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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lutter contre l’intimidation à l’école par le design : l’affordance prosociale des milieux scolaires

Huneault, Jessica 02 1900 (has links)
Mémoire en recherche-projet / L’intimidation à l’école est une problématique qui a principalement été abordée dans le domaine de la psychologie. Plusieurs programmes de lutte en sont issus, mais des études démontrent leur faible efficacité (Smith et al., 2004, Limber, 2011) et invitent les interventions futures à s’intéresser à des aspects plus généraux portant notamment sur le climat scolaire. Le design étant un processus écologique (Findeli, 2015), l’idée de s’interroger sur le climat scolaire nous a semblé particulièrement porteuse. Ainsi, la recherche-projet suivante a pour objectif de désindividualiser la problématique de l’intimidation à l’école en s’intéressant à l’affordance (Chemero, 2003) prosociale de l’environnement scolaire. Nous posons l’hypothèse que l’intimidation à l’école est un problème environnemental et nous cherchons à comprendre comment l’affordance peut s’avérer un concept pertinent pour les designers, afin de traiter de telles problématiques sociales. Les hypothèses de concepts que nous proposons amènent des pistes de solutions inédites à la problématique de l’intimidation à l’école. Celles-ci modifient les dispositions antisociales du milieu scolaire en offrant de nouvelles possibilités qui encouragent les comportements prosociaux. Ces modifications démontrent la pertinence pour le champ du design d’opter pour un regard écologique axé sur les possibilités. Nous suggérons d’ailleurs une façon de faire, notamment en utilisant le récit ethnographique afin de saisir les dispositions du milieu, puis les scénarios d’usage afin de démontrer l’expérience amenée par les nouvelles possibilités. Finalement, à la lumière de cette étude, nous posons l’hypothèse qu’il est essentiel de considérer la qualité de l’expérience offerte par ces nouvelles possibilités afin de maximiser les chances de réalisation d’une disposition. Penser l’expérience d’usage est l’expertise des designers, ce faisant, il s’agirait d’une démonstration supplémentaire de l’intérêt d’impliquer les designers dans les sphères sociales et des politiques publiques, afin d’amener les citoyens à adopter les changements de société visant le bien commun. / Bullying at school is an important problem that has mostly been addressed in the field of psychology. Several prevention programs have stemmed from it but studies demonstrate low efficiency (Smith et al., 2004, Limber, 2011) and suggest that future interventions consider broader issues like school climat. Design is an ecological process (Findeli, 2015), thereby the idea of questioning school climate seemed particularly interesting. The following research-project uses a holistic approach to the problem of bullying at school by focusing on the affordance of a pro-social school environment. We hypothesize that bullying at school is partly an environmental problem and we seek to understand how the theory of affordances can be a relevant basis for designers looking to address this social issue. The concepts that we offer suggest new solutions to the problem of bullying at school. They aim to modify antisocial dispositions within school environments by offering new opportunities that encourage pro-social behaviour. These modifications demonstrate that opting for an ecological vision based on possibilities is relevant to the field of design. We also suggest a way to apply this vision, which includes using ethnographic narratives to capture the situation’s dispositions and using scenarios to demonstrate the experience brought by new possibilities. Finally, in light of this study, we hypothesized that the quality of the experience offered by these new possibilities is of utmost importance to maximize the chances of individuals adopting them. Refining the user’s experience is a designer’s expertise and doing so is a further demonstration of the relevance of involving designers in rethinking our public and social spaces for the common good.

The urban hens : En social mötesplats för att skapa förståelse för matens värde och en cirkulär process / The urban hens : A social meeting place to create understanding of the value of food and a circular process

lindström, kajsa January 2017 (has links)
Varje år slänger svensken 74 kilo mat per person. För att förstå vad och varför vi slänger mat gick jag igenom vad ett hyreshus slänger i soprummet. Bland den slängda maten kunde jag se att de boende äter mycket ägg och tillsammans med de boende bestämde vi oss för att dem skulle testa att bli hönsägare. I mitt designarbete har jag designat ett modulärt hönshus och ett driftsystem för att de boende i hyreshuset tillsammans ska ta hand om höns och ge sina matrester till hönorna. Jag har undersökt vad de boende behöver för skapa gemenskap kring huset och på bäst sätt sköta driften. Med insikter från denna prototyp designade ytterligare ett modulärt hönshus, denna gång matas hönsen på Konstfack med Konstfacks restaurangs matrester. Jag kallar projektet ”The urban hens” och vill med detta projekt skapa en social mötesplats och verka för en mer cirkulär matekonomi som kan öka förståelse för matens värde.

