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Estudo da formação e reversão de martensita induzida por deformação na austenita de dois aços inoxidáveis dúplex. / The study of formation and reversion of the strain induced alpha-prime martensite in duplex and super duplex stainless steelsDenilson José Marcolino de Aguiar 17 August 2012 (has links)
No presente trabalho foram estudados os fenômenos de encruamento e, principalmente, a formação e reversão da martensita alfa-linha (a\', cúbica de corpo centrado, CCC, ferromagnética) induzida por deformação em um aço inoxidável dúplex UNS S31803 e um super dúplex UNS S32520. Inicialmente, as microestruturas dos dois materiais na condição solubilizada foram caracterizadas com auxílio de várias técnicas complementares de análise microestrutural. Foram determinadas fração volumétrica, estrutura cristalina, composição química, tamanho e morfologia das duas fases (ferrita e austenita). Posteriormente, os dois aços foram deformados por dois métodos: a laminação a frio, dividida em vários estágios, com menores graus de deformação e a limagem, sendo que o cavaco limado resultante apresenta altos graus de deformação. Algumas amostras deformadas foram recozidas. Os fenômenos de encruamento, formação e reversão de martensita induzida por deformação na austenita, recuperação, recristalização da austenita e da ferrita no cavaco limado foram estudados predominantemente por difratometria de raios X e usando o método de Rietveld. A difratometria de raios X também foi utilizada para determinação das microdeformações residuais e tamanhos de cristalito (subgrão), calculadas a partir do alargamento dos picos de difração causado pelas deformações. Desta forma, puderam-se comparar os níveis de deformação da laminação e limagem. Qualitativamente, a formação e reversão da martensita induzida por deformação também foi estudada por meio de medidas magnéticas utilizando-se dados de saturação magnética das curvas de histerese obtidas com o auxílio de um magnetômetro de amostra vibrante. Observou-se que para o aço inoxidável dúplex, tanto a laminação quanto a limagem causaram a formação de martensita induzida por deformação e para o aço inoxidável super dúplex, apenas a limagem promoveu essa transformação. Em comparação com o aço dúplex, o aço super dúplex apresentou maior resistência à formação de martensita induzida por deformação, pois apresenta uma austenita mais rica em nitrogênio e uma maior propensão à formação de fase sigma durante o recozimento, pois apresenta uma ferrita mais rica em cromo e nitrogênio. / In the present work the phenomena of strain hardening, formation and reversion of the strain induced alpha-prime martensite (a\', body centered cubic, BCC, Ferromagnetic) in an UNS S31803 duplex and UNS S32520 super duplex stainless steels have been studied. Firstly, the microstructures of both materials in the solution annealed condition were characterized with the aid of several microstructural analysis complementary techniques. The volume fraction, crystalline structure, chemical composition, size and morphology of the two phases (ferrite and austenite) have been determined. Further, both steels were deformed by two methods: cold rolling, divided into several stages, with lower strain levels than filing, which the chips resulting had higher strain levels. The phenomena of strain hardening, formation and reversion of strain induced martensite in the austenite phase, recovery and recrystallization of austenite and ferrite phases have been studied, mainly using X-ray diffraction and the Rietveld method. X-ray diffraction was also used to determine the residual microstrain and crystallite size (sub grain), calculated from the diffraction peak broadening caused by straining. Thus, the levels of cold rolling and filing strains could be compared. Qualitatively, the formation and reversion of strain induced martensite was also studied by magnetic measurements using data from magnetic saturation of hysteresis curves obtained with the aid of a vibrating sample magnetometer. It has been observed that for the duplex stainless steel, both filing as well as cold rolling promoted strain induced martensite. On the other hand, for the super duplex stainless steel, just filing promoted this transformation. In the comparing with duplex, the super duplex stainless steel austenite is more stable that is why is richer in nitrogen, so, the strain induced martensite formation is more difficult. The easier sigma phase precipitation during annealing as well in the super duplex stainless steel is due higher levels of chrome and molybdenum than the duplex stainless steel.
