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Soro de leite bubalino hidrolisado com alcalase como agente de controle do escurecimento de maçãs minimamente processadas / Buffalo cheese whey hydrolyzed with alcalase as a antibrowning agent in minimally processed appleSilva, José Dilson Francisco da January 2017 (has links)
Enzimas proteolíticas são comumente empregadas na liberação de peptídeos bioativos com potencial aplicabilidade como aditivos em alimentos. Neste trabalho, estudou-se a capacidade de inibição do escurecimento de maçãs minimamente processadas do soro de leite de búfala hidrolisado por Alcalase em diferentes intervalos, ti (i = 0 h, 0,5 h, 1 h, 2 h, 3 h, 4 h ou 6 h). O processo de hidrólise foi acompanhado por determinação do grau de hidrólise (GH). Para se entender possíveis modos de ação sobre o escurecimento enzimático, o soro, ao longo do tempo de hidrólise, foi submetido às análises de capacidade capacidade antioxidante (capacidade de sequestro do radical ABTS•+, atividade quelante de Fe2+ e poder redutor), reatividade com quinonas e atividade inibitória sobre polifenoloxidases (PFO) extraídas de maçãs Red Delicious. Após os ensaios in vitro, o hidrolisado t4h foi testado quanto à capacidade de inibição do escurecimento de maçãs Red Delicious minimamente processadas, determinada por meio de análises de luminosidade (parâmetro L*) e índice de escurecimento (IE). O soro apresentou aumento significativo (p < 0,05) do GH, da atividade antioxidante, da reatividade com quinonas e da atividade inibitória de PFO em função do tempo de hidrólise. Especificamente para a atividade inibitória de PFO, o hidrolisado t4h alcançou pico de inibição próximo de 50 %. Quanto à capacidade de inibição do escurecimento das maçãs minimamente processadas, o hidrolisado manteve o parâmetro L* das maçãs durante 6 dias de armazenamento, não diferindo significativamente (p > 0,05) do metabissulfito. Além da luminosidade, o soro de leite hidrolisado conseguiu manter melhor o IE das maçãs durante esse tempo de armazenamento, comparativamente ao soro não hidrolisado (p < 0,05). Esses resultados evidenciam informações sobre possíveis aplicações de soro de leite bubalino hidrolisado com Alcalase como substituto natural de aditivos convencionalmente utilizados no controle desse tipo de escurecimento em alimentos. / Proteolytic enzymes are commonly employed in the release of bioactive peptides with potential applicability in food additives. In this work, the ability to inhibit the browning of minimally processed apples from Alcalase hydrolysed buffalo whey at different time, ti (i = 0 h, 0.5 h, 1 h, 2 h, 3 h, 4 h or 6 h). The hydrolysis process was followed by determination of the degree of hydrolysis (DH). In order to understand possible modes of action on the enzymatic browning, the whey was submitted to the analysis of the antioxidant capacity (capacity of sequestration of the ABTS•+ radical, Fe2+ chelating activity and reducing power), reactivity with quinones and inhibitory activity on polyphenoloxidases (PPO) extracted from Red Delicious apples. Following the in vitro assays, the t4h hydrolyzate was tested for the ability to inhibit the browning of minimally processed Red Delicious apples, determined by means of analysis of luminosity (parameter L *) and browning index (BI). Buffalo whey shows significant increase (p < 0.05) in DH, antioxidant activity, reactivity with quinones and PPO inhibitory activity as a function of the hydrolysis time. Specifically for the PPO inhibitory activity, the t4h hydrolyzate reached a near 50% inhibition peak. As for the ability to inhibit the browning of the minimally processed apples, the hydrolyzate kept the L * parameter of the apples during 6 days of storage, not statistically differing (p > 0.05) from the metabisulfite. In addition to the luminosity, the hydrolyzed whey was able to maintain the IE of the apples better during this storage time, compared to the unhydrolyzed whey (p < 0.05). These results evidenced information on possible applications of hydrolysed buffalo whey with Alcalase as a natural substitute for additives conventionally used in the control of this type of browning in foods.
