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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Využití frameworku NGOSS při zavádění SOA v prostředí telekomunikačního operátora

Jezl, Tomáš January 2007 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou servisně orientované architektury a služeb, které tvoří její základní stavební prvky. Jejím cílem je vymezení způsobu, jakým lze navrhovat jednotlivé podnikové aktivity jako služby, které jsou založeny na podobném principu a disponují stejnými charakteristikami jako služby, které jsou navrhovány na technologické úrovni SOA. Práce je rozdělena do pěti částí. Smyslem prvních čtyřech je vytvoření určitého teoretického základu, který je následně využit pro účely prakticky orientovaného příkladu, který se zabývá identifikací služeb. První část je věnována vysvětlení podstaty a významu enterprise architektury. Na ní navazuje další část, která ze zabývá architektonickými frameworky a jejímž smyslem je popsání charakteristik frameworku NGOSS (New Generation Operations Systems and Software), který je určen pro poskytovatele telekomunikačních služeb. Nástroje tohoto frameworku, kterými jsou datový model eTOM (enhanced Telecom Operations Map) a datový model SID (Shared Information/Data Model) jsou využívány v již zmiňované závěrečné části. Předposlední část práce je věnována teoretickému pojednání o servisně orientované architektuře a službách. Kapitola obsahuje popis procesu zavádění servisně orientované architektury a dále uvádí charakteristiky, kterými by měli služby disponovat. Závěr práce je věnován názornému příkladu, jak přistupovat k identifikaci služeb. V rámci závěrečné části je jednak navrhován postup, jak služby identifikovat na základě podnikových procesů a jednak jsou zde demonstrovány a hodnoceny možnosti využití obou zmiňovaných nástrojů frameworku NGOSS v rámci tohoto postupu

Determination of chargino and neutralino masses at the International Linear Collider

Li, Yiming January 2011 (has links)
A feasibility study is presented which measures the masses of the chargino X̃₁<sup>±</sup> and neutralinos X̃₁⁰ and X̃₂⁰ using the processes of e⁺e⁻→ X̃₁<sup>+</sup>X̃₁<sup>-</sup> → X̃₁⁰X̃₁⁰W⁺W⁻ and e⁺e⁻→ X̃₂⁰X̃₂⁰ → X̃₁⁰X₁⁰ZZ at the International Linear Collider. The detector simulation is based on the Silicon Detector (SiD) concept and an integrated luminosity of 500 fb⁻¹ is considered at the centre-of-mass energy of 500 GeV. A template-fitting method is employed to measure the chargino and neutralino masses, which results in uncertainties of 0.16 GeV, 0.5 GeV and 1.0 GeV for the mass of X̃₁⁰, X̃₁<sup>±</sup> and X̃₂⁰ respectively. A study on the ISIS2 sensor, a technology for the ILC vertex detector, is also presented. The characteristic of the sensors are studied for both its test structure and main array pixels. The operation conditions are optimized and the sensor successfully demonstrated its capabilities of in-situ charge storage and charge transfer. The charge transfer efficiency is measured to be better than 98%.

Development of a MALDI-Ion Mobility-Surface-Induced Dissociation-Time-of-flight-mass spectrometer for the analysis of peptides and proteins

