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Lack of basic services in the tourism industry : A study of stakeholders’ perspectives in Bamenda, Cameroons.Immanuel, Jenling January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to highlight and investigate lack of basic services on city tourism in Bamenda from a national and an international stakeholders’ perspective. The study also aims to explore potential solutions and suggest improvements that can make Bamenda more competitive as a tourist destination. Basic services focused on has been insecurity, infrastructure shortage and unskilled personnel on tourism sub industries, electricity outages and unstable internet supply. To understand the scope of, the problem, a qualitative method approach was used whereby thirty-seven persons were interviewed. The respondents were adult males and females between the age range 38- 50 who have years of working experience and academic background that ranged from bachelor’s degree to Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D). The study identified government negligence in providing needed infrastructure and services as some of the biggest setbacks to the smooth functioning of the tourism industry in Bamenda. It was surprisingly realized that Bamenda has a diverse culture capable of attracting many international tourists as well as a very dynamic population. Additionally, it was noted that there is a devastating crisis of identity in the Cameroons that has brought tourism to near zero.
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Destination Branding : A Qualitative Case Study of Local Stakeholders’ Practices in Mombasa, KenyaMwamburi, Sharon January 2019 (has links)
The tourism industry is today the most powerful driver of economic growth and development. Globalization plays a big role in diminishing traveling barriers across the globe, which has led to increased competition between destinations to identify themselves and delineate how they want to be perceived by tourists. In this case, developing a clear destination brand identity is paramount for success. Tourism destinations are complex; they are multidimensional and so are their consumer needs and stakeholders interests. The focal point of this research was on destination branding; it is crucial to have all the stakeholders on board. Consequently, a destination brand has to reflect the authentic identity of the destination hence differentiating it from its competitors. The purpose of the research was to explore stakeholders’ practices in destination branding, their attitude, experiences and expectations of branding Mombasa. The research was based on qualitative method where primary data was gathered through face to face interviews with the tourism stakeholders in Mombasa, and data collected was analysed using content analysis. The key findings include; lack of unity among stakeholders, Mombasa has not been branded, inadequate funds for branding Mombasa, and need for product diversification. The research concludes by suggesting step by step approach for branding the destination.
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The Debt-Equity Dilemma : An analysis of the co-movement between Swedish stocks and bondsGustafsson, Adam, Nilsson Viberg, Frida January 2019 (has links)
Throughout the last century there has been an extensve discussion regarding the optimal capital structure.Excessive research has further been conducted to understand the relationbetween the market debt and equity on an aggregated market-level. However, it is observed that the research on thefirm-specific co-movement of stock and bondsis scarce. Since the last financial crisis,the bond market has especiallyseen a rapid growth. The growthstemsfrom the low interest rate climate togetherwithmore restrictive lending policies from banks. Based on this discussion the purpose of this research is to investigate if Swedish corporationsare making the optimal capital structure decision. This based on a potential co-movement of stocks and bonds. To answer the purpose the research question was therefore: What is therelationship between a corporation’s bond returnand stock return?The scientific method that was used in this research is a quantitative method witha deductive process and a positivistic angle. Because the research uses the whole population that is available, this is a censusstudy. In the population companies that have been active on the stock and the bond market sometime during the period from 2008 to 2018. Although, companies that have been delisted during this period have been excluded. From a population of 75 companies and 1972 observations, two regressions were made due to the inconclusive results regarding the dependency of stock return and bond return. No significant result between the returns was found. However, a significant result between marketcapitalizationand the returns togheter with stock standard deviation and the returns was found. Based on the result, the authors could conclude that there seems to be a demand for the issuance of both stocks and bonds. This follows a discussion regarding the possibility of diversification of the securities based on the modern portfolio theory. Further, the authors can conclude that the theories regardin the irrelevance of capital structure are applicable. Finally,the authors can conclude that the stakeholder theory can explain the value creation in a more appropriate fashion in relation to the result. The authors canthereforeconclude that the debt-equity dilemma still is present and further research within the area is required.
