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Processo de identificação em comunidades da agricultura familiar : da linguagem verbal à visualPorto, Renata Gastal January 2012 (has links)
Esta pesquisa trata fundamentalmente das possibilidades do Design agir no processo de valorização e fortalecimento de comunidades, em específico no setor da agricultura familiar, por meio da representação gráfico-visual da identidade desses sujeitos. A hipótese é que o modo de distribuição dos agricultores nas terras desapropriadas pelo Incra, associada a problemática da fragmentação das identidades na contemporaneidade, podem ser causas para a falta de coesão entre os sujeitos, refletindo na questão da identidade coletiva. Assim, o objetivo é desenvolver um procedimento para a representação gráfico-visual da identificação das Mulheres da Terra por meio de um mosaico conceitual. Para a coleta de dados são adotadas duas técnicas, as histórias de vida, que têm como tema central a identidade, onde se busca compreender a trajetória biográfica de cada membro; e aplicação de questionário, que aborda questões sobre a individualidade dos sujeitos e as suas relações com o ambiente e o próximo. Na fase de interpretação dos dados se faz a síntese dos termos, conceitos e palavras similares ou sinônimas encontradas no conjunto do material. Aplica-se a técnica de análise linguística denotativa aos conceitos previamente definidos, reunindo-se os elementos necessários para construção o mosaico conceitual. A pesquisa indica que por essas mulheres serem constituídas de diversidades culturais, tradições, linguagens e de suas histórias particulares, as identidades são genuinamente híbridas. Acredita-se que o fato das mulheres serem originárias de diversas regiões, reforça a questão da problemática da fragmentação das identidades na contemporaneidade. Sobre o produto final, o mosaico visual, ainda que tenha se utilizado uma estrutura formal que remeta à composição de mosaico conhecida, a peça gráfica se relaciona com a concepção de quebra cabeça associada a de mosaico científico. Por fim, o Design por meio de práticas conjuntas, pode agir de modo a facilitar essas relações de encontrar os pontos em comum e distintivos que configuram cada uma das pessoas, de modo a mostrar graficamente no que se constitui essas identidades, ainda que estas não sejam finalizadas. / This research deals fundamentally with the possibilities of Design act in the process of recovery and strengthening communities, specifically in family farming sector, through graphic-visual representation of the identity of these individuals. The hypothesis is that the mode of distribution of farmers on the land expropriated by Incra associated to the problematic of fragmentation of identities in contemporaneity, can be causes for the lack of cohesion among the subjects, reflecting on the issue of collective identity. So, the objective is to develop a proceeding for representing graphic-visual identification of farmers group Women’s Earth through a conceptual mosaic. For data collection, two techniques are adopted: life stories, whose central theme is identity, where one seeks to understand the life histories of each member; and a questionnaire, which addresses questions about the individuality of the subjects and their relationships with the environment and the next. At the stage of data interpretation becomes the synthesis of terms, concepts and similar words or synonyms found throughout the material. Applies the technique of denoting linguistic analysis to the concepts previously defined, gathering the information necessary to construct the mosaic concept. The research indicates that these women are made of cultural diversity, traditions, languages and their particular histories, soon the identities are genuinely hybrid. It is believed that the fact that women are originating from different regions, reinforces the problematic question of fragmentation of identity in contemporary life. On the final product, the visual mosaic, although it has a formal structure used to refer to the composition mosaic known, the graphic part is related to the conception of a puzzle associated with mosaic scientific. Finally, the Design through joint practices may act to facilitate these relationships to find common points and badges that shape each person in order to show graphically what constitutes these identities, although these do not are finalized.