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Cenários de baixo carbono para o setor energético do Estado de São Paulo / Low Carbon Scenarios for the State of Sao Paulo\'s energy sectorSouza, Jhonathan Fernandes Torres de 31 January 2019 (has links)
Políticas de mudanças climáticas estabeleceram diversas metas de redução de gases de efeito estufa (GEE) que estão vigentes atualmente. Dentre estas, a 21º Conferência das Partes realizada pela Convenção-Quadro das Nações Unidas sobre Mudança do Clima (em Paris, 2015) foi um marco na universalização dos esforços internacionais, e promoveu o protagonismo regional como suporte ao alcance das metas propostas nas contribuições nacionalmente determinadas. No Estado de São Paulo, diferentemente do quadro nacional, o setor de energia representa mais da metade do saldo total de emissões de GEE. Estudos de baixo carbono para o setor energético têm proposto cenários audaciosos, baseados em tecnologias não plenamente maduras e alta demanda por fontes renováveis. O presente trabalho propõe uma abordagem alternativa visando a mitigação das emissões de GEE, além de analisar os impactos na demanda energética total do Estado, até o presente não analisada na sua totalidade no âmbito regional. O objetivo do estudo foi produzir dois cenários de baixo carbono para o setor energético do Estado de São Paulo até 2050. O primeiro cenário (CBC1) buscou averiguar se é possível cumprir as metas de redução por uma ótica conservadora. O segundo cenário (CBC2), de caráter exploratório, visou ser mais audacioso em relação ao CBC1, tomando medidas radicais para atingir o máximo resultado de mitigação. O cenário de referência (BAU) teve como base a demanda energética final em 2015, projetada até 2050 através do Plano Decenal de Expansão de Energia. As tecnologias de baixo carbono no CBC1 foram levantadas na base de metodologias provadas para o Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo (MDL), e expandidas para o CBC2 com base em uma revisão da literatura. No CBC1, as três medidas de mitigação propostas seriam capazes de reduzir 16% das emissões totais do cenário BAU no período de análise, entretanto as emissões continuariam no mínimo 19% acima da emissão do setor no ano base de 2005. Por outro lado, o CBC2 possui seis medidas capazes de reduzir 69% das emissões do cenário BAU e, a partir de 2044, as emissões líquidas são negativas, disponibilizando aos demais setores 5% da mitigação total até 2050. A implantação do baixo carbono também reduz a demanda total energética em até 2% no ano final, entretanto há demandas específicas, como a de biodiesel, que são consideravelmente aumentadas. O trabalho discute os resultados à luz da literatura e apresenta as principais barreiras impostas aos cenários propostos, assim como as incertezas e limitações da análise. Além disto, contribui metodologicamente para que futuros estudos possam avaliar a possibilidade de cumprimento de metas de redução em outras regiões ou setores da economia, considerando uma ótica conservadora baseada no MDL / Climate change policies have established several greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets. Among them, the 21st Conference of the Parties of the United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change (held in Paris in 2015) was a milestone for the universalization of international efforts, and the promotion of a regional activism in supporting to the goals proposed by the national determined contributions. In the State of Sao Paulo, in opposition to the national profile, the energy sector represents more than half of the total GHG emissions. Low carbon studies for the energy sector have proposed audacious scenarios based on not yet mature technologies and high renewable energy demand. The present work proposes an alternative GHG mitigation approach, and in addition it analyzes the impacts on Sao Paulos total energy demand, which was not yet entirely analyzed by other regional studies. The study has aimed to produce two low carbon scenarios for State of Sao Paulos energy sector by 2050. The first scenario (LCS1) attempted to verify whether GHG reduction targets can be reached by a conservative approach. The second scenario (LCS2) is exploratory and has aimed to be more audacious than LCS2, through radical measures aiming to the maximum mitigation result. The business-as-usual (BAU) scenario has been based on the States final energy demand, beginning in 2015 and forecasted until 2050 with data from the Decennial Energy Expansion Plan. Low carbon technologies for LCS1 have been selected among the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) proven methodologies. The framework has been expanded for LCS2 based on a literature review. On the one hand, three measures proposed in LCS1 would be able to reduce 16% of BAU total emission in the analyzed period; however, emissions remain at least 19% above 2005 baseline emission. On the other hand, LCS2 has six measures able to reduce 69% of BAU total emissions and, from 2044; net emissions would be negative, which enables 5% of total mitigation for other sectors by 2050. The low carbon implementation also reduces total energy up to 2% in the 2050, although there are specific demands, such as biodiesel, that will significantly increase. The work discusses the results vis-à-vis the literature and presents the main barriers imposed to low carbon scenarios, as well as uncertainties and limitations of the analysis. Moreover, it methodologically contributes to future studies that may assess the potential of a conservative approach based on CDM, regarding other regional and sectorial contexts