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Psykoterapeuters erfarenheter av att arbeta med överdrivet självkritiska patienter : en kvalitativ intervjustudie / Psychotherapists experiences of working with patients with excessive self-criticism : a qualitative interview studyRyd, Veronika January 2020 (has links)
Introduction: Excessive self-criticism constitute a huge suffering for the individual. Clinical experiences and research indicate that the phenomenon is difficult to treat and one of the strongest obstacles against a healing process. The aim of this study is to develop grounded hypothesis of what can be useful ways of relate to and/or intervene regarding excessive self-criticism. Starting point is the experience and knowledge of licenced psychodynamic psychotherapists. Questions:What is the experience of working with patients who suffers from excessive self-criticism? In which ways and what is it that causes this condition difficult to treat?Which clinical strategies are perceived to work, respectively not work? Method:Six semi-structured interviews with experienced psychotherapists which were coded with thematic inductive analysis. Results: Six themes: 1) Observe reactions suggestive of self-criticism. 2) Separate the patient from self-criticism. 3) Analyse why. 4) Be a counterforce. 5) Synthonicity and mistrust. 6) Build a counterforce within the patient. Discussion:Based on theory and research, the discussion leads to hypothesis of useful therapeutic approaches: 1) Long experience of the phenomenon. 2) Empathic, warm relational and active stand, a reinforcing counterforce. 3) Specific interventions with the aim to activate the patient’s own empathy, compassion and trust – and to others. / Inledning:Överdriven självkritik innebär ett stort lidande för individen. Kliniska erfarenheter och forskning tyder på att fenomenet är svårbearbetat och ett av de starkaste hindren i vägen för en läkningsprocess. Syftet med studien är att utveckla grundade hypoteser om vad som kan vara användbara sätt att förhålla sig och/eller intervenera vid överdriven självkritik. Studien har som utgångspunkt psykodynamiska legitimerade psykoterapeuters erfarenheter och kunskaper. Frågeställningar:Vad är psykoterapeutens erfarenheter av att arbeta med patienter som lider av överdriven självkritik? På vilka sätt och vad är det som orsakar att tillståndet är svårbehandlat? Vilka kliniska strategier upplevs fungera respektive inte fungera i behandlingen? Metod:Sex semistrukturerade intervjuer, genomförda med erfarna psykoterapeuter, vilka undersöktes med tematisk induktiv analys. Resultat:Sex teman: 1) Observera reaktioner som tyder på självkritik. 2) Skilja ut patienten från självkritiken. 3) Undersöka varför. 4) Vara en motkraft. 5) Syntonicitet och misstro. 6) Bygga upp en motkraft hos patienten. Diskussion:Utifrån teori och forskningsnivån lyfts resultatdiskussionen till grundade hypoteser om användbara förhållningssätt: 1) Lång erfarenhet av fenomenet. 2) Ett empatiskt, varmt relationellt och aktivt terapeutiskt förhållningssätt och att fungera som en förstärkande motkraft. 3) Specifika interventioner i syfte att aktivera patientens egna empati, medkänsla och tillit – och gentemot andra.
