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Interfacing Natural History Museums: Future avenues for Natural History Collections from an Eco-Social Design PerspectiveHarles, Lynn 21 January 2025 (has links)
2 Natural History Museums as objects of investigation for design research.
2.1 Natural History Museums as interdisciplinary hubs and their meaning for design
2.2 Western understandings of nature & the environmental crisis
3 The value of design research for NHMS in transition
3.1 Design as Knowledge Production
3.2 Common grounds of design and NHMS
4 Bridging the GAP: Natural History Collections as know-ledge repositories for design
5 Conclusion: Future avenues of design at the intersection of NHMS
References / This exploratory paper presents a novel perspective on Natural History Museums (NHMs) through the lens of design research. It explores how recent advancements in design, including the emergence of Design Research Labs and the More-Than-Human Turn, can catalyse NHMs' transformation from static public spaces into vibrant centers for interdisciplinary biodiversity research, innovative collection practices, and knowledge dissemination crucial for addressing ecological crises. These museums are envisioned as pivotal arenas for democratic discourse, environmental conservation, and advocating for multispecies justice. Of particular interest are the historical intersections between
industrial design, modern NHMs, and early ecological movements dating back to the First Industrial Revolution. Additionally, Natural History Collections narrate tales of resilience, adaptation, and life's failures on Earth. The specimens housed within these collections, conceived as «knowledge-things,» are intricately linked with social, political, ecological, and technological developments, offering untapped potential from a design perspective. This paper proposes four promising avenues for future research, positioning NHMs as fertile ground within the design discipline for further investigation.:1 Introduction
2 Natural History Museums as objects of investigation for design research.
2.1 Natural History Museums as interdisciplinary hubs and their meaning for design
2.2 Western understandings of nature & the environmental crisis
3 The value of design research for NHMS in transition
3.1 Design as Knowledge Production
3.2 Common grounds of design and NHMS
4 Bridging the GAP: Natural History Collections as know-ledge repositories for design
5 Conclusion: Future avenues of design at the intersection of NHMS
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Lekande allvar : En designstudie ämnat för barns ekonomiska lärandeTatidou, Elpida, Petersson, Julia January 2016 (has links)
Detta arbete har handlat om att få förståelse vad barn eftersöker för designfaktorer i en mobilapplikation, som ska vara ekonomiskt lärande och hjälpa barn att planera vecko-och månadspengen. Studien skulle resultera i ett designkoncept baserat på barnens egna behövande och önskade faktorer för en ekonomiskt lärande mobilapplikation. Anledningen till att utföra en sådan studie uppkom då svenska banker uppmärksammat att barn har det idag svårare att förstå pengars värde och planera budgeten. Samtidigt som kontanthanteringen har minskat används heller inte fickpengar i samma grad, vilket har tidigare bevisats vara en bra praktik att lära barn med. Således saknas det ett naturligt sätt för dagens barn att handskas med budgetering och lära sig pengarsvärde. Studiens syfte var därför att synliggöra dessa transaktioner genom att främja vecko- och månadspengen och barnens finansiella lärdomar i ett designarbete. Därmed blev frågeställningen: “Vilka designfaktorer prioriterar barn i en ekonomsikt lärande mobilapplikation”, vilket var tänkt kunna besvaras med hjälp av en skolklass med barn i elva till tolv årsåldern. Projektets syfte var att ha en hög användarinvolvering för att kunna få djupare insikter för barnens behov och även låta dem vara en del av designarbetet för att åstadkomma ett resultat de gillar. Teori som spelifiering användes och även en del normativa teorier som bygger sin teori på att försöka förändra eller främja ett visst beteende hos användarna, vilket i denna studie har valts att kallas för teorier inom social design. För datainsamlingsmetoder genomfördes tre primära insamlingar med en femteklass, där barnen fick delas in i tre grupper och genomföra varsin metod. Metoderna ämnade antingen att framkalla empiri om barnens ekonomiska och sociala tillvaro, samt låta dem generera egna designförslag och koncept för vecko-och månadsplanering. För att sedan analysera datan anpassades Tromp och Heckerts teoretiska modell som uppvisar ett sexfaldig process: från att definiera ett socialt fenomen, hitta problemområden inom den, använda strategier för att motarbeta och slutligen att framkalla ett designförslag. I denna modell integrerades studiens teorier för att kunna nyttja de strategier vid dataanalysen. Slutsatsen blev att barnen vill lära sig med spel, kunna personifiera innehållet, kunna känna igen sin skolidentitet i tjänstens