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SIS och Info Ops : varför finns det vissa likheter?Ferneborg, Daniel January 2009 (has links)
Denna uppsats är en jämförelse mellan den verksamhet som Statens Informationsstyrelse (SIS) bedrev under andra världskriget och den verksamhet som idag bedrivs inom ramen för Informationsoperationer (Info Ops). Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka om likheterna mellan SIS och Info Ops har en koppling till konfliktens (krigets) natur. Huvudfrågorna i uppsatsen är: Vilka likheter finns mellan den statliga informationsverksamheten som bedrevs av Statens Informationsstyrelse under andra världskriget och den verksamhet som idag bedrivs inom ramen för informationsoperationer? Kan likheterna kopplas till konfliktens (krigets) natur och i så fall hur? För att besvara mina frågor har jag använt mig av följande tillvägagångssätt: För min inledande del av uppsatsen har jag valt Deskription. Metodiken jag använt är arkiv- och litteraturstudier, vilket vanligen och även i mitt fall föregåtts av en litteratursökning. För den avslutande delen av uppsatsen har jag använt mig av komparation i syfte att finna likheter mellan SIS och Info Ops. För min slutledning har jag använt mig av deduktion. Det centrala i likheterna mellan SIS och Info Ops är att båda använde/använder data och information för att påverka ett agerande hos människor. Genom att påverka agerandet hos människorna i konflikten (kriget), kan man påverka utgången av konflikten (kriget).
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Slaugos studentų klinikinio mokymo(si) aplinka ir profesionaliosios slaugos mokymo(si) modelis universiteto ligoninėje / Evaluation of clinical learning environment for nursing students and teaching/learning model of professional nursing at university hospitalNalivaikienė, Regina 11 July 2014 (has links)
R. Nalivaikienė. Slaugos studentų klinikinio mokymo(si) aplinka ir profesionaliosios slaugos mokymo(si) modelis universiteto ligoninėje. Darbo vadovė doc. O. Riklikienė; Lietuvos Sveikatos mokslų Universitetas; Slaugos fakultetas, Slaugos ir rūpybos katedra. Kaunas, 2014, – 91 p.
Raktažodžiai: praktikos mokytojas, praktinis mokymas(sis), slaugos studentai, klinikinio mokymosi aplinka.
Slaugos studento praktinio mokymo(si) tikslų pasiekimas didele dalimi priklausys nuo praktikos mokytojo požiūrio į mokymą, nuo įstaigos, kaip mokymo bazės, pasirengimo mokyti bei vertinti studento laimėjimus ir nuo įstaigoje sudarytų mokymo(si) sąlygų.
Darbo tikslas – ištirti slaugos studentų klinikinio mokymo(si) aplinką ir profesionaliosios slaugos mokymo(si) modelį universiteto ligoninėje.
Tyrimo uždaviniai:
1. Ištirti slaugos studentų klinikinio mokymo(si) aplinką universiteto ligoninėje.
2. Įvertinti slaugos studentų ir jų praktikos mokytojų santykius klinikinio mokymo(si) metu bei studentų pasitenkinimą atlikta praktika.
3. Įvertinti profesionaliosios slaugos mokymo(si) modelį, atsižvelgiant į studentų nuomonę.
Tyrimo metodika. Tyrime dalyvavo Vilniaus universiteto, Vilniaus kolegijos ir Utenos kolegijos sveikatos priežiūros fakulteto I-IV kurso slaugos studentai, atliekantys klinikinę slaugos praktiką Vilniaus universiteto ligoninės Santariškių klinikų Šeimos medicinos centre, terapinio ir chirurginio profilio skyriuose. Tyrimo metodas – anketinė apklausa, kuri vyko 2012 m. sausio – 201... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / R.Nalivaikiene. Evaluation of clinical learning environment for nursing students and teaching/learning model of professional nursing at university hospital. Supervisor Assoc.
Prof. O. Riklikiene, Departament of Nursing and Care, Faculty of Nursing, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences. – Kaunas, 2014, – P.91.
Keywords: mentor, clinical teaching and learning, nursing studens, clinical learning enviroment.
The achievement of nursing studedent's learning outcomes will depends largerly on the mentor's approach to student's teaching, also on institution of practical placement and its preparation to teach and assess the student, and on clinical learning environment.
The purpose of this study was to investigate clinical learning environment for nursing student's and teaching/ learning model of professional nursing at university hospital.
The aims were:
1. To explore the clinical learning environment for students at university hospital.
2. To evaluate the relationship between nursing students and their mentors during clinical learning and assess student's satisfaction with practical placement.
3. To examine the teaching and learning model of professional nursing at university hospital from the students perspective.