El rol de agente de cambio social del diseñador gráfico en su comunidad: Los casos de la pieza editorial del caso colombiano La ruta del Guarapo desde 2009 hasta 2011, la innovación social en el caso argentino Qom Lashepi Alpi desde 2013 hasta 2018 y el caso peruano Kay desde 2010 hasta 2014

Samaniego Palomino, Isabel Katerina 01 December 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo aborda el rol de agencia del diseñador gráfico a través de tres casos donde se ha trabajado con la comunidad y planteado determinadas metodologías para desarrollar el discurso visual en el objetivo de cada proyecto. Se parte de la hipótesis que el vínculo del diseñador gráfico con su comunidad y la identificación de una metodología con involucramiento social posibilita su impacto como agente de cambio social. La investigación está diseñada a partir de la revisión de fuentes bibliográficas, análisis de las respectivas piezas gráficas y las entrevistas a los/las diseñadores/as que los llevan a cabo. Los principales resultados indican que el trabajo que el diseñador realiza con la comunidad y materializa en su producción visual parte de la aplicación de dinámicas participativas donde se revela una metodología y discurso visual específico. Por tanto, se concluye que el impacto del rol del diseñador/a gráfico/a como agente de cambio en su comunidad tiene distintos alcances de acuerdo a su respuesta frente a un objetivo específico, que se centra en su acción discursiva y visual a un nivel comunicacional, o de un objetivo integral, en el cual la metodología del diseñador intenta sustentabilizar a la comunidad, encaminarla y capacitarla para su autogestión. / This work addresses the agency role of the graphic designer through three cases where the community has worked and proposed certain methodologies to develop the visual discourse in the objective of each project. It is based on the hypothesis that the graphic designer's link with his community and the identification of a methodology with social involvement enables his impact as an agent of social change. The research is designed from the review of bibliographic sources, analysis of the respective graphic pieces and interviews with the designers who carry them out. The main results indicate that the work that the designer carries out with the community and materializes in her visual production starts from the application of participatory dynamics, where a specific visual methodology and discourse is revealed. Therefore, it is concluded that the impact of the role of the graphic designer as an agent of change in their community has different scopes according to their response to a specific objective, which focuses on their discursive and visual action at a level communicational, or an integral objective, in which the designer's methodology tries to sustain the community, direct it and train it for its self-management. / Trabajo de investigación


Myronidi, Despoina January 2021 (has links)
This is a project-based thesis focusing on the investigation of topics related to human newborns and the factors found in their surrounding environment that need to be assessed so as to provide them with a feeling comfort. The objective is to boost their emotional development by the means of light in a close relation to sound so as to provide them with a type of intelligence allowing them to normally interact within a society during their adult life, reassuring social equality and eliminating potential social exclusion due to unexpected behaviours. After researching topics to have a better understanding of the newborn baby and its enclosing environment, a luminaire design solution -functioning with a reactive scheme performed with integrated sound sensors- provided further results to the main topic investigation. The conceptual scheme for the product development was inspired by the connection between the newborn and their life-giver, closely linked to the cross-modality of sensory development before and after birth. Additional results were obtained with light measurement assessments and a parent survey targeting both the intended light quality subjective evaluations and the marketing strength of the designed product. This survey was used -along with other means- as a design evaluation tool at the final stage of the design process. Potential further improvements as well as considerations for a distinct spatial application are discussed in the final part of the thesis. The sustainability aspect covered within this degree project is closely linked to good physical and mental health aspects, clean energy use and efficiency achieved by the integration of input sound sensors and controls, and conscious production and consumption by the proposal of low global footprint materials for the luminaire design. In the conclusions, an overall summary of the thesis outcomes is presented and further research is proposed regarding both the main topic investigation as well as a greater user category that can be related to the light metric assessments that were carried out for this research.

