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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Strategies for Enhancing Specificity of Evolved Site-specific Recombinases

Hoersten, Jenna Ann 27 September 2024 (has links)
Genome engineering, the deliberate alteration of an organism's genetic material, has revolutionized biotechnology and biomedical research, enabling precise modifications to DNA sequences. Among the tools developed for this purpose, site-specific recombinases (SSRs) stand out for their ability to catalyze targeted DNA rearrangements between defined target sites. The Cre/loxP system, in particular, has been widely used for conditional gene inactivation and recombinase-mediated cassette exchange, facilitating targeted DNA excision, inversion, or integration through the recognition and recombination of loxP target sites. While the inherent specificity of Cre towards the loxP target sequence has been invaluable, it also limits its application to other genomic loci of therapeutic interest. Understanding the factors that govern the enzyme’s DNA specificity opens the possibility to engineer and retarget the complex to non-native sequences, significantly broadening the range of targetable genomic loci. To address this challenge, I describe the development of a high-throughput method to quantify Cre recombination efficiency across a library of loxP-like spacer variants. This method systematically analyzes the impact of spacer sequence alterations to reveal DNA specificity determinants. Through comprehensive screening, the study identified spacer sequences that exhibit inefficient recombination by Cre, despite both full lox sites having matching spacer sequences. Directed evolution was used to enhance Cre activity on these previously 'inert' spacer sequences, generating variants with altered spacer specificity. Detailed molecular analyses, including mutational studies and molecular dynamics simulations, elucidated the structural basis for altered spacer selectivity in evolved Cre variants. The study provides mechanistic insights into the role of specific amino acid residues in determining spacer specificity and highlights the potential for the rational design of recombinases with tailored spacer preferences. Building upon this foundation, I describe the engineering of heterospecific Cre-type SSRs capable of recombining asymmetric DNA target sites. By combining two evolved Cre variants with unique half-site specificities, a functional heterotetrameric complex forms, capable of excising DNA fragments flanked by asymmetric target sequences naturally occurring in the human genome. This approach expands the applicability of SSRs and holds promise for correcting chromosomal inversions underlying genetic disorders, as demonstrated in the correction of the int1h inversion associated with hemophilia A. However, harnessing the full potential of heterospecific SSRs presents challenges, particularly concerning off-target effects resulting from the formation of undesired functional homotetrameric complexes. To mitigate these risks, I investigated strategies to render SSR monomers functionally active in heterotetrameric, but not homotetrameric complexes. Through substrate-linked directed evolution, I identified mutations that confer obligate heterospecificity, leading to safer and more precise genome engineering applications. Together, these studies highlight the transformative potential of engineered SSRs in genome editing and underscore the importance of ongoing research efforts to enhance their specificity, efficacy, and safety for therapeutic interventions and biotechnological applications. By manipulating the highly specific Cre/loxP complex to retarget different lox sequences and analyzing evolved or naturally occurring recombinase recombination specificity, we can better understand how these enzymes can be optimized for therapeutic applications. Furthermore, the ability to confer obligate heterospecificity increases the overall safety of these engineered SSRs, expanding their potential applications in genome engineering, particularly for therapeutic targets that require editing asymmetric (non-palindromic) target sites.

