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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pathophysiologische und therapeutische Bedeutung der a1- und a2-Untereinheiten des GABAA-Rezeptors für Dystonien: Untersuchungen im dtsz Hamstermodell

Spröte, Christine Karin 22 June 2017 (has links)
Pathophysiologische und therapeutische Bedeutung der a1- und a2-Untereinheiten des GABAA-Rezeptors für Dystonien: Untersuchungen im dtsz Hamstermodell

Adaptive changes in striatal projection neurons explain the long duration response and the emergence of dyskinesias in patients with Parkinson’s disease: Neurology and Preclinical Neurological Studies - Review Article

Falkenburger, Björn, Kalliakoudas, Theodoros, Reichmann, Heinz 22 March 2024 (has links)
Neuronal activity in the brain is tightly regulated. During operation in real time, for instance, feedback and feedforward loops limit excessive excitation. In addition, cell autonomous processes ensure that neurons’ average activity is restored to a setpoint in response to chronic perturbations. These processes are summarized as homeostatic plasticity (Turrigiano in Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 4:a005736–a005736, 2012). In the basal ganglia, information is mainly transmitted through disinhibition, which already constraints the possible range of neuronal activity. When this tightly adjusted system is challenged by the chronic decline in dopaminergic neurotransmission in Parkinson’s disease (PD), homeostatic plasticity aims to compensate for this perturbation. We here summarize recent experimental work from animals demonstrating that striatal projection neurons adapt excitability and morphology in response to chronic dopamine depletion and substitution. We relate these cellular processes to clinical observations in patients with PD that cannot be explained by the classical model of basal ganglia function. These include the long duration response to dopaminergic medication that takes weeks to develop and days to wear off. Moreover, dyskinesias are considered signs of excessive dopaminergic neurotransmission in Parkinson’s disease, but they are typically more severe on the body side that is more strongly affected by dopamine depletion. We hypothesize that these clinical observations can be explained by homeostatic plasticity in the basal ganglia, suggesting that plastic changes in response to chronic dopamine depletion and substitution need to be incorporated into models of basal ganglia function. In addition, better understanding the molecular mechanism of homeostatic plasticity might offer new treatment options to avoid motor complications in patients with PD.

Short-Term Changes in Positive Affective Experiences and their Relation to Interindividual Differences in Subjective Well-Being: A Multimethod Approach

Große Rüschkamp, Johanna Marie 21 August 2019 (has links)
Personen unterscheiden sich in dem, wie sie sich im Allgemeinen fühlen. Das Ziel dieser Dissertation ist es, die Prozesse, die diesen Personenunterschieden zugrunde liegen, zu verstehen. Es wurden insbesondere die affektiven Prozesse affektive Reaktivität und Emotionsregulation untersucht. In drei Studien wurden die folgenden Forschungsfragen untersucht: (1) Haben Personen mit höherem subjektiven Wohlbefinden einen stärkeren Anstieg in positivem Affekt, wenn sie auf positive Stimuli im Labor reagieren oder ihre positiven Emotionen hochregulieren? (2) Welches sind die neuronalen Korrelate, die diesen kurzfristigen Veränderungen in positivem Affekt zugrunde liegen, insbesondere während der Hochregulation positiver Emotionen? (3) Hängt ein höheres subjektives Wohlbefinden mit einer stärkeren oder geringeren Reaktion auf positive Ereignisse im Alltag zusammen? Die Befunde haben gezeigt, dass ein stärkerer Anstieg in positivem Affekt (durch eine stärkere Reaktion auf positive Ereignisse oder durch das Hochregulieren positiver Emotionen) nicht mit einem höheren subjektiven Wohlbefinden zusammenhängt. Stattdessen hatten Personen mit einem höheren subjektiven Wohlbefinden eine geringere Reaktivität auf positive Ereignisse im Alltag. Auf der neuronalen Ebene spiegelten sich die Veränderungen in positivem Affekt durch eine verstärkte neuronale Aktivierung in emotionsbezogenen Regionen (insbesondere des ventralen Striatums) wieder, sowie durch eine Deaktivierung in einem fronto-parietalen Kontrollnetzwerk. Ein Zusammenhang von neuronaler Aktivierung und Veränderungen in positivem Affekt im Alltag wurde nicht gefunden. Die Arbeit dieser Dissertation zeigt, dass nicht besonders intensives positives Erleben, sondern eher weniger Schwankungen in momentanen positiven Affekt wichtig für das Wohlbefinden sind. Darüber hinaus zeigt diese Dissertation die Wichtigkeit auf verschiedene Analyseebenen und Untersuchungsmethoden in die Erforschung von affektivem Erleben zu integrieren. / This dissertation investigates the affective processes – affective reactivity and emotion regulation – underlying short-term changes in positive affective experiences and their relation to interindividual differences in subjective well-being. The main research objectives that were addressed in the empirical studies of this dissertation concerned (1) whether stronger increases in positive affect when reacting to and when up-regulating in response to positive stimuli in the laboratory relate to higher subjective well-being, (2) which brain regions underlie changes in positive affective experiences, particularly during the up-regulation of positive emotions, and (3) whether enhanced or reduced affective reactivity to positive events in daily life relates to higher subjective well-being. Findings showed that greater increases in positive affect were not related to higher subjective well-being, both when investigated in the laboratory and in daily life. Instead, people with higher levels of subjective well-being showed reduced affective reactions to positive events in daily life, pointing to the importance of a relative greater emotional stability. At the neural level, changes in positive affective experiences were mirrored by increased activations in emotion-related (e.g., ventral striatum) regions as well as deactivation in a fronto-parietal control network. These neural activations were not related to changes in positive affective experiences in daily life. The work in this dissertation indicates that not the experience of particularly intense positive affective states, but rather less fluctuation in momentary positive affective experiences seems to be essential to the overall composition of subjective well-being. The present dissertation further emphasizes the need to integrate different methods in the study of emotion. Concluding, this dissertation advances our understanding of the processes underlying subjective well-being.