kontext, illustrera information med olika diagram och där de visats ha en fascination för högteknologiska prylar, som också tros ge dem social status. Barnen visade sig vilja vara ansvarsfulla och kunna planera sin egna budget, men vill kunna såväl belönas, antingen med godis eller pengar, samt även med roande och underhållande upplevelser. Därmed resulterade detta i en prototyp för en mobilapplikation som är format utefter barnens önskade funktioner. / This work is about gaining insight for what kinds of design elements children search in a mobile application, aimed for learning economics and help them plan their budget. This study would result with a design concept based on children’s own needed and wished elements for an economic learning mobile application. The reason to start a project like this is because Swedish banks have noticed that children today have it difficult to understand money’s worth and plan their budget. While the card-transactions have been reduced on the market have also the use of pocket money been minimized, even though it have been proved to be a good way to teach children money’s worth. Thus, there is not a natural way of today’s kids to deal with their budget and learn money’s worth. The study’s purpose was to visualize these transactions by promoting children’s weekly and monthly allowance and their financial lessons in a design work. This made the question: “What design elements prioritize children in an economic learning mobile application”, which was supposed to be answered by a school class with children at age eleven to twelve. The projects purpose was to have a high user involvement for gaining deeper insight for children’s needs and also let them be apart of the design work to achieve a result they would like. Theory like gamification was used and a couple normative theories based their theory to promote a certain behavior of the users, which in this study have been choosed to call them all for theories of social design. There were three primary methods for data collection methods with a class from fifth-grade, were the children was divided in three groups to complete each method. The methods were aimed to either induce data for the children’s economic and social statement and also let them generate their own design concept for weekly and monthly allowance. Tromp and Heckerts theoretical model was used to analyze the data, were their model was costume to match this specific study. The model is a six fold process: from defining a social phenomenon, find issues with the area, then use strategies to counteract the problems and with developing design proposals. The studies theories was integrated in this model so that it would be possible to make use of the strategies during the analyses. The conclusion was that children want to learning with games, to personalize the content, to recognize their school identity in the service, to illustrate the information with different charts and that they have a big fascination with high-tech gadgets, that also give them social status. The children showed that they want to be responsible for their own actions and budget, but they want also to be reward when they do something good. The reward should then be money or candy and they wanted to have amusing experience during education. Therefore this project was result in a prototype for / <p>Hoppas ni finner rapporten intressant och kontanta oss vid eventuella frågor!</p>
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[pt] O presente trabalho relaciona três eixos temáticos, sob a ótica do Design Social: (1) relações intergeracionais; (2) atividades complementares em instituições de ensino superior; e (3) promoção da longevidade com qualidade. Nele, se considera o crescente e acelerado fenômeno do envelhecimento e o fato de que os universitários dos dias de hoje vão atuar profissionalmente para uma população predominantemente idosa. Seu objetivo é contribuir com métodos e estudos que possibilitem a criação de projetos, que possam atender às necessidades e anseios dos maiores de 60 anos, através de atividades complementares intergeracionais nas universidades, tendo em vista a obrigatoriedade dessas atividades complementares nos cursos de graduação –prevista na legislação brasileira (Parecer número 67 do CNE/CES) –bem como a aceitação e valorização do público sênior frente ao ambiente universitário. Para tanto, o percurso metodológico foi orientado pela etapa de exploração do design de serviços, considerando os processos de revisão bibliográfica relacionada aos eixos temáticos, assim como a aplicação de entrevistas semiestruturadas e questionários elaborados para identificação dos pontos de interseção entre idosos e jovens universitários. Com os resultados obtidos foram criadas personas, e idealizadas possíveis atividades complementares nos cursos de Design, Psicologia e Comunicação. A pesquisa indicou a pertinência dessas ações, na medida em que aproximam os estudantes de uma questão social latente e de grande valia para seu futuro profissional, auxiliando, ainda, a integração