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Estudo da dinâmica de caos no gás tridimensional de elétrons de alta mobilidade / Study of the dynamics of chaos in three-dimensional gas in electron of high mobilityChoque, Nilo Mauricio Sotomayor 12 September 2002 (has links)
A dinêmica caótica, em arranjos de bilhares eletrônicos bidimensionais e tridimensionais , em heteroestruturas semicondutoras de AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs foi estudada tanto de forma experimental como através de simulações numéricas. Como primeira parte, a dinâmica eletrônica caótica em super-redes de antipontos bidimensionais foi tratada sob a influência de campo magnético uniforme aplicado de forma pararela ao plano do gás de elétrons. Nestas circunstâncias, a anisotropia do contorno de Fermi do gás bidimensional de elétrons produzida pelo campo magnético pararelo, distorce fortemente a forma das trajetórias eletrônicas induzindo mudanças drásticas nas oscilações de comensurabilidade da magnetoresistência na região de campo fraco, em temperaturas criogênicas. Como segunda parte, arranjos de bilhares eletrônicos tridimensionais foram realizadas, pela primeira vez, através da gravação de super-redes retangulares de buracos mecânicos cilíndricos em poços quânticos parabólicos, os quais contêm o gás tridimensional de elétrons de alta mobilidade. Medidas de resistividade nestes sistemas revelam a presença de picos anomalos na região de campo fraco, em forma similar às medições em sistemas de antipontos bidimensionais. Foi calculada a dinâmica eletrônica do bilhar tridimensional analisando -se a evolução das trajetórias no espaço de fases através das seções espaciais de Poincaré. Calculou-se também a magnetoresistência pxx do gás tridimensional através da teoria de resposta linear, encontrando-se que a presença de ressonância não lineares é refletida nos picos anômalos observados. A realização destes sistemas permitiu o estudo de fenômenos físicos novos como as oscilações de comensurabilidade em sistemas tridimensionais e os efeitos de tamanho galvano-magnéticos devido às ressonâncias geométricas. / The chaotic electron dynamics in two-dimensional and three-dimensional arrays of elec tron billiards in ALx Ga1-xAs/GaAs semiconductor heterostructures has been studied in experimental way and also through numerical simulations. As a first part, the chaotic electron dynamics in two-dimensional antidot super-lattices has been studied under the influence of a uniform magnetic field applied in parallel configuration related to the plane of the electron gas. In this case, the Fermi contour anisotropy of the two-dimensional elec tron gas induced by the parallel field highly distorts the shape of the electron trajectories inducing pronounced changes in the commensurability peaks of the low field magnetoresis tance, in cryogenic temperatures. In the second part, arrays of three dimensional electron billiards were obtained, by first time, through the patterning of rectangular super-lattices of cylindrical voids in ALx Ga1-xAs/GaAs parabolic quantum wells containing a high mo bility three-dimensional electron gas. Resistivity measurements in these systems reveal anomalous peaks in the low magnetic field region in similar way as measurements in two-dimensional antidots systems. The electron dynamics of the three-dimensional bil liard was calculated, analyzing the evolution of trajectories in phase space by means of Poincaré space of sections. The magnetoresistance xx of the three-dimensional electron gas was calculated through linear responde theory, being found that nonlinear resonances are reflected in the observed anomalous peaks. The accomplishment os these systems allowed the study of new physical phenomena such as the commensurability oscillations in three-dimensional systems and size-effects due to geometrical resonances.
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Spectroscopie d'absorption et d'émission des excitons dans les nanotubes de carbone / Absorption and emission spectroscopy of exciton in carbon nanotubesRaynaud, Christophe 29 November 2018 (has links)
Les propriétés optiques de nanotubes de carbone sont décrites idéalement parla physique d’un objet unidimensionnel, donnant lieu notamment à l’apparition des excitons pour décrire les transitions optiques de ces objets. Les expériences d’optique(émission, absorption) réalisées sur ces objets à température ambiante et sur des ensemble d’objets ont permis de confirmer les prédictions théoriques basées sur la physique des objets 1D. Mais à température cryogénique et à l’échelle de l’objet unique,les propriétés optiques observées expérimentalement sont systématiquement très éloignées de celles d’un objet 1D. On peut notamment citer l’apparition de propriétés comme l’émission de photons uniques, qui a largement contribué à l’intensification de la recherche sur ces objets pour des applications en photonique quantique. Ces propriétés sont attribuées à la localisation des excitons le long de l’axe des nanotubes dans des puits de potentiel créés aléatoirement par l’interaction des nanotubes avec leur environnement. Les propriétés optiques sont alors proches de celles des objets0D, et sont fortement modulées par l’environnement. Les mécanismes et l’origine de la localisation et la connaissance physique de ces puits sont encore très limités. Ce travail montre d’une part le développement d’une technique d’absorption sur objet individuel et la caractérisation de sa sensibilité, et d’autre