Lekande allvar : En designstudie ämnat för barns ekonomiska lärande

Tatidou, Elpida, Petersson, Julia January 2016 (has links)
Detta arbete har handlat om att få förståelse vad barn eftersöker för designfaktorer i en mobilapplikation, som ska vara ekonomiskt lärande och hjälpa barn att planera vecko-och månadspengen. Studien skulle resultera i ett designkoncept baserat på barnens egna behövande och önskade faktorer för en ekonomiskt lärande mobilapplikation. Anledningen till att utföra en sådan studie uppkom då svenska banker uppmärksammat att barn har det idag svårare att förstå pengars värde och planera budgeten. Samtidigt som kontanthanteringen har minskat används heller inte fickpengar i samma grad, vilket har tidigare bevisats vara en bra praktik att lära barn med. Således saknas det ett naturligt sätt för dagens barn att handskas med budgetering och lära sig pengarsvärde. Studiens syfte var därför att synliggöra dessa transaktioner genom att främja vecko- och månadspengen och barnens finansiella lärdomar i ett designarbete. Därmed blev frågeställningen: “Vilka designfaktorer prioriterar barn i en ekonomsikt lärande mobilapplikation”, vilket var tänkt kunna besvaras med hjälp av en skolklass med barn i elva till tolv årsåldern. Projektets syfte var att ha en hög användarinvolvering för att kunna få djupare insikter för barnens behov och även låta dem vara en del av designarbetet för att åstadkomma ett resultat de gillar. Teori som spelifiering användes och även en del normativa teorier som bygger sin teori på att försöka förändra eller främja ett visst beteende hos användarna, vilket i denna studie har valts att kallas för teorier inom social design. För datainsamlingsmetoder genomfördes tre primära insamlingar med en femteklass, där barnen fick delas in i tre grupper och genomföra varsin metod. Metoderna ämnade antingen att framkalla empiri om barnens ekonomiska och sociala tillvaro, samt låta dem generera egna designförslag och koncept för vecko-och månadsplanering. För att sedan analysera datan anpassades Tromp och Heckerts teoretiska modell som uppvisar ett sexfaldig process: från att definiera ett socialt fenomen, hitta problemområden inom den, använda strategier för att motarbeta och slutligen att framkalla ett designförslag. I denna modell integrerades studiens teorier för att kunna nyttja de strategier vid dataanalysen. Slutsatsen blev att barnen vill lära sig med spel, kunna personifiera innehållet, kunna känna igen sin skolidentitet i tjänstens kontext, illustrera information med olika diagram och där de visats ha en fascination för högteknologiska prylar, som också tros ge dem social status. Barnen visade sig vilja vara ansvarsfulla och kunna planera sin egna budget, men vill kunna såväl belönas, antingen med godis eller pengar, samt även med roande och underhållande upplevelser. Därmed resulterade detta i en prototyp för en mobilapplikation som är format utefter barnens önskade funktioner. / This work is about gaining insight for what kinds of design elements children search in a mobile application, aimed for learning economics and help them plan their budget. This study would result with a design concept based on children’s own needed and wished elements for an economic learning mobile application. The reason to start a project like this is because Swedish banks have noticed that children today have it difficult to understand money’s worth and plan their budget. While the card-transactions have been reduced on the market have also the use of pocket money been minimized, even though it have been proved to be a good way to teach children money’s worth. Thus, there is not a natural way of today’s kids to deal with their budget and learn money’s worth. The study’s purpose was to visualize these transactions by promoting children’s weekly and monthly allowance and their financial lessons in a design work. This made the question: “What design elements prioritize children in an economic learning mobile application”, which was supposed to be answered by a school class with children at age eleven to twelve. The projects purpose was to have a high user involvement for gaining deeper insight for children’s needs and also let them be apart of the design work to achieve a result they would like.  Theory like gamification was used and a couple normative theories based their theory to promote a certain behavior of the users, which in this study have been choosed to call them all for theories of social design. There were three primary methods for data collection methods with a class from fifth-grade, were the children was divided in three groups to complete each method. The methods were aimed to either induce data for the children’s economic and social statement and also let them generate their own design concept for weekly and monthly allowance. Tromp and Heckerts theoretical model was used to analyze the data, were their model was costume to match this specific study. The model is a six fold process: from defining a social phenomenon, find issues with the area, then use strategies to counteract the problems and with developing design proposals. The studies theories was integrated in this model so that it would be possible to make use of the strategies during the analyses. The conclusion was that children want to learning with games, to personalize the content, to recognize their school identity in the service, to illustrate the information with different charts and that they have a big fascination with high-tech gadgets, that also give them social status. The children showed that they want to be responsible for their own actions and budget, but they want also to be reward when they do something good. The reward should then be money or candy and they wanted to have amusing experience during education. Therefore this project was result in a prototype for / <p>Hoppas ni finner rapporten intressant och kontanta oss vid eventuella frågor!</p>


