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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utvärdering av den svenska gasmarknadsmodellen

Cederborg, Max, Heumann Bauer, Martin January 2013 (has links)
Denna rapport syftar till att utvärdera de för- och nackdelar den svenska gasmarknadsmodellen har relativt de shippermodeller som finns i Europa, där modellernas lämplighet att stimulera ökad konkurrens i synnerhet beaktas. Därtill behandlas de krav som nuvarande och kommande EU-lagstiftning ställer och vilka konsekvenser detta får för Sveriges del. Studien ska ge underlag för en bedömning om den svenska modellen är välfungerande eller om en förändring kan motiveras, och i så fall i vilken riktning. Till fördel för nuvarande svenska modell lyfts lättförståelighet och lägre motpartsrisk vid kapacitetsbokning fram. Även pristransparensen bedöms vara bättre till följd av att gas och transport faktureras separat. Transportkostnad fram till den svenska gränsen ingår likväl fortfarande i gaspriset. En shippermodell å andra sidan, bedöms skapa bättre förutsättningar för konkurrens och därmed öka incitamenten för utländska aktörer att ta sig in på den svenska marknaden. Dels ges aktörerna möjlighet att konkurrera om transport, dels skulle modellen överenstämma med de modeller utländska aktörer har på sina hemmamarknader. Många aktörer menar att den svenska modellen fungerar tillfredsställande i sin nuvarande utformning och att val av marknadsmodell inte är viktigast för utvecklandet av naturgasmarknaden. Mot bakgrund av detta samt de fördelar modellen har och den svenska marknadens ringa storlek, så framstår det som ett rimligt alternativ att behålla den. Vad gäller EU:s harmoniseringsarbete är det två nätkoder som i nuläget är mest aktuella, CMP och CAM, där CAM får konsekvenser för kapacitetsbokning i gränspunkter ellanentry/exit-zoner. Gränspunkten mellan Sverige och Danmark är i nuläget undantaget från CAM men åsikterna om huruvida detta är möjligt framöver eller inte går isär, ytterligare införselpunkter kan komma att skapa problem. Därtill vet vi inte i nuläget vilka konsekvenser kommande lagstiftning kan få för Sverige. Ett modellbyte kan således bli oundvikligt i slutändan. Vid ett byte är vår rekommendation är att undersöka möjligheten att övergå till en hel shippermodell, där både transmissions- och distributionsnät inkluderas i entry/exitzonen. Att ha en avvikande modell är tidskrävande, primärt för Energimarknadsinspektionen och Swedegas, till följd av EU:s harmoniseringsarbete som utarbetas för en shippermodell då detta är den vanligaste lösningen i Europa i allmänhet. Vi tror dessutom att en sådan lösning skulle gynna konkurrensen på marknaden, inte minst på hushållsmarknaden till följd av att kunden enbart får en kontaktpunkt oavsett om gasleverantör och distributionsbolag befinner sig inom samma koncern eller inte. / This report aims to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the Swedish gas market model in comparision to shipper models, which are common in the EU in general. The models’ suitability to stimulate competition is especially considered. In addition, the requirements of present and future EU legislation sets and the resulting consequences for Sweden are covered in the report. The study will provide a basis for assessing whether the Swedish model is well functioning or if a change is needed, and if so in which direction. Advantages of the Swedish model are that it is easy to understand and that it has a lower counterparty risk when it comes to capacity reservation. Also, the price transparency is considered to be better since the gas and transport charges are invoiced separately. Transportation cost to the Swedish border is nevertheless still included in the gas price. A shipper model on the other hand, is expected to create a more competitive market and to increase incentives for foreign players to enter it. The players are given the opportunity to compete for transportation and the model would also match the models foreign players face in their home markets, thus lowering the entry barriers. Many respondents think that the Swedish model works well in its present form and that the choice of market model is not of highest importance for the development of the natural gas market. In light of this, the benefits of the current model and the Swedish market's small size, it seems like a reasonable option to keep it. As for the EU harmonization, there are two network codes that are currently most relevant, CMP and CAM. The CAM network code has implications for capacity reservation in the cross-border points between different entry/exit-zones. The point between Sweden and Denmark is currently excluded from CAM, but opinions regarding whether this is possible in the future or  not differ. Additional entry points might create problems. In addition, at this point we do not know what impact future legislation may have. A model change can thus be inevitable in the  end.   If changing, our recommendation is to investigate the possibility of switching to a full shipper model where both the transmission and distribution networks are included in the entry/exit-zone. Having a model that differs from the rest of EU is time consuming, primarily for EI and Swedegas, since the harmonization efforts made by the EU are tailored for a shipper model since this is the prevailing system in Europe in general. We also believe that such a solution would benefit market competition. This is particularly true for the residential market because the customer only gets one contact point, whether gas suppliers and distribution companies are in the same Group or not.

