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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Parametric Programming in Control Theory

Spjøtvold, Jørgen January 2008 (has links)
The main contributions in this thesis are advances in parametric programming. The thesis is divided into three parts; theoretical advances, application areas and constrained control allocation. The first part deals with continuity properties and the structure of solutions to convex parametric quadratic and linear programs. The second part focuses on applications of parametric quadratic and linear programming in control theory. The third part deals with constrained control allocation and how parametric programming can be used to obtain explicit solutions to this problem.

Handledning som verktyg och rum för reflektion : En studie av specialpedagogers handledningssamtal

Bladini, Kerstin January 2004 (has links)
När specialpedagogen använder handledning som verktyg söker hon åstadkomma förändring genom att ge pedagogerna råd. Fokus i samtalet riktas framförallt på barnet och på pedagogens arbete. Specialpedagogen kan ses som en slags expert på området barn i svårigheter och den pedagogiska praktiken. När specialpedagogen använder handledning som rum för reflektion söker hon åstadkomma förändring genom att ställa frågor för att stimulera pedagogens tänkande och stödja hennes utforskande av hur problemet kan förstås. Specialpedagogen kan då ses som en slags expert på att föra reflekterande samtal och samtalets fokus riktas huvudsakligen mot pedagogen. Specialpedagogernas repertoar innehåller därmed såväl förmåga att handleda genom att ge pedagogerna råd med utgångspunkt i det enskilda barnet som att stimulera pedagogernas reflekterande över aspekter av sitt arbete. Avhandlings syfte är att undersöka hur elva specialpedagoger beskriver och genomför handledning med pedagoger i förskola och grundskola. Intresset riktas mot samtalens innehåll och mot de påverkansprocesser som äger rum i samtalet. Handledningssamtalen studeras ur specialpedagogens perspektiv. Specialpedagogers handledningssamtal kan bidra till att vidga synen på objektet för den specialpedagogiska verksamheten såväl som befästa ett individperspektiv på området. I denna studie dominerar användningen av handledning som verktyg. Utmaningen förefaller ligga i att söka skapa villkor som även gynnar användningen av handledning som rum för reflektion.

Gode mäns syn på levnadsförhållanden för personer med psykiska funktionsnedsättningar : - En kvalitativ studie

Jansson, Christopher, Sjöholm, Gustav January 2010 (has links)
The main purpose of this study was to examine if, and how, persons with psychological impairments have worse living conditions than the population average. The papers intention was to investigate and describe these conditions and to analyze them based on theories of stigma, and systems theory. This paper was composed on a qualitative study in which god men have been interviewed, in addition to accomplish the purpose. This study has highlighted the four individual areas of economy, employment, housing conditions and social relations. Results have shown that people with mental disabilities tend to live in worse living conditions than the population average. The conclusion of this study is that social service should make more attention to living conditions and social problems that people with mental health difficulties have. This would enable the social worker to his authority in making correct and fair assessments, and increased opportunities to design interventions in a satisfactory manner.

Single Machine Scheduling with Tardiness Involved Objectives : A Survey

Mundt, Andreas, Wich, Thomas January 2007 (has links)
This thesis contributes to theoretical and quantitative aspects of machine scheduling. In fact, it is dedicated to the issue of scheduling n jobs on one single machine. The scope is limited to deterministic problems - i.e. those with all data available and known with certainty in advance - with tardiness involved objectives; hence, the common denominator of all problems addressed are jobs with a predetermined due date assigned to. A job is finished on time as long as it is completed before its due date, otherwise it is said to be tardy. Since the single machine utilized is assumed to be restricted to process at most one job at a time, the aim is to find a proper sequence - a schedule - of how to process the jobs in order to best fulfill a certain objective. The contribution of this thesis aims at giving a state of the art survey and detailed review of research effort considering the objectives "minimizing the number of tardy jobs" and "minimizing the weighted number of tardy jobs". Further, the objectives of "minimizing the total tardiness", "minimizing the total weighted tardiness" and "minimizing the maximum tardiness" are adumbrated but reduced to a rough overview of research effort made.

