Spelling suggestions: "subject:"salvation."" "subject:"alvation.""
531 |
Religion and development in South Africa : an investigation of the relationship between soteriology and capital development in an african initiated church (AIC)Mafuta, Lubeme 01 1900 (has links)
The upsurge of religious movements and independent churches in the Global South is bringing a new twist to world economic development not anticipated by many theologians and social scientists. With a syncretic soteriology geared toward the liberation of the whole person, religious movements and independent churches of the south are preaching to their adherents, mostly the poor and the marginalized, a message of faith in an omnipotent and compassionate God who is concerned for their weal and woes and who offers them an assured and holistic salvation. By placing their faith in God, the poor and marginalized people are discovering their true selves and are saved/liberated. This assured salvation (certitudo salutis), which is a total liberation of the physical and spiritual world, becomes, in turn, the motivational energy for capital development.
The Zion Christian Church (ZCC) soteriological predicament stands at this juncture. Through processes of syncretization and purification, ZCC has managed to deconstruct the European/North American and African Traditional Religions soteriologies to construct a pure soteriology that is relevant to the socio context of its adherents. ZCC deconstructs these soteriologies by broadening, for example, the classic Christian soteriogical theory of Christus Victor in her notion of sin, death and the devil and the African traditional soteriological notion of uBuntu and spirit-power. The purity, or holistic salvation, generated out of these processes serves as grounds for identity and economic empowerment of its adherents.
With a holistic salvation that centers on healing, personal integrity and spiritual power, ZCC members have been able to achieve considerable success in the labour
market by becoming an army of potential employees. They have also distinguished themselves in their work ethic, where they are seen as hardworking, disciplined, obedient and sober. Empowering its adherents economically through a religious soteriology, the ZCC has become an example of a trend that is shaping the Global South and is reviving the interest of social scientists and theologians to further investigate the impact of religious and theological formulations on the economic conduct of individuals. / Theology / D. Th. (Theological Ethics)
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Japanisches Heilsverstandnis : Soteriologie im Kontext des japanischen Animismus / Japanese understanding of salvation : soteriology in the context of Japanese animismHeisswolf, Martin 11 1900 (has links)
Text in German / Cosmology and sociology show that animism is the predominant worldview of Japan.
Concepts of God, the issue of controlling mana-power, implications of the Japanese
soul-concept, the orientation of the conscience and ancestor veneration are critically discussed
with Christian beliefs.
When compared to the Biblical peace-concept the Japanese peace-concept shows an
aesthetic bias that has to be overcome by adding the concept of justice.
Japanese soteriology has no reference to God the Creator, whose proclamation is the
basis of understanding man's misfortune as rebellion against God and his salvation as
reconciliation with Him.
Cosmologically speaking, man experiences his misfortune as fear of super-human
powers. Salvation is sought through defensive magic and fortunetelling. Christianity
acknowledges security as a basic human need but seeks protection and guidance
from God.
The main focus of Japanese soteriology is in the field of sociology, which in
Japan also includes the relationship with the living dead. Misfortune is mainly experienced
as shame and ostracism, salvation as rehabilitation.
Defilement of naturally good humans is a central theme in Japan's understanding
of man's misfortune. The Christian concept of sin, on the contrary, has a theological
and an ontological dimension as well.
In Japan salvation is understood solely as this-worldly benefits such as health, happiness,
prosperity, fertility, and longevity. But in Christianity suffering is a central theme.
An overly strong orientation on "this world" can lead to ethical shallowness,
overemphasizing the "coming world" to a dangerous ethical relativism. Christian soteriology
must keep the tension between these two extremes.
The hope of the coming world must neither be robbed of its historical truth by
its transformation into a principle, nor must it be historically ineffective.As for his relationship with God, man is solely the object of God's salvation.
But as for Christian acts, man is called to act "in the Lord". / Ausführungen zur Kosmologie und Soziologie zeigen, daß das vorherrschende Weltbild
Japans das des Animismus ist. In kritischer Auseinandersetzung mit dem Christentum
werden der Gottesbegriff, der Gebrauch der Mana-Kraft, Implikationen des Seelenbegriffs,
die Gewissensorientierung und die Ahnenverehrung diskutiert.
Die Gegenüberstellung mit dem biblischen Friedensbegriff zeigt, daß der japanische
Friedensbegriff seine ästhetische Einseitigkeit durch die Erweiterung um den Aspekt der
Gerechtigkeit überwinden muß.