Tool Integration and Safety : A Foundation for Analysing the Impact of Tool Integrationon Non-functional Properties

Asplund, Fredrik January 2012 (has links)
The increasing complexity of embedded systems development is becoming difficult to handle with development environments based on disjoint engineering tools. Support for interactions between various engineering tools, especially through automated means, has therefore received an increased amount of attention during the last few years. The subsequent increase in the amount of tool integration is leading to an increased impact of tool integration on non-functional properties of development efforts, development environments and end products. At the same time there is a lack of methods and tools for analysing the relationship between these properties and tool integration. To establish a foundation for analysing this generic relationship, the specific relationship between tool integration and the safety of end products is analysed in this thesis. A survey was conducted to analyze the State of the Art of tool integration as related to safety. This survey specifically identified the lack of an efficient handling of tool integration by modern safety standards as an important concern. In relation to this survey, three theories were identified as of specific importance. These are the school of thought known as Systems Thinking, the Systems-Theoretic Accident Model and Processes (STAMP) causality model and the System-Theoretic Process Analysis (STPA) hazard analysis technique. Building on these theories, this thesis provides original contributions intended to (1) describe concepts and models related to tool integration and safety (the first and second contribution), (2) link tool integration to safety in a way that reduces complexity during analysis (the third contribution) and (3) propose how to interpret and make use of the implications of the presented theories and the first three contributions (the fourth and fifth contribution). • The first contribution is a new conceptual model of a development effort that emphasizes tool integration. • The second contribution is a new reference model for tool integration in highly heterogeneous environments. • The third contribution consists of nine safety-related tool chain properties, i.e. properties of tool chains that could mitigate at least part of the risks introduced by tool integration. • The fourth contribution is a proposition on how to identify safety implications due to a high level of automation of tool integration. • The fifth contribution is a proposition for a new software tool qualification process.

The current tax system on the Swedish residential market – problems and possible solutions / Flyttrelaterade skatter på den svenska bostadsmarknaden