Myopic Allocation in Two-level Distribution Systems with Continuous Review and Time Based Dispatching

Howard, Christian January 2007 (has links)
This thesis studies the allocation of stock in a two-level inventory system with stochastic demand. The system consists of one central warehouse which supplies N non-identical retailers with one single product. Customer demand occurs solely at the retailers and follows independent Poisson processes. The purpose is to investigate the value of using a more advanced allocation policy than First Come-First Serve at the central warehouse. The focus is on evaluating how well the simple First Come-First Serve assumption works in a system where the warehouse has access to real-time point-of-sale data, and where shipments are time based and consolidated for all retailers. The considered allocation policy is a myopic policy where the solution to a minimization problem, formulated as a constrained newsvendor problem, determines how the warehouse allocates its stock to the retailers. The minimization problem is solved using (a heuristic method based on) Lagrangian relaxation, and simulation is used to evaluate the average inventory holding costs and backorder costs per time unit when using the considered policy. The simulation study shows that cost savings around 1-4 percent can be expected for most system configurations. However, there were cases where savings were as high as 5 percent, as well as cases where the policy performed worse than First Come-First Serve. The study also shows that the highest cost savings are found in systems with relatively low demand, few retailers, short transportation times and a short time interval between shipments.

Vad helhetssynen skulle betytt för tre kvinnor som varit sjukskrivna : Om att använda systemteori inom rehabilitering

Fors, Jenny January 2007 (has links)
Temat för denna uppsats var att undersöka ett systemteoretiskt arbetssätt i rehabilitering. I den här undersökningen har tre kvinnor som tidigare varit sjukskrivna av psykiska orsaker, intervjuats för att de skulle få ge sin syn på hur ett systemteoretiskt arbetssätt skulle kunna ha hjälpt dem i deras rehabilitering. Vidare vilken funktion deras sjukdom fyllt i deras system och för dom själva. Det fanns en tanke om att deras sjukdom var orsakad av många faktorer, vilket visade sig vara fallet. Urvalet var ett så kallat bekvämlighets urval. Metoden som använts var halvstrukturerade intervjuer med hjälp av en intervju guide. Tolkningen som användes var hermeneutisk. Arbetet begränsades genom att kvinnor som varit sjukskrivna valdes ut. Andra kriterier var att dom skulle ha familj som bodde hemma, minst tre barn och en sambo eller man, vidare att dom kom från små orter i Västernorrlands inland. Resultatet visar att de överlag var positivt inställda till ett systemteoretiskt synsätt, att de saknade att vissa instanser inom rehabilitering inte tog hänsyn till komplexitet i deras liv, och att de känner sig misstrodda av försäkringskassan. Sjukdomen fyllde för alla tre en funktion av signal på obalans i ett snedbelastat system. Vidare var de tre kvinnorna sjukare än vad omgivningen och dom själva trott. De saknade alla tre, från de rehabiliterande enheterna, en helhetssyn på dem och deras situation. Systemteorin kan verka ytterst komplicerad när man läser om cybernetiken till exempel. Men som behandlare behöver man inte lägga det på en komplicerad nivå. Det räcker att man i stora drag vet vad systemteorin handlar om och att man är medveten om vilken roll kommunikation och interaktion spelar, och vilken roll man hamnar i som behandlare i det psykosociala arbetet.

