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Three Essays on Sovereign Credit Risk / Trois essais sur le risque de crédit souverainWang, Tingwei 17 June 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie le risque de crédit souverain et son impact sur les banques et les entreprises. Le premier essai montre que le risque de crédit bancaire est lié au risque de crédit souverain via l’exposition commune au risque systémique au lieu du sauvetage implicite ou de l’exposition excessive aux obligations émises par le pays d’origine. Dans le deuxième essai, je construis un modèle de structure du capital qui prédit une corrélation négative entre le niveau d’endettement des grands entreprises et le risque de crédit souverain à cause du sauvetage implicite. Cette prédiction est confirmée en suite par des preuves empiriques des entreprises dans la zone euro. Le troisième essai donne un modèle joint de CDS et d’obligation pour identifier les composantes de défaut et de liquidité dans les spreads de CDS et les rendements obligataires. Je trouve une composante de liquidité importante dans les spreads de CDS des pays périphériques de la zone euros et conclus que le fait de ne pas prendre en compte de l’illiquidité des CDS conduit à surestimer la composante de défaut dans le rendement obligataire. / This thesis studies sovereign credit risk and its impact on banks and industrial firms. The first essay shows that bank credit risk is linked to sovereign credit risk through common exposure to systemic risk instead of implicit bailout or excessive holding of home country bonds. In the second essay, I build a trade-off model of capital structure which predicts negative correlation between optimal leverage of big firms and sovereign credit risk due to implicit bailout. The model prediction is confirmed by empirical evidence from firms in the euro area. The third essay provides a joint pricing model of CDS and bond to disentangle the default and liquidity component in CDS spread and bond yield spread. I find a remarkable liquidity component in the CDS spreads of peripheral euro area countries and conclude that ignoring CDS illiquidity leads to overestimation of default component in bond yield.
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[pt] Este trabalho analisa a potencial formação do fenômeno da “curva do pato” sobre
os preços horários de energia no Brasil. Tal fenômeno se dá pela introdução massiva
de geração solar na matriz energética e produz um afundamento nos preços de energia
nos horários diurnos onde a produção de energia é abundante e uma rápida elevação
dos preços no início da noite que carece de tal fonte de energia e apresenta picos de
demanda. Este efeito tem produzido custos elevados aos operadores sistemas elétricos
em diversos mercados internacionais como California, Austrália, Alemanha e,
principalmente, reduzido a rentabilidade das usinas de geração solar que produzem
energia em horários de preço baixo e precisam comprar energia em horários de preços
altos. Este estudo recorreu a mais de cinquenta artigos e literaturas além de analisar
minuciosamente o Plano Decenal de Energia (EPE, 2022b) como fonte principal para
simulações de preço. Também contou com a contribuição de quatro especialistas do
setor elétrico Brasileiro que avaliaram o entorno macro e aspectos da atratividade da
indústria. Por fim, o trabalho conclui que a curva do pato no Brasil começará a se
formar em 2026 tendendo a chegar a uma formação mais evidente no ano de 2031.
Contudo, estima-se que o prêmio de risco de mercado para um agente de geração solar
mitigar esse risco através de um contrato de swap seria menor que 10 por cento do preço de
face de um contrato de energia de longo prazo. / [en] This thesis analyzes the potential formation of the duck curve phenomena on
the hourly energy prices in Brazil. Such occurs by the massive introduction of solar
generation into the energy matrix and produces a reduction in energy prices during the
daytime hours where energy production is abundant and a steep increase in prices in
the evening which lacks solar energy source and peaks on load demand. This effect
has produced high costs for electrical system operators in several international markets
such as California, Australia, Germany and, mainly, reduced the profitability of solar
generation plants that produce energy at low price period and need to buy energy at
high price hours. This study used more than fifty articles and literatures in addition to
thoroughly analyzing the Ten-year Energy Plan (EPE, 2022b) as the main premise for
price simulations. It also had the contribution of four specialists from the Brazilian
electricity sector who evaluated the macro environment and the industry attractivity.
Finally, the work concludes that the duck curve in Brazil will begin to form in 2026
tending to reach a more evident formation in the year 2031. However, it is estimated
that the market risk premium for a solar generation agent to mitigate this risk through
a swap contract would be less than 10 per cent of the face price of a long-term energy contract.
