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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Hidden God: A Posthumanist Genealogy of Pragmatism

White, Ryan 05 June 2013 (has links)
Departing from humanist models of American intellectual history, this dissertation proposes an alternative posthumanist approach to the thought of Jonathan Edwards, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Charles Sanders Peirce. Beginning with Perry Miller’s influential scholarship, American thought is often cast as a search for “face to face” encounters with the unaccountable God of Calvinism, a figure that eventually evolves to encompass Romantic notions of the aesthetic, imagination, or, most predominately, individual human feeling. This narrative typically culminates in the pragmatism of William James, a philosophy in which human feeling attains priority at the expense of impersonal metaphysical systems. However, alongside and against these trends runs a tradition that derives from the Calvinist distinction between a fallen material world and a transcendent God possessed of absolute sovereignty, a tradition that also anticipates posthumanist theory, particularly the self-referential distinction between system and environment that occupies the central position in Niklas Luhmann’s systems theory. After systems theory, the possibility for “face to face” encounters is replaced with the necessary self-reference of communication and observation, an attribute expressed in Edwards, Emerson, and Peirce through, respectively, the figures of “true virtue,” an absent and inexpressible grief and, in its most abstract form, Peirce’s concept of a sign. In conclusion, Edwards, Emerson, and Peirce represent an alternative posthumanist genealogy of pragmatism that displaces human consciousness as the foundational ground of meaning, communication, or semiosis.

Samhällets system : Långvarigt beroende av försörjningsstöd ur ett systemteoretiskt perspektiv

Svensson, Caroline January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med denna C-uppsats är att genom Pincus och Minahans resursinriktade systemteori undersöka innebörden av hur samhälleliga system tillgodoser hjälpbehov för klienter som uppbär försörjningsstöd under lång tid. Målet är att skapa en strukturerad bild av vad som är bidragande faktorer till långvarigt beroende av försörjningsstöd samt hur samhälleliga system arbetar med insatser gällande dessa faktorer. Frågeställningarna är följande: Vilka hjälpbehov framträder genom journalerna för undersökningsgruppen? Hur adresseras dessa av samhälleliga system och vilka slutsatser kan man dra av detta? Resultatet visar att hjälpbehoven som tillgodoses är av olika karaktär och att det samhälleliga resurssystemet ibland ersätter formella och informella resurssystem när dessa inte är välfungerande. Slutsatsen visar att samhälleliga system kan motarbeta varandra och att detta då blir till men för den enskilde. Slutsatsen visar också att preventivt arbete för att förhindra att långvarigt beroende av försörjningsstöd uppstår är viktigt. / The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to use Pincus and Minahans resource-oriented systems theory to examine how societal systems are meeting the needs of the clients who are longterm dependant on social benefits. The aim is to create a structured image of the factors that lies behind a longterm dependance on social benefits, and also how societal systems are working with interventions concerning these factors. The questions are as follows: Which needs for support can be identified among the studied group? How are these needs addressed by the societal systems, and what conclusions can you draw from this? The result shows that needs that are met by societal systems are of different sorts. It also show that societal systems sometimes replaces private and organizational systems, when thees are malfunctioning. The conclusion shows that societal systems can work against each other and that this can become troublesome for the clients. The conclusion also shows that preventive interventions are important when working with hoe to make longterm dependance on social benefits less occurring.

Prosecutor Selected Youth Diversion: Identifying the Circumstances and Conceptualizing the Cases

Coady, Kyle N. P. 29 August 2012 (has links)
Crown selected youth diversion has received little academic attention in Canada. As a process that channels offenders out of the formal legal system, diversion purports to achieve contradictory self-serving system and offender-based goals. Using 50 randomly selected prosecution files – half of which the Crown diverted and half of which the Crown prosecuted – a mixed method investigation of diversion assesses cases through quantitative content analysis and grounded theory method. Based on the quantitative analysis, it is argued that there is an emerging patterned nature of Crown selected diversion that is not completely benign. This patterned nature of diversion unearths a distinctive discourse of diversion/non-diversion. Qualitatively, it is argued that the cases are organized around three temporal moments that create an area for distinctions to be made in terms of threat, responsibility, (in)tolerableness and recourse. Seemingly, there is a persistent paradoxical existence of the diversion process that emerges from the case files.

