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Hydrolytic and Nonhydrolytic Sol-gel Zirconia-, Titania-, and Niobia-based Capillary Microextraction Coatings for the Preconcentration and HPLC Analysis of Catecholamine Neurotransmitters and Phosphorylated PeptidesAlhendal, Abdullah Awadh 16 November 2016 (has links)
Sample preparation is the most error-prone step in chemical analysis. A great deal of efforts has been made to develop efficient techniques and protocols for sample preparation to accomplish important goals such as miniaturization and implementation of green analytical methodologies. Solid-phase microextraction (SPME) has successfully eliminated the use of hazardous organic solvents in extraction sampling, sample preparation, preconcentration and sample introduction to the analytical instrument in an effective manner. Ensuring thermal- and solvent-instability of traditional SPME extraction phases represented one of their main drawbacks. This was solved by the introduction of sol-gel SPME phases characterized by enhanced thermal-, solvent-, and stability over a wide pH range. Sol-gel SPME phases (sorbents) facilitated excellent preconcentration effects for a wide range of analytes. In this dissertation, hydrolytic and nonhydrolytic sol-gel routes were explored for the creation of zirconia-, titania-, and niobia-based novel hybrid organic-inorganic sorbents using sol-gel active polymeric ligands. These sorbents were prepared in the form of surface coatings for capillary microextraction and preconcentration of biologically important molecules such as catecholamine neurotransmitters and phosphopeptides. In comparison with other sorbents made only of inorganic transition metal oxides, the presented sol-gel sorbents facilitated efficient desorption of the extracted analytes by LC-MS compatible mobile phases. The sol-gel zirconia- and titania-based hybrid sorbents provided pH-stable (pH range: 0 - 14) and derivatization-free extraction media that effectively overcame the major drawbacks of traditional sorbents for the analysis of catecholamines (silica-based sorbents suffer from narrow operational pH window while polymer-based sorbents require additional sample derivatization steps). The modification of the terminal hydroxy groups in PPO with ZrCl4 or TiCl4 provided an enhanced sol-gel reactivity of the polymer modified-terminals. Such a modification procedure allowed for an efficient incorporation of the polymeric ligand into the evolving sol-gel network. The effectiveness of the PPO modification was also evaluated by a systematic thermogravimetric investigation exploring the loading of the ligand in sol-gel hybrid sorbents, which revealed an enhanced ligand-loading achieved via the nonhydrolytic sol-gel route used with modified-PPO. Sol-gel hybrid sorbents prepared by the nonhydrolytic sol-gel (NHSG) pathway provided excellent microextraction performance for catecholamines: low detection limits (5.6 – 9.6 pM), enhanced run-to-run reproducibility (RSD 0.6 – 5.1 %), excellent desorption efficiency (95.0 – 99.5 %) and high enrichment factors (EF) for epinephrine (EF ~ 1480) and for dopamine (EF ~ 2650) extracted from aqueous and synthetic urine samples at pH 10.5. Run-to-run and capillary-to-capillary reproducibility remained below 5 % when the peak area or the sorbent-mass was used as the reproducibility criterion. Niobia-based sol-gel sorbents prepared with and without organic ligand (polyethylenimine) were utilized as microextraction media for the enrichment of phosphorylated and nonphosphorylated tetrapeptide VYKA. Sol-gel niobia-based sorbents with covalently anchored polyethylenimine showed excellent selectivity toward the phosphopeptide compared to analogous titania-based sorbents. Specific extraction (SE) values were higher by 97.0 % when obtained by niobia-based sorbents. Excellent run-to-run peak area reproducibility (RSD < 5.1 %) and high EF of ~ 4000 were achieved. The sol-gel niobia-based coating facilitated excellent desorption efficiency (97.5 %), which suggests that the surface of the niobia sorbent possesses moderate-strength Lewis acid sites that avoided the need for special elution solvents that are conventionally used for the desorption of phosphorylated molecules from titania-based sorbents. The sol-gel pathway for the creation of microextraction phases is versatile and capable to provide unique control on the characteristics of the sorbents that are critically important for many sample preparation applications.