social em prol da troca de conhecimentos e da quebra de preconceitos, resultando, por fim, em novos estudos, possibilidades e caminhos capazes de trazer soluções para algumas das demandas do público sênior. / [en] The present work lists three thematic axes, from the perspective of social design: (1) intergenerational relationships; (2) complementary activities in higher education institutions; and (3) promoting longevity with quality. It considers the growing and accelerated aging phenomenon and the fact that today s university students will work professionally for a predominantly elderly population. Its objective is to contribute with solutions to meet the needs and desires of those over 60 years of age through complementary intergenerational activities at universities, in view of the mandatory nature of these activities in undergraduate courses, provided for in Brazilian legislation (Parecer number 67 of the CNE / CES) and the acceptance and appreciation of the senior public in the university environment. To achieve it, the methodological path was guided by the service design exploration stage and considers as methods the bibliographic review related to the thematic axes, as well as the application of semi-structured interviews and questionnaires designed to identify the points of intersection between elderly and young university students. With the results obtained, complementary activities were devised in the courses of Design, Psychology and Communication. The research proved the relevance of these actions to the extent that it brings students closer to a latent social issue that is of great value to their professional future, also helping social integration in favor of the exchange of knowledge and the breaking of prejudices, resulting, finally, in the increase of self-esteem of those over 60 years.
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[pt] Este trabalho se insere no campo do design social e do design emocional, abordagens voltadas para questões globais complexas e de ordem subjetiva, respectivamente. Ele compreende que o envelhecimento populacional demanda ações para contribuir com a participação social e a qualidade de vida dos idosos. Nesse sentido, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo refletir e aprimorar atividade nomeada Livro Criativo (LC), idealizada pelo autor para idosos e com comprovados benefícios, com vistas a transformá-la em serviço a ser oferecido em maior escala. O LC consiste em encontros mediados por diários gráficos, nos quais os idosos são orientados a expressar seus sentimentos e ideias com base em temas propostos pelo tutor com participação do grupo. Para facilitar a autoexpressão prioriza-se o uso de imagens e de recursos como colagem, desenho, pintura e escrita. Esse trabalho apresenta relato da origem e desenvolvimento do LC; dados e reflexões sobre envelhecimento populacional, práticas diarísticas e a filosofia do diálogo de Martin Buber, buscando enfatizar a importância das relações pessoais na velhice; e relato de oficina intensiva realizada para ensaio de sistematização do LC com participação de cinco pessoas. Concluiu-se que o LC se apresenta como suporte físico de histórias de vida, valores, sentimentos, atitudes e perspectivas diante da vida, contribuindo, assim, para a exploração da identidade e a renovação da sociabilidade do público sênior. Apresenta-se ainda como suporte de memória e importante fonte de investigação sobre longevidade sob a perspectiva dos idosos. / [en] This work is inserted in the field of social design and emotional design that address complex and subjective global issues respectively. It comprehends that population aging demands actions to contribute to the social participation and quality of life of the elderly. In this sense, this research aimed to reflect and improve an activity called Creative Book (CB), idealized by the author for the elderly and with proven benefits, with a view to transforming it into a service to be offered on a larger scale. The CB consists of meetings mediated by graphic diaries, in which the elderlies are instructed to express their feelings and ideas based on themes proposed by the tutor with the participation of the group. To facilitate self-expression, the use of images and resources such as collage, drawing, painting and writing is prioritized. This work presents an account of the origin and development of the CB; data and reflections on population aging, diary practices and Martin Buber s philosophy of dialogue, seeking to emphasize the importance of personal relationships in old age; and report of an intensive workshop held for the systematization of the CB with the participation of five people. It was concluded that the CB presents itself as a physical support of life stories, values, feelings, attitudes and perspectives regarding life, thus contributing to the exploration of identity and the renewal of sociability of the senior public. It also presents itself as a memory support and an important source of research on longevity from the perspective of the elderly.