In Japan hat die Soteriologie keinen Bezug zu Gott, dem Schöpfer, dessen Verkündigung
die Grundlage für das Verständnis des Unheils als Rebellion gegen ihn, des Heils
als Versöhnung mit ihm ist.
Kosmologisch wird das Unheil in Japan als Angst vor übermenschlichen Mächten
erfahren, das Heil durch Schutzzauber und Wahrsagerei gesucht. Das Christentum
erkennt das Grundbedürfnis der Sicherheit an, sucht Schutz und Führung aber bei Gott.
Das Schwergewicht japanischer Soteriologie liegt im Bereich der Soziologie,
zu der in Japan auch die Beziehung zu den living dead gehört. Unheil wird vor allem als
Beschämung und Ächtung, Heil als Rehabilitation erfahren.
Im japanischen Unheilsverständnis nimmt Verunreinigung des an sich guten
Menschen einen hohen Stellenwert ein. Das christliche Sündenverständnis hat dagegen
auch eine theologische und ontologische Dimension.
Heil wird in Japan rein diesseitig als Gesundheit, Glück, Reichtum, Fruchtbarkeit und
langes Leben verstanden. Dagegen spielt in der christlichen Heilslehre das Leiden eine
zentrale Rolle.
Eine zu starke Orientierung auf "diese Welt" kann zu ethischer Seichte, eine zu
starke Orientierung auf die "kommende Welt" zu einer gefährlichen ethischen Relativierung
führen. Die christliche Soteriologie muß die Spannung zwischen beiden Polen aufrechterhalten.
Die Hoffnung auf die kommende Welt darf weder durch ihre Erhebung zum
Prinzip ihrer geschichtlichen Wahrheit beraubt werden, noch darf sie selbst geschichtlicher Wirklichkeit entbehren.
Was die Beziehung des Menschen zu Gott angeht, ist der Mensch ganz und gar
Objekt des göttlichen Heilshandelns. Was aber das christliche Handeln angeht, ist der
Mensch zum Handeln "im Herrn" berufen. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D.Th. (Missiology)
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Ontology and the new being : the relationship between creation and redemption in the theology of Paul Tillich and A.A. van RulerHodnett, Garth 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2002 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This dissertation examines the relationship of ontology and soteriology - the classic problem of nature
and grace. Paul Tillich and Arnold van Ruler have been chosen as the best representatives of the
classical tradition of the reformation.
It is seen that although there is a significant formal difference between the theologies of these two
theologians, there is a material identity. The combination of these two perspectives, Tillich's
philosophical theology with Van Ruler's more traditional Calvinistic theology, helps to shed more light
on the subject.
The first subject to be considered is the ontological background for understanding reality as a whole.
This is discussed as the trinitarian-predestinarian-eschatological framework of ontology. Everything
finds its possibility in the trinitarian being of God, its reality in the eternal decrees and its purpose in
the eschatological will of God. Creation has become (morally, not ontologically) separated from God
in the fall and therefore salvation is needed. Christology is a function of soteriology and is to be
understood in terms of substitution.
This salvation, gained in Christ, is expressed in us by the outpoured Holy Spirit according to the
eschatological will of God. Pneumatology is to be related to, and distinguished from christology. We
are not replaced by the Spirit, but taken into a relationship with God. This is to be understood in terms
of the struggle of the Spirit with the flesh. The presence of the Spirit is kerygmatic, paradoxical,
anticipatory and miraculous. There is an ambiguous and fragmentary realization of salvation in the
Proto logically and eschatologically there is an identity between culture (i.e. creation and history) and
the kingdom of God. But in time and space there is a duality (not a dualism). This finds expression in
the duality of church and state. The state is the kernel of culture and the church is the representative of
the kingdom. The state is essentially the servant of God, and insofar as it orders life it is serving God.
But it is separated from God and needs the church to call it back to its proper function.
Where there is the duality of church and state in a nation, there is a theocratic situation. This leads to
the Bible. That is a state where the Word is proclaimed and the state, because of its essential
relationship to God, can understand this proclamation. In a theocracy there is a partial union of creation
and salvation. Theocracy is a Spiritual reality. It is kerygmatic and paradoxical. It is not an ideal or an
ethical system imposed on life. It has a conservative character as it stands in opposition to the demonic.
As the document of God's struggle with the religious nationalism oflsrael, the Old Testament provides
the paradigm for a theocracy. In this sense a christianized state is an incidental repetition - mutatis
mutandis - of the nation ofIsrael.