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The role of SWAP-70 in cancer metastasis and tumor immunityChang, Chao-Yuan 13 November 2023 (has links)
Cancer metastasis accounts for approximately 90% of all cancer-related deaths; however, the underlying mechanisms remain largely unknown. It has been known proteins that control F-actin dynamics are crucial for cancer metastasis. In this study, we revealed how an F-actin binding protein, Switch-associated protein 70 (SWAP-70), contributes to breast cancer metastasis. Moreover, immunotherapy is a promising approach to treat metastatic cancer cells by enhancing the function of the host immune system against cancer. Our lab has conducted extensive studies on how SWAP-70 regulates the function of several immune cell types, including dendritic cells (DCs), B cells, and mast cells. These cells have been reported to contribute to tumor immunity. Thus, we hypothesized that SWAP-70 plays a role in tumor immunity. To characterize the function of SWAP-70 in metastasis, we generated 4T1, mouse breast cancer, SWAP-70 knockout (KO) cells using Crispr/Cas9 technology. A syngeneic orthotopic model was used to recapitulate clinical disease progression, and the results showed that SWAP-70 led to significant metastasis to the lungs and bones in immunocompetent mice. Several functional assays have revealed that SWAP-70 promotes anchorage-independent growth, cell migration, invasion, and adhesion in 4T1 cells. Biophysical measurements showed that SWAP-70 contributes to cellular mechanics. To investigate how SWAP-70 in host cells affects tumor immunity, SWAP-70 deficient mice were injected with E0771 mouse breast cancer cells to study tumorigenicity. SWAP-70 deficient mice showed delayed primary tumor growth and less distant metastasis. Isolated SWAP-70−/− DCs were impaired in generating CD8 T cell responses pulsed with soluble OVA protein, but not with OVA peptide, suggesting that the antigen uptake, processing, and presentation process in SWAP-70−/− DCs may be diminished. Taken together, our findings describe the potential mechanisms by which the loss of SWAP-70 hinders cancer metastasis and provide several insights into how targeting SWAP-70 could be a potential therapeutic approach to target cancer.
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Role of Dynamic Actin Cytoskeleton Remodeling in Foxp3+ Regulatory T Cell Development and Function: Implications for OsteoclastogenesisDohnke, Sebastian, Moehser, Stephanie, Surnov, Alexey, Kurth, Thomas, Jessberger, Rolf, Kretschmer, Karsten, Garbe, Annette I. 11 June 2024 (has links)
In T cells, processes such as migration and immunological synapse formation are accompanied by the dynamic reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton, which has been
suggested to be mediated by regulators of RhoGTPases and by F-actin bundlers. SWAP-70 controls F-actin dynamics in various immune cells, but its role in T cell
development and function has remained incompletely understood. CD4+ regulatory T (Treg) cells expressing the transcription factor Foxp3 employ diverse mechanisms to
suppress innate and adaptive immunity, which is critical for maintaining immune homeostasis and self-tolerance. Here, we propose Swap-70 as a novel member of the
Foxp3-dependent canonical Treg cell signature. We show that Swap-70-/- mice have increased numbers of Foxp3+ Treg cells with an effector/memory-like phenotype that
exhibit impaired suppressor function in vitro, but maintain overall immune homeostasis in vivo. Upon formation of an immunological synapse with antigen presenting cells in vitro, cytosolic SWAP-70 protein is selectively recruited to the interface in Treg cells. In this context, Swap-70-/- Treg cells fail to downregulate CD80/CD86 on osteoclast precursor cells by trans-endocytosis and to efficiently suppress osteoclastogenesis and osteoclast function. These data provide first evidence for a crucial role of SWAP-70 in Treg cell biology and further highlight the important non-immune function of Foxp3+ Treg cells in bone homeostasis mediated through direct SWAP-70-dependent mechanisms.