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The role of networks in the commercialisation of rural weavers of Northern Kwazulu-Natal in South AfricaSefoko, Ngwako Moses 29 April 2005 (has links)
This study identifies intra- and inter-organisational barriers to commercialisation 0f rural weavers in KwaZulu-Natal and evaluate the role of local networks in procurement, processing and marketing activities in order to reduce transaction costs. The study specifically investigates the way local networks a san alternative organisational mode can become a solution to minimise transaction costs of rural weavers. The expectation is that weaving groups incur less transaction costs during commercialisation when they have well established local networks. This follows as transaction costs give a reflection of the market given the operating environment. The access to market information, assets, extension services and remunerative markets is of commercial importance. An exploratory analysis suggests that existing networks in craft businesses in northern KwaZulu-Natal have an impact in reducing some of the transaction costs of weavers, thereby improving weavers' economic performance and commercialisation process. Local networks have therefore shown to be not only a pre-condition for non-local networks, but an important vehicle for information exchange, co-ordination of fragmented activities, conducting training services, and guarding against market failures for weavers. However, the two fundamental questions to be asked for future research are how to create local networks to improve supply chain functions in similar or different socio-economic settings to this study's cases and how to assure the sustainability of networks. / Dissertation (Magister Institutionis Agrariae)--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Development / unrestricted
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Current and future trends in cloud CRM / Current and future trends in cloud CRMNemček, Sebastian January 2011 (has links)
The diploma thesis is committed to mapping CRM applications available in cloud and trends within. The goal is to describe what CRM is, how it evolved into Cloud CRM, analyze main differences between the two approaches and analyze trends that can be observed in CRM market and CRM applications. This is coupled with description of the most common CRM solutions and products available both on-premises as well as on-demand. In the first part, the thesis introduces theory behind Customer Relationship Management and its different understanding by various authors. It also describes the most common functionality of CRM. The second part explores the world of CRM application, characterizing infrastructure behind, deployment models, access options, licensing models and technology. In the next part the three on-premise solutions -- Oracle Siebel, Microsoft Dynamics CRM and SAP 360 Customer are described in terms of their look and feel, functionality, social and mobile CRM capabilities and pricing. The next part finally deals with CRM in the form of Cloud, introduces the term cloud computing, clarifies when cloud is the right choice and generally compares costs of running CRM on-demand and on-premise. This is followed by trends description on CRM market and functionality. The last chapter describes two cloud CRM solutions for each of the enterprise, medium and small company target segments.
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Českoslovenští průvodci cestovního ruchu a jejich role ve společnosti v období tzv. normalizace / Czechoslovak Tour Guides and Their Role in Society During NormalizationŘezníčková, Eliška January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis, based on archive research combined with the oral history method, is to provide a complex overview of the Czechoslovak tourist guide profession during the so called normalisation period together with their role in the society. Several aspects of being a tourist guide with a special focus on incoming tourism and the city of Prague were subjected to a research with help of the theoretical framework defined in the first part of the thesis. Those are following. Motivation of the guides to carry out their profession, conditions guides had to meet, how they managed to cope with ideological side of their job and what benefits could they enjoy. At last, the transformation of tourist profession after Velvet revolution in 1989 is being discussed. Key words Tourist guide, tourism, the so called normalization period, oral history.
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Inkludering i SO-undervisningen / Inclusion in Social StudiesRasovic, Jennifer, Rasmussen, Johanna January 2022 (has links)
Denna kunskapsöversikt är skriven i syfte att inspirera lärare i hur de kan tillämpa olika inkluderingsaspekter i sin undervisning utifrån ett perspektiv som omfattar SO-ämnet. Samtidigt vill vi lyfta innebörden av den inkluderande undervisningen samt hur de gynnar elever i skolarbetet och deras personliga utveckling. Utifrån vår informationssökning har vi lyft olika perspektiv på inkludering samt hur de tillämpats i undervisningen. Därtill har vi också funnit sammanhang i hur multimodal undervisning skapar förutsättningar för en mer inkluderande verksamhet. Vi har även funnit information kring huruvida multipla intelligenser kan fungera som beståndsdel i utformningen av en inkluderande undervisning i samband med multimodala metoder. Samtidigt har vi lyft perspektiv på hur lärare uppfattar inkludering. Vår slutsatts visar att det anses finnas många fördelar med inkluderande undervisning då det skapar ett ökat KASAM hos elever. Vi kan även finna att betydelsen av det inkluderande arbetssättet är väl känt. Däremot uppfattas det av många lärare också som en börda då det krävs mycket extra arbete kring planering. Vi ser däremot ett fortsatt behov av forskning inom ämnet utifrån perspektivet av belastningen som följer med detta arbetssätt och hur det kan bemötas.