Eschatologically, the particularity of salvation is completely done away with. The incarnation and the
outpouring are undone. Then there is only the triune God and the naked existence of creation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie proefskrif word ondersoek ingestel na die relasie tussen ontologie en soteriologie
(respektiewelik: natuur en genade) met behulp van Paul Tillich en Arnold van Ruler as
verteenwoordigers van die klassieke Reformatoriese tradisie.
Dit blyk dat ten spyte van fonnele verskille tussen die teologiee van hierdie twee teolce, daar
materieel groot ooreenstemming bestaan. 'n Kombinasie van Tillich se filosofiese teologie met Van
Ruler se meer tradisioneel Calvinistiese benadering, werk verhelderend ten opsigte van die betrokke
Eers word die ontologiese agtergrond van die werklikheid as sodanig ondersoek. Dit word
bestempel as die trinitaries-predestiaans-eskatologiese raamwerk van die ontologie. Die
moontlikheid van alle bestaan rus in die trinitariese wese, die werklikheid daarvan in die ewige
raad, en die doel daarvan in die eskatologiese wil van God. Die skepping het as gevolg van die val
(moreel, nie ontologies nie) verwyder geraak van God en gevolglik is redding noodsaaklik.
Christologie is 'n funksie van soteriologie en moet verstaan word in terme van plaasbekleding.
Hierdie heil wat Christus bewerk het, kom tot gestalte in ons deur die uitstorting van die Heilige
Gees in ooreenstemming met die eskatologiese wil van God. Pneumatologie staan in relasie tot
christologie, maar moet terselfdertyd onderskei word van laasgenoemde. Ons word nie deur die
Gees vervang nie, maar opgeneem in 'n verhouding met God. Dit moet verstaan word in terme van
die stryd van die Gees teen die vlees. Die teenwoordigheid van die Gees is kerugmaties,
paradoksaal, antisiperend en wonderbaar. Daar is 'n dubbelsinnige en fragmentariese realisering
van die heil in die Gees.
Hoewel protologies en eskatologies 'n identiteit bestaan tussen kultuur (d w s skepping en
geskiedenis) en die koninkryk van God, vorm dit binne ruimte en tyd 'n dualiteit (nie dualisme nie).
Dit kom tot uitdrukking in die dualiteit van kerk en staat. Die staat is die kern van die kultuur en die
kerk die verteenwoordiger van die koninkryk. In wese is die staat die dienskneg van God en in
soverre dit die lewe orden, staan dit in diens van God. Dit is egter vervreem van God en het die kerk
nodig om dit terug te roep tot sy eintlike funksie.
Waar daar 'n dualiteit bestaan van kerk en staat in 'n nasie, vind ons 'n teokratiese situasie. Dit is 'n
staat met die Bybel, waar die Woord verkondig word en die staat a g v sy wesenlike verbouding tot
God, die verkondiging kan verstaan. 'n Teokrasie is 'n Geestelike realiteit waarin daar reeds 'n
gedeeltelike vereniging van skepping en heil plaasvind. Dit is kerugmaties en paradoksaal. Dit is
nie 'n ideaal of 'n etiese sisteem wat die lewe opgele word nie. Dit het 'n konserverende karakter
wat staan in opposisie tot die demoniese.
Synde die dokument van God se worsteling met die religieuse nasionalisme van Israel, bied die Ou
Testament die paradigma vir 'n teokrasie. In hierdie sin is die gekerstende staat 'n insidentele
herhaling - mutatis mutandis - van Israel as nasie.
Eskatologies verdwyn die besonderheid van die verlossing. Die inkamasie en die uitstorting van die
Gees word ongedaan gemaak. Dan is daar aileen maar die drie-enige God en die naakte eksistensie.
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The City in Isaiah 24-27 : a theological interpretation in terms of judgment and salvationKim, Jin-Hak 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / As the title indicates, our study is focused on a theological interpretation of the city in Isaiah
24-27 from the point of view of God’s judgment and salvation. The main reason for the study
is that in Isaiah 24-27, the city plays a very significant role. The research therefore employs
the socio-rhetorical approach which is a method that explores a multi-dimensional way of
dealing with the text.