Grundmark, Sofia January 2014 (has links)
Idag präglas den svenska bostadsmarknaden av en trögrörlighet som bland annat beror på höga flyttrelaterade skatter. Dessa flyttrelaterade skatter består av reavinstskatt, stämpelskatter, expeditionsavgifter och uppskovsränta. Många hushåll anser det idag vara för dyrt att flytta och avstår därför. Detta leder till att flyttkedjor stannar upp och arbetsmarknaden påverkas negativt eftersom många hushåll drar sig för att flytta och många tackar därför nej till arbeten som kräver en flytt. Detta beteende leder till att den individuella välfärden och hela Sveriges ekonomiska välfärd drabbas negativt. Detta är ett aktuellt och omtalat ämne och många rapporter har skrivits och det finns många förslag på förbättringar till dagens system. Många har som syfte att ge förslag på olika åtgärder som skulle leda till ett bättre system på bostadsmarknaden och många har gjort beräkningar på hur resultat av bland annat en minskning av reavinstskatten skulle se ut. Det är dock i detta examensarbete första gången som en siffra över hur hög en fastighetsskatt skulle behöva vara för att kunna ersätta dagens alla flyttrelaterade skatter redovisas. Detta arbete har som syfte att se över dagens flyttrelaterade skattesystem och uppmärksamma eventuella problem med dagens situation. En litteraturstudie redovisas för att en bredare inblick ska ges och utifrån litteraturstudien kommer sedan ett antal förslag till förbättringar av dagens flyttrelaterade skattesystem att sammanfattas. Sedan kommer en utredning av hur mycket dagens flyttrelaterade skatter faktiskt genererar i pengar till staten att redovisas och sist kommer beräkningen över hur hög en fastighetsskatt skulle behöva vara för att kunna ersätta dagens flyttrelaterade skatter. Slutsatserna visar på att en del av problemen med dagens flyttrelaterade skattesystem kan lösas med en rad olika åtgärder som flera författare har utrett. Beräkningarna över hur hög en fastighetsavgift skulle behövara vara för att kunna ersätta dagens flyttrelaterade skatter visar på att alla bostadsägare årligen ska betala 5900 kronor eller 0,47 % av sitt taxeringsvärde i skatt, oavsett om man äger ett småhus eller en bostadsrättslägenhet. / The Swedish housing market is presently characterized by low mobility. This could partly be a result of the high taxes on moving from one house to another. Not only is there a capital-gains tax on moving, but also a stamp duty, a service charge and an interest charge on postponed capital gains tax. Many households consider the price of moving too high, making them reluctant to move. This will have a negative effect on the labour market due to the fact that people will be less willing to move to places where labour is needed. This type of behaviour will ultimately affect both the wealth of the individual and Sweden’s economy in a negative way. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the current tax-system and emphasize the problems with it. Firstly, a literature study will be presented to give a wide perspective of the subject. This will be the basis for a number of suggestions that will resolve the problem with low mobility on the housing market. After this, an investigation of how much money the taxes on moving actually generate to the government. Lastly, a calculation of how high a real estate tax would have to be in order to replace the taxes on moving. The conclusions of this paper suggest that there are a number of actions that can be taken in order to resolve some of the problems with the tax system on the Swedish housing market. The calculations show that the taxes on moving could be replaced by a real estate tax where the homeowners would pay 5900 SEK or 0,47% of the assess value of the home yearly, instead of paying taxes only when moving.

Maximizing Recommendation System Accuracy In E-Commerce for Clothing And Accessories for Children / Maximera precisionen för rekommendationssystem inom e-handel för barnkläder