Aging and functional reorganization of striatum- and Medial-Temporal Lobe-dependent memory systems

Schuck, Nicolas 09 July 2013 (has links)
Bisherige Forschung hat zwischen zwei Gedächtnissystemen unterschieden: dem sog. deklarativen Gedächtnis (DG), welches sich durch die Fähigkeit vergangene Lebensereignisse bewusst zu erinnern auszeichnet und mit dem lobus temporalis medialis (MTL) in Verbindung steht, und dem prozeduralen Gedächtnis (PG), welches erlernte Fertigkeiten beinhaltet und mit dem Corpus striatum assoziiert ist. Weitere Studien haben ergeben, dass Alterung von neurologischen Schäden in beiden Systemen, erhöhter Aktivität im MTL und einer relativ geringeren Beeinträchtigung des PG begleitet ist. Hyperaktivität im MTL wurde dabei sowohl mit verbesserten als auch verschlechterten Gedächtnisleistungen in Verbindung gebracht. Die hier vorgelegte Dissertation befasst sich mit dem Einfluss von Alterung auf die Beziehungen zwischen o. g. Hirnnetzwerken und prozeduralen bzw. deklarativen Gedächtnisfähigkeiten. Studie I zeigte, dass Altersunterschiede in einer prozeduralen Gedächtnisaufgabe graduell im Verlaufe des Trainings entstehen und vmtl. mit negativen Einflüssen von Alterung auf den Übergang von PG zu DG in Zusammenhang stehen. Zwei striatal-dopaminerge genetische Polymorphismen, rs907094 auf DARPP-32 und VNTR auf DAT, wirkten sich dabei auf das DG älterer aber nicht jüngerer Erwachsener aus. In Studie II wurden Beeinträchtigungen im neuronalen Vorhersagefehler, einem neuronales Lernsignal im Striatum, in älteren Probanden gefunden. Studie III konnte teilweise intaktes PG in einer räumlichen Gedächtnisaufgabe demonstrieren, wobei der Polymorphismus rs17070145 auf WWC1, der sich auf Lanzeitpotenzierung im MTL auswirkt, diese Altersunterschiede modulierte. In Studie IV wurden neuronale Repräsentationen und Komputationen während einer räumlichen Gedächtnisaufgabe untersucht. Während jüngere Probanden in dieser Studie Anzeichen von MTL-basiertem DG zeigten, zeigten ältere Teilnehmer Evidenz von PG. Die neuronalen Signaturen älterer Erwachsener wurden jedoch am stärksten im MTL beobachtet. / Previous research has distinguished between a declarative memory system that stores flexible representations and is subserved by the medial-temporal lobe (MTL) and a procedural memory system that expresses past experiences through skills and is based mainly on the striatum. Investigations into age-related changes in these memory systems indicated a complex pattern of neural degradation in both systems, elevated MTL activity as well as partially spared procedural memory functions in older adults. A literature review further suggests that MTL overactivity can be caused by factors which are either beneficial or detrimental for memory. The present dissertation investigated the effects of human aging on the relations of brain functions to declarative and procedural memory. In Study I, age differences in a procedural memory task gradually emerged over the course of training and were linked to negative effects of aging on the transition from procedural to declarative memory. In addition, this study showed that striatal dopaminergic genetic polymorphisms, rs907094 on DARPP-32 and VNTR on DAT, affected declarative knowledge in older but not younger adults. Study II indicated that prediction error signals in the human brain, a neural computation associated with striatal learning functions, were partially impaired in older adults. Study III demonstrated partially intact procedural memory in older adults in a spatial memory task, whereby age differences were modulated by a polymorphism influencing long-term potentiation in the MTL (rs17070145 on WWC1). Finally, Study IV showed hat that neural representations and computations subserving spatial memory qualitatively differed between younger and older adults. The performance and neural activation of younger adults showed unique properties of MTL-dependent declarative memory. Older adults, in contrast, showed behavioral and neural indications of procedural memory but the localization of the neural signatures peaked in the MTL.

