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I begränsningslandet mellan skydd och förenkling : Om vuxnas syn på barn inom So-ämnets diskursiva praktikerSundbäck, Sandra January 2016 (has links)
In Swedish primary school, the subjects geography, history, social studies or citizenship education and religion are integrated and known as one school subject called civic orientation. Through history, the civic orientation is characterized as a subject with a strong role to bring up a specific form of citizen. In civic orientation, there is mandatory content which the teacher must relate to. The mandatory content is based on certain views of children’s abilities and needs and thus sets the framework which either enables or limits the children. But the teacher also has the freedom to add content based on his/her own personal view of children’s needs and interests, and at the same time the curriculum also leaves room for interpretations. The purpose of this study is to analyze how the child in primary school is described, or what representations of the child are dominating in the civic orientation curricula. Furthermore, the aim of this study is to compare these representations to what three different teachers express when they motivate their didactic choices in civic orientation. The purpose of the comparison is to see whether the teachers are maintaining or questioning these representations of the child when they relate to the content expressed in the civic orientation curricula. The result shows that the content of the curricula is based on ideas that the child is socially and cognitively immature and therefore in need of simplification and protection. The teachers contribute to both questioning and maintaining these ideas, but their statements also reflect structural conditions of the school.
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\"Aplicação de marcadores orgânicos moleculares em estudos oceanográficos e paleoceanográficos: estudo de caso na Margem Continental Superior do Sudeste do Brasil\" / Molecular Organic Markers Application in Oceanographic and Paleoceanographic Studies: Case study at the Southeastern Brazilian Continental MarginLourenço, Rafael André 29 June 2007 (has links)
Eventos climáticos ocorridos no planeta deixam registros no ambiente, com os quais é possível realizar reconstruções das condições ambientais. No oceano, o destino de grande parte da matéria orgânica é o sedimento; assim o estudo de colunas sedimentares preservadas, testemunhos, fornece um registro de informações sobre os processos biológicos, geológicos e químicos ocorridos no passado e de como esses processos responderam às mudanças ambientais. No presente trabalho foram analisados sedimentos superficiais marinhos ao longo da margem continental superior do Sudeste do Brasil de forma a validar a utilização de marcadores geoquímicos orgânicos na região e foi analisado um testemunho cuja base aponta para 35.000 anos e que engloba importantes eventos climáticos ocorridos no planeta: eventos Heinrich 3, 2 e 1, o Último Máximo Glacial e o evento Younger Dryas, de forma a realizar uma reconstrução paleoceanográfica desse período. Os resultados dos marcadores orgânicos moleculares nas amostras superficiais, quando comparados com outros trabalhos realizados na região, mostraram que os marcadores respondem corretamente aos processos sedimentares na margem continental do Sudeste do Brasil e que a utilização de alquenonas como indicadores de temperatura superficial marinha na região é válida. A análise do testemunho permitiu correlacionar as variações de temperatura da água superficial do mar e variações do nível do mar com o fluxo de material terrígeno para o meio marinho nos últimos 35.000 anos, além de identificar os eventos climáticos citados e verificar a influência desses eventos para a região da margem continental superior do Sudeste do Brasil. Os resultados mostraram uma variação de temperatura superficial marinha de até 4°C entre o Último Máximo Glacial e o Holoceno e mostraram que, para a região, não ocorreu a anti-fase térmica entre o Atlântico Norte e o Atlântico Sul citada em diversos trabalhos realizados no Atlântico Sul, durante os eventos climáticos citados. / Climatic changes produce environmental signatures with which it is possible to reconstruct past environmental conditions. In the ocean, the fate of most of the organic matter is the marine sediment. Sediment core analyses reveal a unique reservoir of biological, chemical and geological information about past processes and how they responded to the environmental changes. In the present work, marine surface sediments from the Southeastern Brazilian Continental Margin were analyzed to verify the efficiency of organic geochemical markers in this area. Sediment core from the Southeastern Brazilian upper slope were also analyzed to carry out a paleoceanographic reconstruction. The core covers a time period of 35,000 years, where important climatic changes occurred, such as the Heinrich events 3, 2 and 1, the LGM, and the Younger Dryas events. Surface sediment results for geochemical markers were comparable with other works developed in the area, efficiently describing the processes that occur there. The alkenone based SST was also comparable with observations from multinational programs, being valid for this area. The core analyses showed correlations between SST and sea level variations with changes in terrestrial organic matter flow to the ocean over the last 35,000 years, allowed the identification of previously mentioned climatic events and the verification of the influence of these events on the Southeastern Brazilian Continental Shelf. Results showed that the SST varied up to 4.5°C between the LGM and the Holocene indicating that at this region a thermal antiphasing between southern and northern Atlantic Ocean SST during the last 35,000 years did not occur.