Renström, Niklas January 2022 (has links)
The industry of electronic commerce (e-commerce) constitutes a great part of the yearly retail consumption in Sweden. Looking at recent years, it has been seen that a rapidly growing sector within the mentioned field is the clothing industry for clothes and accessories for children and newborns. To get an overview of the items and help customers to find what they are looking for, many web stores have a system called a Recommendation System. The mechanics behind this service can look rather different depending on the method used. However, their unified goal is to provide a list of recommended items of interest to the customer.  A branch within this field is the Session Based Recommendation System (SBRS). These are models which are designed to work with the trace of products, called a session, that a user currently has visited on the web store. Based on that information they then formulate an output of recommended items. The SBRS models have been especially popularized since the majority of customers browse in an anonymous behavior, which means that they due to time efficiency often neglect the possibility of creating or logging into any personal web store account. This however limits the accessible information that a system can make use of to shape its item list.  It can be seen that the number of articles exploring SBRS within the fashion branch of clothing and accessories for children is very limited. This thesis is made to fill that gap. After a thorough literature study, three models were found to be of certain interest, the Short-Term Attention/Memory Priority (STAMP) model, Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) model, and Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) model. Further, the LSTM model is included as it is the collaborative company, BabyShop Group AB's current used method.  The results of this thesis show that the GRU model is a promising method, managing to predict the next item for a customer more consistently than any other of the evaluated models. Furthermore, it can also be seen that what embeddings the models use to represent the products plays a significant role in the learning and evaluation of the used data set.  Moreover, a benchmark model included in this thesis also shows the importance of filtering the data set of sessions. It can be seen that a majority of customers visit already-seen products, logged happenings most likely due to refreshing web pages or similar actions. This causes the session data set to be characterized by repeated items. For future work, it would therefore indeed be interesting to see how this data set can be filtered in a different way. To see how that affects the outcome of the used metrics in this thesis. / Industrin för elektronisk handel (e-handel) utgör en stor del av den årliga konsumtionen av återförsäljning i Sverige. Bara genom att följa de senaste åren har det kunnat ses att en snabbt växande sektor inom det nämnda området är den som berör kläder och accessoarer för barn.  För att kunna ge en överblick och hjälpa kunder att finna vad de söker använder många webbutiker ett system som kallas rekommendationssystem. Hur dessa system faktiskt fungerar kan se väldigt olika ut. Men deras gemensamma mål är att i slutändan kunna ge en lista av rekommenderade produkter till kunden. En gren inom detta område är sessionsbaserade rekommendationssystem. Detta är modeller som är designade för att arbeta med själva spåret av besökta produkter, de som en kund har varit inne på under sin nuvarande vistelse på webbutiken. Baserat på denna information formuleras sedan en lista av rekommenderade produkter till besökaren. Dessa typer av modeller har blivit särskilt populära då många kunder gillar att shoppa anonymt. Vilket i denna kontext betyder att de gärna slipper att behöva logga in på något personligt konto på webbutiken, där särskild information kan sparas. Men detta betyder också att mängden tillgängliga data minskas för rekommendationssystemet.  Antalet forskningsartiklar som utforskar sessionsbaserade rekommendationssystem för e-handel inom barnmode är väldigt begränsad. Denna avhandling är därför gjord med syftet att försöka fylla detta tomrum. En genomgående litteraturstudie visade att tre modeller var av särskilt intresse, nämligen Short-Term Attention/Memory Priority (STAMP), Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) och Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) modellen. Den sistnämnda är inkluderad då detta är den nuvarande modellen som används av företaget som denna avhandling har gjorts i samarbete med, BabyShop Group AB.  Resultaten i denna avhandling kan påvisa att GRU är en mycket lovande modell som lyckades förutbestämma nästkommande produkt i en sessionskedja bäst. Utöver detta kan det också ses att embedding-vektorerna som används för att representera produkterna för modellerna spelar en avgörande roll. Speciellt för deras lärande och evaluering av data.  Förutom det påvisade en av riktvärdesmodellerna som användes i denna avhandling den viktiga innebörden av att filtrera sessionsdata. Det kan nämligen urskiljas i den data som erhölls från företaget att många kunder återbesöker en stor del av redan besökta produkter. Detta åstadkommas troligen av att kunderna uppdaterar sidan de är på, eller utför någon annan liknande handling. Det här gör att en stor del av den sessionsdata som används i denna avhandling innehåller många upprepade produkter i de givna sessionskedjorna. Som framtida arbete vore det därför intressant att utforska olika filtreringsmetoder som kan appliceras på den givna datamängden. Detta för att se hur en mera filtrerad datamängd påverkar slutresultatet av de använda mätmetoderna i denna avhandling.