Prototyp för dynamiskt beslutsstöd

Lundstedt, Mattias, Norell, Axel January 2014 (has links)
Företaget Nethouse har haft uppdraget att kravställa, utveckla och implementera ett verksamhetssystem åt Sveriges  Skorstensfejaremästares Riksförbund (SSR). Medlemsföretagen i SSR bedriver sotarverksamhet på uppdrag av Sveriges kommuner och är beroende av insamlad data kopplad till deras verksamhet. I det nyutvecklade systemet, som går under namnet Ritz, samlas informationen i en central databas och är tillgänglig för flertalet intressenter med hjälp av ny teknik och modernare lösningar. Systemet är helt webbaserat och körs som en molntjänst, tillgängligt via antingen en webbsida eller som mobilapplikation. Åtkomsten av data baseras på företagsnivå på ”stämplad” data i databasen och för att reglera åtkomsten för företagsanvändare till respektive företags data används rollbaserad åtkomstkontroll. Detta examensarbete har syftat till att utveckla en prototyp till en beslutsstödslösning för dynamisk åtkomst till de datamängder som lagras inom Ritz. Nethouse har efterfrågat en prototyp för en BI-lösning som visar på möjligheter och fördelar för intressenter till Ritz med att implementera en sådan. Då integration och förvaltning är viktiga faktorer för Nethouse har ett krav på prototypen varit att den utvecklats inom Microsofts programvaror, precis som resten av Ritz. Prototypen färdigställdes genom konstruerandet av ett centralt data warehouse enligt Ralph Kimballs metodologier och genom implementation av en OLAP-kub byggd i Microsoft SSAS. Dataöverföringen från datakällorna till beslutsstödslösningens data warehouse skedde genom utvecklandet av en ETL-process i Microsoft SSIS. Den resulterande kuben har främst utformats för att kunna besvara den sortens frågor som länsstyrelser ställer till sotarföretag i kontrollsyfte och stöder förfrågningar mot de två centrala affärsprocesserna sotning och brandskyddskontroll. Dessa förfrågningar kan filtreras på flertalet dimensioner som exempelvis tid, utförare, status och kontrollutfall. Prototypen begränsar även åtkomst till den information som användare har rätt att ta del av genom att koppla samman användare och objekt till geografiska indelningar som kallas distrikt. Denna dynamiska säkerhetslösning ger goda förutsättningar för att kunna hantera förändringar i användarnas behörighet i framtiden. Genom den utvalda lösningen behålls den dynamiska naturen i systemet, då åtkomst till beslutsstödstjänsten kan fås genom flertalet källor som stödjer uppkoppling mot Microsofts multidimensionella beslutsstödslösningar, bland annat Excel och SQL Server Reporting Services.

Vytvoření monitorovacího a profilovacího řešení nad BI systémem / Monitoring and Profiling Solution for the BI System

Veselovský, Matej January 2017 (has links)
This master’s thesis focuses on monitoring and profiling multidimensional database and reports. The project was created in MS SSIS to this purpose and it contains 4 ETL packages. The thesis is divided into three main sections. First section consists of theoretical background needed to accomplish the goal. In second section there is analysis of the company for which is the solution created and in the third part of the thesis there is described the proposal and it’s solution. Proposal of the solution and the solution itself was created in MS Visual Studio 2015, MS SQL Management Studio and Power BI.

Kolektyvinės tapatybės formavimas SSRS ir ES: ekonominio veiksnio įtaka / Formation of collective identity in USSR and EU: impact of economic factor

Bijanskienė, Simona 10 June 2008 (has links)
Šio magistrinio darbo pavadinimas „Kolektyvinės tapatybės formavimas SSRS ir ES: ekonominio veiksnio įtaka“. Istorinės ribos apima laikotarpį nuo SSRS susikūrimo iki šių dienų aktualijų, žodis "formavimas" nurodo analizuojamo proceso t��stinumą. Pagrindinė darbo analizės ašis – kolektyvinė tapatybė. Darbo pagrindinis tikslas yra įvertinti ES kolektyvinio tapatumo formavimo perspektyvumą, remiantis Sovietų Sąjungos patirtimi ir nustatyti ekonominio veiksnio ryšį su kolektyvinio tapatumo formavimo procesu. Siekiant užsibrėžtų tikslų, reikia atlikti šiuos išsikeltus uždavinius: visų pirma, reikia išsiaiškinti kaip yra konstruojamas kolektyvinis tapatumas, kokie veiksniai tai lemia ir kokia yra ekonominio veiksnio reikšmė kolektyvinio tapatumo formavimui; antra, reikia išanalizuoti SSRS kolektyvinio tapatumo formavimo trūkumus; trečia, reikia išanalizuoti ES kolektyvinio tapatumo formavimo ypatumus bei į perspektyvą nukreiptą formavimo politiką, įvertinant ekonominio veiksnio svarbą; ketvirtą, reikia palyginti ES ir Sovietų Sąjungos kolektyvinio tapatumo formavimo specifiką, remiantis gautais duomenimis, padaryti išvadas. Darbe yra keliamos šios hipotezės: 1. ekonominis veiksnys yra svarbus kolektyvinio tapatumo formavimo procese; 2. kolektyvinio tapatumo formavimo specifika SSRS ir ES turi sąryšio taškų, tai yra - juos įtakoja tie patys veiksniai; 3. ES turi daugiau perspektyvų suformuoti kolektyvinį tapatumą nei SSRS. Darbe taikomi tyrimo metodai: analitinis – aprašomasis... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The title of this master thesis is “Formation of Collective Identity in USSR and EU: Impact of Economic Factor“. It defines historical period from USSR foundation till nowadays. The main aspect according to which these multinational blocks are analyzed is collective identity. Special efforts are given to analyze factors which have impact to collective identity formation, but the biggest attention is paid to analyze importance of economic factor. Identity – the sense of dependence. This concept at one time contains as the connective as also separative elements. This is a result of identification process which helps to define human or group exceptional indications. As individual or collective identity formation problems are widely discussed in today’s society discourses. Its importance is comprehensible as to the individual as also to the communities behavior motivation. The perception of identity allows to know better your historical or cultural roots, and also to know yourself and others better. But the concept of identity is so wide and variant, that it leaves a lot of place to the following discussions. This work appoints a lot of attention to collective identity forming and it’s specific. Actuality of the topic remains also in today’s political discourses undisputed – if we clear, how to construct common identity it would emerge a possibility to evaluate, what main mistakes in it forming maid USSR and what perspectives in common identity constructing has EU. This... [to full text]