part l’étude statistique de l’émission de nanotubes à température cryogénique. Les résultats obtenus par une technique de super-résolution couplée à une imagerie hyper-spectrale montrent les grandeurs caractéristiques des puits de potentiels au sein de nanotubes individuels.Un dispositif expérimental de photoluminescence résolue en excitation implémenté au cours de ce travail a également montré une modification de l’état excitonique fondamental par l’environnement, avec l’apparition d’une discrétisation spatiale et spectrale de l’état fondamental délocalisé en une multitude d’états localisés. / The optical properties of carbon nanotubes are ideally described by the physicsof a one-dimensional object, giving rise in particular to the emergence of excitons todescribe the optical transitions of these objects. The optical experiments (emission,absorption) carried out on these objects at ambient temperature and on ensemblesconfirm the theoretical predictions based on the physics of 1D objects. But atcryogenic temperature and at the single emitter scale, the optical properties observedexperimentally are systematically different from those of a 1D object. One can citethe emergence of properties such as photon antibunching, which largely contributed tothe intensification of research on these objects for applications in quantum photonics.These properties are attributed to the localization of excitons along the nanotube axisin local potential wells (traps) created randomly by the interaction of nanotubes withtheir environment. The optical properties are then close to those of 0D objects, andare strongly modulated by the environment. The mechanisms and the origin of thelocalization and the physical knowledge of these traps are still very limited. This workshows on the one hand the development of an absorption setup on individual objectand the characterization of its sensitivity, and on the other hand the statistical studyof the emission of nanotubes at cryogenic temperature in a micro-photoluminescencesetup. The results obtained in the later setup by a super-resolution technique coupledwith hyper-spectral imaging show the characteristic quantities of potential wellswithin individual nanotubes. An experimental excitation-resolved photoluminescencesetup implemented during this work also showed a modification of the fundamentalexcitonic state by the environment, with the emergence of a spatial and spectraldiscretization of the delocalized ground state in a multitude of localized states.
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Sur des propriétés fractales et trajectorielles de processus de branchement continus / Study of some fractal and pathwise properties of continuous branching processesDuhalde, Jean-Pierre 07 January 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie certaines propriétés fractales et trajectorielles de processus de branchement en temps et espace continus. De façon informelle, ce type de processus est obtenu en considérant l'évolution d'une population où les individus se reproduisent et meurent au cours du temps, et ce de manière aléatoire. Le premier chapitre concerne la classe des processus de branchement avec immigration. On donne une formule semi-explicite pour la transformée de Laplace des temps d'atteinte ainsi qu'une condition nécessaire et suffisante de récurrence-transience. Ces deux résultats illustrent la compétition branchement/immigration. Le second chapitre considère l'arbre Brownien et ses mesures de temps local, dites mesures de niveau. On montre que celles-ci s'obtiennent comme restriction, à une constante près explicitée, d'une certaine mesure de Hausdorff sur l'arbre. Le résultat est montré simultanément pour tous niveaux. Le troisième chapitre étudie le Super-mouvement Brownien associé à un mécanisme de branchement général. Sa mesure d'occupation totale est obtenue comme restriction d'une certaine mesure de packing dans l'espace euclidien. Le résultat est valable en grande dimension. La condition sur la dimension de l'espace ambiant est discutée à travers le calcul, sous des hypothèse de régularité faibles pour le mécanisme de branchement, de la dimension de packing du range total du processus. / This thesis investigates some fractal and pathwise properties of branching processes with continuous time and state-space. Informally, this kind of process can be described by considering the evolution of a population where individuals reproduce and die over time, randomly. The first chapter deals with the class of continuous branching processes with immigration. We provide a semi-explicit formula for the hitting times and a necessary and sufficient condition for the process to be recurrent or transient. Those two results illustrate the competition between branching and immigration. The second chapter deals with the Brownian tree and its local time measures : the level-sets measures. We show that they can be obtained as the restriction, with an explicit multiplicative constant, of a Hausdorff measure on the tree. The result holds uniformly for all levels. The third chapter study the Super-Brownian motion associated with a general branching mechanism. Its total occupation measure is obtained as the restriction to the total range, of a given packing measure on the euclidean space. The result is valid for large dimensions. The condition on the dimension is discussed by computing the packing dimension of the total range. This is done under a weak assumption on the regularity of the branching mechanism.
