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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Design And Implementation Of A Search Tool For Roads On Pocket Pcs For Mobile Gis

Dincer, Alper 01 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this study is to develop a search tool for roads for mobile GIS application. The satellite image of Ankara is the base map of program. There is also a search option for the roads. The application is based on open source libraries, which are ECW for imagery and SQLite for the database of vector. The application is coded in Embedded Visual C++. The study shows that mobile GIS applications can be prepared by the help of open source libraries. There is no need to buy a commercial product to mobilize the GIS.

Návrh a implementace systému pro centrální správu software ve firmě / Design and implementation of system for centralized management of software in a company

Kejmar, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the Microsoft .NET Framework, development environment Visual Studio and C # programming language issues. The practical part of the thesis deals with the Software management issues in company and the subsequent implementation of a customized solution. In the first part the practical part focuses on analysis of the current process which is based on defined requirements of the proposal for optimizing the processes of the central management software. This process is designed using a multi-layer architecture and includes a user interface on the ASP.NET platform, a central database SQLite, the internal logic of the system implemented using Windows system service and proposing a centralized repository of the source data, application scripts and installation records. In the second part focuses on the design and implementation of individual parts of the system. In the last chapter the verification methodology of the created prototype is introduced. The final evaluation summarizes the thesis, selected solutions and the results of the tests performed in a real environment. The created system allows the simple way to centrally manage applications in a company.

Kundregisterbaserat kalkylprogram för lokal och serveransluten användning

Lindberg, Matthias January 2008 (has links)
Byggnadsautomation har i dagsläget ett kalkylprogram gjort i Excel som är helt fristående från deras kvalitetsprogram. Dom vill i och med detta få ett två delat system som användaren både ska kunna köra med eller utan anknytning till Internet. Programmet har tillgång till en befintlig kund och komponentregister som man kommer åt via en Web Service. Om det inte finns någon Internet uppkoppling så kommer dessa register att sparas lokalt för att sedan synkroniseras när det finns tillgång till Internet. En kalkyl ska kunna sparas och öppnas antingen på servern eller lokalt som i detta fall är en SQLite databas. Själva applikationen kommer att utvecklas i .NET miljö i C#.

Att utveckla en webbapplikation för att sälja presentböcker / Development of a web application for selling gift books

Norberg, Oskar January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med denna rapport har varit att beskriva hur man utvecklar en internetbokhandel i form av enwebbapplikation samt att dokumentera erfarenheter från programutveckling. För att kompensera för konkurrenternas stordriftsfördelar valdes en inriktning mot att säljapresentböcker. Genom att leverera ett komplett paket med inslagning och personlig hälsningtillsammans med boken ska det bli möjligt att uppnå lönsamhet. Utvecklingen har skett i ett enmansprojekt och den ensamme projektmedlemmen har befunnit sig påIrland. Detta gör att kursens inriktning mot agila metoder fått anpassas så att endast de relevantadelarna av metoden (SCRUM) har kommit till användning. Utvecklingen har genomförts i femsprintar. Teknikplattformen har varit HTML och ramverket Bootstrap (CSS och jQuery) på klientsidan och Flasksom är ett ramverk baserat på Python på serversida. Databashanteraren har varit SQLite. Av tidsskälhar asynkron kommunikation mellan klient och server inte implementerats. Den levererade applikationen har ett ”look and feel” som ligger nära de större konkurrenterna. Allspecificerad funktionalitet har inte varit möjlig att leverera inom ett begränsat enmansprojekt. Deviktigaste funktionerna som behöver läggas till för att lansera affärsiden ligger inom områdettilläggstjänster och fulltextsökning. / The purpose of this report is to document the design and development of a web application forselling gift books online. The report and the project to develop the site are included in the courseTDDD83 Computer Engineering - Bachelor Project at the Linköping Institute of Technology. Inaddition to training in the technologies required to build a web application the course is focused onScrum an agile development method. The intent is that the students practice using Scrum in a projectteam of six to eight students. However the project documented in this report only has one team member a student on a one yearexchange programme in Ireland. This being so it has been necessary to adapt the project scope andmethodology to a one-man project. The scope of the development effort is reduced by not requiringthat the application is made available on the internet and by not using asynchronous communicationbetween client and server. For more restrictions see paragraph 1.4 Avgränsningar. The Scrummethod is used only when it is relevant. This adaptation of the method is documented in paragraph2.1 SCRUM. An important part of the Scrum method that is retained is the use of iterations (sprints).Each sprint delivers a working end product. The project was divided in five sprints each of thembetween two and three weeks long. The technical platform with a few exceptions has been mandatory. In addition to HTML theframework Bootstrap based on CSS and jQuery has been used on the client side. On the server sidethe framework Flask based on Python has been used. The RDBMS has been SQLite. For a detaileddescription see paragraph 2.4 Utvecklingsmiljö and 4.3.1 Översikt och kommunikation. The business to sell books online is dominated by a few major companies. A new small player in thismarket can not earn money by doing the same thing. The Vision for the new business is to becomethe preferred choice for customers that want to find a book to be given as a gift. The new businessshall be a one stop shop that takes care of everything needed in this situation. In addition to booksthe customers need services such as gift wrapping, delivery to the receiver of the gift on the rightdate and a possibility to write a personal greeting on a nice looking card that is sent with the gift. Theanalysis behind this Vision can be found in chapter 5 Marknadsföringsplan that includes an analysisof the competitors. Chapter 6 Etiska aspekter looks into issues such as privacy legislation that imposedirect consequences on the design of the database. The design of the web application is based on user stories derived from this analysis. See 3Systemöversikt. Features that must beat the competitors are derived from the Vision and featuresthat are expected from any player in this market are set by the competitors. The ER model in 4.1Databas was defined from an analysis of the user stories. The GUI is close to the de facto standardset by the competitors unless there is a compelling reason to deviate. See 4.2 GUI. It has not been possible to implement all user stories within the time available. Remainingfunctionality required to launch the site is mainly in the area of full text search and add on services.The most important disadvantage in being a one man project has been difficulties to do propertesting. Usability testing requires real users and they cannot be replaced by the same person that hasdone all analysis and all coding.