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Avaliação de bactérias fototróficas em lagoas de estabilização: diversidade, purificação e identificação / Evaluation of phototropic bacteria in stabilization lagoons: diversity, purification and identificationSaavedra del Aguila, Nora Katia 01 June 2007 (has links)
As bactérias fototróficas freqüentemente apresentam florescimentos em lagoas de estabilização utilizadas no tratamento de esgoto sanitário, formando uma camada de cor púrpura na sua superfície. Portanto, o estudo das condições que propiciam tais florescimentos, a diversidade microbiana, o potencial de remoção da matéria orgânica e o estabelecimento das relações entre tais conhecimentos, permitem compreender o metabolismo do sistema. Nesse sentido, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a diversidade de bactérias (domínio Bacteria), bactérias fototróficas púrpuras e bactérias redutoras de sulfato (BRS) em lagoas de estabilização do Vale do Ribeira (Cajati, SP). Para tal, foram realizadas coletas sazonais (primavera, verão, outono e inverno) na sub-superfície, camada intermediária e interface água-sedimento, em dois horários (14:00 h e 02:00 h), nas lagoas anaeróbia e facultativa. Para analisar os diferentes grupos de microrganismos, utilizou-se a técnica de PCR/DGGE, com primers específicos. Nas análises de filogenia realizou-se o seqüenciamento parcial do gene RNAr 16S e da subunidade M do centro de reação fotossintético das bactérias fototróficas púrpuras. Análises físico-químicas, tais como sulfato, DQO, sólidos, nitrogênio e fósforo foram realizadas, além da determinação da concentração de oxigênio dissolvido, pH, temperatura e radiação solar fotossinteticamente ativa incidente. No outono observou-se maior diversidade de microrganismos do domínio Bacteria, bactérias fototróficas púrpuras e BRS, enquanto na primavera foi verificada a menor diversidade desses microrganismos para as duas lagoas. Na lagoa facultativa foi observada maior diversidade do domínio Bacteria e das BRS em relação à lagoa anaeróbia. Verificou-se maior diversidade de bactérias fototróficas púrpuras na lagoa anaeróbia, caracterizada por duas populações predominantes nas quatro estações e nas diferentes profundidades. A concentração de matéria orgânica (DQO) variou de 60,3 mg/L (inverno) a 298,0 mg/L (primavera) e a maior concentração de sulfato observada foi de 51,0 mg/L (inverno). Bacilo curvo Gram negativo, semelhante à bactéria fototrófica púrpura não sulfurosa, presente em amostra proveniente da sub-superfície da lagoa anaeróbia foi purificado e apresentou 92% de similaridade com Rhodopseudomonas palustris. Em ambas as lagoas foram identificadas bactérias semelhantes a Chromobacterium suttsuga (95%), Clostridium sp. (99%), Rhodobacter sphaeroides (99%), Rhodopseudomonas palustris (99%), Lampropedia hyalina (97%), Campylobacter fetus (99%), Desulfovibrio vulgaris (95%), Rhodospirillum rubrum (95%) e diferentes bactérias não cultivadas. / The phototrophic bacteria frequently blossom in the stabilization lagoons that are used in sanitary sewer treatment, forming a purple layer on its surface. Therefore, the study of the conditions that propitiate such blooms, the microbial diversity, the removal of the organic matter and the establishment of the relations between them permit to understand the metabolism of the system. The objective of this work was to evaluate the diversity of the bacteria (Bacteria domain), purple phototrophic bacteria and sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) in stabilization lagoons of Vale do Ribeira (Cajati - SP). For this, it was made seasonal collects (spring, summer, autumn and winter) from the sub-surface, intermediate layer and interface water-sediment, at two times (14:00 h and 02:00 h) of the anaerobic and facultative lagoons. To analyze the different groups of microorganisms it was used the PCR/DGGE technique, with specific primers; for the phylogenic analysis it was realized the DNA partial sequencing of the 16S RNAr gene and of the subunit M of the photosynthetic center of reaction of the purple photosynthetic bacteria. It was determined: the concentration of dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature and photosynthetically active incident solar radiation, and the physical-chemistry analysis as: COD, solids, nitrogen and phosphorus. In the autumn it was observed greater diversity of microorganisms of the Bacteria domain, the group of the purples phototrophic bacteria and SRB, while in the spring it was verified minor diversity of these microorganisms in the two lagoons studied. In the facultative lagoon it was observed greater diversity of the Bacteria domain and of the SRB with respect to the anaerobic lagoon. It was verified greater diversity of the purple phototrophic bacteria in the anaerobic lagoon, of what in the facultative lagoon, which was characterized by the two predominant populations in the four seasons and in the different points of collect. The concentration of the organic matter (COD) varied from 60,3 mg/L (winter) to 298,0 mg/L (spring) and the greater concentration of sulfate observed was of 51,0 mg/L (winter). Arched bacillus Gram-negative similar to purple not sulfurous bacteria, from a sample of the sub-surface of the anaerobic lagoon was purified and presented 92% of similarity with Rhodopseudomonas palustris. In both lagoons it was identified bacteria similar to Chromobacterium suttsuga (95%), Clostridium sp. (99%), Rhodobacter sphaeroides (99%), Rhodopseudomonas palustris (99%), Lampropedia hyalina (97%), Campylobacter fetus (99%), Desulfovibrio vulgaris (95%), Rhodospirillum rubrum (95%).