Psychological and Neuroscientific Perspectives on Gratitude as an Emotion

Solaka, Mirna January 2016 (has links)
No description available.


Williams, Yolanda D. 01 January 2011 (has links)
This dissertation work investigated the effect of acute and repeated in vivo administration of lobeline on dopamine transporter (DAT) and vesicular monoamine transporter (VMAT2) function. The effects of lobeline were then compared to the effects of acute and repeated in vivo administration of methylphenidate and amphetamine to determine if lobeline produced similar effects compared to these Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) medications. These medications are considered the first line of pharmacotherapy for ADHD, although there is a growing concern associated with their potential for abuse and other side effects. This merits the need for novel ADHD treatments that have a safer side effect profile. If lobeline alters DAT and VMAT2 function in the same way as methylphenidate or amphetamine, further investigation may be necessary to evaluate lobeline as a potential treatment for ADHD. Kinetic analysis of [3H]dopamine (DA) was utilized to determine the effect on DAT and VMAT2 function in rat striatum. Results from the DAT experiments, revealed that lobeline as well as amphetamine had no effect on DAT function. However, methylphenidate increased DAT function after acute and 7-day treatment. None of the drug treatment regimens altered Km. To determine if the methylphenidateinduced increase in DAT function was due to DAT trafficking, biotinylation and Western blot analyses were performed. Acute administration of methylphenidate did not alter surface DAT, however repeated administration of methylphenidate for 7 days decreased intracellular DAT, suggesting that methylphenidate redistributes DAT in a time-dependent manner. Similar results were found in the VMAT2 experiments. Lobeline and amphetamine had no effect on VMAT2 function after acute or repeated administration. Amphetamine decreased the Km after repeated administration for 7 days. Methylphenidate increased VMAT2 function after acute and repeated administration for 7 days. The overall results of these experiments suggest that methylphenidate interacts with DAT and VMAT2 in a different manner than amphetamine and lobeline. In addition, since lobeline and amphetamine had no effect on DAT and VMAT2 function, further investigation is warranted to elucidate the underlying mechanisms of the therapeutic actions of these agents. This additional information will aid in the development of novel treatments for ADHD.

Contribution au développement de nouveaux vecteurs inductibles par la tétracycline et basés sur le parvovirus adéno-associé (AAV)