Stone, Earle Gregory 30 September 2004 (has links)
Peptide sequencing by surface-induced dissociation (SID) on a MALDI-Ion Mobility-orthogonal-TOF mass spectrometer is demonstrated. The early version of the instrument used for proof-of-concept experiments achieves a mobility resolution of approximately 20 and TOF mass resolution better than 200. Peptide sequences of four peptides from a tryptic digest of cytochrome c (ca. 1 pmol deposited) were obtained. The advantage of IM-SID-o-TOFMS is that a single experiment can be used to simultaneously measure the molecular weights of the tryptic peptide fragments (peptide mass mapping) and partial sequence analysis, (real time tandem mass spectrometry.) Optimization of the MALDI-IM-SID-o-TOF mass spectrometer for peptide sequencing is discussed. SID spectra obtained by using stainless steel, Au grids, and fluorinated self-assembled monolayers (F-SAM) on Au are compared. Optimum collision energies differ for the various surfaces. The fragmentation patterns observed for a series of peptides and protein digests using the Nd:YAG laser (355 nm) for MALDI ion formation and an FSAM surface for ion activation is compared to the fragmentation patterns observed for CID and photodissociation. The fragmentation patterns observed in all cases are strikingly similar. Photodissociation produced a greater abundance of ions resulting from side-chain cleavages. As a general rule optimized SID spectra contain fewer immonium ions than either photodissociation or CID. Evaluation of an instrument incorporating a new hybrid drift cell is discussed. Spectra for a digest of hemoglobin is compared to that acquired with an ABI 4700 TOF-TOF. The performance of the instrument is also evaluated using a micro-crystal Nd:YAG laser (355 nm) for MALDI operated at 400 Hz. Experiments were performed to determine the sensitivity and overall performance of the instrument. The reproducibility of the MS/MS spectra for gramicidin S is shown to be 94% run-to-run. The best mobility resolution obtained for a neat deposition of the dye Crystal Violet was 60 t/∆t. Sensitivity was tested with the peptide fibrinopeptide A (m/z 1537, AA sequence ADSGEGDFLAEGGGVR). Data acquired for sixty seconds with approximately sixty femtomoles deposited. Abundant [M+H]+ ions where observed as well as [M+H]+-NH3 ions. The S/N for this short run was insufficient to identify any SID fragments

Development of a MALDI-Ion Mobility-Surface-Induced Dissociation-Time-of-flight-mass spectrometer for the analysis of peptides and proteins

Stone, Earle Gregory 30 September 2004 (has links)
Peptide sequencing by surface-induced dissociation (SID) on a MALDI-Ion Mobility-orthogonal-TOF mass spectrometer is demonstrated. The early version of the instrument used for proof-of-concept experiments achieves a mobility resolution of approximately 20 and TOF mass resolution better than 200. Peptide sequences of four peptides from a tryptic digest of cytochrome c (ca. 1 pmol deposited) were obtained. The advantage of IM-SID-o-TOFMS is that a single experiment can be used to simultaneously measure the molecular weights of the tryptic peptide fragments (peptide mass mapping) and partial sequence analysis, (real time tandem mass spectrometry.) Optimization of the MALDI-IM-SID-o-TOF mass spectrometer for peptide sequencing is discussed. SID spectra obtained by using stainless steel, Au grids, and fluorinated self-assembled monolayers (F-SAM) on Au are compared. Optimum collision energies differ for the various surfaces. The fragmentation patterns observed for a series of peptides and protein digests using the Nd:YAG laser (355 nm) for MALDI ion formation and an FSAM surface for ion activation is compared to the fragmentation patterns observed for CID and photodissociation. The fragmentation patterns observed in all cases are strikingly similar. Photodissociation produced a greater abundance of ions resulting from side-chain cleavages. As a general rule optimized SID spectra contain fewer immonium ions than either photodissociation or CID. Evaluation of an instrument incorporating a new hybrid drift cell is discussed. Spectra for a digest of hemoglobin is compared to that acquired with an ABI 4700 TOF-TOF. The performance of the instrument is also evaluated using a micro-crystal Nd:YAG laser (355 nm) for MALDI operated at 400 Hz. Experiments were performed to determine the sensitivity and overall performance of the instrument. The reproducibility of the MS/MS spectra for gramicidin S is shown to be 94% run-to-run. The best mobility resolution obtained for a neat deposition of the dye Crystal Violet was 60 t/∆t. Sensitivity was tested with the peptide fibrinopeptide A (m/z 1537, AA sequence ADSGEGDFLAEGGGVR). Data acquired for sixty seconds with approximately sixty femtomoles deposited. Abundant [M+H]+ ions where observed as well as [M+H]+-NH3 ions. The S/N for this short run was insufficient to identify any SID fragments

