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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The perceived impact of the performance management system utilised in the Department of Social Development in enhancing service delivery : a case study of the Johannesburg Metro Region.

Phungwayo, Msizi 21 July 2014 (has links)
The mandate of the Department of Social Development (DSD) is to provide welfare services. These services are targeted at every citizen in South Africa and most importantly the vulnerable and poor people of South Africa. In order to ensure that it fulfills its mandate, the Department of Social Development (DSD) has put in place a Performance Management System which seeks to ensure that the deliverables are achieved effectively and efficiently. It is often argued that services for the poor are sometimes poor services, yet government devotes ample resources to improve these services. Thus the implementation of Performance Management System is strategically geared at improving service delivery in government departments. The Department of Social Development (DSD) is one of those departments that have implemented the Performance Management System but the results reveal that it has not achieved the expected outcomes, There is heightened job dissatisfaction, poor performance and low morale. The study sought to investigate the perceived impact of the performance management system on service delivery. The primary aim of the study was to investigate the contributions of the performance management system of the Department of Social Development (DSD) in enhancing the delivery of social services. The study employed a qualitative approach and it was exploratory in nature. The study population consisted of social workers and managers. In addition, there were key informants drawn from the Human Resource section. A total of 15 participants and 2 key informants were selected using purposive sampling. Semi-structured interview schedules were used to collect data. There were separate interview schedules for social workers as well as the managers. Face to face interviews were conducted with all the participants. The collected data was analysed using thematic content analysis. Ethical considerations were adhered to, as the researcher observed and adhered to conducting the investigation without bringing harm to participants and allowing the participants free will to choose to participate in the study. The major findings revealed that there is no common understanding of what performance management is. The study revealed that the performance management system utilised in the DSD had a negative impact on service delivery. All the participants identified the performance management system as a management tool. Various challenges that undermine the effectiveness of the performance management system were identified. These challenges include the role of supervision was identified as being suppressed as proper supervision did not take place and political interference was also identified as a challenge that undermined the effectiveness of system. The work output of social workers was affected by these various challenges.

Biståndshandläggare inom omsorgen om funktionshindrade - om komplexitet i en mångfacetterad yrkesroll

Suomi, Sarianna January 2008 (has links)
<p>The aim of this study is to explore the complexity of social workers professinal role in disability services in local municipalities. The study is based on qualitative interviews that took place in 5 local municipalities in the surroundings of Stockholm. I interviewed two social workers in every municipal. The theoretical point in the study is Roine Johanssons theory of streetlevel bureaucats´ discretion in the execution of their work and the limitations that comes from the organisation. The results in this study show that social workers are in a complex work situation between clients and the organisation they work for. Disability services are a multi-faced area and though the professionals have a substantial discretion in the execution of their work there are several limitations in the execution. The discretion is controlled by activities both from thr government and from the local municipality. The social worker is in a middle position in the organisation and has to choose between being loyal to the own organisation or show obedience to the laws.</p>