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Caracterização dos meios de cultivo de viveiros de carcinicultura e da lagoa de disposição dos efluentes no Rio Grande do Norte: subsídios para proteção dos ecossistemas deste estudo / Characterization of shrimp ponds and effluents sedimentation pond in Rio Grande do Norte: subsidies to the protection of the ecosystems in this studyCunha, Paulo Eduardo Vieira 04 March 2005 (has links)
O cultivo de camarões é uma importante atividade econômica em zonas costeiras de muitos países. No Brasil, a carcinicultura teve início no Rio Grande do Norte em 1973 e, atualmente, consolida-se como principal produto da pauta de exportação desse estado, sucesso devido principalmente ao seu clima semi-árido, à vasta costa litorânea com extensas áreas estuarinas e lagoas costeiras, à topografia e ao solo, todos eles fatores adequados a essa atividade. A carcinicultura exerce importante papel sócio econômico, ético e de cidadania por: criar empregos em diferentes níveis de trabalho; minimizar os índices de pobreza; incentivar a dieta alimentar rica em proteínas além de, drasticamente, reduzir a superexploração de recursos naturais costeiros. O custo deste empreendimento é o árduo contraponto de ordem ambiental - a indiscutível necessidade de proteger os ecossistemas dos quais fazem parte as fazendas de camarão - única forma de essa atividade garantir sua sustentabilidade. Para impedir o desequilíbrio ecológico é preciso haver permanente monitoramento dos ecossistemas, como forma de evitar a desestabilização ambiental - devida ao desordenado uso e ocupação do solo nos ecossistemas - e garantir que as fazendas continuem produtivas. Com o propósito de fornecer subsídios para a sustentabilidade da carcinicultura, neste trabalho foi realizada a caracterização físico-química dos ecossistemas que compõem as fazendas de cultivo - manancial e captação, viveiros e seus efluentes - segundo os parâmetros estabelecidos pela resolução nº 312 do CONAMA, de 10 de outubro de 2002. Especial atenção foi dada à lagoa de decantação, por terem sido constatadas necessidades de adequações para seu correto funcionamento. A hipótese que os efluentes de carcinicultura não tem características que permitam seu descarte em corpos de água por não atenderem aos padrões estabelecidos na legislação brasileira, foi confirmada em função das altas concentrações de DBO. Essa hipótese, testada com o objetivo da concluir da necessidade ou não do uso da bacia de sedimentação para tratamento dos referidos efluentes, indicou ser imprescindível a existência desse sistema para promover a decantação de material sólido e a estabilização da matéria orgânica. / The shrimp culture is an important economic factor in coast areas in a lot of countries. In Brasil, the carcinicultura starts in Rio Grande do Norte in 1973, and actually shrimp is the principal commodity of exportation, specially because of climatic conditions, spread coast area and topography. This activity carries out an important social-economic development, although causes environmental impacts. The environmental monitory is an important tool to maintain the ecological equilibration. This research proposes subsidy the sustentability of carcinicultura by studying the physical-chemical characterization of the culture ecosystems, that composes the farm according to the variables established in the CONAMA resolution nº 312. Special attention was given to the sedimentation pond, because it needs to its best function. It was observed that carcinicultura wastewater can\'t be discarded without treatment, because they don\'t attend what is established in the brazilian legislation, due of BOD concentrations.
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Cronologia e sedimentologia dos depósitos eólicos quaternários da costa catarinense entre Ouvidor e FlorianópolisMendes, Vinicius Ribau 04 May 2012 (has links)
Dentro da região litorânea central do Estado de Santa Catarina, compreendida entre as praias do Ouvidor e dos Ingleses, foram delimitadase estudadas cinco áreas que abrigam tanto campos de dunas ativos quanto estabilizados. Com base em dados meteorológicos obtidos de 1962 a 2010, como registros diários de precipitação e deintensidade e rumo de vento, inferiu-se que a tendência de estabilização recente, observada nos campos de dunas atuais por comparação de fotografias aéreas de diferentes datas, resulta da combinação de aumento da precipitação com redução da intensidade do vento. Este dois fatores inibem o transporte eólico de sedimentos para o campo de dunas, seja pelo efeito de aumento de coesão da areia exercido pela umidade seja pelo favorecimento da colonização vegetal nas zonas de deflação. Persistentes nas últimas três décadas, estes fatores têm reduzido gradualmente as áreas deareia expostas ao retrabalhamento eólico, o que diminui cada vez mais a deriva eólica efetiva, culminando na fixação dos campos de dunas. Os depósitos sedimentares de dunas e paleodunas eólicas foram agrupados, por critérios morfológicos, estratigráficos, granulométricos e mineralógicos, em quatro gerações (G1 a G4), correlatas às reconhecidas previamente na literatura. A geração mais antiga (G1) possui, todavia, distribuição de idades mais ampla do que se pensava, podendo portanto, por critérios geocronológicos, vir a ser subdividida. Os resultados sedimentológicos apontam para tendências de engrossamento, melhora de seleção granulométrica e assimetria mais positiva, da geração mais antiga para a mais nova, o que é atribuído a influência de sucessiva reciclagem de sedimentos entre as gerações, sem descartar o efeito, em paralelo, de mudanças de energia e/ou morfodinâmica costeira. As idades obtidas para as gerações antigas pelo método da luminescência opticamente estimulada (LOE) permitem observar certa coincidência com contextos de linha de costa estável e de clima em transição de menos úmido para mais úmido. A relação observada entre as idades LOE obtidas e as curvas de variação do nível relativo do mar (NRM) e de paleopluviosidade, associadas ao modelo de estabilização