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Policyacceptans i skogssektorn : Ett fall av idésystem inom policyacceptansNordlund, Lucas January 2019 (has links)
Den svenska skogspolitiken sammanfattas till de jämställda målen av miljö respektive produktion. När dessa mål riskerar att motverka varandra är det möjligt att motstånd inför politiska åtgärder uppstår. Syftet med denna studie har därmed varit att undersöka vilken roll idésystem har för acceptansen av skogspolitikens målsättningar med avgränsning till nyckelbiotopspolitiken, samt att pröva huruvida egenintresse har någon inverkan. För studien har det teoretiska ramverket Advocacy Coalition Framework samt Rational Choice perspektivet tillämpats. Resultatet från den kvalitativa textanalysen visar att både idésystem och egenintresse förklarar policyacceptans i lika stor utsträckning. Det antyds även att korresponderande idésystem tillsammans med egenintresset samtidigt har varit styrande hos två aktörer. Vidare tyder resultatet på att mekanismerna kompletterar varandra genom att förklara policyacceptans när den andra misslyckas. De slutsatser som dras är att vidare forskning krävs för en fördjupad förståelse av dessa mekanismer och huruvida det existerar någon bakomliggande koppling sinsemellan föreställningar och egenintresse.
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The possibilities of cross-sector relations : A study on partnerships between private companies and environmental NGOs in Sweden / The possibilities of cross-sector relations : A study on partnerships between private companies and environmental NGOs in SweFranzén, Elinor January 2019 (has links)
It is a common misconception that the cross-sector partnership between private companies and environmental NGOs purely benefit financing and image possibilities. However, suppositions like these are worryingly out-of-date and do no longer correspond to the actual make-up, ambitions, effort, and functionings of said partnerships. Most companies use a concept called Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) when describing their sustainability work, often including partnerships with Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs). The term was coined at a time when sustainability work was less refined than what we see today, and while societal awareness and industrial appreciation for the importance of environmental agendas has developed, the term CSR and its definition has remained the same. This study interviewed three environmental NGOs and four private companies in Sweden in order to investigate the structure and outcomes of their current partnerships with the respective actor. The findings underline the need for an updated conceptual definition, that facilitates cross-sector partnership development parallel to societal development rather than to hold it back. With environmental threats winning the attention of both private and public actors in local as well as global settings, the issue of this conceptual misalignment and possible snag in efficiency that it may pose, becomes highly relevant.
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Compartilhamento de carros elétricos: análise de incertezas em iniciativas públicas de mobilidade urbana. / Electriccar sharing: uncertainly analysis in public initiatives of urban mobility.Barros, Lidyane Stephane da Silva 08 December 2017 (has links)
O objetivo da dissertação é entender como os gestores lidam com as incertezas presentes no projeto de implantação de serviços públicos de compartilhamento de carros elétricos (carsharing) no Brasil. Esta é uma iniciativa emergente no Brasil, também observada ao redor do mundo. Os projetos pesquisados têm uma natureza inovadora e, por isso, carregam consigo incertezas que impactam as atividades dos stakeholders associados ao carsharing. Deste modo, a partir de estudos de caso, uma pesquisa exploratória foi guiada com o intuito de contribuir com a literatura sobre a análise de incertezas, focando àquelas ambientais inseridas em projetos de políticas públicas. Para a prática, a contribuição desta pesquisa está no auxílio que a identificação de incertezas pode oferecer na dinâmica de desenvolvimento do serviço e de outras iniciativas semelhantes. A pesquisa empírica foi realizada por meio do mapeamento das incertezas e da análise dos modos como os gestores têm as considerando na gestão dos projetos públicos. Percebe-se que os gestores têm se apoiado em esforços de comunicação; desenvolvimento de estudos por meio de Procedimentos de Manifestação de Interesses (PMIs); alianças com outros atores envolvidos no desenvolvimento do sistema; e relações contratuais, ora rígidas, ora flexíveis. Ainda admite e discute, nesta dissertação, o fato dos planos serem construídos embasados em suposições por vezes não explícitos dentre os stakeholders. Por fim, aponta-se para as implicações que o reconhecimento das suposições e dos objetivos dos projetos podem trazer a progressão das iniciativas. / The dissertation goal is to understand how the managers deal with uncertainties related to the implementation of carsharing projects in three Brazilian cities. The electric carsharing is an emerging initiative in Brazil, as well as in other countries. The researched projects concern to innovation by essence, for this reason, there are uncertainties in them, what affects the activities of stakeholders engaged in the carsharing projects. Therefore, from case studies, an exploratory research has been conducted, in order to contribute to the literature on uncertainty analysis, focusing on uncertainties that are in the public policy environment. The practical contribution of this research consists in identify uncertainties, which may assist the development of carsharing services and other similar initiatives. It is perceived that managers have relied on communication efforts; on the development of studies by PMIs; on alliances with other actors involved in the development of the system and on contractual relations, which are sometimes rigid and sometimes soft. Furthermore, it is admitted and discussed that sometimes plans are built on assumptions that are not clear among stakeholders. Lastly, it is indicated implications that acknowledging the assumptions, together with the project objectives, can bring for the advancement of initiatives.