GABRIELA SILVEIRA BARBOSA 12 November 2020 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho relaciona três eixos temáticos, sob a ótica do Design Social: (1) relações intergeracionais; (2) atividades complementares em instituições de ensino superior; e (3) promoção da longevidade com qualidade. Nele, se considera o crescente e acelerado fenômeno do envelhecimento e o fato de que os universitários dos dias de hoje vão atuar profissionalmente para uma população predominantemente idosa. Seu objetivo é contribuir com métodos e estudos que possibilitem a criação de projetos, que possam atender às necessidades e anseios dos maiores de 60 anos, através de atividades complementares intergeracionais nas universidades, tendo em vista a obrigatoriedade dessas atividades complementares nos cursos de graduação –prevista na legislação brasileira (Parecer número 67 do CNE/CES) –bem como a aceitação e valorização do público sênior frente ao ambiente universitário. Para tanto, o percurso metodológico foi orientado pela etapa de exploração do design de serviços, considerando os processos de revisão bibliográfica relacionada aos eixos temáticos, assim como a aplicação de entrevistas semiestruturadas e questionários elaborados para identificação dos pontos de interseção entre idosos e jovens universitários. Com os resultados obtidos foram criadas personas, e idealizadas possíveis atividades complementares nos cursos de Design, Psicologia e Comunicação. A pesquisa indicou a pertinência dessas ações, na medida em que aproximam os estudantes de uma questão social latente e de grande valia para seu futuro profissional, auxiliando, ainda, a integração social em prol da troca de conhecimentos e da quebra de preconceitos, resultando, por fim, em novos estudos, possibilidades e caminhos capazes de trazer soluções para algumas das demandas do público sênior. / [en] The present work lists three thematic axes, from the perspective of social design: (1) intergenerational relationships; (2) complementary activities in higher education institutions; and (3) promoting longevity with quality. It considers the growing and accelerated aging phenomenon and the fact that today s university students will work professionally for a predominantly elderly population. Its objective is to contribute with solutions to meet the needs and desires of those over 60 years of age through complementary intergenerational activities at universities, in view of the mandatory nature of these activities in undergraduate courses, provided for in Brazilian legislation (Parecer number 67 of the CNE / CES) and the acceptance and appreciation of the senior public in the university environment. To achieve it, the methodological path was guided by the service design exploration stage and considers as methods the bibliographic review related to the thematic axes, as well as the application of semi-structured interviews and questionnaires designed to identify the points of intersection between elderly and young university students. With the results obtained, complementary activities were devised in the courses of Design, Psychology and Communication. The research proved the relevance of these actions to the extent that it brings students closer to a latent social issue that is of great value to their professional future, also helping social integration in favor of the exchange of knowledge and the breaking of prejudices, resulting, finally, in the increase of self-esteem of those over 60 years.