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[pt] A análise de agrupamento não supervisionado, o processo que consistem em agrupar conjuntos de pontos de acordo com um ou mais critérios de similaridade, tem desempenhado um papel essencial em vários campos. O dois algoritmos mais populares para esse processão são o k-means e o Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM). O primeiro atribui cada ponto a um único cluster e usa a distância Euclidiana como similaridade. O último determina uma matriz de probabilidade de pontos pertencentes a clusters, e usa distância de Mahalanobis como similaridade. Além da diferença no método de atribuição - a chamada atribuição hard para o primeiro e a atribuição soft para o último - os algoritmos também diferem em relação à estrutura do
cluster, ou forma: o k-means considera estruturas esféricas no dados; enquanto o GMM considera elipsoidais através da estimação de matrizes de covariância. Neste trabalho, um problema de otimização matemática que combina a atribuição hard com a estrutura do cluster elipsoidal é detalhado e formulado. Uma vez que a estimativa da covariância desempenha um papel importante no comportamento de estruturas agrupamentos elipsoidais, técnicas de regularizações são exploradas. Neste contexto, dois métodos de meta-heurística, uma perturbação Random Swap e um algoritmo híbrido genético, são adaptados, e seu impacto na melhoria do desempenho dos métodos é estudado. O objetivo central dividido em três: compreender as condições em que as estruturas de agrupamento elipsoidais são mais benéficas que as esféricas; determinar o impacto da estimativa de covariância com os métodos de regularização; e analisar o efeito das meta-heurísticas de otimização global na análise de agrupamento não supervisionado. Finalmente, a fim de fornecer bases para a comparação das presentes descobertas com futuros trabalhos relacionados, foi gerada uma base de dados com um extenso benchmark contendo análise das variações de diferentes tamanhos, formas, número de grupos e separabilidade, e seu impacto nos resultados de
diferentes algoritmos de agrupamento. Além disso, pacotes escritos na linguagem Julia foram disponibilizados com os algoritmos estudados ao longo deste trabalho. / [en] Unsupervised cluster analysis, the process of grouping sets of points according to one or more similarity criteria, plays an essential role in various fields. The two most popular algorithms for this process are the k-means and the Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM). The former assigns each point to a single cluster and uses Euclidean distance as similarity. The latter determines a probability matrix of points to belong to clusters, and the Mahalanobis distance is the underlying similarity. Apart from the difference in the assignment method - the so-called hard assignment for the former and soft assignment for the latter - the algorithms also differ concerning the cluster structure, or shape: the k-means considers spherical structures in the data; while the GMM considers ellipsoidal ones through the estimation of covariance matrices. In this work, a mathematical optimization problem that combines the hard assignment with the ellipsoidal cluster structure is detailed and formulated. Since the estimation of the covariance plays a
major role in the behavior of ellipsoidal cluster structures, regularization techniques are explored. In this context, two meta-heuristic methods, a Random Swap perturbation and a hybrid genetic algorithm, are adapted, and their impact on the improvement of the performance of the methods is studied. The central objective is three-fold: to gain an understanding of the conditions in which ellipsoidal clustering structures are more beneficial than spherical ones; to determine the impact of covariance estimation with regularization methods; and to analyze the effect of global optimization meta-heuristics on unsupervised cluster analysis. Finally, in order to provide grounds for comparison of the present findings to future related works, a database was generated together with an extensive benchmark containing an analysis of the variations of different sizes, shapes, number of clusters, and separability and their impact on the results of different clustering algorithms. Furthermore, packages written in the Julia language have been made available with the algorithms studied throughout this work.
