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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Val av golvmaterial i sjukhusmiljöer : ur ändamålsenlig- ekonomisk- och miljösynpunkt

Rydén, Anna, Torp, Emelie January 2001 (has links)
<p>NR 20140804</p>

To renew a new city from niche to regime level : Actor network properties and inertia in the transition to electric vehicles and energy management. The citizens’ initiative of Hammarby Sjöstad 2020

Evliati, Maria-Angeliki January 2013 (has links)
Cities are receiving increasing attention in sustainability research as the appropriate spatial entities for local solutions to global problems. In this context, urban components tend to demonstrate great inertia against socio-technical innovations. HS2020 is a citizens’ initiative in Stockholm, Sweden, with the aim to “renew a new city” through developing an actor network involving citizens, research institutes, private companies and public authorities. Two subprojects – transition to electric vehicles (EVs) and energy management in residential buildings are the focus of this analysis. Empirical data from the case study were analysed using Strategic Niche Management (SNM) and Social Network Analysis (SNA) in order to map the actor networks and their properties, the milieu within which they are developing and assess their potential to move from niche to regime level. The results of the analysis highlight the need for more formalised partnerships for the stability of the actor network and continued learning processes for better vision alignment. / Inom hållbarhetsforskningen fokuserar man alltmer på städer som en lämplig enhet för att studera lokala lösningar på globala problem. Detta är viktigt eftersom många hållbarhetsproblem är relaterade till städer och stadsliv. Dessutom krävs innovativa och socio-tekniska förhållningssätt, eftersom stadsstrukturer och stadsliv är trögföränderliga. HS2020 är ett medborgarinitiativ i Stockholm, med syftet att “förnya en ny stad” genom att utveckla ett aktörsnätverk som involverar medborgare, forskningsinstitut, privata företag och offentliga myndigheter. Två delprojekt – övergång till elfordon och energihantering i bostadsrättsföreningar är i fokus för analysen i detta examensarbete. Empiriska data från fallstudien analyserades med hjälp av Strategic Niche Management (SNM) och Social Network Analysis (SNA) för att kartlägga aktörsnätverken och deras egenskaper, för att utvärdera deras potential att omvandlas från att vara en begränsad "nisch" till en allmänt spridd "regim". Analysen visar på behovet av mer formaliserade partnerskap för att ge aktörsnätverken stabilitet och av en fortsatt lärandeprocess för att samordna olika aktörers visioner.

Standardisering av brukarrelaterade indata för energiberäkningar på kommersiella lokaler / Standardization of User Related Input Data for Energy Calculations for Commercial Premises

Clarholm, Anton January 2014 (has links)
In this thesis, input data for energy performance calculations on commercialpremises have been studied. In energy performance calculations, where internal heat gain parameters are unknown, template values that, in a reasonable way represent the activity in the room, are necessary. These values can be used as input data for whole-year calculations, or for calculations on shorter periods of time. The purpose of the Sveby project is to create standardized work practice in energy issues for the construction industry. The work in this thesis is conducted to correlate with the purpose of the Sveby project, with aims of contributing with information and guidelines for the continuing work with commercial premises. In this report, suggestions for template values for internal gains parameters, based on research and calculations in the field are presented. Suggestions on how these can be implemented in a user-friendly way for two energy performance calculation software are also given, VIP Energy and IDA ICE. This is done in a manner so that it will be easy for users of energy performance simulation software to calculate similarly with respect to internal gains parameters. Suggestions for template values for some types of non-residential buildings are presented individually in chapter 4, and tabled in appendix A. The results for this study show that the energy calculations software, available on the Swedish market today, has a high degree of detail in the input parameters. In the Sveby project, there is a need to precise how these parameters should be considered for standardized use. For example, the Sveby guideline does not specify how convective/radiant/latent differentiation should be handled in energy performance calculations. The differences in these parameters often have a limited effect on the results in whole-year simulations. This thesis shows that this 4 question should, however, be handled to clarify this issue due to the fact that the simulation software has these options in the user interface. A test of the template values have also been done, where a simple model has been built in IDA ICE and VIP Energy, which has been executed and analyzed for the purpose of, partly to demonstrate how the excel spreadsheet that has been created can be used in practice, and partly to investigate differences in calculation results between the different simulation software. The results show that the system that has been created to handle user related internal gains gave similar results for both calculation software. Some adjustment of the system is, however necessary to achieve an as similar result as possible in the different simulation software. This is extra relevant for the internal gains from occupants, due to the difference in calculation algorithms that are used by the different software.

Lessons from Plachimada for Water Law: Who should Own the Groundwater?