NATO įvaizdis sovietiniuose dienraščiuose "Pravda" ir "Tiesa" 1949 metais / Image of nato in sowiet newspapers "pravda" and "tiesa" in 1949 year

Žukovski, Andžej 08 September 2009 (has links)
Magistro darbas "NATO įvaizdis sovietiniuose "Pravda" ir "Tiesa" dienraščiuose 1949 metais" skirtas NATO įvaizdžio sovietinėje periodikoje problemai nagrinėti. Darbo tikslas – ištirti NATO įvaizdį ir jo formavimo būdus sovietinėje spaudoje. Darbo uždaviniai: tirti visuomenės poveikio priemonių Sovietų Sąjungoje raidą, nagrinėti NATO įvaizdį sovietinėje spaudoje, atskleisti būdus, kuriais buvo formuojamas NATO įvaizdis, atskleisti psichologinio poveikio priemones, taikytas spaudoje ir nagrinėti jų atsiradimo aplinkybes. Struktūriškai darbas susideda iš trijų dalių. Jose ne tik apžvelgiamas NATO įvaizdis, kuris, be abejonės, yra neigiamas, bet ir tiriamos priemonės, kuriomis šis įvaizdis buvo kuriamas. Detaliam įvaizdžio kūrimo priemonių tyrimui skirti antrasis ir trečiasis darbo skyriai. Tiriant 1949 metų sovietinę periodinę spaudą, taikant jos tyrimui lyginamosios analizės metodą bei naudojant mokslinės literatūros analizės metodus, pavyko patvirtinti darbe iškeltą hipotezę, kad NATO įvaizdis buvo formuojamas išimtinai neigiamomis priemonėmis, laikraščių skaitytojams peršant neigiamą kairio aljanso įvaizdį. Pavyko įrodyti, kad neigiamam NATO įvaizdžiui sustiprinti buvo pasitelktos visos įmanomos psichologinio poveikio priemonės. Labiausiai jos išryškėjo vizualinio poveikio priemonėse – karikatūrose ir tuomet, kai periodinėje spaudoje buvo pateikiamas karikatūros ir teksto derinys. Pastarųjų analizė pateikiama remiantis moksline literatūra. Magistro darbas naudingas sovietinio... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In the diplom work "Image of NATO in the Soviet newspapers " Pravda" and "Tiesa" in 1949 year" to research the problem the image of NATO in the Soviet periodic publications. The newspapers at that time being investigated presented the official position of the country, therefore in them the appeared materials nayboleye accurately reflected the tendencies predominated in the media of that time. Work consists of three parts. In them not only to be carried out the means of NATO, which without somnekniya negative, but also to be carried out the detailed analysis of the means, with the aid of which was created this means. The second and third division are intended for bolleye of the detailed study of means the creation of the means of NATO. In the first division "Cold War and totalitarian regimes" researchs general political and sociocultural situation. By itself is very important from an historical point of view of 1949. It is rich in events had a nesomnenoye effect not only on the course of further events in the USSR, but also in entire peace. All these events one way or another found their reflection in the press. Formation by NATO was only one of the set of the events of that period, but much attention was given to it disproportionately. In this division is made the attempt to understand why by NATO as the military alliance of western powers, could not be predstavlenno in the positive key. The roots of opposition were located in the ideological difference of two systems The... [to full text]