de dunas recentes por aumento de umidade e queda de energia eólica, permite sugerir que a iniciação dos campos de dunas costeiros da região, em suas diferentes gerações, seja favorecida por situações de NRM estável e/ou em inversão de tendência, e por clima menos úmido e mais ventoso. A estabilização dos campos de dunas, em contrapartida, seria favorecida pela subida de NRM, pelo aumento da chuva e pela diminuição da intensidade dos ventos. Do ponto de vista do controle climático, a condição de iniciação de campos de dunas mencionadacoincidiria com momentos de enfraquecimento do Sistema de Monções da América doSul (SMAS), correlatos a períodos mais quentes no hemisfério norte. E a condição favorávelà estabilização de campos de dunas ocorreria nos momentos de intensificação do SMAS, correlatos a períodos mais frios no hemisfério norte. / This master dissertation refers to five areas withactive and stabilized eolian dune fields in the central coast of the Santa Catarina State, southernBrazil. In this region, a recent tendency to stabilization of active dune fields is inferred from the comparison between aerial photographs of different years. Meteorological data obtained between 1962 and 2010, including daily records of rainfall, wind intensity and wind direction, indicate increasing precipitation and weakening wind to this period. The combination of these two factors inhibits the eolian sediment transport to the dune field, as effect of increasing sand cohesion by wetting and vegetal colonization in deflation zones. Being persistent in the last three decades, these factorshave reduced gradually the sand areas exposed to eolian reworking and decreased more and more the effective eolian drift, culminating in the stabilization of dune fields. The sedimentary deposits of eolian dunes and paleodunes were grouped, by morphological, stratigraphic, granulometric and mineralogical criteria in four generations (G1 to G4), analogous to that previously recognized in the literature. The older generation (G1) has a wider age distribution than previously thought and can be subdivided regarding the geochronological aspect. The grain-size analysis data indicate trends of sediment coarsening, better sorting and more positive skewness, from the older to the younger generation,what is attributed to the influence of successive reworking of sediments between generations, withoutdiscarding the effect of changes in the transport energy and/or beach morphodynamics. The ages of the three older generations obtained by optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) method show coincidence with contexts of stable coastline and with climate in transition from less to more wet. The observed relationship between the OSL ages andthe relative sea level (RSL) and paleoprecipitation curves, besides the model of recent dune stabilization by the wet increasing and wind energy decreasing, allow us to suggest that the initiation of the dune fields in their different generations, in this coastal region, can be favoredby moments of stable and / or in reversal trend RSL, as well by less humid and more windy weather. In other hand, the stabilization of the dune fields would be favored by higher RSL, increasing rain and decreasing wind intensity. From the perspective of climate control, the mentioned condition to initiation of dune fields agree with moments of weakening of the South America Summer Monsoon System (SASM), related to warmer periods in the northern hemisphere. Analogously, the favorablecondition for the stabilization of dune fields would coincide with moments of intensification of the SASM, related to colder periods in the northern hemisphere.
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Optical and noise studies for Advanced Virgo and filter cavities for quantum noise reduction in gravitational-wave interferometric detectors / Études optiques et de bruit pour Advanced Virgo et cavités de filtrage pour la réduction du bruit quantique dans les détecteurs interférométriques d’ondes gravitationnellesCapocasa, Eleonora 13 November 2017 (has links)
L'astronomie gravitationnelle a débuté en septembre 2015 avec la première détection de la fusion de deux trous noirs par LIGO. Depuis lors, plusieurs fusions de trous noirs et une fusion d'étoiles à neutrons ont été observées. Advanced Virgo a rejoint les deux observatoires LIGO dans la prise de données en août 2017, augmentant fortement les capacités de localisation du réseau. Afin d'exploiter pleinement le potentiel scientifique de ce nouveau domaine, un énorme effort expérimental est nécessaire pour améliorer la sensibilité des interféromètres. Cette thèse, développée dans ce contexte, est composée de deux parties. La première concerne Advanced Virgo : nous avons développé un budget de bruit automatique pour le bruit de fréquence du laser et nous avons effectué des mesures de caractérisation optique pour les cavités de bras kilométriques. Des pertes aller-retour aussi faibles que 80 ppm ont été mesurées. Elles sont parmi les plus basses jamais mesurées avec un faisceau de cette taille. La deuxième partie concerne la conception et le développement d'une cavité de filtrage de 300 m, un prototype pour démontrer la production de lumière squeezing dépendante de la fréquence avec les propriétés nécessaires pour une réduction du bruit quantique à large bande dans KAGRA, Advanced Virgo et Advanced LIGO. Nous avons contribué à la fois aux phases de conception et d'intégration du projet. Nous avons d'abord fait le design optique de la cavité, y compris les spécifications pour l'optique de la cavité et une estimation détaillée des sources de dégradation pour le squeezing. Nous avons donc développé un système de contrôle pour les miroirs, assemblé les suspensions et finalement aligné et mis la cavité en résonance avec la lumière laser / Gravitational wave astronomy has started in September 2015 with the first detection of a binary black-hole merger by LIGO. Since then, several black-hole mergers and a binary neutron star merger have been observed. Advanced Virgo joined the two LIGO