Social Support Networks for Literacy Engagement among Culturally Diverse Urban Adolescents

Wilson, Jennifer 08 January 2013 (has links)
This thesis explores the influences of social networks and social support on the literacy engagement of 7 high school students from a multicultural, multilingual, and economically disadvantaged urban neighborhood in a large, diverse North American city. Specifically, this study describes (1) students’ social networks and social literacy interactions; (2) the types of social support the network relationships provide for participants’ literacy; and (3) the ways in which this socioliterate support might affect participants’ literacy engagement. Guided by Ecological Systems Theory (Bronfenbrenner, 1979, 1992/2005), at three times during an 18-month period the 7 participants completed social network maps and interviews, checklists about their reading and writing choices, and retrospective interviews about their reading and writing practices on self-selected texts. These data were analyzed on the basis of Tardy’s (1985) typology of social support and the tripartite model of engagement proposed by Fredricks, Blumenfeld, and Paris (2004), then individual case reports were created for each participant. For cross-case analysis (Stake, 2006), the individual reports were compared across similar, predetermined themes. Two primary conclusions are supported by the data and analysis: These adolescents received varying amounts and types of socioliterate support from certain members of their social networks, particularly teachers and family members, and this support positively influenced their literacy engagement when they were facing difficult or uninteresting tasks. The study provides an understanding of the relationship between social support, motivation, and engagement in single literacy events, including proposed relationships between these three concepts, as well as perspectives on the role of technology in adolescent social network formation and on the sources from whom adolescents seek literacy-based social support. The study describes pedagogical spaces that can provide and activate such literacy support and suggests topics for future research relating to adolescent literacy, socioliterate networks and support, and literacy engagement.

Optimisation of BMW Group Standardised Load Units via the Pallet Loading Problem

Heinze, Anja January 2006 (has links)
The BMW Group uses load units for the transportation of assembly parts from the suppliers to the plants and for the internal material flow. This thesis analyses the advantageousness of introducing a load unit with a new size. There are three reasons why the current choice of containers is not sufficient. Firstly, there is a certain range of assembly parts that does not fit very well into the existing standard load units. Secondly, the average measurements of the parts have grown in the last years and thirdly, several of the existing containers leave unused space in the transportation vehicles. For this the relevant costs and other, more qualitative aspects like the placing at the assembly line are considered. A container size is identified that offers a significant savings potential. For this potential the handling and transportation costs are identified as the relevant leverages. These costs are found to depend mainly on the utilisation degree of the load units. To calculate the different utilisation degrees, a packing-algorithm in form of a four-block heuristic is applied and its results are extrapolated on the basis of existing BMW packing information. Thus, several assembly parts are identified that fit better into the suggested load unit than in the existing ones. These results are assessed using BMW’s expense ratios for handling and transportation. 80 parts are determined for which the migration to the new size would result in savings of more than 5,000 EUR for each per year in Dingolfing. Together, these parts offer a savings potential of about 0.9 million Euro.

When It Hits the Fan: A Public Relations' Practitioners' Guide to Crisis Communication

Smith, Joshua Lee 24 April 2007 (has links)
This project is designed as an aid to those interested in practicing, researching or teaching crisis communication. For public relations’ practitioners, it offers a comprehensive approach for structuring a crisis communication plan. For researchers, several theoretical frameworks for the study of crisis communication are provided, with the goal of allowing them a more complete foundation for executing future research. Those involved in teaching crisis communication are offered additional resources such as a sample crisis communication plan, media guidelines and a concluding case study for educating future practitioners.

Multi-year maintenance optimisation for paved public roads - segment based modelling and price-directive decomposition