Prédiction de la qualité des bois de chêne pour l’élevage des vins et des alcools : comparaison des approches physicochimiques, sensorielles et moléculaires

Guichoux, Erwan 06 April 2011 (has links)
Au cours du vieillissement, les caractéristiques organoleptiques du vin se modifient au contact du bois de chêne. Le composé aromatique le plus important, la whisky-lactone, aux notes noix de coco et boisé, est facilement détectable et apprécié par les consommateurs.Quercus petraea et Q. robur, les deux principales espèces européennes de chêne utilisées pour le vieillissement des vins, ont des profils aromatiques très contrastés, particulièrement pour la whisky-lactone. Parvenir à identifier l’espèce de chêne permettrait de fournir aux tonnelleries des lots de bois plus homogènes. L’objectif de cette étude est d’identifier l’espèce de chêne à partir de bois sec, à l’aide de marqueurs moléculaires utilisables dans un contexte industriel. Le bois sec est un tissu mort dans lequel l’ADN est très dégradé et donc difficilement accessible. Pour optimiser l’extraction d’ADN à partir de ce tissu, nous avons développé une méthode de PCR en temps-réel ciblant l’ADN chloroplastique, permettant ainsi d’évaluer l’efficacité des différents protocoles d’extraction. Nous avons également développé des marqueurs moléculaires (SSRs et SNPs) fortement différenciés entre espèces et particulièrement bien adaptés au bois. Grâce à des protocoles d’extraction d’ADN optimisés et ces marqueurs performants, nous avons pu identifier l’espèce sur des lots de bois séchés pendant deux ans. De plus, par l’étude de 262 SNPs dont la moitié est fortement différenciée entre espèces, nous avons démontré que les gènes sélectionnés (loci « outlier ») sont très performants pour délimiter ces deux espèces proches. Ils permettent également de détecter des processus démographiques fins (flux de gènes intra- et interspécifiques), alors que les gènes a priori non-sélectionnés (loci neutres) se révèlent peu informatifs. / Most of aromatic compounds in wine are directly induced during maturation by the contactwith oak wood. For example, whisky-lactone, the most important aromatic compound,which gives a coconut and woody taste, is easily detected and appreciated by consumers.Quercus petraea and Q. robur, the two major European oak species used for wine maturation,have very contrasted aromatic patterns, especially for whisky-lactone. Identifying the speciesused for cooperage will facilitate the maturation process, for instance by providing winerieswith more homogenous batches of barrels. The objective of our study is to characterize theoak species directly from dry wood, using molecular markers that will be applicable in anindustrial context. Unfortunately, dry wood is a dead tissue in which DNA is highlydegraded and difficult to access. To optimize DNA recovery from dry wood, we developed aquantitative PCR protocol based on chloroplast DNA to evaluate the efficiency of DNAisolation protocols. We identified and developed molecular markers (SSRs and SNPs)adapted to dry wood that are particularly diagnostic. Using an optimized DNA isolationprotocol and these powerful markers, the species identity from wood samples dried duringtwo years could be successfully characterized. Using 262 SNPs highly differentiated betweenthe two species, we also demonstrate that genes under selection (outlier loci) haveoutstanding power to delimitate the two oak species and provide unique insights on intraandinterspecific gene flow, whereas genes lacking such a signature (putatively neutral loci)provide little or no resolution.

Analýza reportingu v podnikovém prostředí a jeho technologické pokrytí Microsoft BI / Analysis of Reporting in Business and its Technological Coverage by Microsoft BI

Lučan, Martin January 2015 (has links)
This master thesis deals with an analysis of reporting in business and its technological coverage by Microsoft Business Intelligence portfolio. The main objective of this work is to analyze the individual organization's requirements on reporting and coverage options. This work can serve as a tool for implementation of reporting in a company or for increasing the efficiency of reporting. The first part is theoretical. It deals with Business Intelligence as an environment for reporting. It also defines the basic concepts. The next part covers the area of reporting. This section provides an insight into the history, definition of outcomes and detailed classification of reporting from different perspectives. Furthermore, the definition of users reporting and the reporting standards in companies is also covered. At the end of this chapter, there is the definition of the benefits of reporting for companies. The main part of this master thesis is an analysis of the requirements for reporting in companies. The chapter defines five key perspectives which are described in a greater detail. The methods how companies should methodically approach these requirements are also discussed. The chapter further looks at the requirements for a concrete report. An output of this chapter is an effective template for gathering requirements for a specific report. The last chapter focuses on reporting portfolio analysis of Microsoft and defines the concept of Microsoft. It provides detailed information about reporting products that Microsoft offers. An analyses and a mapping of the individual characteristics of the products and the requirements is defined in this thesis.