detector in the observation run, in August 2017, highly increasing the localization capabilities of the network. In order to fully exploit the scientific potential of this new-born field, a huge experimental effort is needed to bring the instruments at their design sensitivity and to further improve them. This thesis, developed in this context, it is composed of two parts. The first is about Advanced Virgo: we have developed an automatic noise budget for the laser frequency noise and we have performed optical characterization measurements for the kilometric arm cavities. Round trip Losses as low as 80 ppm have been measured. They are among the lowest ever measured for beams of these size. The second part is about the design and development of a 300 m filter cavity, a prototype to demonstrate the frequency dependent squeezing production with properties needed for a broadband quantum noise reduction in the future upgrades of KAGRA, Advanced Virgo and Advanced LIGO. We have contributed to the design and integration phases of the project. We have first made the optical design of the cavity, including the the specifications for the main cavity optics and a detailed estimation of the squeezing degradation sources. We have then developed a local control system for the mirrors, assembled the suspensions, and finally aligned and brought the cavity in resonance with the laser light
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Etude d'un problème d'interaction fluide-structure : modélisation, analyse, stabilisation et simulations numériques / Study of a fluid-structure interaction problem : modeling, analysis, stabilisation and numerical simulationsDelay, Guillaume 31 August 2018 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse porte sur l'étude d'un système d'interaction fluide-structure. Nous en traitons de nombreux aspects allant de sa modélisation jusqu'à l'étude de sa stabilisation et de sa simulation numérique. Le premier chapitre du manuscrit aborde la modélisation du système ainsi que l'existence de solutions fortes en temps petits. Le fluide est représenté par les équations de Navier-Stokes incompressibles. La structure est déformable et dépend d'un nombre fini de paramètres. Nous obtenons ses équations en appliquant un principe des travaux virtuels. Le système d'équations final est non linéaire. Nous prouvons l'existence locale d'une solution à ce système, dans un premier temps sur le système linéarisé autour de l'état nul. Puis, nous prouvons l'existence de solutions en temps petits au système non linéaire grâce à un argument de point fixe. Le deuxième chapitre traite de la stabilisation par feedback autour d'un état stationnaire non nul du système présenté dans le Chapitre 1. L'opérateur de feedback est déterminé à partir de l'analyse du problème linéarisé autour de l'état stationnaire et de la résolution d'une équation de Riccati. Le résultat de stabilisation portant sur le système non linéaire requiert des données petites et est obtenu par un argument de point fixe. Le troisième chapitre se concentre sur les aspects numériques de ce problème. La construction de l'opérateur de feedback correspond à la version discrétisée de celle proposée dans le Chapitre 2. Le système fluide-structure est simulé en utilisant une méthode de domaines fictifs. / This PhD thesis deals with the study of a fluid-structure interaction system. We are interested in several aspects such as modelling, stabilization and numerical simulation. In the first chapter of the manuscript, we show the modelling of the system and prove the existence of strong solutions in small times. The fluid is modelled by the incompressible Navier- Stokes equations. The structure is deformable and depends on a finite number of parameters. The equations are obtained with a virtual work principle. The final system of equations is nonlinear. We prove local existence of a solution to this system, first on the linearized system. Then, existence of solutions in small times to the full nonlinear system is obtained with a fixed point argument. In the second chapter, we prove feedback stabilization of the problem around a non-null stationary state. The feedback operator is computed with the solution to a Riccati equation obtained by the analysis of the linearized problem around the stationary state. The stabilization result holds on the full nonlinear system and requires small data. It is proven by a fixed point argument. In the third chapter, we focus on the numerical aspects of the problem. The feedback operator used corresponds to a discretization of the feedback operator of Chapter 2. The solution to the full nonlinear system is computed by the use of a fictitious domain method.
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Stabilization of sulphidic mine tailings by different treatment methods:heavy metals and sulphate immobilizationKiventerä, J. (Jenni) 22 October 2019 (has links)
Millions of tons of mine tailings are generated worldwide annually. Since many valuable metals such as Ag, Cu, Pb, Zn, Au and Ni are usually incorporated into sulphidic minerals, a large proportion of the tailings generated contain high amounts of sulphates and heavy metals. Some of these tailings are used as paste backfill material at mining sites, but large amounts are still being deposited into the tailings dams under water coverage. Sulphidic minerals are stable underground but after mining of the ore and several processing steps these minerals can be oxidized when they come into contact with water and air. This oxidation generates acid and thus reduces the pH of the surrounding environment. Furthermore, the heavy metals present in the mine tailings can be leached into the environment. This phenomenon, called Acid Mine Drainage (AMD), is one of the most critical environmental issues related to the management of sulphidic-rich tailings. Since AMD generation can still occur hundreds of years after closure of the mine, the mine tailings need stable, sustainable and economically viable management methods in order to prevent AMD production in the long term.