Els serveis socials a Catalunya. Una visió històrica

Vilà, Antoni (Vilà Mancebo) 30 January 2004 (has links)
Es tracta d'una investigació historiogràfica de caràcter exploratori del fenomen dels serveis socials a Catalunya. La principal novetat de l'estudi resideix en l'enfocament històric, realitzat a partir de l'anàlisi institucional, normatiu i de les polítiques de serveis socials, centrat bàsicament en el territori català. El treball s'ha estructurat en tres partes. La primera, dedicada al projecte d'investigació, tracta del marc de referència, on es presenten unes reflexions inicials, s'efectuen unes precisions sobre la utilització dels termes i el mètode i es tracta de l'objecte d'estudi. A continuació es determina el tipus d'investigació i es delimita l'àmbit territorial i cronològic. En tercer lloc, s'estableix el marc teòric de referència i es formulen les principals qüestions i consideracions plantejades a l'entorn de la problemàtica d'estudi i el darrer apartat es refereix als mètodes i tècniques emprades, fent una especial referència a les dificultats sorgides en l'aplicació del mètode comparatiu i l'observació i, finalment, es concreten les dimensions operatives i les fonts documentals.Atesa la complexitat i la importància que tenia per a la investigació, es dedica íntegrament el capítol segon a l'establiment d'un marc de referència relatiu als conceptes tècnic i jurídic dels serveis socials, així com a altres termes propers, como la caritat, la beneficència, l'assistència social, l'acció social, la seguretat social o el treball social, entre altres. Al final es presenta una definició operativa per a utilitzar en el transcurs del treball.La segona part, que es titula "Una visió històrica de los serveis socials a Catalunya", es refereix pròpiament a la investigació. El primer capítol tracta dels antecedents, que s'inicien amb la pobresa i la caritat medievals, es revisen, després, les aportacions del Renaixement i els canvis produïts al final del absolutisme, així com els derivats de la industrialització, incloent les realitzacions de la Mancomunitat de Catalunya i de la Generalitat republicana, i, finalment, es revisa l'etapa franquista, tant les actuacions públiques com les innovadores experiències cíviques. El segon capítol es centra en l'etapa de la transició, quan es produeix la gestació dels serveis socials de la democràcia, on es tracta del paper desenvolupat per la iniciativa social i la Generalitat provisional, i s'analitza el tractament dels serveis socials en la Constitució espanyola i l'Estatut d'autonomia de Catalunya. El següent capítol es dedica a la dècada dels vuitanta i s'exposen les actuacions dels primers ajuntaments democràtics i la constitució i estructuració de la Generalitat autonòmica, així com les transferències rebudes de l'Estat i de la Seguretat Social en aquesta matèria. S'analitza la definició, l'estructuració i l'organització dels serveis a través de les principals lleis i reglaments que els regulen.En el capítol quart es tracta la dècada següent, on es produeixen transformacions remarcables. S'analitzen els significats dels canvis que es situen des de la fase excepcional de consens fins a una altra de certa normalitat democràtica. Es revisen els aspectes i les novetats principals, com la creació del Departament de Benestar Social, la Llei 4/1994 i els debats i plans d'actuació del mundo local, especialment les repercussions de les reformes organitzatives i les de les lleis territorials catalanes: creació de les comarques, la reducció del paper de les diputacions i la redistribució competencial local. Finalment, es constata el fort creixement dels serveis socials i la seva consolidació en el territori.A la tercera part es presenten les conclusions i consideracions referents a les qüestions plantejades inicialment en el projecte d'investigació. El darrer apartat es dedica a la bibliografia i els annexos. / This is a historiographic piece of research of an exploratory nature into the phenomenon of social services in Catalonia. In the first part, the research project is presented and the conceptual aspects are clarified. The second part is the research itself, which starts with a chapter dedicated to the background of social services from late mediaeval times to the end of Franco's dictatorship, including the study of the two Catalan experiences of self-government: the Mancomunitat de Catalunya and the Republican Generalitat. In the following chapters, it studies the management of the social services during the transition period until the approval of the Spanish Constitution and the Catalan Statute of Autonomy; it then deals with the social services in the new social, democratic and autonomic state and their shaping through the transfer of State and Social Security resources, the organisation and definition of the model and finally it looks at the changes and consolidation of the social services during the final decade of the last century. In the third part, the conclusions and considerations about the matters initially proposed for the research project are presented. The final part is the bibliography and annexes.

Maternity care in Zambia : with special reference to social support /

Maimbolwa, Margaret C., January 1900 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karol. inst., 2004. / Härtill 6 uppsatser.

The Interaction of Race & Theological Orientation in Congregational Social Service Provision

Tsitsos, William January 2007 (has links)
This project continues the tradition of scholarly attention to the social service activities of African-American religious organizations. Analysis of data from the 1998 National Congregations Study reveals that African-American congregations are not more or less likely to support social services in general. They are, however, more likely to support certain types of programs. Specifically, these are programs in the areas of substance abuse, mentoring/tutoring, and non-religious education. Further analysis of NCS indicates that, among African-American congregations, theological conservatism is associated with a greater likelihood of supporting social service programs. This runs counter to existing assumptions about theological conservatism, which has previously been associated with a focus on "other-worldly" concerns, such as getting into heaven. As such, theological conservatism has never been thought to encourage concern over "this-worldly" issues such as poverty, homelessness, and other social problems that are part of the social service realm. While these assumptions about theological conservatism hold true for non-African-American congregations, the same cannot be said for African-American congregations. This project attempts to figure out why this is the case. Does theological conservatism mean something different in African-American congregations than what it does in other congregations? If so, what are these different meanings?To answer these questions, the project includes nineteen interviews with key informants, such as ministers, priests, or other staff people/leaders, from local religious congregations in a mid-sized city in the southwestern U.S. Nine of the informants are affiliated with African-American congregations, and the other ten are affiliated with non-African-American congregations. The interviews establish the racial/ethnic composition, theological & political orientations (liberal, conservative, or in the middle) of each informant's congregation, as well as whether the congregation supports any social service programs. The interview data show the ways in which many of the stereotypes about theological conservatism do not apply to African-American, theologically conservative congregations. Many of the interviewees from African-American, theologically conservative congregations emphasize the importance of relationships and community in ways that the non-African-American theological conservatives do not. This explains why these African-American congregations are more likely to support social service programs, unlike other theologically conservative congregations.