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Diversity of annelids in organic substrates in the deep Southwest Atlantic Ocean / Diversidade de anelídeos em substratos orgânicos no Atlântico Sudoeste profundoShimabukuro, Mauricio 27 July 2018 (has links)
This thesis aims to characterize the annelid diversity of whale bones implanted in the SW Atlantic at two different depths (1500 and 3300 m) and its relation with other whale falls and chemosynthetic environments. The first chapter presents a general introduction with a brief review on whale-fall composition and its importance to the deep-sea ecosystem. Chapter 1 also exhibits the distribution of annelid families showing that assemblages are probably under the control of oceanographic processes, such as water masses characteristics and direction of flow. The diversity of the most important whale fall specialist, Osedax, is explored in chapter 2. The distribution of Osedax species on the studied depths reinforces the importance of oceanographic processes for community structure. In this chapter we also compare Atlantic and Pacific populations of Osedax frankpressi. Interestingly, the family Capitellidae was the most abundant annelid in whale bones and, for this reason, the diversity of Capitella is evaluated in chapter 3, the only capitellid genus found in whale falls. The phylogenetic relationships of shallow-water and deep-sea Capitella are present in chapter 3, providing insights for the invasion and diversification of this genus in the deep-sea environment. In Chapter 4, the diversity and phylogeny of Sirsoe and Vrijenhoekia is investigated. The phylogenic analysis of both genera indicates the inclusion of Vrijenhoekia inside Sirsoe. Ten new Sirsoe species were found, some of them cryptic and some shared between Atlantic and Pacific whale falls. Only one new species was previously found in vents. Finally, chapter 5 highlights the contribution of this thesis to the knowledge of whale fall diversity, suggesting important issues for future studies. / Esta tese tem como objetivo caracterizar a diversidade de anelídeos de ossos de baleia implantados no Atlântico Sudoeste em duas profundidades diferentes (1500 e 3300 m), e a relação com outras carcaças de baleia e ambientes quimiossintetizantes. O primeiro capítulo apresenta uma introdução geral com uma breve revisão sobre a composição da fauna e sua importância ecológica para o ecossistema de mar profundo. O capítulo 1 também mostra a distribuição das famílias de anelídeos evidenciando que as assembleias provavelmente estão sob influência dos processos oceanográficos, tais como as características das massas d\'águas e seu fluxo direcional. A diversidade do especialista de carcaça, Osedax, é abordado no capítulo 2. A distribuição das espécies de Osedax nas profundidades estudadas reforçam a importância dos processos oceanográficos na estrutura da comunidade. Neste capítulo nós também comparamos as populações do Atlântico e do Pacífico de Osedax frankpressi. Surpreendentemente, a família Capitellidae foi o anelídeo mais abundante nos ossos de baleia, e por esta razão, a diversidade de Capitella, o único gênero de capitelídeo encontrado nas carcaças, é avaliada no capítulo 3. As relações filogenéticas entre Capitella de águas rasas e de mar profundo são apresentadas no capítulo 3, gerando percepções sobre a invasão e diversificação do gênero no mar profundo. No capítulo 4, a diversidade e filogenia de Sirsoe e Vrijenhoekia são investigadas, evidenciando a inclusão de Vrijenhoekia dentro de Sirsoe. Dez novas espécies de Sirsoe foram descritas, algumas delas crípticas e outras compartilhadas entre as carcaças de baleia do Atlântico e do Pacífico. Apenas uma espécie nova foi previamente registrada em fontes hidrotermais. Por último, o capítulo 5 ressalta a contribuição desta tese para o conhecimento da diversidade de carcaças de baleia, sugerindo questões importantes para futuros estudos.
