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Entwerfen Entwickeln Erleben - Technisches Design in Forschung, Lehre und PraxisLinke, Mario, Kranke, Günter, Wölfel, Christian, Krzywinski, Jens January 2012 (has links)
Entwerfen – Entwickeln – Erleben. Drei zentrale Begriffe aus dem Alltag der Produktentwicklung stehen als Motto über den Beiträgen dieses Buches und sind das verbindende Element zwischen den differenzierten Sichtweisen der einzelnen Autoren zu einem gemeinsamen Gegenstand: Dieser umspannt das weite Feld der Entwicklung und Gestaltung von Produkten von der ersten Idee bis zu deren Benutzung. Dabei ist für den Designer das Ziel allen Entwerfens und Entwickelns das positive Erleben des Produktes durch dessen Benutzer. Aber bereits beim Entwerfen, d. h. dem Schaffen von Neuem, bei dem Ideen generiert und Wege zur Umsetzung in ein Produkt gesucht werden und beim Entwickeln, dem Ausarbeiten, Erproben, Verändern und detaillierten Festlegung aller Produkteigenschaften, möchte der Designer vorwegnehmen, wie das künftige Produkt auf den Nutzer wirken wird. Doch der Designer tut das nicht allein. Die integrierte Produktentwicklung ist ein sehr komplexer Prozess, in dem viele verschiedene Fachdisziplinen eng zusammenarbeiten müssen, um am Markt erfolgreiche Produkte platzieren zu können. Zum Thema Industriedesign in komplexen und interdisziplinären Entwicklungsprozessen wird durch dieses Buch ein weiterer Baustein hinzugefügt.
Dieses Buch enthält die Beiträge zum Technischen Design (Industriedesign, Transportation Design und Produkterleben) der Konferenz Entwerfen Entwickeln Erleben 2012. Ein separater Band, herausgegeben von Ralph Stelzer et al. (ISBN 978-3-942710-80-0) enthält die Textfassungen der Fachvorträge zu den thematischen Schwerpunkten Virtuelle Produktentwicklung (CAD-Einsatzszenarien, Virtual Reality und Product Lifecycle Management), Konstruktion (Konstruktionstechnik und -methodik, Reverse Engineering und Maschinenelemente).
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Extraction and Integration of Physical Illumination in Dynamic Augmented Reality EnvironmentsA'aeshah Abduallah Alhakamy (9371225) 16 December 2020 (has links)
Although current augmented, virtual, and mixed reality (AR/VR/MR) systems are facing advanced and immersive experience in the entertainment industry with countless media forms. Theses systems suffer a lack of correct direct and indirect illumination modeling where the virtual objects render with the same lighting condition as the real environment. Some systems are using baked GI, pre-recorded textures, and light probes that are mostly accomplished offline to compensate for precomputed real-time global illumination (GI). Thus, illumination information can be extracted from the physical scene for interactively rendering the virtual objects into the real world which produces a more realistic final scene in real-time. This work approaches the problem of visual coherence in AR by proposing a system that detects the real-world lighting conditions in dynamic scenes, then uses the extracted illumination information to render the objects added to the scene. The system covers several major components to achieve a more realistic augmented reality outcome. First, the detection of the incident light (direct illumination) from the physical scene with the use of computer vision techniques based on the topological structural analysis of 2D images using a live-feed 360<sup>o</sup> camera instrumented on an AR device that captures the entire radiance map. Also, the physics-based light polarization eliminates or reduces false-positive lights such as white surfaces, reflections, or glare which negatively affect the light detection process. Second, the simulation of the reflected light (indirect illumination) that bounce between the real-world surfaces to be rendered into the virtual objects and reflect their existence in the virtual world. Third, defining the shading characteristic/properties of the virtual object to depict the correct lighting assets with a suitable shadow casting. Fourth, the geometric properties of real-scene including plane detection, 3D surface reconstruction, and simple meshing are incorporated with the virtual scene for more realistic depth interactions between the real and virtual objects. These components are developed methods which assumed to be working simultaneously in real-time for photo-realistic AR. The system is tested with several lighting conditions to evaluate the accuracy of the results based on the error incurred between the real/virtual objects casting shadow and interactions. For system efficiency, the rendering time is compared with previous works and research. Further evaluation of human perception is conducted through a user study. The overall performance of the system is investigated to reduce the cost to a minimum.