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Super-resolution in wave imaging / Super-résolution en imagerie par ondesWintz, Timothée 26 June 2017 (has links)
Les différentes modalités d’imagerie par ondes présentent chacune des limitations en termes de résolution ou de contraste. Dans ce travail, nous modélisons l’imagerie ultrasonore ultrarapide et présentons des méthodes de reconstruction qui améliorent la précision de l’imagerie ultrasonore. Nous introduisons deux méthodes qui permettent d’augmenter le contraste et de mesurer la position super-résolue et la vitesse dans les vaisseaux sanguins. Nous présentons aussi une méthode de reconstruction des paramètres microscopiques en tomographie d’impédance électrique en utilisant des mesures multifréquence et en s’aidant de la théorie de l’homogénéisation. / Different modalities in wave imaging each present limitations in terms of resolution or contrast. In this work, we present a mathematical model of the ultrafast ultrasound imaging modality and reconstruction methods which can improve contrast and resolution in ultrasonic imaging. We introduce two methods which allow to improve contrast and to locate blood vessels belowthe diffraction limit while simultaneously estimating the blood velocity. We also present a reconstruction method in electrical impedance tomography which allows reconstruction of microscopic parameters from multi-frequency measurements using the theory of homogenization.
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Fusion techniques for iris recognition in degraded sequences / Techniques de fusion pour la reconnaissance de personne par l’iris dans des séquences dégradéesOthman, Nadia 11 March 2016 (has links)
Parmi les diverses modalités biométriques qui permettent l'identification des personnes, l'iris est considéré comme très fiable, avec un taux d'erreur remarquablement faible. Toutefois, ce niveau élevé de performances est obtenu en contrôlant la qualité des images acquises et en imposant de fortes contraintes à la personne (être statique et à proximité de la caméra). Cependant, dans de nombreuses applications de sécurité comme les contrôles d'accès, ces contraintes ne sont plus adaptées. Les images résultantes souffrent alors de diverses dégradations (manque de résolution, artefacts...) qui affectent négativement les taux de reconnaissance. Pour contourner ce problème, il est possible d’exploiter la redondance de l’information découlant de la disponibilité de plusieurs images du même œil dans la séquence enregistrée. Cette thèse se concentre sur la façon de fusionner ces informations, afin d'améliorer les performances. Dans la littérature, diverses méthodes de fusion ont été proposées. Cependant, elles s’accordent sur le fait que la qualité des images utilisées dans la fusion est un facteur crucial pour sa réussite. Plusieurs facteurs de qualité doivent être pris en considération et différentes méthodes ont été proposées pour les quantifier. Ces mesures de qualité sont généralement combinées pour obtenir une valeur unique et globale. Cependant, il n'existe pas de méthode de combinaison universelle et des connaissances a priori doivent être utilisées, ce qui rend le problème non trivial. Pour faire face à ces limites, nous proposons une nouvelle manière de mesurer et d'intégrer des mesures de qualité dans un schéma de fusion d'images, basé sur une approche de super-résolution. Cette stratégie permet de remédier à deux problèmes courants en reconnaissance par l'iris: le manque de résolution et la présence d’artefacts dans les images d'iris. La première partie de la thèse consiste en l’élaboration d’une mesure de qualité pertinente pour quantifier la qualité d’image d’iris. Elle repose sur une mesure statistique locale de la texture de l’iris grâce à un modèle de mélange de Gaussienne. L'intérêt de notre mesure est 1) sa simplicité, 2) son calcul ne nécessite pas d'identifier a priori les types de dégradations, 3) son unicité, évitant ainsi l’estimation de plusieurs facteurs de qualité et un schéma de combinaison associé et 4) sa capacité à prendre en compte la qualité intrinsèque des images mais aussi, et surtout, les défauts liés à une mauvaise segmentation de la zone d’iris. Dans la deuxième partie de la thèse, nous proposons de nouvelles approches de fusion basées sur des mesures de