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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evolução halocinética da região centro-norte da Bacia de Santos, Brasil /

Corrêa, Fernando Santos. January 2009 (has links)
Resumo: O interesse pela exploração petrolífera em armadilhas associadas à halocinese motivou a realização deste trabalho, que teve como objetivo caracterizar e descrever a evolução halocinética da região centro-norte da Bacia de Santos. Dados sísmicos e de poços foram utilizados na determinação do arcabouço estrutural-estratigráfico e na evolução cinemática do sal, por meio de técnicas de restauração palinspática. O contexto geológico-estrutural estabelecido serviu de alicerce para análise da dinâmica do sal em experimentos físicos análogos em caixa de areia com silicone. A área foi palco de intensa atividade halocinética a partir do Albiano, em resposta à distensão provocada pela abertura do Atlântico Sul e pela sobrecarga sedimentar, especialmente durante o Senoniano, quando imensas cunhas clásticas progradantes adentraram a bacia e expulsaram a espessa camada de sal, resultando numa extensa zona de falhas antitéticas, cujo bloco baixo consiste numa cicatriz da halocinese. Concomitantemente, falhas lístricas sintéticas se desenvolveram na porção norte da área, coexistindo dois sistemas de cisalhamento que resultou na instalação da zona de acomodação da distensão. No Paleoceno-Eoceno, importante sedimentação adentrou na porção sul da área exercendo sobrecarga diferencial sobre os diápiros adjacentes às mini-bacias senonianas, resultando na remobilização do sal e na inversão das mini-bacias para anticlinal tipo casco de tartaruga / Abstract: The interest in petroleum traps associated to salt tectonics was the motivation to conduct this work. The objective of the thesis is to characterize and explain the halokinetic evolution of north-central region of Santos Basin. Seismic data and wells were used to construct the structural-stratigraphic framework leading to halokinetics evolution by using palinspatic restoration techniques. The structural geologic framework was the basis of salt dynamics analyses using silicone in sandbox analogues experiments. The studied area underwent intense halokinetic activities since Albian age in response to stretching associated to Atlantic South opening and sediment loading. During Senonian huge prograding clastics wedges entered the basin expelling thick layer of salt creating an extensive antithetic fault zone, known as Cabo Frio Fault Zone, where the hangingwall rests on a salt weld. Two sets of synthetic listric fault developed concomintantly in the northern portion of area, producing an accommodation zone. During Paleocene-Eocene an important sedimentation event estabilished in the southern area causing differential loading on diapirs adjacent to senonian mini basins, resulting in salt remobilization and inversion of mini basins to form turtle structures / Orientador: Chang Hung Kiang / Coorientador: Jean Letouzey / Banca: Claudio Ricomini / Banca: Mario Luis Assine / Banca: Sidnei Pires Rostirolla / Banca: Flavio Luis Fernandes / Doutor

Analysis of requirements for an automated testing and grading assistance system / Kravanalys för ett automatiserat stödsystem för testning och betygsättning av programkod

Lindgren, Jonas January 2014 (has links)
This thesis analyzes the configuration and security requirements of an auto-mated assignment testing system. The requirements for a flexible yet powerfulconfiguration format is discussed in depth, and an appropriate configurationformat is chosen. Additionally, the overall security requirements of this systemis discussed, analyzing the different alternatives available to fulfill the require-ments. / <p>Framläggningen redan avklarad.</p>

The User Experience of Disney Infinity: Do Smart Toys Matter?

Welch, Shelly 01 January 2015 (has links)
This study investigated what factors come into play when looking at the user experience involved with the commercial video game Disney Infinity (2.0 Edition), and sought to determine if the unique combination between sandbox and smart toy based gameplay present in gameplay offers an additional level of immersion. This study analyzed the effect of Disney Infinity (2.0 Edition) on immersion utilizing a Game Immersion Questionnaire modified to analyze play preference as well as video game experience. The study methodology analyzed 48 users while playing in "Toy Box" mode both with and without the associated smart toys, or Disney characters. Results show that while there was no significant difference in immersion for either group, nor were there any significant correlations between variables, there was a preference for playing the game with the associated smart toys in both groups. Recommendations were made for continued research building on modifications to this study as well as future research exploring the potential for smart toys in other areas.