Chtarto, Abdelwahed 27 October 2005 (has links)
Le parvovirus adéno-associé (AAV) possède un génome à ADN linéaire simple brin de 4,7kb encadré par deux séquences palindromiques inversées et identiques de 145 nucléotides appelées ITRs, requises en cis pour la réplication et l’encapsidation de l’ADN viral. Dans un AAV recombinant (rAAV), la totalité de la partie codante du génome viral est remplacée par une cassette d’expression et seuls les ITRs sont conservés. Le rAAV constitue un outil de choix pour le transfert de gènes dans diverses applications thérapeutiques. Cependant, dans bon nombre d’entre elles, il est nécessaire de pouvoir moduler l’expression du transgène quantitativement et au cours du temps. Plusieurs systèmes de régulation ont été décrits dont le système d’activation (Tet-On) de l’expression du transgène par la tétracycline et ses analogues (ex : la doxycycline). Le transfert et l’activation de l’expression du transgène par la doxycycline (Dox) nécessite deux vecteurs d’expression, un premier vecteur dans lequel le transactivateur (rtTA) est exprimé à partir d’un promoteur constitutif et un second qui porte le gène d’intérêt sous le contrôle du promoteur tétracycline (Ptet). Le Ptet est constitué du promoteur minimal du cytomégalovirus humain (PhCMVmini) placé en aval d’une répétition de séquences dites "opérateurs" (tetO). En présence de la Dox, le rtTA change de conformation, se lie au tetO et active la transcription du gène d’intérêt à partir du PhCMVmini. Pour le transfert de gène in vivo, il est cependant préférable de disposer d’un vecteur portant les deux cassettes d’expression au sein d’une seule construction (rAAV unique). Toutefois, les ITRs d’AAV d’une part et les séquences "enhancers" du promoteur utilisé pour exprimer le rtTA d’autre part, interfèrent avec le Ptet donnant lieu à une expression du gène d’intérêt à l’état non induit et par conséquent à un faible facteur d’induction. Nous décrivons dans ce travail un vecteur rAAV unique dont l’expression du transgène est activée par la tétracycline après transfert dans le cerveau de rat. En effet, nous avons développé un vecteur autorégulable dans lequel les deux cassettes d’expression sont placées en orientations opposées et la transcription du transgène et du rtTA est initiée à partir d’un promoteur tétracycline bidirectionnel (Ptet-bidi) et terminée par les signaux de polyadénylation bidirectionnels de SV40. Placées à côté de chaque ITR, ces dernières séquences pourraient également servir à arrêter la trancription à partir des ITRs d’AAV en absence de l’inducteur. Les performances de notre vecteur portant le gène rapporteur egfp (rAAV-ptetbidi-EGFP) ont été établies dans diverses lignées cellulaires immortalisées, dans des cultures primaires de cellules de Schwann ainsi que dans le cerveau du rat et des facteurs d’induction allant de 20 à 100 fois ont été observés. Nous avons également évalué la capacité de la minocycline (Mino), un antibiotique de la famille des tétracyclines utilisé pour ses propriétés anti-inflammatoires dans le cerveau, à induire l’expression du transgène à partir du Ptet dans une lignée de cellules U87-MG exprimant de façon stable le plasmide ptetbidi-EGFP. Quoique l’induction maximale de l’expression du transgène par la Mino nécessite des doses plus élevées et un temps plus long de traitement comparée à la Dox, elle apparaît moins toxique à des doses effectrices. Nous avons également évalué la réversibilité du système. Les résultats montrent une extinction plus rapide dans des cellules induites par la Mino comparée à celle obtenue dans des cellules induites par la Dox. Cependant, la cinétique d’induction du rAAV-ptetbidi-EGFP était lente et le niveau basal d’expression était encore élevé. De plus, à l’état induit, le nombre de cellules transduites par ce vecteur in vitro et in vivo reste inférieur à celui obtenu avec un vecteur équivalent portant le transgène sous le contrôle d’un promoteur constitutif. Nous avons réussi à améliorer l’inductibilité de notre vecteur portant le gène rapporteur egfp ou le gène thérapeutique hgdnf codant pour un facteur neurotrophique ayant un effet neuroprotecteur sur les neurones dopaminergiques mais également des effets non désirés : i) en plaçant, en aval du rtTA, le WPRE, une séquence de régulation post-transcriptionnelle d’origine virale permettant l’accumulation du transactivateur à concentration plus élevée dans les cellules transduites. Il en résulte un démarrage plus rapide et un niveau plus élevé de l’expression du transgène ainsi qu’une augmentation du nombre de cellules transduites dans le striatum de rat en réponse à la Dox; ii) en remplaçant le rtTA par le rtTA2SM2 moins toxique, plus stable et ayant une meilleure affinité de liaison au tetO. L’utilisation du rtTA2SM2 permet une réduction du niveau basal d’expression du transgène et son induction à plus faible dose d’inducteur. La version améliorée de notre vecteur a été ensuite encapsidée dans le sérotype 1 d’AAV, qui, injecté dans le striatum de rat, permet d’améliorer le volume de transduction et d’augmenter le nombre de cellules "GFP-positives" transduites comparé au sérotype 2 couramment utilisé. Un facteur d’induction de l’ordre de 10 fois a été également obtenu au moyen d’un rAAV1-ptet-bidi-hGDNF avec une quantité de GDNF exprimée à l’état induit dans la gamme des concentrations neuroprotectrices (100 pg/mg de tissu).