Flying Qualities Built-in-Test for Unmanned Aerial Systems

Chiu, Alton Pak-Hin 01 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This paper presents a flying qualities built-in-test for UAS application with the scope limited to the longitudinal axis. A doublet input waveform excites the AV and both α and q are used by EUDKF to estimate the A and B matrices which are short period approximations of the system. ζ, ω, GM, PM, observability, and controllability are calculated to determine flying qualities with the results displayed to the AVO in a color-coded, easy to interpret display. While SID algorithms have been flying in vehicles with adaptive control schemes, vehicles with other schemes (such as classical feedback) lack this built-in self assessment tool. In addition, adaptive control SID results are not analyzed and displayed but instead used internally. This work intends to extend this self-assessment option to all UASs regardless of control scheme as a “plug-and-play” add-on by building a reliable and robust tool that requires little tuning.


MARCO DE ALMEIDA FORNACIARI 11 November 2021 (has links)
[pt] Esta pesquisa se propõe a analisar as formas através das quais a franquia de videogames Sid Meier s Civilization (1991-) lida com a História. Trabalhando com referenciais do campo dos game studies em perspectiva interdisciplinar, tentei construir uma compreensão da História encontrada nos jogos, concentrada, principalmente, em permanências identificáveis ao longo de seus 30 anos de existência. Meus três principais objetivos foram: propor a compreensão dos jogos da franquia como histórias – isto é, como obras que apresentam teses acerca da experiência humana em perspectiva diacrônica; questionar abordagens que limitam a interpretação desses jogos à sua natureza enquanto obras especificamente estadunidenses; e posicioná-los como herdeiros de uma tradição de pensamento histórico que remonta pelo menos ao Iluminismo. / [en] This research aims to analyze the ways through which the Sid Meier s Civilization videogame franchise deals with History. Drawing from the field of game studies in an interdisciplinary manner, I have tried to build an understanding of the History found in the games, focusing mainly in constants found throughout it s 30 years of existence. My three main objectives were: to propose the understanding of the franchise s titles as histories – that is, as works that present theses about the human experience in diachronic perspective; to question approaches that limit the interpretation of these games to their nature as specifically U.S. American works; and to position them as heirs to a tradition of historical thinking that goes back at least to the Enlightenment.

Longitudinalstudie zur Erstellung polysomnographischer Referenzwerte für Kinder im ersten Lebensjahr unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Grundlagen, Methodik und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten der Polysomnographie (PSG) im Säuglingsalter