Securing Trigger-Action Platforms With WebAssembly / Säkra trigger-aktion-plattformar med WebAssembly

Salim, Djiar January 2022 (has links)
The number of internet-connected devices and online services is increasing in the everyday lives of people. These devices and services solve independent tasks when used separately. However, they can solve complex tasks when used together. Trigger-action platforms (TAPs) allow users to create applications that connect their devices and services. The applications wait for a condition to be true in a device or service (trigger), and perform an operation in another device or service (action). JavaScript-driven TAPs allow users to add JavaScript code that is executed before the action. Currently, JavaScript-driven TAPs execute this code in the same JavaScript runtime for different applications. The problem is that they use unsafe isolation techniques that fail to secure code across applications. Thus, malicious applications can compromise other applications to leak their private data or control their behavior. Motivated to secure TAPs, we investigate isolation techniques on TAPs. The goal of this work is to propose isolation with WebAssembly, a recent language that is praised for its safe isolation. In line with the proposal, we prototype a WebAssembly-driven TAP. We also evaluate WebAssembly in terms of security, usability, and performance. For security, we perform a qualitative analysis of the security of current isolation techniques and WebAssembly. For usability, we implement and evaluate a set of applications on our novel platform. For performance, we conduct benchmarks on different isolation techniques including WebAssembly. The findings show that WebAssembly provides better isolation of code across applications than current isolation techniques. Our evaluation of usability and performance indicates that WebAssembly is also a practical and efficient solution. Furthermore, the performance results demonstrate that current JavaScript isolation techniques have significant performance issues that WebAssembly does not have. We conclude that WebAssembly can protect code across applications with isolation and it can be used in combination with other security measures to secure TAPs. / Antalet internetanslutna enheter och onlinetjänster ökar i det vardagliga livet. Dessa enheter och tjänster används för deras avsedda ändamål men i en kombination av varandra kan de användas för mer komplexa ändamål. Trigger-aktion-plattformar (TAP:ar) möjliggör för sina användare att skapa applikationer som sammankopplar deras enheter och tjänster. Applikationerna väntar på att ett visst villkor uppfylls på en enhet eller tjänst (trigger), och sedan utför den en handling på en annan enhet eller tjänst (aktion). JavaScript-drivna TAP:ar tillåter sina användare att skriva JavaScript-kod som exekveras före aktionen. Nuvarande JavaScript-drivna TAP:ar exekverar kod från olika applikationer i samma JavaScript-körtid. Problemet är att de använder osäkra isoleringsstrategier och därför misslyckas de med att säkra kod mellan applikationerna. Skadliga applikationer kan därmed angripa andra applikationer för att läcka deras privata data eller för att kontrollera dem. Vi undersöker isoleringsstrategier i TAP:ar med avsikt att säkra dem. Målet med detta arbete är att föreslå isolering med WebAssembly; ett nytt språk berömt för sin säkra isolering. I linje med vårt mål skapar vi en prototyp av en WebAssembly-driven TAP. Vi utvärderar även WebAssembly med avseende på säkerhet, användarbarhet och prestanda. För det förstnämnda utför vi en kvalitativ analys av säkerheten i nuvarande isoleringsstrategier och WebAssembly. För användarbarheten implementerar och evaluerar vi en uppsättning av applikationer på vår nya plattform. För prestanda utför vi flera tester på olika isoleringsstrategier inklusive WebAssembly. Resultaten visar att WebAssembly erbjuder bättre isolering för kod mellan applikationer än nuvarande isoleringsstrategier. Evalueringen av användarbarhet och prestanda påvisar dessutom att WebAssembly är en praktisk lösning med hög prestanda. Prestandaresultaten demonstrerar även att nuvarande isoleringsstrategier i JavaScript har prestandaproblem som WebAssembly inte har. Slutsatsen är att WebAssembly kan säkra kod genom att isolera applikationer och att det kan användas tillsammans med andra säkerhetsåtgärder för att säkra TAP:ar.