Menon, Mahesh January 2013 (has links)
In early 2000s, a small village in the Southern part of India – Plachimada, gained global attention for its willingness to take on a global multinational – the Coca Cola. The Coca- Cola soft drink manufacturing plant extracted millions of gallons of water every day – depleting the groundwater resources of the entire village. This prolonged extraction left decade old wells dry and its water unsuitable for drinking. Faced with this challenge, the villagers launched a marathon struggle demanding that the company be shut down. After years of protests and the global attention that it gathered, the company was forced to finally shut down its plant. However, the damage was already done – the groundwater sources had depleted almost beyond any repair. In the background of this incident, this thesis looks at the legal framework concerning groundwater in India – which at present conceptualizes it to be purely private property. It needs to be remembered that Plachimada is no stand alone story: indeed it has the capacity to reproduce itself elsewhere and evidence is accumulating to show that smaller versions of the story are already in the making. Groundwater sources in India are fast depleting and projections indicate that it might exhaust within less than two decades in some parts of the country. In a country with large inequities of access, power, capacity and capability, such a phenomenon can leave the less empowered and the poor denied access to groundwater. At once we may fall for the rhetoric of state ownership and management of groundwater. However, past experience, particularly from surface water management has shown us that equity, access or decisions that serve the interests of the weak are not always made – the State has its agenda of creating, reinforcing and recreating its power and control over natural resources. This thesis, hence, argues that groundwater needs to be reconceptualised as belonging to the community and is to be managed by the community. The paper explores the legal options available before us at present to make such a formulation and further argues for a more constructive and engaging role for the Panchayat system, the constitutional envisagement for decentralization of governance, in the ownership and management of groundwater.

Quantifying the impact of climate change on groundwater resources of Bascombe well conservation park area by estimating recharge rates.

Karbasi, Mojtaba January 2015 (has links)
Access to surface water is limited in Australia and many regions rely on groundwater for all their water needs. Most of aquifers are already fully allocated and there is an increasing demand for more extraction. During drought, drop in rainfall can result in less recharge into groundwater system. Decrease in rainfall can cause direct and indirect impacts on groundwater. Drop in rainfall can result in less recharge into groundwater system. Moreover decreased rainfall can cause limited accessibility to surface water which results in increased demand for extraction. Understanding of groundwater recharge mechanism and quantifying how far climate change can influence groundwater, plays an important role for establishing sustainable extraction without causing any damage into environment. The CoupModel was selected as a tool to simulate groundwater behavior under different Scenarios. Model inputs are derived from actual observations, such as climatic data. Few assumptions were considered to conceptualize drainage system, such as soil hydraulic parameters, drainage system and evaporation procedure. The study period is 30 years between 1979 and 2008. Model was run for two 15-year periods to identify how far climate change can influence groundwater recharge in the study area. Eyre Peninsula area is highly dependent on groundwater for town water supply, Irrigation and industrial development. Therefore any science study would be definitely valuable for groundwater resource management of this area.

The Ganges drainage basin: Hydrological transitions due to anthropogenic water use.

Agarwal, Tushar January 2014 (has links)
Hydrological changes in catchments world over have affected regional climate and pose serious challenge to future water resource management. The Ganges drainage basin (GDB) is one such region which has undergone rapid transformation in land and water use, more specifically in the latter half of 20th century. GDB has a population of more than half a billion people and is spread across India, China (Tibet), Nepal and Bangladesh. Further, hydrological investigations accounting land and water use changes in GDB are rare. This study is an attempt to resolve hydrological changes in the Ganges basin using the fundamental water balance, focusing particularly on water use changes through irrigation. Between the period 1951-1959 and 1991- 2000, precipitation (P) in the Ganges basin has reduced by 11.25 % while evapotranspiration (ET) has only reduced by 3.61 %. In addition, the ET/P has increased from 0.483 to 0.525 during the same period suggesting a larger partitioning of P towards ET. This suggests greater utilization of P to release water vapor in the atmosphere and thus causing a reduced water flow downstream. With water availability at the fulcrum of future concern for regional and national water security, these findings should encourage policy makers to account for hydrological changes in the GDB in planning sustainable water use.

Förslag Till Exploatering : -Området Domherren 7 och 12, Boden

Eriksson, Emelie, Holmgren, Wilma January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna rapport är att undersöka efterfrågan och möjligheten till exploatering av området Domherren 7 och 12, Bodens kommun samt att ta fram ett förslag för hur detta kan gå till. Målet med rapporten är att undersöka möjligheten för en exploatering i ett område i Bodens kommun genom att undersöka möjligheterna när det kommer till vatten och avlopp, elförsörjning samt geoteknisk undersökning. Det gör vi genom att analysera det tilltänkta området med avseende på potential, eventuella begränsningar samt vilka åtgärder som krävs. Våra långsiktiga mål är att exploateringen ska vara lönsam och bidra med positiva erfarenheter samt att exploateringen bidrar till bra balans i området.  Resultatet talar för att en exploatering av området är möjlig för de planerna vi haft. Två lägenhetshus där respektive hus består av tre våningar. Det behöver göras uppdaterade undersökningar för att säkerställa att resultaten från de tidigare undersökningarna fortfarande stämmer överens med hur det ser ut idag. Enligt de tidigare undersökningarna föreligger inget hinder för en exploatering av området Domherren 7 och 12, Boden.