Applying Robbins’ (1966a & b) textural analysis to the text of Isaiah 24-27, the inner and
inter textures are examined in order to demonstrate the narrator’s rhetorical strategy. Through
the prophetic genre of judgement and salvation, the narrator challenges the audience/reader to
change their minds and attitudes, especially about the city. The challenge is that the fortified
city alone would never provide safety and peace but rather bring God’s judgment. In contrast,
God alone provides salvation and protection through God’s reign on Mount Zion/Jerusalem. It
is shown that this rhetorical strategy is deeply embedded in the social and cultural context.
The expectation was that the historical and political chaos which was triggered by
international pressures and Israel’s unfaithfulness and injustice might cause Israel to reflect on
what happened and what would happen to the city in God’s eschatological time. The
rhetorical strategy also highlights the eschatological-apocalyptic character of the text and the
author of Isaiah 24-27 uses it to focus on the ideological and theological textures by means of
which he warned that “Zion theology” could become “Zion ideology” if it became located
beyond prophetic voice and criticism.
Furthermore, it is shown that the theological texture highlights God’s theological viewpoint
that is symbolized by subjects such as universalism and the restoration of Zion/Jerusalem
through judgment and salvation both of which are dialectically reflected in the destiny of the
city of Zion/Jerusalem. At a deeper level, this theological engagement is based on God’s
steadfast covenant love and justice, through which, God as husband and king, makes a
demand on the city Jerusalem/Zion, the wife and the faith community. We have attempted to
show from Isaiah 24-27 that God’s kingship is expressed in an apocalyptic manner which is
beyond human power and intervention in order to emphasize God’s absolute sovereignty in
controlling human destiny, especially the city. In line with the odd literary genre of the text,
there still exist traditional prophetic thoughts which demand human responsibility on issues
such as repentance, execution of social justice and righteousness in life.
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Judgement and salvation : socio-rhetorical interpretation of Jeremiah 1Yi, Dongkwan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2002 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This dissertation is an attempt to address the problem of the relationship between the Jeremianic
judgement and salvation oracles, to prove our hypothesis that Jeremiah 1 functions as a theological
introduction to the whole book of Jeremiah, and that references to judgement and salvation form a
theological whole. Vernon Robbins's socio-rhetorical approach has been utilized.
In Chapter 1, we present a general survey of Jeremianic study, and show the scholarly tendency
towards a diachronic or synchronic approach. By doing so, we justify our application of the holistic
socio-scientific method to study the book more comprehensively. Our hypothesis about the
relationship between judgment and salvation in the book of Jeremiah is then presented and the
methodology described.
In Chapter 2, we offer a rhetorical analysis. According to our analysis, the centre of the prophetic
call in the book of Jeremiah is the commission (Jer. 1:10) where the thematic phrase of judgement
and salvation is highlighted. We identified passages containing this thematic catchphrase (Jer.
12:14-17; 18:7-10; 24:6; 31:28; 31:38-40; 42:10; 45:4; etc.) and Chapter 3 discusses each one. The
reoccurrence of that catchphrase in different circumstances was the reconfirmation and
recontextualisation of the Leitmotif of Jer. 1:10.
In Chapters 4-6, a social scientific approach has been utilised to explore a considerably rich text
which contains many diverse aspects of the social, cultural, political and theological environment.
We identify diverse interest groups to whom Jeremiah addressed his message of judgement and
salvation. They are "reformist", "conversionist", "revolutionist" and "thaumaturgical" from the
social perspective, and "pro-Babylon", "pro-Egypt" and "autonomistic" from the political
perspective. We next examine the intense controversy between Jeremiah and these groups, from
social, cultural, ideological and theological perspectives.
In the conclusion (Chapter 7), we summarise what we have studied and present the prospect for a
wider use of the socio-rhetorical method. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie verhandeling ondersoek die vraagstuk rondom die verhouding tussen Jeremiaanse oordeel
en verlossingsorakels, Daar word gepoog om die hipotese te bewys dat Jeremia 1 dien as teologiese
inleiding tot die res van die boek en dat die verwysings na oordeel en verlossing 'n teologiese
geheel vorm. Vernon Robbins'se sosio-retoriese benadering word gebruik.
In Hoofstuk 1 gee ons 'n oorsig van Jeremiaanse navorsing en wys hoe vakkundiges neig tot of 'n
diakroniese of 'n sinkroniese benadering. Deur ons gebruik van die sosio-retoriese metode poog ons
om die boek meer volledig te bestudeer. Ons hipotese oor die verhouding tussen oordeel en
verlossing in Jeremia word dan aangebied en die metodologie beskryf.