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Cruzeiros marítimos e Stakeholders: perspectivas de desenvolvimento da infraestrutura de cruzeiros no Brasil / Cruises and Stakeholders: perspectives of cruise infrastructure development in BrazilFarias, Wallace Bezerra 12 September 2016 (has links)
Com o desenvolvimento do mercado nacional de cruzeiros marítimos, a partir dos anos 2000, o número de cruzeiristas passou a crescer ano a ano até o final da primeira década. Entretanto, esse mercado tem declinado nos últimos anos, tendo a infraestrutura de cruzeiros como um dos fatores que justificam essa queda. Em contrapartida, neste mesmo período, o Brasil se destacou pelos investimentos na área de infraestrutura, dentre elas a estrutura dos portos brasileiros. A falta de estudos sobre o tema dos cruzeiros marítimos e a baixa expectativa sobre o desenvolvimento do setor, criaram um cenário de incertezas e controvérsias sobre o desenvolvimento de sua infraestrutura para os próximos anos. Neste contexto, o estudo visou analisar quais as perspectivas de desenvolvimento da infraestrutura de cruzeiros marítimos no Brasil, baseando-se na investigação suas características, na participação dos stakeholders-chave indicadores de poder, influência e interesse e na discussão de estratégias para o seu desenvolvimento. Esta pesquisa caracteriza-se como qualitativo de natureza descritiva e exploratória, baseando-se na revisão de literatura e na investigação documental. Utilizou-se a entrevista semiestruturada e a amostragem snowball como técnica de coleta de dados. A análise e tratamento dos dados tiveram como princípios a triangulação de dados e a análise de stakeholders. Identificaram-se como stakeholders-chave no processo de desenvolvimento da infraestrutura de cruzeiros brasileira: as armadoras (companhias) de cruzeiros, os investidores privados, a Secretaria de Portos, o Ministério do Turismo e as associações CLIA-Abremar e Brasilcruise. A burocracia e a legislação brasileira apresentam-se como elementos que impedem o desenvolvimento da infraestrutura de cruzeiros, devido à grande variedade de stakeholders envolvidos, em diferentes esferas e competências de atuação, tornando o setor uma estrutura organizacional complexa, lenta e burocrática, revertida em elevados custos operacionais e em grandes barreiras na retomada do crescimento do setor. O segmento de cruzeiros, por sua vez, exige que todas as ações sejam feitas em conjunto e de maneira articulada com os interesses dos stakeholders envolvidos. Apesar disso, apresentam-se expectativas positivas diante da chegada de novos navios ao mercado brasileiro, a partir de 2020, enquanto o seu atual declínio encontra-se principalmente baseado na baixa competitividade do país em relação aos novos destinos emergentes, como Austrália, Nova Zelândia, Cuba e China. Por fim, concluiu-se que a atividade tem nas parceiras parcerias público-privadas um caminho promissor, necessitando de ações integradas entre armadoras, investidores privados, associações e o poder público para o seu pleno desenvolvimento / With the development of the market of sea cruises, mainly from the 2000s, the number of cruise passengers began to grow until the end of the first decade. However, this market has declined in the recent years and the cruise infrastructure is a factor that justify this fall. In contrast, during the same period, Brazil was highlighted by investments in infrastructure, such as the structure of Brazilian ports. The lack of studies on cruises and the low expectations about the industry development created a scenario of uncertainty and controversy about the development of cruise infrastructure in the coming years. In this context, the study aims to analyze what are the perspectives of cruise infrastructure development in Brazil, based on the research of its characteristics, key-stakeholders participation power, influence and interest indicators and discussion of strategies for its development. This qualitative research is also descriptive and exploratory, based on the literature review and documentary research, using semi-structured interviews and snowball sampling as data collection technique. The analysis and processing of the data had the principles of triangulation data and stakeholders analysis. In the process of cruise infrastructure development have been identified as key-stakeholders: cruise lines, private investors, Ports Secretariat, Tourism Ministry and associations CLIA-Abremar and Brasilcruise. The bureaucracy and the Brazilian legislation are presented as elements that prevent the development of cruise infrastructure due to the wide range of stakeholders involved, in different areas and kills, making the industry a complex, slow and bureaucratic organizational structure, converted in high operating costs and high barriers in reactivating the sector\'s growth. Cruise industry, in turn, requires that all actions are made together and meshing with the interests of the stakeholders involved. On the other hand, there are positive expectations about the arrival of new ships to the Brazilian market from 2020, while its current decline is based on the low competitiveness of the country in relation to new emerging destinations such as Australia, New Zealand, Cuba and China. In addition, cruise infrastructure has public-private partnerships as a promising path, requiring actions between cruise lines, private investors and local government