Material and methods. Nursing students (from first to fourth year) from Vilnius University, Vilnius College and Utena College that have had their practical placement at Family medical center, surgery and internal diseases units. The anonymous survey was organised... [to full text]
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Hydrodynamic Assessment of a Porcine Small Intestinal Sub-Mucosa Bioscaffold Valve for Pediatric Mitral Valve ReplacementMankame, Omkar V 06 July 2017 (has links)
Valve replacement for critical heart valve diseases is in many cases not an option. Our clinical experience in pediatric compassionate care has shown robust function of porcine small intestinal submucosa (PSIS) valves. We assessed functional effectiveness of 4ply (~320µm) and 2ply (~166µm) PSIS mitral valves under pediatric-relevant hemodynamic pulsatile conditions. Key conclusions: (i)PSIS valves demonstrated statistically similar acute functionality in comparison to a commercially available valve. (ii)Energy losses were similar (p>0.05) under pediatric conditions which was not the case under adult aortic conditions. (iii)2ply valves were observed to be superior to 4ply, based on the robust hydrodynamic data, the mechanical properties suitable for pediatric applications and de-novo tissue replacement potential with less demand on the body. Demonstrating somatic growth, valve tissue filling matching PSIS degradation and PSIS-valve fatigue assessment are critical endeavors that need to be carried out to ensure mid to long term function of these bioscaffold mitral valves.
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Saúde nas fronteiras: análise quantitativa e qualitativa da clientela do Centro Materno Infantil de Foz do Iguaçu / Saúde nas fronteiras: análise quantitativa e qualitativa da clientela do Centro Materno Infantil de Foz do IguaçuMELLO, Fabio de 04 December 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-12-04 / A saúde na fronteira é uma das áreas da Saúde Pública que impactam na consolidação do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). O MERCOSUL, apesar do intento de alinhar a circulação de pessoas, serviços e bens de consumo entre os países sul-americanos, não prevê nenhuma articulação para resolução das situações adversas de saúde. O governo do Brasil, na tentativa de racionalizar a oferta de serviço de saúde e otimizar a infraestrutura instalada para cobertura dos brasileiros que moram no exterior em zona de fronteira, criou em 2006 o SIS-Fronteiras. Foz do Iguaçu participa desse sistema e instalou o Centro Materno Infantil (CMI) com intuito de atender as gestantes brasileiras oriundas da tríplice fronteira. Essa população flutuante é o tema principal do presente trabalho. Objetivando analisar as características do serviço de saúde oferecido pelo CMI e comparar o perfil das usuárias gestantes brasileiras moradoras do Paraguai com as gestantes residentes no Brasil, foram utilizadas abordagens quantitativa e qualitativa em distintas fases do estudo. Estas estão divididas em três componentes: revisão da literatura e documentação referentes à saúde na fronteira; análise dos dados das gestantes do CMI e do SINASC de Foz do Iguaçu; e entrevistas semiestruturadas com gestantes e informantes-chave brasileiros e paraguaios. Os principais achados deste estudo podem ser assim resumidos. O CMI é de fato utilizado pelas gestantes brasileiras que vivem no Paraguai. Seu comportamento frente ao processo de pré-natal, parto e puerpério depende de fatores relacionados à distância e aos gastos com o deslocamento para a utilização do serviço brasileiro. A falta de conhecimento sobre o acesso aos serviços de referência materno-infantil e sobre os direitos e deveres de gestantes, profissionais e gestores de saúde dentro do SUS também são nítidos e preocupantes, e envolvem todos esses atores. Os presentes achados podem contribuir para a proposição de ações efetivas como modelo estrutural em relação à saúde materno-infantil nas zonas de fronteira do Brasil com o MERCOSUL.
