suite du retrait des marges glaciaires hors des bassins versants, le remaniement paraglaciaire se développe du fait de la réduction drastique des apports en eaux et sédiments. Le système fluviatile, devenu méandriforme, s’encaisse dans les anciens dépôts deltaïques maintenant inactifs et les bordures de deltas sont remaniées par les processus littoraux (plages soulevées, terrasses marines). Cette étude révèle que la majorité du volume de ces complexes deltaïques (10-20 km3) est mis en place en quelques milliers d’années seulement, immédiatement après la déglaciation ; le remaniement paraglaciaire n’ayant contribué à l’accrétion deltaïque que très marginalement. La modélisation numérique (Dionisos) valide les différents forçages identifiés par l’analyse morphosédimentaire. Une synthèse des complexes deltaïques à l’échelle de toute la Côte Nord du St. Laurent a permis de catégoriser 21 complexes deltaïques en 4 scénarios d’évolution morphosédimentaire, directement liés à la dynamique de retrait de la marge glaciaire. Leur décryptage offre une clef de lecture originale pour l’historique du retrait des marges glaciaires de l’Inlandsis Laurentidien sur la période 12-7.5 ka cal BP. / The North Shore of the St. Lawrence Estuary and Gulf is characterized by the presence of deltaic complexes that were emplaced under falling Relative Sea Level (RSL) forced by the glacio-isostatic rebound, immediately after the retreat of the Laurentide Ice Sheet (LIS) margin. The study of three deltaic complexes reveals that a common morphostratigraphic evolution forced by the retreat of the LIS prevailed for the edification of these structures, reflecting the retreat of the LIS margin. The emplacement of subaqueous outwash fans beyond the retreating or stillstanding glaciomarine margin constitutes the first stage of this evolution. As tied to the ice-margin position, these fans are characterized in places by a backstepping stacking pattern, in spite of the forced regressive setting. From the emergence of a continental ice front, the proglacial deltaic system develops and forms lobes staged accordingly to the RSL fall. These deltaic systems actively prograde at that time because they are fed in glaciogenics by the retreating LIS margin through braided meltwater streams. In spite of the RSL fall reaching several centimeters per years, no fluvial entrenchment occurs mainly owing to the significant amount of sediment supply. Later, when the LIS margin retreats from the drainage basins of feeding rivers, fluvial systems experience a drastic drop in sediment supply that forced the interruption of the deltaic progradation and the onset of paraglacial reworking. The paraglacial reworking consists in the entrenchment of a meandering fluvial system within former deltaic deposits and shows the prevalence of shallow-marine processes (waves, tides) at the delta rim (raised beaches, marine terraces). This study reveals that the bulk of the deltaic volume (c.a. 10-20 km3) for each complex was emplaced in only a few thousands of years following the LIS margin retreat when the latter was still located in the drainage basin. The paraglacial reworking had a minor influence on the deltaic accretion. A forward stratigraphic model (Dionisos) is used to validate the variety of forcing as understood from the sedimentary analysis. A synthesis including 21 deltaic complexes of the St. Lawrence North Shore allowed the establishment of a fourfold categorization. This scheme of deltaic evolution was used in order to refine the position of the LIS margin retreating upland for a period ranging from 12 to 7.5 ka cal BP.

Návrh turbíny přílivové elektrárny / Design of tidal turbine

Mahdal, Ondřej January 2019 (has links)
The present time demands emission-free and carbon-free sources of energy. This fact is not only subject of international agreements and European Union regulations, but also the state of environment points out to an essential change in energy generation of mankind. Tidal stream provides very stable and predictable source of “green” energy. Compared to other renewable energy sources tidal stream turbines in exceptional localities are able to supply energy continuously, making them base load source. The aim of the thesis was to create an extensive document with recent tidal stream power information, which has not been available in Czech language yet. Last part of the research is focused on co-locating tidal stream and off-shore wind turbines. Second part of the thesis is dedicated to aerodynamic design of single-stage horizontal axis tidal stream turbine with rated electric power of 1 MW. Calculation according to the blade cascade theory was used to design blade geometry and to find rotor diameter of 14 meters for rated stream velocity of 3.05 m/s.