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Znevýhodněná území Jihomoravského kraje dle vybraných demografických a socioekonomických ukazatelůFischerová, Barbora January 2017 (has links)
Fischerova, B. Disadvantaged areas of the South Moravian Region according to selected demographic and economic indicators. Diploma theses, Brno: Mendel University, 2017. The subject of the diploma theses is evaluation situation in the disadvantaged areas of the South Moravian Region according to selected demographic and economic indicators in the years 2005 till 2015. In this timeframe the indicators of population trends, economic load index/economic dependence index, level of entrepreneurial activity and unemployment rate are being analyzed in more detail and a comparison of individual territories within South Moravian Region is made. On the basis of the identification of the intra-regional differences of the South Moravian Region, four administrative districts of the municipality have been selected (in particular SO ORP Hodonín, Kyjov, Moravský Krumlov, Veselí nad Moravou) to examined in detail according to the same indicators and for the same time period. The analysis shows that four selected disadvantaged areas implement the characteristics of the peripherals and thus fall into the problematic areas of the South Moravian Region. In conclusion, therefore, measures are proposed for the development of the particular SO ORP and the integration of disadvantaged areas in order to reduce the regional disparities.
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Jan Palach v pamětech obyvatel města Všetaty / Jan Palach lives on in the memories of those living in VšetatyLuzar, Kamil January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on the perception of the personality of Jan Palach by the inhabitants of the town of Všetaty. People of different generations, gender and education who shared his place of birth or residence with him. The whole study is based on a thorough heuristic work, which helped to draw the historical context. However, the emphasis is put mainly on the subjective statements of the addressed narrators, processed by years of proven methodological procedures of oral history. The focus is given to ordinary people who do not have direct family or friendly ties to Jan Palach. And because he himself wanted to snatch just such an ordinary Czechoslovak citizen from post-occupation lethargy, the study focuses on the degree of direct or indirect influence on the lives of the narrators.
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SO-lärares undervisning i olika socioekonomiska områden / Social Studies Teachers’ Teaching in Different Socio-Economic AreasElshani, Blerina, Muratovic, Angjelina January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med examensarbetet är att jämföra hur SO-lärare i årskurserna 4-6 arbetar på grundskolor som är belägna i olika socioekonomiska områden och undersöka hur de undervisar för sin elevgrupp. Undersökningen har sitt fokus på hur SO-lärare bedriver sin undervisning för sin egen elevgrupp. Det ligger i fokus på grundskolor som är belägna i olika socioekonomiska områden. I undersökningen jämförde vi lärarnas SO-undervisning för att ta reda på om lärarnas sätt att undervisa skiljer sig åt, beroende på skolans socioekonomiska placering. För att kunna uppfylla vårt syfte med examensarbetet har vi använt oss av semistrukturerade intervjuer som kvalitativ undersökningsmetod. I vår undersökning har vi intervjuat sex stycken SO-lärare i tre grundskolor. En grundskola är belägen i ett område med lägre socioekonomisk status. Två av grundskolorna är belägna i ett område med högre socioekonimisk status. Intervjuerna har sedan transkiberats och förberetts inför analys där vi har den deduktiva ansatsen som analysmetod i vår studie. Den deduktiva ansatsen är baserad på att vi analyserar det insamlade materialet med hjälp av de analytiska begreppen som är den dolda läroplanen, klassmässig differentiering, klassificering och inramning, lärarparadigmet, den osynliga pedagogiken, habitus, socialt kapital, kulturellt kapital och fältet. Studiens resultat visar att lärare arbetar på varierande sätt beroende på vilken socioekonomisk placering skolorna har. Resultatet visar att lärarna arbetar olika beroende på vilken elevgrupp de undervisar för, dock har det funnits likheter och olikheter på hur undervisningen genomförs i de olika skolorna men även i samma skolor. Det visar även att skolan med lägre socioekonomisk status motsätter den tidigare forskningen som presenteras i examensarbetet. Vår slutsats visar att lärare som arbetar på en skola med en viss socioekonomisk status tenderar att ha liknande värderingar men, att deras tillvägagångssätt kan variera beroende på den elevgrupp läraren undervisar för.