Arbetsberedning i produktion : En studie att undersöka arbetsberedning i produktion för Serneke Sverige AB

Jakobsson, Sofie January 2021 (has links)
Bygg- och anläggningsbranschen är en komplex bransch med många aktörer som är involverade i samma projekt. Dagens byggande ställer krav på hög kunskapsnivå, en effektiv produktion och en säker arbetsmiljö för medarbetarna. Genom noggrann planering har studier påvisat att detta resultat kan uppnås. Arbetsberedning är ett berepp som används i bygg- och anläggningsbranschen och dess syfte är att underlätta utförandet av ett byggnadsmoment. För att nå uppställda krav, angiven tidsram, en god ekonomi och en säker arbetsmiljö för byggprojektet ska en arbetsberedning förberedas, upprättas, genomföras och utvärderas. I Arbetsberedningen ska information om vilken arbetsmetod, vilket material, vilka hjälpmedel, vilka risker och vem som ska utföra momentet dokumenteras. För att arbetsberedningen ska uppfylla dess syfte ska arbetsberedningen framställas i god tid. Examensarbetet syftar till att undersöka arbetsberedningens betydelse för produktionen, kartlägga hur företaget arbetar med arbetsberedningar, hur medarbetarna upplever att arbeta med arbetsberedningar och undersöka om det finns några fel och brister i arbetsberedningen som används idag, och komma med förbättrings- och utvecklingsmöjligheter. Examensarbetet har utförs i samarbete med Serneke Sverige AB, region norr på aktuellt projekt i Gammelstad, Luleå under vårterminen 2021. Stuiden har utförts med hjälp av en litteraturstudie medföljt av en intervjustudie där fem utvalda medarbetare från olika positioner i verksamheten har intervjuats. REsultatet av studien påvisar att samtliga respondenter har ett positivt synsätt på betydelsen av arbetsberedningen för produktionen. Medarbetarna upplever däremot att tillvägagångssättet med framtagandet av arbetsberedningen har varit bristande, framförsllt i planeringsstadiet, trots att arbetsberedningen visar sig vara ett av de viktigaste styrdokument som finns i verksamheten för produktionen. Utöver en bristande planering önskar medarbetarna ett bättreengagemang och en uppföljning under pågående och utfört arbetsmoment, för att utvecklas som individer och för att verksamheten ska utvecklas. Anledningen till bristerna i planeringsprocessen och uppföljningen kan härledas till tidsbrist och den omfattande dokumentation som ska framställas vid ett byggprojekt. Den slutsats som har tagits från analys- och diskussionsdelen framhåller jag utvecklings- och förbätttringsåtgärder såsom att skapa en erfarenhetsbank med arbetsberedningar, skapa förståelse mellan yrkesgruppernas syn på arbetsberedning genom samordnade möten, samordna möten med region- och platsledning för att diskutera utvecklingsmöjligheter med arbetsberedning från möten med yrkesarbetarna, erbjuda utbildning eller introduktion till nyanställda som ska upprätta arbetsberedning, skapa en rutin hur arbetsberedningar ska planeras, upprättas, utföras och följas upp, skapa en checklista över arbetsberedningar som ska framställas för ett projekt, genomföra kontinuerliga uppföljningar under momentets gång och efter avslutat moment samt underlätta arbetssättet för egenkontroller.

En litteraturstudie kring problematiska beteenden och dess effekt på kvinnan i byggbranschen.

Horvath, Ramona January 2021 (has links)
The report intends to investigate, account for and analyze problematic behaviors that occur and women's experiences in the construction industry, as well as to report on what construction companies can do to attract more women to the construction industry.As many know, the construction industry is a male-dominated workplace with few women in Sweden, but also around the world. Through a literature study, various scientific articles, journals and articles on the subject were analyzed. From the analysis, it can be seen that a major problem in the construction industry is the rooted macho culture that contributes to, among other things, discrimination and sexual harassment. Furthermore, it can also be seen that this has a major impact on how women are treated and how construction sites are not shaped for women.In conclusion, it turns out that there are plans and ideas on how to attract more women and young girls in the future to the construction industry.

Datorverktyg i projekteringsprocessen : En studie om hur det påverkar konstruktörers förståelse

Bjärehäll, Ida, Beckman, Fredrika January 2021 (has links)
The use of computer tools has increased and in many cases replaced manual calculations. Collapses still occur, despite new and updated computer tools. In order for these accidents to be avoided, it is required that construction engineers have a broad knowledge and understanding. The report aims to study how using computer tools aects the construction industry, the work of the construction engineers and the advantages and possible disadvantages regarding the understanding. The study is qualitative where interviews were conducted, the opinions of the respondents could then be presented and analyzed. Results show that computer tools have contributed to a number of advantages in the design process. The computer tools have had a positive impact on the level of understanding in dierent ways, but the study also shows that several disadvantages occur. Furthermore, the report shows that various negative consequences can arise if a construction engineer does not possess the required knowledge and understanding. It also appears that manual calculations are considered to provide a better understanding of calculations compared to computer tools.

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