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Инструментарий развития корпоративной социальной ответственности промышленных предприятий в моногородах : магистерская диссертация / Instrumentation for the development of corporate social responsibility of industrial enterprises in single-industry townsБалакина, А. С., Balakina, A. S. January 2020 (has links)
The problem of effective management of socially oriented business by city-forming enterprises is the most significant and relevant for modern society, since the activities of these enterprises directly affect the maintenance of sustainable development of a single-industry city and the comfort of living in it. The purpose of the master's thesis is to study the specifics of corporate social responsibility of city-forming enterprises and develop tools for the development of CSR of industrial enterprises in single-industry towns. The paper considers the basics of the concept of corporate social responsibility and features of assessing the effectiveness of CSR of industrial enterprises in single-industry towns. The master's thesis offers a methodology for assessing the level of development of corporate social responsibility of city-forming enterprises, based on the developed system of coefficients for determining the current state, taking into account the level of experience in implementing social projects, the degree of achievement of strategic goals in the field of investment in the social sphere and the provision of necessary social infrastructure, which will allow you to obtain an objective assessment of the effectiveness of CSR, determine priorities in the social sphere in single-industry towns and choose development options for the future. / Проблема эффективного ведения социально направленного бизнеса градообразующими предприятиями является наиболее значимой и актуальной для современного общества, так как деятельность этих предприятий напрямую влияет на поддержание устойчивого развития моногорода и комфортность проживания в нем. Целью магистерской диссертации является исследование специфики корпоративной социальной ответственности градообразующих предприятий и разработка инструментария развития КСО промышленных предприятий в моногородах. В работе рассматривается основы понятия корпоративной социальной ответственности и особенности оценки эффективности КСО промышленных предприятий в моногородах. В магистерской диссертации предложена методика оценки уровня развития корпоративной социальной ответственности градообразующих предприятий, основанная на разработанной системе коэффициентов для определения текущего состояния, учитывающая уровень накопленного опыта в реализации социальных проектов, степень достижения стратегических целей в области вложений в социальную сферу и обеспеченность необходимой социальной инфраструктурой, что позволит получить объективную оценку эффективности КСО, определить приоритеты в социальной сфере в моногородах и выбрать варианты развития на перспективу.
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IRL Feminism: Bridging Physical and Digital Spaces to Empower Millennial ActivistsPlace, Alison L. 30 November 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Le développement d’une pratique réflexive par le processus de design : soutenir l’équipe d’intervention d’un projet d’insertion socioprofessionnelleTremblay, Caroline 06 1900 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche s’est déroulé au Carrefour jeunesse-emploi des Chutes-de-la-Chaudière auprès de l’équipe d’intervention d’un projet d’insertion socioprofessionnelle : le plateau de travail. L’élément déclencheur a été le besoin de réflexion manifesté par les intervenantes, alors qu’elles tentaient de résoudre une problématique complexe liée au projet. C’est dans ce contexte que nous avons pu accompagner les intervenantes dans le développement de leur processus de design, qu’elles ont nommé la démarche créative.
Évaluer un projet social avec l’aide d’indicateurs est communément utilisée dans le cadre du Nouveau management public (NMP). Cette forme de gestion impose une coordination « en plan » qui ne favorise pas la « conversation avec la situation » dans la conduite d’un projet, qui selon Schön (1996), est une caractéristique essentielle des pratiques liées à la conception. Nous émettons donc l’hypothèse qu’il est possible de sortir des impasses de la réalisation du plan en tentant d’introduire des modalités de projet propres au design.
Comme nous étions impliquée dans la situation en tant qu’agente de développement, nous avons privilégié une approche méthodologique de recherche-projet. Pour rendre compte de cette démarche, nous avons utilisé un journal de bord, la retranscription d’enregistrements vidéo de rencontres et l’analyse des contenus discursifs (codage).