The aim of this PhD thesis was to study various solidification/stabilization (S/S) methods for the immobilization of sulphidic mine tailings. The main focus was to develop a suitable chemical environment for achieving effective heavy metal (mainly arsenic) and sulphate immobilization while simultaneously ensuring good mechanical properties. Three treatment methods were tested: alkali activation, stabilization using hydrated lime (Ca(OH)2) and blast furnace slag (GBFS), and calcium sulphoaluminate-belite (CSAB) cement stabilization.
The mine tailings used in this study contained large amounts of sulphates and heavy metals such as Cr, Cu, Ni, Mn, Zn, V and As. The leaching of arsenic and sulphates from powdered tailings exceeded the legal limits for regular and inert waste. All treatment methods were found to generate a hardened matrix that was suitable for use as a backfilling or construction material, but the calcium-based binding system was the most suitable for effective immobilization of all the heavy metals (including arsenic) and the sulphates. Precipitation in the form of calcium sulphates/calcium arsenate and the formation of ettringite are the main stabilization methods employed in calcium-based stabilization/solidification (S/S) systems. Some evidence of physical encapsulation occurring simultaneously with chemical stabilization was noted. These results can be exploited further to develop more sustainable mine tailing management systems for use in the future. The tailings could be stored in a dry landfill area instead of in tailing dams, and in this way a long-term decrease in AMD generation could be achieved, together with a high potential for recycling. / Tiivistelmä
Monet arvometallit kuten kulta, kupari ja nikkeli ovat sitoutuneena sulfidipitoisiin mineraaleihin. Louhittaessa ja rikastettaessa näitä sulfidimineraaleja syntyy miljoonia tonneja sulfidipitoisia rikastushiekkoja vuosittain. Rikastushiekat voivat sisältää myös runsaasti erilaisia raskasmetalleja. Osa rikastushiekoista hyödynnetään kaivostäytössä, mutta suurin osa rikastushiekoista läjitetään edelleen ympäristöön rikastushiekka-altaisiin veden alle. Kun sulfidipitoinen malmi kaivetaan ja käsitellään, sulfidiset mineraalit hapettuvat ollessaan kosketuksissa veden ja hapen kanssa. Hapettuessaan ne muodostavat rikkihappoa, laskien ympäristön pH:ta jolloin useimmat raskasmetallit liukenevat ympäristöön. Muodostuvia happamia kaivosvesiä voi syntyä vielä pitkään kaivoksen sulkemisen jälkeen ja ovat näin ollen yksi suurimmista kaivosteollisuuteen liittyvistä ympäristöongelmista. Lisäksi suuret rikastushiekka-altaat voivat aiheuttaa vaaraa myös ihmisille, mikäli altaan rakenteet pettävät. Rikastushiekkojen kestäviä ja ympäristöystävällisiä varastointimenetelmiä täytyy kehittää, jotta näitä ongelmia voidaan tulevaisuudessa ehkäistä.
Tässä työssä tutkittiin menetelmiä, joilla kultakaivoksella syntyvät sulfidipitoiset vaaralliseksi jätteeksi luokitellut rikastushiekat saataisiin stabiloitua tehokkaasti. Työssä keskityttiin kolmeen erilaiseen menetelmään: alkali-aktivointiin, stabilointiin kalsiumhydroksidin ja masuunikuonan avulla ja stabilointiin CSAB sementin avulla. Valmistettujen materiaalien mekaanisia ja kemiallisia ominaisuuksia arvioitiin. Tavoitteena oli ymmärtää, miten eri menetelmät soveltuvat raskasmetallien (erityisesti arseenin) ja sulfaattien sitoutumiseen ja mikä on eri komponenttien rooli reaktioissa.
Alkali-aktivoimalla rikastushiekkaa sopivan sidosaineen kanssa saavutettiin hyvät mekaaniset ominaisuudet ja useimmat haitta-aineet sitoutuivat materiaaliin. Ongelmia aiheuttivat edelleen sulfaatit ja arseeni. Kalsiumpohjaiset menetelmät sitoivat raskasmetallit (myös arseenin) ja sulfaatit tehokkaimmin. Sulfaatit ja arseeni saostuivat muodostaen niukkaliukoisia komponentteja kalsiumin kanssa. Samanaikaisesti rakenteeseen muodostui ettringiittiä, jolla on tutkitusti hyvä kyky sitoa erilaisia raskasmetalleja rakenteeseensa. Raskasmetallit myös kapseloituivat rakenteen sisään.