The Europe’s Lost Frontiers Augmented Reality sandbox: Explaining a 2.5 million Euro project using play sand

Murgatroyd, Philip, Butler, Micheál, Gaffney, Vincent 07 April 2022 (has links)
Yes / The subject area of the Europe's Lost Frontiers project, the submerged landscape of Doggerland, is inaccessible and the data by which we can understand it is complex and hard for the non-specialist to understand. In order to be able to present the project at public events, an Augmented Reality sandbox was constructed, which records the shape of sand in a box, interprets it as a landscape inhabited by humans, animals and plants, and projects this simulated land back on to the sand. Different software packages can be used to highlight the effects of climate change or provide examples of the different types of evidence available to archaeologists researching submerged landscapes. The end result is an interactive, accessible display which attracts all ages and can be used as a starting point to conversation regarding the project's archaeological, scientific and technological aspects.

高頻率交易引入我國之初探 / A preliminary study of introducing high frequency trading to Taiwan

蕭叡涵, Hsiao, Jui Han Unknown Date (has links)
高頻率交易在近年已漸成為全球趨勢,在世界各主要交易所的交易型態中都占有相當的比例。高頻率交易雖因係非僅有單一策略型態的套利行為,而目前尚未有明確之定義,然簡言之,其係指於毫秒等級的微小時間內,利用複雜的計算機運算系統挾帶速度優勢來進行迅速探測出市場上股票或期貨微小的價格差異並從中套利之交易模式。高頻率交易的特性是「交易頻繁,但每次獲利微薄」,且通常是當沖交易。然而,此種立基於快速撮合的逐筆交易制度以及資訊軟硬體設備進步而生之新型交易模式,除能帶來增加交易市場流動性、促進市場活絡等優點以外,亦藏有使股市因無意向成交而產生劇烈波動或造成市場秩序不公平等風險,如著名的美國2010年閃電崩盤即為一例。 我國證券市場的交易制度幾經更迭,現行所採之集合競價的撮合間隔時間一路從20秒降至現行的5秒,然仍遲未採行各國趨勢之逐筆交易制度。現任證交所董事長施俊吉對此也於2016年12月13日受訪時指出,集合競價交易方式已屬老式且落伍,逐筆交易已水到渠成,運作尚有賴券商業者大力配合。只要券商準備好即可隨時啟動。 證券交易市場首重公平性,此於我國證券交易法立法目的即可觀之。我國雖因未採行逐筆交易制度,目前尚未面臨高頻率交易之挑戰,然於可預見之未來,我國實施逐筆交易制度後,高頻率交易的產生以及比重無可避免地將有隨之增加之可能。此時我國證券交易市場所將面臨的,即高頻率交易究竟有無促進市場效率、抑或破壞市場公平性;以及我們又該如何將之規範以兼顧市場整體利益與投資人保護等考驗。 本論文以現行我國交易制度的發展動向為脈絡,並以未雨綢繆之角度初探高頻率交易此一議題,藉參考他國就此交易模式之制度與規範方向,自我國現行證券交易法之制度下進行檢視及討論,藉此試提出於我國推行逐筆交易後,發生高頻率交易時之相關配套建議以及對投資人的保護措施,做為我國日後實際推行逐筆交易制度與高頻率交易時之參考依據。 / High-frequency trading (HFT) has become a global trend in recent years. It accounts for a considerable proportion in the world's major exchanges. HFT is not only a single strategy for the type of arbitrage behavior; hence, there is still no clear definition of it. But in short, it refers to a type of algorithmic trading characterized by "frequent transactions with minute profit". Despite the benefit of increasing the liquidity of market and promoting market activity, it also has some disadvantages such as interfering the market order and the risk of unfairness. The well-known case, Flash Crash, of America in 2010 is so one example of HFT. The securities market trading system of Taiwan, Call Auction, has changed several times. The interval of the auction collecting and matching time has been all the way from 20 seconds down to the 5 seconds in current. But the final goal, Trade by Trade Matching transaction, has not yet been adopted so far. In December of 2016, the current chairman of Taiwan Stock Exchange said that Call Auction transaction is now old-fashioned and outdated, Trade by Trade Matching transaction has become a matter of course. Trade by Trade Matching transaction is just right around the corner, and it’s ready to launch as long as the brokers are ready. Fairness is the first priority in securities market. While Taiwan has not yet adopted the Trade by Trade Matching transaction and has not yet faced the challenges of HFT, Taiwan will no doubt implement it in the foreseeable future, and therefore the possibility of the appearance and the proportion of HFT in our market will be increasing. At the same time, HFT will be faced with whether it will promote market efficiency or undermine the fairness of the market. How should we regulate it and how to protect the interests of investors and the overall benefit of our market will also become our tests. This thesis takes the development trend of current trading system in Taiwan as a starting point and probes into the issue of HFT from the view of precaution. By referring to the trading system and regulations toward HFT of other countries, this thesis try to propose relevant suggestions and protection measures for investors and appropriate regulations of market after the implementation of Trade by Trade Matching transaction and the embracement of HFT in Taiwan.