Na příkladu jednoduché hry demonstrujte principy vývoje aplikací pro platformu Android / Demonstrate the principles of application development for Android on the example of a simple game

Tatoušek, Petr January 2016 (has links)
Demonstration of the Android application development principles explained on a simple game is a thesis describing in it's theoretical part Android OS. It also briefly describes it's history and especially it's architecture emphasizing on my thesis' part relevant to the practi-cal part of my dissertation. It also focuses on the general applications' architecture princi-ples for this operating system. In the practical part of the thesis I tend to describe the application development principles for Android OS. This is achieved on an sample application. This sample application is an implementation of a text-based adventure game in the Java language. It uses SQLite data-base for storing the game data. There is a game framework which enables entering diffe-rent game data to the database and thus playing different games with divergent game plays.

Návrh systému automatizované správy hardwaru v bankovním prostředí / Design of automated hardware management system in the banking environment

Chmelíček, Jiří January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with registration of hardware in the banking environment which is typical of its limitations. The goal of the thesis is to design a system for automated hardware management that complies with all aspects of this environment. The first step to achieve the goal is a selection of development methodology and its adaptation to the nature if the project. The chosen methodology helps to understand and to define the system requirements in terms of future users. According to the requirements there is performed analysis of the market. The result of this analysis confirms the need for designing of a custom solution. For its development is mainly used scripting language PowerShell 2.0, supplemented by SQLite database system. Fully functional system which should decrease the time overhead and improve the quality of the services provided to our internal customers, is the main contribution of the thesis. Finally, after deployment of the system to the operation, is assessed suitability of the chosen methodology and evaluated success of the whole thesis.

Software pro ovládání a správu inteligentních prvků domácnosti / Software for control and management of home automation

Michálek, Jakub January 2020 (has links)
This master thesis describes the development of an application for control and management of smart sockets at home. The first part describes the software that was used in creating this application. Specifically, the Qt application platform and the SQLite relational database system. The second part describes the structure and function of this application. The next part describes the application used to test the functionality of the created application and the designed communication protocol. The last part of the work describes the testing and evaluation of the created application.

Multiplatformní přehrávač zvukových signálů / Multiplatform audio player

Malár, Ladislav January 2015 (has links)
This master thesis deals with creating of the cross-platform audio player with the possibility of its use in the speech-language pathology clinic. The theoretical part is focused on the comparison of two multi-platform libraries, of which was one chosen for creating of the player. Subsequently on functionality SQLite database, which was also used as part of the final application. The basis of the practical part is the creation of the cross-platform audio player which is extended about database of patients and also extended about speech signal analysis with the help of VST plugin.

Nástavba informačního systému Notes pro mobilní zařízení / The Notes Information System Extention for Mobile Devices

Kallab, Vojtěch January 2015 (has links)
The main aim of this diploma´s thesis is the devise and the implementation of the extension of information system for mobile phones. The target is to make it easy to get the needed information even when the user is not present in the company and make recieving and working with information effective. In the first part there are described methods and processes which form the theoretical part of this thesis. The second part is related to the analysis of the current state of this company. This part is the basis for the third part which is the real devise for a new solution.

Mobil trygghetsapplikation för operativsystemet  Android / A Mobile Application for Personal Safety in the Android Operation System

Johansson, Andreas, Dahlbäck, Peter January 2010 (has links)
This report details the development of an application for personal safety for the Android operating system. Android is a relatively new platform, primarily used on mobile phones. The purpose of the developed application is to give the user the possibility to easily and quickly alert a number of contacts by phone in case of emergencies, and to show the user’s location on a map. This is not only used during emergencies, but for other purposes as well – for example to monitor a jogging round. The project was carried out in co-operation with the company D-Safety, the developer of the "SoftAlarm" – the product on which the developed application is based. / Denna rapport redogör för utvecklingen av en trygghetsapplikation för Android, en relativt ny plattform som till största delen används i mobiltelefoner. Denna applikation skulle innefatta möjligheten att via telefonen snabbt och enkelt manuellt larma ett antal kontakter vid farliga och oroande situationer. Utöver detta skulle applikationen även kunna visa användarens position på en karta i samband med detta, och även mer sport- och fritidsrelaterade ändamål såsom löprundor. Arbetet utfördes åt D-Safety, och baseras på en applikation kallad SoftAlarm, som i skrivande stund är under utveckling hos företaget.

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