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Språkutvecklande arbetssätt i SO-undervisning / Language development methods in SO teachingLundgren, Felix, Persson, Robert January 2023 (has links)
The aim of this study is to explore how teachers and principals conceptualize language development and what strategies they employ to promote language development in their students. The research was conducted using qualitative interviews in a primary school located in three cities in southern Sweden. The informants in this study include five teachers and one external contributor who teach theoretical subjects at the primary school level of a six-year compulsory school. The choice of informants is important because teachers and external contributors play key roles in shaping language development in schools. The results show that concepts and subject-specific words, image support and various writing and reading exercises as well as how the educators use the school language in relation to everyday language have beneficial effects on the students' language and knowledge development in teaching in general and primarily in social studies teaching. The study's conclusion shows that there is a great need to include language in the teaching of socially oriented subjects because language has a great importance for the students' development. Our results are based on the information obtained from interviews conducted.
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Nyanländ i Sverige, men också i SO-undervisningen / Newly Arrived in Sweden, but also in Social Science EducationIsmailat, Hiba, Faour, Hiba January 2023 (has links)
Sverige har en ökad etnisk mångfald som har resulterat i att klassrummen i de svenska skolorna är allt mer heterogena. Detta innebär att lärarna undervisar elever från olika delar av världen med olika språkliga förutsättningar och behov samt att lärarna stöter på elever vars modersmål inte är svenska. Språkutveckling har en stor betydelse för elevers lärande och kunskapsutveckling och därför är det viktigt att lärarna arbetar språkutvecklande Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka på vilket sätt lärare arbetar med hjälp av sina erfarenheter för att skapa en språkutvecklande SO-undervisning för nyanlända elever i årskurs F-3. Även ta reda på vilka utmaningar lärare stöter på när de arbetar med språkutveckling bland nyanlända elever i SO-undervisningen. Studiens frågeställning är: Vilka arbetssätt är enligt lärare gynnsamma för att skapa en språkutvecklande undervisning i SO-ämnet för nyanlända elever i årskurs F-3? och Hur reflekterar lärare över de utmaningar som förekommer när de arbetar med språkutveckling bland nyanlända elever i SO-undervisningen? I våra teoretiska perspektiv har vi valt att fokusera på det sociokulturella perspektivet och den proximala utvecklingszonen (ZPD) som är utarbetad av Lev Vygotskij, samt cirkelmodellen. Vi har valt att utgå just från dessa teoretiska perspektiv och anser dem vara relevanta, då de behandlar språkets betydelse. De är också relevanta då de visar hur lärande och språk hänger samman, alltså på vilket sätt interaktion och samspel gynnar elevers språk- och kunskapsutveckling. I denna studie används kvalitativ metod där fem lärare har valt att delta i intervjuer och besvarat 8 olika frågor. Informanterna har beskrivit olika betydelsefulla resurser och arbetssätt för att främja språkutvecklingen bland nyanlända elever i årskurs F-3, bland annat modersmål samt interaktion som lärarna har funnit underlättande i SO-undervisning. Lärarna har även talat om betydelsen av skolspråk och ämnesbegrepp i SO- undervisningen samt vilka svårigheter de stöter på vid undervisningen av nyanlända elever, som exempelvis den otillräckliga tiden.
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