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The Archaeopalynology of Crystal River Site (8CI1), Citrus County, FloridaJackson, Kendal 20 October 2016 (has links)
The Woodland-period (ca. 1000 B.C. to A.D. 1050) fisher-hunter-gatherers of the Crystal River drainage on Florida’s Big Bend Coast are well known among southeastern archaeologists for their elaborate shell mound architecture, maritime lifeway, and exotic exchange goods. Recent archaeological investigations at the Crystal River site have employed high-resolution topographic mapping, geophysical surveys, trench excavations, and coring to model the temporality of mound construction and occupation at the site; this work has set the stage for subsequent research focusing on community structure, resource extraction, and human-ecosystem dynamics. However, like many central and north peninsular Gulf Coast sites, our understanding of Crystal River lacks robust environmental context. Various geologists and archaeologists have proposed that several major sea-level oscillations transpired during the late Holocene at scales that would have heavily impacted coastal habitation; however, the paleoenvironmental reconstructions available for the Gulf Coast disagree dramatically about the timing, extent, and general pattern of sea-level history, which discourages the use of non-localized (or averaged) reconstructions for archaeological interpretation. This study investigates palynological remains recovered from midden and wetland core samples taken at Crystal River site to provide a record of vegetation response to both externally driven environmental changes (i.e. sea-level and climate flux) and anthropogenic landscape alterations throughout the first millennium A.D. Results show that stratified midden deposits and wetland soils at Crystal River site contain intact fossil pollen assemblages that span the site’s occupational history and extend into pre- and post-abandonment periods. The pollen data suggest that local communities experienced substantial environmental changes that reorganized the composition and geographic distribution of coastal ecosystems. These transformations align well with broadly recognized climatic episodes (i.e. the Roman Warm Period, Vandal Minimum, and Medieval Warm Period). In contrast, the Crystal River drainage experienced a unique pattern of sea-level flux that does not approximate oft-cited sea-level records developed elsewhere on Florida’s Gulf Coast, or the averaged sea-level curves for the Gulf Coast. Additionally, the microbotanical remains preserved within midden soils at Crystal River site may speak to the roles of particular plants as subsistence, technological, medicinal, and/or ceremonial resources.
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Salivary gland neoplasms : studies on the cytoskeleton, the secretory apparatus and the nuclear DNA contentGustafsson, Hans January 1986 (has links)
The heterogeneity of salivary gland neoplasms have made classification and prognostication of these tumours sometimes difficult, and the introduction of techniques, such as enzyme and carbohydrate histochemistry and electron microscopy have only to a certain extent increased our knowledge in these respects. In the present study immunohistochemical methods have been used to identify intermediate filament proteins (IFP) in normal fetal and adult parotid glands, as well as in salivary neoplasms. The intermediate filaments (IF) make up the cytoskeleton in eucaryotic cells. Epithelial tissue contains IF composed of different cytokeratins (CK 1-19) whilst mesenchymal tissue generally contains IF composed of vimentin, and the IFP pattern is very stable even during cell transformation. It would thus be possible to further clarify the histogenesis of salivary neoplasms by identifying IFP, in addition the IFP pattern would probably be useful in tumour typing. Furthermore, ultrastructural cytochemical studies, microspectorphotometry on nuclear DNA as well as enzyme secretory studies of certain tumour types were carried out, in order to further characterize the biology of salivary neoplasms. The immunohistochemical investigations showed that in normal parotid tissue, the different cell types differed in IFP expression: acinar cells express mainly CK 18 and myoepithelial cells mainly CK 17 and 19, whilst duct cells contained a broad range of CK. Vimentin could in addition to CK be detected in myoepithelial cells and basal cells of excretory ducts. Fetal parotid cells showed a similar CK pattern as mature duct cells. In addition, vimentin could be found in some basal cells of the terminal tubules of the fetal glands. Salivary neoplasms could be divided into three types with regard to their IFP pattern: Acinic cell carcinomas showed a CK-pattern similar to normal acinar cells but a co-expression of CK and vimentin was present in some cells. Adenoid cystic carcinomas, mixed tumours and basal cell adenomas showed a CK-pattern of normal duct or myoepithelial cells. The peripheral cells were also vimentin positive. 3. Mucoepidermoid carcinomas and adenocarcinomas had a similar CK-pattern as duct cells, and no tumour cells contained vimentin. This indicates that typing of IFP may be useful for subgrouping of salivary neoplasms. By stereological measurements, the cells of acinic cell carcinomas were found to be very similar to normal parotid acinar cells. Furthermore, they contained amylase and after stimulation by norepiphrine a secretory response was induced, with a rise in intracellular cAMP as well as a release of amylase. By single cell measurements of nuclear DNA content, no difference was found between acinic cell carcinomas with definite metastasis and those without recurrence, both in paraffin sections and cytological smears. / digitalisering@umu.se
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Collaboration - A policy analysis study. : A policy study of the Swedish National Board of Institutional Care agency's Leadership and Employeeship policy documents with focus on collaboration.Njiru Eriksson, Christine January 2024 (has links)
This policy analysis study focuses on the leadership and employeeship policy documents that are in use within The Swedish National Board for Institutional Care agency. In order to conduct this policy analysis, the What's the problem represented to be approach (referred to as the WPR approach) based on a poststructuralist perspective is applied. This policy analysis sets out to examine how collaboration is represented in the leadership and employeeship policy documents, to analyse the presuppositions that arise from the analysis and to explore the measures that can be implemented in order to address collaboration. It results in illustrating how collaboration is represented as a problem in the policy documents. It brings to the fore presuppositions that arise from this representation and also generates new ideas on alternative ways to present and implement collaboration. This concurs with this study's preset that collaboration is in need of elaboration and improvement within the agency's departments.