THALES LEVI AZEVEDO VALENTE 11 August 2022 (has links)
[pt] Documentos digitalizados em ambientes de negócios substituíram grandes volumes de papéis. Profissionais autorizados usam carimbos para certificar informações críticas nesses documentos. Muitas empresas precisam verificar o carimbo adequado de documentos de entrada e saída. Na maioria das situações de inspeção, as pessoas realizam inspeção visual para identificar carimbos. Assim sendo, a verificação manual de carimbos é cansativa, suscetível a erros e ineficiente em termos de tempo gasto e resultados esperados. Erros na verificação manual de carimbos podem gerar multas de órgãos reguladores, interrupção de operações e até mesmo comprometer fluxos de trabalho e transações financeiras. Este trabalho propõe dois métodos que combinados podem resolver esse problema, automatizando totalmente a detecção de carimbos em documentos digitalizados do mundo real. Os métodos desenvolvidos podem lidar com conjuntos de dados contendo muitos tipos de carimbos de tamanho de amostra pequena, com múltiplas sobreposições, combinações diferentes por página e dados ausentes. O primeiro método propõe uma arquitetura de rede profunda projetada a partir da relação entre os problemas identificados em carimbos do mundo real e os desafios e soluções da tarefa de detecção de objetos apontados na literatura. O segundo método propõe um novo pipeline de aumento de instâncias de conjuntos de dados de carimbos a partir de dados reais e investiga se é possível detectar tipos de carimbos com amostras insuficientes. Este trabalho avalia os hiperparâmetros da abordagem de aumento de instâncias e os resultados obtidos usando um método Deep Explainability. Foram alcançados resultados de última geração para a tarefa de detecção de carimbos combinando com sucesso esses dois métodos, alcançando 97.3 por cento de precisão e 93.2 por cento de recall. / [en] Scanned documents in business environments have replaced large volumes of papers. Authorized professionals use stamps to certify critical information in these documents. Many companies need to verify the adequate stamping of incoming and outgoing documents. In most inspection situations, people perform a visual inspection to identify stamps. Therefore, manual stamp checking is tiring, susceptible to errors, and inefficient in terms of time spent and expected results. Errors in manual checking for stamps can lead to fines from regulatory bodies, interruption of operations, and even compromise workflows and financial transactions. This work proposes two methods that combined can address this problem, by fully automating stamp detection in real-world scanned documents. The developed methods can handle datasets containing many small sample-sized types of stamps, multiples overlaps, different combinations per page, and missing data. The first method proposes a deep network architecture designed from the relationship between the problems identified in real-world stamps and the challenges and solutions of the object detection task pointed out in the literature. The second method proposes a novel instance augmentation pipeline of stamp datasets from real data to investigate whether it is possible to detect stamp types with insufficient samples. We evaluate the hyperparameters of the instance augmentation approach and the obtained results through a Deep Explainability method. We achieve state-of-the-art results for the stamp detection task by successfully combining these two methods, achieving 97.3 percent of precision and 93.2 percent of recall.

Food Insecurity and Obesity in Low-Income Women: The Monthly Cycle of Food Abundance and Food Shortage

Ye, Qian 21 March 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Adhesion Studies of Polymers: (I) Autohesion of Ethylene/1-Octene Copolymers; (II) Method Development and Adhesive Characterization of Pressure Sensitive Adhesive in Paper Laminates for Postage Stamps