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Pratiques de Soi et Performance de Genre : la construction des sujets politiques entre Pouvoir et Autonomie. Une lecture croisée de Michel Foucault et Judith ButlerSanna, Maria Eleonora 03 July 2006 (has links) (PDF)
On ne naît pas un sujet autonome, on le devient. Et, selon Foucault, on le devient à partir de l'invention d'une « éthique du souci de soi » sur la base de laquelle le soi s'engage dans la résistance aux formes de l'assujettissement et dans la production de formes originales de relations de pouvoir. Mais qui, quand, comment et à quelles conditions devient un sujet autonome ? Mobiliser la « performance de genre » pour répondre à cette question signifie problématiser la conceptualisation binaire et «occidentale» du genre, ainsi que mettre en cause les usages de cette conceptualisation. Mais si, comme l'écrit Butler, « l'acte de discours » opposé à la norme de genre est un acte « individuel » et « localisé » , comment peut-on politiser la parodie subjective du genre de manière à produire une action collective, subversive et inédite?
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Religious hybridity in Jessica Hagedorn's Dogeaters and Ana Castillo's So far from GodNevárez, Arturo 26 July 2011 (has links)
This master’s report presents an examination of hybridic religious practices, ritual and iconography as depicted in Jessica Hagedorn's Dogeaters and Ana Castillo's So far from God. In particular, it treats the role of religious hybridity--the imbrication of folkloric, indigenous and secular traditions with orthodox Catholicism--as an important source of cultural, political and social resistance within postcolonial Chicana/o and Filipino communities that are still dealing with, or attempting to escape their colonial pasts. / text
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Spéciation du technétium en milieu acide : effet des rayonnements αDenden, Ibtihel 18 October 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Ce projet s'inscrit dans le cadre d'une étude fondamentale sur la spéciation du technétium en milieu fortement acide. Le comportement de Tc(VII) en milieu HTFMS a été étudié en absence et en présence d'irradiation α. Dans ces deux conditions différentes, les résultats spectrophotométriques de réduction de Tc (VII) obtenus pour les mélanges HTFMS-xH₂O sont similaires. L'analyse par SAX indique la formation d'un dimère cyclique de Tc(IV) complexé aux ligands triflates et formulé Tc₂O₂(CF₃SO₃)₄(H₂O)₄. Ce composé est linéarisé en TcIV-O-TcIV quand la concentration de HTFMS augmente. Dans HTFMS à +98% (CHTFMS=11,15 M), le Tc(VII) protoné, de formule TcO₃(OH)(H₂O)₂, stabilisé en absence de rayonnements ionisants externes est réduit en Tc(V) sous irradiation α. La caractérisation structurale par la spectroscopie EXAFS sur la base des calculs DFT suggère la formation d'un complexe monomère de Tc(V) avec les ligands triflates. Les deux composés [OTc(F₃CSO₃)₂(H₂O)₂]⁺ et [OTc(F₃CSO₃)₂(OH)₂]⁻ ont été proposées. En milieu H₂SO₄ concentré (CH₂SO₄ ≥ 12 M), des expériences de radiolyse α de Tc(VII) ont été menées afin de pouvoir comparer le comportement radiolytique de Tc(VII) dans les deux milieux apparentés HTFMS et H₂SO₄. Les études XANES montrent que la réduction radiolytique de Tc(VII) contribue à la formation d'un mélange de Tc(V) et Tc(VII) dans H₂SO₄ 13 M et à Tc(V) à 18 M en H₂SO₄. L'analyse des spectres EXAFS indique la formation de complexes monomères [TcO(HSO₄)₃(H₂O)₂] et [TcO(HSO₄)₃(H₂O)(OH)]⁻ en milieu H₂SO₄ 13 M et des espèces [Tc(HSO₄)₃(SO₄)(H₂O)] et [Tc(HSO₄)₃(SO₄)(OH)]⁻.
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Spectral opportunity analysis of the terrestrial television frequency bands in South Africa / M. Ferreira.Ferreira, Melvin January 2013 (has links)
The sharing of the terrestrial TV frequency spectrum with Secondary Users (SUs) is presently the focus point of numerous research efforts worldwide. In many regulatory domains, contiguous blocks of VHF and UHF spectrum are available for exclusive use by the terrestrial TV broadcasting incumbents. However, this notion is currently challenged by the spectrum management paradigm of Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA), advocating that this spectrum may be shared on a dynamic basis with SUs.
The migration of analogue terrestrial TV to Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) has also catalysed the notion that the terrestrial TV frequency spectrum will no longer be exclusively used for terrestrial broadcasting. Some administrations have already embraced this technology, reforming spectrum policy to allow unlicensed secondary access to the Spectral Opportunities (SOs) present in the terrestrial TV frequency bands. The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) has expressed early interest in the possibilities of TV white space technology and its possible utility in exploiting the SOs that exist in the terrestrial TV frequency bands.