Andersson, Per-Åke January 2007 (has links)
I avhandlingen studeras hur kostnadseffektiva underhålls- (uh-)planer för belagd väg kan genereras, på basis av information om aktuellt vägytetillstånd och funktionella modeller för kostnads- och tillståndsförändringar, delvis utvecklade i samarbete med svenska Vägverket (VV). Tilltänkt användning är på strategisk och programnivå, innan mer detaljerad objektinformation finns att tillgå. Till skillnad från hittills använda modeller, så genereras individuella uh-planer för varje vägsegment (en homogen vägsträcka vad gäller aktuellt beläggningstillstånd och beläggningshistorik), i kontinuerliga tillstånds- och åtgärdsrum. Genom användning av Lagrangerelaxerande optimeringsteknik, så kan de speciella nytto/kostnads-kvot-villkor som VV ålägger varje uh-objekt naturligen hanteras med dualpriser för budgetvillkoren. Antalet vägsegment som konkurrerar om budgetmedlen är vanligtvis stort. Data från VV:s Vägdatabank för Värmland har använts, omfattande ca 9000 vägsegment. Genom den stora datamängden har datorprogrammen implementerats för parallellbearbetning. Under avhandlingsarbetet har projektet beviljats tillgång till Monolith PCklustret vid NSC. För att kunna reducera optimeringskörtiderna har modell- och metodutveckling varit nödvändig. Genom att aggregera vägsegmenten till vägklasser har goda startvärden på dualpriserna erhållits. Genom utvecklingen av en speciell restvärdesrutin har den explicit behandlade tidsperioden kunnat reduceras. Vid lösandet av det duala subproblemet har speciell uppmärksamhet ägnats åt de diskretiseringseffekter som uppstår i metoden dynamisk programmering. En typ av tillämpning avser ett delvägnät, exempelvis en väg. Valideringsstudier har genomförts på väg 63 i Värmland – med lovande men inte tillfredsställande resultat (se nedan). En speciell modell för samordnat uh beaktar stordriftsfördelarna vid samtidig åtgärd på en hel vägsträcka. Den andra huvudtypen av studier gäller ett helt nätverk. Flera metodtyper har tillämpats, både för att lösa de relaxerade optimeringsproblemen och för att generera uhplaner som uppfyller budgetvillkoren. För en anständig diskretisering är körtiderna för hela Värmland mindre än 80 CPU-timmar. Genom en a posteriori primal heuristik reduceras kraven på parallellbearbetning till ett litet PC-kluster. Avhandlingen studerar vidare effekterna av omfördelade budgetmedel samt en övergång till en transparent, stokastisk modell – vilka båda visar små avvikelser från basmodellen. Optimeringsresultaten för Värmland indikerar att budgetnivåer på ca 40% av Värmlands verkliga uh-budget är tillräckliga. Dock saknas viktiga kostnadsdrivande faktorer i denna första modellomgång, exempelvis vissa funktionella prestanda (säkerhet), all miljöpåverkande prestanda (buller etc.) och strukturell prestanda (ex.vis bärighet, som enbart modelleras via ett åldersmått). För ökad tilltro till PMS i allmänhet och optimering i synnerhet, bör avvikelserna analyseras ytterligare och leda till förbättringar vad gäller tillståndsmätning, tillståndseffekt- & kostnadsmodellering samt matematisk modellering & implementering. / The thesis deals with the generation of cost efficient maintenance plans for paved roads, based on database information about the current surface conditions and functional models for costs and state changes, partly developed in cooperation with Vägverket (VV, Swedish Road Administration). The intended use is in a stage of budgeting and planning, before concrete project information is available. Unlike the up to now used models, individual maintenance plans can be formulated for each segment (a homogeneous road section as to the current pavement state and paving history), in continuous state and works spaces. By using Lagrangean relaxation optimisation techniques, the special benefit/cost-ratio constraints that VV puts on each maintenance project can be naturally mastered by dual prices for the budget constraints. The number of segments competing for budget resources is usually large. Data from VV Vägdatabank (SRA Road Database) in county Värmland were used, comprising around 9000 road segments. Due to the large data amount the implemented programs rely on parallel computation. During the thesis work, access to the PC-cluster Monolith at NSC was granted. In order to reduce optimisation run times, model & method development was needed. By aggregating the road segments into road classes, good initial values of the dual prices were achieved. By adding new state dimensions, the use of the Markov property could be motivated. By developing a special residual value routine, the explicitly considered time period could be reduced. At solving the dual subproblem special attention was paid to the discretization effects in the dynamic programming approach. One type of study is on a sub-network, e.g. a road. Validation studies were performed on road 63 in Värmland – with promising but not satisfactory results (see below). A special model for co-ordinated maintenance considers the fine-tuned cost effects of simultaneous maintenance of contiguous road segments. The other main type of study is for a whole network. Several method types have been applied, both for solving the relaxed optimisation problems and for generating maintenance plans that fit to the budgets. For a decent discretization, the run time for the whole Värmland network is less than 80 CPU-hrs.A posterior primal heuristics reduces the demands for parallel processing to a small PC-cluster.The thesis further studies the effects of redistributing budget means, as well as turning to a transparent stochastic model – both showing modest deviations from the basic model. Optimisation results for Värmland indicate budget levels around 40% of the actual Värmland budget as sufficient. However, important cost triggers are missing in this first model round, e.g., certain functional performance (safety), all environmental performance (noise etc.) and structural performance (e.g. bearing capacity, only modelled by an age measure). For increased credibility of PMS in general and optimisation in particular, the discrepancies should be further analysed and lead to improvements as to condition monitoring, state effect & cost modelling and mathematical modelling & implementation.