In Hoofstuk 2, bied ons 'n retoriese analise, waarvolgens die kern van die profetiese roeping in die
boek geidentifiseer word as die opdrag (Jer. 1:10) wat die temas van oordeel en verlossing
beklemtoon. Dan identifiseer ons die verse wat hierdie temas bevat (Jer. 12:14-17; 18:7-10; 24:6;
31:28; 31:38-40; 42:10; 45:4; etc.) en bespreek elkeen in Hoofstuk 3. Die herhaaldelike voorkoms
van die temas in verskillende kontekste is die herbevestiging en herkontekstualisering van die
Leitmotifvan Jer. 1:10.
In Hoofstuk 4-6, word 'n sosiaal-retoriese benadering gebruik om 'n komplekse teks - wat diverse
aspekte van die sosiale, kulturele, politiese en teologiese omgewing insluit - te ondersoek. Ons
identifiseer verskeie belangegroepe tot wie Jeremia sy boodskap van oordeel en verlossing rig.
Uit die sosiale perspektief, IS die groepe "hervormers", "bekeerders", "rewolusionere'', en
"thaumaturge", en vanuit 'n politiese perspektief, "pro-Babilon", "pro-Egipte" en "autonome"
groepe. Dan ondersoek ons die intense struweling tussen Jeremia en hierdie groepe, vanuit sosiale-,
kulturele-, ideologiese- en teologiese perspektiewe.
In die slotsom (Hoofstuk 7) lewer ons 'n opsomrning van die studie, en bied die verwagting vir 'n
breer gebruik van die sosio-retoriese metode.
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FILOSOFIA E SOFFERENZA: LIBERAZIONE E SALVEZZA NEL PENSIERO DI ITALO MANCINI / Suffering and Philosophy: deliverance, salvation and redemption in the work of Italo Mancini.CICERI, ANDREA 12 April 2014 (has links)
Il percorso intellettuale di Italo Mancini può essere considerato sotto l'aspetto del rapporto tra fede e ragione ma anche le tematiche della liberazione, della salvezza e della redenzione sono presenti nei i suoi testi fin dalle origini. L'obiettivo del presente lavoro è stato quello di ripercorrere il percorso intellettuale e culturale di Italo Mancini e mettere in luce come la questione del male, declinata all'interno delle tematiche della salvezza, della liberazione e della riconciliazione, possa essere una chiave di lettura efficace, ovverosia un “filo rosso” in grado di collegare e tenere unite un insieme di opere e di temi che a volte rischiano di sembrare eterogenei. La questione soteriologica messa in luce da Mancini ha valore dal punto di vista della storia della filosofia italiana del novecento ma, a mio avviso, ha ancor più valore dal punto di vista della filosofia teoretica in quanto cerca di prospettare nuove possibilità per il discorso razionale e religioso su Dio. / The intellectual journey of Italo Mancini may be considered under the aspect of the relationship between faith and reason, but also the themes of liberation , salvation and redemption are present in his texts from the very beginning . The objective of this work was to retrace the intellectual and cultural significance of Italo Mancini and shed light on how the question of evil , declined within the themes of salvation, liberation and reconciliation, can be an effective key to understanding the work of the italian philosopher, a "red thread" able to connect and hold together a collection of works and themes that seem mixed at times. The soteriological issue highlighted by Mancini is of grat value from the point of view of the history of Italian philosophy of the twentieth century but, in my opinion, has even more value from the point of view of theoretical philosophy as it tries to envisage new possibilities for religious and rational discourse about God.
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La non-violence comme révolution spirituelle et politique : approche de théologies féministesMartin, Camilla January 2007 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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Literární recepce díla Maxe Picarda / The Literary Reception of Max Picard's WorksSvárovská, Nicol January 2014 (has links)
The thesis treats the subject of how the work of Max Picard, Rainer Maria Rilke and Jan Zahradníček relate. Its unifying element is the motif of salvation, its negative and positive aspect. Picard, Rilke, and Zahradníček perceive the world overfilled with technology and become witnesses of dehumanisation of humans and the related destruction of speech. Their work mirrors this decomposition, but it alongside offers a positive counter movement, an alternative to the age of dominion of technology. A comparative analysis of the specific understanding of the two aspects of salvation also casts light on the reception of Max Picard in their work. The first part deals with the analysis of Heidegger's essence (Wesen) of modern technology (Gestell) and the possibility of alternative revealing (poiésis). It renders the transformation of a human beings and their relationship to things, a transformation diagnosed by Picard, Rilke, and Zahradníček in their work. It thus proposes a context for the observed motif of salvation. The introduction of the first part accounts for a treatise on the loss of a thing which is linked to the penetration of technology and on salvation consisting in paying heed to the inconspicuous state of affairs. The second part opens with the reception of Picard's book Hilter in Our Selves...