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Kiderly : - ett sällskapsspel med fokus på mötet mellan äldre och yngreEdgren, Julia January 2021 (has links)
I dagens samhälle lider många äldre av ofrivillig ensamhet. Effekterna av den ofrivilliga ensamheten leder till sämre välmående och utveckling av sjukdomar, både psykiskt och fysiskt. Livslängden på människan ökar tillsammans med belastningen på samhället och vården. Trots detta minskas omkostnaderna på äldrevården. Det ökade geografiska avståndet mellan familjemedlemmarna har gjort att barnens mor- och farföräldrar utesluts mycket mer från barnens liv än för 100 år sedan. Ändå finns det studier på att barn som har den äldre generationen i sin samvaro utvecklar färre sociala problem. Gävle kommun har ett pågående projekt där de ska kombinera skolverksamhet med äldrevård i samma byggnad. I inspiration från detta har examensarbetet utforskat hur en produkt kan öka och förenkla interaktionen mellan förskolebarn och boende på vård- och omsorgsboende. Den utforskande delen med intervjuer har ökat förståelsen för användarna och deras behov. Konceptet är byggt på att skapa ett naturligt möte hos äldre på vård och omsorgsboende och förskolebarn som har olika förutsättningar. Resultatet av arbetet blev Sällskapsspelet Kiderly som är anpassat efter målgruppernas olika behov och förutsättningar. Spelets fokus ligger på att hjälpa förskolebarn och boenden på vård och omsorgsboende till ett naturligt möte som uppmuntrar till konversation. / In today's society, many older people suffer from involuntary loneliness. The effects of involuntary loneliness lead to poorer well-being and the development of diseases, both mental and physical. The lifespan of people increases together with the burden on society and healthcare. Despite this, the costs of care for the elderly are reduced. The increased geographical distance between the family members has meant that the children's grandparents are much more excluded from the children's lives than 100 years ago. Nevertheless, there are studies that children who have the older generation in their company develop fewer social problems. Gävle Kommun has an ongoing project where they will combine school activities with elderly care in the same building. Inspired by this, the degree project has explored how a product can increase and simplify the interaction between preschool children and residents in care and nursing homes. The exploratory part with interviews has increased the understanding of the users and their needs. The concept is based on creating a natural meeting of elderly people in care and nursing homes and preschool children who have different conditions. The result of the work was the board game Kiderly, which is adapted to the target groups' different needs and conditions. The game's focus is on helping preschoolers and residents in care and nursing homes to a natural meeting that encourages conversation.
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Opportunities from Disaster: The Case for Using The Circular Economy in Debris ManagementToy W Andrews (11176893) 23 July 2021 (has links)
Following a grounded theory research model, the research uncovered and presented the state of debris recycling to a national association of demolition contractors to measure their willingness and attitudes towards the growing trend in the circular economy and adapting their business models to incorporate it into their own contracts. The first part was finding the deficiencies in the current model based on government reports and through interviews with county-level emergency managers. Second, successful businesses that already use the circular economy design in their operations were used as exemplars to emulate and their opinions and suggestions were discussed. The outputs of the emergency managers and the successful businesses was folded into the third phase of the research with surveys to the membership of the National Demolition Association (NDA) with multiple-choice, scalar questions and open-ended, opinion-heavy questions throughout. The findings were reported back to the head of the partnering organization, the NDA, to focus outreach, training, and policy advocacy concentration for the national organization as a whole, but to related and tangentially-connected industries to their own.
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A Space for Us : Rethinking public space for the common good.Feil, Ekaterina January 2021 (has links)
This design project delves into the realm of public spaces, considering sociocultural, sociopolitical, and participatory design aspects, catalyzed by the Covid-19 pandemic's lockdowns. By repurposing a parking lot, the project endeavors to scrutinize, trial, and understand the reactions and needs through a design interaction and multifunctional furniture set, the simple story of Prototype.