Yang, Hailing 08 May 2006 (has links)
Autohesion is defined as the resistance to separation of two bonded identical films that have been joined together for a period of time under a given temperature and pressure. Studies on the autohesion phenomenon can provide fundamental insights into the physical processes of adhesive bond and failure, as well as the practical engineering issues such as crack healing, elastomer tack, polymer fusion, self-healing, and polymer welding. In the first part of this dissertation work, four ethylene/1-octene (EO) copolymers were used in the present study consisting of molecules with linear polyethylene backbone to which hexyl groups are attached at random intervals. These copolymers have similar number-average molecular weight (Mn) and polydispersity, but different 1-octene content. These hexyl groups act as the short branches and hinder the crystallization, reduce density to some extent in the solid state, lower the melting temperature, and decrease the stiffness of the bulk materials. A full understanding of the autohesion behavior of the ethylene/1-octene copolymers involves investigations at three different length scales: 1) the molecular scale which controls the interfacial structure; 2) the mesoscopic or microscopic scale which can provide information on the formation of interfaces and on how the energy is dissipated during a fracture process; and 3) the macroscopic scale at which the mechanical properties such as fracture energy can be obtained for a particular test geometry. In the present study, the effects of the branch content on the formation and fracture of the interface of these ethylene/1-octene assemblies were evaluated at the bonding temperatures (Tb) and bonding times (tb). The correlation among these three length scales was also investigated and modeled. The adhesion strength of these symmetric interfaces of EO copolymers was investigated by T-peel fracture tests. The fracture of the interface is an irreversible entropy creating process which involved a substantial amount of energy dissipation. The results of such mechanical tests with respect to the bonding temperature (Tb), bonding time (tb) and peel rate indicated this energy dissipation is the result of a complicated interplay between the ability of the interface to transfer stress and its plastic and viscoelastic deformation properties. When Tb is much higher than the characteristic temperature (Tc), the interfaces were completely healed and cohesive failure was observed in T-peel tests. In this case, the fracture strength decreased with increasing branch content. In contrast, when Tb is very close to Tc, the fracture strength showed an increase with the branch content with either interfacial failure or cohesive failure being observed depending on the branch content and Tb. At higher peel rates, it is observed that higher peel energies are required to fracture the surfaces. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) showed that the interfacial/interphase structure changed from amorphous to crystalline with an increase in the Tb. The results from the bonding time effect studies showed that the peel energy is proportional to tb1/2 regardless of Tb. But the branch content and the Tb play an important role on the seal rate. Thus, higher seal rate was found for higher Tb and higher branch content. These results also suggest that the autohesion of ethylene/1-octene copolymers are strongly associated with the interactions of melted chains. The chain compositions of these Zeigler-Natta EO copolymers are highly heterogeneous with the branches concentrated in the lower molecular weight portion. Long linear chain segments could form large, well-ordered crystals that provide strong anchors for the tie molecules and therefore determine the density of inter-crystalline links. Short chains with lots of branches could behave as protrusions along the chain to obstruct chain disentanglement and limit a chain from sliding through a crystal. Due to these reasons, the short chains with branches would contribute much less than the long linear chains to the full peel strength after complete sealing. However, higher peel strengths could be obtained only at the higher temperatures or longer bonding times at which the long linear chains begin to melt and diffuse across the interface. On the other hand, the higher branch content samples have the lower crystallinity and could obtain the higher chain mobility at the lower bonding temperatures and with shorter bonding times. Therefore, higher seal strength was observed for the higher branch content samples at lower Tb. Following T-peel fracture tests of ethylene/1-octene copolymer assemblies which showed interfacial failures, the fractured surfaces were investigated by using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and characterized by fractal analysis together with the original films. The AFM images showed strong dependence on the peel rate and branch content. Quantitatively, the fractal analyses demonstrated fractal characteristics at the different finite scales. Two regimes showing fractal features were identified for each surface. In regime I (low magnifications) the fracture test did not change the fractal dimensions much. But there were significant changes in regime II before welding and after T-peel fracture tests. The length scale that separated these two regimes is very close to the size of lamellar structures. The characteristic sizes at which the fractal characteristics emerge were shown to appear at larger scales for surfaces fractured at higher peel rates. This suggests that the appearance of fractal behavior at larger scales requires higher fracture energies. The characteristic sizes and fractal dimensions were shown to depend on the molecular structure. Because the fractal analysis suggests at least some crystalline lamellae on the surfaces still existed during T-peel fracture tests, a "Stitch-welding" has been therefore proposed as the autohesion mechanism in which only chains in the amorphous portions could inter-diffuse. In the second part of this dissertation work, a multi-layer lap-shear geometry has been designed and proven as a reliable testing method in evaluation of the dynamical mechanical properties of polyacrylic pressure sensitive adhesive (PSA) in paper lamination for postage stamp applications. In-situ testing of four different PSA stamp laminates constructed by laminating water-based polyacrylic PSAs to the stamp face papers were carried out using a dynamic mechanical analyzer (DMA) in the temperature range from -50 to 60 oC at frequencies 0.1, 1, 10, and 100 Hz. This geometry requires the tension mode on the DMA, but the results which were recorded as tensile properties were converted to shearing properties of the PSA layers in the laminate. The effect of the thickness (layers of laminates) on the dynamical mechanical properties has been studied and the results suggested that a multi-layer geometry with 5-10 layers could be an appropriate structure to produce enhanced responses. Therefore, the geometry with 8-layer laminates was used for frequency sweep/isothermal temperature and frequency sweep/temperature step tests. The results showed three relaxation responses that is, glassy, transition, and flow regions with respect to the frequencies and temperatures. These results also implied the viscoelastic characteristics of these PSA products. The tensile properties of the face papers were also tested using the same parameters as those of the multi-layer geometry. Significant differences were found between the shearing behaviors of the multi-layer geometry and the tensile behaviors of the elastic face paper. This suggests that the tensile deformation of the face paper in the multi-layer geometry could be ignored and the elastic paper did not contribute to the shearing properties of the PSA layers. Time-temperature superposition curves have been produced with reference temperature set at 23 oC, which can be used to predict the long term and short term performances of these samples at this temperature. This method can be utilized as a standard testing method on the PSA adhesives in the laminate form. In addition to the dynamic mechanical properties, it can also be developed to be a general standard method on testing the rheological properties of adhesives, polymer melts and other viscous materials. / Ph. D.