Musik ur grundad teori : Elektroakustisk gestaltning av litterära porträtt / Music from grounded theory : Electroacoustic composition of literary portraits

Lindell, Rikard January 2022 (has links)
Det här arbetet diskuterar ett utforskande musikaliskt gestaltningsprojekt, Från botten av en brunn, som utgörs av fyra satser för klarinett, cello och modulärt synthesizersystem baserat på var sin person ur den japanska författaren Haruki Murakamis roman Kafka på stranden (Umibe no Kafuka, 海辺のカフカ) från 2002. Arbetet har utgått ifrån en metodisk bearbetning av romantexten med hjälp av grundad teori för att skapa både syntetiska och samplade klanger och komposition ur texten. Grundad teori togs ursprungligen fram inom sociologi för att forma ny kunskap ur kvalitativ data med hjälp av en rigorös process, där teoretisk känslighet stödjer och vägleder tolkningar. I mitt arbete har det här snarare handlat om estetisk sensibilitet som väglett mina tolkningar av texten, hjälpt mig att göra urval och omforma romanen till musik och framförande. / This work discusses an exploratory musical composition project, From the bottom of a Well, which consists of four movements for clarinet, cello, and modular synthesizer system, where each movement is based on each person from the Japanese author Haruki Murakami's novel Kafka on the beach (Umibe no Kafuka, 海辺のカフカ) from 2002. The work has been based on a methodical processing of the novel text with the help of grounded theory to create both synthetic and sampled sounds and composition from the text. Grounded theory was originally developed in sociology to shape new knowledge from qualitative data using a rigorous process, where theoretical sensitivity supports and guides interpretations. In my work, this has rather been about aesthetic sensibility that has guided my interpretations of the text, helped me to make selections, and to transform the novel into a music composition and a performance.

Ledarskap från ovan, inom och bortom : En fallstudie av fyra sjöfartsnäringsföretag / Leadership from above, within and beyond : A case study of four shipping companies

Papadopoulos, Konstantinos, Öst, Kent Love January 2022 (has links)
Hur sjöfartsnäringsföretag utvecklar sin ledarskapskapacitet är något som inte forskats mycket kring i vetenskaplig litteratur. Företag runt om i världen har investerat 370 miljarder dollar för ledarskap endast under 2021. Dessutom är inte den maritima litteraturen särskilt omfattande gällande ledarskap inom sjöfartsnäringsföretagens landbaserade sektor, något som är kontroversiellt med hänsyn till det omfattande inflytande högre ledning har inom företag. Syftet med detta arbete var att identifiera och beskriva sjöfartsnäringsföretagens perspektiv gällanderelationen mellan ledarskap och management, och vidare deras strategier för att förstärka sin ledarskapskapacitet. Arbetets frågeställningar var 1. Hur upplever sjöfartsnäringsföretag relationen mellan ledarskap och management och vidare, vad av ledarskap och management är det som gör skillnaden i dagens konkurativa marknad enligt intervjuade företags perspektiv och varför? 2. Vilka strategier har sjöfartsnäringsföretag för att utveckla sin ledarskapskapacitet, och vidare, hur implementerar intervjuade företag dessa strategier? Arbetet genomfördes via en kvalitativ fallstudie av fyra utvalda internationella sjöfartsnäringsföretags högsta ledning. Vidare användes semistrukturerade intervjuer för datainsamlingen. Denna studie identifierade betydelsen för sjöfartsnäringsföretag att särskilja mellan management och ledarskap eftersom var och en av dessa tjänar olika syften inom deras organisationer. De intervjuade sjöfartsnäringsföretagen ser dessutom ledarskapsutveckling som en utmanande process som kan hålla dem konkurrenskraftiga. Slutligen så följer sjöfartsnäringsföretag ledarskapsutvecklingsstrategier såsom 360-degree feedback, executive coaching, nätverkande och aktionsinlärning även om det inte är i lika strikt form som ledarskapsforskning föreslår. / How shipping companies develop their leadership is something not studied as much by scholarly literature. Investments in leadership are estimated to 370 billion dollars, for 2021, by companies around the world. Yet, maritime literature is not very extensive regarding the shore-based sector and leadership, something controversial considering influence higher levels have within companies. This study aimed to identify and describe shipping companies’ perspectives on the relationship between leadership and management and their strategies for developing their leadership capacity. This study’s research questions were: 1. How do shipping companies experience the relationship between leadership and management, and in further, which of the two makes the most difference in today’s competitive markets? 2. What are shipping companies’ strategies for developing their leadership capacity, and how do they implement these strategies? A qualitative method for the case study of four selected international shipping companies’ top management was used. Moreover, data was collected via semi-structured interviews. This study found that it is important for shipping companies to distinguish between leadership and management as each serves different purposes within organizations. Moreover, interviewed shipping companies view leadership development as a challenging process but one that can keep them competitive. Finally, shipping companies follow leadership development strategies of 360-degree feedback, executive coaching, networking and action learning although not as strict as leadership research suggests.