Core to the issues mentioned above is the quantification of the Spectral Opportunity (SO) available. To this end, the work presented in this thesis gives a quantified estimate of the SO available in South Africa. This work is the first of its kind for the South African environment and uncovers new knowledge regarding SO in South Africa.
SO is analysed and quantified on provincial and national level for three discrete points in time: before the start of dual-illumination, during dual illumination and after analogue switch-off.
A system model that is able to produce the required geo-referenced field strength coverage and SO maps is conceptualised and implemented. A complete standards compliant model is implemented from scratch, verified and validated, with design decisions specific to the South African context. The analysis methodology is developed with rigour. The construction of the TV transmitter database, definition of incumbent protection criteria and development of the required analysis metrics to quantify SO are presented.
SO in the VHF and UHF terrestrial TV frequency bands is quantified by expressing SO in terms of the number of available channels, weighted respectively by land area and population density. The analysis results indicate that significant SO is available for exploitation by TV white space devices in the terrestrial TV spectrum in South Africa.
The effects of radio astronomy advantage areas on the SO available are also investigated. The probability of finding contiguous channels in the Very High Frequency (VHF) and Ultra High Frequency (UHF) bands is also quantified. A comparative study, comparing the SO for South Africa with related work in Europe and the United States of America (USA), is also performed. Finally, maps that visualise the SO available are constructed for the three discrete time periods evaluated. / Thesis (PhD (Computer Engineering))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013
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Spectral opportunity analysis of the terrestrial television frequency bands in South Africa / M. Ferreira.Ferreira, Melvin January 2013 (has links)
The sharing of the terrestrial TV frequency spectrum with Secondary Users (SUs) is presently the focus point of numerous research efforts worldwide. In many regulatory domains, contiguous blocks of VHF and UHF spectrum are available for exclusive use by the terrestrial TV broadcasting incumbents. However, this notion is currently challenged by the spectrum management paradigm of Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA), advocating that this spectrum may be shared on a dynamic basis with SUs.
The migration of analogue terrestrial TV to Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) has also catalysed the notion that the terrestrial TV frequency spectrum will no longer be exclusively used for terrestrial broadcasting. Some administrations have already embraced this technology, reforming spectrum policy to allow unlicensed secondary access to the Spectral Opportunities (SOs) present in the terrestrial TV frequency bands. The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) has expressed early interest in the possibilities of TV white space technology and its possible utility in exploiting the SOs that exist in the terrestrial TV frequency bands.
Core to the issues mentioned above is the quantification of the Spectral Opportunity (SO) available. To this end, the work presented in this thesis gives a quantified estimate of the SO available in South Africa. This work is the first of its kind for the South African environment and uncovers new knowledge regarding SO in South Africa.
SO is analysed and quantified on provincial and national level for three discrete points in time: before the start of dual-illumination, during dual illumination and after analogue switch-off.
A system model that is able to produce the required geo-referenced field strength coverage and SO maps is conceptualised and implemented. A complete standards compliant model is implemented from scratch, verified and validated, with design decisions specific to the South African context. The analysis methodology is developed with rigour. The construction of the TV transmitter database, definition of incumbent protection criteria and development of the required analysis metrics to quantify SO are presented.
SO in the VHF and UHF terrestrial TV frequency bands is quantified by expressing SO in terms of the number of available channels, weighted respectively by land area and population density. The analysis results indicate that significant SO is available for exploitation by TV white space devices in the terrestrial TV spectrum in South Africa.
The effects of radio astronomy advantage areas on the SO available are also investigated. The probability of finding contiguous channels in the Very High Frequency (VHF) and Ultra High Frequency (UHF) bands is also quantified. A comparative study, comparing the SO for South Africa with related work in Europe and the United States of America (USA), is also performed. Finally, maps that visualise the SO available are constructed for the three discrete time periods evaluated. / Thesis (PhD (Computer Engineering))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013
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A review of sale of flats to sitting tenants scheme in Hong Kong /Chan, Chun-sing. January 1996 (has links)
Thesis (M. Hous. M.)--University of Hong Kong, 1997. / Includes bibliographical references (leaf 105-108).
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A review of sale of flats to sitting tenants scheme in Hong KongChan, Chun-sing. January 1996 (has links)
Thesis (M.Hous.M.)--University of Hong Kong, 1997. / Includes bibliographical references (leaf 105-108) Also available in print.
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