Got Silk?: Buying, Selling, and Advertising British Luxury Imports During the Stamp Act Crisis

Busse, Michele Conrady 08 1900 (has links)
Despite the amount of scholarship on the Stamp Act Crisis, no study has used advertisements as a main source. This study attempts to show that a valuable, objective source has been overlooked, through the quantitative analysis of 5,810 advertisements before, during and after the Stamp Act Crisis from five port cities: Boston, Charleston, Philadelphia, New York, and Portsmouth. The findings reveal the colonists' strong connection to imported British luxury goods, and a lack of interest in American-made goods, especially before and after the boycott. Advertisements also demonstrate that the decision of many merchants to place the needs and expectations of their community before their own personal gain offered a rare economic opportunity for others. The colonists' devotion to imports tested the strength of the boycott, especially among Boston merchants, who continued to advertise imported goods a good deal more than any other city. This lack of dedication to the boycott on the part of the Boston merchants shows disunity among the colonies, at a time when many argue was the first instance of colonial nationalism. Capitalism challenged and undermined a commitment to communal sentiments such as nationalism. Moreover, if Americans did share a sense of nationhood during the Stamp Act Crisis, it cannot be gauged by a rejection of "Englishness."

Conservatisme et innovation chez les potières iroquoiennes du site Droulers-Tsiionhiakwatha

Perreault, Christine 04 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire tente d’établir la position sociale et culturelle de la communauté villageoise du XVᵉ siècle du site Droulers dans l’espace iroquoien du Saint-Laurent. À partir d’une analyse morpho-stylistique de la poterie, et particulièrement les vases décorés au dentelé, ce mémoire examine la variabilité culturelle du site et sa participation au sein de la sphère d’interactions des Iroquoiens du Saint-Laurent. La comparaison des tendances stylistiques de Droulers et des communautés voisines contribue ainsi à cerner la position chronologique ainsi que l’apparentement culturel du site au sein de sa région immédiate et des régions occidentale et centrale. Les caractères stylistiques à la fois conservateurs et progressistes relevés sur le site Droulers lui sont propres et expriment à la fois l’homogénéité du site et une certaine indépendance stylistique au sein de sa région. Sur cette base, nous avons déterminé que l’usage du dentelé n’a pas une valeur chronologique fiable à des fins de sériation dans le cas spécifique de Droulers, mais qu’il peut toutefois servir comme marqueur régional distinctif. Cet attribut ainsi que d’autres tendances régionales significatives nous ont ainsi servi à mieux cerner les similarités stylistiques entre les sites et à déterminer que Droulers s’apparente plus particulièrement aux sites Mandeville et Lanoraie, et dans une moindre mesure au site McIvor. De plus, nous avons pu établir que le site Droulers s’intègre dans un réseau d’interactions complexe, le rapprochant de communautés situées autant à l’Est qu’à l’Ouest le long de la vallée du Saint-Laurent. Finalement, l’ensemble des tendances morpho-stylistiques confirme la position chronologique du site, soit à la fin du XVᵉ siècle, et ce malgré une proportion importante du décor au dentelé, traditionnellement considéré comme une caractéristique des sites plus anciens. / This Masters project attempts to integrate the 15th Century village community of Droulers within our current understanding of the Iroquoian social and cultural sphere in the St. Lawrence Valley. Using a stylistic analysis of pottery rim sherds decorated with the dentate stamp technique, this study attempts to evaluate the cultural variability of the site as well as its place within the St. Lawrence Iroquoian world. The comparison of the stylistic specificities of the Droulers site with those of a variety of other sites is used to position this site within the development of the St. Lawrence Iroquoian sequence, and to map the cultural ties that linked this specific site to the rest of its proximate area and within the western and central provinces of the Saint-Lawrence Iroquoian territory. The simultaneous conservative and progressive characteristics of the pottery produced at the Droulers site are unique to this site, and help us to identify the specificity of the site and to establish its stylistic independence within the region. On the basis of this evidence, we have determined that the use of dentate designs cannot alone serve as a reliable indicator for the purpose of establishing the period of occupation of the site. However, the use of dentate designs can still be used as an indicator of patterns of regional interaction. The use of the dentate design, in conjunction with other significant regional variations, has also helped us better delineate a set of stylistic similarities and to determine that Droulers is most closely linked to the Mandeville and Lanoraie sites, and to a lesser extent to the McIvor site. Furthermore, we have also determined that the Droulers site is part of a complex network of interactions that ties it to communities located further East and West along the St. Lawrence Valley. Finally, the different patterns of stylistic variation, taken together, confirm the chronological position of the site at the end of the 15th Century, despite the high ratio of dentate designs traditionally considered to be characteristic of earlier settlements.