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Influência da relação com os stakeholders na presença de indicadores de sustentabilidade: estudos de casos no setor de mineração do Brasil / Influence of relationship with stakeholders on presence of sustainability indicators: case studies in the Brazilian mining sectorCastro, Paulo Henrique de 29 January 2019 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo geral: entender como as priorizações dadas aosstakeholders e o engajamento com mesmos podem refletir na presença de indicadores de sustentabilidade das organizações mineradoras no Brasil. Os objetivos específicos foram: revelar quem são osstakeholders priorizados e o por quê; e perceber qual a importância tem o engajamento com as partes interessadas na busca pelo desenvolvimento sustentável das mineradoras. Na fundamentação teórica foram abordados os principais conceitos da teoria de stakeholders, desenvolvimento sustentável, modelos e indicadores para mensurar o desenvolvimento sustentável e influenciadores do desempenho socioambiental. Dois estudos de casos foram realizados, tendo como fontes de dados: entrevistas em profundidade, relatórios oficiais, observação direta e a literatura. Os dados foram tratados conforme técnicas de análise de conteúdo e puderam evidenciar a priorização dada às comunidades locais e colaboradores. Todas as fontes de dados apresentaram indícios do tratamento diferenciado desses dois grupos de stakehoders. Os impactos causados às comunidades e colaboradores juntamente com o posicionamento estratégico e a necessidade de legitimidade para operar parecem ser os grandes impulsionadores da priorização apresentada. O engajamento com os grupos de partes interessadas ocorre desde o planejamento inicial das operações até o fechamento da mina. O contato permite o compartilhamento de boas práticas, o que pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento sustentável das mineradoras e grupos envolvidos. As empresas assumem responsabilidades perante os stakeholderse garantem ações que evidenciem os compromissos, inclusive o monitoramento das questões consideradas importantes por grupos salientes. Assim, os indicadores presentes refletem a priorização dada às comunidades e colaboradores bem como o engajamento contínuo com os mesmos. Os resultados podem contribuir com literatura ao apresentar novas formas de priorizar os stakeholders diferentes daquelas já consagradas na teoria. Isso sugere uma discussão da efetividade dos antigos modelos de priorização nos variados tipos de indústrias. Quanto à contribuição gerencial, o setor de mineração poderá encontrar subsídio para melhorar o relacionamento com os stakeholders em busca pelo desenvolvimento sustentável, algo essencial para perenidade desse setor cuja importância é significativa para a economia brasileira / The objective of this study was to understand how the prioritizations given to stakeholders and the engagement with them can reflect the presence of sustainability indicators of mining organizations in Brazil. The specific objectives were: to reveal who are the prioritized stakeholders and why; realize the importance of engagement with stakeholders for the sustainable development of mining companies.Inthe backgroud, the main concepts of stakeholder theory, sustainable development, models and indicators to measure sustainable development and influencers of social and environmental performance were addressed. Two case studies were carried out, having as data-base: interviews, official reports, direct observation and the literature. The data were treated according to content analysis techniques and showed the prioritization given to the local communities and employees. All data sources showed evidence of differential treatment to these two groupsofstakehoders. The impacts caused to communities and employees, the strategic of the companies and the need for legitimacy to operate are the main drivers of the prioritization presented. Engagement with stakeholder groups occurs since the initial planning of operations to the closure of the mine. The contact allows the sharing of good practices, which can contribute to the sustainable development of the mining companies and groups involved. The companies assume responsibilities to the stakeholders and guarantee actions that evidence the commitments, including the measurement of issues considered important by salient groups. Thus, the present indicators reflect the prioritization given to the communities and employees as well as the continuous engagement with them. The results can contribute to literature by presenting new ways of prioritizing stakeholders different from those already established in theory. These are suggests for a discussion about the effectiveness of the established prioritization models in the various types of industries. Regarding the managerial contribution, the mining sector can find support to improve the relationship with the stakeholders for the sustainable development, that is essential for the continuity of this sector which has significant importance for the Brazilianeconomy.