On the term structure of forwards, futures and interest rates

Landén, Camilla January 2001 (has links)
QC 20100505

Data Filtering and Control Design for Mobile Robots

Karasalo, Maja January 2009 (has links)
In this thesis, we consider problems connected to navigation and tracking for autonomousrobots under the assumption of constraints on sensors and kinematics. We study formation controlas well as techniques for filtering and smoothing of noise contaminated input. The scientific contributions of the thesis comprise five papers.In Paper A, we propose three cascaded, stabilizing formation controls for multi-agent systems.We consider platforms with non-holonomic kinematic constraints and directional rangesensors. The resulting formation is a leader-follower system, where each follower agent tracksits leader agent at a specified angle and distance. No inter-agent communication is required toexecute the controls. A switching Kalman filter is introduced for active sensing, and robustnessis demonstrated in experiments and simulations with Khepera II robots.In Paper B, an optimization-based adaptive Kalman filteringmethod is proposed. The methodproduces an estimate of the process noise covariance matrix Q by solving an optimization problemover a short window of data. The algorithm recovers the observations h(x) from a system˙ x = f (x), y = h(x)+v without a priori knowledge of system dynamics. The algorithm is evaluatedin simulations and a tracking example is included, for a target with coupled and nonlinearkinematics. In Paper C, we consider the problem of estimating a closed curve in R2 based on noisecontaminated samples. A recursive control theoretic smoothing spline approach is proposed, thatyields an initial estimate of the curve and subsequently computes refinements of the estimateiteratively. Periodic splines are generated by minimizing a cost function subject to constraintsimposed by a linear control system. The optimal control problem is shown to be proper, andsufficient optimality conditions are derived for a special case of the problem using Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman theory.Paper D continues the study of recursive control theoretic smoothing splines. A discretizationof the problem is derived, yielding an unconstrained quadratic programming problem. Aproof of convexity for the discretized problem is provided, and the recursive algorithm is evaluatedin simulations and experiments using a SICK laser scanner mounted on a PowerBot from ActivMedia Robotics. Finally, in Paper E we explore the issue of optimal smoothing for control theoretic smoothingsplines. The output of the control theoretic smoothing spline problem is essentially a tradeoff between faithfulness to measurement data and smoothness. This tradeoff is regulated by the socalled smoothing parameter. In Paper E, a method is developed for estimating the optimal valueof this smoothing parameter. The procedure is based on general cross validation and requires noa priori information about the underlying curve or level of noise in the measurements. / QC 20100722

Proximal processes of children with profound multiple disabilities

Wilder, Jenny January 2008 (has links)
In this thesis four empirical studies dealt with children with profound multiple disabilities and their parents with regard to: (a) how parents perceived interaction with their children (b) how observed child/parent interaction was linked to behavior style of the children as perceived by the parents (c) how parents of children with profound multiple disabilities perceived child/parent interaction and behavior style of their children in comparison to parents to children without disabilities matched for communicative ability and age respectively, and, (d) how social networks and family accommodations were linked to child/parent interaction and child behavior style over time for these families according to parental appraisals. The results in study I showed that child/parent interaction occurred through out the day and constituted of mutual experience and joy. There were two processes in interaction: monitoring interaction and successful interaction. Study II found hypo- and hyper dominated behaviour style of the children to influence interaction differently. The parents were found to be experts on their children in monitoring interaction to achieve more frequent periods of successful interaction. Study III found few differences in wishes about ideal interaction between parents of children with profound multiple disabilities and parents of typically developing children. Study IV showed that the children were communicative dependent on their parents; there were few complete overlaps between the children’s and the family’s social networks; and although family accommodations were child-driven, sustainability of family life evolved around other factors. There was a “contradiction” in results for the whole thesis: child/parent interaction occurred through out ordinary everyday life and constituted of mutual experience and joy versus the children’s communicative dependency and the distance found between social networks of families and children and child/parent interaction.

Manpower Planning in Airlines : Modeling and Optimization

Holm, Åsa January 2008 (has links)
Crew costs are one of the largest expenses for airlines and effective manpower planning is therefore important to maximize profit. The focus of research in the field of manpower planning for airlines has mainly been on the scheduling of crew, while other areas, surprisingly, have received very little attention. This thesis provides an overview of some of the other problems facing manpower planners, such as designing a career ladder, planning transitions and making course schedules. Mathematical models are presented for some of theses problems, and for the problem of allocating training and vacation in time the mathematical model has been tested on data from SAS Scandinavian Airlines. When allocating training and vacation there are many aspects to consider, such as avoiding crew shortage, access to resources needed for training, and vacation laws. Comparisons between solutions obtained with the model and SAS Scandinavian Airlines manual plan show encouraging results with savings around 10%.

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