Assessment of Genetic Diversity and Relatedness in an Emerald Ash Borer-Resistant Green Ash Population

Held, Jeremy B. 24 April 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Development of microsatellites in Prosopis spp. and their application to study the reproduction system / Entwicklung von Mikrosatelliten für Prosopis spp. und ihre Anwendung zur Untersuchung des Reproduktionssystems

Mottura, Martin Carlos 12 October 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Armijos Krajovos Vilniaus apygarda nacistinės okupacijos metais / The armia krajowa vilnius military district during the nazi occupation

Juchnevičius, Erikas 23 June 2014 (has links)
„Armijos krajovos“ (AK) Vilniaus apygarda buvo pavaldi Lenkijos emigracinei vyriausybei Londone ir AK vyr. štabui Varšuvoje. Jos tikslas buvo atkurti Lenkiją 1939 m. ribose. AK naudojo partizaninio karo taktiką: rengė diversijas, sabotažus, vykdė dezinformaciją ir okupantų įstaigų dezorganizaciją. Šiame darbe pristatoma AK Vilniaus apygardos struktūra ir veikla. Darbo tikslas yra naudojantis archyvine medžiaga pristatyti ir ištirti AK santykius su lietuviais, sovietais ir vokiečiais. Vilniaus krašto specifiškumas nacistinės okupacijos metais buvo toks, kad lietuviai, sovietai ir lenkai laikė jį savo valstybių dalimi. Todėl tautinių santykių atskleidimas yra labai svarbus. AK suprato santykių tarp įvairių tautybių svarbą ir pasitelkusi propagandą bandė patraukti gyventojus į savo pusę. Santykiai tarp lenkų ir vokiečių klostėsi sunkiai. Lenkų karinio pogrindžio judėjimo dalyviai buvo kalinami, sušaudomi. 1944 m. pr. Vokiečiai bandė patraukti AK Vilniaus apygardos vadovybę į savo pusę bendrai kovai su sovietų partizanais, tačiau AK atsisakė bendradarbiavimo. Sudėtingesni santykiai buvo tarp lietuvių ir AK. Lietuviai nacistinės Vokietijos nelaikė tokiu svarbiu priešu kaip Sovietų Sąjungos ir daug lietuvių dirbo vokiečių administracijos įstaigose Lietuvoje bei policijoje. AK juos laikė kolaborantais ir okupantais, todėl su jais kovojo. Didžiausia tarpusavio konflikto apraiška įvyko Glintiškėse ir Dubingiuose. Glintiškėse lietuvių policininkai sušaudė 38 civilius lenkų tautybės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Armia Krajowa’s (AK) Vilnius area was subordinated to Polish Government in exile in London and to AK Armed Forces Staff in Warsaw. It’s main aim was to recover Poland in borders of 1939. AK used a tactic of partisan war: organizing diversions, sabotages, dis- information and organisation of work in occupant’s institutions. This work presents structure and it’s objects of AK’s Vilnius area, with the help of archive resources to present and make out problem of relations between AK and Lithuanians, Soviets and Germans. Vilnius area’s specific situation was that during the Nazi occupation Lithuanians, Soviets as well as Poles considered this region as part of their states. That is why national problems on this territory were very important. AK realized that and with a help of it’s propaganda apparatus tried to attract local national minorities to AK side. Polish and German relations were hard. Members of polish armed resistance movement had been imprisoned, others were killed. In early 1944 German side tried to involve AK to common war with soviet partisans, but AK refused. More complicated relations were between Lithuanians and AK. Lithuanians didn’t consider Nazi Germany as bad as Soviet Union, and a lot of them were working in German institutions, especially in police. They were considered by AK as collaborantors and occupants, so AK fought with them. Probably the worst case that could happen took place in Glitiškės and Dubingiai. In Glitiškės lithuanian policemen shot 38... [to full text]

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