Työn tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää, kehitettäessä rikastushiekkojen turvallista varastointia. Kun materiaalille saavutetaan riittävän hyvä lujuus ja kemiallinen stabiilius, rikastushiekat voitaisiin läjittää tulevaisuudessa kuivalle maalle altaan sijaan. Näin vältyttäisiin rikastushiekka-altaiden rakentamiselta ja voitaisiin vähentää happamien kaivosvesien muodostumista pitkällä ajanjaksolla. Saavutettujen tulosten perusteella rikastushiekkoja voidaan mahdollisesti tulevaisuudessa hyödyntää myös erilaisissa betonin tapaisissa rakennusmateriaaleissa.
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Investigation and characterization of polythiol (meth)acrylate based resins for UV-curing applications / Investigation et caractérisation de matériaux polymères photo-réticulés à base de résines polythiol (meth)acrylate pour des applications de photopolymérisation industrielleBelbakra, Zakaria 19 December 2013 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est de développer des matériaux polymérisés par rayonnement ultra-violet possédant une bonne balance des propriétés thermomécaniques entre résistance à la température, rigidité (strength) et résistance à l’impact. Une direction vers cet objectif est l’utilisation de résines (meth)acrylate modifiées avec des thiols polyfonctionnels. Cependant, les thiol-ene en général sont sujets à un problème de polymérisation prématurée incontrôlée même à l’abri de la lumière. Ce problème doit être traité puisque celui-ci conditionne le succès des thiol-ene dans le domaine des photopolymères. La première partie de cette thèse concerne l’élaboration de résine (meth)acrylate modifiée par l’incorporation d’un polythiol, le pentaerythritol tetrakismercaptopropionate (PETMP), à différents ratio. Les propriétés thermomécaniques et photochimiques de ces résines sont à l’étude. La seconde partie traite du problème de polymérisation prématurée incontrôlée des thiol-ene. Une étude de stabilité thermique aboutissant à des résultats très encourageant est proposée. Finalement, la dernière partie porte sur la caractérisation des réseaux photo-réticulés par pyrolyse-GC/MS. La compréhension de la constitution des réseaux tridimensionnels devraient apportés des avancées dans l’élaboration de nouveaux matériaux. Une nouvelle méthode de caractérisation utilisant la pyrolyse-GC/MS directe à multi-étapes est développée. Enfin, des résultats sur l’application de la méthode sur des matériaux à base de (meth)acrylate difonctionnel photopolymérisés ainsi qu’une tentative de caractérisation de matériaux à base de polythiol/(meth)acrylates photopolymérisés sont reportés puis discutés. / This thesis fall within an approach aiming to develop UV-processed materials having a good thermo-mechanical properties balance between strength, temperature resistance and impact resistance. A direction toward this objective is the use of photocurable (meth)acrylate resins modified with polyfunctional thiols. Indeed, thiol-ene chemistry is known to have poor sensitivity toward oxygen inhibition, to improve the dimensional stability and toughness properties of photocured materials. However, thiol-ene resins are subjected to premature uncontrolled dark polymerization, an issue that has to be solved for their success in the photopolymers area. The first part of this work is focused on the thermo-mechanical and the photopolymerization properties investigation of a pentaerythritol tetrakismercaptopropionate (PETMP) modified (meth)acrylate based resin by looking at different ratio of polythiol/(meth)acrylate. The second part is dedicated to the understanding of the thermal instability of such systems and to the solving of this issue. Finally, a special interest is brought to the characterization of photopolymeric networks by pyrolysis-GC/MS. The lake of deep understanding and view about how the cured networks are really constituted due to the difficulty to analyze insoluble cured polymers, prevents improvements in the formulation of high performance materials. Further information on cured networks constitution could bring useful information for the elaboration of new materials. A new characterization method based on direct multi-step pyrolysis-GC/MS is developed and an attempt on the characterization of polythiol (meth)acrylate material by Py-GC/MS is reported and discussed.
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Fluorinated pickering emulsions for droplet-based microfluidics technology / Emulsions fluorées de Pickering pour la technologie de microfluidique en gouttesChacon Orellana, Laura A. 23 July 2018 (has links)
Les émulsions fluorées de Pickering sont étudiées et mises au point dans la technologie demicrofluidique en gouttes pour des applications d’études sur des cellules adhérentes isolées.Les principaux résultats de ce projet sont : l’établissement d’un lien entre la couverture desurface des nanoparticules et la fluidité de l’émulsion de Pickering ; l’établissement deslignes directrices pour la stabilisation des gouttes avec un débit de production élevé et unminimum de déchets de particules ; et la mise en oeuvre d’une plateforme technologiquecomplète pour l’étude des cellules RPE, pour mesurer leur hétérogénéité phénotypique auniveau de la cellule individuelle. / Fluorinated Pickering emulsions are studied and engineered within droplet-based microfluidicstechnology for adherent-cell studies applications. The main findings of this projectinclude: linking the nanoparticles surface coverage to the bulk flowability of the Pickeringemulsion; deriving guidelines for droplet stabilization with high production throughput andminimal particle waste; and implementing the full technological platform for the study ofRPE cells, while unraveling their phenotypic heterogeneity at the single cell level.
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