Nevyriausybinės organizacijos kaip socialinių paslaugų teikėjos / Non-governmental organizations as providers of social services

Kliucevičienė, Danguolė 30 June 2006 (has links)
The activity of the third sector in social sphere becomes very important lately. For this reason, the Non-governmental organizations, providing social services in Lithuania, are chosen as the object of presentable research. The place of Non-governmental organizations, taking action in social sphere, in the market of social services and the part taken in solving social problems is being analyzed in this work. Non-governmental organizations are described. The presumptions of attitude of intensification of Non-governmental organizations as participators of market of social services are segregated. The influence of legislation, which regulates presentation of social services, for activity is amplified. The research was carried out trying to proof that Non-governmental organizations can become the main providers of social services. There were used theoretical, empirical and statistic methods of research in this work. The experience of Non-governmental organizations in social activity was evaluated during research. There were determined strong enough positions of Non-governmental organizations in the market of social services. The problems that meet Non-governmental organizations are being analyzed. These problems were determined using scientific literature of Lithuania and foreign authors, legislations of Republic of Lithuania and with help of representatives of Non-governmental organizations that took part in this research. Respondents specified reasons that prevent activity... [to full text]

Socialinių paslaugų organizavimo Utenos rajone analizė / Analysis of organization of social services in Utena region

Šakalienė, Inga 24 September 2008 (has links)
Demografinė situacija Utenos rajone, kaip ir visoje Lietuvoje, šiuo metu yra pakankamai sudėtinga, tuo atžvilgiu, kad daugelis gyventojų dažnai, net ne dėl savo noro patenka į socialinės rizikos grupes, ir patiria socialinę atskirtį, todėl būtina skirti dėmesį ir tiems, kurie su tuo susiduria. Socialinių paslaugų organizavimo analizė pasirinkta todėl, kad Utenos rajone socialinės paslaugos išplėtotos geriausiai Utenos apskrities mastu, todėl svarbu patyrinėti, kas gerai išvystyta šioje srityje, ir su kokiomis problemomis susiduriama. Darbo tiriamasis objektas – socialinių paslaugų organizavimas Utenos rajone. Tyrimo tikslas – išanalizuoti socialinių paslaugų organizavimą Utenos rajone. Tyrimo uždaviniai : 1. Atlikti socialinių paslaugų organizavimo prielaidų analizę. 2. Atskleisti Utenos rajono socialinių paslaugų teikimo ypatumus. 3. Ištirti Utenos rajono socialinių paslaugų gavėjų ir teikėjų nuomonę apie socialines paslaugas, išsiaiškinant jų lūkesčius ir poreikius. Teorinėje darbo dalyje analizuota socialinių paslaugų samprata, socialinių paslaugų organizavimo teisinės prielaidos (įstatymų ir norminių teisės aktų analizė); organizavimo specifika; pateikta Utenos rajono socialinė charakteristika, pateikta Utenos rajono institucijų ir nevyriausybinių organizacijų, teikiančių socialines paslaugas analizė. Praktinėje darbo dalyje pateikiamas tyrimas, kurio tikslas išsiaiškinti, kokios socialinės paslaugos teikiamos Utenos rajono žmonėms ir numatyti tolimesnes jų vystymo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The demographical situation in Utena region, like in all country of Lithuania, at present is rather complicated in this regard that a lot of inhabitants often not voluntarily make the groups of social risk and suffer from social disjuncture, consequently it is necessary to pay attention to those people, who face it. The analysis of organization of social services is chosen because in Utena region the social services are developed the best in Utena county, so it is important to analyze what is good developed in this field and what problems are faced. The investigative object of work – the organization of social services in Utena region. The purpose of survey – to analyze the organization of social services in Utena region. The goals of survey: 1. To do the analysis of presumptions of social services organization. 2. To open the peculiarities of giving the social services in Utena region. 3. To analyze the opinion of receivers and givers about social services in Utena region clarifying their expectations and needs. In the theoretical part of work is analyzed the conception of organization of social services, the legal assumptions of social services organization (analysis of laws and standard deeds); particularity of organization; there are given the social characteristics of Utena region and the analysis of institutions and non-governmental organizations in Utena region giving the social services. In the practical part of work is given the survey which has an aim to... [to full text]