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REIMAGINING BUILDING EFFICACY: AN EXPLORATORY STUDYDomenique R Lumpkin (12639406) 17 June 2022 (has links)
<p>This dissertation focuses on the creation of a paradigm shift in building innovation. Challenges in achieving building energy-efficiency at scale highlight the complexity of the building performance problem, which is embedded with social, cultural, physical, environmental, and economic factors. Traditional approaches to building design have difficulty accounting for these multi-faceted variables and related longitudinal barriers and intangible impacts. Firstly, key stakeholders and their economic constraints change throughout time, and this variability is not traditionally considered upfront or addressed throughout a building’s operation. Secondly, buildings have social, cultural, environmental and economic implications that are difficult to quantify and evaluate against strictly functional design objectives. Therefore, current deeply technical and often system-specific building design strategies could benefit from whole-building solutions that account for this complexity and enable a paradigm shift in design toward human-centered outcomes (i.e., well-being, health, financial sustainability) and effective (i.e., equitable and sustainable) buildings. </p>
<p>To drive this shift, an impact-based innovation framework was employed to pursue system-level and ecosystem-level strategies to optimize longitudinal building value assessment and distribution. First, a grounded theory study was pursued which identified gaps in current design practice that miss underlying building subsystem interactions which influence building performance. A system-level taxonomy of the building was then defined, linking identified sub-system synergies to functional, emotional and social building benefits for inhabitants. Then, an exploratory mixed-methods study was pursued, yielding a longitudinal building value framework that helps characterize key stakeholders, building design choices, and shared efficacy metrics. Building on these inputs, a multi-stakeholder, longitudinal building value assessment model was developed. The model was tested on two residential building development scenarios, highlighting its ability to capture the true impact of buildings on affected stakeholders over time in terms of tangible and intangible building costs and benefits. Finally, business model innovation concepts were employed to identify specific changes in stakeholder value delivery and capture strategies that could redistribute building costs and benefits over time, and thereby facilitate a shift in the paradigm of design and value capture in the residential building industry. </p>
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Entwerfen Entwickeln Erleben 2014 – Beiträge zum Technischen Design: Dresden, 26.-27. Juni 2014Krzywinski, Jens, Linke, Mario, Wölfel, Christian, Kranke, Günter 20 October 2014 (has links)
Die Konferenz »Entwerfen – Entwickeln – Erleben« bietet ein besonderes Podium zum Austausch von Wissenschaftlern und Praxisvertretern aus den zentralen Bereichen der Produktentwicklung. Der vorliegende Band enthält Beiträge der EEE2014 unter anderem zu Innovationsstudien und Zukunftskonzepten für verschiedenste Branchen, zu Design Thinking und Designprozessen von frühen Phasen bis zum Qualitätsmanagement, Methoden und Werkzeugen von Mindcards bis Eye-Tracking sowie zu den Themen User Experience und Nutzererleben, Öko-Design, Universal Design und partizipative Gestaltung.
Die Technischen Universität Dresden und technischesdesign.org ermöglichten in Kooperation mit der Gruppe Virtuelle Produktentwicklung der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft für Produktentwicklung (WiGeP), dem Mathematisch-Physikalischen Salon der Staatlichen Kunstsammlungen Dresden und der Hochschule für Bildende Künste Dresden die fachübergreifende Diskussion des Schwerpunkt-Themas inmitten der Dresdner Altstadt. In diesem Band sind die Beiträge zum Technischen Design enthalten, ein weiterer Band (http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-qucosa-144963, herausgegeben von Ralph Stelzer) fasst die Beiträge zur Konstruktionstechnik und zur Virtuellen Produktentwicklung zusammen.:Das Futur II Innovationskonzept zur Optimierung schienengebundener Fahrzeuge
Christian Scholz 11
Eco Design Tool – Qualitative Entscheidungsunterstützung in der Produktgestaltung
Georg Dwalischwili, Malte Koslowski und Nikolaus Marbach 27
Innovationsstudien als Treiber anwendungsorientierter Forschung – Beispiele aus dem Agrarbereich
Christoph Philipp Schreiber, Thomas Herlitzius und Jens Krzywinski 43
Produktentwicklung von Bekleidung und technischen Textilien – 3DDesign/Konstruktion für biegeweiche Materialien
Sybille Krzywinski, Ellen Wendt, Jana Siegmund und Lina Girdauskaite 57
Design Thinking: Allgemeingültiger Innovationsprozess?