Erler, Thomas 03 December 2002 (has links)
Allen Eltern bzw. Müttern jedes dritten Neugeborenen wurde 1997 im Carl-Thiem-Klinikum Cottbus (größte Klinik im Land Brandenburg) das Angebot zur Teilnahme an einem longitudinalen Präventionsprogramm zur Vermeidung plötzlicher Säuglingstodesfälle gemacht. Dazu wurden 236 Fragebögen zur Erfassung von SID-Risiken ausgegeben, von denen 89 ausgewertet werden konnten. Nach dreimaliger kompletter Polysomnographie können im longitudinalen Verlauf des ersten Lebensjahres Referenzbereiche für Schlaflaborparameter in Altersabhängigkeit definiert werden. Für alle Einzelparameter polysomnographischer Untersuchungen an Säuglingen werden Referenzgraphiken dargestellt. Bei einem simultanen Anwendungsvergleich zwischen Thoraximpedanz und Induktionsplethysmographie zur Registrierung der Atmungsbewegungen bei Säuglingen konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Signalsicherheit beider Methoden keine signifikanten Unterschiede aufweist. Signifikante Zusammenhänge zwischen Säuglingen mit auffälligen Polysomnographien und dem Auftreten epidemiologisch gesicherter SID-Risikofaktoren (wie z.B. Bauchlage, Rauchen vor oder nach der Schwangerschaft u.a.) konnten nicht nachgewiesen werden. Allen Eltern die mit ihren Kindern an der Longitudinalstudie teilnahmen (72) wurde die kostenlose Anwendung eines Heimmonitors mit Event-Speicheroption angeboten. Die derzeit am Markt befindlichen Monitore mit Speicheroption ermöglichen eine bessere Artefakterkennung. In einer Parallelstudie mit 12 anämischen Säuglingen konnte gezeigt werden, dass der pathophysiologische Zusammenhang zwischen Anämie und Atmungsregulationsstörung polysomnographisch verifizierbar ist. Wenn es gelingt anämiebedingte Störungen von Vitalparametern objektiv darzustellen, kann die Indikation für eine nötige Bluttransfusion besser begründet werden. / In 1997 all parents of every third newborn were offered to join the longitudinal program for prevention of sudden infant death in Carl-Thiem-hospital (the biggest hospital in Brandenburg). Therefore 236 questionnaires were handed to record SID-risk factors, 89 of them were evaluated. After three complete polysomnographic examination of each child during the first year of life, we were able to define reference values for parameters referring to age. For every single parameter of a polysomnographic examination reference graphs are shown. The simultaneous use of thoracic impedance and inductive plethysmography to register breathing movements, did not show a significant difference between the two methods. Significant relationship between infants with pathologic polysomnographic parameters and the occurrence epidemiological proven SID-risk-factors (i.e. smoking before or after pregnancy, prone position) could not be shown. All parents, who joined with their children (72) the study were offered a home monitor free of costs. The available home monitor with the option of storing the events allow the recognition of artefacts. A parallel polysomnographic study in 12 anaemic infants showed the well-known pathophysiologic relation between anaemia and breathing disorders. In case of objectivation of disorders in vital parameters due to anaemia, the indication for necessary blood transfusion is justified.

Det är liv i burken : om 80-talsdatorn Commodore 64 och de glada amatörerna med en relation till den

Leijnse, Simon January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Det är liv i burken : om 80-talsdatorn Commodore 64 och de glada amatörerna med en relation till den

Leijnse, Simon January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Systemic RNAi Relies on the Endomembrane System in Caenorhabditis elegans

Zhao, Yani January 2017 (has links)
The membrane system of a eukaryotic cell is a large and complex system handling the transport, exchange and degradation of many kinds of material. Recent research shows that double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) mediated gene silencing (RNA interference) is a membrane related process. After long dsRNA is processed to small interfering RNA (siRNA) by Dicer, the guide strand and passenger strand are separated in the RNA induced silencing complex (RISC) by Argonaute. The process of loading siRNA into RISC has been suggested to occur at the rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (rER).The components of RISC also associate with late endosomes/multivesicular bodies (MVBs). Furthermore, disturbing the balance between late endosomes/MVBs and lysosomes has been shown to affect the efficiency of silencing. We use the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans as our model organism to study two questions: how does membrane transport affect RNAi and spreading of RNAi from the recipient cells to other tissues (systemic RNAi); and how does RNA transport contribute to the multigenerational silencing induced by dsRNA (RNAi inheritance)? Using SID-5, a protein required for efficient systemic RNAi, as bait in a yeast two-hybrid (Y2H) screen, we got 32 SID-5 interacting candidate proteins. Two of these are the SNARE protein SEC-22 and the putative RNA binding protein C12D8.1. In two additional Y2H screens, we found that SID-5 interacts with multiple syntaxin SNAREs, including SYX-6, whereas SEC-22 only interacts with SYX-6. SNAREs usually function in vesicle fusion processes. We found the two SNARE proteins SEC-22 and SYX-6 to be negative regulators of RNAi and to localize to late endosomes/MVBs. In addition, loss of sid-5 leads to an endosome maturation defect. Finally, we found that the putative RNA binding protein C12D8.1 negatively regulates RNAi inheritance and that C12D8.1 mutant animals show impaired RNAi upon targeting a new gene. Taken together, the results presented in this thesis provide us with more evidence for the connection of the membrane transport system and RNAi. The identification of a putative negative regulator of RNAi inheritance further enriches this research field.

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