BORIS RODRIGUES GARAY 18 December 2020 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho se insere no campo do design social e do design emocional, abordagens voltadas para questões globais complexas e de ordem subjetiva, respectivamente. Ele compreende que o envelhecimento populacional demanda ações para contribuir com a participação social e a qualidade de vida dos idosos. Nesse sentido, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo refletir e aprimorar atividade nomeada Livro Criativo (LC), idealizada pelo autor para idosos e com comprovados benefícios, com vistas a transformá-la em serviço a ser oferecido em maior escala. O LC consiste em encontros mediados por diários gráficos, nos quais os idosos são orientados a expressar seus sentimentos e ideias com base em temas propostos pelo tutor com participação do grupo. Para facilitar a autoexpressão prioriza-se o uso de imagens e de recursos como colagem, desenho, pintura e escrita. Esse trabalho apresenta relato da origem e desenvolvimento do LC; dados e reflexões sobre envelhecimento populacional, práticas diarísticas e a filosofia do diálogo de Martin Buber, buscando enfatizar a importância das relações pessoais na velhice; e relato de oficina intensiva realizada para ensaio de sistematização do LC com participação de cinco pessoas. Concluiu-se que o LC se apresenta como suporte físico de histórias de vida, valores, sentimentos, atitudes e perspectivas diante da vida, contribuindo, assim, para a exploração da identidade e a renovação da sociabilidade do público sênior. Apresenta-se ainda como suporte de memória e importante fonte de investigação sobre longevidade sob a perspectiva dos idosos. / [en] This work is inserted in the field of social design and emotional design that address complex and subjective global issues respectively. It comprehends that population aging demands actions to contribute to the social participation and quality of life of the elderly. In this sense, this research aimed to reflect and improve an activity called Creative Book (CB), idealized by the author for the elderly and with proven benefits, with a view to transforming it into a service to be offered on a larger scale. The CB consists of meetings mediated by graphic diaries, in which the elderlies are instructed to express their feelings and ideas based on themes proposed by the tutor with the participation of the group. To facilitate self-expression, the use of images and resources such as collage, drawing, painting and writing is prioritized. This work presents an account of the origin and development of the CB; data and reflections on population aging, diary practices and Martin Buber s philosophy of dialogue, seeking to emphasize the importance of personal relationships in old age; and report of an intensive workshop held for the systematization of the CB with the participation of five people. It was concluded that the CB presents itself as a physical support of life stories, values, feelings, attitudes and perspectives regarding life, thus contributing to the exploration of identity and the renewal of sociability of the senior public. It also presents itself as a memory support and an important source of research on longevity from the perspective of the elderly.

Инструментарий развития корпоративной социальной ответственности промышленных предприятий в моногородах : магистерская диссертация / Instrumentation for the development of corporate social responsibility of industrial enterprises in single-industry towns

Балакина, А. С., Balakina, A. S. January 2020 (has links)
The problem of effective management of socially oriented business by city-forming enterprises is the most significant and relevant for modern society, since the activities of these enterprises directly affect the maintenance of sustainable development of a single-industry city and the comfort of living in it. The purpose of the master's thesis is to study the specifics of corporate social responsibility of city-forming enterprises and develop tools for the development of CSR of industrial enterprises in single-industry towns. The paper considers the basics of the concept of corporate social responsibility and features of assessing the effectiveness of CSR of industrial enterprises in single-industry towns. The master's thesis offers a methodology for assessing the level of development of corporate social responsibility of city-forming enterprises, based on the developed system of coefficients for determining the current state, taking into account the level of experience in implementing social projects, the degree of achievement of strategic goals in the field of investment in the social sphere and the provision of necessary social infrastructure, which will allow you to obtain an objective assessment of the effectiveness of CSR, determine priorities in the social sphere in single-industry towns and choose development options for the future. / Проблема эффективного ведения социально направленного бизнеса градообразующими предприятиями является наиболее значимой и актуальной для современного общества, так как деятельность этих предприятий напрямую влияет на поддержание устойчивого развития моногорода и комфортность проживания в нем. Целью магистерской диссертации является исследование специфики корпоративной социальной ответственности градообразующих предприятий и разработка инструментария развития КСО промышленных предприятий в моногородах. В работе рассматривается основы понятия корпоративной социальной ответственности и особенности оценки эффективности КСО промышленных предприятий в моногородах. В магистерской диссертации предложена методика оценки уровня развития корпоративной социальной ответственности градообразующих предприятий, основанная на разработанной системе коэффициентов для определения текущего состояния, учитывающая уровень накопленного опыта в реализации социальных проектов, степень достижения стратегических целей в области вложений в социальную сферу и обеспеченность необходимой социальной инфраструктурой, что позволит получить объективную оценку эффективности КСО, определить приоритеты в социальной сфере в моногородах и выбрать варианты развития на перспективу.