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Proposta de procedimento para desenvolvimento de produtos sustentáveis têxteis a partir de sobras dos materiais de Micro e Pequenas Confecções / The propoise procedures for develoment of sustainable textile products from leftover materials of micro and small manufacturingFernanda Marinho Pereira da Silva 26 August 2015 (has links)
Através da nova interpretação e compreensão dos aspectos em relação moda identidade, design social, e da maneira como se encontra o comportamento da sociedade consumista, tende-se a elevar a demanda do indivíduo contemporâneo, preocupado com o futuro ambiental. O surgimento de novos cenários e atores indica uma maior visibilidade à postura de responsabilidade socioambiental na área de moda e possibilita a consolidação da sociedade contemporânea. Devido a estas premissas, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo propor procedimentos, utilizando como referência a metodologia projetual de Löbach para desenvolvimento de produtos sustentáveis têxteis a partir de sobras dos materiais das micro e pequenas confecções. A Metodologia utilizada foi a pesquisa bibliográfica, que constitui o procedimento básico para os estudos monográficos, e a pesquisa exploratória, pois não requer a formulação de hipóteses para serem testadas. Ela se restringe por definir objetivos, buscar mais informações sobre determinado assunto de estudo e identificar qual o melhor método a ser utilizado. No caso deste projeto, a ideia foi adaptar a sintetização de Löbach no processo de design, relacionando-o com o processo de resolução de problemas e o processo criativo, em quatro iniciativas essenciais: definir claramente o problema (preparação); reunir informações sobre o problema, analisá-las e relacioná-las criativamente entre si (geração); criar alternativas de soluções para o problema, julgando-as segundo critérios estabelecidos (avaliação) e desenvolver a alternativa mais adequada, concretizando a (realização). Após a elaboração do projeto, comprovou-se que a metodologia utilizada se mostrou viável para o desenvolvimento de produtos sustentáveis, voltados para a sociedade e consumo / Through the new interpretation and understanding of the aspects about fashion-identity, social design, and how the behavior of the consumer society, tend to increase the demand of the contemporary individual, worried about the future. The emergence of new models and actors indicates a greater visibility to the posture of social and environmental responsibility in the area of fashion and enables consolidation of a contemporary society. Due to these premises, this research aimed to propose procedures, using as a reference the design methodology of Löbach for development of sustainable textile products from leftovers from materials of micro and small manufacturing. The methodology used was bibliographical research to which constitutes the basic procedure for the monographic studies and exploratory research because it does not require the formulation of hypotheses to be tested. She is restricted by set goals, get more information about a particular subject to study and identify the best method to be used, in the case of this project, the idea was to adapt the Löbach synthesis in the design process, linking it with the problem-solving process and the creative process, on four key initiatives to clearly define the problem (preparation); gather information about the problem, analyze them and relate them creatively with each other (generation); create alternative solutions to the problem, judging the second criteria (evaluation) and develop the most suitable alternative, establishing the (realization). After the elaboration of the project proved that the methodology used proved to be viable for the development of sustainable products, geared to society and consumption
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O design como instrumento social na área de educação em saúde: o caso do Dia Mundial do DiabetesBeatriz Chiavini Mendes de Carvalho Kelman 19 October 2012 (has links)
Com este projeto de pesquisa, que faz parte do Programa de Mestrado em Ciências da Comunicação, na Área de Concentração III - Interfaces Sociais da Comunicação da Linha de Pesquisa Políticas e Estratégias de Comunicação, buscou-se identificar e analisar os conteúdos verbais e imagéticos de campanhas na área de educação em saúde, em especial, sobre o diabetes, presentes em eventos do Dia Mundial do Diabetes ou relacionados a este, nos anos de 2010 e 2011. Essas campanhas foram realizadas por instituições de saúde públicas e privadas da cidade de São Paulo com materiais patrocinados e/ou veiculados por empresas farmacêuticas e de alimentos que utilizaram o design para organizar as mensagens sobre prevenção de enfermidades e/ou adoção de comportamentos saudáveis. A análise dos conteúdos das peças impressas das campanhas teve por base as teorias de comunicação social e linguagem visual. / With this research project, that participates in the Master Program in Communication Sciences, in the III Area of Concentration - Social Interfaces of Communication from the Main Line of Research Policy and Strategies of Communication, we sought to identify and analyze the content of verbal and pictorial campaigns in the health education area, particularly about diabetes, present in the World Diabetes Day events or related to this, occurred in 2010 and 2011. These campaigns were carried out by public and private health institutions of the city of São Paulo with materials sponsored and/or distributed by pharmaceutical and food companies that used the design to organize the messages about disease prevention and/or adoption of healthy behaviors. The analysis of the contents of the printed pieces of the campaigns was based on theories of social communication and visual language.
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Augmented Urban Values : Virtual Gothenburg as a place for citizen dialogue and shared lived experiencesKlefbom, Sanna January 2021 (has links)
In the domain of social design, this thesis introduces a design project that explores a place-centric view on interaction design to address issues of participation, representation, and place. The project aims to envision possible futures of city-scaled digital twins as places that enable collective engagement within communities and between citizens and cities. It explores this aim with a methodology grounded in co-design- and ethnographic values, focusing on the place of Ringön in Gothenburg. The final design outcome of the study is an augmented reality-based application connected to the city-scaled digital twin of Gothenburg. The application introduces a concept that enables citizens to express location-based social and cultural values and engage in common concerns. It enables the City of Gothenburg to communicate with citizens and develop an enriched understanding of the identity and character of places in Gothenburg. The study hopes to contribute with knowledge to the body of work within social design that explores how sustainable smart cities can develop from a bottom-up perspective, in a more participatory and socially sustainable way.