L’analyse des données nous a permis d’observer les conditions ayant favorisé la pratique réflexive de l’équipe d’intervention. D’abord, le désir de changer la situation a amené l’équipe à initier son processus de design et à procéder à une première définition de la problématique. Ensuite, la dynamique de l’équipe s’est développée au cours des rencontres en s’appuyant sur une compréhension mutuelle, des rapports égalitaires (Boutinet, 2005) et des interventions renforçant la cohésion du groupe. L’aménagement d’un espace pour converser avec la situation a permis aux intervenantes de mettre en commun leurs repères familiers (Thévenot, 2006), de mettre en œuvre leur pensée analogique et leur imagination narrative et de développer leur processus réflexif (Schön, 1994). Enfin, elles ont persévéré dans la démarche créative en acceptant l’existence de problèmes pernicieux (Rittel & Webber, 1973) et en considérant l’incertitude comme une alliée. / This research project took place at Carrefour jeunesse-emploi des Chutes-de-la-Chaudière with a team of social workers from a socioprofessional integration project: le plateau de travail (the work platform). What launched this project was the social workers’ need to reflect, as they were attempting to resolve a complex issue relating to the project. It is within this context that we were able to assist these social workers in developing their design process, which they named the creative process.
Evaluating a social project using indicators is often utilized within the framework of New Public Management (NPM). This type of management requires a “planned” coordination that does’nt favour a “conversation with the situation” within the carrying out of a project, which, according to Schön (1996), is an essential characteristic of practices having to do with conception. Thus we put forth the hypothesis that it is possible to break free of the deadlocks of plan conception by attempting to introduce project modalities which belong to design.
Since we were involved in the situation as development officers, we opted for a methodological research-project approach. In order to be able to review this process, we utilized a journal, transcriptions of video recordings and analyzed discursive contents (coding).
Analyzing the data has allowed us to observe the conditions which support the reflective pratice of the intervention team. First of all, the will to change the situation has lead the team to begin its design process and to an initial definition of the problem. Afterwards, the dynamic of the team has developped throughout our encounters based on mutual understanding, egalitarian rapport (Boutinet, 2005) and interventions which reinforced the group’s cohesion. Setting up a space to converse with the situation has allowed the social workers to put their familiar references in common (Thévenot, 2006), to apply their analogical thinking and narrative imagination and to develop their reflective practice (Schön, 1994). Finally, they have persisted in the process by accepting the existence of wicked problems (Rittel & Webber, 1973) and by considering uncertainty as an ally.
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Rendre possible l’engagement en familiarité dans les CHSLD : les savoir-être d’une pratique de design centrée sur l’usagerProulx, Sébastien 06 1900 (has links)
Les défis associés au phénomène du vieillissement démographique de la population se manifestent sous plusieurs formes et à de nombreux égards. Il y a des questions générales comme celles qui touchent l’économique et d’autres, plus spécifiques et situées, comme celles des modalités assurant des services et des soins adéquats aux personnes vulnérables. Par exemple, le colloque « La qualité de l’expérience des usagers et des proches : vers la personnalisation des soins et des services sociaux », programmé dans le cadre des Entretiens Jacques Cartier à l’automne 2014, s’était donné comme objectif d’examiner l’expérience personnelle des usagers relativement aux prestations de soins de santé et à l’organisation des services sociaux. L’origine de ces réflexions réside dans la nécessité de trouver un meilleur équilibre des pouvoirs dans les relations d’aide ou la prestation de soin. Cette problématique sous-entend l’idée de rendre les usagers capables d’un certain contrôle par l’adoption d’approches permettant aux professionnels de faire des ajustements personnalisés.