Barn i skuggan av barnperspektivet : En studie om syskons inkludering vid insatser till familjer där barn har en funktionsnedsättning

Flintzberg, Wilma, Norlin, Sandra January 2013 (has links)
Science has shown that siblings to children with a disability are affected by the family situation. The siblings often let their own needs and requests come secondary to their family members. This study illustrates how different professionals, who keep in contact with families with a disabled child, works with its siblings. The purpose with this study was to see how professionals, working as administrators, counselors at the habilitation and kin supporters in the region of Kalmar, include siblings while working with the families. Representatives from the professionals have been interviewed with a semi structured interview manual. The result showed that professionals have various opinions how siblings are affected by the family situation. Mutually, none of the professionals meet the siblings to listen to their view, instead they listen to the parents for information. The children´s convention is therefore not lived up to by the organizations. Our result shows an absence of a child´s perspective in the professionals work with siblings to children with a disability.

Organizational change factors for increasing online learning within a southeastern state university system

Stone, David E 20 December 2012 (has links)
This bounded case study describes the readiness of a Southeastern State University System to support the growth of online learning. Structured as a case study, the view provided of the Southeastern State University System in this moment in time provides a contextually rich view of the phenomenon of change within a university system. The study answers the following questions regarding the change towards online course delivery: Does the Southeastern State University System have a primarily transformational or transactional orientation? What are the key change facilitating factors within the Southeastern State University System? What are the key change restraining factors within the Southeastern State University System? The key change facilitating factors identified as part of the first phase of the study included: motivation to change, job/task requirements and organizational culture supportive of change. The perspectives of the administrators regarding facilitating factors differed, as did views on if the organizational culture was supportive of change. The CIO interviewed described a variation in perspectives regarding online learning based on institutional categories and missions, which was reflected in the interviews. The key change restraining factors were identified during the survey phase of the study as: change related systems, emotional impact of change and change mission and strategy. Financial incentives, both for the institutions and the individuals involved in online or blended activities was identified in the interviews. However, the CIO interviewed outlined a perspective that the funding model for collaborative programs in the university system was flawed. A perceived lack of change mission strategy was common through the interviews, with signs pointing towards improvement within the system, with a new focus on online learning as part of an initiative to have more college graduates within the state. This study provides a snapshot of the state of a university system as it adapts to the changing environment of higher education. The study describes the application of an established organizational change and development model to the study of online learning, which provides future researchers with a framework to investigate online learning at a university system level.

The Application of Living Systems Theory to the Analysis of Organisations

Backlund, Alexander January 1999 (has links)
<p>Living systems theory provides a conceptual model the use of which might help to improve the understanding of an organisation and its problems, thus helping analysts to find solutions to these problems. A method to guide the application of living systems theory to the analysis of organisations is needed. In this work, a number of methods based on living systems theory are analysed, and a method for analysing organisations that consists of nine steps based on fundamental living systems theory concepts and, to some extent, the aforementioned methods is proposed. The steps of the method range from the initial problem, i. e. the reason to undertake the analysis, to the evaluation of the final solution. The method is iterative - the analyst will have to go back and forth between the steps of the method - and is also supposed to be continually applied. Together with this method a number of description techniques are proposed. Several of these description techniques are graphical, which will hopefully enhance readability and maintainability.</p>

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