Įvaikinimo patirtys atskleidžiant socialinės pagalbos galimybes / Adoption experience by demonstrating possibilities of social assistance

Radvilienė, Kristina 13 January 2009 (has links)
Savo šeimas praradusių vaikų įvaikinimas kitose šeimose - sudėtingas procesas, keičiantis visų su juo susijusių žmonių gyvenimus bei likimus. Kartu tai sudėtingas socialinis reiškinys mūsų visuomenėje. Galimų įvaikinti vaikų Lietuvoje yra daug, o šeimų, norinčių ir galinčių įsivaikinti – mažai. Visuomenės požiūris į įvaikinusias šeimas nėra supratingas bei palaikantis, šeimoms trūksta paramos, kvalifikuotos specialistų pagalbos. Tyrimo tikslas: atskleisti įvaikinusių šeimų poreikį socialinei pagalbai per jų patirtis. Tyrimo uždaviniai: • Ištirti šeimų pasirengimą įvaikinimui. • Atskleisti įtėvių šeimose kylančius sunkumus, jų priežastis. • Numatyti socialinio darbo galimybes teikiant pagalbą įvaikinusioms šeimoms. Teorinėje darbo dalyje analizuojama tėvų globą praradusių vaikų situacija Lietuvoje, vaikų, augančių vaikų globos institucijose, raida, psichologiniai ypatumai, taip pat apžvelgiamos įvaikinančių šeimų išgyvenamos krizės, gaunama pagalba. Darbe atliktas kokybinis tyrimas. Tyrime dalyvavo 5 sutuoktinių poros ir 1 įmotė, auginantys nepilnamečius įvaikintus vaikus. Duomenų rinkimui buvo pasirinktas pusiau struktūruotas interviu, o duomenų analizė atlikta taikant interpretuojamąją fenomenologiją. Tyrimas patvirtino daugelio autorių tyrimų rezultatus, kad tėvų globos netekusio, institucijoje augančio vaiko fizinė, emocinė, socialinė ir kognityvinė raida atsilieka. Tačiau vaikams apsigyvenus įtėvių šeimose, vyksta visapusiški teigiami jų raidos poslinkiai. Didelę įtaką... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Adoption of children who have lost their families, by other families is a complicated process changing lives and destinies of all involved people. At the same time it is a complex social phenomenon in our society. There are many children available for adoption in Lithuania, but there are few families willing and able to adopt. The attitude of society to adoption is neither supportive nor understanding, families lack of support, help of skilled professionals. The aim of research: to analyse the need of adopting families for social assistance through their experience. Tasks of the study: • To analyse the readiness of families for adoption. • To analyse difficulties and their causes in adoptive parents' families. • To provide opportunities for social work and assistance to adoptive families. The theoretical part of the work contains the analysis of the of children who have lost their the parents in Lithuania, situation of children growing in institutions, development of their psychological traits, as well as an overview of crises experienced by adoptive families and available assistance. The work included a qualitative study. The study included the analysis of 5 couples and 1 stepmother, raising underage adopted children. Data collection was carried out by way of semi-structured interviews, and data analysis was accomplished by applying the interpretative phenomenology. The research confirmed research results of many authors, namely that physical, emotional social and... [to full text]

Socialinių paslaugų prieinamumas ir priimtinumas kliento/paciento požiūriu sveikatos priežiūros organizacijose / Accessibility and acceptability of social services in a healthcare organization from the clients’/patients’ perspective