Cette thèse de doctorat s’inscrit directement dans le prolongement de cette problématique. La recherche vise à examiner les conditions en mesure de rendre possible, dans les Centres d’hébergement et de soins de longue durée (CHSLD), un rapport au monde catégorisé par ce que le sociologue Laurent Thévenot nomme le régime de la familiarité. Le régime de la familiarité fait référence aux réalités où l’engagement des personnes se déploie dans l’aisance. Autrement dit, ce régime d’engagement correspond à un rapport au milieu où la personne est en mesure de déployer ses habitudes, d’habiter le moment et de se sentir chez elle. Comme le montre Thévenot, ce type d’engagement commande la conception d’un monde qui offre aux personnes la possibilité d’articuler les modalités de leurs actions sur des repères qui font sens personnellement pour eux. Ainsi, l’objet de la recherche consiste à mieux comprendre la participation du design à la conception d’un milieu d’hébergement capable d’accueillir ce type d’engagement pragmatique.
Les orientations associées à la conception de milieux d’hébergement capables de satisfaire de telles exigences correspondent largement aux ambitions qui accompagnent le développement des approches du design centrées sur l’usager, du design d’expériences et plus récemment du design empathique. Cela dit, malgré les efforts investis en ce sens, les capacités d’appropriation des usagers restent un problème pour lequel les réponses sont précaires. La thèse interroge ainsi le fait que les développements des approches de design, qui ont fait de l’expérience des usagers une préoccupation de premier plan, sont trop souvent restreints par des questions de méthodes et de procédures. Le développement de ces connaissances se serait fait au détriment de l’examen précis des savoir-être également nécessaires pour rendre les designers capables de prendre au sérieux les enjeux associés aux aspirations de ces approches.
Plus spécifiquement, la recherche précise les qualités de l’expérience des établissements dont le design permet l’engagement en familiarité. L’enquête s’appuie sur une analyse des jugements posés par des équipes d’évaluation de la qualité du milieu de vie des CHSLD présents sur le territoire Montréalais. L’analyse a mené à la caractérisation de cinq qualités : l’accueillance, la convivialité, la flexibilité, la prévenance et la stabilité. Finalement, sous la forme d’un essai réflexif, un tableau de savoir-être est suggéré comme manière de rendre les designers capables de mettre en œuvre des milieux d’hébergement présentant les qualités identifiées. Cet essai est également l’occasion du développement d’un outil réflexif pour une pédagogie et une pratique vertueuse du design. / The phenomenon of an aging population brings with it a whole host of diverse challenges. Some of these challenges are of a general nature, such as those related to economics, while others are much more specific, such as the conditions and procedures needed to ensure that vulnerable individuals receive adequate care and services. For instance, a symposium entitled “Providing a quality experience for users and loved ones: personalization of care and social services,” held during the fall 2014 Entretiens Jacques-Cartier, aimed to examine personal user experiences pertaining to the delivery of health care services and the organization of social services. This meeting’s initial hypothesis underscored the need for a more balanced power dynamic with caregivers or in the delivery of care. This hypothesis is based on the concept of user capabilities, achieved through the adoption of practices which enable professionals to provide personalized care.
Further exploration of this particular issue is at the core of this doctoral thesis. This research aims to examine the conditions which would allow people living in long-term care facilities to engage with their environment in a way the sociologist Laurent Thévenot categorized as “familiar engagement.” Familiar engagement refers to realities in which people are able to rest on an accustomed dependency with the things and people that surround them. In other words, this type of engagement refers to a relationship with one’s environment which allows individuals to take part in their usual habits, and where they feel at home and at ease in their surroundings. As Thévenot’s analysis shows, this type of engagement requires the conception of a world which allows people to frame their actions around reference points which are personally relevant to them. Thus, this research aims to better understand the role of designers in the conception of nursing homes where this type of pragmatic engagement is made possible.
The guidelines for the development of residential facilities able to satisfy these criteria are largely in line with the expectations surrounding the development of user-centered design, experience design, and empathic design. That being said, despite the efforts put forth towards this initiative, self-identification with one’s environment remains an unresolved problem. Our hypothesis is that the evolution of user-centered design is too often restricted by methodological or procedural issues. Development in this direction has been done to the detriment of the precise examination of the virtues needed by designers in order to be able to seriously take on the issues associated with the goals of this design approach.