Návrh mrakodrapu pro EVOLO Skyscraper Competition 2011 / Designing a Skyscraper for the EVOLO Skyscraper Competition 2011

Smékal, Jan January 2011 (has links)
The Monaco shore extention project consists of few housing resorts, floating breakwater, commertial zones and a harbour. The largest and most complex is the Skyscraper resort on an artificial semifloating island in the middle of a lagoon between the shore and the floating breakwater. Its main purpose is housing which is situated to several floors of the base ring, to the white wings protruding from the skyscraper and to the skyscraper itself. There is also a hotel for 500 visitors in this structure as well as the visitors center, observation platform, technical support, wellness and fit centrum. The resort is accesible via two main connecting streets – one going from the Hercule harbour, second comming to the resort from the main Monaco roundabout next to the Fairmont hotel. Traffic is than in front of the skyscraper redirected either to the hotel frontyard or to the underground parking wings for visitors, or to the parking zones for residents or to the supply zones. Other functions the resort offers are 2 commertial promenades on the gound and 2np floors accesible from the perimetr of the island’s harbour, other commertial zone is more to the the middle of the island, where the visitor, cultural, wellness and restaurant centers are also situated. The cultural multipurpose center accompanies cinema, theater and exhibition features as well as the School of fine arts. For the residents themselves the resort features several facilities – endless swimming pool, the chapel, relaxation pools, 2 parks and all the facilities accessible also for visitors. The island is constructed as semifloating – partly supperted by large piles and coissons, partly floating. Energetic selfsufficience is provided by desaltation plant, solar fotovoltaic plant, energetic piles and gray water treatment plant.

Constructed Bodies, Edited Deaths: The Negotiation of Sociomedical Discourse in Autothanatographers’ Writing of Terminal Illness

Hane-Devore, Tasia Marie January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Diaspora, identity and Xhosa ancestral tradition: culture in transience

Nkosinkulu, Zingisa January 2015 (has links)
Text in English / Most Xhosa people experience the condition of feeling dislocated and confused when choosing a spiritual belief between Christianity and Xhosa ancestral traditions. This study uses the concept of diaspora to describe the mental dislocation that people whose culture has changed experience. This study is based on the phenomenon of diaspora as a state of identity in the contemporary cultural identity of amaXhosa, the people of the Eastern Cape Province, by exploring the interrelationship between the key concepts, namely, identity, culture, land, and home as they relate to ancestral worship and Christian practice. Two installation artworks by Bill Viola and Nicholas Hlobo were selected for a comparative analysis under the spectacle of Xhosa ancestral tradition. In this study, I seek to understand how identity is constructed within a particular geographical and ideological culture and how self-identity can be constituted through the construction, deconstruction, and reconstruction of cultural histories. Touching on notions of mediation, altar, and dislocation, this study uses Martin Buber’s concept of I AND THOU to weave the key concepts together. / Art History, Visual Arts & Musicology / M.A. (Visual Arts)

Une méthode dangereuse : comprendre le processus créateur en musique de film, le cas de Norman McLaren et Maurice Blackburn, David Cronenberg et Howard Shore