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Mesianismus v abrahamovských náboženstvích: Náboženské očekávání a jeho význam pro mezináboženský dialog / Messianism in Abrahamic Religions: Religious Expectations and Its Importance for Interreligious DialogueKrál, Lukáš January 2014 (has links)
Diploma work abstract I based my work on the research of messianic topic in holy texts of Abrahamaic religions, what means an research on TNK (Old Testament), New Testament and Quran (including the early islamic tradition). I tried to bring a frame of a possible common dialogue based on the shared religious expectation towards common world ethos.
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L'iconographie de l'Arbre sec au Moyen Age / The medieval iconography of the Dry TreeDelsouiller, Marlene 26 November 2012 (has links)
Si l’iconographie de l’Arbre sec ou arbre sans feuilles de la Légende du bois de la Croix a marqué le Moyen Age, paradoxalement, elle a peu attiré l’attention des historiens de l’art des XXe et XXIe siècles. Afin de combler cette lacune, nous proposons de développer ce thème dans notre thèse de doctorat. Nous montrons l’aspect formel que les images donnent à cet arbre, l’évolution de sa morphologie au fil des siècles, sa période d’apparition, celle de sa disparition, ainsi que le symbolisme qui lui est attaché, un symbolisme puissant, en relation avec la recherche du Salut. Les images qui illustrent un épisode crucial de la Légende du bois de la Croix — la vision de Seth, le fils d’Adam et Eve, avec l’arbre dénudé au centre du Paradis terrestre — constituent le pivot de notre recherche. Viennent se greffer d’autres images de l’Arbre sec, que nous appelons des « variantes » : la représentation de l’Arbre sec de la légende est transposée dans des contextes extra légendaires, tels ceux des romans d’Alexandre le Grand et du Lancelot-Graal, tel celui de la Divine Comédie, ceux du Devisement du monde de Marco Polo et des Voyages de Jean de Mandeville, ou encore du Pèlerinage de l’âme de Guillaume de Digulleville. L’Arbre sec est aussi dans le tableau de Petrus Christus, la Vierge à l’Arbre sec. Les images montrent l’Arbre sec dans un lieu intemporel, ou au Paradis, ou un lieu qui s’apparente au Paradis. Ce végétal est accompagné de la figure du Christ ou de personnages ou d’animaux le symbolisant. Dans tous les cas, le symbolisme fort et multiple de cet arbre sacré est conservé. L’Arbre sec est tout à la fois un rappel de l’arbre de la connaissance du bien et du mal, une évocation de l’arbre de la Croix et de l’arbre de vie. / The iconography of the Dry Tree or leafless tree is present through out the Middle Ages, but paradoxally, its study has only attracted few historians of art of the XXth and XXIst centuries. To compensate for this, we choose to devote our thesis to an extensive study of this tree. We examine the formal aspect given to the Dry Tree depicted in the images, the evolution of its physical form through the centuries, the period when it first appears and when it disappears, as well as the symbolism it carries, a powerful signification related to the quest for Salvation. The core of our research is the images that depict a crucial episod in the Legend of the wood of the Cross — Seth’s vision of the leafless tree of the Earthly Paradise. Other images of the Dry Tree, which we call « variations », are also examined : the theme of the Dry Tree taken from the Legend is transposed in extra-legendary contexts such as in the romances of Alexander the Great and the Lancelot-Graal, the Divine Comedy, the Million by Marco Polo and the Voyages by Jean de Mandeville, as well as the Pilgrimage of the soul by Guillaume de Digulleville. The Dry Tree is also depicted in Our Lady of the Dry Tree by Petrus Christus. The images show the Dry Tree in Paradise or in a place which symbolises Paradise, with Christ in the Dry tree, or figures or animals as symbols of Christ. The powerful and multiple symbolism is present : the Dry Tree is a reference to the tree of the knowledge, to the tree of the Cross and to the tree of life. Therefore, it is no surprise that the images show man in his quest for the Dry Tree, ie in the quest for God.
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