Kemi i sandlådan : Barns meningsskapande i sandlådan med fokus på kemirelaterat innehåll

Smajilagic, Denisa January 2019 (has links)
Denna studie har sitt fokus på de yngre barnen i förskolan, barn mellan ett till tre år samt deras meningsskapande. Studiens syfte är att bidra med kunskap gällande barns meningsskapande i sandlådan i samspel med andra barn och med ett fokus på kemirelaterat innehåll. Metoden som användes i denna studie hade sin utgångpunkt i att jag tillsammans med barnen satte mig i sandlådan och genomförde gruppintervjuer. Det var två förskolor som besöktes och en barngrupp på varje förskola intervjuades. De intervjuer som genomfördes var semistrukturerade och innehöll en intervjuguide samt anteckningar. Resultatet från denna studie visar på att ett kemirelaterat innehåll kan urskiljas från barns meningsskapande i sandlådan. Den slutsats som studien kommer fram till är att barnen förmedlar meningsskapande gällande aggregationstillstånd, heterogen blandning samt sand som materia och dess egenskaper. / This study has a focus on the younger children in preschool, children between one and three years old and their creation of meaning. The aim of the study is to contribute with knowledge about children's creation of meaning in the sandbox in interaction with other children and with a focus on chemistry related content. The method used in this study was qualitative semistructured group interviews and contained an interview guide and notes. The interviewer sat down with the children in the sandbox and conducted interviews. There were two preschools that were visited and one child group at each preschool was interviewed. The result of this study shows that a chemical related content can be distinguished from children's meaningcreation in the sandbox. Conclusions of this study show that the children convey meaningmaking regarding aggregation state, heterogeneous mixture and sand as matter and its properties.