Metodologia para o cálculo da pegada hídrica ecotoxicológica de produtos dentro de uma perspectiva de ACV com uso do GIS: estudo piloto para o etanol hidratado / Methodology for the calculation of water ecotoxicity footprint of products within a LCA perspective and GIS use. Pilot study for application of the method for hydrated ethanol.

Marzullo, Rita de Cassia Monteiro 05 November 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho apresenta uma proposta metodológica para se determinar a pegada hídrica ecotoxicológica (PHE) de produtos em uma perspectiva de ACV, dentro de uma abordagem crítica sobre o método. Cenários são construídos na forma de um estudo piloto de aplicação da metodologia para o etanol hidratado produzido por uma determinada Usina no Brasil e utilizado como combustível em carros a álcool ou carros flex. O trabalho também sugere que a PHE ou WEF (water ecotoxicity footprint ), na forma de um indicador, sirva de parâmetro tanto para o setor produtivo quanto para o mercado consumidor dentro do processo de tomada de decisão . O setor produtivo poderá utilizar o citado indicador dentro de um programa de metas de redução do nível de ecotoxicidade aquática de seu produto enquanto que, para o consumidor final, o conhecimento da PHE na forma de selo informativo servirá de alavanca rumo à evolução sustentável de nossa civilização que usará o seu poder de escolha na hora de adquirir determinado produto. Dentro da perspectiva de ACV, foram estudadas e inseridas formas de avaliação de impacto, no ponto médio, a nível local e regional com o uso de ferramentas de georeferenciamento. Na intenção de facilitar o uso da ACV no Brasil, o estudo estabelece parâmetros que tornam viável a obtenção de um indicador passível de comparação. Políticas Públicas poderão ser formadas com a possibilidade de incentivar a identificação e mitigação da ecotoxicidade aquática ao longo da cadeia de suprimentos do setor produtivo.. / This work presents a methodology to determine water ecotoxicity footprint of products in a perspective of LCA within a critical approach to the method. Scenarios are constructed in the form of a pilot study of application of the methodology for hydrous ethanol produced by a given plant in Brazil and used as fuel in flex cars. The work also suggests that the water ecotoxicity footprint, as an indicator, can be used as a parameter for both: the productive sector as well as for theend consumer within the decision-making process. The productive sector can use the cited indicator in a program targeting for reduction in aquatic ecotoxicity of your product while for the end consumer, knowledge of water ecotoxicity footprint in the form of a informative stamp will leverage towards sustainable development of our civilization that uses the power of choice when purchasing a product. From the perspective of LCA, were studied and included forms of impact assessment, at the midpoint, in local and regional level with the use of geo-referencing tools. With the intention of facilitating the use of LCA in Brazil, this study establishes criteria that make possible the comparison . Public policies can be formed with the possibility of encouraging the identification and mitigation of aquatic ecotoxicity along the supply chain of the productive sector..

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