Petralienė, Natalija 12 July 2011 (has links)
Pertvarkant pirminės sveikatos priežiūros įstaigų tinklą ir optimizuojant teikiamų paslaugų spektrą, siekiama gerinti socialinių paslaugų prieinamumą ir priimtinumą, todėl aktualu periodiškai tirti pacientų/klientų požiūrį į socialinių paslaugų, teikiamų sveikatos priežiūros įstaigose, prieinamumą bei priimtinumą įvairioms socialinėms grupėms. Darbo objektas: socialinės paslaugos asmens sveikatos priežiūros įstaigose. Darbo tikslas: išanalizuoti socialinių paslaugų prieinamumo ir priimtinumo sveikatos priežiūros įstaigose ypatumus pacientų/klientų požiūriu. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Aptarti socialinių paslaugų priedermę ir teisės aktus, reglamentuojančius socialinių paslaugų teikimą. 2. Atskleisti socialinių paslaugų integravimo į sveikatos priežiūros sistemą priežastingumą ir svarbą klientų/pacientų sveikatai. 3. Empiriškai ištirti klientų/pacientų požiūrį į asmens sveikatos priežiūros įstaigos teikiamų socialinių paslaugų prieinamumo ir priimtinumo aspektus. Darbo metodai: - Mokslinės literatūros analizė. - Dokumentų analizė. - Kiekybinis tyrimo metodas. VšĮ Varėnos PSPC ir LR VRM Medicinos centro Vilniaus filiale buvo atlikta anketinė pacientų/klientų apklausa. Apklausoje dalyvavo 211 respondentų. Siekiant gerinti socialinių ir sveikatos paslaugų prieinamumą ir priimtinumą klientams/pacientams, nuolat vykdomas veiklos optimizavimas, kuriam įtaką daro Vyriausybės programos, ekonominė ir politinė šalies situacija. Visa tai galima... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Reformation of the primary healthcare network and optimization of the spectrum of the provided services are aimed at improving accessibility and acceptability of social services. For this reason, it is highly relevant to perform periodic evaluation of clients’/patients’ attitude towards accessibility and acceptability of social services provided at healthcare institutions to various social groups. The object of the study: social services at personal healthcare institutions. The aim of the study: to analyze the peculiarities of accessibility and acceptability of social services provided at healthcare institutions from the clients’/patients’ perspective. Objectives: 1. To discuss the purpose of social services and legal acts regulating provision of social services. 2. To reveal the reasons for the integration of social services into the healthcare system, and the importance of this integration for clients’/patients’ health. 3. To conduct empirical research on clients’/patients’ attitude towards various aspects of accessibility and acceptability of social services provided at healthcare institutions. Methods of the study: - Analysis of scientific literature. - Analysis of documents. - A quantitative study. A questionnaire-based inquiry of clients was performed at the public institution Varėna Primary Healthcare Center and Vilnius branch of Health Center of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Lithuania. In... [to full text]

Tala är silver, tiga är guld : En studie om barnperspektivet inom socialtjänsten i de kommuner där BBIC används

Rippling, Jessica January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur barnperspektivet används i det dagliga arbetet. Avsikten är också att undersöka hur barnens inflytande ser ut över de beslut som fattas kring deras livssituation. Studien genomfördes genom intervjuer med socialsekreterare på socialtjänsten. Teorin som användes är systemteori, även barnperspektivet och ett teoretiskt perspektiv på dominansförhållanden i samtal med barn tillämpas. Med hjälp av ovan nämnda teorier och teoretiska perspektiv analyseras och förklaras hur socialsekreterarna använder barnperspektivet. Resultatet visar att socialsekreterarna använder barnperspektivet i begränsad omfattning men att det finns en ambition att alltid utgå från barnets bästa. / The aim of this study is to examine how social workers use the child’s perspective in their daily work. The purpose is also to examine how the children are able to influence the decisions made about their lives. The study is conducted using a qualitative approach. The theory used is system theory and two theoretical perspectives: children’s perspective and the fact that there is a dominance relationship in conversations with children. The conclusion that can be drawn from this study is that social workers use children's perspective on a limited basis but there is an ambition to always proceed in a manner on the child’s best.

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