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El impacto del diseño de información en la reducción del riesgo de embarazo adolescente en la ciudad de Iquitos / The impact of information design on reducing the risk of teenage pregnancy in the city of IquitosRodriguez Miñan, Arantxa Claudia 28 November 2019 (has links)
Esta investigación tiene como objetivo determinar la eficiencia comunicativa en la presentación de la información sobre educación sexual y planificación familiar en los materiales didácticos que se utilizan para poder contribuir a reducir el riesgo de embarazo adolescente en la ciudad de Iquitos. Es por ello que se planteó como hipótesis que los materiales didácticos sobre educación sexual no generan un impacto en los adolescentes, lo cual es perjudicial debido a que no pueden comprender las causas y efectos del embarazo.
El tipo de investigación es descriptiva, la cual tiene como finalidad examinar los elementos visuales y materiales que utilizan los centros de salud de la ciudad de Loreto. Además, se busca analizar si son adecuados y si generan un impacto en la población adolescente. Asimismo, el diseño de la investigación es mixta, contando con un trabajo de campo el cual tuvo como finalidad obtener información directa de los mismos profesionales y especialistas en los temas de la investigación.
Los resultados obtenidos evidencian que no existe materiales didácticos propios de la región. Además, que la información que brindan a las adolescentes es desactualizada, explícita y descargada de internet. También, se evidencia una falta de inversión económica por parte del Estado en el sector salud de la ciudad.
Finalmente, se pudo determinar que los materiales didácticos sobre educación sexual que se emplean en los centros de salud no son herramientas adecuadas ni de gran impacto para las adolescentes. / This research aims to determine the communicative efficiency in the presentation of information on sexual education and family planning in the teaching materials that are used to help reduce the risk of teenage pregnancy in the city of Iquitos. That is why it was hypothesized that teaching materials on sexual education do not generate an impact on adolescents, which is harmful because they cannot understand the causes and effects of pregnancy.
The type of research is descriptive, which aims to examine the visual and material elements used by health centers in the city of Loreto. In addition, it seeks to analyze if they are adequate and if they generate an impact on the adolescent population. Also, the design of the research is mixed, with a field work which was aimed at obtaining direct information from the same professionals and specialists in the research topics.
The results obtained show that there are no teaching materials typical of the region. In addition, that the information they provide to adolescents is outdated, explicit and downloaded from the internet. Also, there is a lack of economic investment by the State in the health sector of the city.
Finally, it was determined that the teaching materials on sexual education used in health centers are not adequate tools or of great impact for adolescent girls. / Trabajo de investigación
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Krisur : A wearable can make the difference between life and death.Troilo, Andrea January 2022 (has links)
Krisur is a project about a low energy device that works as a “lifesaving” object with the function of pairing, or connecting, the single individual to the Government in case of emergency. The aim of this is to explore and tackle new possibilities for connecting people to a no-hackable source or to a social system (e.g., Hesa Fredrik). This will also bring a reflection around geo-political transformation over time and in what way lo-fi technology is connected to it.
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Sustainable Waste Treatment : Facilitating sustainable disposal of used garmentsXu, Nan January 2021 (has links)
Nowadays, with concerns about environmental and health issues, the awareness of more environmentally friendly and sustainable waste disposal is growing. However, due to the widespread disposal of waste items in the fashion field, such as landfills and incineration, the problems caused by these disposal methods cannot meet people’s sustainable needs for waste treatment. Therefore, the project is based on consumers, focusing on the sustainable treatment of used garments, and provides some possibilities for solving problems related to other types of used products. In order to achieve this goal, this project starts from the literature review of garments disposal behavior, and through the understanding of the theories such as life cycle assessment and waste hierarchy, as well as the collection and analysis of user survey data, completed the design of the project solution. By reference to the theoretical framework and application of the methodological framework, the project finally proposed a solution composed of three consumer-oriented design ideas, mainly in the form of social design to facilitate people’s recycling, reuse and other sustainable disposals of used garments.