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Socialsekreterares och behandlingssekreterares uppfattning gällande om ungdomars behov kan tillgodoses på SiS-hem : En kvalitativ fallstudie med fokus på BBIC som metod. / Social secretaries and treatment secretaries’ perceptions of whether young people's needs can be accommodated at SiS homes : A qualitative case study with a focus on BBIC as a method.Vikman, Andréa, Hansson, Annelie January 2024 (has links)
Studien syftar till att undersöka om socialsekreterare och behandlingssekreterare upplever att ungdomar som placeras på Statens institutionsstyrelse [SiS] kan få sina behov tillgodosedda enligt den evidensbaserade metoden BBIC. Studien berör även vad socialsekreterare och behandlingssekreterare har för upplevelse om användningen att arbeta utifrån standardiserade utredningsmetoder och praktiksbaserade kunskaper. Utifrån ett stort bortfall kommer studien även att undersöka barn och ungdomars egna erfarenheter av att vara placerade på SiS-hem utifrån två rapporter från SiS. Studien bygger på en kvalitativ ansats, kombinerat som en fallstudie. För att bearbeta och analysera det empiriska materialet har en tematisk analys använts. Studien har sin teoretiska utgångspunkt i evidensbaserad praktik vilket är uppdelad i specifika faktorer och allmänna faktorer utifrån dodobird-effekten. Insamling av data till empirin består av kvalitativa interjvuer med två socialsekreterare och en behandlingssekreterare från olika kommuner i Sverige samt två SiS-rapporter. Huvudresultatet visade att det ör svårt att erbjuda rätt insats och ge rätt resurser till denna grupp i samhället på grund av ett begränsat urval av insatser och begränsade resurser. Detta är med hänsyn till flera olika faktorer så som lagstifningen, samverkan, arbetskraft samt en ansträngd relation till viktiga aktörer i ungdomars liv. I en verksamhet som SiS blir det därför svårt att kunna tillgodose barn och ungas behov i samtliga områden utifrån de behov som BBIC anser krävs för barns välstånd.
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The development of self-interference of split HOLZ (SIS-HOLZ) lines for measuring z-dependent atomic displacement in crystalsNorouzpour, Mana 01 May 2017 (has links)
Measuring atomic displacement inside crystals has been an important field of interest for decades especially in semiconductor industry for its effect on the crystal structure and symmetry, subsequently on the bandgap structure. There are three different image based, diffraction based, and electron holography based techniques using transmission electron microscope (TEM). These methods enable measuring atomic displacement inside specimen. However, among all TEM techniques offering nano-scale resolution measurements, convergent beam electron diffraction (CBED) patterns show the highest sensitivity to the atomic displacement. Higher order Laue zone (HOLZ) lines split by small variations of lattice constant allowing the atomic displacement measurement through the crystal. However it is a cumbersome measurement and it can only reveal the atomic displacement in two dimensions. Therefore, the atomic displacement information at each depth through the specimen thickness is still missing. This information can be obtained by recovering the phase information across the split HOLZ line. The phase profile across the split HOLZ line can be retrieved by the electron interferometry method. The phase of the diffracted beam is the required information to reconstruct the atomic displacement profile through the specimen thickness. In this work, we first propose a novel technique of self-interference of split HOLZ line based on the diffracted beam interferometry which recovers the phase information across the split HOLZ line. The experimental details of the technique have been examined to report the parameters in order to implement the method. Regarding the novelty of the technique and the lack of the of a reference phase profile to discuss the results, phase profile simulation was a main contribution. For simulating the phase profile across the split HOLZ line the Howie-Whelan formula supporting the kinematical theory of diffraction is used. Accordingly, the analytical approach to simulate the phase profiles across the split HOLZ line for three various suggested atomic displacements are studied. Also, the effect of some parameters such as the atomic displacement amplitude, the specimen thickness, and the g reflection is investigated on the phase profile. This study leads to an equation used for fitting the experimental results with the simulated phase profile. Consequently, self-interference of split HOLZ line (SIS-HOLZ) is studied as a method of reconstructing the phase profile across the split HOLZ line which carries the information of atomic displacement through the specimen thickness. / Graduate / 0548 / 0794 / mananrp@uvic.ca
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Návrh projektu vytvoření nové služby s využitím projektového managementu / The Design of the Project Creation New Service with Using of Project ManagementČačková, Veronika January 2016 (has links)
Master thesis describes the design of the project of a new service creation for the com-pany, which is engaged in offering services through active telemarketing. The method-ology of project management is used in the thesis.
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