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An analysis of programme decision-making in further education colleges in EnglandWalsh, Daisy January 2018 (has links)
The programme provision in a third of further education (FE) colleges in England is poorly designed, according to Ofsted which inspect colleges in England, and does not provide post-16-year-olds the skills needed for employment. The policy landscape shapes the complex FE college environment. Often programme decision-making at strategic level does not respond to stakeholders’ needs or achieve stability and sustainability of these institutions. The aim of this research was to analyse programme decision-making in FE colleges in England. It focused on how FE colleges use the opportunities and constraints presented by their locality and context to tailor their programme provision whilst under pressure to meet the local needs for the provision of education and training and the expectations of the Ofsted inspection framework. A review of literature on the theories and models of decision-making led to the formation of research questions and a framework for the analysis of programme decision-making in FE college environment. Empirical data was collected by means of college principals and other senior managers in three contrasting FE colleges in England. Documentary analysis provided stimulus for interview questions and corroboration of evidence. The research found that programme decision-making is influenced by the opportunities and constraints presented by the locality of the FE college and a number of internal and external factors. It shows that FE leaders and managers who prioritise leadership for learning, which is characterised by a strong focus on learners’ learning experience, implement management approaches to the organisation of programme provision. Such focus informs the strategic directions to achieve effectiveness of programme provision and accountability, increase engagement with stakeholders and improve the sustainability of the college. The study shows that effective programme decision-making requires a collaborative approach involving the participation of stakeholders to provide a solution-driven method to managing programme provision in FE colleges.
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Comunicação, governança e sustentabilidade: como desenhos de interação influenciam o engajamento de empresas com stakeholders / Communication, Governance and Sustainability: how interaction designs influence businesses-stakeholder engagement practicesSmith, Vivian Paes Barretto 03 December 2015 (has links)
Práticas de responsabilidade social e sustentabilidade são desenvolvidas por empresas como forma de responder às contestações da sociedade. Em especial as de engajamento com stakeholders. No entanto, são baseadas em teorias estratégicas da administração e não garantem resultado satisfatório do ponto de vista das melhorias socioambientais. Com o intuito de avaliar a qualidade dessas práticas para a promoção da sustentabilidade, um estudo multidisciplinar comparado entre teorias de administração e de comunicação apontou para diferentes modelos de engajamento chamados desenhos de interação. Baseado na pensamento comunicacional de Deetz foi possível identificar desenhos de interação - Colaboração, Diálogo e Democracia Generativa - com propensões suscetíveis a sustentabilidade, pois geram criatividade e relações de mútuo benefício aos stakeholders. / Corporate social responsibility and sustainability practices are developed by companies in order to address stakeholder claims. The stakeholder engagement practices are especially interesting. They are based on managerial and strategic theories and have not performed environmentally well lately. In order to evaluate the quality of those practices to promote sustainability, a multidisciplinary study took place. Communication and management theories were compared and different types of engagement, named interaction designs, were identified. Based on Deetz communication theories it was possible to understand specific designs - Collaboration, Dialogue and Generative Democracy - and its propensities to promote sustainability, due to their ability to generate mutual benefits and creativity.
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