qualité. Tout d’abord, notre métrique est utilisée comme une mesure de qualité globale de deux façons différentes: 1) comme outil de sélection pour détecter les meilleures images de la séquence et 2) comme facteur de pondération au niveau pixel dans le schéma de super-résolution pour donner plus d'importance aux images de bonnes qualités. Puis, profitant du caractère local de notre mesure de qualité, nous proposons un schéma de fusion original basé sur une pondération locale au niveau pixel, permettant ainsi de prendre en compte le fait que les dégradations peuvent varier d’une sous partie à une autre. Ainsi, les zones de bonne qualité contribueront davantage à la reconstruction de l'image fusionnée que les zones présentant des artéfacts. Par conséquent, l'image résultante sera de meilleure qualité et pourra donc permettre d'assurer de meilleures performances en reconnaissance. L'efficacité des approches proposées est démontrée sur plusieurs bases de données couramment utilisées: MBGC, Casia-Iris-Thousand et QFIRE à trois distances différentes. Nous étudions séparément l'amélioration apportée par la super-résolution, la qualité globale, puis locale dans le processus de fusion. Les résultats montrent une amélioration importante apportée par l'utilisation de la qualité globale, amélioration qui est encore augmentée en utilisant la qualité locale / Among the large number of biometric modalities, iris is considered as a very reliable biometrics with a remarkably low error rate. The excellent performance of iris recognition systems are obtained by controlling the quality of the captured images and by imposing certain constraints on users, such as standing at a close fixed distance from the camera. However, in many real-world applications such as control access and airport boarding these constraints are no longer suitable. In such non ideal conditions, the resulting iris images suffer from diverse degradations which have a negative impact on the recognition rate. One way to try to circumvent this bad situation is to use some redundancy arising from the availability of several images of the same eye in the recorded sequence. Therefore, this thesis focuses on how to fuse the information available in the sequence in order to improve the performance. In the literature, diverse schemes of fusion have been proposed. However, they agree on the fact that the quality of the used images in the fusion process is an important factor for its success in increasing the recognition rate. Therefore, researchers concentrated their efforts in the estimation of image quality to weight each image in the fusion process according to its quality. There are various iris quality factors to be considered and diverse methods have been proposed for quantifying these criteria. These quality measures are generally combined to one unique value: a global quality. However, there is no universal combination scheme to do so and some a priori knowledge has to be inserted, which is not a trivial task. To deal with these drawbacks, in this thesis we propose of a novel way of measuring and integrating quality measures in a super-resolution approach, aiming at improving the performance. This strategy can handle two types of issues for iris recognition: the lack of resolution and the presence of various artifacts in the captured iris images. The first part of the doctoral work consists in elaborating a relevant quality metric able to quantify locally the quality of the iris images. Our measure relies on a Gaussian Mixture Model estimation of clean iris texture distribution. The interest of our quality measure is 1) its simplicity, 2) its computation does not require identifying in advance the type of degradations that can occur in the iris image, 3) its uniqueness, avoiding thus the computation of several quality metrics and associated combination rule and 4) its ability to measure the intrinsic quality and to specially detect segmentation errors. In the second part of the thesis, we propose two novel quality-based fusion schemes. Firstly, we suggest using our quality metric as a global measure in the fusion process in two ways: as a selection tool for detecting the best images and as a weighting factor at the pixel-level in the super-resolution scheme. In the last case, the contribution of each image of the sequence in final fused