Gavin Melles und Rebekka Fuge 69
Neue Industrial Design Prozesse für die Produktentwicklung – Die Überarbeitung der VDI/VDE-Richtlinie 2424
Gerhard Reichert, Robert Watty und Christian Zimmermann 77
UXX Enterprise oder: Über den Sinn und Unsinn von Entwerfen, User Experience und Modellbau im Spannungsfeld zwischen Design
Thinking und User Centered Design
Oliver Gerstheimer 87
Anwenderorientierte strategische Ausrichtung von Design bei technologiegeprägten Unternehmen
Frank Thomas Gärtner 103
Partizipative Softwareentwicklung am Beispiel der Findung eines Interaktionskonzeptes
Ingmar S. Franke und Frank Peter 115
Die Konzeptvisualisierung als frühe Entscheidungsunterstützung im Rahmen komplexer Produktentwicklungen
Frank Mühlbauer und Jens Krzywinski 129
Qualitätsmanagement im Designprozess
Matthias Richter 145
Der Raum als unterstützendes Werkzeug im Designprozess. Wie wirkt sich das Design der Arbeitsumgebung auf kreative Teamarbeit
Danjela Hüsam, Claudia Nicolai, Dora Panayotova und Ulrich Weinberg 155
Entwickeln mit Mindcards – mehr Interaktion in kreativen Prozessen
Stefan Boës, Moritz Mussgnug, Dominik Noli, Bastian Leutenecker und Mirko Meboldt 169
Learning in Action als mannigfaltige Methode zum Erlernen, Erleben und Problem Reframing
Andrea Augsten 181
Potenziale und Herausforderungen für das Design in der Konzeptionsphase von soziotechnischen Systemen
Jennifer Müller, Christophe Kunze und Madeleine Berger 195
Einsatz von mobilen Eye Tracking Technologien in der nutzerorientierten Produktentwicklung
Moritz Mussgnug, Quentin Lohmeyer und Mirko Meboldt 209
Methode zur nutzergerechten Interfacegestaltung auf der Basis eines idealen Informationsablaufs zwischen funktionalen und formalen
Markus Schmid 219
Multimodale HMI – Untersuchungen zur Erweiterung der Arbeitsgedächtniskapazität durch visuell-taktile Anzeiger
Matti Schwalk und Thomas Maier 233
Assistenzsysteme im industriellen Kontext – Interviews und Kontextanalyse
Anja Knöfel, Ralph Stelzer, Rainer Groh und Jens Krzywinski 243
Design im Bereich der Sicherheitstechnik
Christian Fritz 255
Gestaltungsprinzipien für herstellerproprietäre, mobilfunkbasierte Arbeitsmittel Applikationen – Die Zielgruppenbefragung
Friedrich Niehaus und Tobias Kehrein 263
Optimierung gestalterischer Faktoren für die altersgerechte Mensch-Produkt-Schnittstelle durch Greifkraftmessung
Benedikt Janny, Matthias Haug und Thomas Maier 279
Iteratives Design in der Produktentstehung
Gerhard Glatzel 291
Streaming alternativer Inhalte ermöglicht Barrierefreiheit für einige – und Mehrwerte für viele Zuschauer
Mathias Knigge und Jörn Erkau 303
Kein schales Schimmern – Die Goldene Regel im Designkontext
Heike Raap 309
Möbelentwicklung im Wandel
Tony Gauser 319
Solarkraft in der Produktentwicklung – Anwendungen für Westafrika
Jörg Reiff-Stephan 327
Universal Design – Möglichkeiten und Grenzen
Susanne Trabandt, Linda Geißler und Stefan Schmidt 341
Wahrnehmungsgerechtheit als Gestaltungsaufgabe im Produktdesign
Thomas Gatzky 351
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<p dir="ltr">In our daily lives, we rely on a multitude of discrete products to meet our needs. Traditional product design approaches have primarily focused on economic and technical aspects, often overlooking the pressing environmental and social challenges facing society. Recognizing the limitations of our ecological systems to cope with the waste generated by our current industrial processes, there is a growing need to anticipate the potential consequences of product design across technical, economic, environmental, and social dimensions to pave the way for a sustainable future. One promising strategy within this context is the integration of sustainability principles into optimization-based design models that consider a product's entire life cycle. While there have been previous efforts to optimize product life cycles, a comprehensive exploration of optimization-based design methods with a focus on multiple objectives for discrete products is essential. This dissertation explores the integration of sustainability principles with optimization-based design by taking the electric traction motor used in electric vehicles as a case study. This complex and environmentally significant technology is ideal for investigating the tradeoffs and benefits of incorporating sustainability objectives into the design process.