Molecular Adaptations in the Endogenous Opioid System in Human and Rodent Brain

Hussain, Muhammad Zubair January 2013 (has links)
The aims of the thesis were to examine i) whether the endogenous opioid system (EOS) is lateralized in human brain areas involved in processing of emotions and pain; ii) whether EOS responses to unilateral brain injury depend on side of lesion, and iii) whether in human alcoholics, this system is involved in molecular adaptations in brain areas relevant for cognitive control of addictive behavior and habit formation. The main findings were that (1) opioid peptides but not opioid receptors and classic neurotransmitters are markedly lateralized in the anterior cingulate cortex involved in processing of  positive and negative emotions and affective component of pain. The region-specific lateralization of neuronal networks expressing opioid peptides may underlie in part lateralization of higher functions in the human brain including emotions and pain. (2) Analysis of the effects of traumatic brain injury (TBI) demonstrated predominant alteration of dynorphin levels in the hippocampus ipsilateral to the injury, while injury to the right hemisphere affected dynorphin levels in the striatum and frontal cortex to a greater extent than that to the left hemisphere. Thus, trauma reveals a lateralization in the mechanisms mediating the response of dynorphin expressing neuronal networks in the brain. These networks may differentially mediate effects of left or right brain injury on lateralized brain functions. (3) In human alcoholics, the enkephalin and dynorphin systems were found to be downregulated in the caudate nucleus and / or putamen that may underlie in part changes in goal directed behavior and formation of a compulsive habit in alcoholics. In contrast to downregulation in these areas, PDYN mRNA and dynorphins in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, k-opioid receptor mRNA in orbitofrontal cortex, and dynorphins in hippocampus were upregulated in alcoholics. Activation of the k-opioid receptor by upregulated dynorphins may underlie in part neurocognitive dysfunctions relevant for addiction and disrupted inhibitory control. We conclude that the EOS exhibits region-specific lateralization in human brain and brain-area specific lateralized response after unilateral TBI in mice; and that the EOS is involved in adaptive processes associated with specific aspects of alcohol dependence.

Neural Mechanisms of Young Adult Sexual Decision-Making and Risk Behavior

Victor, Elizabeth Christine January 2016 (has links)
<p>Sexual risk behavior among young adults is a serious public health concern; 50% will contract a sexually transmitted infection (STI) before the age of 25. The current study collected self-report personality and sexual history data, as well as neuroimaging, experimental behavioral (e.g., real-time hypothetical sexual decision making data), and self-report sexual arousal data from 120 heterosexual young adults ages 18-26. In addition, longitudinal changes in self-reported sexual behavior were collected from a subset (n = 70) of the participants. The primary aims of the study were (1) to predict differences in self-report sexual behavior and hypothetical sexual decision-making (in response to sexually explicit audio-visual cues) as a function of ventral striatum (VS) and amygdala activity, (2) test whether the association between sexual behavior/decision-making and brain function is moderated by gender, self-reported sexual arousal, and/or trait-level personality factors (i.e., self-control, impulsivity, and sensation seeking) and (3) to examine how the main effects of neural function and interaction effects predict sexual risk behavior over time. Our hypotheses were mostly supported across the sexual behavior and decision-making outcome variables, such that neural risk phenotypes (heightened reward-related ventral striatum activity coupled with decreased threat-related amygdala activity) were associated with greater lifetime sexual partners at baseline measured and over time (longitudinal analyses). Impulsivity moderated the relationship between neural function and self-reported number of sexual partners at baseline and follow up measures, as well as experimental condom use decision-making. Sexual arousal and sensation seeking moderated the relationship between neural function and baseline and follow up self-reports of number of sexual partners. Finally, unique gender differences were observed in the relationship between threat and reward-related neural reactivity and self-reported sexual risk behavior. The results of this study provide initial evidence for the potential role for neurobiological approaches to understanding sexual decision-making and risk behavior. With continued research, establishing biomarkers for sexual risk behavior could help inform the development of novel and more effective individually tailored sexual health prevention and intervention efforts.</p> / Dissertation