More specifically, this research identifies the qualities of long-term care facilities’ experience whose design allows for familiar engagement. For our study, we analyzed the findings and judgments of living environment evaluation teams concerning the quality of living environments of the long-term care facilities in the Montreal area. Through this survey, five qualities have been identified: welcomeness, conviviality, flexibility, thoughtfulness and stability. Finally, as a reflective essay, a portrait of virtues is suggested as a way for designers to implement facilities that share those qualities. The dissertation also presented a reflexive tool for a virtuous design practice and pedagogy.
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Culture as a project: design, self-determination and identity assertion in indigenous communitiesLeitão, Renata Marques 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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[pt] As redes sociais digitais apresentam novas possibilidades de ação dentro do campo do design gráfico. Uma delas é incentivar novas formas de participação cidadã em interesses civis e sociais através das ORGANIZACOES DA SOCIEDADE CIVIL (OSC) no México. O espaço digital,transformou a forma de comunicação em um locus democrático que demanda conceitualizações sintetizadas nos processos de comunicação visual e que, pelas características das redes sociais digitais, permite a hiperconetividade, junto sobre-informação da mídia. As informações competem umas com as outras pela atenção dos usuários graças a rapidez e a indexação dos motores de busca. No caso do facebook, a carga visual impera, devendo provocar ao cidadão com a finalidade de que pare seu tour na rede e enxergue, leia para se sensibilizar, se conscientizar, e, sobre tudo, para ser participante através da interação, primeiro no espaço on-line, com o potencial de participar no espaço off-line, a fim de gerar ações coletivas para a mudança. Sob esta premissa, a presente pesquisa parte de um estudo exploratório de corte qualitativo. Para a exploração foi escolhido /selecionaram as OSC s focadas no tema da segurança publica, particularmente o facebook como rede social digital, e o design gráfico que pressupõe uma ação transformadora na sociedade para um bem comum. Cada um dos atores interpretam um papel, as OSC s geram os conteúdos, o facebook éa mídia e o design gráfico concretiza para comunicar o cidadão. A tese apresenta um olhar de acrônimoque inicia com uma aproximação teórica das OSC s no México, para dar seguimento para a sua conformação histórica entrelaçada com a contribuição do design gráfico, desde o seu material original, permitindo evidenciar o seu papel, valor de identidade cultural neste espaço no país. Assim mesmo, uma revisão teórica é apresentada
sobre as diferentes questões do design gráfico no âmbito social. A partir do marco teórico, uma pesquisa é realizada com um olhar sincrônico, ou melhor, uma fotografia do momento, baseada em entrevistas com uma seleção de organizações da sociedade civil (dedicadas ao tema da segurança publica) e recopilações de imagens publicadas nos perfis do facebook de ditas organizações, durante o período de 2015 - 2016, com o objetivo de realizar um estudo e organizar certas categorias de analise gráficabaseadas nas características da mídia e referenciadas com o mar co teórico. Isto para detectar uma seria de aproximações que contribuem para novas praticas e contextos do design social. Da mesma maneira é questionado se a conexão imagem-cidadã permite criar uma seria de reações para promover a participação cidadã. Nesse trabalho um exercício de observação éapresentado a categorização e analise a fim de estabelecer o potencial do vinculo entre do design gráfico e as OSC s no espaço digital do facebook. / [en] The digital social networks present new possibilities of action in the field of graphic design to foment new forms in the citizen participation in civic and social interests through the Organizations of the Civil Society (OSC) in Mexico. The digital space transformed the form of communication into a democratic space that demands synthesized conceptualizations of graphic design in the processes of visual communication, and which, due to the characteristics of digital social networks, allows hyper connectivity, along with media over-information. The information competes with each other for the attention of users, along with the speed and indexation of search engines (which make it easy to reach users). In the case of Facebook, the visual burden prevails, this should provoke the citizen: stop, look, see, read to raise awareness, become aware, to be a participant through interaction, first in online space, with the potential to participate in the off-line