IRL Feminism: Bridging Physical and Digital Spaces to Empower Millennial Activists

Place, Alison L. 30 November 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Le développement d’une pratique réflexive par le processus de design : soutenir l’équipe d’intervention d’un projet d’insertion socioprofessionnelle

Tremblay, Caroline 06 1900 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche s’est déroulé au Carrefour jeunesse-emploi des Chutes-de-la-Chaudière auprès de l’équipe d’intervention d’un projet d’insertion socioprofessionnelle : le plateau de travail. L’élément déclencheur a été le besoin de réflexion manifesté par les intervenantes, alors qu’elles tentaient de résoudre une problématique complexe liée au projet. C’est dans ce contexte que nous avons pu accompagner les intervenantes dans le développement de leur processus de design, qu’elles ont nommé la démarche créative. Évaluer un projet social avec l’aide d’indicateurs est communément utilisée dans le cadre du Nouveau management public (NMP). Cette forme de gestion impose une coordination « en plan » qui ne favorise pas la « conversation avec la situation » dans la conduite d’un projet, qui selon Schön (1996), est une caractéristique essentielle des pratiques liées à la conception. Nous émettons donc l’hypothèse qu’il est possible de sortir des impasses de la réalisation du plan en tentant d’introduire des modalités de projet propres au design. Comme nous étions impliquée dans la situation en tant qu’agente de développement, nous avons privilégié une approche méthodologique de recherche-projet. Pour rendre compte de cette démarche, nous avons utilisé un journal de bord, la retranscription d’enregistrements vidéo de rencontres et l’analyse des contenus discursifs (codage). L’analyse des données nous a permis d’observer les conditions ayant favorisé la pratique réflexive de l’équipe d’intervention. D’abord, le désir de changer la situation a amené l’équipe à initier son processus de design et à procéder à une première définition de la problématique. Ensuite, la dynamique de l’équipe s’est développée au cours des rencontres en s’appuyant sur une compréhension mutuelle, des rapports égalitaires (Boutinet, 2005) et des interventions renforçant la cohésion du groupe. L’aménagement d’un espace pour converser avec la situation a permis aux intervenantes de mettre en commun leurs repères familiers (Thévenot, 2006), de mettre en œuvre leur pensée analogique et leur imagination narrative et de développer leur processus réflexif (Schön, 1994). Enfin, elles ont persévéré dans la démarche créative en acceptant l’existence de problèmes pernicieux (Rittel & Webber, 1973) et en considérant l’incertitude comme une alliée. / This research project took place at Carrefour jeunesse-emploi des Chutes-de-la-Chaudière with a team of social workers from a socioprofessional integration project: le plateau de travail (the work platform). What launched this project was the social workers’ need to reflect, as they were attempting to resolve a complex issue relating to the project. It is within this context that we were able to assist these social workers in developing their design process, which they named the creative process. Evaluating a social project using indicators is often utilized within the framework of New Public Management (NPM). This type of management requires a “planned” coordination that does’nt favour a “conversation with the situation” within the carrying out of a project, which, according to Schön (1996), is an essential characteristic of practices having to do with conception. Thus we put forth the hypothesis that it is possible to break free of the deadlocks of plan conception by attempting to introduce project modalities which belong to design. Since we were involved in the situation as development officers, we opted for a methodological research-project approach. In order to be able to review this process, we utilized a journal, transcriptions of video recordings and analyzed discursive contents (coding). Analyzing the data has allowed us to observe the conditions which support the reflective pratice of the intervention team. First of all, the will to change the situation has lead the team to begin its design process and to an initial definition of the problem. Afterwards, the dynamic of the team has developped throughout our encounters based on mutual understanding, egalitarian rapport (Boutinet, 2005) and interventions which reinforced the group’s cohesion. Setting up a space to converse with the situation has allowed the social workers to put their familiar references in common (Thévenot, 2006), to apply their analogical thinking and narrative imagination and to develop their reflective practice (Schön, 1994). Finally, they have persisted in the process by accepting the existence of wicked problems (Rittel & Webber, 1973) and by considering uncertainty as an ally.

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