</p><p dir="ltr">The key tasks undertaken in this study are as follows:</p><ul><li>Development of a parametric design and optimization framework for a surface-mounted permanent magnet synchronous motor. In this task, a special emphasis is placed on reducing reliance on materials with a high supply risk, such as rare earth elements.</li><li>Creation of a parametric life cycle assessment model that combines life cycle assessment and optimization-based design to minimize a single-score environmental impact. This model offers insights into the environmental performance of product design and underscores the importance of minimizing environmental impact throughout a product's life cycle.</li><li>Integration of a life cycle costing model, incorporating techno-economic assessment and total cost of ownership perspectives, into the parametric life cycle assessment and optimization-based design models. This model is used to minimize levelized production and driving costs, shedding light on the trade-offs within this family of cost metrics and the optimization of manufacturing systems for motor production.</li><li>Proposal of a circular economy model/algorithm to assess the advantages of integrating the circular economy paradigm during the early design phase. All the mentioned objective functions are considered to study the impacts of applying the circular economy paradigm.</li></ul><p dir="ltr">The contributions of this research can be summarized as follows:</p><ul><li>Utilized a diverse array of analytical methodologies to parameterize the design process of a motor, incorporating the integration of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Techno-Economic Analysis (TEA) models, as well as the incorporation of disassembly planning for informed decision-making in the early stages of design.</li><li>Proposed a generalized objective function denoted as the Supply Risk-equivalent (SR-eq.), aimed at mitigating the risks associated with the dependency on critical materials in product manufacturing.</li><li>Introduced a novel approach for visualizing non-dominated solutions within a multi-objective framework, with experimentation conducted on up to six distinct objectives.</li><li>Substantiated the significance of decarbonizing the electric grid while maintaining competitive cost structures, the importance of advancing non-destructive evaluation (NDE) procedures for assessing the condition of end-of-life (EoL) subassemblies, and optimizing the collection rate of EoL motors.</li></ul><p dir="ltr">Demonstrated that the optimization of technical metrics as surrogate indicators for economic and environmental performance does not necessarily yield designs that are concurrently optimal in economic and environmental terms.</p>
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Design pouliční svítilny s nezávislým napájením. / Off-grid street lamp design.Hampl, Petr January 2009 (has links)
Oblast problémů, ze kterých konkrétní téma projektu vychází, zahrnuje současnou globální transformaci zdrojů energie a jejich dodávek se zvláštní pozorností na obnovitelné zdroje energie. Důraz je kladen zejména na hodnoty jež přináší produkt určený k užívání ve veřejných prostorách. Autorovým zadáním bylo navrhnout osvětlovací jednotku nezávislou na vnějším zdroji napájení. Cílem návrhu je přehodnotit způsob, jakým jsou dnes technologie využívání sluneční a větrné energie běžně používány, a navrhnout řešení přinášející nové vlastnosti a užitné hodnoty pro přímého uživatele i celou společnost. Autor přináší návrh produktu jenž je reakcí na současné globální hrozby a příležitosti. Výsledkem projektu je návrh pouliční lampy kombinující fotovoltaický článek a větrnou turbínu s cílem získat elektrickou energii jež je dočasně akumulována a následně dodávána svítidlu. V návrhu je kladen důraz na požadavky ergonomie a estetickou hodnotu produktu. Navržené řešení znamená finanční přínos z hlediska šetření neobnovitelnými zdroji energie a případnými finančními výhodami pro investora plynoucími z provozování veřejného osvětlení. Pouliční lampa nezávislá na vnějším zdroji napájení má navíc menší negativní dopad na životní prostředí a představuje technologie využívání větrné a solární energie v přívětivé a nerušivé podobě.
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