image will only depend on its overall quality. Secondly, taking advantage of the localness of our quality measure, we propose an original fusion scheme based on a local weighting at the pixel-level, allowing us to take into account the fact that degradations can be different in diverse parts of the iris image. This means that regions free from occlusions will contribute more in the image reconstruction than regions with artefacts. Thus, the quality of the fused image will be optimized in order to improve the performance. The effectiveness of the proposed approaches is shown on several databases commonly used: MBGC, Casia-Iris-Thousand and QFIRE at three different distances: 5, 7 and 11 feet. We separately investigate the improvement brought by the super-resolution, the global quality and the local quality in the fusion process. In particular, the results show the important improvement brought by the use of the global quality, improvement that is even increased using the local quality
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A Global Approach for Quantitative Super Resolution and Electron Microscopy on Cryo and Epoxy Sections Using Self-labeling Protein TagsMüller, Andreas, Neukam, Martin, Ivanova, Anna, Sönmez, Anke, Münster, Carla, Kretschmar, Susanne, Kalaidzidis, Yannis, Kurth, Thomas, Verbavatz, Jean-Marc, Solimena, Michele 04 April 2017 (has links)
Correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM) is a powerful approach to investigate the molecular ultrastructure of labeled cell compartments. However, quantitative CLEM studies are rare, mainly due to small sample sizes and the sensitivity of fluorescent proteins to strong fixatives and contrasting reagents for EM. Here, we show that fusion of a self-labeling protein to insulin allows for the quantification of age-distinct insulin granule pools in pancreatic beta cells by a combination of super resolution and transmission electron microscopy on Tokuyasu cryosections. In contrast to fluorescent proteins like GFP organic dyes covalently bound to self-labeling proteins retain their fluorescence also in epoxy resin following high pressure freezing and freeze substitution, or remarkably even after strong chemical fixation. This enables for the assessment of age-defined granule morphology and degradation. Finally, we demonstrate that this CLEM protocol is highly versatile, being suitable for single and dual fluorescent labeling and detection of different proteins with optimal ultrastructure preservation and contrast.
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Zvýšení kvality v obrazu obličeje s použitím sekvence snímků / Increasing quality of facial images using sequence of imagesSvorad, Adam January 2021 (has links)
Diplomova praca sa zameriava na oblast zaostrovania obrazkov tvari. V teoretickej casti prace budu prezentovane moderne metody zaostrovania obrazkov pomocou jedineho obrazku a metody editacie obrazkov. Prakticka cast sa zameria na pristupy rekonstrukcie obrazkov zo sekvencie poskodenych obrazkov. Viacere modely neuronovych sieti so vstupom pre viacero obrazkov budu zhotovene a vyhodnotene. Alternativny pristup v podobe balika nastrojov na editaciu obrazkov bude taktiez predstaveny. Tieto nastroje budu vyuzivat najmodernejsie pristupy k editacii obrazkov s cielom spojit vizualne prvky tvari zo vstupnej sekvencie obrazkov do jedneho finalneho vystupu. V zavere prace budu vsetky metody navzajom porovnane.
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Algoritmy řízení elektromobilu / Control algorithms for e-carHrazdira, Adam January 2012 (has links)
Cílem práce byl návrh a implementace řídicích algoritmů pro optimalizaci spotřeby energie elektrického vozidla. Hlavním úkolem byla optimalizace rozložení energie mezi hlavním zdrojem energie (bateriemi) a super-kapacitory v průběhu jízdního cyklu. Jízdní výkonový profil je odhadován a předpovězen na základě 3D geografických souřadnic a matematického modelu vozidla. V první části jsou uvedeny komponenty vozidla a jejich modely. Poté jsou představeny algoritmy na základě klouzavého průměru a dynamického programování. Byly provedeny simulace a analýzy pro demostraci přínosů algoritmů. V poslední části je popsána Java implementace algoritmů a také aplikace pro operační systém Android.
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