NADPH-Diaphorase-positive putaminale Interneurone : Morphologie und Stereologie bei Gesunden und Schizophrenen / NADPH-diaphorase-positive interneurons of the human putamen: Morphology and stereology in healthy and schizophrenic subjects

Johannes, Silvia January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Die NADPHd-Färbung stellt bekanntermaßen Neurone dar, die die neuronale NOS exprimieren. Die Anfärbung der Neurone ist in ihrer Qualität dabei mit Golgi-basierten Versilberungstechniken vergleichbar. Aufgrund dieser Eigenschaften ermöglicht diese Methode morphologische und funktionelle Untersuchungen. Somit ist sie geradezu zur Bearbeitung neuropathologischer Fragestellungen prädestiniert. Im Putamen werden durch diese Technik vorwiegend Interneurone angefärbt. Anhand morphologischer Kriterien wurden die nitrinergen Neurone klassifiziert. Im menschlichen Putamen konnten dabei 12 Neuronentypen (NADPHd I bis XII) unterschieden werden, die nur zum Teil in bereits bestehende Klassifikationssysteme eingeordnet werden konnten. Ausgehend von dieser Klassifikation ist es möglich, in vergleichenden Studien Veränderungen NADPHd-positiver Neurone im Rahmen neurodegenerativer Erkrankungen festzustellen. Im Falle der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde dabei das Putamen schizophrener Patienten untersucht. Aufgrund der geringen Anzahl von drei untersuchten schizophrenen Gehirnen ließen sich nur vorläufige Aussagen in Bezug auf Unterschiede NADPHd-positiver Neurone im Putamen Gesunder und Schizophrener treffen. Solche Unterschiede wurden in der Morphologie dieser Neurone gefunden, aber auch in deren Dichte: Im Putamen Schizophrener lag die Dichte NADPHd-positiver Neurone signifikant unter der bei der gesunden Kontrollgruppe ermittelten Dichte. Neben diesem numerischen Unterschied konnten auch morphologisch auffällige Neurone gefunden werden, die in der gesunden Kontrollgruppe nicht vorhanden waren. Sowohl im Claustrum als auch in der das Claustrum umgebenden weißen Substanz der Capsulae externa et extrema konnten NADPHd-positive Neurone nachgewiesen werden. Die NADPHd-positiven Neurone des Claustrums ließen sich zum Teil nach bereits bestehenden Einteilungen klassifizieren. In den äußeren Kapseln lagen sie zumeist parallel zur Richtung der Fasermassen angeordnet und zählten zu den interstitiellen Zellen der weißen Substanz. / The NADPHd-staining is known to stain selectively neurons expressing the neuronal NOS. The staining results are comparable to Golgi impregnation techniques because not only the cell soma is stained but also the dendrites. Thus, morphological and functional aspects can be examined using that techniqe. This method was used to stain, characterize and classify nNOS-positive neurons of the human putamen. Predominantly, interneurons were stained. They displayed a homogenous staining of the cell soma and the dendrites showing clear morphological differences. The interneurons could be classified into 12 different types (NADPHd I to XII) which only partially corresponded to previously described neuron types. Based on this classification system of a healthy brain, it is possible to find abnormalities of NADPHd-positive interneurons in neurodegenerative diseases. In this study, the putamen of three schizophrenic subjects was examined. Differences could not only be found for the morphology of NADPHd-positive interneurons but also for their frequency: The number of NADPHd-positive interneurons was significantly reduced in the putamen of schizophrenics. However, since only three brains of schizophrenics were examined these results can only be judged preleminary. In the claustrum and in the white matter surrounding the claustrum NADPHd-positive neurons were found as well. Regarding the claustrum, the NADPHd-positive neurons fit partially in previous classification systems. The NADPHd-positive neurons of the external capsules were part of the interstitial cells of the white matter.

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