Hellégouarch, Solenn 06 1900 (has links)
Cette version de la thèse a été tronquée des certains éléments protégés par le droit d’auteur. Une version plus complète est disponible en ligne pour les membres de la communauté de l’Université de Montréal et peut aussi être consultée dans une des bibliothèques UdeM. / Si Norman McLaren (1914-1987) œuvre principalement dans le domaine onirique de l’animation, David Cronenberg (1943-), parfois surnommé « The Baron of Blood », réalise des films de fiction appartenant à un genre singulier qu’il a lui-même développé, celui de « l’horreur intérieure ». Que peuvent donc partager ces deux cinéastes aux univers a priori si distincts ? Chacun a construit une relation à long terme avec un compositeur : Maurice Blackburn (1914-1988) pour le premier, Howard Shore (1946-) pour le second. Mais si les univers des deux réalisateurs ont été maintes fois investigués, l’apport de leurs compositeurs respectifs demeure peu examiné. Or, d’un univers à l’autre, la musique semble jouer un rôle de toute première importance, chacun des compositeurs étant impliqué très tôt dans le processus cinématographique. Cette implication précoce dans la création collective est indicatrice de la place et du rôle centraux qu’occupent Blackburn et Shore et leur musique au sein de l’œuvre de McLaren, d’une part, et de Cronenberg, de l’autre. De la sorte, les partitions semblent ne pouvoir être considérées comme une simple illustration sonore des films, mais comme une composante tout à fait fondamentale, relançant dès lors la question du rôle de la musique au cinéma : comment le définir ? En outre, au fil de la rencontre continue sur plusieurs films, musique et cinéma en sont venus à un entrelacement tel qu’un style singulier de musicalisation des images se serait développé : quels sont les traits qui définissent ce style ? D’une collaboration à l’autre, cette thèse cherche à établir une poïétique de la création musico-filmique ; elle cherche à décrire et à comprendre les processus créateurs filmique et musical qui déterminent la composition d’une musique de film et, plus encore, une musicalité de tout le complexe audio-visuel. À travers des portraits examinant la pratique et le discours des créateurs et quatre analyses de bandes sonores (A Phantasy de Norman McLaren, Jour après jour de Clément Perron, Crash et A Dangerous Method de David Cronenberg), des liens se tissent peu à peu entre les pensées et les pratiques des deux compositeurs qui développent des stratégies similaires et originales face aux problèmes que leur posent les œuvres de McLaren (l’indissociabilité de la musique et de l’image) et de Cronenberg (la « transformation de l’esthétique humaine »). D’un binôme à l’autre, le cinéma se transforme en un laboratoire musico-filmique où chacun élabore une « méthode dangereuse » qui force l’analyste à explorer de nouvelles avenues méthodologiques. / Norman McLaren’s (1914-1987) animation work evokes a primarily dream-like world. David Cronenberg (1943-), also sometimes known as the “Baron of Blood,” makes fiction films that belong to a singular genre he developed: the “inner horror.” So what can these two filmmakers possibly have in common? They both built a long-term relationship with composers: Maurice Blackburn (1914-1988) for the former and Howard Shore (1946-) for the latter. Though the distinct approaches of these two directors have been widely studied, the weight of the contributions of their respective composers remains largely unmeasured. And this, despite the fact that music seems to play a primary role in these two directors’ process since, in each instance, the composer is involved very early on. This unusually early involvement of the composer, and the ongoing collaboration it entails, are indicative of the central place and role held by Blackburn and Shore’s music in McLaren’s work on the one hand, and Cronenberg’s on the other. This considered, their scores must no longer be seen as direct sound illustration of the films, but rather as essential components of the films, even though such a stance forces us to rethink how we define the role of music in film. Furthermore, from film to film, music and cinema become so intertwined that a singular style of musicalization of the image develops, begging the question: what are the characteristics of this style? From one collaboration to the other, this thesis seeks to establish a poietic of film-music creation; it looks to describe the cinematic and musical creative processes that determine the composition of film music and, beyond that, the musicality of the entire audio-visual complex. Through portraits that investigate the practice and discourse of creators and through the analysis of four soundtracks (A Phantasy by Norman McLaren, Day After Day by Clément Perron, Crash and A Dangerous Method by David Cronenberg), the thoughts and practices of the two composers, who develop similar innovative strategies to solve the problems posed by the works of McLaren (the inseparability of music and image) and Cronenberg (the “transformation of human aesthetics”), are gradually connected. From one duo to another, cinema becomes a musical and cinematic laboratory where each develops a “dangerous method” which forces the analyst to explore new methodological avenues.

Analysis of a Long-Term Record of Nearshore Currents and Implications in Littoral Transport Processes

Burnette, Carolina 01 January 2016 (has links)
A seasonal and long-term analysis of the vertical structure of currents in the nearshore is conducted to determine the role of the wind in driving currents and consequently affecting littoral transport processes. Approximately ten years (January, 2002 – October, 2011) of nearshore current profiles are examined using the data collected with an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) installed off of Spessard Holland North Beach Park located in Melbourne Beach, Florida. Additionally, wind data collected with a directional anemometer from September, 2002, until October, 2008, are used to further characterize the long-term hydrodynamic forcing. With the shoreline oriented nominally 17o west of magnetic north, both the current profiles and the wind vectors have been rendered into longshore and cross-shore components. The water level record from a NOAA tide station located at the Trident Pier at nearby Port Canaveral is utilized in establishing the water depth and conditioning the data for statistical analysis. Monthly mean vertical profiles reveal that during the winter months the surface currents are usually toward the south, and toward the north in the summer. In spring and fall, they are mixed, demonstrating a clear seasonality in both direction and intensity of the longshore current. Subjecting the longshore and cross-shore current data to Empirical Orthogonal Function Analysis reveals that the first spatial Eigenfunction accounts for more than 98% of the variability in the vertical profile of the longshore current, and more than 86% of the variability in the profile of the cross-shore current. However, there is a rotation of the current to the right (clockwise) with the rotation angle increasing and the variance decreasing with depth below the surface. The spiral structure of the water column follows a surface Ekman veering, but for very shallow water. The upper layer of the current is almost aligned with the direction of the wind. Monthly correlations between 2-hour average time series of longshore current and 2-hour average time series of wind speed reveal the seasonal patterns of the wind and longshore current in which the upper layer of the water column is highly correlated with the longshore component of the wind speed for most of the year and slightly less correlated for the lower layer of the water column. Most importantly, on average, wave height (Hmo) is larger when the longshore current is heading to the south (Hmo=0.95 m) than when the current is going to the north (Hmo=0.73 m). Additionally, there is a stronger correlation between southerly directed currents and incident wave energy flux than northerly directed currents and wave energy flux. These results indicate that the net long-term north-to-south sediment transport known to characterize the region is heavily influenced by wind-driven currents.

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