Evolução halocinética da região centro-norte da Bacia de Santos, Brasil

Corrêa, Fernando Santos [UNESP] 28 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:32:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2009-07-28Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:47:22Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 correa_fs_dr_rcla.pdf: 17492057 bytes, checksum: 8cc4d1d3ffe575008117e1eb0708fac5 (MD5) / O interesse pela exploração petrolífera em armadilhas associadas à halocinese motivou a realização deste trabalho, que teve como objetivo caracterizar e descrever a evolução halocinética da região centro-norte da Bacia de Santos. Dados sísmicos e de poços foram utilizados na determinação do arcabouço estrutural-estratigráfico e na evolução cinemática do sal, por meio de técnicas de restauração palinspática. O contexto geológico-estrutural estabelecido serviu de alicerce para análise da dinâmica do sal em experimentos físicos análogos em caixa de areia com silicone. A área foi palco de intensa atividade halocinética a partir do Albiano, em resposta à distensão provocada pela abertura do Atlântico Sul e pela sobrecarga sedimentar, especialmente durante o Senoniano, quando imensas cunhas clásticas progradantes adentraram a bacia e expulsaram a espessa camada de sal, resultando numa extensa zona de falhas antitéticas, cujo bloco baixo consiste numa cicatriz da halocinese. Concomitantemente, falhas lístricas sintéticas se desenvolveram na porção norte da área, coexistindo dois sistemas de cisalhamento que resultou na instalação da zona de acomodação da distensão. No Paleoceno-Eoceno, importante sedimentação adentrou na porção sul da área exercendo sobrecarga diferencial sobre os diápiros adjacentes às mini-bacias senonianas, resultando na remobilização do sal e na inversão das mini-bacias para anticlinal tipo casco de tartaruga / The interest in petroleum traps associated to salt tectonics was the motivation to conduct this work. The objective of the thesis is to characterize and explain the halokinetic evolution of north-central region of Santos Basin. Seismic data and wells were used to construct the structural-stratigraphic framework leading to halokinetics evolution by using palinspatic restoration techniques. The structural geologic framework was the basis of salt dynamics analyses using silicone in sandbox analogues experiments. The studied area underwent intense halokinetic activities since Albian age in response to stretching associated to Atlantic South opening and sediment loading. During Senonian huge prograding clastics wedges entered the basin expelling thick layer of salt creating an extensive antithetic fault zone, known as Cabo Frio Fault Zone, where the hangingwall rests on a salt weld. Two sets of synthetic listric fault developed concomintantly in the northern portion of area, producing an accommodation zone. During Paleocene-Eocene an important sedimentation event estabilished in the southern area causing differential loading on diapirs adjacent to senonian mini basins, resulting in salt remobilization and inversion of mini basins to form turtle structures

台灣與香港金融科技之比較分析 / A Comparison of Financial Technology between Taiwan and Hong Kong