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Regulation, leverage, and derivative use by mutual fundsGałkiewicz, Dominika Paula 24 March 2015 (has links)
Die vorliegende Dissertation ist in drei Themenblöcke unterteilt. Im Mittelpunkt des ersten Themenblocks steht die vergleichende Analyse der Fondsregulierung in den USA und Deutschland/der EU in Bezug auf Derivate und Verschuldung vor, während und nach der Finanzkrise 2007-2009. Ziel ist es, anhand der Darstellung der geltenden Regulierung und ihrer Anwendbarkeit auf die hypothetische Nutzung von Credit Default Swaps (CDS) durch Anleihefonds, aufzuzeigen, wie viel Flexibilität Fonds in beiden Ländern haben. Insgesamt ist der aus der Fondsregulierung erwachsende Spielraum im Hinblick auf den Einsatz von Derivaten und Verschuldung für Fonds in beiden Ländern hoch, so dass Fonds unbeobachtet ihre Zusammensetzung in Richtung risikoreicherer Kapitalanlagen lenken könnten. Der zweite Themenblock beschäftigt sich empirisch mit der Frage, in wie weit Fonds ihre Flexibilität tatsächlich ausnutzen. Als Erstes wird dabei untersucht, wie hoch das Verlustpotential der größten Fonds in den USA und Deutschland aus CDS ist. Ferner wird analysiert, ob Fondskommentare in Jahres- und Halbjahresberichten bezogen auf deren Nutzung von CDS mit den tatsächlichen CDS-Beständen konsistent sind. Basierend auf den Resultaten ist es zu empfehlen, nicht nur bestehende Regeln im Hinblick auf die spekulative Anwendung von Derivaten angemessen zu verschärfen, sondern auch die Publizitätspflichten in beiden Ländern weiter zu standardisieren. Unter Heranziehung umfangreicher Fondscharakteristika, insbesondere Managercharakteristika, untersucht der dritte Themenblock, was die Entscheidung der US Anleihefonds CDS zu benutzen, deren Nutzung zu erweitern sowie die Nutzungsweise beeinflusst. Ferner werden die exakten Typen von CDS, die von Anleihefonds gehalten werden, wie z. B. long oder short CDS, die sich auf Einzelnamen oder Gruppen von Titeln beziehen, aufgezeigt. / The thesis consists of three parts. The first part analyzes the regulation at the time surrounding the 2007-2009 financial crisis and after with respect to leverage and derivative holdings for mutual funds in the U.S. and Germany/the EU. After presenting a detailed overview of U.S. and German/European regulations, this study thoroughly compares the levels of flexibility funds have in both countries. All analyses reveal that under existing derivative and leverage regulation, funds in both countries are able to increase risk by using derivatives up to the point at which it is possible for them to default solely due to investments in derivatives. This makes the issue of regulation highly relevant for the public and regulators. The second part builds upon the first and empirically investigates the level of credit derivatives use by funds together with their communication toward investors. Firstly, the loss potential arising from investments into CDS for a sample of large U.S. and German mutual funds is analyzed. Secondly, it is investigated whether comments on CDS use contained in periodic fund reports are consistent with the disclosed CDS holdings. Based on the results, it seems advisable that regulators in both countries tighten rules restricting the speculative use of derivatives by funds to a reasonable level, as well as implement more standardized disclosure policies. The third part analyzes what determines whether U.S. corporate bond funds decide to use CDS in a particular period between mid-2004 to 2010, to which extent they use them and how, by relying on various fund characteristics including an extended set of manager variables. In addition, the types of various credit derivatives that funds use (e.g. long and short CDS on single-name or multi-name underlying positions) are presented. The results suggest that the characteristics of fund managers affect a fund’s risk taking via derivatives, in addition to fund fundamentals.
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交換交易法律規範之研究黃思璇, Huang, Shih Hsuen Unknown Date (has links)
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Evaluation of two novel perimetric techniques for the detection of open angle glaucoma : an in-depth analysisCastelberg, Christoph Andrea January 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Vykazování finančních derivátů dle IFRS / Reporting of Financial Derivatives under IFRSNovotný, Jan January 2009 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on reporting of financial derivatives under the rules set by International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). It analyses the hedging transactions, but it also aims at the speculations. From the range of IFRS hedging transactions closely describes Fair Value hedge and Cash Flow hedge. Furthermore it deals with the most frequent hedging cases like the hedging of foreign currency risk and interest rate risk. The real historic data from the markets are applied in his diploma paper.
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Analýza vlivu trhu úvěrových derivátů na soudobou globální finanční krizi a kapitálovou přiměřenost amerických bankovních holdingů / Analysis of impact of the credit derivatives market on current financial crisis and capital adequacy of the american banking holdingsBaigarin, Nadir January 2004 (has links)
This dissertation analyzes key features of credit derivatives market, basic risks of the products and trends the market has experienced for several years since its inception, discusses regulatory issues of the market with regard to the Basel II treatment and key reasons for investors using credit derivatives. Dissertation also examines whether and how credit derivatives affected current financial turmoil, analyzes credit derivatives losses of selected institutions on the financial markets and compares them with total losses of these institutions. The main result of the work is that there was no substantial effect of the credit derivatives market on the current financial crisis. Dissertation also examines whether there is any connection between U.S. banks credit derivatives trades and their capital adequacy ratio. According to the analysis, there is no evidence for credit derivatives to essentially affect capital adequacy ratio of U.S. banks. A potential explanation for the higher values of U.S. banks' capital adequacy ratio may be that there are sophisticated risk management strategies banks have been implicating for many years.
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