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Designing for Disruption: Preparing Product Designers for the Next BillionGauthier, Noel 23 September 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Einleitung: What could possibly go wrong? – Risiken und Wirkungen der GestaltungIbach, Merle, Augsten, Andrea, Vogelsang, Axel 21 January 2025 (has links)
Im Februar 2024 leitet die EU-Kommission ein Verfahren gegen TikTok ein. Der Plattform wird vorgeworfen, neben schädlichen und jugendgefährdenden Inhalten ein «süchtig machendes Design» zu verwenden1. Die Gestaltung der App, das infinite scrolling, der sticky content und die personalisierten Inhalte, würden ein erhöhtes Risiko für die Nutzer:innen darstellen. Zur gleichen Zeit berät der Rat der Europäischen Kommission über eine Ecodesign-Verordnung2, mit der die Vernichtung von Neuwaren verboten werden soll und läuft beim Bund eine Ausschreibung zur Förderung von sozialen Innovationen, «um die Transformation gemeinwohlorientiert zu gestalten, die Partizipation und Mitgestaltung betroffener Akteure zu gewährleisten, Lebensstile zu verändern und Zielkonflikte auszugleichen»3. Gestaltung, einmal als hinterhältiges Werkzeug zur subtilen Manipulation, einmal als Hoffnungsträger, um im Sinne des Green New Deals4 die Unvereinbarkeit von wachstumsorientiertem Wohlstand und einem umweltverträglichen Leben zu überwinden. In beiden Beispielen aber wird deutlich, dass der Designdisziplin eine Handlungsfähigkeit zugeschrieben wird, etwas bewirken zu können, auch unabhängig vom jeweiligen Wertekanon.
Was könnte schon schief gehen? – Eine Kernfrage der diesjährigen Jahrestagung der DGTF, so optimistisch wie auch provozierend, stellt die Rolle von Designer:innen und Designpraktiken im Umgang mit gegenwärtigen gesellschaftlichen, politischen und ökologischen Herausforderungen ins Zentrum der Debatte. Neben der disziplinären Selbstbefragung, inwiefern eine systematische Folgenabschätzung zum Instrumentarium der Designforschung gehören sollte, wie es etwa in den Umwelt- und Nachhaltigkeitswissenschaften der Fall ist, ging es auch darum, die Wirkungsmacht der Gestaltung kritisch zu beleuchten. Diese Überlegungen führen zu den zentralen Fragen der DGTF-Tagung 2024: Welche Wirkungsmacht hat Design tatsächlich? Wie erzielt Design Impact? Wie gehen wir mit den Konsequenzen von Gestaltung um? Wie kann die Wirkung von Design gemessen werden?:Wirkungsabmessung und Folgenabschätzung im Design?
Steuerung planvoller Veränderung
Design als Akteurin des Wandels
Übersicht der Beiträge in diesem Band
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Introduction: What could possibly go wrong? – Impact and Consequences in DesignIbach, Merle, Augsten, Andrea, Vogelsang, Axel 21 January 2025 (has links)
In February 2024, the EU Commission initiated proceedings against TikTok, accusing the platform of using an «addictive design,» compounded by harmful content that poses risks to young people1. The visual design of the app, infinite scrolling, sticky content, and personalized recommendations, presents an increased risk to users. Simultaneously, the Council of the European Commission is discussing an Ecodesign Regulation2 that would prohibit the destruction of new goods. Further, the German federal government is soliciting proposals for funding social innovations that aim to «design the transformation in a way that benefits the common good, ensuring the participation and co-creation of affected actors, encouraging lifestyle changes, and balancing out conflicting goals.»3 Design, in this sense, appears twofold: on one hand, as a devious tool for subtle manipulation; on the other, as a beacon of hope, promising to bridge the gap between growth-oriented prosperity and environmentally sustainable living in the spirit of the Green New Deal4. Yet, both examples show that design as a discipline is credited with the power to effect social change, irrespective of the particular canon of values.
What could possibly go wrong? – This provocative yet optimistic question serves as the core of this year’s DGTF annual conference, highlighting the role of designers and design practices in addressing current social, political, and ecological challenges. The conference encourages a self-critical examination of design: Should a systematic impact assessment become part of design research’s toolkit, akin to the environmental and sustainability sciences? A parallel discussion asks us to scrutinize design’s influence and the implications of its power. These considerations lead to the central questions of the DGTF Conference 2024: What is the actual power of design? How does design achieve impact? How do we handle the consequences of design? And is it possible to measure the impact of design at all?:Impact measurement and impact assessment in design?
Governance of planned change
Desing as an agent of change
Overview of the contributions in this volume
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