space, in order to generate collective actions for change. Under this premise, the research starts from an exploratory qualitative study. For its exploration were chosen::the CSOs focused on the issue of public safety, Facebook as a social digital network, and graphic design that presupposes a transforming a common good. Each of the actors plays a role: CSOs generate content, Facebook is the medium and graphic design concretizes to communicate to the citizen. The thesis presents a diachronic view that begins with a theoretical approach of the CSOs in Mexico, to give way to their historical conformation interlaced with the contribution of graphic design: original material that allows to show its role, identity and cultural value in this space in the country. Also, a theoretical review
is presented on the different issues of graphic design in the social field. From the theoretical framework, a synchronous look at the state-of-the-art based on interviews with a selection of civil society organizations (dedicated to the topic of public safety) and compilations of images published in the Facebook profiles of the organizations selected during the period 2015-2016, to carry out a study based on categories of graphic analysis based on the characteristics of the medium and referenced to the theoretical framework to evidence a series of approaches that contribute to new praxisand contexts of social design. It is also questioned whether the image-citizen connection allows creating a series of reactions to promote citizen participation. This research presents an exercise in observation, categorization and analysis in order to establish the potential of the link between graphic design and CSOs in Facebook s virtual space. / [es] Las redes sociales digitales presentan nuevas posibilidades de acción dentro del campo del diseño gráfico. Una de ellas es incentivas nuevas formas de participación ciudadana en intereses cívicos y sociales a través de las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil (OSC) en México. El espacio digital transformó la forma de comunicación en un locus democrático que demanda conceptualizaciones sintetizadas en los procesos de comunicación visual y que, por las características de las redes sociales digitales, permite hiperconectividad, junto con sobre-información del medio. Las informaciones compiten unas con otras por la atención de los usuarios gracias a la rapidez y la indexación de los motores de búsqueda. En el caso de Facebook, la carga visual impera, ésta debe provocar al ciudadano con el fin de que pare su recorrido en la red y mire, lea para sensibilizarse, concientizarse, y, sobre todo, para ser partícipe a través de la interacción, primero en el espacio on-line, con el potencial de participar en el espacio off-line, a fin de generar acciones colectivas para el cambio. Bajo esta premisa, la presente investigación parte de un estudio exploratorio de corte cualitativo. Para la exploración se eligió/seleccionaron las OSC s enfocadas al tema de seguridad pública, particularmente Facebook, como red social digital, y el diseño gráfico que presupone una acción transformadora en la sociedad para un bien común. Cada uno de los actores juega un rol; las OSC s generan los contenidos, Facebook es el medio y el diseño gráfico concretiza para comunicar al ciudadano. La tesis presenta una mirada diacrónica que inicia con una aproximación teórica de las OSC s en México, para dar paso a su conformación histórica entrelazada con la contribución del diseño gráfico, desde sus material original, que permiten evidenciar su rol, valor de identidad y cultural en este
espacio en el país. Asimismo, se presenta una revisión teórica sobre las diferentes cuestiones del diseño gráfico en el ámbito social. A partir del marco teórico, se realiza una investigación con una mirada sincrónica, es decir, una fotografía del momento, basada en entrevistas con una selección de organizaciones de la sociedad civil (dedicadas al tema de seguridad pública) y recopilaciones de imágenes publicadas en los perfiles de Facebook, de dichas organizaciones, durante el periodo de 2015-2016, con el objetivo de realizar un estudio a partir de categorías de análisis gráfico basadas en las características del medio y referenciadas con el marco teórico Esto, para detectar una serie de aproximaciones que contribuyen a nuevas praxis y contextos del diseño social. De igual modo se cuestiona si la conexión imagen-ciudadano permite crear una serie de reacciones para promover la participación ciudadana. En este trabajo se presenta un ejercicio de observación, categorización y análisis a fin de establecer el potencial del vínculo entre el diseño gráfico y las OSC s en el espacio digital de Facebook.
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