朱右達, Chu, Yu Ta Unknown Date (has links)
金融科技(Financial Technology, FinTech)創新了金融業的經營模式。除了不斷更新金融體系,更升級為平臺架構,結合創新網路經營模式;並持續改善創造利潤及業績,使企業能在瞬息萬變的數位時代,掌握「贏」的契機。 同為華人文化的社會,台灣與香港的金融產業發展的基礎不同,在面臨國內及國際間金融科技與營運管理的變局時,顯現出台港在金融科技產業的位階有差異。香港這兩年在FinTech的創新展現其經營的潛力,可否給步伐緩慢的台灣提供參考。本文在概略敘述金融科技領域相關內涵之外,分析台灣金融科技創新時可能面臨的挑戰。具體的研究問題與目的有二,台港金融科技經營發展模式的差異與台港兩地發展金融科技創新策略的比較。 本研究以文獻收集分析為主要研究方法,敘述兩地金融及資訊科技的背景,並對金融科技的現況加以比較分析。從金融科技投資成功的要素,以及台港推展FinTech策略及初創公司的成果,比較並分析其管理監督體系、發展之重心以及平臺經濟營運實務,剖析投資招募有何值得借鏡之處。台港兩地的發展也受到國際的影響造成投資策略與風險考量產生差異。台灣明顯重視資訊安全,並將之提高到中央總統府層級,香港則以商務發展為重點。數十年來台灣資訊科技創新能量雖較香港為優,然而金融系統保守是其缺點;執政機構及相關業者只要能掌握金融科技的精要,在風險可控的前提下,開啟一個全新的大門,讓金融業、科技業、服務業、農業等都能投入,結合不同專業領域的技術、思維、精神與傳統金融業結合,就可能有創新的金融科技服務商品。 建議擷取香港對國際開大門的成功經驗,建立能與各金融中心接軌的金融科技體系,並參考香港吸收大陸創新專案進入監理沙盒驗證的快速發展做法,嘗試兩岸產業融合發展的新商機與新思路路線,發揮彼此的強項,以擴增金融科技創新產品的利基。讓創新驗證完成的業者能掌握創業契機,給台灣在繼資訊工業之後,再一次站上全球產業新浪頭的機會。 / The business model of financial industry has been innovated by financial Technology (FinTech). In addition, the financial system is also up-to-date and platform architecture is upgrading provided as an end-to-end process via the Internet. These newly developed financial services combine with innovative business models and continuously improve the profitability and performance so that enterprises may grasp the opportunities of “win” in a rapidly changing digital era. With similar Chinese culture, the bases of financial industry in Taiwan and Hong Kong are different. Facing the changing situation of FinTech and the operation at domestic and international, there are differences of Hong Kong and Taiwan in the FinTech level. These two years, the innovation in Hong Kong has exhibited their potential at FinTech, can this provide a reference for the slow developing Taiwan? In this paper, we focus the description of current situations and analyze the challenges of FinTech innovation to Taiwan. There are two aims for this research, a comparison in the modes of operation, and the innovation strategies of FinTech between Taiwan and Hong Kong. We collected literatures about FinTech especially in these two places as a main research method, compareing the status of FinTech. We also analyzed the successful elements of investment in strategies and financial startups, and illustrated the achievements of promotion. The management and supervision system of promotion in FinTech are compared also, focused on the platform economic operation. From the information above, it is worth for learning from investment offerings. We found the influences from international FinTech also caused differences in the investment strategy and risk considerations. Taiwan emphasizes information security and raises it to the level of the presidential management. Hong Kong focuses on business development. Although IT innovation in Taiwan is superior to Hong Kong for decades, the conservative financial system is its own shortcomings. As long as the governing agency and related industry master the essentials of FinTech and open a whole new door under the control of risk, let financial industry, science and technology industry, service industry and even agriculture be invested. Combining different fields of specialists with the traditional financial industry, innovative FinTech services may be constructed. It suggestes that Taiwan should take the successful experience of Hongkong, opening up to the outside world and set up a FinTech system that can connect to other international financial centers. A new opportunity for Taiwan will be expand the niche of FinTech innovation products. Those who have completed the verification of innovation in Sandbox can seize the opportunity. Taiwan may also step onto the global industrialized wave of FinTech after the information industry. Keywords: FinTech, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Investment Strategy, FSC, Supervision Sandbox

Metodika budování a údržby závislých datových tržišť / Methodology of development and maintanance of dependent data marts

Müllerová, Sandra January 2011 (has links)
The thesis is primary focused on the integrated data warehouse, particularly on a subset -- dependent data marts. The main objectives of this thesis are design the methodology of development and maintenance of dependent data marts and verification methodology usefulness in the real organization. The first part deals with the theoretical definition of terms. It focuses particularly on the definition of terms from Business Intelligence area especially data warehousing and data marts. Each of the terms is described in detail in separate chapters. Business Intelligence area puts emphasis on description of individual components. In data warehousing area are described the data warehouse concepts and content of layers in a data warehouse. Finally, the data mart area is designed to describe dependent and independent data marts and also "special "cases of data marts, likely the semantic layer, and a sandbox. The second part focuses on the design methodology itself. At the beginning of this part is analysis of the existing methodologies and assess their usefulness with connection to designed methodology. The following part describes the current situation in the approach to the development and maintenance of dependent data marts in the organization. At the end of the second part is designed own methodology, which is based in part on the analysis methodology and in part on the analysis of current situation. The third part focuses on usability and usefulness evaluation of methodology in the organization. Evaluation is based on the methodology of criticism from employees in the organization who are directly engaged in designing and maintaining dependent data marts. Finally, the fourth and final part will focus on the description of an alternative solution that could be considered as one of the ways to sustainable development of data warehouse in the organization. It's about comparison architecture based on utilization of semantic layer as oppose to the "three layers" concept of data warehouse by Bill Inmon, which is implemented in the organization. The output evaluates alternative solutions to the current solution.

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